Agma Ep
Agma Ep
Agma Ep
At the high localized temperatures achieved Industrial gear sets calling for a premium
under heavy load conditions, the sulfur- industrial gear oil, a gear oil with AGMA
phosphorus EP additive in AGMA/EP Gear 250.04 or U.S. Steel 224 performance, as well
Oils chemically reacts with the metal surfaces as enclosed gear drives including spur,
in order to prevent the welding, scoring and helical, double helical or "herringbone" and
galling that may occur as the oil film is straight bevel types.
broken. By modifying the metal surfaces at
Worm gear sets that are comprised entirely
contact in this manner, wear is reduced and
of steel, or ferrous, components typically
gear life is extended.
accept an AGMA style of gear oil readily.
AGMA Gear Oils are not to be used in Worm gear sets that contain copper, brass,
automotive differential gear sets that require bronze, or other red and yellow metal alloys
the use of API GL-5 rated gear oils, and are generally should not use an AGMA style of
not food grade products. gear lubricant.
Several viscosity grades, as described in the This product is suitable for splash, chain or
typical properties section, have tackifier ring oil delivery as well as for circulation, or
added to provide added adhesion for rock pump delivery.
drill and pneumatic tool performance.
Industrial Extreme Pressure Gear and Rock Drill Oil
Typical Customer Health & Safety
Owners and operators of: A complete material safety data sheet is
available upon request. Used oil contains by-
• Enclosed gear sets, such as industrial products which may be harmful. Avoid
plants prolonged or repeated skin contact. Wash
• Rock drill equipment clothing and exposed areas with soap and
• Pneumatic tools water. Don't pollute - return used oil to a
collection center.
Typical Properties
AGMA Grade 2EP 3EP 4EP 5EP 6EP 7EP
Rock Drill Grade Medium Med/Hvy Heavy Ex.Hvy
ISO VG 68 100 150 220 320 460
API Gravity 30.7 30.7 27.0 26.8 27.1 24.5
Viscosity @ 100C, cSt 8.43 11.0 14.6 19.3 23.9 30.5
Viscosity @ 40C, cSt 66.3 99 149 228 316 458
Viscosity Index 96 96 96 96 96 96
Flash Point, F 420 425 430 435 435 440
Pour Point, F -15 -11 -6 -6 0 +5
The typical properties listed reflect the general characteristics of the product, and are not
manufacturing specifications. Normal batch-to-batch variations should be expected.