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World Salt: Industry Study With Forecasts For

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List of Tables & Charts 3

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Sample Text, Table

& Chart 5

Sample Profile, Table &

Forecast 6

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About Freedonia,
Custom Research,
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World Salt
Industry Study with Forecasts for 2018 & 2023
Study #3199 | August 2014 | $6200 | 331 pages

The Freedonia Group

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www.freedoniagroup.com Cleveland, OH • 44143-2326 • USA
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Study #3199
August 2014
World Salt
331 Pages Industry Study with Forecasts for 2018 & 2023

Table of Contents France...................................................... 105 Company Profiles

United Kingdom......................................... 110
Spain....................................................... 115 Akzo Nobel............................................... 262
Executive Summary Atisale SpA............................................... 266
Italy........................................................ 120
Netherlands.............................................. 125 Cargill Incorporated................................... 267
Market EnvironmenT Other Western Europe................................. 130 China National Salt.................................... 271
CK Life Sciences International...................... 272
General ....................................................... 4
Compagnie des Salins du Midi
World Economic Overview............................... 4 ASIA/PACIFIC et des Salines de l’Est................................ 275
Recent Historical Trends............................. 5
Economic Overview..................................... 137 Compass Minerals International.................... 276
World Economic Outlook............................. 6
Salt Supply & Demand................................ 138 Dev Salt................................................... 280
World Demographic Outlook............................ 9
Salt Markets & Suppliers.............................. 141 Dow Chemical............................................ 281
World Manufacturing Outlook.........................11
China....................................................... 143 Exportadora de Sal..................................... 282
Chemical Manufacturing Outlook.................14
India....................................................... 148 Henrique Lage Salineira do Nordeste............. 284
Food Manufacturing Outlook.......................16
Japan...................................................... 154 Hubei Shuanghuan Science and Technology.... 285
World Paved Road Outlook.............................20
South Korea.............................................. 159 INEOS Group AG......................................... 286
World Mining Outlook...................................21
Indonesia................................................. 164 Irish Salt Mining & Exploration.................... 288
World Livestock Outlook................................24
Taiwan..................................................... 169 Israel Chemicals......................................... 289
Climatic Factors...........................................26
Pakistan................................................... 174 Italkali Società Italiana Sali Alcalini............. 291
Pricing Trends.............................................27
Australia................................................... 179 JSC Uralkali............................................... 293
Environmental & Regulatory Considerations......29
Other Asia/Pacific...................................... 184 Kopalnia Soli Klodawa Spolka Akcyjna........... 294
K+S AG..................................................... 295
OVERVIEW Mitsui & Company...................................... 301
OTHER REGIONS Pakistan Mineral Development...................... 303
General ......................................................32
Central & South America............................. 190 Proasal Salinera de Andalucía....................... 304
Demand by Region.......................................33
Economic Overview................................. 190 Rio Tinto Group......................................... 305
Demand by Market........................................36
Salt Supply & Demand............................. 191 Russalt Limited.......................................... 307
Chemical Manufacturing.............................37
Salt Markets & Suppliers.......................... 193 Salina Salt................................................ 308
Road Deicing...........................................41
Brazil................................................... 195 Salinen Austria.......................................... 309
Food Processing.......................................45
Other Central & South America.................. 200 Solana Tuzla.............................................. 311
Eastern Europe.......................................... 205 Solvay SA................................................. 312
Economic Overview................................. 205 State Enterprise Association Artyomsol.......... 313
Production by Region...................................56
Salt Supply & Demand............................. 207 Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke......................... 314
Production by Type.......................................59
Salt Markets & Suppliers.......................... 208 Tata Group................................................ 317
Solar Evaporated Salt................................62
Russia................................................... 210 United Salt............................................... 319
Rock Salt.................................................64
Poland.................................................. 215 Wacker Chemie.......................................... 321
Ukraine................................................. 220 Other Companies Mentioned in Study............ 323
Vacuum Evaporated & Other Salt.................67
International Trade......................................69 Other Eastern Europe............................... 225
Africa/Mideast........................................... 230

List of Tables/Charts
Economic Overview................................. 230
NORTH AMERICA Salt Supply & Demand............................. 232
Economic Overview.......................................72 Salt Markets & Suppliers.......................... 233
Salt Supply & Demand..................................73 Turkey.................................................. 235
Salt Markets & Suppliers................................76 Other Africa/Mideast............................... 239 Executive Summary
United States..............................................78 1 Summary Table....................................... 3
Canada.......................................................83 INDUSTRY STRUCTURE
General .................................................... 245 Market EnvironmenT
Industry Composition................................. 246
WESTERN EUROPE 1 World Gross Domestic Product by Region.... 9
Market Share............................................. 248
2 World Population by Region....................11
Economic Overview.......................................94 Marketing & Distribution............................. 254
Salt Supply & Demand..................................95 Cooperative Agreements.............................. 256
(continued on following page)
Salt Markets & Suppliers................................98 Mergers & Acquisitions................................ 260
Germany................................................... 100

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Study #3199
August 2014
World Salt
331 Pages Industry Study with Forecasts for 2018 & 2023

List of Tables/Charts NORTH AMERICA 10 South Korea: Salt Demand by Market...... 164
11 Indonesia: Salt Supply & Demand.......... 167
(continued from previous page) 1 North America: Salt Supply & Demand......75 12 Indonesia: Salt Demand by Market......... 169
Cht North America: Salt Demand 13 Taiwan: Salt Supply & Demand.............. 172
3 World Manufacturing Value by Country, 2013...............................76 14 Taiwan: Salt Demand by Market............. 174
Added by Region................................14 2 North America: Salt Demand by Market.....77 15 Pakistan: Salt Supply & Demand............ 177
4 World Chemical Manufacturing 3 United States: Salt Supply & Demand.......80 16 Pakistan: Salt Demand by Market........... 179
Value Added by Region.......................16 4 United States: Salt Demand by Market......83 17 Australia: Salt Supply & Demand............ 182
5 World Food & Beverage Manufacturing 5 Canada: Salt Supply & Demand................86 18 Australia: Salt Demand by Market........... 184
Value Added by Region.......................19 6 Canada: Salt Demand by Market...............88 19 Other Asia/Pacific: Salt
6 World Paved Roads by Region..................21 7 Mexico: Salt Supply & Demand.................91 Supply & Demand............................. 187
7 World Mining Output by Type & Region.....24 8 Mexico: Salt Demand by Market...............93 20 Other Asia/Pacific: Salt
8 World Livestock Population by Region......26 Demand by Market........................... 189
9 Average World Salt Prices WESTERN EUROPE
by Region & Market............................29 OTHER REGIONS
1 Western Europe: Salt Supply & Demand.....97
Cht Western Europe: Salt Demand 1 Central & South America:
OVERVIEW by Country, 2013...............................98 Salt Supply & Demand...................... 193
1 World Salt Demand by Region..................34 2 Western Europe: Salt 2 Central & South America:
Cht World Salt Demand by Region, 2013.........35 Demand by Market........................... 100 Salt Demand by Market..................... 195
Cht Change in Salt Demand Between 3 Germany: Salt Supply & Demand............ 103 3 Brazil: Salt Supply & Demand................ 198
2013 & 2018 by Region......................35 4 Germany: Salt Demand by Market........... 105 4 Brazil: Salt Demand by Market............... 200
2 World Salt Demand by Market..................36 5 France: Salt Supply & Demand............... 108 5 Other Central & South America:
Cht World Salt Demand by Market, 2013.........37 6 France: Salt Demand by Market.............. 110 Salt Supply & Demand...................... 203
3 World Chemical Manufacturing 7 United Kingdom: Salt Supply & Demand.. 113 6 Other Central & South America: Salt
Market for Salt by Region....................40 8 United Kingdom: Salt Demand by Market........................... 205
Cht World Chemical Manufacturing Demand by Market........................... 115 7 Eastern Europe: Salt Supply & Demand... 208
Market for Salt by Region, 2013...........41 9 Spain: Salt Supply & Demand................ 118 8 Eastern Europe: Salt Demand by Market.. 210
4 World Road Deicing Market 10 Spain: Salt Demand by Market............... 120 9 Russia: Salt Supply & Demand............... 213
for Salt by Region..............................44 11 Italy: Salt Supply & Demand................. 123 10 Russia: Salt Demand by Market.............. 215
Cht World Road Deicing Market for 12 Italy: Salt Demand by Market................ 125 11 Poland: Salt Supply & Demand............... 218
Salt by Region, 2013..........................45 13 Netherlands: Salt Supply & Demand........ 128 12 Poland: Salt Demand by Market.............. 220
5 World Food Processing Market 14 Netherlands: Salt Demand by Market...... 130 13 Ukraine: Salt Supply & Demand............. 223
for Salt by Region..............................48 15 Other Western Europe: Salt 14 Ukraine: Salt Demand by Market............ 225
Cht World Food Processing Market Supply & Demand............................. 133 15 Other Eastern Europe: Salt
for Salt by Region, 2013.....................49 16 Other Western Europe: Salt Supply & Demand............................. 228
6 World Livestock Market Demand by Market........................... 135 16 Other Eastern Europe: Salt
for Salt by Region..............................51 17 Other Western Europe: Salt Demand by Market........................... 230
Cht World Livestock Market for Demand by Country.......................... 136 17 Africa/Mideast: Salt Supply & Demand.... 233
Salt by Region, 2013..........................52 18 Africa/Mideast: Salt Demand by Market... 234
7 World Other Markets for Salt by Region.....55 ASIA/PACIFIC 19 Turkey: Salt Supply & Demand............... 237
8 World Salt Production by Region..............58 20 Turkey: Salt Demand by Market.............. 239
Cht World Salt Production by 1 Asia/Pacific: Salt Supply & Demand........ 140 21 Other Africa/Mideast: Salt
Region, 2003-2023............................59 Cht Asia/Pacific: Salt Demand Supply & Demand............................. 242
9 World Salt Production by Type.................61 by Country, 2013............................. 141 22 Other Africa/Mideast: Salt
Cht World Salt Production by Type, 2013........61 2 Asia/Pacific: Salt Demand by Market....... 143 Demand by Market........................... 244
10 World Solar Evaporated Salt 3 China: Salt Supply & Demand................ 146
Production by Region.........................64 4 China: Salt Demand by Market............... 148
5 India: Salt Supply & Demand................. 151 INDUSTRY STRUCTURE
11 World Rock Salt Production by Region......65
12 World Brine Production by Region............67 6 India: Salt Demand by Market................ 154 1 World Salt Sales for Selected
13 World Vacuum Evaporated & Other 7 Japan: Salt Supply & Demand................ 157 Companies, 2013............................. 248
Salt Production by Region...................69 8 Japan: Salt Demand by Market............... 159 Cht World Salt Market Share, 2013............... 249
14 World Salt Net Exports by Region.............71 9 South Korea: Salt Supply & Demand....... 162 2 Selected Cooperative Agreements........... 259

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Study #3199
August 2014
World Salt
331 Pages Industry Study with Forecasts for 2018 & 2023

Trends in the dominant chemical manufacturing market will continue to strongly influence growth
in salt consumption, although road deicing and food production will also have a significant impact.

World demand to rise 1.5%

annually through 2018 World Salt Demand, 2018 China

Global demand for salt is forecast to

(325 million metric tons)
climb 1.5 percent annually to 325 million
metric tons in 2018, valued at $13.4
billion. Trends in the dominant chemical
manufacturing market will continue to Other Asia/Pacific
strongly influence growth in salt con-
sumption, although road deicing and
food production will also have a signifi- North America

cant impact. The Asia/Pacific region is by

far the leading regional market for salt
based on its large chlor-alkali industry,
Western Europe
and Asia is also expected to lead growth
in the future as it is seeing the most
significant gains in regional chlor-alkali Other Regions
production. Food processing will con-
tinue to provide steady but slow growth
in most countries, while demand for salt
in road deicing is projected to drop back
to more usual levels in countries that due to excess supply, Asia will still few large countries (the US alone
experienced harsh winters in 2013. register the best advances in salt controls nearly 60 percent of the mar-
Overall, China will remain the largest salt demand in the chemical market over that ket). Demand for road deicing salt is
market worldwide while India is expected time. In the US, growth in chlor-alkali forecast to decline from an unusually
to register the fastest gains. production is expected to accelerate, high level in 2013, when both North
benefitting from low natural gas prices America and Europe experienced
Asia/Pacific region to and a strong construction market. In particularly severe winters. Although
contrast, Europe is expected to see alternatives to road salt continue to be
register best advances stagnant-to-declining chlor-alkali output pursued, especially in the US, salt
Trends in the production of chlor-alkali due to a weak pulp and paper industry remains the preferred winter road
chemicals (chlorine, caustic soda, and and competition from chemical suppliers treatment and this will sustain demand
synthetic soda ash) will continue to have in Asia and the US. going forward. In the food processing
the most significant effect on regional market, health concerns regarding high
salt demand. In the Asia/Pacific region, sodium intake are leading to salt reduc-
China and India are the largest chlor-
Road deicing market to
tion initiatives in developed areas. On
alkali producers and have registered decline from recent high the other hand, fast growth in processed
growth significantly above the global Road deicing is the second largest food manufacturing is driving food salt
average over the past decade. While application for salt worldwide, even consumption in developing countries.
advances through 2018 will decelerate though demand is concentrated in only a Copyright 2014 The Freedonia Group, Inc.

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Study #3199
August 2014
World Salt
331 Pages Industry Study with Forecasts for 2018 & 2023

Sample Text, TABLE VII-9


(thousand metric tons)

Item 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023

Population (mil persons) 144.8 142.4 142.9 141.5 139.3

$ GDP/capita 14820 21230 22270 25720 31120
other regions Gross Domestic Product (bil 2012$) 2146 3023 3182 3640 4335

m tons salt/000 persons 67 74 75 81 86
Russia: Salt Markets & Suppliers

m tons salt/mil $ GDP 4.5 3.5 3.4 3.1 2.8
Through 2018, salt consumption in Russia is forecast to advance
1.1 percent per year to 11.4 million metric tons, valued at $450 million.
Expansion in Russia’s chlor-alkali industry -- supported by global
Salt Demand 9740 10485 10780 11400 12000
of PVC, pulp and paper, and other downstream products -- will continue
to drive salt demand in the chemical manufacturing market. Ongoing
net exports -795 -1025 -790 -1100 -1200

capacity increases in the chlor-alkali industry, which already stands
Salt Production 8945 9460 9990 10300 10800
as one of the world’s largest, will also boost salt use among chemical

suppliers. For instance, RusVinyl -- a joint venture between Russia’s
% Russia 37.3 37.1 38.0 37.8 37.7
Sibur and Belgium’s SolVin (itself a 75/25 venture between Belgium’s
Eastern Europe Salt Production 23950 25525 26280 27250 28650
Solvay and Germany’s BASF) -- is constructing a PVC plant in Kstovo,
Russia capable of producing 225,000 metric tons of caustic soda per year
(expected completion in late 2014).

Continued growth in Russia’s road deicing market is also expected

to drive overall salt use through 2018, supported by an increased number
of paved roads and expanding motor vehicle park. Expansions in the
country’s food processing industry are projected to underpin growing
demand for salt in food applications; however, contractions in Russia’s
population will constrain advances. Among other markets, healthy rapid
gains in the country’s overall manufacturing output are expected to
support the use of salt in applications such as metal processing, drilling
fluid, and water treatment.

Leading suppliers of salt in Russia include locally-based Russalt and Ur

alkali. Russalt mines rock salt from deposits in Iletsk, Lake Baskunchak,
and the Angara-Lena basin. Uralkali, primarily a potash supplier, pro-
duces and sells salt to the road deicing and oil markets. Other locally-
based suppliers include Tiretsky Solerudnik, which extracts rock salt
($10.9 billion)
from deposits in Russia’s Irkutsk region

214 Copyright 2014 The Freedonia Group, Inc.

13.1% K+S

O th e rs
M a rke t
L e a d e rs
C h in a
N at l S alt
6 3 .7 %
3 6 .3 %
chart 5.9%
C o m p ass
M in erals

4.6% C arg ill

3.8% Akz o N o b el
3.1% R io T in t o

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Study #3199
August 2014
World Salt
331 Pages Industry Study with Forecasts for 2018 & 2023

Sample Profile, TABLE VII-10


(thousand metric tons)

Item 2003 2008 2013 2018 2023

Eastern Europe Salt Demand 23835 25425 25360 26350 27550

% Russia 40.9 41.2 42.5 43.3 43.6

Salt Demand 9740 10485 10780 11400 12000
Chemical Manufacturing 5710 6365 6255 6705 7015
Road Deicing 1835 1890 2170 2195 2355
Food Processing 1045 1080 1110 1130 1145
Livestock 570 545 545 565 585
Other 580 605 700 805 900

COMPANY PROFILES $/metric ton 21 30 36 39 44
Salt Demand (mil $) 203 312 385 450 530
Italkali Società Italiana Sali Alcalini SpA
Via P.pe Granatelli 46
Palermo, Sicily 90139

Annual Sales: $114 million (2013, as reported by the company)
Geographic Sales: (2013, as a percent of total) Italy 78% and Other
Countries 22% profile STUDY
Employment: 280 (2013, verified by company, 7/14))
Key Products: rock salt, sea salt, and vacuum salt
Italkali Societa Italiana Sali Alcalini is a leading producer of rock
This Freedonia study, World Salt,
salt in Italy. The privately held company also makes vacuum salt and
sea salt. offers historical data (2003, 2008,
2013) plus forecasts for 2018 and
The Company is active in the world salt industry through the
2023 for salt supply and demand,
production of rock salt, sea salt, and vacuum salt for food processing,
human consumption, water softening, industrial, deicing, and animal as well as demand by market in 6
feed end uses. Salt for the food processing industry includes SALE DI regions and 22 major countries.
SICLIA, which is an extra pure rock salt available in bulk bags; and
The study also assesses key mar-
SALE DI SICILIA HYPER, which is an extra pure fine salt. For human
consumption, the Company manufactures about 20 products, includ- ket environment factors, analyzes
ing table salts sold under such brand names as IPOSAL, ARMONIA the industry structure, evaluates
company market share and pro-
ANTICO, and SALORO. Some of these salts contain low levels of
sodium and are enriched with iodine via the addition of potassium files 33 competitors in the global
iodate. Water softening salts made by Italkali include products sold salt industry.
under the CRISTALLI DI SALGEMMA and DEPUREL brand names.
For example, CRISTALLI DI SALGEMMA is rock salt with extra pure
crystal designs that result in a slow and constant dissolve.

Copyright 2014 The Freedonia Group, Inc.

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Other Studies About The Freedonia Group

World Industrial & Institutional The Freedonia Group, Inc., is a leading international industry market research com-
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Global demand for I&I cleaning chemicals is project- strategic decisions for their businesses. Studies help clients identify business oppor-
ed to increase 4.3 percent per year to $46.3 billion in tunities, develop strategies, make investment decisions and evaluate opportunities
2018. The fastest growth will occur in healthcare, due
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and threats. Freedonia research is designed to deliver unbiased views and reliable
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Biocides sumer Goods • Energy & Petroleum • Industrial Components • Health Care & Life
Demand for specialty biocides in the US is forecast Sciences • Machinery & Equipment • Metals, Minerals & Glass • Packaging • Plastics
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spending and manufacturing gains will support uses Click here to learn more about Freedonia
in manufactured goods. Nitrogen compounds and
organosulfurs will be the fastest growing types. This
study analyzes the $3.1 billion US biocide industry,
with forecasts for 2018 and 2023 by product, function
and market. The study also evaluates company mar- Freedonia Custom Research
ket share and profiles industry competitors.
#3211............... September 2014................ $5300 Freedonia Custom Research delivers the same high quality, thorough and unbiased
assessment of an industry or market as an industry study. Since the research initia-
World Hydrogen tive is based upon a company’s specific needs, companies harness Freedonia’s
World consumption of captive and merchant hydro-
gen is projected to increase 3.5 percent annually
research capabilities and resources to answer unique questions. When you leverage
through 2018 to more than 300 billion cubic meters. the results of a Freedonia Custom Research engagement, you are able to obtain
Gains will be driven by the increasing use of hydro- important answers to specific questions and issues associated with: mergers and
gen in refinery hydroprocessing, especially in devel-
oping countries in Asia. Petroleum refining will remain acquisitions, new product launches/development, geographic expansion, entry into
the dominant market. This study analyzes the 254.5 new markets, strategic business planning, and investment and funding decisions.
billion cubic meter world hydrogen industry, with
forecasts for 2018 and 2023 by market, world region,
and for 19 major countries. The study also evaluates Freedonia Custom Research is ideal for companies seeking to make a strategic dif-
company market share and profiles industry players.
ference in the status quo and focus on future business growth. Working side by side
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with clients, Freedonia’s team is able to define a research project that is custom-
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Global demand for kaolin will rise 3.3 percent yearly can make informed business decisions.
to 28.7 million metric tons in 2017, valued at $4.4
billion. The Asia/Pacific region will remain the largest Click here to learn more about Custom Research
and fastest-growing geographic market. Paper and
paperboard production will remain the largest market,
while ceramics will be the most rapidly growing,
driven mainly by ceramic proppants. This study ana-
lyzes the 24.4 million metric ton world kaolin industry,
with forecasts for 2017 and 2022 by market, world
region, and for 22 countries. The study also evaluates
company market share and profiles industry players.
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World water treatment chemical demand will rise 5.8
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access to safe drinking water supplies and sanitation
facilities. This study analyzes the $23.1 billion world
water treatment chemical industry, with forecasts for
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