World Salt: Industry Study With Forecasts For
World Salt: Industry Study With Forecasts For
World Salt: Industry Study With Forecasts For
Table of Contents 2
Study Overview 4
About Freedonia,
Custom Research,
Related Studies, 8
World Salt
Industry Study with Forecasts for 2018 & 2023
Study #3199 | August 2014 | $6200 | 331 pages
List of Tables/Charts
Economic Overview................................. 230
NORTH AMERICA Salt Supply & Demand............................. 232
Economic Overview.......................................72 Salt Markets & Suppliers.......................... 233
Salt Supply & Demand..................................73 Turkey.................................................. 235
Salt Markets & Suppliers................................76 Other Africa/Mideast............................... 239 Executive Summary
United States..............................................78 1 Summary Table....................................... 3
Canada.......................................................83 INDUSTRY STRUCTURE
General .................................................... 245 Market EnvironmenT
Industry Composition................................. 246
WESTERN EUROPE 1 World Gross Domestic Product by Region.... 9
Market Share............................................. 248
2 World Population by Region....................11
Economic Overview.......................................94 Marketing & Distribution............................. 254
Salt Supply & Demand..................................95 Cooperative Agreements.............................. 256
(continued on following page)
Salt Markets & Suppliers................................98 Mergers & Acquisitions................................ 260
Germany................................................... 100
List of Tables/Charts NORTH AMERICA 10 South Korea: Salt Demand by Market...... 164
11 Indonesia: Salt Supply & Demand.......... 167
(continued from previous page) 1 North America: Salt Supply & Demand......75 12 Indonesia: Salt Demand by Market......... 169
Cht North America: Salt Demand 13 Taiwan: Salt Supply & Demand.............. 172
3 World Manufacturing Value by Country, 2013...............................76 14 Taiwan: Salt Demand by Market............. 174
Added by Region................................14 2 North America: Salt Demand by Market.....77 15 Pakistan: Salt Supply & Demand............ 177
4 World Chemical Manufacturing 3 United States: Salt Supply & Demand.......80 16 Pakistan: Salt Demand by Market........... 179
Value Added by Region.......................16 4 United States: Salt Demand by Market......83 17 Australia: Salt Supply & Demand............ 182
5 World Food & Beverage Manufacturing 5 Canada: Salt Supply & Demand................86 18 Australia: Salt Demand by Market........... 184
Value Added by Region.......................19 6 Canada: Salt Demand by Market...............88 19 Other Asia/Pacific: Salt
6 World Paved Roads by Region..................21 7 Mexico: Salt Supply & Demand.................91 Supply & Demand............................. 187
7 World Mining Output by Type & Region.....24 8 Mexico: Salt Demand by Market...............93 20 Other Asia/Pacific: Salt
8 World Livestock Population by Region......26 Demand by Market........................... 189
9 Average World Salt Prices WESTERN EUROPE
by Region & Market............................29 OTHER REGIONS
1 Western Europe: Salt Supply & Demand.....97
Cht Western Europe: Salt Demand 1 Central & South America:
OVERVIEW by Country, 2013...............................98 Salt Supply & Demand...................... 193
1 World Salt Demand by Region..................34 2 Western Europe: Salt 2 Central & South America:
Cht World Salt Demand by Region, 2013.........35 Demand by Market........................... 100 Salt Demand by Market..................... 195
Cht Change in Salt Demand Between 3 Germany: Salt Supply & Demand............ 103 3 Brazil: Salt Supply & Demand................ 198
2013 & 2018 by Region......................35 4 Germany: Salt Demand by Market........... 105 4 Brazil: Salt Demand by Market............... 200
2 World Salt Demand by Market..................36 5 France: Salt Supply & Demand............... 108 5 Other Central & South America:
Cht World Salt Demand by Market, 2013.........37 6 France: Salt Demand by Market.............. 110 Salt Supply & Demand...................... 203
3 World Chemical Manufacturing 7 United Kingdom: Salt Supply & Demand.. 113 6 Other Central & South America: Salt
Market for Salt by Region....................40 8 United Kingdom: Salt Demand by Market........................... 205
Cht World Chemical Manufacturing Demand by Market........................... 115 7 Eastern Europe: Salt Supply & Demand... 208
Market for Salt by Region, 2013...........41 9 Spain: Salt Supply & Demand................ 118 8 Eastern Europe: Salt Demand by Market.. 210
4 World Road Deicing Market 10 Spain: Salt Demand by Market............... 120 9 Russia: Salt Supply & Demand............... 213
for Salt by Region..............................44 11 Italy: Salt Supply & Demand................. 123 10 Russia: Salt Demand by Market.............. 215
Cht World Road Deicing Market for 12 Italy: Salt Demand by Market................ 125 11 Poland: Salt Supply & Demand............... 218
Salt by Region, 2013..........................45 13 Netherlands: Salt Supply & Demand........ 128 12 Poland: Salt Demand by Market.............. 220
5 World Food Processing Market 14 Netherlands: Salt Demand by Market...... 130 13 Ukraine: Salt Supply & Demand............. 223
for Salt by Region..............................48 15 Other Western Europe: Salt 14 Ukraine: Salt Demand by Market............ 225
Cht World Food Processing Market Supply & Demand............................. 133 15 Other Eastern Europe: Salt
for Salt by Region, 2013.....................49 16 Other Western Europe: Salt Supply & Demand............................. 228
6 World Livestock Market Demand by Market........................... 135 16 Other Eastern Europe: Salt
for Salt by Region..............................51 17 Other Western Europe: Salt Demand by Market........................... 230
Cht World Livestock Market for Demand by Country.......................... 136 17 Africa/Mideast: Salt Supply & Demand.... 233
Salt by Region, 2013..........................52 18 Africa/Mideast: Salt Demand by Market... 234
7 World Other Markets for Salt by Region.....55 ASIA/PACIFIC 19 Turkey: Salt Supply & Demand............... 237
8 World Salt Production by Region..............58 20 Turkey: Salt Demand by Market.............. 239
Cht World Salt Production by 1 Asia/Pacific: Salt Supply & Demand........ 140 21 Other Africa/Mideast: Salt
Region, 2003-2023............................59 Cht Asia/Pacific: Salt Demand Supply & Demand............................. 242
9 World Salt Production by Type.................61 by Country, 2013............................. 141 22 Other Africa/Mideast: Salt
Cht World Salt Production by Type, 2013........61 2 Asia/Pacific: Salt Demand by Market....... 143 Demand by Market........................... 244
10 World Solar Evaporated Salt 3 China: Salt Supply & Demand................ 146
Production by Region.........................64 4 China: Salt Demand by Market............... 148
5 India: Salt Supply & Demand................. 151 INDUSTRY STRUCTURE
11 World Rock Salt Production by Region......65
12 World Brine Production by Region............67 6 India: Salt Demand by Market................ 154 1 World Salt Sales for Selected
13 World Vacuum Evaporated & Other 7 Japan: Salt Supply & Demand................ 157 Companies, 2013............................. 248
Salt Production by Region...................69 8 Japan: Salt Demand by Market............... 159 Cht World Salt Market Share, 2013............... 249
14 World Salt Net Exports by Region.............71 9 South Korea: Salt Supply & Demand....... 162 2 Selected Cooperative Agreements........... 259
Trends in the dominant chemical manufacturing market will continue to strongly influence growth
in salt consumption, although road deicing and food production will also have a significant impact.
O th e rs
M a rke t
L e a d e rs
C h in a
N at l S alt
6 3 .7 %
3 6 .3 %
chart 5.9%
C o m p ass
M in erals
3.8% Akz o N o b el
3.1% R io T in t o
Annual Sales: $114 million (2013, as reported by the company)
Geographic Sales: (2013, as a percent of total) Italy 78% and Other
Countries 22% profile STUDY
Employment: 280 (2013, verified by company, 7/14))
Key Products: rock salt, sea salt, and vacuum salt
Italkali Societa Italiana Sali Alcalini is a leading producer of rock
This Freedonia study, World Salt,
salt in Italy. The privately held company also makes vacuum salt and
sea salt. offers historical data (2003, 2008,
2013) plus forecasts for 2018 and
The Company is active in the world salt industry through the
2023 for salt supply and demand,
production of rock salt, sea salt, and vacuum salt for food processing,
human consumption, water softening, industrial, deicing, and animal as well as demand by market in 6
feed end uses. Salt for the food processing industry includes SALE DI regions and 22 major countries.
SICLIA, which is an extra pure rock salt available in bulk bags; and
The study also assesses key mar-
SALE DI SICILIA HYPER, which is an extra pure fine salt. For human
consumption, the Company manufactures about 20 products, includ- ket environment factors, analyzes
ing table salts sold under such brand names as IPOSAL, ARMONIA the industry structure, evaluates
company market share and pro-
ANTICO, and SALORO. Some of these salts contain low levels of
sodium and are enriched with iodine via the addition of potassium files 33 competitors in the global
iodate. Water softening salts made by Italkali include products sold salt industry.
under the CRISTALLI DI SALGEMMA and DEPUREL brand names.
For example, CRISTALLI DI SALGEMMA is rock salt with extra pure
crystal designs that result in a slow and constant dissolve.
Copyright 2014 The Freedonia Group, Inc.
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