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Photo Reading

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Author : Paul R.



1) Belief work :

1- Do regularly the two scenarios exercise :

-Take a moment to paint a vivid mental picture of the kind of reading materials you encounter
Among the possibilities are:
Websites, blogs, RSS feeds, and other electronic files. Magazines or trade journals.
Newspapers. Mail and email. Memos. Owner’s manuals or reference guides. Training materials.
Reports. Proposals or sales literature. Specification sheets. Nonfiction books. Novels, plays,
poetry, and short stories.
(You can speed read your social media's and emails)

- Quickly answer the following questions in your mind:

• How well do you comprehend what you read?
• How well do you remember what you read?
• What are your strong points as a reader?
• What is the one thing you would most like to change about the way you read?

- Play with two possible scenarios for your future, based on how you read today.
Scenario one : The plight of the elementary reader.
You enter your office greeted by stacks of unread email, reports, manuals, and journals. Those
piles of paper feel like a reprimand. Rather than face them, you stash them. But you cannot
help worrying that you have buried a vital idea or fact—some critical insight that could lead to a
promotion or help you avoid an embarrassing mistake.
As you plod through your daily round of meetings and phone calls, you tell yourself that you will
get to all that reading... tomorrow.
The situation at home is similar. Piles of untouched magazines, newspapers, and mail clutter
your living space. The prospect of hacking your way through it seems distant, at best. How
about your chance to read for pleasure—to enjoy those novels, biographies, and motivational
books you have been saving for a special day? That day just keeps retreating behind everything
else that comes along. The idea of further professional training or education seems to make
sense. You get excited thinking about the career advances and extra income that you stand to
gain. A question that stops you cold: How would I ever get all that reading done? Even if, by
some miracle, you conquered all of those unread stacks, you still face the challenge of
remembering, explaining, and applying what you read. So, you put off reading another day and
live in a state of confusion, chaos, and quiet desperation. Is this scenario familiar to you? Are
you trying to cope in the information age using reading skills learned in elementary school?
Now consider scenario number two, which we will call the joy of the PhotoReader.

Scenario 2:
You begin each workday feeling on top of the information needed to make effective and timely
decisions. Whenever you read, you do so with a sense of effortlessness and relaxation. You find
it easier to win approval for your proposals because your recommendations are backed by solid
evidence. Reading technical reports, a task that used to consume hours, now requires only
minutes per document. At the end of your day you look at a clear desk feeling ready for the
following day. This quality extends to your home life as well. Gone are the piles of untouched
books, magazines, newspapers, and mail that once crowded your living space. You keep up
with the latest daily news in 10 to 15 minutes a day. In a single sitting you pare down or
eliminate your “to be read” piles. And with the extra time, you consistently complete the top-
priority tasks on your to-do lists. Your advanced reading abilities enable you to take courses,
complete degrees, gain promotions, learn new skills, expand your knowledge, and satisfy your
general curiosity. The ease of it all makes learning fun. Now you create time for novels,
magazines, and pleasure reading that go beyond the immediate demands of your job. In the
process, you create free time to play as well.

- Hold this scenario in mind for a few more seconds. Savor the resulting feelings of mastery and
pleasure. Enjoy the extra time, money, and pleasure that reading adds to your life. Isn’t that
empowering?, Decide your future now.

2- As a beginner at PhotoReading you must read 10 books a day for several weeks so that the
process become second nature.

3- Use affirmations related to the belief work with Neuropathways, Psych K, EMDR methods.

2) Photo focus exercises :

Photo focus training exercises :

As a preparation for entering the PhotoFocus state, play with the following exercise. The aim is
to experience a visual phenomenon I call the “cocktail weenie effect.”
To see the cocktail weenie effect, find a spot on the wall to look at.
Now, while continuing to look at the spot, hold your hands about 18 inches in front of your eyes.
Then bring the tips of your index fingers together.
As you gaze at the spot just above the top of your index fingers, notice in your visual field what
is happening to your index fingers.
Keep your eyes relaxed and do not worry about bringing anything into sharp focus.
You may notice a ghost image that looks like a third finger, as in the following diagram:
That ghost image looks like a cocktail weenie.
This might seem like child’s play, but in reality it signals a significant change in your vision.
Seeing the cocktail weenie demonstrates you are diverging your eyes instead of converging
them on a fixed point of hard focus. When you do this, your visual field softens, and your
peripheral awareness expands. It is strange that you will see the effect only when you do not
look directly at your fingers. I am asking you to see it without looking at it. That sounds like
something a Zen master would say.

You can apply the same effect to the pages of a book. To experience this, fix your gaze on a
point comfortably beyond the top of the book. Notice the four edges of the book and the white
space between the paragraphs while gazing just over the top of the, book at your spot on the
wall. Because your eyes are diverging, you will see a doubling of the crease between the left-
hand and right-hand pages.
Begin to notice a little rounded strip of a phantom page (cocktail weenie page) between the
crease lines. I call that page the “blip page.”
See if you can move your gaze down from over the top of the book, so that you are looking right
through the center of the book as if you had x-ray vision. Can you maintain divergent eyes and
still notice the blip page?
In the early stages of learning PhotoFocus, many people discover that their eyes try to focus on
the book. This causes the crease lines to converge, and the blip to disappear. That is the power
of habit. Do not fight it. Just relax and play with it. You may want to leave it and play with it again
When in PhotoFocus, the print on the page is probably blurred.
That is okay, because to see the blip, you must place your focal plane at some distance away.
To have clarity up close, you will need to relax your eyes and have the focal plane move in.
When you develop PhotoFocus, there is a unique clarity and depth to the words on the page.
They are not in focus, because you are not looking at them. But, there is a clarity to the print
that you can notice as you relax more.

Here is another way to see the blip page. Sit back from a table just a bit. Place your open book
on the table near the edge. Look past the bottom edge of the book and see your feet on the
floor. Slowly move the book into your visual field so that it almost covers your line of sight to
your feet. If you notice the book in your visual field, you will probably realize that there is a
doubling of the crease in the book. Between the two crease lines, something appears. That is
the, blip page.
Play with moving yourself more toward the book (and the book more toward you) until your line
of sight is right through the center of the book, and you still have the double line. Can you do it?
If it is tough, do not worry. After years of habitually focusing on the printed page, your first
exposure to PhotoFocus might be challenging. Then again, you might find this to be easy.

No blip? No problem! If you do not see the blip page, you can still be a proficient PhotoReader.
Remember, the goal of PhotoFocus is to minimize conscious processing and maximize
preconscious processing. Seeing the blip page signals you have a divergent gaze, which is one
way of preventing conscious processing. But there is another way:
Looking at an open book—right at the center crease—open up your field of vision so that you
see all four corners of the book. Soften your gaze so that the lines of print are not in hard focus.
Notice the empty margins and the white space between paragraphs. Imagine an
“X” connecting the four corners of the book. (Use this technique if you are sighted in only one
As you experiment with these techniques, go easy. Remember, hard work does not help.
Relaxing and noticing your experience are the main ingredients of success. After playing with
your visual system
for two or three minutes, just close your eyes and rest for a few minutes before you play again.
Many of these exercises can help strengthen and balance your visual system. Since all natural
eye improvement methods are based on relaxation, it is important to give yourself the chance to
rest your eyes.
The point of these exercises is not to hallucinate but to teach yourself how to diverge your eyes.
Achieving “soft eyes” and maintaining PhotoFocus, while PhotoReading will take time, so be
The ideal posture for PhotoReading is sitting upright, with the book propped up at a 45 degree
angle to the table (90 degrees to your eyes). If you tuck your chin in slightly you straighten your
spine, permitting better energy flow to your brain. Your gaze will be through the center of the
book, but at first, it is okay if you gaze over the top in order to see the blip.
If you cannot maintain the blip at first, simply notice the four corners and the “X,” rather than
struggle with divergence., 5) Maintain a steady state while flipping pages, Your resource level of
mind and PhotoFocus state may be fragile at first. Distracting and self-critical thoughts may
disrupt your attention, and you might find yourself tempted to bring the printed page into hard
focus again. If this happens, simply remind yourself that your purpose right now is to maintain
an ideal state for learning.


- Phase 1) Preparing.

🚸 Use audio recording.

Part 1-> Affirming your purpose.

This procedure won't take you more than 30 seconds with practice.

1. Now. Sit down with your eyes open.

2. Now. Place your reading material in front of you but do not read it yet.
3. Now. Close your eyes and begin to relax.
4. Now. Become aware of yourself from head to toe.
5. Your spine is erect.
Your posture is comfortable.
Your breathing is relaxed.
4. Now. Focus on your next activity with your eyes still closed.
5. Now. Form mentally the purpose of your next activity.
To achieve so, ask yourself 2 questions.
6. First ask yourself what is my final goal? Do it now.
7. Now. Put aside your answer, forget it and totally relax.
8. Now. Ask yourself what is the desired outcome from this particular activity that you are about
to perform.
9. The answer you gave to the second question is your clear purpose.
So now formulate your clear purpose by following this example.
“During the next ten minutes, i will read this magazine article which is in front of me for ideas to
help me improve my time management skills.”
Do it now.
11. Now. Affirm your purpose clearly in your head.

Focus on your clear purpose, relax fully your body and keep your eyes closed.
Part 2-> Shifting your assemblage point.

🚸 Practice with a real tangerine first.

-Listen to this. What you are about to do now is shifting the point of focus of your attention in
order to enter a different state of awareness.
-This state of awareness is similar to the hypnotic and the meditative state. It is a state where
you are both relaxed and alerted.
-Your target point of focus is located behind and above your head.
You can use 2 methods to reach your target point of focus.
The first method is to imagine yourself standing outside of your body, looking over the top of
your head, as you are performing your activity.
The second method is the tangerine technique.
These methods automatically direct your attention where it must belong in order to read and
improve your performance.
You are not trying to hold the feeling of a tangerine the entire time you are going to read. The
sensation is just a door. When you pass through the doorway, you do not have to carry the
doorway with you.
Whenever you approach reading materials with practice this shift will become automatic.

Now. Here are the steps for you to follow the tangerine method :

0- Open your eyes.

1- Visualize and hold an imaginary tangerine in your left hand.
2- Experience the weight of the tangerine within your hand.
How heavy is it?
3- Take the time to experience its bright color, its soft and porous texture and its aroma.
4- Now. Toss the tangerine back and forth between your hands.
Feel it touching your fingers.
5- Now catch the tangerine in your dominant hand and bring it to the top back part of your head.
Touch that area gently with your hand.
6- Now. The tangerine is resting on the back of your head while you bring your arm down and
you relax your shoulders.
7- Now. Repeat. This tangerine is stuck on my head for the remaining of my activity. This
tangerine will stay in place no matter what I am doing.
8- Now. Gently close your eyes and let the tangerine be in equilibrium on the back of your head.
9- Get up and walk back and forth with your eyes closed. Count your steps, advance slowly and
keep the tangerine in equilibrium on your head.
10- Now. Get back to sit down on your chair, your eyes are still closed.
11- Your spine is erect on your chair.
Your posture is comfortable.
Your breathing is relaxed.
12- Now. While your eyes are still closed. Bring a slight hint of a smile to the corners of your
eyes and the corners of your mouth in order to relax your face.
Take your time to become aware of yourself as being relaxed and alert while still focusing on
the tangerine.
13- Now. Repeat this. I will automatically automatically focus my attention on this tangerine
being in equilibrium on the back of my head everytime that i photoread.
14- Now. With your eyes still closed, just imagine your field of vision opening up.
15-Now. While maintaining this state of both relaxation and alertness, at a rate that is
comfortable for you, open your physical eyes and proceed gently to the next phase which is

- Phase 2) Previewing.

🚸 Do it on sheet of paper.

-Listen to this.
Previewing takes from 1 to 2 minutes.
Previewing is based on the important principle that effective learning begins with the big picture
then proceed to the smaller, more detailed parts because the human brain can only grasp
patterns that are familiar.

What you are about to do now is taking a quick look at your activity before deciding if you must
fully dive into it or not.
If you come to the decision to dive further into your activity, you will use the new informations
that you gather from previewing to clarify and refine your stated purpose before moving forward.

Now. Here are the 3 steps for you to achieve previewing :

First step. You have 1 minute.

Look over the material.
Look at the organization or structure of the material.
The author generally tells you what the book is going to cover in the table of contents.
Predict what to expect and where each of these things are located.

Second step. You have 30 seconds.

Step back a moment with the additional informations you gathered ask yourself whether this
material is right for you and right for the purpose you had originally set.

Third step. You have 30 seconds.

Previewing helps your brain identifying categories for the upcoming datas you are about to
Decide if it is worth it to continue with this material or not to do so.

Now. While maintaining this state of both relaxation and alertness proceed gently to the next
phase which is photoreading.

- Phase 3) PhotoReading.

🚸 Use audio recording.

- Now. Close your eyes. Just listen to the binaural beats.

Your spine is erect on your chair.
Your posture is comfortable.
Your breathing cycle is relaxed.
- Now. Open your eyes. Place your reading material in front of you and ask yourself if you can
spare the few minutes required to PhotoRead it.
- Now. State again your purpose while looking at the material.
- Now. Repeat this while looking at the material. I will remain attentive to this experience and let
go of any outside interferences.
- Now. Close your eyes again.
Experience full physical relaxation.
- Now. Take in a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Do not exhale yet.
- Now. Think of the number “3”.
Mentally repeat the word Relax and exhale.
- Now. Imagine a wave of relaxation flowing throughout your entire body from head to toe. Let
each of your muscles sequencially melt until it is relaxed and free from tension.
- Now. Take in a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Do not exhale yet.
- Now. Think of the number “2”.
Mentally repeat the word Relax and exhale.
- Now. Take the time to let go of any thoughts about the past or future.
Focus your awareness only on the present moment.
To do so as you breathe out, let any tensions, anxieties, or problems float away.
As you breathe in, let peace and tranquility flow into every part of your being.
- Now. Take in a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Do not exhale yet.
- Now. Think of the number “1”.
Mentally repeat the word Relax and exhale.
- Now. Picture a beautiful flower in your mind’s eye. Focus on this flower. You are in the
resource level of mind a state of expanded creativity and ability to learn.
- Now. Imagine yourself in a beautiful, quiet place of your choice. Take the time to become
aware of the soothing sights, sounds, and feelings that you experience there.
- Now. Rest comfortably there for a few moments.
- Now. Repeat this. I will automatically enter this state of physical and mental relaxation
everytime that i photoread.
- Now. Open gently your eyes.

3) Affirmations.

🚸 Do it on sheet of paper.

Write on your sheet of paper these affirmations and repeat each several times mentally.
- As I PhotoRead, my concentration is absolute.
- All that I PhotoRead makes a lasting impression on my inner mind and is available to me.
- I desire the information in this book, (write the title here), to accomplish my purpose of (write
your purpose here).”

A well-formed goal would be: “I desire to fully absorb this material and to speed my application
of these techniques and concepts in my life.” The achievement of such a goal is within your
control and leads to greater ease and success.

4) Maintain your state while phororeading.

🚸 Do it on sheet of paper.

- Remain in an open posture. Rest your feet on the floor with

your legs uncrossed.
- Keep your breathing deep and even.
- Place the imaginary tangerine on the back of your head once more and invoke the photo focus
state using the favorite method you have been practicing.
- Turn the pages of the book in a steady rhythm—one page every second or two. See every
two-page spread with “soft eyes.” Your gaze is through the center of the book, noticing the blip
page. If you cannot see the blip, notice the four corners of the book, the white space on the
pages, and an imaginary “X” connecting the four corners.
• Chant to the rhythm of your turning pages. Take one flip for each syllable of the following chant
as you mentally repeat: Re-lax…Re-lax…
Keep the state…See the page…
• Let go of distracting thoughts by bringing your conscious mind gently back to the activity at

5) Closing affirmations.

🚸 Do it on sheet of paper.

Write on your sheet of paper these affirmations and repeat each several times mentally.

- I acknowledge the feelings that i have received from this book.

- I release this information for my body and mind to process.
- I am curious as to how many ways my mind and body can demonstrate that this information is
available to me.

- Phase 4) Post viewing.

🚸Do it on a sheet of paper.

After PhotoReading, you must move directly into postviewing.

This phase takes around 10-15minutes.

Postviewing allows you to build meaningful categories, recognize patterns, and locate the core
concepts that lead to understanding the information stored in your nonconscious mind.

Post viewing is done in three steps.

Step 1. In depth survey of the material.

One minute.
Browse the book and notice the structure of the book, the schema that the author used to write.
Then notice any interesting sections, graphs, tables, bold print that might relate to your purpose.
Look at :
• Text on the front and back covers, • Copyright date
• Index
• First and last pages of a book or first and last paragraphs in shorter documents
• Text printed in bold or italic type including headings and subheadings
• Material set off as boxes, figures, charts, or graphics
• Previews, summaries, or reviews

Step 2. Locating trigger words.

Divide the number of pages in the book by 20, it gives you the number of page for each
sections. On the beginning page of each section you delineated look for trigger words, these are
words that alert your mind to the details you might want to explore more thoroughly later on.
They are also words that are highly visible and repeatedly used.
These entice your curiosity about the book.
When postviewing fiction such as short stories, plays, novels, and poetry you will see trigger
words in the names of persons, places, and things.
Gather them. Write a list of 20 to 25 trigger words for books and make a mental note of 5 to 10
trigger words for an article.

Step 3. Formulating questions.

Now that your curiosity is enticed it is time to formulate questions that you want to answer about
the text. Good questions lead to fast, effective activation.
When you look over your list of trigger words, perhaps only a few of them will result in
questions that have value to you but the key is to arouse curiosity about material. Write any
questions down.
One of the richest rewards of postviewing is getting hungry for information and ideas. That
hunger increases your commitment to reading and energizes the whole mind to achieve your
Now we are ready to find the answers to those questions through various activation techniques.

- Step 5) Activating.

🚸Do it on sheet of paper.

Activation techniques are designed to restimulate the new neural connections you created by
PhotoReading, in order to consciously access information you need from materials rather than
trying to force a recall through the conscious mind.
You must be active and purposeful to gain conscious comprehension. During activation you find
text relevant to your purpose.

There are five steps to activating:

Step 1) Let the informations incubate.

Wait at least ten to twenty minutes, or, if you can afford the luxury, overnight before trying to

2) Review questions.

After the incubation review the questions formulated from your postview.
Ask yourself these questions in a state of relaxed alertness.
Desire a answer and heighten up the importance of the answer but do not really expect it to pop
up immediately the answer will come by sequence.
Give some time to your brain for seeking the information that will satisfy your purpose.

3) Super read and dip (dive) .

How does super reading works?
1-After reviewing your questions, firstly just go to sections of the text that attract you in some
way, based on your purpose for reading and the questions you want answered and stop there.
“Visual cues” or clues in your materials will give you a sense that certain sections are more
important to you than other sections.
These clues may include chapter titles or subheadings in the text that carry relevant information.
2- Secondly, lock into your mind your purpose and the title or subtitle of the materials you are
3- Thirdly, in the section that you have chosen rapidly move your eyes down the center of each
page using a open gaze looking for meaning.
Notice, whatever your peripheral vision picks up at the sides of you.
Notice whatever catches your attention, whatever sentences or paragraphs attract you as being
more important in your peripheral vision.
Let go of the worry that you are missing things as you super read.
Read for thoughts, feelings, and ideas—not words.
Become familiar with your personal signal feelings.
4- Now the dipping begins.

How does dipping (diving) works?

1- Trust your intuition and dip when you feel strongly moved to do so.
2- Read a sentence or two until you have received what you want from the passage. Then
resume super reading again.

Using super reading and dipping for physical sensing.

Enter the ideal state.

Stand up.
Call to mind your purpose.
Start the photo focus gaze and move slowly.
Wait for the dipping signal.
Obey it. Here is the object of your purpose.

4) Create a mind map.

Review and summarize all you gathered during your first activation session with a one-page
mind map of the entire book.

5) Rapid Read.
After super reading and dipping if you really want to be conscious of more information from the
material or you want to read for leisure purpose you can use super reading
To rapid read, move swiftly through the text, using your finger. Go from start to finish of the
section, chapter, or book.

🔳 Part 2. Make the PhotoReading, Whole Mind System part of Your Daily Life.

- 1) How to prepare yourself and pass tests using photo reading.

You must take tests using your whole mind if the tests involve materials that you have studied
using the PhotoReading whole mind system.
In order to do so follow these tips:

0- The night before your exam, listen to audio CDs such as Memory Supercharger and
Personal Genius that promote relaxation, learning, and memory skills.
1- Get into the ideal state of relaxed alertness.
2- PhotoRead all the questions quickly. Then come back to read the first question.
3- First respond to all the questions which answers come easily to you.
4- If an answer does not come to you after reading a question, let it go and move to the next
question don't force. The request for an answer has already been given to your mind.
5- When you have answered all the questions that come easily, breathe gently then go back to
reread those you passed up. The second reading reinforces the request and helps the
appropriate answers appear in your conscious mind.
6- Take the time to notice how your deeper mind has been signaling you that it has a correct or
appropriate answer to a test question.

-2) How to integrate your skills.

Using a stopwatch, determine how long it takes to read the morning newspaper in your usual
manner. Then do same level of reading in five minutes less time tomorrow. Accomplish this by
refining your use of previewing, super reading and dipping, or skittering.

-3) How to develop your photofocus skills.

You need to practice exercises which have this impact :

- Exercises on converging and diverging the eyes.
- Exercises on accommodating focus from far to near.
- Exercises on tracking moving objects smoothly.
- Exercises on expanding short-term visual memory storage.
- Exercises on enlarging peripheral vision.

Photofocus relies on developing peripheral awareness. Peripheral vision is looking at your

visual field and noticing whatever is not in hard focus. Something that increases peripheral
vision pupil dilation.
Pupil dilation happens naturally when light intensity decreases or when the eyes diverge, as in
the PhotoFocus state. As an aid to this process, it is recommended that you PhotoRead in
warmer, softer dimmed light.
Here are some simple ways to work with peripheral awareness:
- Walk outside looking at a point on the horizon with a soft gaze and take in the wide panorama
of the world around you. It can help you to create memory palaces.
- When in conversation, notice what items of clothing or jewelry people are wearing while
looking only at their face.
- PhotoRead books that teach this kind of open, relaxed awareness.
- PhotoRead books on Zen, meditation, Autogenic training, guided fantasy, Silva methods,
contemplative prayer, Qigong and Yoga.
After PhotoReading these kind of books do not activate them manually for a few days and
notice what happens.
Let your magnificent brain surprise and delight you with increased skills.

- 4) How to let information pop up up in your mind.

- The best technique of letting information popping up from the nonconscious mind into the
conscious mind is to give yourself the space to remember. For example, tell yourself: “I know
this person’s name. His name is coming to me now.” Then, dismiss the issue from your mind
and allow your mind to retrieve it.

- 5) How to work with your dreams.

- Know that throughout the night, in your dream state, the material you accumulated during the
day is reviewed and organized according to your needs and purpose.
- Before going to sleep PhotoRead books that are emotionally gentle and comforting. You can
photoread the PhotoRead book itself for example.
While doing so be open, let it digest and absorb at a nonconscious level, relax and let go. Now
go to sleep.
- The more you pay attention to your dreams the more you will remember them, it is about your
intention before going to sleep and after awakening.
- In order to remember your dreams more efficiently do the WBTB method and ask yourself at
awakening : what was I just dreaming? This must be your first thought upon awakening;
otherwise, you may forget some or all of the dream.
- Then go back to sleep.
- Wake up normally and ask yourself again : what was I just dreaming?

- 6) How to use the method for dowsing.

It works based on the principle that

Photo reading influence your spontaneous ideo motor reactions.

- Photo read the content you wish to send to your subconscious.

- Wait 30 minutes.
- Ask in your mind questions about the topic that you have been photo reading.
- Dowse using your favorite tool.

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