Methods of Inducing Mutations and C L B Technique: Mutagens
Methods of Inducing Mutations and C L B Technique: Mutagens
Methods of Inducing Mutations and C L B Technique: Mutagens
Mutations can be induced by anumber of agents; the agents capable of
inducing mutations are called mutagens. Mutagen is a natural or human-made
agent (physical or chemical) which can alter the structure or sequence of DNA. The
different mutagenic agents may be classified into the following two broad groups:
1) Physical mutagens
2) Chemical mutagens
Physical mutagens
The different types of radiations having mutagenic properties are known as
physical mutagens. The radiations may be a part of the electromagnetic spectrum
having shorter wavelength and higher energy than visible light (eg: uv rays, X rays,
gamma rays and cosmic rays) or may be particulate radiations produced by the
decay of radio isotopes.
Radiation was the first mutagenic agent known; its effects on genes were
first reported in the 1920's. Radiation itself was discovered in 1890's: Roentgen
discovered X-rays in 1895, Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896, and Marie
and Pierre Curie discovered radioactive elements in 1898. These three discoveries
and others led to the birth of atomic physics and our understanding of
electromagnetic radiation.
Radiations are grouped into two classes depending on the kind of effects they
have on the atoms in their path:
1. ionizing and
2. non – ionizing radiations
Non – ionizing radiations
Ultraviolet rays are the only non ionizing radiation with mutagenic properties.
The wave length ranges from 100 – 3900 Ao And they are specifically absorbed by
puriines and pyrimidines present in DNA. The maximum absorption of UV rays by
DNA as well as by pyrimidines, particularly thymine occurs at the wavelength of
254 nm, which is also the most mutagenic wavelength of UV.
The mutagenic action of uv is the consequence of both its direct and indirect
effects on DNA. The direct effect of uv on DNA is of two types: formation of (1)
pyrimidine dimmers and pyrimidine hydrates.
Ionizing radiations
Ionizing radiations are so called because they cause ionization in the atoms
present in their path. There are two types of ionizing radiations: (1) particulate and
(2) non particulate radiations. Particulate radiations consist of high energy atomin
particles generated due to radioactive decay. The non particulate ionizing radiations
are represented by X rays and gamma rays which are high energy radiations
composed of photons.
The genetic effects of radiations may be (1) direct or (2) indirect. The direct
effect of radiations is produced due to ionizations directly in the DNA molecule,
while their indirect effect is produced through ionizations ini molecules other than
DNA and is believed to be mediated by free radical formation.
Sources of radiation
Natural sources of radiation produce so-called background radiation. These
include cosmic rays from the sun and outer space, radioactive elements in soil and
terrestrial products (wood, stone) and in the atmosphere (radon). One's exposure
due to background radiation varies with geographic location.
In addition, humans have created artificial sources of radiation which
contribute to our radiation exposure. Among these are medical testing (diagnostic
X-rays and other procedures), nuclear testing and power plants, and various other
products (TV's, smoke detectors, airport X-rays).
Chemical mutagens
The first report of mutagenic action of a chemical was in 1942 by Charlotte
Auerbach, who showed that nitrogen mustard (component of poisonous mustard
gas used in World Wars I and II) could cause mutations in cells. Since that time,
many other mutagenic chemicals have been identified and there is a huge industry
and government bureaucracy dedicated to finding them in food additives, industrial
wastes, etc. It is possible to distinguish chemical mutagens by their modes of
action; some of these cause mutations by mechanisms similar to those which arise
spontaneously while others are more like radiation in their effects.
1. Base analogs
These chemicals structurally resemble purines and pyrimidines and may be
incorporated into DNA in place of the normal bases during DNA replication:
• bromouracil (BU)--artificially created compound extensively used in
research. Resembles thymine because it has Br in the 5 position instead of
methyl group and has the same effect on its base pairing behavior as that of
–CH 3 in the same position and therefore 5 BU behaves like thymine and
usually pairs with adenine.
• aminopurine --adenine analog which can pair with T or (less well) with C;
causes A:T to G:C or G:C to A:T transitions. Base analogs cause transitions,
as do spontaneous tautomerization events.
2. Chemicals which alter structure and pairing properties of bases
There are many such mutagens; some well-known examples are:
• nitrous acid--formed by digestion of nitrites (preservatives) in foods. It
causes C to U, meC to T, and A to hypoxanthine deaminations. Hypoxanthine
in DNA pairs with C and causes transitions. Deamination by nitrous acid, like
spontaneous deamination, causes transitions.
• nitrosoguanidine, methyl methanesulfonate, ethyl methanesulfonate-
chemical mutagens that react with bases and add methyl or ethyl groups.
Depending on the affected atom, the alkylated base may then degrade to
yield a baseless site, which is mutagenic and recombinogenic, or mispair to
result in mutations upon DNA replication.
3. Intercalating agents
Acridine orange, proflavin, ethidium bromide (used in labs as dyes and
mutagens). All are flat, multiple ring molecules which interact with bases of DNA
and insert between them. This insertion causes a "stretching" of the DNA duplex
and the DNA polymerase is "fooled" into inserting an extra base opposite an
intercalated molecule. The result is that intercalating agents cause frameshifts.
4. Agents altering DNA structure
This is used as a "catch-all" category which includes a variety of different kinds of
agents. These may be:
• --large molecules which bind to bases in DNA and cause them to be
noncoding--we refer to these as "bulky" lesions (eg. NAAAF)
• --agents causing intra- and inter-strand crosslinks (eg. psoralens--found in
some vegetables and used in treatments of some skin conditions)
• --chemicals causing DNA strand breaks (eg. peroxides)
What these agents have in common is that they probably cause mutations not
directly but by induction of mutagenic repair processes.
Detection of mutation