Mutasi Gen
Mutasi Gen
Mutasi Gen
Department of Medical Biology
Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia
DNA - Gene
The gene store genetic information encoded in the sequence
of nucleotide pairs in DNA
Is the heritable changes in the genetic material.
The term mutation refers to
(1) change in the genetic material,
(2) the process by which the change occurs.
Mutation provides the raw material for evolution.
Without mutation, all of genes would exist in only one
form and alleles would not exist. Organism would not be
able to evolve and adapt to environment changes.
2. Physical agents
- Ionizing radiation
High-energy rays collide with atom and cause the
release of electron, creating free radical or ion. It
also induces gross changes in chromosome
Examples: X-rays, gamma rays and cosmic rays
- Nonionizing radiation
Lower-energy that penetrate only the surface layer
of cells and dont cause ionizations.
Example: UV light cause pyrimidine hydrate
pyrimidine dimer
3. Transposable Genetic
Elements (transposons)
- Light-dependent repair
DNA photolyase
recognizes and binds to
thymine dimmers, and then
uses light energy to cleave
High frequency
to skin cancer
Gene polymorphism
Occur in 1 in 1000 DNA bp in human genome
over 3 million SNPs in the entire human genome
Is reflected in the diversity of the gene products, such
as structural protein, enzymes, channel proteins,
receptors, etc.
Use of polymorphism
Medical forensic individual characteristic
Disease susceptibility, influence drug response
Genetic relationship (within & between population)
molecular evolution
Genetic Mutation/Polymorphism
can be detected by following techniques:
* RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism)
* PCR (Polymerase Chains Reaction) RFLP
* PCR DNA Sequencing
* Southern Blot
PCR-RFLP method
(for diagnosis of sickle cell anemia)
Sequence of PCR
product from sperm
with low motility
Posisition 174 : GAG
(glutamic acid)
Alberts et al., 2008. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5th ed.
Snustad & Simmons. 2010. Principles of Genetics . 5td ed.
Karp. 2005. Cell and Molecular Biology. 4th ed.
Nussbaum et al. 2001. Thompson & Thompson Genetic
Medicine. 6th ed.