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Efficient and Safe Operation of Indirect Fired Heaters F.D. Marlett

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Efficient and Safe Operation of Indirect Fired Heaters F. D. Marlett Northwestern Utilities Limited Abstract Indirect fired heaters are used to preheat natural gas pipeline flow upstream of gas pressure regulating equipment, to lessen the possibility of water ice and natural gas hydrate freeze-offs. Design features of indirect fired heaters will vary among heater manufacturers, and the heat transfer capacity of such units can vary considerably depending upon installation site natural gas process stream heat duty requirements. However, units generally include a heat source, which is normally a
natural gas fuelled burner firing through a submerged furnace called a firetube, an intermediary heat transfer fluid or bath, and a gas coil containing the high pressure natural gas to be heated, with the firetube, gas coil and surrounding heater bath enclosed in a shell. This paper describes conventional, natural draft indirect fired heaters having atmospheric burners and non-electric control systems. Discussion topics include heater features, codes and regulations, design, sizing and selection, operating and maintaining procedures, inspection and maintenance. Introduction The presence of
water in natural gas has always been a source of potential trouble in the transportation, measurement and regulation of natural gas. One of the chief difficulties has been natural gas flow reduction or stoppage due to water ice and natural gas hydrate freeze-offs of pipeline gas pressure regulating equipment, arising from associated pressure reduction gas temperature drop. To lessen the possibility of such freeze-offs, natural gas flow may be preheated upstream of pipeline gas regulators using a type of heater referred to in the gas industry as an indirect fired heater, also known as a line
heater(1-4). Northwestern Utilities Limited (NUL) has in excess of 40 years of operating experience with indirect fired heaters installed in regulating and metering stations throughout its natural gas pipeline system in Alberta, Canada(5-8). This paper describes Northwestern Utilities Limited+s experience with in-house fabricated conventional, natural draft indirect fired heaters having atmospheric burners and non-electric control systems. Indirect Fired Heater Design Features The design features of indirect fired heaters will vary among heater manufacturers, and the heat transfer capacity
of such units can vary considerably depending upon installation site natural gas process stream heat duty requirements. However, units generally include a heat source, which is normally a natural gas fuelled burner firing through a submerged furnace called a firetube, a heat transfer fluid or bath, which in northern climates is typically an aqueous ethylene glycol solution, and a gas coil containing the high pressure natural gas to be heated. The firetube, gas coil and heater bath are enclosed in a shell which is normally a horizontal vessel. These heaters are called indirect fired because
the fuel gas heat of combustion in the firetube is first transferred to, and through, the surrounding intermediate heater bath, and then into the cooler natural gas stream circulating through the gas coil. API Specification 12K describes such general features and other components(1). Presented here is a description of the major components of indirect fired heaters designed and built by Northwestern Utilities Limited for installation in Alberta. Figures 1 and 2 show the shell assembly and burner assembly, respectively, for NUL+s smallest heat transfer capacity indirect fired heater model. The
firebox, which may also be referred to as a firetube bundle, is a complete assembly consisting of the firetube, heater shell mounting flange or plate, and intake/inlet and stack/outlet adapter flanges. The firetube is that portion of the heater firebox in contact with the heater bath, and is typically located inside the lower half of the heater shell. It is typically U-shaped, consisting of two straight passes or lengths of welded pipe connected by a 180¡ return or mitre pipe bend. Bolted to the outside intake/inlet adapter flange of the firetube is a burner assembly consisting of a
windguard, intake flame arrester, air flow control plates, access door, flame sight glass, main burner(s) and pilot burner(s). Combustion air is drawn in by exhaust stack natural draft action around the windguard, through the air flow control plates and intake flame arrester, mixed with the main burner and pilot burner fuel gas, and burned in the firetube. The two identical air flow control plates with matching air holes are adjustable, to regulate intake air flow for optimal burner combustion efficiency and to control exhaust stack draft action. The intake flame arrester consists of a
corrugated metal flame arrester element or cell, mounted and sealed inside a rolled steel pipe shell. A large burner shell and access door permit relatively easy entry for burner maintenance, adjustment and replacement. The flame sight glass permits observation of the effect on flame stability of adjustments in fuel gas supply pressure, air flow control plate and burner primary combustion air shutter settings, etc. The main burner(s) and pilot burner(s) are an inspirating partial premix atmospheric burner type and are built in-house, except for larger capacity units. The firetube stack
provides natural draft for venting combustion gases and to draw outside air into the burner assembly to the combustion zone. Stack sampling ports permit flue gas analysis for draft and combustion efficiency testing. Type B double wall metal vent is placed over the stack to lessen heat loss to maintain adequate stack draft, and to prevent cold winter wind induced flue gas chilling that might otherwise cause water condensation with resulting stack and firetube corrosion and water ice blockages. This vent pipe is topped-off with a non-down-drafting type vent cap to reduce the effects of wind
currents on the burner system, and to prevent rain, snow, birds, etc., from entering the stack. The burner assembly and exhaust stack are each bolted to the firetube to permit their removal to gain access to the firetube to remove any build-up of soot, dirt, etc.
____ ~j@V-C\l--\\-O-Lt-
Efficient and Safe Operation of
Indirect Fired Heaters

Northwestern Utilities Limited

, t

IAbstract transfer fluid or bath, which in northern climates is typically an

aqueous ethylene glycol solution, and a gas coil containing the i.
I Indirect fired heaters are used to preheat natural gas pipeline high pressure natural gas to be heated. The firetube, gas coil and
!flow upstream of gas pressure regulating equipment" to lessen heater bath are enclosed in a shell which is normally a horizontal
: the possibility of water ice and natural gas hydrate freeze-offs. vessel. These heaters are called indirect fired because the fuel gas
I Design features of indirect fired heaters will vary among heater
I manufacturers, and the heat transfer capacity of such units' can
heat of combustion in the firetube is first transferred to, and
through, the surrounding intermediate heater bath, and then into I
: vary considerably depending upon installation site natural gas the cooler natural gas stream circulating through the gas coil. API f
·process stream heat duty requirements. However; units generally Specification 12K describes such general features and other com- i
I include a heat source, which is normally a natural gas fuelled ponents(l). Presented here is a description of the major compo-
burner firing through a submerged furnace called.a frretube,' an. nents of indirect fired heaters designed and built by Northwestern
· intermediary heat transfer fluid or bath, and a gas coil conqrining, Utilities Limited for installation in Alberta. Figures 1 and 2 show
f the high pressure natural gas to be heated, with the firetube, gas the shell assembly and burner assembly, respectively, for NUL's
· coil and surrounding heater bath enclo~ed in a shell. This paper. smallest heat transfer capacity indirect fired heater model.
· describes conventional, natural draft indirect fired heaters hav- The firebox, which may also be referred to as a frretube bundle,
:ing atmospheric b!lrners and non-electric control systems. is a complete assembly consisting of the firetube, heater shell
· Discussion topics include heater features, codes and,regulations, mounting flange or plate, and intake/inlet and stack/outlet adapter
:design,sizing and selection, operating and maintaining proce- flanges. The firetube is that portion of the heater firebox in contact
dures, inspection and maintenance. '
.... _------_.----,-~------' ...... -- - with the heater bath, and is typically located inside the lower half
of the heater shell. It is typically U-shaped, consisting of two
straight passes or lengths of welded pipe connected by a 180 0
Introduction return or mitre pipe bend. Bolted to the outside intake/inlet
adapter flange of the firetube is a burner assembly consisting of a
The presence of water in natural gas has always been a source windguard, intake flame arrester, air flow control plates, access
of potential trouble in the transportation, measurement and regula- door, flame sight glass, main burner(s) and pilot burner(s).
tion of natural gas. One of the chief difficulties has been natural Combustion air is drawn in by exhaust stack natural draft action
gas flow reduction or stoppage due to water ice and natural gas around the windguard, through the air flow control plates and !
hydrate freeze-offs of pipeline gas pressure regulating equipment, intake flame arrester, mixed with the main burner and pilot burner f'
arising from associated pressure reduction gas temperature drop. fuel gas, and burned in the firetube. The two identical air flow
To lessen the possibility of such freeze-offs, natural gas flow may control plates with matching air holes are adjustable, to regulate
be preheated upstream of pipeline gas regulators using a type of intake air flow for optimal burner combustion efficiency and to
heater referred to in the gas industry as an indirect frred heater, control exhaust stack draft action. The intake flame arrester con-
also known as a line heater<I-4). sists of a corrugated metal flame arrester element or cell, mounted
Northwestern Utilities Limited (NUL) has in excess of 40 years and sealed inside a rolled steel pipe shell. A large burner shell and
of operating experience with indirect frred heaters installed in reg- access door permit relatively easy entry for burner maintenance,
ulating and metering stations throughout its natural gas pipeline adjustment and replacement. The flame sight glass permits obser-
system in Alberta, Canada(s·8). This paper describes Northwestern vation of the effect on flame stability of adjustments in fuel gas
Utilities Limited's experience with in-house fabricated conven- supply pressure, air flow control plate and burner primary com-
tional, natural draft indirect fired heaters having atmospheric bustion air shutter settings, etc. The main burner(s) and pilot burn-
burners and non-electric control systems. er(s) are an inspirating partial premix atmospheric burner type and
are built in-house, except for larger capacity units.
The firetube stack provides natural draft for venting combus-
Indirect Fired Heater Design Features tion gases and to draw outside air into the burner assembly to the
combustion zone. Stack sampling ports permit flue gas analysis
, The design features of indirect fired heaters will vary among for draft and combustion efficiency testing. Type B double wall
heater manufacturers, and the heat transfer capacity of such units metal vent is placed over the stack to lessen heat loss to maintain
can vary considerably depending upon installation site natural gas adequate stack draft, and to prevent cold winter wind induced flue l
process stream heat duty requirements. However, units generally gas chilling that might otherwise cause water condensation with
include a heat source, which is normally a natural gas fuelled resulting stack and firetube corrosion and water ice blockages. t
burner firing through a submerged furnace called a firetube, a heat This vent pipe is topped-off with a non-down-drafting type vent (
November 1997, Volume 36, No. 10 41 I'
114mm CIA. HINGE
PJPE STACK----'=--ol UD







114mm PIPE


AND PLUG ---;::!tt--....
12.7mm BOLT. ( 50Bmm DIAMETER x 900mm
TYPICAL ':::::=~~-"'F=!ijlfL--+-H1 LONG SHELL )

114mm PIPE TEE

33mm PLUG
33mm PLUG

SHELL LEG --=_...J

FIGURE 1: Northwestern Utilities Limited indirect fired heater model NUL LH 10-lC-XHY33 shell assembly, nominal heat transfer
capacity rating =10 kilowatts.

cap to reduce the effects of wind currents on the burner system, outdoor firebox burner assembly. The fuel gas valve train and
and to prevent rain, snow, birds, etc., from entering the stack. The manifold serves as a heater control system, featuring a combina-
burner assembly and exhaust stack are each bolted to the firetube tion of primary safety control, safety control and operating con-
to permit their removal to gain access to the firetube to remove trol. Its inlet connection branches into three parallel runs: main
any build-up of soot, dirt, etc. burner gas line; pilot burner gas line; bath thermostat/pressuriza-
The high pressure gas coil, which may also be referred to as a tion gas line.
gas tube bundle, is typically located inside the upper half of the The bath thermostat is an operating control with an adjustable
heater shelL A gas coil is normally a serpentine pattern consisting bath temperature set point; via controlling a pressurization gas
of several straight passes or runs of welded steel pipe traversing supply it activates the combination bath temperature control/shut-
the length of the heater shell, with 180° return pipe bend intercon- down valve to regulate fuel gas input flow to the main burner.
nections. The gas coil has inlet and outlet straight pipe connec- During the main burner firing operation mode, pressurization gas
tions running to outside the heater shell, terminating with ANSI is partially dumped via a bleed line and burned adjacent to the
class flanges for connection to the installation site natural gas pip- pilot burner, instead of venting such gas unburned to the atmos-
ing system. A helical gas coil is used in the small heat transfer phere and representing undesirable methane gas emissions, a safe-
capacity NUL heater I110del shown in Figure 1. ty hazard, and wasted energy and revenue. The safety pilot valve,
Northwestern' Utilities Limited's heater shells operate at or near also referred to as a pilotstat, is a primary combustion safety con-
atmospheric pressure. The shell is capped at either end with bolted trol sensing the presence of pilot burner flame, preventing fuel gas
cover plates. The gas coil inlet and outlet pipe connections pass flow to the pilot and main burner in the event of pilot burner
through, and are welded to, the shell end cover plate opposite to flame outage.
the firebox burner assembly end, and the gas coil is removable Although water is the preferred heater bath medium and is
from the shell to facilitate inspection and maintenance. This plate compatible with a NUL bath maximum operating temperature of
has a coupling for a bath temperature indicator, using a thermow- about 82°C (= 180°F), it is not used because of the possibility of
ell and dial face thermometer. The firetube straight pipe runs pass freezing, since winter ambient temperatures may be as low as -
through, and" are welded to, the shell end cover plate opposite to 40°C (= -40°F) at some NUL installation sites, and heaters may
the gas coil inlet and outlet pipe connection flanges end, with the experience flame outage. Consequently, an aqueous ethylene gly-
firebox being removable from the shell. This plate has a coupling col solution with corrosion inhibitors is used, with about a 50/50
for a bath temperature controller (thermostat). A drain valve is weight per cent ethylene glycol-deionized/demineralized water
located at the bottom of each shell end cover plate. At the top of, mix concentration for providing adequate freeze protection.
and bolted to, each shell end cover plate is a removable heater lift-
inglug. On top of the heater shell is an expansion/fill tank, also
referred to as a water saver. This tank is used for the initial filling Codes and RegUlations
of the heater shell bath, and is kept at a suitable liquid level during
heater operation to permit the shell to be completely filled with NUL's indirect fired heater high pressure gas coils are designed
the bath. The heater shell is supported with steel plate legs. The and fabricated in accordance with requirements of the Alberta
heater shell outer surface is thermally insulated for outdoor instal- Boilers Safety Association (ABSA). Northwestern Utilities
lations, buUs left uninsulated for building indoor locations to pro- Limited has a Quality Control Manual and a registered Quality
vide space heating. Control Program and Welding Procedure; welding complies with
The fuel gas supply take-off is located in the installation site ASME requirements.
natural gas pipeline downstream of the heater gas coil outlet An intake flame arrester is an essential component of an indi-
flange connection, with a downstream fuel gas line connected to a rect fired heater, for installation sites where a combustible gas or
fuel gas valve train and manifold attached to the outside of the vapour in the surrounding area is a possibility. Associated flame

42 The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

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