California High-Speed Rail
California High-Speed Rail
California High-Speed Rail
I - Executive Summary
The California High-Speed Rail project is a 1300 km high-speed rail system currently
being planned in the state of California, and headed by the California High-Speed Rail Authority
(CHSRA). If completed, it will serve major cities throughout the state, with a central route
between San Francisco in the north and Los Angeles in the south. In 2008, the project was
approved by California voters and received initial funding of $9.95 billion. In July 2012, the
California legislature approved financing for the construction of the initial stage of the project,
thereby guaranteeing access to $3.2 billion of federal funding. Actual construction of the project
is currently scheduled to begin in Spring 2013, with the first 130-mile segment from Fresno to
Bakersfield to be completed by 2017.
Many, including private think tanks, state politicians, and even the Legislative Analyst’s
Office, have expressed concern over the economic and financial feasibility of the project.1 The
CHSRA, which is the body also responsible for managing construction of the project, has
published several official business plans and benefit cost analyses (BCAs), in which construction
costs increased from $33 billion in 2008 to $65.4 in 2010.2 Critics have questioned several key
components of the official BCA, including the basic ridership projections, speeds achievable
along the new corridor, costs of construction, and benefits. Indeed, as the CSHRA is responsible
for heading the project, it is quite possible that the official reports suffer from substantial
optimism bias.
This paper seeks to examine some of the key potential weaknesses in the official BCA,
and to provide alternative analyses that we hope will contribute to an improved understanding of
the actual costs and benefits associated with this high-speed rail project. Specific goals and key
findings of the paper are summarized as follows:
(1) We aim to provide a qualitative critique of the official BCA, and provide specific
additional costs. Our results show that several potentially important costs have been
overlooked and several benefits overestimated in the official BCA. In particular, an
1 I.e., “The California High Speed Rail Proposal: A Due Diligence Report” (The Reason Foundation, 2008, 196
pages); “High Speed Passenger Rail: Future Development Will Depend on Addressing Financial and Other
Challenges and Establishing a Clear Federal Role” (GAO, 2009, 108 pages); and “High-Speed Rail Authority: It
Risks Delays or an Incomplete System Because of Inadequate Planning, Weak Oversight, and Lax Contract
Management” (California State Auditor, 2010, 52 pages).
2 "Californian high speed plans revised". Railway Gazette International. November 2, 2011. Archived from the
additional $7.7 billion from the social cost of CO2 emissions from infrastructure
construction, as well as $663.7 million in city congestion costs should be accounted for.
(2) We aim to formulate a more realistic ridership projection scenario for the California high-
speed line. To do this, we use the Acela Express, an existing high-speed rail system in the
northeast United States, as a market analogy, and adjust for differences in population and
train speeds. Our results show significantly reduced yearly ridership figures.
(3) Using an original survey on California residents, we aim to approximate both average and
maximum willingness to pay for a ticket between Los Angeles and San Francisco. From
this, we derive a demand curve and calculate the gross consumer surplus of this route
based on our ridership estimates from (2). Comparing these results to the results from the
official BCA, the B:C ratio of the project falls dramatically from 1.79 to 0.19 and 0.06,
depending on how benefits are calculated.
(4) For reference, we provide an analysis of changes in social surplus in the airplane market
resulting from the construction of the HSR.
(5) Finally, we conclude with a discussion some of the regulatory and cultural factors that
will necessarily affect performance of high-speed rail in the west coast of the United
The CHSRA has published the “California High-Speed Rail Benefit-Cost Analysis”
(BCA) annually since 2008. The most recent version was released in April, 2012. This 40-page
report estimates the benefits and costs as well as the cost-benefit ratio and NPV to give an
economic analysis for the CAHSR project. It contains two scenarios, with low and high capital
costs. Both scenarios presume a seven percent discount rate. See Appendix 1 for the complete
BCA, including all the benefits and costs of the report for Phase I Full Build, re-organized into
different categories by our definition.
The Net Present Value (NPV), Economic Rate of Return (ERR), and Benefit Cost Ratio
(B/C) for the two scenarios are as follows:
Some of the reports criticizing the official BCA focus on financial costs/benefits only,
while others focus on economic and non-economic costs/benefits. However, it is difficult to
extrapolate any numerical corrections to the CHSRA BCA Report based on these critiques, as
they differ widely in the benefits and costs they consider, the units and calculations used, and the
time horizons. Additionally, the methods of calculating costs and benefits even in the CHSRA
BCA itself are not explained in detail. Therefore, we will limit our main criticism of the CHSRA
BCA to the following qualitative analysis, and provide a quantitative analysis for only two types
of additional costs that can be calculated precisely.
The cost of the initial San Francisco-to-Anaheim segment was originally estimated by the
CHSRA to be US$35.7 billion (in 2009 dollars) or US$42.6 billion. Other reports have criticized
these construction costs and O&M costs as too low.3 For example, the operating cost per seat
mile from the FRA study for the California corridor (2006$) is approximately 40 percent higher
than that of the CHSRA projections. A Transportation Research Board report estimated the
operating costs of the now defunct Texas TGV at nearly 70 percent higher than the CHSRA
operating cost projections.4 Additionally, critics have noted that cost overruns of 50-100% on
megaprojects are common, and typically average 45%.5
Additionally, several types of costs are not included, such as:
a) Higher Safety Costs for Earthquakes: It will be necessary to build the system in one of
the world’s most active geologic zones. This requires compensating for geologic risk in
designing the high-speed rail system to withstand major earthquakes.
b) Opposition Costs: Community pressures could lead to the necessity of additional
improvements that are not included in present cost projections.
c) Political Costs: Political pressures could lead to adding stations even when ridership,
cost and environmental considerations indicate they are unjustified.
d) Congestion Costs: the passengers taken HSR will increase congestion within the city.
e) Environmental Costs: Analysts in the report examine only the most direct effects of the
rail system, and compare those to only the direct effects of road and air travel. But
transportation emissions result not only from the direct effects of operating the vehicles
but also from indirect effects, such as building the infrastructure, producing the fuels,
manufacturing the vehicles, maintaining the system, and disposing of materials at the
end of their lives.
A revised business plan released in November 2011 by the CHSRA put the costs at USD
$65.4 billion (in 2010 dollars) or USD $98.5 billion (in "inflated" dollars based on future
inflation predictions). The latest plan has revised the costs down to USD $68 billion including
future inflation predictions.6 However, the five types of costs listed above are still not included in
the most recent BCA report.
B – Speed Problems
It appears that it will be challenging for HSR to achieve the statutorily required travel
times for the following reasons:
a) The proposed HSR speeds are faster than the fastest operating segments in other
countries operating HSR;
b) At least 150 miles of the route would be in built-up areas and the train could be forced
to slow down as it travels through at least five urban areas;7
c) Compare to HSR of France, the California line would encounter more challenging
topography. Higher mountain passes and greater elevation changes can slow high-speed
d) Political considerations could slow train travel times even more, as local citizens seek
to slow train speeds to reduce noise levels and as communities seek to obtain stations
that are not in the current plan;
e) CHSRA has decided to blend high speed with existing rail systems on shared
infrastructure8, so the speed will be lower than formerly expected.
Assuming these Due Diligence average operating speeds (170 mph rural and 90 mph urban), it
has been estimated that a non-stop train from downtown San Francisco to downtown Los
Angeles could take up to 3 hours and 41 minutes, compared to the 2 hours and 40 minutes
reported in the official BCA.9 If CHSRA speed and travel time objectives cannot be met, HSR
will be less attractive as an alternative to airline travel and is likely to have fewer passengers,
with lower ridership and subsequent benefits.
C - Overestimated Benefits
The official BCA claims that the CA HSR project will create environmental and
sustainability benefits by reducing air and noise pollution associated with automobile and
aviation travel as there is a reduction in vehicle-miles travelled from mode shifts.10 The BCA
uses the California Department of Transportation’s emissions factors from the California Life-
Cycle Benefit-Cost Analysis Model to calculate the amount of carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide,
particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and carbon dioxide reduced from
cars, trucks, and aviation. Emissions costs were also taken from the California Life-Cycle
Benefit Cost model so that the total benefit could be calculated. However, many critics claim that
environmental benefits have been greatly overstated for the following reasons:
a) The CHSRA analysis assumes no improvement in personal vehicle fuel economy
between 2005 and 2030. In fact, however, substantial improvements in personal vehicle
fuel economy have been foreseeable for some time. According to the DOE, average “on
the road” fuel economy for cars and SUVs in 2030 will be 21 percent improved from
b) Emission reductions are calculated from ridership projections. If the ridership is smaller,
then the environmental benefits attained by shifting from automobile or airplane to HSR
will be much smaller.
c) If the speed is to be slower due to regulation, then emissions will be much larger;
d) Local citizens have sued CHSRA for not conducting enough environmental impact
analysis, implying that the current environmental analysis might overestimate benefits
and underestimate costs.11
e) Benefits from emission reductions are calculated based on vehicle occupancy and how
the electricity used by HSR is produced. If the occupancy rate is low, while the electricity
is produced through carbon-intensive means, this HSR project would only contribute to
1.5% of California State’s CO2 emissions reduction objective. This is only a small
fraction of the CHSRA’s claims of “almost 50%” of the state objective.
CAHSR 2012 California High-Speed Rail Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA), pp13
Conn Carroll, “California high speed rail is dead”
D - Adjustments to Benefits and Costs
As seen above, the CHSRA BCA report includes many types of benefits but provides
only limited costs. In our report, we will calculate two additional costs: the CO2 emission social
cost from infrastructure construction and congestion cost within the city.
Mikhail Chester and Arpad Horvath state in their Life-Cycle Environmental Assessment
of California High Speed Rail (2010) that transportation emissions result not only from the direct
effects of operating the vehicles but also from indirect effects, such as building the infrastructure,
producing the fuels, manufacturing the vehicles, maintaining the system, and disposing of
materials at the end of their lives. Therefore, they propose a “life-cycle” analysis of the cost of
energy use and emissions. They estimate that "The life-cycle inventory for high speed rail shows
… Greenhouse gas emissions (for infrastructure construction and electricity production)
increase by about 15 percent, primarily because of the concrete used in construction—half a
kilogram of CO2 is emitted for every kilogram of cement produced. Infrastructure construction
will emit roughly 490 million metric tons of greenhouse gases, which are approximately 2
percent of California's current annual emissions."12
Assume the emissions of 490 million tons are equally distributed among the construction
period from 2012 to 2033. The emissions for each year is: 490 / 22 years = 22.27 million metric
tons. According to CHSRA BCA report, the social cost of CO2 is as follows, with the value
discounted at a 3 percent rate as recommended by the U.S. DOT.
The real discount rate this analysis uses for evaluating the CA HSR project is 7.0 percent.
So the CO2 Emission Social Cost from Infrastructure construction is
12 Mikhail Chester and Arpad Horvath, Life-Cycle Environmental Assessment of California High Speed Rail(2010),
2 22
Increased ridership into the cities will also enhance the congestion cost within the city.
According to the CAHSR 2011 California High-Speed Rail Benefit-Cost Analysis (draft), the
Vehicle Miles Travelled for highway and roads for 2040 of the “No build” case is to be
516,780,435,942, with the “Build” case to be 511,379,787,110. So the reduced VMT from
automobile is 5,400,648,832 for 2040. Since the distance between LA and SF is 347 miles, the
reduced ridership for 2040 is 5,400,648,832/347 = 15,563,829. Here we also use the CAHSR
CBA report’s assumption that a 1 percent growth rate of travel demand was used up to 2030, and
a 0.5 percent growth rate was used from 2030 onwards. So the total ridership reduced from
automobile is 970,384,738.
Also according to the CAHSR 2011 California High-Speed Rail Benefit-Cost Analysis
(draft), the Air Passenger Trip Reduction for 2040 is 8,068,566. Here we assume the shift from
airplane to CAHSR is the same every year, so the ridership reduced in airline is 467,976,828.
According to the 2012 business plan, the total ridership from 2022 to 2080 for CAHSR is
1673.326 million, so the increased ridership into the city is 1673.326 million - 970,384,738 -
467,976,828 = 234.9645 million. Average travel by households in the city is 8.5 miles in the
US.13 Compared with data such as the 12 mile average commute distance14, since most people
will use the railroad to travel to downtown locations, especially for business trips, we have used
the 8.5 miles figure here.
The Average Cost of Congestion per mile per passenger included in The Optimal Supply
and Demand for Urban Transit in the United States, HDR|HLB Decision Economics, 2008, is
$1.09 per passenger per mile. Assuming that not all hours during the day are traffic congested
time, the time of congestion is calculated as 10 hours out of 20 hours a day when the HSR
operated. The 10 hours are separately 5 am to 10 am, and 3pm to 7 pm, which is the period for
charging congestion pricing toll for Bay Bridge, San Francisco.15 So the ratio of congestion will
Solar Journey USA, How far do we travel and can EVs satisfy our needs? , 2011,
The US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Traffic Congestion and Reliability:
Trends and Advanced Strategies for Congestion Mitigation,
Wikipedia, “San Francisco Congestion Pricing”,
be 0.5. This analysis assumes an average vehicle occupancy (AVO) rate of 1.64 persons per
vehicle for local trips.16 Multiplying these 234.9645 million * 8.5 * 1.09 * 0.5 / 1.64 = $663.70
Million. So the congestion cost in the city for the increased ridership is USD 663.70 million.
The official BCA released by the CHSRA indicates that ridership will rise to 35.1 and
28.4 million riders yearly by 2050 (30 years following commencement of service) in its medium
and low estimates. As can be seen from the below graph, however, these projections are far
greater than actual ridership in the Acela Express, a high-speed rail system in the Northeastern
United States. In this report, we propose using the actual ridership records from the Acela
Express as a market analogy to adjust the ridership forecast for the California High Speed
The combined population of the cities served by the California HSR is 6,984,869,
whereas the combined population of cities served by the Acela Express is 12,633,979—a ratio of
1:1.81 (See Appendix 2). This indicates that demand on the Acela line would likely be greater
than that in California. However, the California line is also designed to run at higher speeds that
the Acela line: 350 km/h vs. 240 km/h, or a ratio of 1.46:1. These higher speeds could inversely
increase the demand for high-speed rail in California compared to the Acela Express.
For our analysis, we use a simple proportional relationship to adjust ridership from the
Acela Express. We will assume that population and speed differences will bring the California
ridership to approximately (1.46/1.81), or 0.806 times the Acela Ridership. While this
methodology can only provide a crude estimate, it is based on empirical observation of 10 years
of operation of a similar line in the United States. We have additionally extended the ridership
from the Acela Express to estimate 60 years into operation, or until 2080, which is the timeframe
of the official BCA. Following year 10, or the extent of empirical observations, we have assumed
0.5 percent growth, which is the same assumption used by the CHSRA in its 2012 revised
business plan (page 5-5).
CAHSR 2011 California High-Speed Rail Benefit-Cost Analysis (draft), pp7.
Fig 1 – Adjusted Ridership (Green cells are ridership records from the Acela Express’ first 10
years of service17)
Fig 2 – Relationship Between Acela Express Ridership and Low and Medium CHSRA Estimates
IV – Overview and Results of California HSR Survey
We picked five different fares: $50, $65, $80, $95, and $110. As airplane fare is not more
than $110, there would be very few people whose WTP for Cali HSR is much more than this
highest fare given alternative choices. Also the cost of driving between these two cities was at
least $50, so we set that as the lowest fare. Then we made intervals by $15. This gave us five
different fares to use as “take it or leave it” choices. The following histogram is derived from our
survey. The horizontal axis represents the probability of acceptance at the asked fares and the
vertical axis represents the five different fares.
Fig 4 - Histogram of Dichotomous Choice Responses
The following table shows the number of riders whose maximum WTP is above or equal to the
fare in upper cell.
Fare $150 $130 $125 $120 $110 $100 $95 $90 $80 $75 $70 $65 $60 $50
Ridership 11 13 15 19 21 60 64 73 108 116 127 131 136 153
From the responses to our maximum WTP question, we derived the following demand curve of
our sample. From our sample’s demand curve, we estimated the slope of demand curve as -0.54.
Fig 5 – Maximum
Willingness to Pay and
Customer Demand
From the final question in which we asked about the opinion of respondents toward the
California HSR project, we obtained the following results.
Fig 6 – Respondents’
opinion toward Cali HSR
Finally, we calculated the average individual’s WTP from the dichotomous choices. We used the
following formula.
V is the interval between prices and N is the number of asked prices. Essentially, average WTP
is the area below the histogram from responses of dichotomous choice. Our Calculated
Average Willingness to Pay: $83.60. This was very close to the fare that is planned by
California HSR authority between Los Angeles and San Francisco, which is exactly $83.
(Source: California High-Speed Rail Program Revised 2012 Business Plan)
Using the generalized cost of one ticket ($83, as specified by the CHSRA business
plan ), and the demand curve obtained from our survey results above, we calculated the gross
consumer surplus of the California High-Speed Rail between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Our results are shown below, with total gross consumer surplus over the first 60 years of the
project equaling the sum of the benefits of each year, discounted at seven percent. As can be seen
from the table, this calculation of gross benefits results in a dramatic decrease in the B:C ratio of
the project.
18We have not included time travel savings in the generalized cost as the differences in time between HSR
and airplane, the major alternative, are negligible.
GCS = ∑t>060 [SBt/(1+r)t] = $3,001,797,001
Our Analysis – Benefits
Our Analysis – Benefits
calculated by adjusting
California HSR calculated by Gross
ridership and using
Authority CBA Consumer Surplus
official BCA
Travel Time Saving $32,327,730,566 $4,116,369,986
Vehicle operating cost saving $16,701,268,211 $2,126,613,839
(Total social benefits
Infrastructure Saving Benefits $267,503,837 $34,061,926 estimated by survey
and market analogy
Productivity Benefits $10,850,219,846 $1,381,585,361 from Acela railway)
Safety Benefits $5,560,925,607 $708,086,428
Reliability Benefits $8,597,748,249 $1,094,772,575
Environmental Benefits $1,819,416,066 $231,670,753
Horizon Value of HSR 45,712,875 $5,820,734
Total Benefits $76,170,391,304 $9,698,964,546 $3,001,797,001
VI - The Social Surplus Change In Alternative Market
The build of high-speed railway (HSR) between Los Angeles (LA) and San Francisco
(SF) may influence the gross consumer surplus and social surplus in its alternative market.
Generally, we consider there are two alternative markets behind HSR: the airline market and
highway roads. However, people who travel through highway roads between these two cities use
the same amount of fuel for driving a car, hence there is no price distortion in this market. In this
case, we assume only the market with price distortion be considered as our alternative market
which is airline market. We use simplified model to figure out the gross consumer surplus
change. The data largely originates from the official survey and websites.
In the above formula, Fare means the average airplane fare from LA to SF one-way. The
price that has been affected by the announcement of building HSR is conducted by various kinds
of survey. We pick the average fare without the HSR as $12619. The fare with HSR is affected by
the price in high-speed railway market. We use the average price between $80 and $99 as our
estimate secondary market price20, which figured out as $89.5. One major difference between
airline and HSR market is Airline market could adopt price discrimination to maximize their
profit. While HSR fixed its fare, if HSR fare lower than the average price in air market then
probably would cause profit loss in the air market in the future. In this case, if HSR ticket price
set higher than $89.5, then it may suffer profit loss in the future.
“A” in the formula stands for the value of travel time. The recent value of travel time is
increasing compared with the old ones. The newly released value is $31.9/hour for personal
From the author s of The Financial Risks Of California’s Proposed High-Speed Rail Project and Six Brief Papers.
20 See: Appendix “A Analysis Of The High Speed Rail Authority’s Planned Pricing.” William H. Warren. July 2,
travel and $57.2/hour for business travel21. Compare with the value $30.08 per hour from CBA
analysis by Pearson Brinckerhoff22, the value of time increased.
The Travel Time in the formula indicates average time travelled by airplane in this
corridor. According to official data, the total time travelled by airplane carrier is 1 hour 22
minutes, which means 1.37 hour per flight. The Delay Time in the formula is mainly used to
include the release of delay because the reduction of air congestion after HSR builds. Time saved
by reduced delay on plane measures with 10.7 minutes per trip which equals to 0.18 hour per trip.
In the case after HSR operates, we assume that delayed time equals zero because the reduction of
air congestion. Hence, the total time with and without HSR would be calculated as 1.55 hours
per trip in without case, while 1.37 hours per trip in with case.
21 “The Value of Travel Time Savings: Departmental Guidance for Conducting Economic Evaluations (Revision
2)”. Sep.28th, 2011. US Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary of transportation. Found at .
22 “California High-Speed Rail Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) ”. October, 2011. Pearson Brinckerhoff. P11.
23 “California High-Speed Rail Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) ”. October, 2011. Pearson Brinckerhoff. P11.
D - Shaping the Demand and Average Social Cost in Airline Market
As we have already got the essential figures to regress the demand curve and average
social cost, we could figure out the function through regression. See below the function for both
demand and average social cost curve, the demand curve has been separately represented due to
personal travel and business travel reason.
Function for regress the change of demand and average social cost
The influence from primary market will lead to price distortion in airline market only
once, hence if the traffic reach the estimated amount it will be constant with little fluctuation
after that. Similarly, the average social cost will also maintain the long run cost after certain
period of time. See below, the distribution of figures.
Table for shaping the demand and average social cost curve in airline market
Personal Travel Price ($) Traffic (Person) Average Social Cost ($)
175.5962482 32725146 53.89868369
165.1162482 30725146 55.73868369
154.6362482 28725146 57.57868369
144.1562482 26725146 59.41868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
133.6762482 24725146 61.25868369
In this step, we could get the graph in secondary market and estimate the social surplus
△Consumer Surplus = 1/2(24725146 + 32725146)(133.6762482– 175.5962482)
= – $1204158120 ≒ – $1.2 billion
To conclude, the build of HSR between Los Angeles and San Francisco in US will totally
reduce the social surplus in airline market from approximated $1 to $1.3 billion. This amount is
less than the social surplus increase in primary market ($3.7 billion) due to the assumption that
we assume only airline market as alternative market. The result reflects that HSR is competitive
as a way of new transportation tool from LA to SF.
In our analysis, the result largely affected by the ridership forecast. As we quote to use
the predicted traffic change from California High-Speed Rail Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) by
Parsons Brinckerhoff 2011 report, the result largely rely on the predicted ridership change. In
sensitive analysis, if the predict ridership is not shrinking in the airline market after HSR builds,
the social surplus change in alternative market would be totally reverse. Which means, HSR may
not worth building since it fails to attract passengers who originally take airplane from LA to SF.
VII - Conclusions and Further Discussion
The difference between the California High Speed Rail Authority’s BCA ratio and ours is
quite significant, to the extent that the high-speed rail project in California is either highly
beneficial, or excessively costly. We are confident that our ratio is more accurate. While our
market analogy and survey methodologies could be further honed, we have demonstrated that
doing so will further chip away at the official numbers presented by the state. In trying to provide
an alternative BCA ratio to the California High Speed Rail Authority’s (one that we feel missed
key costs and overemphasized benefits), we employed several methodologies that led to data that
more accurately reflects the costs and ridership of HSR between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Barring a very severe and long lasting oil crisis that would drive motorists and airline
passengers to rail, there are no scenarios that would push ridership beyond the California HSR
Authority’s projections, and we believe that any further thoughtful analysis of the costs and
benefits would bring both the benefits and the ridership forecast down, and the costs up.
Compared with Acela, the East coast railway service connecting Boston, New York City,
and Washington D.C., the stops on California’s high speed line have significantly lower
populations (see Appendix 2). The California project does, however, aim to operate at much
higher sustained speeds than the line in the east. Instead of relying on CHSRA’s theoretical
ridership assumptions, we first assumed that ridership would be at least equal to the fully
operative Acela railway on the east coast. We then made adjustments in our market analogy
method that accounted for both population and speed differences in the lines, which resulted in
substantially lower ridership estimates for California than the Northeastern corridor.
While we did adjust for population size and speed in our market analogy (transplanting
Amtrak’s Acela numbers to California), we did not account for any potential loss in ridership due
to the less accessible and less integrated local transit systems on the West coast. Further, we
expect that strict regulations by the Federal Railroad Authority (FRA) will likely make projected
speeds in California unattainable, and we also expect that the more inaccessible and less
integrated local transit systems in California hub cities will become more congested, thus adding
to the overall costs and pressing ridership down even further. The only profitable High Speed
Rail projects in history have been Tokyo to Osaka, and Paris to Lyon. One key element in the
success of these railways is the fact that these lines have endpoint destination cities with
extensive and efficient local transit systems that seamlessly integrate HSR with its local
infrastructure. Regional attitudes toward public transit were also not figured into our projections.
As we did not adjust for any of these factors, our ridership figures, if anything, may be overly
optimistic. With time to develop more complex methodologies, we could produce an even more
accurate and substantially lower BCA ratio.
Further, even profitable rail lines such as the ones in Japan do not generate additional
jobs or contribute to higher economic growth.25 The railway’s ability to do so has been one of the
Vartabedian, Ralph. “Study Casts Doubt on Bullet Train Claims; A UCLA Analysis of Japan’s System Suggests
Economic Benefits to State May Be Modest.” The Los Angeles Times. July 13, 2012. Print.
major political selling points of the project. According to a July 2012 UCLA study of the
economic benefits of Japan’s shinkansen over a 30 year period, researchers determined that there
is no evidence that the bullet train improved tax revenues, and also found that regions in Japan
without high speed rail service grew just as quickly as similar regions with it. Economists
concluded that while development sprang up around the lines, the benefits were simply
transplanted from other places, allowing for no increase in net benefit.
Moreover, our added carbon emissions costs could have been vastly more extensive; our
calculations did not include the full scope of problems related to a decline in air quality, or the
costs to aquatic life and endangered species across the central valley. According to US federal
biologists, eleven endangered species including the San Joaquin kit fox, the California tiger
salamander, two types of fairy shrimp, a tadpole shrimp and the valley elderberry longhorn
beetle would be affected.26
Because the proposed rail cuts through eastern side of the Central Valley rather than the
drier western side, the rail authority will cross up to 100 bodies of water controlled by the US
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the world’s largest and most distinguished public
engineering and construction management agency, which is tasked with environmental
regulation and ecosystem restoration. According to senior project managers at USACE, the
Army expects unavoidable impacts from California HSR and could require "compensatory
mitigation" under its permits, which would further balloon costs of the project. 27
Because there are emissions savings associated with HSR, negative environmental
impacts are often overlooked in CBA. Surveys of California residents on their WTP to preserve
endangered species, air quality, and water preservation, along with using Values of Statistical
Life (VSL) to quantify the cost of every new case of asthma in the region caused by this project
would also produce costs unaccounted for by the CHSRA.
Amtrak, America’s interstate passenger rail service, reported record ridership in year
2010. Company forecasts of future rail service —including dedicated high speed lines— depict
rail commuting to contend for the preferred mode of transport in major U.S. cities. Such
projections, however, can be particularly disastrous and should be explored with greater
diligence. In both Taiwan and the Netherlands, failed ridership projections led to substantial
deficits, underused infrastructure, and little potential to recover costs. A 2010 study by the
Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) at the University of California-Berkeley attempted to
forecast high-speed rail ridership under a variety routing, pricing, travel time, and frequency of
service conditions. The ITS report concluded that the statistical error of ridership projections in
the California HSR corridor was “wide enough to include demand scenarios where HSR will lose
substantial amounts of money as well as those where it will make a healthy profit”28. The report
Vartabedian, Ralph. “Would Rail Foul the Air?; Environmental Objections Could Delay Bullet Train and Raise
Costs.” The Los Angeles Times. June 11, 2012. Print.
Vartabedian, Ralph.
Brownstone, et al. “Review of Bay Area/California High-Speed Rail Ridership and Revenue Forecasting Study”.
University of California Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies. June 2010:
also cautioned that although there were econometric techniques to remove certain biases in the
study, the application of such techniques would lead to larger standard errors than reported. The
review was commissioned by Sen. Alan Lowenthal (D-Long Beach), chair of California’s Senate
Transportation and Housing Committee, was funded by the rail authority, and underscores the
dangers of optimistic projections on ridership and Cashflow Available for Debt Service
The Acela, Amtrak’s dedicated high-speed rail service connecting Boston, New York
City, and Washington, began its service in the year 2000. The Northeast Corridor service was
envisioned to be lucrative, lure customers away from air travel, serve as a model for national rail
service, and carry its customers into the 21st century. Instead, restrictive regulations imposed by
the U.S. Federal Railroad Authority (FRA) have led to heavy, slow, and difficult to maintain
trains and lines, prevented effective linking between local and national rail lines, inflated costs
and fares, and all but eliminated the positive externalities of rail service. The FRA’s restrictive
rules on locomotive safety issues including brake maintenance, pilot height, headlight operation,
danger markings, and locomotive electronics all pose challenges for concessionaires, however
one specific rule stipulating that all high speed trains should be able to withstand one million
pounds of pressure30 — essentially a head on collision with another high speed train — have
limited the benefits and profitability of the service.
A consortium led by Bombardier and GEC Alsthom was forced to build heavy trains that
were four inches too wide- which slowed the trains considerably in curves, caused the wheels to
vibrate, and caused lengthy delays and disruptions in service after the train’s weight was cited for
cracks in both a part meant to keep the locomotive from swaying (2002) and in brake discs
(2005)31. The line between New York and Boston is among the most winding in the United
States. The need to modify the design after various setbacks resulted in a contentious legal
dispute with the consortium; Amtrak ordered 9,000 engineering changes that increased costs and
delayed service32. The heavier trains designed to meet the FRA’s safety regulations meant slower
speeds, fewer trains in service, and decreased ridership and revenues. In both Europe and Japan,
where trains are at least twice as light as the Acela, safety has been a measure of advanced
technological techniques in timing and signaling, and less so of regulation.
Guy, Ann Brody. “California High-Speed Rail Ridership Not Reliable, Study Finds”. UC Berkeley News Center.
July 1, 2010: Online.
US Department of Transportation: Federal Railroad Administration’s Development of High Speed Rail Safety
Requirements. Accessed:
The New York Times. “History of the Acela Express”. April 24, 2005: Accessed:
Dao, James. “Acela, Built to Be Rail’s Savior, Bedevils Amtrak at Every Turn”. The New York Times. April 24,
2005: Accessed:
Low Cultural Affinity for HSR in the US
Brownstone, et al.
Fleetwood, Nicole. “Bussing It in the City: Black Youth, Performance, and Public Transit”. The Drama Review.
New York University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Summer 2004
California High Speed Rail Authority. April 2012. “California High-Speed Rail Program Revised 2012 Business Plan:
Appendix 1 – Official CHSRA BCA (2012)
Reliability Benefits
HSR Mode Shift reliability benefits $8,597,748,249 $8,597,748,249
Appendix 2 – Population of Cities Served by California High Speed Line and Acela
California Acela
812,826 Boston 625,087
77,745 Providence 178,053
San Jose 967,487 New London 27,569
Gilroy 49,582 New Haven 129,585
Fresno 501,362 Stamford 123,868
Hanford 54,284 NYC 8,244,910
Bakersfield 352,428 Newark 277,540
Palmdale 153,867 Woodbridge 97,203
Sylmar 91,494 Trenton 84,899
Burbank 104,092 Philadelphia 1,536,471
Los Angeles 3,819,702 Wilmington 71,305
Baltimore 619,493
Totals 6,984,869 12,633,979
Appendix 3 – Survey Design
We did survey on the residents of Los Angeles and San Francisco. We sampled total 70 people
who represented 153 trips. Outline of the survey is the following.