Laboratory Manual: 1 Lmbty360
Laboratory Manual: 1 Lmbty360
Laboratory Manual: 1 Lmbty360
1 LMBTY360
General guidelines for the students
2. Before coming to the lab class, students should read the principle, procedure and
other related aspects from the lab manual provided to them. Having background
knowledge of the experiment, students will be able to perform it efficiently and
3. Students are required to write each observation in the worksheet only while
performing the experiment and get is signed from the teacher. All students should maintain
the lab manual and worksheet in a clean and decent form.
Dress code: No specific dress code is required. However, wear lab coat all the time while
working in the lab.
Compulsory things to be carried by students in lab: Lab Manual and Lab Coat (Apron)
Safety Guidelines:
2. Girl students should tie long hairs for their own safety as well as for avoiding
contamination in microbiological experiments.
3. Autoclave and hot air oven may cause SEVERE BURN INJURIES so observe
special precautions and ask lab technician if you are not sure about anything.
1. Always listen carefully to instructions given by class teacher and STRICTLY follow
all such guidelines.
2. Report any safety risks or incidents immediately to class teacher and/or lab
5. Return all the apparatuses or glasswares to the concerned lab technician after
completion of the experiment.
7. Do not throw tissue papers or cotton in the sink. DISCARD THESE PROPERLY.
4. Never take any culture or chemicals outside the lab. However, if there is a need to
do so, take prior permission from the class teacher.
Other instructions:
In a microbiology laboratory, there are cultures which can be potential health hazards.
Students, therefore, make it a habit to wash their hands with soap before leaving the
laboratory so other persons don’t get accidently infected.
3 LMBTY360
1 5-10
pH probe standardization
6 30-33
Isolation of industrially important microorganisms for microbial
7 Production and estimation of alkaline protease 34-37
Reference Books:
1. Experimental Process Biotechnology Protocol by S.N.Mukhopadhyay, Viva Books Pvt.
Ltd, 1st Deition, (2007).
2. Learning Objectives: To learn the handling and working of pH meter and dissolved
oxygen probe.
5 LMBTY360
4. Outline of the Procedure:
Standardization of pH meter
i. The teacher will demonstrate the students the handling and working of pH meter.
ii. Prepare buffer of pH 4.0 and 7.0 by dissolving the buffer tablets in 100 ml distilled
iii. Calibrate the pH meter at 4.0 and 7.0
iv. Take the reading of the unknown sample provided .
i. First Calibration Point Remove the probe from the water and place the tip of the
probe into the Sodium Sulfite Calibration Solution.
ii. When the displayed voltage reading stabilizes, enter 0 (the known dissolved oxygen
value in mg/L).
iii. Second Calibration Point Rinse the probe with distilled water and gently blot dry.
iv. Unscrew the lid of the calibration bottle provided with the probe. Slide the lid and the
grommet about ½ inch onto the probe body.
v. Add water to the bottle to a depth of about ¼ inch and screw the bottle into the cap
Important: Do not touch the membrane or get it wet during this step. Keep the probe in
this position for about a minute.
vi. When the displayed voltage reading stabilizes, enter the correct saturated dissolved
oxygen value (in mg/L) using the current barometric pressure and air temperature values.
6 LMBTY360
5. Results: Students will be able to correctly measure the pH of given sample.
6. Scope of Result: Students will understand the working and construction of pH meter
and dissolved oxygen probe.
8. Cautions:
i. Wash the pH probe carefully before and after taking readings.
ii. Dry the probe prior to put in the KCl solution.
9. Suggested Literature
7 LMBTY360
Worksheet of the student
S.No pH S.D
8 LMBTY360
Error analysis:
Learning Outcomes (what I have learnt): to be written by the students in 50-70 words.
To be filled by faculty:
S. No Marks obtained Maximum
9 LMBTY360
Signature Total:
10 LMBTY360
Material Required: E. coli (Log phase), Nutrient broth, conical flask (250 ml), test
tube, eppendorf tubes.
2. Learning Objectives: To determine the growth pattern and kinetics of microbial cells.
i. Log phase culture of E. coli. was taken and inoculated in 100 ml of autoclaved
NB with 1% (V/V) concentration.
ii. Culture was incubated at 37 C for 24 hours with regular sampling (5 ml) every
30 min.
iii. Centrifugation of the sample was done at 800 RPM for 5 min and cellular
pellet was discarded. Collection of sample at initial and one blank (broth
without cells) was done initially.
11 LMBTY360
iv. Samples were refrigerated till further use.
v. Samples were read in spectrophotometer at 600 nm with pure NB as blank.
vi. Curve was plotted between OD and Time of growth.
5. General Calculations
12 LMBTY360
9. Cautions:
i. Standard curve to be prepared carefully.
ii. Chemical stocks to be prepared carefully.
iii. Measurements to be done carefully.
iv. Analysis to be done carefully.
13 LMBTY360
Worksheet of the student
Observation Tables:
S. No.
Time OD
14 LMBTY360
Result and Discussion:
Error analysis:
Learning Outcomes (what I have learnt): to be written by the students in 50-70 words.
15 LMBTY360
To be filled by faculty:
Parameter Maximum
S. No obtained marks
Signature Total:
16 LMBTY360
1. Experiment: Determination of Thermal Death Point (TDP) and thermal death time
(TDT) of microorganism.
i. Two sets of NB were prepared. Inoculation was done in each and divided into 5 separate
test tubes.
ii. One set was put in water bath at 60 C for 5 different time periods viz. 2 min, 5 min,
iii. 10 min, 15 min, 20 min.
iv. Another set was put in different water bath with temperatures 60 C, 70 C, 80 C for 10
17 LMBTY360
v. After treatment, each of the sample was spread over NA plates prepared in advance and
incubated at 37C for minimum 18 hrs.
vi. Observation for growth was done.
7. Scope of Result: TDT and TDP will help in the control of harmful microorganisms
8. Results Required: Plates with no growth will help in determination of TDP and TDT.
9. Cautions:
i. Temperature of bath shall be confirmed with thermometer.
ii. Contamination shall be avoided.
iii. Test tubes shall be put properly in water bath.
18 LMBTY360
Worksheet of the student
Observation Tables:
S.No Plate Specifications Observation about Growth
19 LMBTY360
Error analysis:
Learning Outcomes (what I have learnt): to be written by the students in 50-70 words.
To be filled by faculty:
Parameter Maximum
S. No obtained marks
Signature Total:
20 LMBTY360
ii. polymer solutions, paper pulp suspensions often used to simulate flow
behaviour of fermentation broths, but they do not include effects of active
biomass on system performance
21 LMBTY360
v. Viscosity of glycerin and fermentation broth was calculated with following formula :
22 LMBTY360
µ (g) t (g) density (g)
µ (w ) t (w) density (w )
6. Scope of result: The fermentation broth too act as the medium for various physical,
biochemical and physical reactions to take place. The fermentation broth will be
implicated in all the mass and heat transfers that occur within the fermenter, and it
will be the medium that holds the fermentation products formed.
The nature and composition of the fermentation broth temporally and spatially will
affect the efficiency of the fermentation process. The interaction between the
fermentation broth and the various components is complex and affect both
7. Results Required: Time taken by given fluid can be used to calculate viscosity.
8. Cautions:
a. Meniscus to be set accurately
b. Temperature and aeration should be maintained properly.
9. Suggested Literature
23 LMBTY360
Worksheet of the student
Observation Tables:
24 LMBTY360
Error analysis:
Learning Outcomes (what I have learnt): to be written by the students in 50-70 words.
To be filled by faculty:
Marks Maximum
S. No obtained Marks
Signature Total:
25 LMBTY360
i. Active microbial culture was centrifuged and wet mass of cells was determined.
ii. Cells were suspended in 500 µ l of distilled water and mixed with 50 ml of
sodium alginate solution.
iii. The mixture was filled in syringe and dropped in ice cold calcium chloride
continuously stirred over stirred.
iv. Beads thus produced were kept for some time more in solution for curing.
5. General Calculations: Sodium alginate and calcium chloride to be weight exactly for
preparing desired solution.
26 LMBTY360
6. Results: Formation of alginate trapped immobilized cells
9. Cautions:
i. Check for viscosity of alginate solution.
ii. Solutions shall be prepared carefully.
27 LMBTY360
Worksheet of the Student
Observation Tables:
28 LMBTY360
Error analysis:
Learning Outcomes (what I have learnt): to be written by the students in 50-70 words.
To be filled by faculty:
Marks Maximum
S. No obtained Marks
Signature Total:
29 LMBTY360
1. Experiment: Isolation of industrially important microorganisms for microbial processes.
iv. SMA, CMC agar and Starch agar were prepared, autoclaved and solidified in sterilized
petri plates. Composition of Czapek mineral salt agar medium for 1 litre:- Sodium
nitrate - 2g, potassium phosphate-1g, magnesium sulphate-0.5g, potassium chloride-
0.5g, CMC-5g,
peptone-2g, agar-20g, distilled water-1000ml.
v. Composition of skimmed milk agar for 1 litre: skim milk powder-100g, peptone-5g,
agar-15g, pH 7.2
vi. For each of the three types of agar 5 plates were spread with dilutions of soil sample.
viii. Observed for zone of hydrolysis for SMA. CMC agar plates were flooded with congo
red dye 0.1 %, then terminated with 0.5 M sodium chloride. Starch plates were
flooded with iodine. Development of halos in CMC and Starch plates were observed.
7. Scope of result: Zones of clearance indicates the preliminary information about enzyme
production by microbes.
31 LMBTY360
Worksheet of Student
Date of Performance:
Observation Tables:
Error analysis:
32 LMBTY360
Learning Outcomes (what I have learnt): to be written by the students in 50-70 words.
To be filled by faculty:
Marks Maximum
S. No obtained Marks
Signature Total:
33 LMBTY360
i. Pour the autoclaved cooled medium of skimmed milk agar into sterile petri plates
and allow them to solidify.
ii. Label the 3 skimmed milk agar plates with the name of bacterial organism to be
inoculated and fourth as control.
iii. Make a single line streak inoculation from each culture into its labelled petri plates
iv. Across the surface of medium.
v. Incubate the plates (inoculated and uninoculated) for 24-48 hours at 37 degree
Celsius in an inverted position.
34 LMBTY360
7. Scope of the result: More protein degradation more zone of hydrolysis will be
8. Results Required: Observe all the inoculated plate for any clearing around the line of
9. Cautions:
i. Avoid contamination.
ii. Prepare the stocks properly.
35 LMBTY360
Date of Performance: Registration Number:
Observation Tables:
36 LMBTY360
Error analysis:
Learning Outcomes (what I have learnt): to be written by the students in 50-70 words.
To be filled by faculty:
S. No Parameter obtained Marks
Signature Total:
37 LMBTY360
38 LMBTY360
i. Pour the autoclave cooled medium into sterile petri plates and allow them to modify.
iv. Incubate inoculated plates at 35 degree Celsius in inverted position for 2-5days
v. Flood the plates with 0.1% Congo red and then terminate with 0.3 M Sodium
chloride to observe the result.
vi. The above procedure is again done for soil sample, where serial dilution of soil
sample is being done and then they are spreaded on Czapek mineral salt agar plate
and the above procedure is followed from point 4-5.
5. General calculations: Protein estimation and enzyme activity of crude enzyme extract.
6. Result : The zone of clearance around cellulolytic microbial colony was found to be…
9. Cautions:
i. Avoid contamination.
ii. Prepare the stocks properly.
39 LMBTY360
Worksheet of the student
Observation Tables:
40 LMBTY360
Error analysis:
Learning Outcomes (what I have learnt): to be written by the students in 50-70 words.
To be filled by faculty:
Marks Maximum
S. No obtained Marks
Signature Total:
41 LMBTY360
Oxygen acts a limiting nutrient for an aerobically growing culture in the bioreactor. Even in
a reactor having non limiting availability of normal Carbon, Nitrogen and other sources, the
limiting or no availability to aerobically growing culture may lead to death of the microbial
population in no time. Therefore the air (oxygen) has to be adequately supplied either by
sparger or in head space to enhance the dissolved oxygen so that microorganisms are able to
breathe through the pores. It is important to note that the capacity of water to retain oxygen
is rather limited. Under the normal condition of 25º C and 1 Atmosphere pressure, the
dissolved oxygen will be 8 mg/L. Air has to be continuously purged and agitated so as to
enhance the depleting oxygen in the bioreactor. For adequately aerated cultivation, the
supply of oxygen has to be greater than the demand of the culture to maintain the healthy
growth & metabolite production by the microorganisms at any point of time. Assume that
the bioreactor is in well mixed condition and dissolved oxygen concentration is constant
through-out the reactor, the following equation will hold true.
Rate of dissolution of dissolved oxygen (dCL/dt) = {Supply of oxygen (KLa (C*– CL)}
– {Demand by microorganism (rX)}.
42 LMBTY360
4. Outline of the Procedure:
i. Fermentor is filled with 0.5M Na2SO3 and 0.003 M CuSO4. 5H2O (2.5 litre).
ii. Agitation is given at 400 rpm.
iii. After the aeration begins collect samples every 10 mins.
iv. Estimate the concentration of Na2SO3 by titration. Burette solution: 0.1 M Na2S2O7.
Flask solution: 500μl of Na2SO3 solution (sample or standard) + 15 ml iodine solution +
50μl starch.
v. During titration colour changes to straw yellow. Add the starch solution at this point only
and not before.
vi. Estimate the concentration of Na2SO3 in sample from standard curve.
5. General Calculations: Calculation for reagents preparation.
9. Cautions:
i. Attention should be given to the readings of dissolved oxygen concentration
ii. Prepare the solutions properly.
43 LMBTY360
Worksheet of the student
Date of Performance: Registration Number:
Time (in mins) Vol of Na2S2O7 consumed (in ml)
44 LMBTY360
Error analysis:
Learning Outcomes (what I have learnt): to be written by the students in 50-70 words.
To be filled by faculty:
Marks Maximum
S. No obtained Marks
Signature Total:
45 LMBTY360
A bioreactor may also refer to a device or system meant to grow cells or tissues in the
context of cell culture. These devices are being developed for use in tissue engineering
or biochemical engineering.
7. Scope of the result: A bio-reactor can be used in wastewater treatment and tissue
47 LMBTY360
Worksheet of the student
Observation Tables:
48 LMBTY360
Error analysis:
Learning Outcomes (what I have learnt): to be written by the students in 50-70 words.
To be filled by faculty:
Marks Maximum
S. No obtained Marks
Signature Total:
49 LMBTY360
50 LMBTY360