Activity 1: Content Analysis-Appreciation
Activity 1: Content Analysis-Appreciation
Activity 1: Content Analysis-Appreciation
Listen to the song of RiverMaya entitled “Boses ng Kabataan (lyrics provided below) and relate it to the monologue
of Padre Florentine at the last part of the novel El Filibusterismo. Capture the lines that convey similarities, and
demystify political ideas of RIZAL In the monologue and the song. Give 5. Use the table provided below as format
to your answer:
Political Ideas of Rizal Lines from the Lines from the Song lyrics Short Explanation
Monologue of Padre of River Maya
1. “A government that “An immoral government “They laugh at us, my An immoral government
rules the country friend produces immoral people.
presupposes a demoralized
from a great Both lines tell us that it is
people, a conscienceless And the whole world is
distance has the possible to degrade your
administration, greedy and preaching”
most need for a free own people, and help the
servile citizens in the
press and even country decay instead of
settled parts, outlaws and
more for the producing a single idea.
brigands in the
government of the
home country, if it
wishes to rule
2. “In order to govern “No, if our country has ” And when you sleep at Both monologues brought
people he does not ever to be free, it will not night, You'll hear the prayer about that true love is also
know or be through vice and crime, freedom that always goes
Of a youth thirsty for true
understand, he it will not be so by hand in hand with
ought to possess corrupting its sons, kindness and integrity. If
the talent of a deceiving some and love prevails, the joys and
genius and bribing others, no! beauties of the outdoors
extraordinary Redemption presupposes will be here forever.
knowledge.” virtue, virtue sacrifice, and
sacrifice love!”
3. “There may be “Suffer and work!” “The song of the youth, The We must suffer and work
stimulus and that song of the times and be heard if we want to
discontent may not make our country truly
Until tomorrow Let's sing it
be bred. Then, if free—and great. We must
the native does continue to work and let
shake off his things out to save the
indolence, he nation and provide justice
cannot complain to every Filipino
when he sees all the regardless of your age and
offices filled by gender.
4. “Governments are “Where are you, youth, “Missing, hiding, Looking They only have one goal:
established for the who will embody in for a friend to be freed and fight for
welfare of the people yourselves the vigor of life what is right since youth
Wondering, asking, When
and in order to that has left our veins, the have controls over their
accomplish this purity of ideas that has lives and they can make
purpose properly, they been contaminated in our will we be heard” choices depending on
have to follow the brains, the fire of whatever they see best.
suggestions of the enthusiasm that has been
citizens who are the quenched in our hearts?”
ones best qualified to
know their needs. “
4. A conquered “The school of suffering “If you want to try me It takes a great deal of
country like the tempers, the arena of courage and bravery to
Why don't you try,
Philippines should combat strengthens the stand up to our enemies.
not be taken soul.” Try to stop me. Try us” Fostering these will lead to
advantage of but independence.
rather should be
civilized, educated
and trained in the
science of self-