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Course Catalogue 20: OSCE Border Management Staff College Dushanbe, Tajikistan

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OSCE Border Management Staff College
Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Border Management Staff College
Course Catalogue 2017

Table of Contents
About us  }  4






Thematic Courses Course Catalogue 2017

Director’s Welcome Message

Welcome to our Course Catalogue the privilege of working with highly motivated
2017. The OSCE Border professionals from as many as 55 countries, which
Management Staff College gave us the opportunity to go through a regular
offers multiple learning process of refinement of our curriculum that is
opportunities, designed to train constantly responding to current and emerging threats
mid- to senior-ranking officials of transnational nature.
in the broad range of border
security and management domains Quality instruction cannot be limited to the study
that make up our field. of well-established theories. It needs to touch the
frontiers of different branches of border security and
With the on-going support of our donors in 2017 the management in order to provide our participants
Border Management Staff College offers a variety of with a clear vision for the future. It is for this purpose
programs, including full time and remote education we have a research facilitation pillar that allows
courses for the convenience of our participants. We participants of our core courses to work together and
make continuous efforts to attract the most prominent provides them with learning through research.
practitioners and scholars in the field and provide the
fullest overview of border management best practices. The OSCE Border Management Staff College team
During our educational activity we not only deliver and I are looking forward to start a new one-year
content to our participants, but offer a platform for journey into the field of border management. I hope
a continuous intellectual exchange among them. It that you will share our excitement about the unique
is this multidirectional flow of ideas that provides an opportunities that our College provides to its students
ideal environment for learning. and join us in this experience.

The BMSC is a unique educational institution, being

the sharing point of knowledge among 57 OSCE Dita Nowicka
Participating States and 11 Partners for Co-operation. Director
Since the College inception in 2009, we have had OSCE Border Management Staff College

Thematic Courses Course Catalogue 2017

About us

The OSCE Border Management Staff College (BMSC) is the first international The affiliates include Board of Governors
centre for specialist courses for senior border officials that provides all } The Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) The Board of Governors (BoG) oversees the strategic
57 OSCE participating States and 11 Partners for Co-operation with a common } The Border Troops Commanders’ Council of the direction and management of the College and ensures
platform for dialogue, information exchange and capacity development in Commonwealth of Independent States (SKPV) that the BMSC carries out its mission.
border security and management. It serves as a single point of knowledge } The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences (EASS)
delivery, combined with research and development, and facilitates exchange } The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of The board is composed of the Head of the OSCE
of information between the OSCE participating States and Partners for Armed Forces (DCAF) Office in Tajikistan; the Director of the OSCE
Co-operation, including with national training institutions and relevant } The George C. Marshall European Center for Conflict Prevention Centre; an OSCE Chairmanship
international organizations. The courses and outreach activities of the College Security Studies representative; representatives of donor States; the
provide participants access to the best practices, methodologies, and lessons } The International Centre for Migration Policy BMSC Director; the Head of the OSCE Transnational
learned, while promoting implementation of international norms and practices. Development (ICMPD) Threats Department; the Head of the OSCE
} The International Criminal Police Organization - Transnational Threats Department’s Border Security
INTERPOL and Management Unit; as well as the representatives
Our Donors  Our Affiliates } The Regional Arms Control Verification and of the OSCE participating States sending a significant
The College operates as an extra-budgetary project The BMSC Academic Advisory Board consists of Implementation Assistance Centre (RACVIAC) number of course attendees (observer status).
implemented with financial support from Andorra, a number of affiliated organizations and is chaired } The Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI)
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, by the Head of the OSCE Transnational Threats } The United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Department’s Border Security and Management Unit. } The United Nations High Commissioner for
Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, The affiliated organizations and institutions also share Refugees (UNHCR)
Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the their expertise during the core courses and short-term } The World Customs Organization (WCO)
United States. seminars conducted at the College. The Academic
Advisory Board approves the BMSC Curriculum.

4 5
Thematic Courses Course Catalogue 2017

Border Security and Management for

Senior Leadership Course (BSMSL)

Partner }  The Geneva Centre for Democratic of threats, OSCE Border Security and Management

Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) Concept, other international conventions and
agreements in the area of border security, conflict
Eligible Participants } Mid to Senior Level solving methods, strategic thinking, management and
Officers of Border, Customs, Immigration, Police, Drug leadership.
Control, Phyto-sanitary, and Trade/Transport Services
and Agencies, Instructors of National Border Guard/ The course curriculum is composed of three modules:
Police and Customs Academies/Institutes
1. Modern Security Challenges and Border
Geographic Focus } 57 OSCE participating States Management
and 11 Partners for Co-operation 2. Management and Leadership
3. Current and Emerging Trends in Border Security
Description } The Border Security and Management and Trade Facilitation
Management for Senior Leadership Course (BSMSL)
is a one year blended learning course (combining Each module is presented through a variety of training
in-class lectures and online learning) that is aimed and learning methods, including:
at enhancing the professional skills of current and
future border security managers in the context } Self-learning in electronic environment (e-learning)
of international standards. The course combines supported by tutoring,
knowledge from various disciplines to achieve } Lectures and presentations,
interoperability and harmonization in securing and } Follow-up discussions on subject matter and
managing borders. follow-up activities,
} Group exercises, discussions and exercises
Participants learn and research important features of supported by experts,
contemporary security environment, different aspects } Study visits.

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Core activities Course Catalogue 2017

Border Management Staff Course

Eligible Participants }  Mid to Senior Level Economic and Environmental Factors of Border
Officers of Border, Customs, Immigration, Police, Drug Security and Management (OSCE Economic and
Control, Phyto-sanitary, and Trade/Transport Services Environmental Dimension); Human Dimension of
and Agencies Border Control and Management (OSCE Human
Dimension); Organizational Management and
Geographic Focus }  57 OSCE participating States Leadership; Learning and Teaching Methodologies.
and 11 Partners for Co-operation
Each module is presented through a variety of training
Description }  This one month course focuses on and learning methods that include:
principles and standards of the OSCE Border
Security and Management Concept, which covers all } Lectures and presentations,
three dimensions of security, including the political- } Follow-up discussions on subject matter,
military, economic and environmental, and human } Group exercises and activities supported by
aspects. experts,
} Group research projects,
It is composed of seven overarching modules that } Roundtable discussions with experts from
present the OSCE’s comprehensive approach to international organisations and the diplomatic
effective border security and management. Each community,
of the modules reflects relevant best practices and } Field visits to the nearby borders with Uzbekistan
lessons identified. and Afghanistan.

The modules focus on Promoting Border Security and Since 2014, once a year, a Staff Course is organised
Management in the OSCE Area; Border Security and for Women Leaders only.
Management Models (Political-Military Dimension);

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Thematic Courses Course Catalogue 2017

Cross Border

Research Conference

Eligible Participants }  

Researchers and Practitioners

Geographic Focus } 57 OSCE participating

States and 11 Partners for Co-operation

Description } The conference aims to attract

fundamental, applied, and policy-oriented research
works in order to provide useful information for
actions on how to address cross border threats and Foreign Fighters: a New Type of Migration;
challenges. Practitioners from border security and Combating Smugglers in Migrants and
management agencies together with researchers Human Traffickers; Role of State and Civil
are given the opportunity to have a two-way Society in Migrant and Refugee Integration;
communication and test research theories against Environmental Degradation and Human
the realities on the ground. Mobility, etc.)

In 2017, researchers and practitioners from across } ii. Characteristics of Cross-Border Threats:
the OSCE area contributing to the BMSC research OSCE Region in Focus (Globalization of Crime:
conferences will debate on the impact of: Increasing Threats of Transnational Nature;
Connection between Terrorism and Organized
} i. The Migration Dilemma (Securitization of Crime; Threats to International Peace and
Migration and Its Consequences; Mainstreaming Security Caused by Terrorist Acts; Fraudulent
Human Rights into Migration and Border Identification Documents: Context, Challenges
Management Policies; Gender Aspects of and Countermeasures; Border Security Risks
Contemporary Migration Processes; Moral Posed by Cyber-attack on Biometric Data; and
Dilemma of Migration and Refugee Crisis; others.)

10 11
Thematic Courses Course Catalogue 2017

Roundtable “Virtual Frontier Protection:

Potential Impact on Border Security”

Eligible Participants } Subject Area Experts,

Representatives of Government Agencies,
Diplomatic Missions, International Organizations, and
Border Management Staff Course participants

Geographic Focus } 57 OSCE participating

States and 11 Partners for Co-operation

Description } The roundtable discussion aims to

create a platform for exchange of information, best
practices and lessons learned on ways to address
and prevent the existing and emerging risks presented
by cyber security threats and to promote the use of
safer online practices. The event is initiated to support
national agencies in protecting their networks and
preventing cyber-attacks on biometric data that poses
security risks at border.

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Roundtables Course Catalogue 2017

Roundtable on Afghanistan:
Regional Threat Screening

Eligible Participants } Subject Area Experts, experts, representatives of the government agencies,
Representatives of Government Agencies, Diplomatic diplomatic missions, international organizations, and
Missions, and International Organizations the Border Management Staff Course participants
to exchange ideas and experiences concerning the
Geographic Focus } 57 OSCE participating recent developments in and around Afghanistan,
States and 11 Partners for Co-operation national and international strategies to prevent the
security threats originating from Afghanistan and the
Description } The key objective of the event influence of these threats on the security situation in
is to create a platform for relevant subject area Central Asia.

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Thematic Courses Course Catalogue 2017

Workshop on Design and

Development of eLearning Courses for

National Educational Institutions

Eligible Participants } Representatives of Description } The workshop focuses on modern

National and International Border Guard/Police and education delivery methods and technologies applied
Customs Training Institutions in the border security and management-related
training institutions. Design and delivery of eLearning
Geographic Focus } 57 OSCE participating and blended learning education offerings will be the
States and 11 Partners for Co-operation focus of the workshop aiming to provide an overview
and best practices on the processes and resources
involved in eLearning development.

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Thematic Courses Course Catalogue 2017

Afghan Border Police Border Train the Trainers Course for

Management Awareness Course Instructors of Border Institutes

Partner } EU-funded, UNDP-implemented Partners } OSCE Field Operations in Central Asia, Upon completion of the course, the participants will
BOMNAF (Border Management Northern the Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed be able to:
Afghanistan) project Forces (DCAF)
(a) Define the goals and effectively plan and
Eligible Participants }   Eligible Participants } Current and Future implement instructional activities;
Mid-ranking Border Officials Instructors of National Border Academies/Institutes (b) Identify the needs of a participant and facilitate
the learning process;
Geographic Focus }   Geographic Focus } Central Asia (c) Apply modern knowledge delivery methods,
Afghanistan and Tajikistan including eLearning programmes;
Description } This six-month blended learning (d) Analyse and adjust the learning process,
Description } The course brings together important opportunity consisting of the following modules: if and when required.
elements of border security and management by Professional Development of an Instructor; Preparing,
helping students understand how to comply with Conducting and Evaluating the Learning Process and The participants will also get the chance to
international standards and use modern methods and Learning Process in a Higher Education Institution broaden their knowledge on the competences of
technologies to prevent transnational crime. Among is aimed at enriching a cadre of experts for the the 21st century’s instructor, deliverer of the adult
the topics taught are: management and control of border academies of Central Asia. It is adapted to a education. This knowledge will allow them to identify
borders; risk analysis models; intelligence information training field that changes fast and embraces new further opportunities for professional growth and
analysis; detection of fraudulent documents and methodologies, new discoveries about the way adults development.
impostors; anti-corruption techniques; combatting learn, and addresses changing expectations of the
trafficking in humans, drugs, and weapons; preventing 21st century’s learners.
money laundering; leadership and management
techniques; gender and human rights issues.

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Thematic Courses Course Catalogue 2017

Train the Trainers Course Capacity Building for the Customs

for the Afghan Border Police Administrations in Central Asia

Partner } EU-funded, UNDP-implemented } Question and answer techniques; Partner } The Austrian Federal Ministry of Description } The course aims at strengthening the
BOMNAF (Border Management Northern } Selecting suitable training resources and activities. Finance (BMF) institutional capacity of the customs administrations
Afghanistan) project and management of Central Asian countries and
Eligible Participants }   Afghanistan. It covers the best practices and working
Eligible Participants }   Mid to Senior Level Customs Officials methods of customs offices, in particular organizing
Mid-ranking Border Officials customs and post-clearance audits, passenger
Geographic Focus } Central Asia and Afghanistan entry procedures, and risk management in customs
Afghanistan and Tajikistan
Geographic Focus }  clearance on national and international levels. The
primary goal of the course is establishment of a
Description }  The Train the Trainer Courses aim network for efficient information exchange as well as
to develop a cadre of instructors who will be able to addressing fraud, money laundering and countering
deliver modern theoretical and practical lessons as terrorist financing.
well as to train and assess other instructors delivering
specific border security related knowledge.

Among others, the courses focus on the following

Instructional Methods:

} Three Stages of Lesson Planning: Introduction,

Development, and Consolidation;
} Choosing the appropriate instructional format
(Practical Skills vs. Theory);
} Setting learning objectives;
} Teaching strategies;
} Identifying and addressing student needs;

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Thematic Courses Course Catalogue 2017

Countering Terrorism and Extremism –

Best Practices in Profiling and
Best Practices in Border Security Identifying Foreign Terrorist Fighters at
International Cooperation the Border Crossing Points

Partner } The Export Control and Related Border The workshop also provides platform for sharing PARTNERS } Border Security and Management Unit of the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters
Security (EXBS) Program of the US State Department experiences, analysing current state of affairs, and of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department, among the relevant officials. All elements of the
identifying opportunities for enhancing international the OSCE Office in Tajikistan training, including profiling methodology and further
Eligible Participants } Mid to Senior Level and regional partnerships aiming to prevent investigative or detaining actions are delivered in
Officials of Border Agencies transnational threats and trends and ensure open but Eligible Participants } First Line Border Officials accordance with international norms and respect for
secure borders. basic human rights.
Geographic Focus } Central Asia and Afghanistan Geographic Focus } 57 OSCE participating
The training also focuses on the legal framework States and 11 Partners for Co-operation
Description } The workshop aims to promote regulating border activities aimed at migration
the importance of global and regional cooperation management, including irregular migration, labour Description } This training programme aims to
in border security and management. Study sessions migration, asylum, and mixed migration flows. enhance the first line border officials’ skills to better
focus on specific examples of effective multi- and identify the foreign terrorist fighters at entry and
bi-lateral cooperation to achieve international exit border checks in countries of origin, transit and
agreements and joint initiatives for facilitating destination. The training programme will help border
trade and travel while ensuring security and safety. officials to accurately profile and conduct both
preliminary and secondary in-depth interviews of
potential FTFs.

The course will include the following elements:

more efficient usage of available databases;
acknowledgement and understanding of behavioural
indicators; evaluation of belongings and traveller
routing; better information exchange – locally,
nationally and internationally; as well as sharing of
experiences in modus operandi and raising awareness

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Thematic Courses Course Catalogue 2017

Risk Analysis and Female Afghan Border Police

Management in Border Security Border Management Awareness Course

Partner } The Geneva Centre for Description } The course focuses on particularities Partner } EU-funded, UNDP-implemented
Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) of risk analysis and threat assessment in border BOMNAF (Border Management Northern
security and management as well as crime analysis, Afghanistan) Project
Eligible Participants }   including intelligence collection and investigation of
Customs and Border Officials border-related crimes. The course is dedicated to Eligible Participants } Female Border Officials
risk analysis in border security and management;
Geographic Focus }   risk analysis methodologies; criminal intelligence Geographic Focus } Afghanistan and Tajikistan
Central Asia and Afghanistan and information sharing; threats, vulnerabilities,
risk assessment; impact assessment; assessment Description } The Border Management Awareness
techniques; and monitoring systems. (BMA) Course aims to improve professional awareness
of women working in border security and management.
The course brings together important elements of
border security management and helps students
understand international standards, and use modern
methods and technologies to prevent transnational
crime. Among the topics taught are: management and
control of borders; risk analysis models; intelligence
information analysis; detection of fraudulent
documents and impostors; anti-corruption techniques;
combatting trafficking in humans, drugs, and weapons;
preventing money laundering; leadership and
management techniques; gender and human rights
issues. All lessons on this course address specific
needs of women in border security and management.

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Thematic Courses Course Catalogue 2017

Seminar on Implementation of Trade Facilitation

National Border Management Strategy Implementation Programme

Partner } Border Management Unit of Partners } Economic Unit of the OSCE Office The course is designed with the aim of facilitating
the OSCE Office in Tajikistan in Tajikistan and the United Nations Economic dynamic learning of trade facilitation priorities and
Commission for Europe (UNECE) implementation strategies. The learning activities
Eligible Participants }   stimulate active involvement and encourage
Senior Border Security and Management Officials Eligible Participants } Mid to Senior Level participants to reflect on their own context and to
Officials from Customs, Ministries of Economy and share their experiences.
Geographic Focus } Tajikistan Ministries of Transport, Representatives of Business
Associations The Trade Facilitation Implementation Guide produced
Description } These series of seminars offer a jointly by the OSCE and the UNECE is a web-based
platform where participants discuss the state of play Geographic Focus } Central Asia and Afghanistan and interactive tool to help countries better access
of the national border security and management global value chains, through easier and faster trade
strategies and action plans, and review their Description } The purpose of the workshop is to procedures. A set of case studies on how countries
implementation and monitoring mechanisms. Special train participants on how to use the Trade Facilitation have succeeded in facilitating trade and a training
attention is given to processes of developing and Implementation Guide in their own country. The manual complement the Guide.
implementing strategies and action plans, planning workshop is also designed to stimulate the sharing of
financial resources and ensuring that systems in place national practices and the discussion on opportunities
allow thorough monitoring of the implementation. for regional cooperation in the trade facilitation areas
In order to achieve higher impact, the participants covered in the guide (documents simplification and
together with experts work towards finding practical data harmonization, Single Window implementation,
solutions to the existing problems. consultation and cooperation for trade facilitation,
cross border management, etc.)

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Application Process

The interested candidates should apply through their respective

agencies and the Delegations of their States to the OSCE.
Please, pay attention to the participant selection criteria and
the countries involved before forwarding your application.

Contact us

18A, Akhmadi Donish Street, 734012, Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Tel: +992 (37) 226-50-14/15/16  |  Email: BMSC@osce.org

For more information about the OSCE Border Management

Staff College, please visit our website:

You can also find us on Facebook:


Border Management Staff College

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