ECPD UPEACE Strategic Risk and Crisis Management
ECPD UPEACE Strategic Risk and Crisis Management
ECPD UPEACE Strategic Risk and Crisis Management
Strategic Risk
and Crisis
2 | ECPD International Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
About the ECPD 4
Admission Criteria 12
List of Modules 19
Career Matters! 26
Strategic Risk and Crisis Management | 3
Dear Candidates,
The ECPD International Postgraduate Study Programs on
Strategic Risk and Crisis Management offer the candidates the
highest level of teaching, but also require high commitment
and hard work. Selection of the subjects, teaching methods
and renowned lecturers guarantee a great level of quality and
attractive studies that provide candidates with a high level
of knowledge required for further successful conduct of the
President of ECPD Academic Council
management activities in attractive, specific and very demanding
Prof. Dr. Don Wallace areas.
Candidates who complete the ECPD International Postgraduate
Program on Strategic Risk and Crisis Management will acquire
a comprehensive insight into the system of modern scientific
knowledge in different academic disciplines and the ability
to apply the holistic approach in research, planning and
management in the respective domain.
This brochure provides the basic information on the Program on
Strategic Risk and Crisis Management, as well as the answers to
the most frequently asked questions about criteria.
Prospective candidates may obtain all other needed information
about the Program on Strategic Risk and Crisis Management
at the ECPD Secretariat for International Postgraduate Studies,
ECPD Executive Director
which may also facilitate the contact with the management and
Prof. Dr. Negoslav Ostojić
lecturers of the postgraduate program.
4 | ECPD International Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
laws and international agreements concluded by • Publishing, printing and distribution of the pro-
the SFR Yugoslavia. Accordingly, the ECPD en- ceedings of its scientific meetings, studies and
joys the same status and the same rights in all other scientific papers relevant for the ECPD
the territories which represented an integral part activities.
of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in By its programs, the ECPD provides a scientif-
1985 when the Law was ratified. ic basis for the establishment of appropriate re-
The European Center for Peace and Develop- lations between market economies and econo-
ment of the University for Peace est. by the Unit- mies in transition, thus alleviating and closing a
ed Nations is managed by the ECPD Council and gap in their levels of development. In addition to
the Executive Director with a team of officials and this, the ECPD programs promote a better un-
experts. In carrying out its activities, the ECPD re- derstanding of and tolerance among countries
lies to a large extent on its close relations with and peoples, as well as peace, development and
numerous institutions throughout the world. Be- democracy. As an international, non-profit orga-
sides its Headquarters in Belgrade, the ECPD nization, the ECPD enjoys full academic freedom
has also organized its operational units, affilia- necessary for the attainment of these desired
tions, rep-offices and program units in many Eu- aims, especially with respect to the selection
ropean countries. of the areas and methods of research aimed at
In order to improve the quality of life, it is neces- promoting peace and disseminating knowledge
sary to take a comprehensive approach to problem about peace and development.
solving. The ECPD has chosen to apply an inter- Numerous international and regional organiza-
disciplinary approach by carrying out the following tions have entrusted and entrust the European
seven closely interrelated groups of programs: Center for Peace and Development of the Uni-
• Development of natural resources; versity for Peace established by the UN with
specific programs and projects, including the
• Development of human resources;
UN Industrial Development Organization (UNI-
• Economic development; DO), UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Or-
• Scientific and technological development; ganization (UNESCO), UN Development Pro-
• Integrated/Sustainable development; gram (UNDP), UN Organization for Trade and
• Cultural development; Development (UNCTAD), International Mone-
tary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB), Internation-
• Management.
al Labor Organization (ILO), World Health Orga-
The ECPD devotes special attention to bringing
nization (WHO), UN International Children’s Fund
together the intellectual potentials of the West
(UNICEF), World Trade Organization (WTO), Inter-
and the East, as well as to strengthening coop-
national Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), UN Com-
eration between the North and the South. To this
mission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL),
end, the ECPD organizes and conducts:
Organization for Economic Cooperation and De-
• Postgraduate studies at the Specialist, Mas- velopment (OECD), Inter-American Development
ter’s and Doctoral levels; Bank (IDB), European Bank for Reconstruction
• Elaboration of research projects and stud- and Development (EBRD), International Trade
ies devoted to the current problems of peace Center (ITC) and others.
and development; The ECPD has so far carried out exceptional acti
• Scientific meetings, symposia, conferences, vities and achieved remarkable results, reflect-
courses and seminars at which the results of ed in over 1 000 educational, research, consult-
its researches are also presented; ing and other projects.
6 | ECPD International Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
on the specific features of each concrete situa- methods may be based on any or all of the fol-
tion. lowing:
• Report assignments;
ECPD Methods of Teaching and Learning
• Essay assignments;
Methods might include all or any of the follow- • Practical reports or portfolios;
ing, selected as appropriate to the discipline or
• A dissertation or other output from research/
field of study and the program’s aims, mode of
project work, which may include artefacts,
delivery and typical entrants:
performances or compositions;
• Lectures;
• Written examinations;
• Tutorials;
• Seminars; • Oral examinations;
• Practical work, for example in a laboratory, in • Problem-solving exercises;
the field, workshop or studio; • Oral presentations;
• The use of textbooks, journal papers, elec- • Posters;
tronic databases and other self-study and e-
• Placement reports.
learning materials;
Programs may assess not only academic skills
• Project work;
but also other skills and competencies including,
• Practice sessions and learning through case
where relevant, the requirements of profession-
al bodies that recognize or accredit the program.
• Work-based learning.
Particularly for a modular Master’s program that
uses credit accumulation; providers will wish to
ECPD Assessment Methods ensure that suitable methods are used to assess
Appropriate and effective assessment will en- the intended learning outcomes not only of the
able candidates to demonstrate the outcomes of constituent parts but also of their integration and
learning intended for the program. Assessment synthesis across the program.
10 | ECPD International Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
of the Federal Trust for Education and Research, organization, observance of the beginning
etc.; occasional lecturer at Oxford, Cambridge and completion dates of all activities, both by
and other British universities; appointed teaching staff and postgraduate candidates in an
Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of attempt to ensure that all candidates complete
St Michael and St George, (CMG), by HM the successfully their studies within schedule.
Queen on the recommendation of the Prime
Minister and Foreign Secretary for free-lance Academic Title
contributions to improving the United Kingdom’s
The postgraduate candidate has successfully
relations with Asia.
completed his/her postgraduate studies if
(a) he/she passes all examinations, (b) shows
The Efficiency and Effectiveness of Studies
the ability to apply scientific methods and
These postgraduate studies are organized systematized, proven skills and techniques in
according to the effectiveness and efficiency solving the real problems – which is confirmed
criteria. by the quality of seminar papers and their
The efficiency criterion anticipates the acquisition presentation and defence, (c) demonstrates an
of new, yet necessary, knowledge and skills for adequate skill in critical analysis of the problem
a scientifically based analysis, understanding and sufficient creativity in finding the solution to a
and solving of problems. Knowledge and problem, and (d) successfully prepares, presents
skills acquired at these studies guarantee the and defends a Specialist paper/Master’s thesis/
international competence of a Master’s/Doctor of Doctoral dissertation.
Science in the fields that have been taught. Upon successful completion of these
The efficiency criterion involves the timely postgraduate studies, a candidate acquires the
implementation of all parts of the teaching and academic title of the Master’s/Doctor of Science,
research process within these studies. In giving for which a diploma is awarded. It should be
instruction within the scope of postgraduate noted that this diploma is valid in all UN member
studies, attention is devoted to the rational countries.
12 | ECPD International Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
Admission Criteria
For the admission of candidate to these in advance, which last 2-3 hours. The contents
postgraduate studies, it is necessary to meet the of invitational lectures are complementary with
following requirements: the contents of lectures in the specified subjects,
1. Adequate and relevant undergraduate/ or in some of the topical issues which deserve
postgraduate level degree depending on academic attention.
academic progression; During the second semester, compulsory
2. Inclination towards solving and/or research lectures on the skills and techniques of an oral,
into the solving of development problems; written, computer-assisted and multimedia
presentation are held.
3. Ability to use professional literature in English
or one of the official UN languages.
Application Procedure
Furthermore, the following requirements should
be also satisfied: The ECPD evaluates each applicant individually
and through a personal interview. Some factors,
1. Assuming an obligation to attend classes
such as academic preparation, previous
regularly during all semesters established
accomplishments, extracurricular activities, work
by the curriculum, as well as an obligation
experience, communication and interpersonal
to participate regularly in the entire teaching
skills may be taken into account as contributing
factors for admission criteria. Important criteria
2. Assuming an obligation to complete the used for evaluating applicants are the letters
studies until the end of the anticipated of recommendations and performance during
teaching period, i.e. all examinations the personal interview conducted with each
have to be passed, and seminar papers, candidate prior to admission. The ECPD seeks
Specialist paper, Master’s thesis and Doctoral potentially successful candidates who are
dissertation have to be written and defended. involved, committed and responsible.
The contract on mutual obligations will be Applications are considered to be complete
signed between the candidate and the organizer only after all supporting documents have been
of postgraduate and doctoral studies. received. The Admissions Officer will inform
Preparatory instruction is organized for applicants if information is missing and it is the
postgraduate candidates who need English responsibility of each applicant to ensure that
and/or computer lessons. All instruction will be any missing documents are provided promptly.
provided during the first semester. The official closing date for applications is
Remedial instruction is organized for February 15th, i.e. September 15th of the year
postgraduate candidates who need lessons of entry to the Program. Applications received
in mathematics and/or statistics. Remedial after these dates will only be reviewed if space is
instruction is conducted during the first and available.
second semester. To process an application, candidates need to
In order to satisfy the curiosity of the candidates, submit the following:
ad hoc instruction will be provided during the • A completed and signed Application form;
second and third semester. It is organized in the • Personal recommendation letter forms
form of invitational lectures on the topics agreed (desirable);
Strategic Risk and Crisis Management | 13
• An authorized copy of degree certificate(s) are invited to the ECPD for a formal interview.
and transcript(s); These interviews can be conducted at the ECPD
• Curriculum Vitae (CV) detailing relevant Headquarters, other ECPD centers in many
educational and professional experience. European countries or online.
Potential candidates who are attracted by what
the ECPD has to offer, but unsure about their Student Life and Accommodation
eligibility for our Program and whether it is the We strive to bring candidates together through
right course for them are invited to contact the purposely designed evening social gatherings,
Admissions Officer for an informal discussion. cultural events and parties. Although time is
always a precious commodity for the candidates,
The Application Form can be obtained from:
those who wish to develop extracurricular
the ECPD Office, Terazije 41, 11000 Belgrade,
interests will find that the ECPD has a society
Serbia, Tel: +381 11 3246 041, Fax: +381 11 3240
to suit almost every taste. The ECPD provides
673, E-mail:,
a range of different types of accommodation in
partnership with private landlords and local hotels.
Applicants are advised to answer all questions
contained in the Application Form. In case
Academic Honesty Code
applicants may wish to add personal information,
they may do so by providing additional pages. The ECPD, as an instrument of learning, is
Once the application and all required documents predicated on the existence of an environment
are available, the application will be reviewed of integrity. Members of the academic
and acted upon by the Admission Committee. community, faculty, students, and administrative
officials share the responsibility for maintaining
The Admission Committee is composed of the
an atmosphere and attitude of academic
Program Director and two professors. It is the
integrity. Candidates share this responsibility for
responsibility of the Committee to study and
maintaining standards of academic performance
to evaluate all applications and finalize the
and classroom behaviour conducive to the
acceptance for admissions.
learning process. All courses offered at the ECPD
follow the official Academic Honesty Code as
Open Days and Interviews
described hereafter.
Each year between May and July, we hold an Candidates are advised to familiarize themselves
Open/Interview Day at the ECPD Headquarters with the code as violations can lead to serious
and ECPD centres in many European countries. sanctions, including dismissal from the study
The day typically includes a presentation on the program: “A candidate who willingly gives or
Program by the Program Director, a short lecture receives aid during tests or exams, engages
given by an ECPD faculty member and an in cheating or plagiarism, copies another
informal discussion with the potential applicant. student’s work, or submits material claimed
These do not form part of the selection as his or her own while it is copied from the
procedure, but are simply designed as „taster” Internet or other sources, will receive a grade
sessions to give a deeper insight into the ECPD 5 (Five) – not satisfactory, in the Program and
program. could be dismissed from the ECPD. Before the
These days can be used as informational sanction is taken, the candidate will have the
sessions only to find out more about the right to a hearing in front of the Disciplinary
Program or they can be combined with a Committee composed of the Program Director,
formal interview. Candidates who appear to two professors, and the candidate class
meet, based on their application, our criteria representative”.
14 | ECPD International Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
Environmental Resilience
11. 3L+3P 10
Contemporary Biological Threats
Disaster Resilience
12. 3L+3P 10 IV
Urban Resilience
13. Strategic Leadership 3L+3P 10
Semester IV ECTS 30
Year II ECTS 60
Doctoral dissertation I phase (literature collection and review)
Doctoral dissertation II phase (defining the topic and applying)
Doctoral dissertation III phase (preparation and work on the dissertation) 60 V and VI
Doctoral dissertation IV phase (completion of the dissertation)
Doctoral dissertation defence
Year III ECTS 60
Total ECTS 180
The Doctoral studies last at least three years and are accredited with 180 ECTS with prior duration of
Undergraduate and Master’s studies of at least 5 years and 300 ECTS. The Doctoral dissertation is the
final part of the study program of Doctoral studies, except for the Doctorate of Arts which is an artis-
tic project. The volume of the Doctoral dissertation should range from 80.000 to 100.000 ±10% words.
The prerequisite for the defense of the Doctoral dissertation is the publication of two scientific papers
in international and other reference journals.
Strategic Risk and Crisis Management | 19
List of Modules
1. Strategic Risk Management – Theory theoretical knowledge for effective and efficient
and Methodology strategic management of contemporary risks.
In this course we will explore the theoretical In this course we will also explore the method-
foundations of Strategic Risk Management. We ology suitable for Strategic Risk Management.
will start from the presentation of modern vo- Starting from the presentation of different risk as-
cabulary (such as Black Swan, Black Elephant, sessment tools, candidate will have the oppor-
Gray Rhino, Black Jellyfish, etc.), the contempo- tunity to apply different methods and techniques
rary risk landscape (hyper-complexity, uncer- on pre-agreed scenarios. This will include using
tainty, unpredictability, non-determinism, volatil- a quantitative risk assessment formula, risk ma-
ity, fragility, etc.), as well as those characteristics trices, problem tree, bow-tie technique, SWOT
which make Risk Management – strategic. Addi- analysis, scenario planning methods, etc. By suc-
tionally, the most influential theories and capital cessfully completing this course, candidates will
works in this subject area will be covered. Finally, be capable to properly identify and classify risks,
special attention will be devoted to the explana- as well as to quantitatively and qualitatively as-
tion of the Strategic Risk Management process, sess them. Additionally, they will be able to cre-
its dynamics, basic phases and elements. By ate a scale for measuring the progress in Stra-
successfully completing this course, candidates tegic Risk Management, i.e., to monitor, evaluate
will be able to recognize those phases and ele- and revise, if required, the measures and actions
ments of the Strategic Risk Management cycle in taken in accordance with its impact on the risk
each specific situation, to anticipate its dynam- factors. This course is predominantly practical in
ics, to adequately use the associated terminolo- nature and primarily serves to improve the skills
gy in the correspondence with their colleagues and abilities necessary to perform security, risk
all over the world, as well as to apply acquired or crisis manager jobs in real conditions.
20 | ECPD International Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
3. Contemporary Crises
This course seeks to examine contemporary
crises (unlike traditional crises manifested
throughout history), starting from the
presentation of basic contemporary security
challenges, risks and threats. Differentiation
between the shocks and stressors will be made,
with a proper presentation of different security
phenomena – emergencies, disasters and crises.
In this course, an adequate attention will be
devoted to the most important contemporary
crises, emerging from different sources and with
different characteristics and attributes (natural
hazards, epidemics and pandemics, cyber-
attacks, climate change and environmental
crises, massive migration, etc.). The essential part
of the course will include several case studies
of the most influential crises in the past couple
Strategic Risk and Crisis Management | 21
national, community, urban, organizational and effective and efficient Crisis Management.
individual), modules (social, economic, political, Through various examples from domestic
ecological, IT, psychological and societal), and international practice, different models
as well as the most significant conceptual of leadership will be pointed out, as well as
models. Special attention will be devoted to the
the most common challenges to Strategic
research of different capacities of Resilience
Leadership, through all phases of Crisis
(absorptive, adaptive, restorative and predictive)
and strategies (redundancy, resistance, Management – pre-crisis, response and recovery
flexibility, reliability and anticipatory strategy). By (such as crisis team management, information,
successfully completing this course, candidates time, priorities management, etc., or the absence
will acquire the most up-to-date knowledge of acuity, agility, flexibility, creativity, etc.). By
about Resilience, as a synthesis of knowledge successfully completing this course, candidates
and good practices from various sciences and will be familiar with the strategic vision of (crisis)
scientific disciplines. leadership.
5. Strategic Leadership
6. Crisis Communication
This course aims to explore all those
characteristics and attributes that, first of all, One of the key aspects of Crisis Management
distinguish leaders from managers, and then is Crisis Communication. This course aims
those specificities that distinguish strategic to explore all the important aspects of the
leaders from other leaders. Additionally, the most Crisis Communication process, not only the
significant theoretical findings on leadership
key elements, but also the most common
will be presented, illustrated through several
obstacles in the modern conditions of Crisis
case studies relevant to Strategic
Communication. Also, during this course, the
Risk and Crisis Management.
Special attention will be basics of Crisis Communication will be presented
devoted to differentiating in relation to different stakeholders and
Crisis Leadership from recipients of messages - crisis team, national
political, military, expert or leadership, expert public, media, and the general
leadership in organizations, public. Additionally, special attention will be
that is, indicating the devoted to prioritizing in communication during
knowledge, skills and
a crisis. One of the very important topics that will
abilities necessary for
be addressed is communication through social
networks. This includes a familiarization with
fact-checking and methods and techniques of
timely and valid identification of disinformation,
misinformation and false news in a crisis. By
successfully completing this course, through
examples from domestic and international
practice, candidates will, in addition to acquired
theoretical knowledge, also acquire knowledge
about particularly useful and applicable tools in
Crisis Communication.
22 | ECPD International Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
the most up-to-date literature, institutional and acquire the necessary knowledge in the field of
strategic frameworks, as well as examples from crisis management and crisis communication
domestic and foreign practice (starting from in the case of biological threats and will be
UNISDR, IFRC, UN- Habitat, etc.), candidates practically trained to deal with the challenges
will familiarize themselves with internationally that arise from them.
recognized principles, guidelines and priorities
for action for building and strengthening Disaster 14. Urban Resilience
Resilience at local, national and global levels. In the last two decades, the concept of Resilient
Cities has attracted increasing attention from
13. Contemporary Biological Threats the academic and expert public. Stemmed
from the broader concept of Urban Security
This course aims to familiarize candidates with and in agreement with the UN Sustainable
biological threats as contemporary security Development Goal no. 11 - Sustainable cities and
challenges (epidemics, pandemics, bioterrorism, communities, the concept of Urban Resilience
biological warfare, climate change, etc.). Key is at the center of numerous very important
thematic areas that will be covered during this national and international initiatives and strategic
course are: hybrid wars of the 21st century, documents. This course aims to explore the
history and future of biological warfare, biological basic theoretical and practical implications of
safety and security, pathogenic microorganisms urban security, urban planning and development,
as weapons, as well as major epidemics and as well as resilience at the level of cities, as
pandemics and their potential geopolitical one of the basic units of analysis in modern
implications. In addition, special attention Strategic Risk Management. Apart from several
will be paid to the following issues: abuse of case studies, scenario analysis and examples
science for the development of more dangerous of good practice from different parts of the
biological weapons and methods of their world, candidates will become familiar with the
application (genetic engineering, biotechnology basic mechanisms of preventive and reactive
and nanotechnology), the biological convention action against different types of threats to urban
and other multilateral regimes to control the security through the analysis of some of the
proliferation of biological weapons, doctrinal most important current programs and projects.
approaches and strategies in the case of Finally, special attention will be devoted to
biological threats, as well as the intelligence and understanding the various components of the
security sector in the prevention of biological urban system (social, physical/infrastructural,
threats and risks. By successfully completing this technical- technological, environmental,
course, candidates will, through case studies, etc.), protection facilities (especially Critical
based on real experiences and examples of Infrastructure), as well as various providers of
good practice from the region and the world, urban security and resilience.
European Center for Peace and Development University for Peace est. by the United Nations (ECPD),
Terazije 41, 11000 Belgrade, Phone: +381 11 3246 042, 3246 042, 3246 043, Fax: +381 11 3240 673, +381 11 3234 082,
Strategic Risk and Crisis Management | 25
Career Matters!
We understand that the decision to enroll in 1. Addmission and Induction
an ECPD study program is often linked to a The ECPD offers a week-long Induction
strategic review of a person’s career and a drive Program for all new candidates in October. It
for career progression or career change. For this containssome sessions which are generic, such
reason, the ECPD organizes annual sessions as learning resources, study skills, etc.
where candidates can meet and talk with
potential employers. 2. Providing information
The ECPD works with candidates on a one-to- All candidates receive a copy of the ECPD
one basis, using a structured approach to career Student Handbook and the ECPD program. In
review. This involves reflection on a candidate’s addition, candidates can obtain information, both
career to date and a review of skills, strengths, through their Program and the ECPD Support
personality and values. Net. Information is also provided on the website
Workshops for groups of 10-12 candidates take and by e-mail.
place during the month of September. These
cover themes such as: Planning Your Career; 3. ECPD Support Net
Presenting Yourself Effectively; A CV that Works The ECPD Support Net is the ECPD’s main
for You; Networking Skills; and Preparing for platform in supporting learning. At registration,
Interviews. all candidates are provided with their own portal
Guest speaker events and themed career through which they can access information on
evenings occur throughout the year. their Program, individual modules and by e-mail.
The ECPD believes that academic and personal 5. Academic guidance and support
support contributes to the candidates’ personal
All candidates receive academic guidance and
and professional development. The following
support through their Program Tutor, who has
mechanisms are in place to support this:
the responsibility for explaining the operation of
the Program and giving guidance on progress.
Strategic Risk and Crisis Management | 27
Since 1983