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Master in Advanced European and International Studies

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Master in Advanced ­

European and
­International Studies

Mediterranean Studies

nice tunis istanbul

Institut européen
European Institute
About the programme

The Mediterranean Studies programme of the Master in Advanced ­European

and I­ nternational Studies (MAEIS) is targeted at students who have
­completed their undergraduate studies.

The Master follows an original approach: The MAEIS is an ­international,

i­ nterdisciplinary and itinerant programme which aims to educate the next
generation of ­Euro-Mediterranean decision-makers. ­Following the motto
“Learning and living the Mediterranean", students rotate their place of study
each term, moving from Nice to Tunis and then to Istanbul, ­including a
study trip to Brussels. Small class sizes ­enable students to actively engage
with course material; our professors offer personalised advice as students
conduct research and write their theses.

The MAEIS is a one-year-programme, ­subdivided into three terms. At the end

of the ­academic year, students have the option to do a professional ­internship.

Our partners
■■ Université Centrale, Tunis

■■ Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul

Working languages: English, French 60 or 90 ECTS

Learning and living the Mediterranean

Brussels locations
Study trip



Overview of the academic year

term 1 Starting in Nice, students will be introduced to the insti-

October to tutional architecture of the EU and its neighbourhood
December policy. From Nice, students will do a study trip to Brussels
where they will visit relevant European institutions and
international organisations. The term concludes with a
simulation and workshops in international negotiations,
intercultural communication and EU-decision- making

term 2 Continuing in Tunis, on the campus of our partner Univer-

January to sité Centrale, students will be given a unique experience
March of a historic democratisation process that turned the
nobel-peace-prize-winning country into a role model
throughout the MENA region. An Arab language course
is compulsory for non-Arab speakers.

term 3 In partnership with Istanbul Bilgi University, the pro-

April to gramme concludes in Istanbul with courses tackling the
June dynamics of EU–Turkey relations, including questions of
migration and climate action. Here, students will have the
opportunity to advance with their research work and
­conclude their thesis until June. The programme ends
with the defence and oral exams.

Internship Students are invited to complete an optional internship

option (3 to 6 months) along with a submitted report on their
professional experiences. This can be accomplished
through an international organization, a consultancy,
NGO, research institute or in national diplomacy.

Master in Advanced E­ uropean and

­International Studies

Teaching modules

Conflict Management and Peacemaking The Mediterranean is a case

study par excellence for Peace and Conflict Studies. In the last two decades
alone, Mediterranean societies have been significantly affected by inter-
group ­violence and inter-state conflicts: from the Western Balkans to ­Cyprus,
from Israel to Palestine, from Libya to Syria.

Globalised Economy in the 21st Century This century's globalised economy

is defined by the multiplication of actors: states, transnational corporations,
international institutions, NGOs and mafias are all stakeholders. The rise of
emerging economies since the 1990s has shaken up power relations. The global
economy is dynamic and will continue to allow countries to ­escape poverty,
but it is also a source of deep inequality that gives rise to d
­ iverse fears.

Regional Integration and Transformation The EU has become a role model

of regional integration. How are European institutions and instruments
­functioning, including European Neighbourhood Policy? To what extent do
the Arab League or the Union for the Mediterranean follow a similar logic
of regional integration? And how can we explain the different political transi-
tion processes characterising the Southern Mediterranean countries since
the Arab Spring?

Mediterranean Politics and Societies Many Mediterranean societies face

common issues with respect to migration, gender politics, and the media;
however, they diverge in their responses to these challenges. This policy-­
oriented module proposes solutions to the historical, social and ­cultural
­diversity challenging Mediterranean societies nowadays.

professional skills workshops

Gain the professional skills and competences to work in European
and international organisations! Workshops on:
■■ Project cycle management

■■ Intercultural communication

■■ International mediation and negotiation

■■ Real-time EU policies case study: practical exercises

■■ Drafting of position papers and policy recommendations

■■ Individual career coaching

degree and recognition
Graduates are awarded two certifications:
■■ Master in Advanced European and International Studies:
This is the diploma of CIFE as private institute of higher education,
­certifying the successful completion of the academic curriculum
and granting 60 ECTS or 90 ECTS (with the internship option)
credits at Master level.
■■ The degree qualification Policy Officer in European and Inter­
national ­Organisations is recognised by the French state as ­
a degree at Master level (level 7 EQF)

Career prospects

Graduates of this programme work for European institutions, international

­organisations, non-governmental organisations, national diplomacy,
­con­sul­tancies, research institutes as well as for the private sector. The pro-
gramme equips them with the necessary knowledge, skills and competences
­required on the job market of international and European organisations.
Since its foundation in 1954, over 5000 students from more than 110 countries
have graduated at CIFE. The practice of the European Credit Transfer System
(ECTS) in our programme has been monitored by an official counsellor of
the European Commission.

Professional fields of recent

CIFE graduates
n International and EU Organisations 28,4 %
21,3 %
n Companies and Banks
n National Governments and
n Research and Teaching
n Consultancy and Advocacy
2,4 %
n International Humanitarian Sector/NGOs 4,7 %
n International Media
20,9 %
9,2 %

13,1 %
Tuition and scholarship funds
Tuition fees: 8900 €
The amount covers tuition and mentoring throughout the year, individual
­career coaching, the students’ accommodation in Tunis, the programme-­
related travel expenses, the study trip to Brussels, simulations and profes-
sional skills workshops, participation in conferences etc. A limited number
of s­ cholarships is available for particularly qualified candidates.

Admission requirements
ffA completed first degree (minimum three years
of study at university level)
ffActive knowledge of English and French
As an international and interdisciplinary programme, this Master is open
to candidates of all nationalities and academic backgrounds.
More detailed information can be found online at www.cife.eu.

Application deadline: 15 May of current year

Sarah Dahmani France/Algérie, MAEIS 2015/16
Chargée de mission à l’Autorité des marchés financiers, France
Ce programme offre une expérience unique et une immersion
totale dans la coopération inter­nationale et la dé­cou­verte du
mode de vie méditerranéen. De nombreuses rencontres avec des
acteurs politiques ou membres de la société civile complètent
une formation pertinente qui n’hésite pas à allier cours théoriques et thématiques
actuelles telles que l’immigra­tion ou encore la transition démo­cratique en Tunisie.
Je définirai ce programme comme une opportunité exception­nelle de vivre une
expérience académique mais surtout humaine incomparable !

Leo Liay Italy, MAEIS 2017/18

Assistant Programme Officer, The Asia Foundation, Philippines
This Master not only represents a great opportunity to theo­reti­
cally understand the dynamics characterising the magnificent,
but extremely challenging region of the Mediter­ranean, but also
offers the chance to experience it at first hand. Studying in Nice,
Tunis and Rome offered a more holistic perspective of the similarities and differ­ences
between Mediterranean societies. Moreover, the curriculum’s workshops went to
strengthen the professional educa­tion of its future policy-makers. Alternating
academic research and remarkable adventures in these countries with a culturally
diverse group of students is definitely the added value of this programme.

Sebastian Franzkowiak Germany, MAEIS 2015/16

Junior Advisor at the German development agency (GIZ) –
G20 Compact with Africa, Germany
Facing unprecedented migration and terrorism, with this
programme, I felt confirmed in my decision to study the
Mediterranean from a cross-country, multi-disciplinary per­
spective. To better under­stand the essence and roots of these complex phenomena,
and crucially to move away from a eurocentred thinking towards a more nuanced
view of our fast changing world. The MAEIS ensures a truly international
experience, also on an inter­personal level: In smaller and larger groups we enjoyed
South African or American Thanksgiving dinners on the French Côte d’Azur and
participated in traditional music events in Tunis. Finally, it certainly helps that CIFE
cares a lot about each student.
For more than 60 years the Centre international
de formation européenne has been promoting
the values of Europe, European integration and
governance, multi­lingualism and student mobility
through its European and international higher
© Chris Weiner

education programmes. As CIFE President I am

pleased to be able to contribute to the next stage
in the development of this academic institution.

Herman Van Rompuy

President Emeritus of the European Council
Belgian Minister of State
President of CIFE

Centre international de formation européenne
CIFE is a private insti­­tution of higher education and research, founded
in 1954 with its main office in Nice and offices in Berlin, Brussels and
Istanbul. It receives special funding in the framework of the Jean Monnet
Programme of the European Union. For over 60 years, we have been
Layout: www.sigridhecker.de
un­stinting ­advo­cates of European integration through our international
and inter­­disciplinary study programmes.
Jean-Claude Juncker is Honorary President of CIFE.

For information and application
Ms Raluca Avram
81 rue de France ı F-06000 Nice
+33 4 93 97 93 89

With the support of the

Erasmus+ Programme
This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of CIFE, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any
use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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