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Maters in Europe

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International Masters and Postgraduate Studies at Ghent University


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Introduction Glossary FACULTY OF ARTS AND PHILOSOPHY Master of American Studies Master of Advanced Studies in Linguistics Postgraduate Studies in Logic, History and Philosophy of Science FACULTY OF LAW Master of Advanced Studies in European Law European Master in Law and Economics FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Master of Banking and Finance Master of Marketing Analysis FACULTY OF SCIENCE Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation Master of Nematology European Master of Science in Nematology Master of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Master of Biology Master of Chemistry Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management Master of Geology Master of Statistical Data Analysis Master of Space Studies Postgraduate Studies in Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology Postgraduate Studies in Weather and Climate Modeling FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Master of Photonics Science and Engineering Master of Science in Photonics European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering Postgraduate Studies in Fire Safety Engineering Master of Biomedical Engineering International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering Master of Textile Engineering Master of Nuclear Engineering FACULTY OF BIOSCIENCE ENGINEERING Master of Science of Nutrition and Rural development International Master of Science in Rural Development Master of Science of Aquaculture Master of Science of Food Technology Master of Science of Environmental Sanitation Master of Science of Physical Land Resources Master of Science of Technology for Integrated Water Management International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering

Information in this brochure has been updated in November 2010

This brochure presents a compilation of the International Masters and the English postgraduate studies of Ghent University (Belgium). Information is provided on the objectives and the content of each international programme as well as details regarding the entrance requirements, the place of lectures, useful addresses, tuition fees, etc. The tuition fee mentioned with each master may vary slightly from year to year. Besides these programmes, there are also a limited number of English courses available within the framework of continuing education (see online course catalogue, classified per faculty).

Most masters have their own website with specific information (the address can be found with
each master in this brochure).

Information on the content of the programmes can be found in the online course catalogue
of Ghent University (www.UGent.be > English > ... for degree students > quick link: course catalogue).

Attention: In the course catalogue all study programmes have been translated into English on behalf of international students and researchers. However, this does not mean that the language of instruction is automatically English as well; it is either Dutch or English. The courses mentioned in this brochure are entirely taught in English or are available Englishtaught tracks of Dutch courses.

More information
Ghent University International Admissions Desk Office for Student Administration and Study Programmes Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33 (Ufo), B-9000 Gent - Belgium T +32 (0)9 331 00 99 - f +32 (0)9 331 01 46 internationalstudents@UGent.be www.UGent.be/admission

Low Countries Studies

Low Countries Studies is a programme for exchange students and other foreign students and researchers who are already studying or working as a researcher at Ghent University and who want to learn more about Flanders, Belgium and the Netherlands. The students are given a broad overview of various aspects of Flemish society and everyday customs in Flanders. More information: www.lowcountries.UGent.be/

Academic bachelor degrees
Bachelor programmes comprise 180 ECTS credits (3 years). Successful students are awarded the degree of bachelor.

Academic master degrees

comprise either 60 ECTS credits (1 year), 120 ECTS credits (2 years), 180 ECTS credits (3 years) or 240 credits (4 years). Master programmes build further on the knowledge acquired during the appropriate bachelor degree, bringing the student to an advanced level of knowledge and competences in a specific field of study. The programme is concluded by a masters dissertation: an important part of the assessment. Successful students are awarded the degree of master.

Advanced master degrees

comprise 60 ECTS credits (1 year) and provide high standard specialization opportunities for holders of a particular master degree. They aim at deepening the knowledge and/or competences in a certain field of study. These programmes are open to students who hold a master degree or a four year bachelor degree; a preparatory course may be required. The programme is concluded by a masters dissertation; an important part of the assessment. Successful students are awarded the degree of master.

Postgraduate studies
Postgraduate studies are study programmes of minimum 20 ECTS credits. They constitute study and learning paths intended to enable students to explore the competences acquired upon completion of a bachelors or masters study, in greater depth and scope, as part of their further professional training. Successful students are awarded a postgraduate certificate, in some cases conferring a legally recognized professional qualification.

Erasmus Mundus
Erasmus Mundus Master Courses are high-quality course programmes at Master level, which were selected for funding by the European Commission. Each course programme is offered by a consortium of universities which are situated in different European countries. Students of an Erasmus Mundus Master Course study in at least two of these countries. After successfully completing the programme students are awarded a recognized double, multiple or joint diploma.

International Course Programme - ICP

Master programme organised by Ghent University and the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIRUOS). All programmes take up two academic years and lead to an MSc. degree. These courses focus on specific problems of developing countries.

Credits are based on ECTS-principles. At Ghent University 60 credits constitute a fulltime programme of approximately one academic year. One credit equals 25 (max. 30) hours of education, study and assessment activities.

Master of American Studies

Organised jointly by Ghent University, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, University of Antwerp and Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Master of American Studies


Course content
Perhaps the most important international relationship of the 21st century is being forged today between the European Union and the United States. On every major issue, from economics over defence planning to social policy, the agreements and the differences between Europe and the U.S. are felt not just on these two continents, but around the world. Increasingly, policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic are finding that a keen understanding of history, the values and the social context of the other are essential requirements to successful discussion, negotiation and joint undertakings in culture, business and government between Europe and America. The Master in American Studies offers complete and up-to-date information on the United States. By offering a diverse range of courses, the MA program seeks to present a balanced picture that allows you to reach a more encompassing, in-depth understanding of the country and its culture. With a total of 8 courses, ranging from law and economics to history, politics and various expressions of culture, in addition to a final thesis, this full-time program allows students both to develop an overview and to zoom in on specific topics.

Career perspectives
The MA in American Studies is tailored to everyone who stands to profit from a better understanding of the USA for their future careers, whether as a journalist, interpreter, diplomat, academic or employee of an American company. Students with a special interest in the States but without any professional ambitions in this direction are of course also cordially invited.


For non-Flemish degrees: Students can apply if they have a degree that is granted after a minimum program of four years of full-time study (equivalence assessment at the discretion of the program director). For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

practical information Application deadline

Applications for holders of non-Flemish degrees are threefold: fill in the online application form on: www.kbr.be/cas/AmericanStudies/ma_program.html send the required documents conform the administrative procedure for international students of the coordinating university (University of Antwerp), before the application deadline mentioned on www.ua.ac.be/en take the on-site interview and writing test (if you reside within Belgium, appointments via the program administrator).

Candidates have to pass an initial English test (TOEFL or IELTS) as well as an oral and written proficiency test that is organized in-house. The necessary minimum score is 600 on the paper-based/institutional TOEFL test; 250 on the external computer-based TOEFL test; 95 on the TOEFL iBT; or 7.5 on the IELTS. An in-house TOEFL test (followed by the oral and written proficiency test) will be held at the Center for American Studies in Brussels. Earlier TOEFL or IELTS results may be used, but the on-site interview and writing test remain compulsory. Off-site interviews and writing tests can only lead to a provisional acceptance into the program and need to be validated through an on-site interview and writing test upon arrival in Belgium. If the latter are deemed insufficient the student may still be refused entry into the program. The following students are exempted from this obligation: Belgian students who hold a degree in Germanic Languages and Literatures including English; Belgian students who hold a degree in translation or interpreting including English; Native speakers of English. Further exemptions at the discretion of the program director.

Enrolling institution
Only after receipt of a letter of acceptance students can be enrolled at University of Antwerp.

Tuition fee
Min 750 (for EEA students) and max 2,000 (no extra costs other than course materials)

Course structure
The four organising universities (Antwerp, Ghent, Louvain and Brussels) collaborate to offer courses that are unique to the program. The Master consists of eight courses (four per semester), half of which are situated in the field of American Culture. The topics of these cultural courses may vary from one year to the next. In addition, all students take the following four core courses: The Contemporary American Economy; American Law and the American Legal System; American Political Institutions; American History. In addition to meeting the eight specific course requirements students also write a final research paper on a topic of their choice within the subject area of the program.

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarships other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Start/end of the programme

One year programme Start academic year: last week of September

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, a theoretical reflection and an original analysis of the topic. The master dissertation will consist of 10,000 12,000 words and is worth a third of the marks of the whole degree.

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Arts and Philosophy - English Department Prof. Gert Buelens Rozier 44, 9000 Gent - T + 32 (0)9 264 37 00 Gert.Buelens@UGent.be University of Antwerp Department of Literature Prof. dr. Bart Eeckhout (program director) Prinsstraat 13, room D.139, 2000 Antwerp T + 32 (0)3 220 43 29 - Bart.Eeckhout@ua.ac.be Center for American Studies Royal Library Ms. Myriam Lodeweyckx Keizerslaan 4 (Boulevard de lEmpereur), 1000 Brussels - T + 32 (0)2 519 55 23 - cas@kbr.be Information about program and online application: www.kbr.be/cas/AmericanStudies/ma_program.html


The Contemporary American Economy American Law and the American Legal System New York City in Fiction, 1975-2000 American History through European National Stereotypes American Political Institutions Representations of JFK Film Noir: a Hollywood Genre in its Social Context The American Way of Religion

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5



Master of Advanced Studies in Linguistics

Main subjects: Linguistics in a Comparative Perspective Cognitive and Functional Linguistics Interdisciplinary Linguistics Multilingual and Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Organised jointly by Ghent University, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, University of Antwerp and Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Master of Advanced Studies in Linguistics

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

Course content
The Master of Advanced Studies in Linguistics is a one-year interuniversity programme aimed at students who have already acquired a good background in linguistics or language-related fields of study. The participating Flemish institutions are Ghent University, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, University of Antwerp and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a critical bibliography review part, a theoretical reflection and an original analysis of the topic.

Students who have a Master in Linguistics or in Linguistics and Literature or equivalent and who have successfully submitted a master dissertation on a linguistic topic. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Enrolling institution
Students enroll at the university of their choice, in keeping with their preferred area of specialization. It is possible to follow courses from the other participating universities since there is a close co-operation between the different universities.

Course structure
Students choose four courses (of 6 credits each): one or two from the set of general courses; two or three specialization courses (with at least two from one specific area of specialization, which will also be the area of the master dissertation and of the intensive course work and/or apprenticeship in the 2nd semester). If only one general course is taken, a third specialization course may be chosen from the set listed for a different area of specialization, provided that there is a clear link and the local coordinator at the university of enrollment agrees. Linguistics in a Comparative Perspective Ghent University Cognitive and Functional Analysis Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Interdisciplinary Linguistics University of Antwerp Multilingual and Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Vrije Universiteit Brussel Students may enroll at the university of their choice, in keeping with their preferred area of specialization. It is possible to follow courses from the other participating universities since there is a close co-operation between the different universities.

At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); Certificate Practical English 5, Upper-Intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT; Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

Career perspectives
This masters programme is not labour market oriented; it is an excellent preparation for students who want to start a research project (PhD) in the field of linguistics.

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Arts and Philosophy English Department Prof. Mieke Van Herreweghe Rozier 44, 9000 Gent - T + 32 (0)9 264 37 90 Mieke.VanHerreweghe@UGent.be Students Administration Arlet Renneboog Arlet.Renneboog@UGent.be

Start/end of the programme

One year programme. Start academic year: last week of September.

Master of Advanced Studies in Linguistics


Postgraduate Studies in Logic, History and Philosophy of Science

Course content
The curriculum is meant for masters in philosophy as well as for masters in a specific science. To philosophers it offers an advanced technical schooling in the three disciplines mentioned in the title as well as in the application of these techniques to scientific disciplines - these form the necessary basis for reflection. For other masters, the curriculum mainly aims at teaching them to apply the rather technical insights of the three meta-disciplines to their own discipline. So, as far as non-philosophers are concerned, the curriculum does not only aspire to form people who are able to do research in logic, history of science, and philosophy of science, relying on their previously obtained disciplinary training. It also seeks to form scientists who, thanks to a thorough training in the three meta-disciplines, perform better as scientists because they are able to locate presuppositions and to coin variants for them. In the general courses, insights and techniques from logic, history of science, and philosophy of science are introduced in a systematic way. In the optional courses, these techniques are concretely applied to specific reading material and specific research tasks. C category, which makes it possible to assign to each student specific tasks that depend on the students earlier training and current aims. This also makes it possible to impose on the students the high demands made necessary by the intensive training that the curriculum aspires to offer.

Computational Tools for Linguistics Corpus Linguistics Language Data and Linguistic Objects Linguistics and Neurosciences Linguistic Typology Psycholinguistic Methods and Language Acquisition Theory and Praxis of Discourse Analysis Theory Formation in Synchronic and Diachronic Linguistics

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

>> Dissertation
The dissertation (18 ECTS, 50 to 70 pages) comes to the equivalent of two publishable papers the aim is actually to arrive at published papers. The structure of the curriculum allows for a good preparation of the (limited number of) students to the dissertation.



Linguistics in a Comparative Perspective (UGent)

Diachronic Comparative Linguistics Language Variation and Change Contrastive Linguistics: Syntax and Lexicon Contrastive Linguistics: Semantics and Pragmatics 6 6 6 6

Cognitive and Functional Linguistics (K.U.Leuven)

Comparison of Cognitive and Functional Theories, and their Position in the History of Modern Linguistics Grammar: Theory and Description Text Linguistics Lexical Semantics Usage-based Approaches to Language Change 6 6 6 6 6

Course structure
In the first semester, the students select three of the four packages that are offered (totalling up to 18 ECTS): logic, history of science, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of science. In these courses, the basis of these disciplines is studied at an advanced level. The optional courses (24 ECTS), followed during the second semester, rely on those courses. The optional courses aim at an in-depth exploration, in agreement with the contemporary international state of the art, of certain topics for which competent teachers are available. The fact that the students select three packages during the first semester enables them to combine the distinct viewpoints in performing the tasks required for the optional courses. Half of the study load is assigned to the Contact Ghent University Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Department of Philosophy and Moral Science Prof. dr. Erik Weber Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent Erik.Weber@UGent.be http://logica.UGent.be/centrum/postgrad.html Candidates should contact prof. dr. E. Weber.

Interdisciplinary Linguistics (UA)

Cognitive Artificial Intelligence Automatic Text Understanding Linguistic Theories and Artificial Intelligence 6 6 6

Multilingual and Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (VUB)

Approaches to Language Teaching and Learning for Multilingual Education Applied Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching Language Contact and Language Planning 6 6 6


Intensive course and/or apprenticeship

12 24


Postgraduate Studies in Logic, History and Philosophy of Science

60 ECTS CREDITS w FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME w LANGUAGE: ENGLISH w DEGREE: certificate of postgraduate studies
For non-Flemish degrees: A diploma of master is required. All candidates are expected to have an excellent motivation and a broad interest for methodological problems. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this postgraduate study can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Master of Advanced Studies in European Law

Course content
The Master of Advanced Studies in European Law is dedicated to the legal environment of the European Union. That environment consists of EU-law as such, but also of international law and of member state law. Through a combination of these fields, the programme offers a unique in-depth study that encompasses relevant branches of contemporary law, within the context of the EU. As far as member state law is concerned, emphasis is put on a comparative approach that fathoms for common characteristics and possible harmonisation. The LLM-programme's mission is to provide each student the opportunity to pursue, in his or her field of preference, both introductory and advanced studies of the law in the European Union. With an ever expanding and further integrating European Union, and in an ever more global legal environment, it offers an additional law degree that is instrumental for today's lawyers around the world. The Ghent Law School is a European 'Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence' recognized for its expertise and resources in European Union Law.

Career perspectives
The programme enables the student to greatly enhance his or her chances when applying for an international legal job.

practical information Application deadline

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); Certificate Practical English 5, Upper-Intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT; Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

Tuition fee

General information about organizations awarding scholarships : www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Start/end of the programme

One year programme Start academic year: last week of September.

Course structure
study programme

(to be chosen from the following list)

6 3 3 6 6

Thorough Survey of Logic Thorough Survey of the Scientific Methodology Thorough Survey of the Philosophy of Physics Thorough Survey of the Philosophy of Mathematics History of Science: Conceptions, Methods and Problems

Students need to obtain 60 credits, over a period of two semesters. There is great flexibility in shaping ones own curriculum. Only 9 credits cover compulsory courses, all of which are supporting courses,dealing mainly with various skills for lawyers. Students are also required to write a 15 credit LLM-paper in connection with one of their classes. The bulk of the credits is filled with elective courses on a variety of topics from the following fields: European Law, Private Law in Europe, Economic and Social Law, Environmental Law, Transport Law, Public International Law, Criminal Law and Criminology. Students can choose from approximately forty different courses, all of which are exclusively taught in English. Teaching is generally done interactively, requiring advanced reading and class participation. The programme typically hosts several internationally reputed guest professors. Organised social activities are an important part of the LLM-experience, and not all are extracurricular. Curricular activities include guided visits to important EU and international institutions, and participation in several colloquia.

Adaptive Logics applied to the Philosophy of Science Logic and Artificial Intelligence Formal Languages - From Theory to Practice Three-Valued Logics for Software Specification Fuzzy Sets and Approximate Reasoning Contextual Approaches to Epistemology Historical and Contemporary Theories of Vision: Perspectives and Perception Scientific Explanation Cultural Context of Knowledge: Perspective from the Philosophy of Science Foundations of Science from a Political and Societal Perspective Finitistic Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics Scientific Discovery and Creativity History and Philosophy of Biology Historical Applications of Contemporary Philosophy of Science From Copernicus to Newton: Problems from the First Scientific Revolution Science in its Historical Context (Middle Ages and Early Modern Period)

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Law Department of Social Law Director: Prof. dr. Marc De Vos Universiteitstraat 4, 9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 68 45 marc.devos@UGent.be Department of Economic Law Adjunct Director: Prof. dr. Hans De Wulf T +32 (0)9 264 68 26 hans.dewulf@UGent.be International Relations Officer Veronique Christophe T +32 (0)9 264 67 76 veronique.christophe@UGent.be www.law.UGent.be/llm/

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor.





Master of Advanced Studies in European Law

Students are eligible for admission if they fulfil the following admission criteria: To have a law degree, i.e. the degree that - in its country of origin - is required for the exercise of the legal professions. Students who are graduating may apply and can be conditionally admitted, subject to the successful completion of their degree. Exceptionally, after an examination of their curriculum and in view of their acquired competences, candidates may be admitted who do not have a law degree. In such case, the admission may be made subject to limitations with respect to the courses to be followed. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Master of Advanced Studies in European Law


practical information Application deadline

The original application form accompanied by the required documents should reach the Ghent Law Faculty before May 1 of the year preceding the academic year you are applying for. Early applications are recommended and will be decided upon in February and March. Applications received after May 1 will only be considered if the number of students admitted previously permits additional students. Applicants must be aware of the limited number of places available and should ensure ample time for visa requirements and other preparations.

Skills for Lawyers European Law: the Basics Seminar: Foreign Chair

3 3 3

ELECTIVE COURSES > Core elective courses

(min. 30 credits to be chosen from the following list)

4 4 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 6 3

Enrolling institution
Ghent University www.law.UGent.be/llm/

See also: www.law.UGent.be/llm/ At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); Certificate Practical English 5, Upper-Intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT; Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

Tuition fee
4234,30 (+ personal costs e.g. study visits to European/international organisations).

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarships other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

EU Enlargement and Proximity Relations EU Trade Policy European Union Competition Law European Union Internal Market European Union Institutional Law European Union Judicial Protection Law European Union External Relations EU External Relations: Selected Topics European Constitutional Law: Case Studies EU Social Law and International Employment Law European Labour and Employment Law European Banking and Capital Markets Law International Commercial Transactions EU Justice and Home Affairs The Law of European Mergers and Acquisitions European Company Law and Corporate Governance Human Rights European Contract Law European and International Environmental Law Contemporary Issues in European and Comparative Law

> Other elective courses

(max. 8 credits to be chosen from the following list)

Start/end of the programme

One year programme. Start academic year: last week of September.

International Commercial Arbitration European Media Law Transport Law Maritime Transport Law Transport Insurance Law Law of the Sea European and International Biodiversity Law Contemporary Issues of Public International Law European Criminal Policy Selected Issues: Organised Crime

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4





European Master in Law and Economics

Erasmus Mundus Master Programme jointly offered by Ghent University and partners

European Master in Law and Economics

Preference will be given to applicants who already have a first master degree. The minimum requirement for admission is a bachelor degree, provided that this degree leads to employability in the relevant labour market. In particular with respect to the legal profession, stricter job qualifying criteria (first master degree) may be required by national regulations. Applicants with a bachelor degree only need to provide proof that this degree is an appropriate level of qualification for the labour market in their home country. Besides graduates in Law or Economics, applicants with a first degree in business administration or in social sciences may also apply under the condition that the completed study programme includes a substantial number of courses in law and/or economics. The above requirement with respect to employability in the labour market equally applies. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

organising institutes
The joint programme of European master in Law and Economics is offered by the following universities: Aix-en-Provence (France); Bologna (Italy); Ghent (Belgium); Haifa (Israel); Hamburg (Germany); Manchester (United Kingdom); Rotterdam (The Netherlands); Vienna (Austria). In addition, there are bilateral exchange agreements between the Universities of Hamburg and the George Mason University School of Law in Arlington, Virginia on the one hand, and the University of Rotterdam and the University of California at Berkeley on the other hand. The references to law in the courses will be of a comparative kind, due to the all-European character of the programme and the international composition of the audience.

practical information Application deadline European Students and Third Country Students have a different application procedure and dead lines. More information can be found on the website or can be obtained by sending an e-mail:
for European students please send an e-mail to applicationeurope@emle.org for Third Country Students, please send an e-mail to applicationthirdcountry@emle.org

Student mobility
The programme covers one academic year, for which successful students will receive 60 ECTS points. The academic year is divided into three terms. The unique international and interdisciplinary character of the EMLE Programme is secured through an intensive co-operation between lawyers and economists at no less than seven European Universities and three non-European partners. Students may study at up to three different universities but cannot spend all terms in the same location. In the first term courses will be offered at the Universities of Rotterdam, Hamburg and Bologna. In the second term students will study at the Universities of Ghent, Hamburg or Bologna. In the third term courses are offered in Aix-en-Provence, Bologna, Haifa, Hamburg, Manchester, Rotterdam and Vienna. Bilateral exchange agreements exist between the University of Hamburg and the George Mason University School of Law in Arlington, Virginia (1st term), as well as between the University of Rotterdam and the University of California at Berkeley (3rd term).

Course content
This programme offers the unique opportunity for interdisciplinary studies of law and economics. It provides students with an advanced understanding of the economic effects of divergent laws. For law students knowledge of the specific regulations of their home country is too narrow a base for counseling firms that are active in interstate trade. Additionally, knowledge of the economic effects of legal rules has become indispensable for understanding their clients' commercial needs. Similarly, economics students will profit from an accurate understanding of the institutional legal framework of market economies. Hence, for both lawyers and economists, knowledge of the other discipline and international contacts are crucial for a successful future career. Borders in Europe are becoming less and less meaningful. For law studies, internationalisation creates a specific problem. The legal systems in the different European countries became increasingly divergent due to the increasing importance of specific regulations regarding areas such as social security, industrial policy, protection of the environment, equal treatment of minority groups etc. The economic analysis of law, often briefly called 'law and econo mics', is certainly a good candidate as a standard for relevant comparison of law. Economics should be able to develop thoroughgoing and systematic insights into law, on the explanatory as well as on the normative level. The Master in Law and Economics allow students to compare the legal institutions of their country and to evaluate them on the basis of a solid analytical framework in the hope for a new European 'ius commune' in which insights of Law and Economics are to play an important role.

www.emle.org Enrolling institution

The registrating institution is different for European Students or Third Country Students. Please check the website for more details.

Tuition fee
European students: 4,500 Non-European students: 8,500

See also: www.emle.org At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or van 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the UCT confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); certificate of practical English 5, Upper-intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT (University Language Centre). Under no circumstances will a student be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above.

for non-EU students: Erasmus Mundus grants for EU-students: a limited number of tuition grants

Start/end of the programme

Starts with the beginning of the academic year (depending on entry institute).

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a critical bibliography review part, a theoretical reflection and an original analysis of the topic.


> First term: Bologna, Hamburg, Rotterdam > Second term: Bologna, Ghent, Hamburg
(16 credits to be chosen from the following list UGent)


Career perspectives
Law and economy interact in many ways. Private law assists individuals and groups willing to enter into agreements in a free market. Public law seeks to correct the outcomes of a free market system by means of economic and social regulation. Economists should be informed about the legal environment in which economic activities must be conducted. Lawyers should be aware of the economic effects of current legal rules and the expected outcome under a different legal regime. The master programme prepares students for a professional career, for example, in public organisations, in multinational law firms or consultancy firms. Graduates are also well prepared for doctorate research in a PhD programme.

The following students are exempted from the language requirement:

holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community;

students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

Methodology and Selected Topics Economic Analysis of Environmental Law Economic Analysis of Property Law Economic Analysis of Contract Law
(4 credits to be chosen from the following list)

3 4 5 4 4 4

Philosophy of Law and Economics Corporate Law & Economics > Third term: Aix-en-Marseille, Bologna, Haifa, Hamburg, Manchester, Rotterdam, Vienna

Course structure
The study programme comprises three kinds of courses. In order to make law students more familiar with basic economic reasoning, some courses are more economic in orientation. Some courses deal with comparative law in order to internationalise the legal background of the students. Most courses deal directly with the economic analysis of the most important branches of private, public, international and European law.

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Law Department of Jurisdiction and History of Law Universiteitstraat 4, 9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 68 07 Secretary: Nancy Van Nuffel (nancy.vannuffel@UGent.be) www.emle.org




Master of Banking and Finance

Course content
The goal of this Master of Banking and Finance is to form experts who are able to perform analyses of financial problems and developments within a sound theoretical and quantitative framework. The MBF-programme should enable them to apply state-of-the-art techniques to problems in banks or other financial intermediaries and to formulate and implement innovative solutions. Working in the financial sector is becoming much more demanding, but also very exciting. The deregulation of financial markets has opened many opportunities for financial service companies, investors, borrowers, as well as for the government. The financial sector needs economists with a thorough micro- and macrofinancial training and who have mastered quantitative management techniques for modern financial services companies. Young people with this focus will be the leading executives of the future.

Master of Banking and Finance

For non-Flemish degrees: Foreign students can apply if they have a four-year bachelor degree. Admission is dependent on the study results of the student and the subjects taken. The target group consists of masters in economics, applied economics, commercial engineer with sufficient initial education in financial economics, investment analysis and econometrics. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue. Flemish students should already have an initial Flemish master degree.

Career perspectives
The Master programme is intended for economists with a background in finance and who feel the need for a serious in-depth training in finance and banking. Students graduating from this programme will probably feel at ease in functions or departments such as: investment analysis risk management units of financial and corporate organisations asset and liability management units of financial intermediaries pension funds, hedge funds study department of a central bank or government agency financial consulting firms, rating agencies supervisory bodies for financial markets and institutions university or research departments

practical information Application deadline

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of February for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

At enrolment for this English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 560-676 (paper-based), or 110-119 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a score of 6.5 or 7.0 or higher; a certificate awarded by the UCT (University Language Centre) confirming proficiency in English (CEF-level C1); certificate of Practical English 6, Advanced Academic English, awarded by the UCT; certificate C1 of an university language centre. Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarships other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Course structure
Thorough understanding of the complex relationships and dynamics of financial markets and institutions requires insight in many disciplines. Knowledge about the organisation of financial markets and the mechanics of the assets traded is not sufficient, if it is not supplemented by awareness of macroeconomic and monetary concepts. Moreover, the quantitative nature of finance also requires a sound command of econometrics and data processing skills. It is precisely the need of the financial community for people who are able to combine these economic, financial and quantitative skills that led the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Ghent University to organise advanced studies in Banking and Finance. This Master programme draws heavily upon the expertise of the young team of teachers and researchers from the Department of Financial Economics. This department groups subfields such as monetary economics, banking, microeconomics of financial markets, investment analysis, financial econometrics, and risk management.

Start/end of the programme

One year programme. Start academic year: last week of September.


Management of Financial Institutions Advanced Investment Analysis Economics of Financial Markets Financial Risk Management Financial Econometrics Strategy and Organisation of Financial Institutions Governance in Financial Institutions Topics in Empirical Research in Finance International Banking and Financial Markets

6 6 5 6 4 3 4 3 3

>> Master dissertation

During the last two months of the academic year (May and June) students will be given the opportunity to work in small teams on their thesis in a financial institution. This will allow them to demonstrate their capacity to analyse real-world situations in a scientifically accurate way using the modelling techniques covered in the Master courses. Often, they will be required to offer solutions to actual problems and to assess potential policy implications of such solutions. The thesis subjects are usually suggested by financial institutions or other companies. A team consisting of faculty members and employees of the company will supervise the students while working on the thesis. The findings will be presented by the end of June to the supervising team.

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Department of Financial Economics Woodrow Wilsonplein 5D, 9000 Gent Programme Director: Prof. Rudi Vander Vennet Programme Co-ordinator: Nathalie Verhaeghe T +32 (0)9 264 89 84 nathalie.verhaeghe@UGent.be mbf@UGent.be www.feb.ugent.be/fineco/mbf/

Topics in Advanced Corporate Finance Monetary Economics

3 3





Master of Marketing Analysis

Course content
The goal of this programme is to create specialists in the domain of marketing analysis to support business marketing strategy and marketing decisions of the firm. The programme addresses the needs of companies for bettereducated staff with strong skills in the domain of analytical customer relationship management and marketing analytics. Thanks to information technology and the availability of market data both at the demand side (customer information, e.g. scanning data ) and supply side (internal information about marketing actions, competitors ...), marketing as a discipline has evolved from a relatively qualitative to a more quantitative discipline. As a result, there is a strong need in the marketplace for people able to: control and cope with the huge amount of available data; generate and use models to translate these raw data into useful marketing information. These people will be the interface between company management (e.g. product manager, marketing manager) and the suppliers of marketing data within the organisation. Currently, marketing departments are not facing the problem how to obtain marketing data, but rather how to transform these massive amounts of data into useful marketing information and systems. The focus of the programme is on analytical customer relationship management. We train students in the theoretical underpinnings but the main focus is on the practical skills of managing customer databases: acquisition (identifying and attracting new customers); cross/up-selling (profitable usage stimulation); retention (identifying customers who intend attrive/churn and trying to keep profitable customers; recapturing lost customers.

Master of Marketing Analysis


Course structure
There are three mandatory courses in the first semester. Besides this, the students choose three out of the four available optional courses. From January on, the number of courses decreases significantly, enabling participants to fully concentrate on the project. Visit our blog for more up-to-date detailed information (www.mma.UGent.be, click on the link to our blog) or alternatively visit http://mmacrm.wordpress.com.


The target group consists of students with strong analytical skills with an interest in marketing business problems with prior knowledge in statistics and market(ing) research. Prior knowledge of (or strong interest in) computer programming is a plus. Foreign students can apply if they have a four-year bachelor degree. Admission is dependent on the study results of the student and the subjects taken. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue. Flemish students should already have an initial Flemish master degree.

practical information Application deadline

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of February for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation of the Master of Marketing Analysis consists of a real-life project for a company dealing with a specific marketing issue. A list of previous projects can be obtained from: www.mma.UGent.be/Projects.htm

At enrolment for this English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 560-676 (paper-based), or 110-119 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a score of 6.5 or 7.0 or higher; a certificate awarded by the UCT (University Language Centre) confirming proficiency in English (CEF-level C1); certificate of Practical English 6, Advanced Academic English, awarded by the UCT; certificate C1 of an university language centre. Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English..

Career perspectives
The choice of engaging in a specific Advanced Master programme is, even more than a Master programme, related to the question: Which job(s) will I be trained for?. Fortunately, there is a broad variety of jobs for which students are trained. About equal proportions of MMA, graduates are currently working in different aspects of the Marketing discipline, although the majority of functions are clearly analytical in nature. In order to offer potential students more insights into the variety of functions, companies, industries, and even countries where MMA-graduates are already present, some former students were very willing to share their experiences in this programme with - possibly - their future colleagues Their testimonials can be found at www.mma.UGent.be/mma.pdf (see middle section).

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarships other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Start/end of the programme

One year programme. Start academic year: last week of September.


Advanced Topics in Marketing Marketing Information Systems - Database Marketing Analytical Customer Relationship Management

5 5 8

Marketing Models and Marketing Engineering Advanced Methods of Market Research I Advanced Methods of Market Research II Strategic Brand Communications

7 7 7 7

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Department of Marketing Programme Director: Prof. dr. Dirk Van den Poel Tweekerkenstraat 2 9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 89 80 dirk.vandenpoel@UGent.be mma@UGent.be www.mma.UGent.be





Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation

Erasmus Mundus Master Programme jointly offered by Ghent University and partners

Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation

Career perspectives
The EU-Marine Strategy provides an integrated framework for analyzing relevant community policies contributions to the protection of and the impact on the marine environment. This EU-Strategy is the basis for the national European authorities and policies at the one hand and is the basis for debate at the global scale regarding policies for Nature protection and Conservation in general. The EMBC Masters will be well trained to operate immediately within these policy environments. Most of them will use this Master as a basis for PhD research. Masters and Post-docs specialized in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation can help in the implementation of the strategies for future sustainable use of the natural marine resources taking into account the natural ecological background of the ecosystems. The added value for EMBC Masters will be that they can operate on a global scale since there is no restriction in the programme regarding types of biotopes (going from the coast to the deep sea and from poles to poles).

Course content
Why Marine Biodiversity and Conservation? The marine environment is a precious asset. Oceans and seas provide 99 % of the available living space on the planet, cover 71 % of the earths surface and contain 90 % of the biosphere and consequently a large share of global biological diversity. Marine ecosystems play a key role in climate and weather processes. Indispensable to life itself, the marine environment is also a great contributor to economic prosperity, social well-being and quality of life. However, the marine environment is facing a number of threats including loss or degradation of its biodiversity and changes in its structure, loss of habitats, contamination by dangerous substances and nutrients and impacts of climate change. The EU-Marine Strategy provides an integrated framework for analyzing relevant community policies contributions to the protection of and the impact on the marine environment. In order to obtain these goals, we need to have well-trained people who are able to evaluate, understand and investigate the state of the marine environment, and this at different levels and from different disciplines such as general oceanography, ecology, chemistry, physics, statistics, geology, social sciences, economy, and aquaculture. The ERASMUS MUNDUS MSc programme EMBC is strongly oriented to the fundamental understanding of the structure and function of marine biodiversity, the acquisition of several kinds of tools required for understanding the complexity of biodiversity patterns and processes, and finally to the application of this knowledge for nature conservation and restoration.

course structure
The study programme is running for 2 academic years and is divided in 3 thematic modules: Understanding the structure and function of marine biodiversity (at least 24 ECTS) deals with the fundamental aspects of Oceanography (on a multidisciplinary basis, including physics, chemistry, geology, biology, ecology, biogeography, climate change), the structure and functioning of Marine Biodiversity (from genes to habitats) and with Impact studies. Toolbox for investigating marine biodiversity (at least 20 ECTS) provides an advanced training in Statistics and experimental design, Modelling, Taxonomy, Data and Information Management, Field observations and interpretation and Molecular methods. Conservation and Restoration of marine biodiversity (at least 10 ECTS) deals with the application of the above mentioned theories and methods in order to develop a sustainable use of the marine environment. The EMBC-programme (2 years or 120 ECTS) is complemented with summer schools (6 ECTS) on specialized topics in European Marine Research Stations operating within the EU-Network of Excellence MarBEF. These summer schools are 3-4 weeks activities in the field (marine stations where SCUBA diving, snorkling, and other activities can be performed). In the second year, a research project (Master thesis) of 30 ECTS is scheduled. For the development of personal skills and skills in research project implementation (i.e. transferable skills), at least 10 ECTS are required and may include a training in the basic knowledge of the native language of the country of actual study period, training in scientific communication, research management, and this related to one or more of the topics in the thematic modules. Although the courses will be given in English, native language training will enhance social integration of the students in their host countries Elective courses (from other disciplines or organized within EMBC) can be chosen for 20 ECTS.

Programme mobility
The main difference and advantage of this Erasmus Mundus programme versus the Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management is the mobility and the co-operation between different leading universities. The student will live and learn in at least two European cities and will receive a joint degree MSc programme run by six European universities: Ghent University (Belgium); University of Bremen (Germany); University of the Algarve (Portugal); University of Paris 6 (France); University of Oviedo (Spain); University of Klaipda (Lithuania). There is an obligatory mobility for at least one semester (30 ECTS) to one of the six partner universities. Students will choose in the first year among three universities Ghent, Bremen or Algarve - which are offering in the first semester mainly the basic multidisciplinary courses. For the second semester, each of these universities is organizing more specialized courses and will start with the scientific training in research projects. In the second year, the students move to Paris, Oviedo or Klaipda for the first semester. The second semester of the second year students can move again to the research institutes (including MarBEF institutes) where the thesis work is done.

Contact Universiteit Gent Faculty of Science Prof Dr Magda Vincx Mr. Tim Deprez Krijgslaan 281/S8, 9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 85 29 - embc@UGent.be http://embc.marbef.org

>> Master dissertation

In the second year, a research project (Master thesis) of 30 ECTS is scheduled. The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a masters degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, a theoretical reflection and an original analysis of the topic.



Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation

For non-Flemish degrees: The course is open to students with at least a Bachelor (or Master) degree in biology, ecology, environmental sciences, oceanography, marine sciences, geography, geology, or other equivalent degrees with minimum 180 credits. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation


practical information Application deadline

Non EU-students: January 7 EU-students applying for a grant: January 7 EU-students not applying vor a grant: May 15 http://embc.marbef.org

MODULE 1: Understanding the Structure and Function of Marine Biodiversity (UGent) Biogeochemical Cycles Margin Systems and Extreme Environments Oceanography Specific Topics in Understanding Marine Biodiversity Biodiversity of Aquatic Food Webs: from Algae to Marine Mammals Biodiversity of Marine Micro-Organisms Evolution and Biogeography of Aquatic Organisms Marine Ecology Fisheries Aquaculture Ecology of Coastal Seas MODULE 2: Toolbox for Investigating Marine Biodiversity (UGent) Data and Information Management Practical Taxonomy: Principles and Techniques Taxonomy of Selected Groups Specific Topics in Methodology for Marine Biodiversity Biostatistics: Experimental Design and Multivariate Analysis Ecological Modelling Molecular Techniques and their Application in Evolutionary and Ecological Studies Statistics MODULE 3: Conservation and Restoration of Marine Biodiversity (UGent) Environmental Impact Assessment Specific Topics in Conservation and Restoration of Marine Biodiversity Applied Biodiversity Science: Policy, Management and Conservation MODULE 4: Transferable Skills (UGent) Cultural Module Dutch for Speakers of Other Languages Intermediate Academic English Internship Preparation of Research Proposal Advanced Academic English Basic Academic English Dutch Language and Flemish Culture Upper-intermediate Academic English MODULE 5: Summer Schools


Enrolling institution
Ghent University

4 5 6 3 6 4 3 5 3 3 3

Language See also: http://embc.marbef.org At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following:
a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 570 (paperbased), or 87 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.5; a certificate awarded by the UCT (University Language Centre) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); certificate of Practical English 5, Upper-intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT. Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

Tuition fee
7,000 (annually) for non-EU students 3,000 (annually) for EU-students A reduction of the tuition is possible for students with limited financial means.

Erasmus Mundus grants A limited number of grants offered by the organising institutions (see website)

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme. Start academic year: first week of September.

4 5 6 3 6 6 3 3

3 3 4

3 4 3 5 5 5 3 6 3


20 30



Master of Nematology
majors: nematology applied to agro-ecosystems nematology applied to natural ecosystems nematode systematics (taxonomy, phylogeny, biodiversity) International Course Programme (ICP): Master Programme organised by Ghent University and the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR-UOS)

Master of Nematology
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR INTERNATIONAL DEGREE STUDENTS The Major Nematode Systematics provides the requisite knowledge and skills for identification, classification and phylogeny of free-living and parasitic nematode taxa. The second year of the master programme contains three more compulsory courses, the master thesis and the elective courses.
Applicants must hold a university degree equivalent to at least 3 years of university studies in zoology, botany, agriculture, environmental sciences or a closely related field. Each application file will be screened by the Nematology Education Committee and must be approved by the Faculty and the Rector of UGent. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Course content
Nematodes or roundworms are everywhere. They are among the most harmful organisms of crops, especially in the tropics, but on the other hand they are very promising as natural antagonists that can be used in bio-control programmes against pest insects. Because of their ubiquitous presence, overwhelming densities and diversity (sometimes compared to insects) the free-living nematodes are an ideal tool for biodiversity studies. They are used as bio-indicators of pollution in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. The programme of Master of Nematology is unique in the world and attracts students from all over the world. It deals with fundamental as well as applied aspects of Nematology and concerns all groups of nematodes in all possible environments: natural soils, agricultural soils, aquatic sediments of freshwater, brackish or marine habitats. It fulfils the international needs for training highly qualified nematologists with a multidisciplinary knowledge in the diverse fields of nematology. This English course programme is multidisciplinary in its approach both within the field of biology and agro-engineering.

practical information Application deadline

For students applying for a VLIR-UOS scholarship:1st of February For students who require a visa: 1st of May For students who do not require a visa: before 1st of September www.icp-itp.UGent.be

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of personal research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review, a scientific research often including experiments, analysis and discussion of the results, conclusion, summary and reference list.

At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); Certificate Practical English 5, Upper-Intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT; Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

career perspectives
The Master of Nematology programme prepares the student for a career in very diverse environments. Their work can vary between teaching, research in universities and laboratories and providing advice services to the general public, farmers or governmental policies. The multidisciplinary approach allows nematologists to be active both in the field of biology and agro-engineering, work in sophisticated laboratories (molecular research) as well as in conditions where there is hardly any basic equipment as in some developing countries. Main trumps are: in-depth and broad scientific knowledge, capacity to analyse and solve problems, write research proposals, good communication skills and contacts with national and international nematologists and centres of nematological research and applications.

course structure
Basically, the programme consists of 45 credits for eleven compulsory general courses, 30 credits for the master thesis, 27 credits for the major of the students choice and 18 credits for elective courses. The compulsory general courses provide the basic theoretical and practical information as well as a more in-depth and broader multidisciplinary knowledge of nematology. These courses level the knowledge and skills of the students with diverse background. In the second semester of the first year, the student start with the courses of the major of his/her choice. Each of the majors deals with fundamental and applied aspects of nematology. The Major Nematology applied to Agro-ecosystems enables the student to understand how fundamental knowledge can be translated into solutions for agro-nematological problems and how to identify and use some parasitic taxa in bio-control. The Major Nematology applied to Natural ecosystems provides a balance between ecology and systematics of free-living nematode taxa from three main habitats (marine/estuarine, freshwater and terrestrial). With the knowledge and skills acquired in this major, the student is able to use e.g. nematode community composition data in the assessment of fundamental and applied ecological issues.

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme. Start academic year: last week of September.

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Science Department of Biology Postgraduate International Nematology Course (PINC) Mrs N. Smol Promotor: Prof. M. Moens nic.smol@UGent.be www.pinc.UGent.be



Master of Nematology

Nematode Morphology Nematode Systematics and Molecular Phylogeny General Techniques in Nematology Molecular Techniques in Nematology Data Mining, Processing and Communication General Nematode Biology and Interactions Statistics Nematodes as Model Organisms Biostatistics: Experimental Design Strategies for Research: Project Development and Paper Writing Networking and Seminars

5 5 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 3 5


Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Biotechnology and Use in Biological Control Systematics of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes: Tylenchomorpha Virus-Vector Families Life Cycle Biology of the Principle Groups of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Tropical Plant Nematology Plant Nematode Behaviour and Physiology Molecular Aspects of Plant-Nematode Relationships


3 6 4 4 4 3 3


Systematics of Free-Living Aquatic Nematodes Structural and Functional Biodiversity Ecology of Free-Living Aquatic Nematodes Biomonitoring Systematics of Free-Living Terrestrial Nematodes 7 4 6 4 7

NEMATODE SYSTEMATICS (Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Biodiversity)

Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Taxonomy, Biology, Biocontrol Systematics of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes: Tylenchomorpha Virus-Vector Families Systematics of Free-Living Aquatic Nematodes Systematics of Free-Living Terrestrial Nematodes (Dorylaimia) 3 6 4 7 7

Courses to be chosen from the elective course list or from study programmes of other Belgian universities






European Master of Science in Nematology

Majors: Nematology applied to Agro-ecosystems Nematology applied to Natural ecosystems Erasmus Mundus Master Programme jointly offered by Ghent University and partners

European Master of Science in Nematology

EUMAINE is open to top-level students with a University Bachelor degree (requiring a minimum of 3 year study) in Agricultural sciences, Biology, Bioscience engineering or Environmental sciences. Applicants with another degree but with experience or knowledge in one of these fields may be admitted to the course at the discretion of the EUMAINE Education Board on the basis of academic transcripts, CV and motivation. Proficiency of English is required. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

course content
Nematodes are everywhere. They are among the most harmful organisms of crops, especially in the tropics, but on the other hand they are very promising as natural antagonists that can be used in bio-control programmes against pest insects. Because of their ubiquitous presence, overwhelming densities and diversity (sometimes compared to insects) the free-living nematodes are an ideal tool for biodiversity studies. They are used as bio-indicators of pollution in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. The aim of the course is to train students to become highly qualified nematologists with multidisciplinary knowledge in the diverse fields of Nematology through mobility to different Universities within Europe and with a well-integrated language and cultural experience. The programme deals with fundamental as well as applied aspects of Nematology and concerns different groups of nematodes in all possible environments: natural soils, agricultural soils, aquatic sediments of freshwater, brackish or marine habitats, temperate and tropical regions. The programme offers two major disciplines (majors): Nematology applied to agro-ecosystems Focuses on nematodes important as a pest for crops or as a biological control agent for insects. At the end of the course students are able to identify plant-parasitic and entomopathogenic nematodes and understand: (i) how basic knowledge can be translated into solutions for nematological problems in agriculture or (ii) how nematodes can be used to control pest insects. Nematology applied to natural ecosystems Focuses on the identification and ecology of free-living nematodes from marine/estuarine, freshwater and terrestrial habitats, and on their use as environmental bio-indicators. At the end of the course, students are able to identify free-living nematodes, and to use nematode community composition data in the assessment of fundamental and applied ecological issues.

course structure
First semester (30 credits) The first semester consists of compulsory basic courses providing essential theoretical and practical information as well as a more in-depth and broader multi-disciplinary knowledge of Nematology. Second semester (30 credits) Choice between two majors: Nematology applied to agro-ecosystems Nematology applied to natural ecosystems Elective courses are taken according to the chosen major. Summer course (5 credits) The summer course Networking and Seminars provides the students with a more advanced knowledge on current research in a broad range of Nematology fields and brings them into direct contact with prominent international experts in Nematology. Third semester (25 credits) Elective courses according to the chosen major. Fourth semester (30 credits) In the fourth semester students will undertake a research project as a master dissertation at any of the participating institutes.

practical information Application deadline

EU students: April 15 Non-EU-students: January 1 Students who do not apply for an Erasmus Mundus grant: May 1 www.eumaine.UGent.be

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

Tuition fee
7,500 (annually) for non-EU students 3,000 (annually) for EU-students

Language See also: www.eumaine.UGent.be At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following:
a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the UCT (University Language Centre) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); certificate of Practical English 5, Upper-intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT. Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English. > Specific language requirements: interest in the languages of the partner universities is recommended.

Erasmus Mundus grants for non-European students Erasmus student grants for European students

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme. Start academic year: last week of September.

>> Master dissertation

In the fourth semester students will undertake a research project as a master thesis at any of the participating institutes (30 credits). The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a masters degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review, a scientific research often including experiments, analysis and discussion of the results, conclusion, summary and reference list.

programme mobility
The main difference and advantage of this Erasmus Mundus programme versus the Master of Nematology at Ghent University (see previous page) is the mobility and the co-operation between different leading universities. Students are required to spend at least one semester at a partner university other than Ghent University (partners: Bielefeld, Germany; vora, Portugal; Ghent, Belgium; Jan, Spain; Kiel, Germany; Leuven, Belgium; Wageningen, The Netherlands and the Scottish Crop Research Institute, UK).

Career perspectives
Based upon its multidisciplinary approach, the EUMAINEprogramme prepares the student for a career in diverse environments in the fields of Biology, Bio- and Agro-engineering. They have the excellent background and capacities to fulfil functions in education, fundamental and applied research and governmental institutions at the international job market.

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Science Prof Dr Maurice Moens K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Gent eumaine@UGent.be www.eumaine.UGent.be



European Master of Science in Nematology

Master of Biochemistry and Biotechnology


Course content

Molecular Techniques in Nematology Data Mining, Processing and Communication Nematode Morphology Nematode Systematics and Molecular Phylogeny General Techniques in Nematology General Nematode Biology and Interactions Nematodes as Model Organisms Summer Course: Networking and Seminars

3 3 5 5 5 5 4 5

The master of Biochemistry and Biotechnology offers scientists not only a thorough knowledge of biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, cell biology and physiology but also the ability to use biochemical and biotechnological techniques in a creative and inventive manner on plants, animals or humans. The students are also initiated in the interesting world of bioinformatics. The training in biochemistry and biotechnology also has a social dimension: to apply research and knowledge in favour of humanity and society. This social involvement is reflected in research on the origin and treatment of all kinds of illnesses (such as cancer, chronic inflammation and metabolic diseases), research on the improvement of plants (sustainable food production, production of food with improved nutritional quality, production of bio-fuels) and research on the use of micro-organisms in certain chemical processes (detoxification of contaminants). There is a close interaction between education and research in the biochemistry and biotechnology programme, based on a strong and world-famous research tradition of the three departments involved.

The master programme offers four broadening minors: The minor Research offers the students an extra speciality, chosen from the remaining majors and offers an extra training period (this minor is particularly interesting for English speaking students); The minor Interdisciplinary combination permits to combine a major with a coherent package of courses from a different field (informatics, chemistry, engineering sciences,...); The minor Education offers a part of the secondary teacher training; The minor Economics and Business Administration offers an introduction to different aspects of business life.


Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Taxonomy, Biology, Biocontrol Systematics of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes:Tylenchomorpha Virus-Vector Families Life Cycle Biology of the Principle Groups of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Tropical Plant Nematology Plant Nematode Behaviour and Physiology Molecular Aspects of Plant-Nematode Relationships Quantitative Plant Nematology Sustainable Nematode Management Tropical Agro-Ecosystems Management of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Temperate Nematology Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Biotechnology and Use in Biological Control

3 6 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3

>> Master dissertation

In the second year, a research project (master dissertation) of 30 ECTS is scheduled. The master dissertation is a requirement for every student to obtain a masters degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, practical research and an original analysis of the topic.

Course structure
The master programme of biochemistry and biotechnology offers courses in English and Dutch. It is possible to choose a complete curriculum of English courses. The two-year master programme (120 credits) consists of four modules of 30 ECTS credits each: common general courses (30 ECTS, general, broadening); major course package (30 ECTS, specialising); minor course package (30 ECTS, broadening); master dissertation (30 ECTS, practical training). The master programme offers five specialising majors: Bio-informatics and system biology is based on the recent need for bio-computing and computational biology for the processing of the vast amount of data generated from the biological information flow on different levels (genome, transcriptome, proteome, interactome, signalosome); Biochemistry and structural biology focuses on the determination of protein structures and the study of the functioning of molecular `machines'; Biomedical biotechnology studies the relation between basic cell biological processes and pathological processes (inflammation, cancer, metabolic illnesses) and pays also attention to biomedical applications such as the development of new vaccines and new therapies; Microbial biotechnology studies microbial diversity and functionality and applies the fundamental knowledge of the molecular genetics of micro organisms such as bacteria, yeast, moulds and viruses in a broad variety of biotechnological applications; Plant biotechnology aims at the development of biotechnological applications of plants in agriculture (e.g. disease resistance or drought tolerance), production of bio fuels and the biosynthesis of products with medical applications. The major is supported by a training period (6 ECTS) in the first master and a master test (30 ECTS) in the second semester of the second master.

Career perspectives
A very large number of the current graduates in biochemistry and biotechnology (between 40-60% in the past 5 years), start doctoral studies and most of them graduate successfully. Ghent University has a strong research tradition in the domain of biochemistry and biotechnology, which leads to highly qualified PhDs in an internationally competitive research environment. Later, these doctors find their way to national and international universities, research institutions and a growing number of young biotechnological companies. The use of biochemical and biotechnological methods and production strategies increases in health care, the environmental sector, food industry, the agricultural industry, the chemical industry. This implies that there is and will be a demand for academically educated, but also practically trained biochemists and bio technologists. Given the broad scientific basic education, the combination of chemistry and biology, the practical and researchoriented aspects of the study programme, the biochemist and the biotechnologist are well trained for the jobmarket. The fields of employment are scientific research at universities, research centers, R&D in companies, the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics companies, laboratories for medical analysis, the food industry, fermentation industry, agricultural industry, petrochemical industry, chemical industry, biotechnological companies, companies in environmental technology, public services for water treatment, the environmental sector. Finally, graduates in biochemistry and biotechnology often end up in education, both at the level of the secondary schools (for masters) and at the level of the colleges of higher education (for doctors).


Systematics of Free-Living Aquatic Nematodes Systematics of Free-Living Terrestrial Nematodes Structural and Functional Biodiversity Ecology of Free-Living Aquatic Nematodes Biomonitoring Aquatic Toxicology and Environmental Risk Assessment International Environmental Protection of Oceans and Seas Ecological Modelling 7 6 4 6 4 4 4 4


12 30



Master of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

The course is open to students with at least a Bachelor degree in the field of biochemistry and biotechnology with minimum 180 credits. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Master of Biochemistry and Biotechnology


practical information Application deadline

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

6 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 Signal Transduction and Communication in Plants Plant-Microbe Interactions Plant Cell Biology Developmental Biology of Plants Molecular Breeding and Biodiversity of Plants Project Experimental Plant Biotechnology Applied Plant Biotechnology 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 3

Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules Bio-informatics 2 Science Communication Biostatistics Biotechnology and Society Systems Biology Biotechnology: Biosafety, GMP and Intellectual Property Bioethics

Enrolling institution Language

At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); Certificate Practical English 5, Upper-Intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT; Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English. Ghent University

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)


Programming for Bio-informatics Comparative Genomics Structural Bio-informatics Algorithms and Data Structures Project Computational Biology and Modelling of Biological Systems Data Mining Data Libraries

6 3 3 3 6 3 3 3




offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities


Experimental Biochemistry Biocatalysis Protein Engineering and Molecular Design Experimental Structural Biology Project Biomembranes Metabolic Engineering Glycobiology 3 3 3 6 6 3 3 3

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme Start academic year: middle of September

Molecular Pathophysiology and Experimental Therapy Transgenetics of Animal Model Organisms Experimental Molecular Cell Biology Project Human Genetics and Genetic Diseases Molecular Cancer Biology Neurobiology 6 6 3 6 3 3 3

Food Microbiology and Safety Plant-Microbe Interactions Host-Virus Interactions Microbial Genomics Molecular Microbial Ecology Project Metabolic Engineering Bacterial Biotechnology Fungal Biotechnology 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Sciences International Relations Officer Valrie Ingelrelst K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 50 43



Master of Biology

Master of Biology
General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

Course content
The MSc in Biology has a far-reaching influence on numerous areas within science and society. The research domain of biology itself is very broad, and covers the complete spectrum of the diversity of the formation of life and the different organisation levels of life, ranging from a cell to the eco-system and biosphere level. Actual topics and challenges such as protection of endangered species, global change, sustainability, cloning of organisms, dangerous diseases and medical progress have their roots in biology. Biology also contributes to numerous conceptual innovations that lead towards new disciplines such as the molecular biology and biotechnology. Biology forms an exciting study domain that is constantly in evolution thanks to close interaction with a broad range of scientific disciplines such as chemistry, geology, geography and physics.

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is situated within the research area of at least one of the two major course packages you have chosen. Most master dissertations fit the current national or international (research) projects. However, your master dissertation can also exploit the results of specific projects or it can even have a prospective character regarding future projects. Besides your two major course packages, you can also choose from three minor course packages. It consists of 30 credits of broadening elective courses, offered within the same master programme of Biology or offered by another Flemish University.

The course is open to students with at least a Bachelor degree in the field of biology with minimum 180 credits. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Enrolling institution Language

At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); Certificate Practical English 5, Upper-Intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT; Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.
Ghent University

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Course structure
The master programme of biology offers courses in English and Dutch. It is possible to choose a complete curriculum of English courses. The two-year master programme (120 credits) consists of the following parts: 20 credits for four general courses; 30 credits for the master dissertation; 40 credits for major courses; 30 credits for minor (elective) courses. The general courses prepare you for the right choice of your major courses and your master dissertation. In the first year of the master programme you select two majors from a total of four: Ecology Evolution Biodiversity Functional biology These majors allow you to improve your profound knowledge of the areas of research expertise of Ghent University.

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme Start academic year: middle of September

Career perspectives
As a graduate of the master of Biology you can work on scientific research in universities or scientific research institutions, at secondary or higher education level, in counseling or managerial functions with the government and in companies where research and development is the core business. Contact Ghent University Faculty of Sciences International Relations Officer Valrie Ingelrelst K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 50 43



Master of Biology

Master of Chemistry
Majors: molecular and macromolecular design materials chemistry analysis and characterisation environmental chemistry (vub) Minors: INDUSTRY AND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION This course is offered jointly by Ghent University (UGent) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Their expertise is combined and the students have a more elaborate choice of majors, elective courses, thesis subjects, etc.

Genetics and Molecular Techniques II Advanced Applied Statistics Scientific Communication and Reports I Scientific Communication and Reports II

5 5 5 5

Career perspectives
It is a fact that chemistry is involved in several industrial branches, important for the economy and employment, such as chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, agriculture Thanks to the broadness of the scientific programme, master graduates in chemistry are fit to apply for jobs in different sectors of industry and their possibilities on the job market are very diverse. Masters in chemistry can for instance be involved in scientific research, product development, quality control or they can take on managerial functions, and this in companies as well as in government institutions. Besides that, they are also well prepared for a career in the public sector (including education). The most important assets of university graduated chemists are that they are research minded, have good problem solving capacities and that they are polyvalent.

Course content
We owe a great part of our quality of life to the development of sciences, chemistry in particular. Its influence can be found in numerous different branches, such as medicine, biology, agriculture, etc. The chemical impact is also omnipresent in the industrial world. Almost every branch has to do with chemistry at some level: in the production process, in quality control, in product improvement, waste processing It can be assumed that chemistry will continue to play an essential role in future developments of society. Indeed, innovation and the development of new products and processes with an added value are simply impossible without a fundamental knowledge of sciences, the structure of molecules and insight into molecular processes and reactions.

Applied Ecology Microbial Ecology Paleoecology and Global Change
(5 credits from the following list)

5 5 5 5 5 5

Plant Ecology Limnology Marine Ecology

Genome Biology and Bioinformatics Evolutionary Processes of Heritable Variation Evolutionary Study of Behaviour Evolutionary Developmental Biology Evolutionary Morphology 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

>> Master dissertation

In the second year, a research project (master dissertation) of 30 ECTS is scheduled. The master dissertation is a requirement for every student to obtain a masters degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, practical research and an original analysis of the topic. Students have the possibility to do a part of their master dissertation abroad.

Course structure
The master programme of chemistry offers courses in English and Dutch. It is possible to choose a complete curriculum of English courses. The two-year master programme (120 credits) consists of four modules, of 30 credits each. Each module comprises: general courses (incl. elective courses) a major a master dissertation a minor. The general courses (incl. elective courses) are, on the one hand, general chemistry courses on an advanced level or, on the other hand, general courses that are considered as essential for a master in chemistry. There are four different majors to be chosen from: molecular and macromolecular design, materials chemistry, analysis and characterisation, environmental chemistry (VUB). Each major is related with a specific subbranch of chemistry. In the second year, a research project (master dissertation) is scheduled. The topic of het master dissertation is in accordance with the chosen major. The minor is a reflection of a specific career branch (education, research and development, industry and management). The minor you choose has no impact on the final degree. Regardless of the minor, an equivalent master degree is obtained. The minor in research and development is particularly interesting for English speaking students.

BIODIVERSITY Phylogeny and Molecular Evolution Practical Taxonomy: Principles and Techniques Applied Biodiversity Science: Policy, Management and Conservation
(5 credits from the following list)

Prokaryotic Diversity Diversity and Evolution of Protoctista Spore Plants: Bryology and Pteridology Functional Evolution of Invertebrates Mycology: Basidiomycota Spermatophytes, Phylogeny and Taxonomy Ornithology

Signalling in Plants Functional Microbiology: Adaptations of Micro-organisms to the Environment Biology of Ageing Physiological Regulation in Animals 5 5 5 5




Contact Ghent University Faculty of Sciences International Relations Officer Valrie Ingelrelst K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 50 43



Master of Chemistry
The course is open to students with at least a bachelor's degree in the field of chemistry with minimum 180 credits. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Master of Chemistry
practical information Application deadline
General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June


Industrial Chemistry Molecular Physical Chemistry Chemometrics Chemical Biology Electrochemistry

5 6 4 6 3

Courses to be chosen from the study programmes of the Flemish Community


Enrolling institution Language

At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); Certificate Practical English 5, Upper-Intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT; Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English. Ghent University

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)


Computational Chemistry Advanced NMR Spectroscopy: Application to Structure Analysis Polymer Materials Trends in Organic Chemistry Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Advanced Chromatography and Organic Mass Spectroscopy Organometallics and Catalysis Organic Chemistry of Natural Products Medicinal Chemistry

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6



offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Computational Chemistry Advanced NMR Spectroscopy: Application to Structure Analysis Polymer Materials Advanced NMR Spectroscopy: Application to Structure Analysis X-ray and Laser Spectroscopy Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Risk Assessment Surface Analysis Solid State Chemistry 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme Start academic year: middle of September


Surface Analysis Advanced NMR Spectroscopy: Application to Structure Analysis X-ray and Laser Spectroscopy Advanced Electrochemical Methods Mass Spectroscopy & Isotopic Analysis Advanced Chromatography and Organic Mass Spectroscopy Risk Assessment Field Sampling and Analysis 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Aquatic Environmental Chemistry Environmental Analysis Modelling of the Environment Risk Assessment Mass Spectroscopy & Isotopic Analysis Advanced Chromatography and Organic Mass Spectroscopy Field Sampling and Analysis Introduction to the Earth Atmosphere System Tropospheric and Stratospheric Chemistry and Global Change 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3



Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management

MAJORS: BIOdiversity and ecology conservation biology and ecosystem management environmental impact and remediation EARTH system SCIENCEs Organised jointly by Ghent University (UGent), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and University of Antwerp (UA)

Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management

Oceans and Lakes is open to holders of a bachelor's degree in biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, chemistry, geology, geography and geomathics, bio-engineer science or environmental sciences. For other bachelors in science and applied science, equivalency will be evaluated based on scientific competences and skills of the students by the Oceans and Lakes Steering Committee. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Course content
The two-year programme Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management (Oceans & Lakes) addresses students with a background in Sciences. Oceans & Lakes is an inter-university programme. It provides students a strong fundamental and applied knowledge and prepares them for an active role in the scientific research and management of marine and lacustrine systems. The programme adopts a multidisciplinary approach integrating physical, chemical geological, ecological and societal aspects and including nature conservation and sustainable development.

Career perspectives
Oceans & Lakes trains students in: becoming a multidisciplinary scientist who thinks and works across fields and disciplines; playing a key role in high quality scientific marine and lacustrine research; providing advice in management and an integrated concept and view on marine and lacustrine systems; becoming critically minded, problem-solving and communicative scientists.

practical information Application deadline

For students applying for a VLIR-UOS scholarship: 1st of February non EU-nationalities: 1st of March EU-nationalities: 1st of June www.icp-itp.UGent.be

Enrolling institution
Vrije Universiteit Brussel In case the application for the Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management is approved by the Steering committee of Oceans & Lakes and the applicant meets the academic requirements, he/she will receive a letter of admission from Vrije Universiteit Brussel, which is requested for registration. Belgian students with an appropriate bachelor's degree may register throughout the year. Please notify the coordinator in advance.

Course structure
The programme puts strong emphasis on acquiring skills, both in marine and lacustrine research and management. It requires full-time attendance and active participation in lectures and practical exercises, visits to marine research centers, field trips and excursions. The course programme consists of 6 parts: General courses (for 42 ECTS) with compulsory courses covering disciplines which are considered as essential knowledge for a marine and lacustrine scientist. In depth-courses (6 ECTS) - list elective courses Broadening courses (6 ECTS) - list elective courses Supporting courses (9 ECTS) - list elective courses One Major (30 ECTS) to choose out of 4 specialisations: Biodiversity and ecology Conservation biology ad ecosystem management Environmental impact and remediation Earth science systems. The master dissertation stands for 27 ECTS and consists of an individual research project related to ongoing research in one of the associated research groups. You choose a subject related to your major module. A professional internship of 3-4 weeks allows the student to get professional experience in marine and lacustrine related fields. In addition to classes, fieldwork is an essential part of the programme. In order to prepare the students to function well in an international professional context, all lecturers and course materials are in English. Internation al students enrolling in the programme should have a good English knowledge.

>> Master dissertation

In the second year, a research project (master dissertation) of 27 ECTS is scheduled. The master dissertation is a requirement for every student to obtain a masters degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, practical research and an original analysis of the topic.

See also: www.oceansandlakes.be Students belonging to the EEA (European Economic Area): no proof of language proficiency required. Proof of English proficiency is compulsory and can be documented by the following certificates (provided by the institution): a document attesting that at least 1 year of secondary education has been completed in English; a diploma of primary education stating that English was the language of instruction; a document attesting that English is the language of instruction for several courses followed (at least 15 ECTS); a language test: only TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, CPE, CAE are accepted. The minimum requirements are TOEFL: paper-based: 550, computer-based: 213, internet-based: 80; TOEIC: 860; IELTSacademic module: Band 6.5; CPE: Grade C; CAE: Grade B. Scores should be sent directly by the examination centre to the VUB under sealed envelope. Officially authenticated copies are not accepted. Taking a test (language or GMAT) after the deadline of application will delay the screening of your file.

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme Start academic year: middle of September

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Sciences Marine Biology Section Mevr. Marleen De Troch Krijgslaan 281-S8, B-9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 85 20 - www.oceansandlakes.be Vrije Universiteit Brussel Secretariat Oceans and Lakes Cindy De Muynck Pleinlaan 2, Building F 8th floor, B-1050 Brussels T +32 (0)2 629 34 02 oceansandlakes@vub.ac.be



Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management


Master of Geology
MAJORS: earth systems geo resources Organised jointly by Ghent University (UGent) and Catholic University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven)

Course content
6 6 3 5 4 6 3 5 4

Oceanography Estuarine and Coastal Systems Law and Ethics on Conservation of Aquatic Systems In-situ and Remote Sensing Tools in Aquatic Sciences Environmental Modelling Fieldwork and Laboratory Practices Scientific Reporting and Didactics Limnology Biogeochemical Cycles

The Master of Geology programme offers an in-depth training in general geology and a specialised training in selected disciplines of geology. Furthermore, emphasis is put on acquiring general academic skills such as research and exploration, reporting, co-operation with fellow students and researchers. The student receives the necessary training to analyse and solve new, broader and more complex geological problems. He obtains the scientific attitude to solve these problems by selecting and applying advanced methods (qualitative and quantitative field analysis, direct and indirect observation techniques, physical and chemical analytical techniques, modelling of geological processes, etc). One should not only have hands-on knowledge of the techniques and the basic principles, but also be able to appraise the potential and the limitations of the different techniques. In a rational and scientific way, he/she is able to process and to report the research results, to publish them in reports and in a master thesis (monograph), and to present and defend these results orally in a structured way, aided by modern communication techniques. The Master in Geology has the social attitudes and skills to work in an interdisciplinary team with the aim to reach the best possible coherent solution for a specific problem.

>> Master dissertation

In the second year, a research project (master dissertation) of 30 ECTS is scheduled. The master dissertation is a requirement for every student to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, practical research and an original analysis of the topic.

Career perspectives
The strong multidisciplinary character of this master programme does not only open the door to innovative research, but also to dynamic industrial sectors, governmental agencies, NGOs, etc. Students of the master programme of Geology also acquire step by step an enormous advantage: the use of professional English. The world will be your oyster.


Evolution and Biogeography of Aquatic Organisms Biodiversity of Aquatic Food Webs Ecology of Coastal Seas Marine Extreme Systems Lacustrine Systems Integrated Marine Biodiversity Field Work Elective courses Belgian Universities

3 3 3 3 3 6 9


Management of Aquatic Resources: Fisheries Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Mangroves, Sea-grass Beds and Coral Reefs Tropical Marine Ecology and Restoration Conservation Genetics of Aquatic Populations Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the Sea and Protection of Oceans 3 Integrated Practicals 3 Elective courses Belgian Universities 9 3 3 3 3 3

Course structure
The master programme (120 ECTS credits) offers the possibility to specialise either in Earth Systems or Geo-Resources (72 ECTS credits each). Earth Systems focuses on: acquiring knowledge and expertise with regard to the analysis and interpretation of the interaction between geosphere (crust and mantle), the hydrosphere, the atmosphere and the biosphere, as basis for the analysis of Global change; acquiring insight in the evolution of earth systems and processes in the present and the past; acquiring insight in complex geological processes in the framework of the geodynamic evolution of sedimentary basins and mountains. Special attention is paid to the role of fluida in the different processes that occur in the middle and upper crust. Geo-Resources focuses on: acquiring knowledge in the exploration and exploitation of natural resources and industrial raw material, in the study and the protection of soils and groundwater, in the detection, qualification and quantification of soil- and groundwater pollution, in the creation and the monitoring of waste disposal sites, in the storage and sequestration of waste products in the subsurface; acquiring insight in the scientific as well as professional and ethical aspects of economic geology; acquiring an attitude to formulate and develop new research strategies that are relevant for society, with special attention to sustainable development.

Environmental impact and remediation

Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Monitoring Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment Global Change and Coastal Hazard Mitigation Integrated Ecosystem Management and Ecological Engineering Anthropogenic Impacts: Exploitation and Aquaculture Integrated Practicals Elective courses Belgian Universities 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9


Sedimentology Paleobiology of Micro-organisms Ocean Drilling for Science and Energy Stable Isotope Geology Elective courses Belgian Universities 6 6 3 6 9

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Sciences International Relations Officer Valrie Ingelrelst K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 50 43

To be chosen from the Elective course list

21 27




Master of Geology
The course is open to students with at least a bachelor's degree in the field of geology with minimum 180 credits. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Master of Geology
practical information Application deadline
General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June


Applied Sedimentology Exploration Geophysics

6 6

Enrolling institution Language

At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); Certificate Practical English 5, Upper-Intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT; Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English. Ghent University


Genesis and Evolution of Sedimentary Basins Geofluids Micropaleontology and Paleo-environment Reconstruction Paleoclimatology Diagenesis and Low-grade Metamorphism Petrogenesis: Magmatic and High-grade Metamorphic Rocks
(min. 6-max. 9 credits from the following list)

3 3 6 6 6 6 6 9 6 9 3 3

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc. - information on the additional expenses is mentioned in the online course catalogue)

Field Course Biosphere Evolution and Stratigraphy Continental Tectonics

(min. 6-max. 9 credits from the following list)

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Field Course Magmatic and Metamorphic Systems Geological Mapping

(max. 3 credits from the following list)

Geology and Society Geology: a Human Perspective Elective courses

(max. 33 credits from the elective course list or from the programmes of the higher education institutes of the Flemish Community)

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme Start academic year: middle of September

Environmental Soil Evaluation Applied Mineralogy Groundwater Chemistry Analysis and Dynamics of Clays Ore-forming Processes
(min. 5-max. 6 credits from the following list)

6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 3

Groundwater Modelling Hydrogeological

(max. 3 credits from the following list)

Geology and Society Geology: a Human Perspective Elective courses

(max. 40 credits from the elective course list or from the programmes of the higher education institutes of the Flemish Community)





Master of Statistical Data Analysis

Course content
Increasing computer power and the professional need to extract objective information from observed data have led to complex databases. Statistical science has become a broad discipline with well developed methods and techniques for the design and analysis of a wide range of empirical studies. Information obtained from correctly analysed data allows to predict, adjust and even optimise processes based on evidence. Inefficient or haphazard data gathering and analysis, however, can ns with possibly lead to inferior or misleading conclusio far-reaching consequences. Hence, international professional and research standards in various fields demand high quality data analysis, performed by qualified statisticians. This programme offers intensive training in modern statistical methods and data analysis to scientists from a variety of fields including biology, bio-informatics, economy and marketing, environmental and life sciences, engineering, mathematics and physics, psychology and social sciences The programma aims at improving problem solving skills and evidence based decision making. This will enable scientists to play a distinctly important role within their field of expertise.

Master of Statistical Data Analysis

The programme offers a profound training in design, analysis and reporting of empirical research. It is meant for students who already have a Master degree from study fields carrying enough mathematical background within different faculties. For Flemish degrees: The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Career perspectives
Students who successfully finish the master programme have acquired an advanced level of statistical knowledge and data analytical skills. They are ready to contribute as independent experts to a multidisciplinary team that designs, performs, analyses and reports applied scientific research. There is a great demand in industry, banking, government, academia and research centres (both the profit as the non-profit making sector). The masters are trained to handle practical problems in an objective scientific manner and to obtain insight in the structure of data and the underlying model. Our masters have been encouraged to think critically and be creative problem solvers. Computational skills, flexibility, efficiency and a positive attitude towards lifelong learning are important qualities and indispensable for a successful career.

practical information Application deadline

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); Certificate Practical English 5, Upper-Intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT; Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): European student: 1194,30 non-European student: 1594,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 680 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Course structure
The programme (60 credits) consists of five mandatory general courses (26 credits), elective courses (19 credits) and a master dissertation (15 credits). In every course, the theory is supported by projects and assignments in order to develop skills of practical data analysis. It thus provides hands-on experience with real data. The programme is taken either as a one year full-time programme or it can be spread over two or more years. Several courses are taught in the evening.

Start/end of the programme

In September a refresher course on Mathematics is offered to brush up basic mathematical skills. One year programme. Start academic year: last week of September.

>> Master dissertation

During the second term the students finish the master dissertation. The master dissertation provides students with the unique opportunity to learn first hand from an experienced statistician how the statistical method gets applied to solve real world problems. This is an important component of the programme. Students report on their methods and results both orally and in writing.

Contact Ghent University Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Krijgslaan 281 S9, B-9000 Gent Prof. Stijn Vansteelandt Stijn.Vansteelandt@UGent.be T +32 (0)9 264 47 76 http://www.mastat.UGent.be/



Master of Statistical Data Analysis


Master of Space Studies



5 5 6 5 5 Courses, to a total amount of at least 15 and max. 60 credits, depending on the student's previous degree, from the bachelor's and master's programmes of which the master's programmes give immediate admission to Master of Statistical Data Analysis.

Course content
Human activities in space play an ever increasing role in our society. Space missions have evolved from merely showcase events that explore new technologies in new environments to utilitarian operations that serve various purposes such as telecommunications around the globe, weather prediction or advanced research in zero gravity. In order to illustrate this, the European Space Agency (ESA) has estimated that only 5% of the space related industry is involved with the manufacture and launch of satellites! Therefore, space industry has grown over the past 50 years from a high profile niche activity to an economically very significant player in our society. As a consequence, it is also an important employer. Whereas in the early years the industry trained its staff on an ad hoc basis in a developing and growing research environment, nowadays new employees enter a well established technological and business world. This implies that the space industry preferably recruits people that already have acquired the basic skills and knowledge that the industry itself has developed over the past decades. This is a considerable challenge, since the space industry estimates that in the coming years over 40000 people which belong to the pioneer generation will retire and consequently will have to be replaced by new employees. In order to help fill this need, the K.U.Leuven and the UGent have joined efforts and are offering a Master of Space Studies. This master is intentionally not an exclusively technological study, but is set up interdisciplinary. It is intended to form people who have at the end of their study basic knowledge of all aspects of space activities, and who are qualified to enter the space industry where they will acquire the more specific skills necessary for their particular job. The master has an international scope and audience and is taught in English.

Principles of Statistical Data Analysis Statistical Computing Statistical Inference Analysis of Continuous Data Categorical Data Analysis

>> Master dissertation

For the master dissertation (15 credits) students are embedded in a research team of one of the organising universities, or in an external institute, organisation or industrial company, in which case an academic supervisor is assigned as a coordinator. The master thesis should form a final piece of work of the interdisciplinary programme, in which the acquired knowledge and abilities are applied to a complex and specific project.

(15 credits to be chosen from the following list, 4 credits from the study programmes of Ghent University and other institutions of higher education of the Flemish Community)


Analysis of Univariate Time Series Capita selecta Causality and Missing Data Data Mining Epidemiology Longitudinal Data Analysis Monte Carlo and Computer Intensive Methods in Statistics Multivariate Data Analysis Survival Analysis Experimental Design Spatial Statistics Computational Biology

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Career perspectives
The technological challenges and innovative programs that typically characterise space projects make the space industry an essential vehicle to help keep our society at the forefront of innovation and research. The international character of many space projects makes the space industry also a very important element in the positioning of Europe worldwide. Therefore space industries will, for the foreseeable future, remain a growing and in some areas even booming business, with many career opportunities. On the Flemish level, there is the Vereniging van Vlaamse Ruimtevaartindustrilen (VRI), which fosters the growth of the local industries. As already mentioned, there is ESA that works on a European level, but there is also growing involvement of the EU, in particular on policy issues and earth observation, telecommunication, global positioning and defense.



Course structure
The programme is conceived as a postgraduate (master-aftermaster) programme and as such addresses students who have successfully completed an initial master programme in either the humanities and social sciences, exact sciences and technology, or biomedical sciences. The interdisciplinary nature of the programme is set by the requirement that all students follow a common trunk of 25 credits of introductory courses. The goal is to get the students acquainted with the different aspects that form the foundation of spacerelated activities. Special attentions goes to the combination of a high level of knowledge transfer with the diverse backgrounds of the students. Depending on their background and interest, students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge through more domainspecific optional courses, for a total of 20 credits, covering the domains of (A) Space Law, Policy, Business and Management; (B) Space Sciences; and (C) Space Technology and Applications.

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Sciences International Relations Officer Valrie Ingelrelst K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35 B-9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 50 43



Master of Space Studies

Students should possess already a disciplinary master degree. Candidate students are specifically expected to: have obtained an initial master degree for which the candidates can motivate the relevance for space studies; have the potential to successfully broaden their formation towards other relevant disciplines; present a convincing view of the importance of the programme for their professional expectations. These expectations will be evaluated through an intake interview. Interested candidates are invited to send their CV and a comprehensive motivation to MSSapplication@ster.kuleuven.be The selection with respect to the initial master degree is designed to increase the students chances for success. However, students with an initial master that does not have a direct apparent connection with space studies can still apply, and could be accepted depending on the power of conviction of their background and argumentation.

Postgraduate Studies in Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology

Organised by distance learning


Questions in Space Sciences Space Law and Space Policy Space Project Management Space Sciences and Exploration Life Sciences and Biology in Space Orbital Mechanics and Mission Design Spacecraft Design and Instrumentation

3 5 5 3 3 3 3

Course content
This international distance e-course is aimed at training scientists and law specialists in biosafety expertise and evaluation. The course offers a solid basis to set up and implement regulatory biosafety frameworks related to plant biotechnology, to assist in the legislation and interpretation of biosafety risk assessment, and to communicate to policymakers. The course is interdisciplinary, in cooperation with the Faculties of Science, Political and Social sciences and the Law Faculty. It is an international programme organised in cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO). Objectives: To provide students with: expert information on current and potential future developments in biotechnology; expert information on national and international norms and regulations in biotechnology; advanced skills to conduct risk assessments; apply risk management in biotechnology; risk communication skills. The course is given electronically through e-learning. Two on-campus periods are included: one in the beginning of the course at IPBO, Ghent University (BE) and one at the end. Evaluation is carried out throughout the year through interactive discussions, assignments, and written and oral exams during the second on campus session at the end of the course.

Community universities)


Career perspectives
The certificate awarded is suitable for individuals engaged as biosafety professionals in government agencies or industry. It is also tailored for individuals with an interest in public policy, legal and ethical aspects of biotechnology.

(min. 14 credits of one major, 6 credits can be chosen from the study programmes of the Flemish


Space Business and Management The Law of International Organisations Advanced Topics in Space Law and Space Policy Introduction to Management Product Development and Innovation 3 6 3 4 4

>> Organising institutions

The course is given in co-operation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) as part of their e-Biosafety network with nodes in Brazil and Italy (The Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo and the Marche Polytechnic University Ancona).

Good knowledge of the English language, both written and spoken, is essential. Non-native English speakers are required to submit a TOEFL or IELTS-certificate (TOEFL: computer-based test 213 pt., internetbased 79-80pt., paper-based test 550 pt.) or IELTS (6.5 - 7 pt.). All international students must meet the language requirements set by the International Admissions & Mobility Unit of K.U.Leuven.

Space Weather Advanced Topics in Life Siences in Space Astrophysics from Space Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere Synchrotron Radiation Research in Earth and Planetary Sciences Plant Biology in Space: Life Support System Applications Global Change Monitoring and Coastal Processes 4 4 4 4 4 6 3

Course structure
The programme includes an introductory section on plant biotechnology and its applications for agriculture and industry. The main core covers the basics of risk assessment and regulatory structures, food and feed safety assessment, and environmental safety assessment. An overview of national and international regulatory systems and risk assessment and applications is included. The final section deals with risk perception and communication. At the end of the course participants will be able to conduct risk assessments and apply risk management options, while at the same time deal with public policy issues at the interface of science, government, industry, and civil society.

Contact Ghent University - Faculty of Science IPBO dr. Ine Pertry K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35 B-9000 Belgium Ine.Pertry@UGent.be - mamon@psb.vib-UGent.be www.ipbo.UGent.be

practical information


Application deadline
General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June Spacecraft Technology and Space Environment Spacionics Systems Design Satellite and Space Communications Reliability of Space Systems Robotics Space Geodesy, Geophysics and Earth Observations Image Analysis and Understanding 5 3 4 4 4 4 6

Enrolling institution
2010-2011: K.U.Leuven

Tuition fee
The cost of registration is 5 600



offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Start/end of the programme

One year programme. Start academic year: middle of September.



Postgraduate Studies in Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology

60 ECTS CREDITS w FULL-TIME w LANGUAGE: ENGLISH w DEGREE: Certificate of Postgraduate Studies
The general admission requirement is that the student must possess a master degree or an international degree considered equivalent. An applicant wishing to gain admission for a postgraduate on the basis of an international diploma must apply through a specific application procedure. A maximum of 25 students will be accepted. Selection will take place based on the curriculum vitae of the applicant and will take into account the professional interest in biosafety issues related to biotechnology. The student should be holder of one of the following diplomas: Master in Biology Master in Chemistry Master in Biochemistry and Biotechnology Master in Bio-engineering Sciences Master in Medicine Master in Law Master degrees considered equivalent with one of the degrees mentioned above.

Postgraduate Studies in Weather and Climate Modeling

Organised jointly by Ghent University and partner institutions: Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium - Belgocontrol

practical information Application deadline

June 1st

Course content
The issue of climate change has come recently under the attention of policy makers and the public alike, but high-impact weather (such as severe thunderstorms with associated flooding, deep cyclones with strong wind gusts, etc.) has been a major worry for centuries. Only now have scientific knowledge and numerical techniques become sufficiently mature that we may be able to effectively predict these extreme conditions. International programmes such as THORPEX therefore recently started to increase the research in those areas. Ghent University (in collaboration with the Royal Meteorological Institute) anticipates the present increase in international attention for high-impact weather and air pollution and offers a study programme that also focuses on these issues rather than only on climate change. The Postgraduate Studies in Weather and Climate modeling offers the essential courses needed to start research in meteorology and numerical weather prediction.

Career perspectives
The ultimate goal is to prepare young scientists for research in international projects such as THORPEX (http://www.wmo.int/ thorpex/about.html). This 10-year international global atmospheric research and development programme was established by the WMO (in 2003) and is aimed at reducing and mitigating the impact of disasters by transforming forecasts into information for decision making. This includes: extending the range and accuracy of weather forecasts; development of warnings for decision-making; assessing the impact of weather forecasts in the strategies to minimize the impact of disasters. The Postgraduate Studies in Weather and Climate Modeling offers the essential courses needed to start research in meteorology and numerical weather prediction.

Enrolling institution
Ghent University See also: www.UGent.be/we/genetics/ipbo/en/education www.UGent.be/we/genetics/ipbo/en/education/postgraduate.htm

Tuition fee
660; 520 for students from least developed countries; students working in the private sector pay a supplementary tuition fee of max. 2,375.

General information: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a certificate which affirms that the language of instruction of one year successfully studies or a major part of it was in English; a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of at least 550 (paper-based), or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based) (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); a certificate awarded by the UCT (University Language Centre) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); a certificate of the British Council with an overall band of 5.5. Students whose knowledge is insufficient may be obliged to follow an English language course. Non native speakers are strongly advised to follow the course of 'Scientific English' prior to the start of the academic year.

Start/end of the programme

One year programme. Start academic year: last week of September.

Course structure
The study programme covers nine courses which have a total weight of 33 ECTS in two semesters (in one academic year). Contact Ghent University - Faculty of Science Department of Mathematical Physics and Astronomy Krijgslaan 281 (S9), B-9000 Gent Mr. Steven Caluwaerts Steven.Caluwaerts@UGent.be Room 120.032 in building S9 of Sterre Campus http://wns.UGent.be/meteo_nwp/




Course Background 3 Applications of Plant Biotechnology 10 Theoretical and Practical Foundations of Biological Risk Assessment 12 Food and Feed Safety in relation to GMOs 8 Environmental Safety in relation to GMOs 9 National and International Regulatory Systems in relation to GMOs 7 11 Risk Perception and Risk Communication in relation to GMOs



Postgraduate Studies in Weather and Climate Modeling

33 ECTS CREDITS w PART-TIME w LANGUAGE: ENGLISH w DEGREE: Certificate of Postgraduate Studies
The postgraduate course requires some physical and mathematical background from the students. Therefore there are two groups of students who can start with these studies: Masters who have admission to the programme: Master in de wiskunde Master in de fysica en de sterrenkunde Master in de sterrenkunde Master in de fysica Master in de geologie Master in de geografie Master in de geomatica en de landmeetkunde Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen Masters who have access subject to approval: Master in de wiskundige informatica Master in de statistiek Master in de chemie Master in de biochemie en de biotechnologie Master in de biologie Master in de mariene en lacustriene wetenschappen Master of nematology Master in de industrile wetenschappen Master in de aardobservatie Master in de milieutechnologie en de milieuwetenschappen Master of ecological and marine management Master of environmental sanitation Any other Master degree

Master of Photonics Science and Engineering

Organised jointly by Ghent University (UGent) and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

Course content
Photonics is now widely recognised as a major innovation enabling discipline for the 21st century. It can be defined as that field of science and technology where the fundamental properties of light and its interaction with matter are studied and applied. Since several decades photonics has been penetrating in ever more applications and household appliances. At present, photonics is a discipline of key importance in industrial sectors such as tele- and data communication, display and camera industry, biotechnology, solar energy, medical instrumentation, laser material processing, etc. The Master of Photonics Science and Engineering is a multi disciplinary programme covering basic physics, material technologies, electronics and applications in different fields. Students will be trained to become specialists in the field. In addition, students will be brought in contact with European culture and will get the chance to live in two Belgian cities (Brussels and Ghent) with a long and still visible history.

Career perspectives
Graduates are expected to go on to a broad range of future opportunities, including: research in high-technology companies, in particular photonicsrelated companies; research in academic laboratories and research institutes (possibly in PhD context); development of new photonic products in industry; technical support in a company for its products or services; technical marketing and sales.

practical information Application deadline

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is an original piece of work about a specific topic in photonics. In general it consists of a literature study combined with practical work in the form of simulation, modeling, fabrication and/or measurments of photonic components. The completion of the master dissertation is a requirement for obtaining the degree of Master of Photonics Science and Engineering.

Tuition fee
33 ECTS credits: 576,30 (credit contract: 61,50 + (credits x 15,60)

General information: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Start/end of the programme

One year programme. Start academic year: last week of September.

course structure
The Master of Photonics Science and Engineering is a 2-year (120 credits) fully English-taught programme, with the students spending their first year one semester at each university (UGent and VUB) and their second year in one of both (UGent or VUB), with the choice made by the student. The programme is based on 4 pillars: a strong backbone of core photonics, specialisation in a broad spectrum of advanced photonics, a secondary specialisation in a related field (telecom, biomedical engineering etc. ) and a master thesis. The first year is mainly devoted to a programme of core photonics courses, complemented by a number of advanced photonics courses as well as a number of multidisciplinary courses. In the second year the students continue to take advanced photonics courses and multidisciplinary courses and do their master thesis in a field of their interest. During the first year, the students spend the first semester at UGent and the second semester at VUB. They take core photonics courses for 44 credits and elective courses for the remaining 16 credits. The second year the students take mostly elective courses and 24 credits master dissertation. The elective courses are chosen from: courses for minimally 16 credits from the list of elective courses in Photonics; courses for minimally 20 credits from the Engineering Master programmes of the Faculty of Engineering at UGent or VUB; courses for minimally 6 credits from the list of socio-economic courses of the Faculty of Engineering at UGent or VUB. During the second year, the students choose to study either at UGent or VUB. The programme consists of one general course (4 credits), the rest of the time is devoted to elective courses (32 credits) and the master dissertation (24 credits).


At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); Certificate Practical English 5, Upper-Intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT; Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

General Meteorology Dynamic Meteorology Physical Meteorology Numerical Techniques Data Assimilation Atmospheric Modeling Predictability Air Pollution and Chemical Transport Models (CTM) Remote Sensing Climatology

4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3

Contact Ghent University Department of Information Technology Prof. Roel Baets Chair Programme Board Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Gent Roel.Baets@UGent.be - T +32 (0) 9 264 53 93 Bert Coryn Photonics Support Officer Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B- 9000 Gent Bert.Coryn@intec.UGent.be - T +32 (0) 9 264 98 28



Master of Photonics Science and Engineering


Master of Photonics Science and Engineering


Foreign students need to be in possession of a bachelor degree in Electrical engineering, in (Applied) Physics, Material Science or an equivalent of this to be admitted to the programme. Students in possession of another bachelor degree might need to follow a preparatory programme. The educational board will make the final decision whether to accept the application or not. For Flemish degrees: the exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

practical information Application deadline

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June



Mathematics in Photonics Dutch Language Course Microphotonics Optical Materials Lasers Recent Trends in Photonics


Enrolling institution
Ghent University or VUB

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

4 4 6 6 4 4

Sufficient English language ability. The following shall be accepted as sufficient proof: the prospective student has already successfully completed a oneyear English-language study programme, either at a different institution of higher education or at a secondary school; a TOEFL-TEST, taken as recently as within the last two years, showing a score of at least 570 (paper-based) or 87 (internetbased); an original "test report from" (TRF) from IELTS, issued as recently as within the last two years, showing a score of at least 6.5, with a minimum of 6.0 per each part. If prospective students hold a secondary education diploma, an academic Bachelor's diploma or a Master's diploma awarded by an educational institution that is duly recognised by the Flemish Community, no proof of sufficient English language ability must be provided.

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

VUB Optical Communication Systems Photonics Laboratory Physics of Technological Processes Sensors and Microsystem Electronics Recent Trends in Photonics ELECTIVE COURSES

6 4 4 6 4


Start/end of the programme Two year programme.

The programme starts in the beginning of September.

courses for min. 16 credits from the master programmes of the Faculty of Engineering at UGent or VUB courses for min. 6 credits from the socio-economic courses of the Faculty of Engineering at UGent or VUB courses for min. 20 credits from an elective course list courses for max. 6 credits from the study programmes of UGent or VUB





Master of Science in Photonics

Erasmus Mundus Master Programme jointly offered by Ghent University and partners

Master of Science in Photonics

A bachelor's degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution (minimum three years full time study or 180 ECTS credits) in Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Physics, Materials Science or a related discipline. Students in their last year of such a bachelor programme will however also be considered. For Flemish degrees: the exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

organising institutes
Five leading research and educational institutions in Europe collaborate to offer a joint Erasmus Mundus Master of Science programme in Photonics, providing a top-quality education in all aspects of photonics. The master programme has a duration of two years (120 ECTS credits), with students spending a year in two different countries. Co-ordinator: Ghent University (Belgium). Partners: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), St-Andrews University and Heriot-Watt University (U.K.), Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden). Third semester: takes place in Scotland, UK at the University of St Andrews and is devoted to advanced photonics and research skills in photonics. Fourth semester: is entirely devoted to the master dissertation. The location of the fourth semester depends on the student's thesis choice. The thesis can take place in all partner universities and also in one of the three associated academic partners. Each year is concluded by a Summer School whereby first and second year students meet, do project, attend lectures of worldrenownded speakers in the field of photonics. Furthermore, during the summer break after year 1, students can do an academic or industrial internship in a photonics company or reserach institute.

practical information Application deadline

For non-EU students: online registration: 15 January paper submission: 20 January For EU-students: overall deadline: 31 May www.master-photonics.org

Enrolling institution Language

Sufficient English language ability. The following shall be accepted as sufficient proof: the prospective student has already successfully completed a oneyear English-language study programme, either at a different institution of higher education or at a secondary school; a TOEFL-TEST, taken as recently as within the last two years, showing a score of at least 570 (paper-based) or 87 (internetbased); an original "test report from" (TRF) from IELTS, issued as recently as within the last two years, showing a score of at least 6.5, with a minimum of 6.0 per each part. If prospective students hold a secondary education diploma, an academic Bachelor's diploma or a Master's diploma awarded by an educational institution that is duly recognised by the Flemish Community, no proof of sufficient English language ability must be provided. Ghent University

course content
Photonics is now widely recognized as a major innovation enabling discipline for the 21st century. It can be defined as that field of science and technology where the fundamental properties of light and its interaction with matter are studied and applied. Since several decades, photonics has been penetrating increasingly in applications and household appliances. At present, photonics is a discipline of key importance in industrial sectors such as tele- and data communication, display and camera industry, biotechnology, solar energy, medical instrumentation, laser material processing etc. The Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Photonics builds upon 3 local MSc programmes in Belgium, Sweden and the UK. The research activities of the five involved universities cover nearly all relevant fundamental research (e.g. nano-, and micro-photonic components in silicon, III-V semiconductors and polymers, femtosecond lasers) and applications (e.g. optical sensing, data and telecommunications, quantum cryptography, displays). The Master of Science programme in Photonics is a multidisciplinary programme covering basic physics, material technologies, electronics and applications in different fields. Students will be trained to become specialists in the field. In addition, students will be brought in contact with European culture and languages, and will get the chance to live in several European cities (Brussels, Edinburgh, Ghent, Saint-Andrews and Stockholm) with a long and still visible history.

Tuition fee
for non-EU students: 7,500 (annually) for EU-students: 2,500 (annually)

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, a theoretical reflection and an original analysis of the topic.

for non-EU students: Erasmus Mundus grants UGent Excellence Grants

Start/end of the programme

Starts with the beginning of the academic year (depending on entry institute). Two year programme.

career perspectives
The aim of this master programme is to form engineers and scientists with firm basic knowledge in the field of photonics and with the skills to apply this knowledge to the design, realisation and the management of photonic systems for a broad range of application domains. Furthermore the students will have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and skills in other domains, such as ICT, biosciences, physics and chemistry of materials, industrial management etc. Therefore graduates are expected to work in a broad range of future opportunities, including: research in high-technology companies, in particular photonics-related companies; research in academic laboratories and research institutes (possibly in PhD context); development of new photonic products in industry; technical support in a company for its products or services; technical marketing and sales.



Optical Materials Lasers Microphotonics Mathematics in Photonics Dutch Language Course [ Recent Trends in Photonics


6 4 6 4 4 4

course structure
The Erasmus Mundus MSc programme in Photonics is a 2-year (4 semesters - 120 ECTS credits) program, with a fixed mobility track. First semester: takes place Belgium at Ghent University and is devoted to the fundamental basics of photonics in depth and to an introduction to the breadth of photonics. All of this in strong collaboration with another Belgian partner university, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Second semester: takes place in Sweden at the Royal Institute of Technology KTH and is devoted to engineering skills in photonics and to applications of photonics. Contact Ghent University Faculty of Engineering Department of Information Technology Secretariat of Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Photonics Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Ghent - Belgium T +32 (0) 9 264 33 39 (Photonics Secretariat) F +32 (0) 9 264 35 93 - EMMP@intec.UGent.be www.master-photonics.org

VUB Optical Communication Systems Photonics Laboratory Physics of Technological Processes Sensors and Microsystem Electronics Erasmus Mundus Photonics Summer Course Dutch Language Course Recent Trends in Photonics ELECTIVE COURSES MASTER DISSERTATION

6 4 4 6 3 4 4

22/35,5 30



European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics

Erasmus Mundus Master Programme jointly offered by Ghent University and partners

European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics

The minimum degree required is a Bachelor degree in Physics or Engineering. Specialisation in Plasma and Nuclear Physics is advised but not obligatory. Research in Plasma or nuclear physics is an asset. Three recommendation letters are required. If the institute you are from is famous for plasma or nuclear research, this is an asset too. For Flemish degrees: the exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Organising institutes
By forming a network of institutes the European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics (FUSION-EP) programme builds on excellent competencies in the area of high-level multinational research-oriented education in fusion-related engineering physics in close relation to the research activities of the partners, and with a well-integrated language and cultural experience. The joint FUSION-EP programme is offered by Ghent University, Belgium (co-ordinator); Universit Henri Poincar, Nancy, France; Kungliga Tekniska Hgskolan Stockholm, Sweden; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain; Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain; Universitt Stuttgart, Germany. The joint or multiple degrees are recognised in Belgium, France, Sweden, Spain and Germany. Thanks to action 3, European students can also spend three months in the second year in one of the following institutes: UCLA (USA); University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA); St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (Russia); Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (Russia); University of Science and Technology of China (China).

Course structure
Student mobility is an inherent part of the programme structure and philosophy. We propose the following concrete mobility scheme. Each student resides at three universities in three different countries (60 ECTS credits at university A, 30 at B and 30 at C). Furthermore all students meet in the yearly summer event. Scholar co-operation and mobility is particularly promoted by the structura l connection between the specialised track education provided in semester 3 and the master thesis in the same track in semester 4. Two Master thesis tutors (responsible to guide the student in the 3rd and 4th semester) are assigned to each student. The summer event plays a crucial role here, but this is only the yearly culminatio n point of contacts between the involved teachers and research groups. The two-year FUSION-EP programme is organised over four semesters. The total training programme has to amount up to 120 ECTS and fulfil certain requirements concerning mobility. This ensures a Master programme with a strong common standard and a maximum flexibility to accommodate for students with different interests, language knowledge and background. EU-students can spend three months in one of the partner institutions in China, Russia or USA in the second Master (action 3).

practical information Application deadline

15 January http://em-master-fusion.org/

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

Tuition fee
2011-2012: for non-EU students: 8,000/year for EU-students: 4,000/year

The applicant must prove to have an advanced knowledge of the English language by providing: EU-students: an official certificate which confirms that the applicant has successfully completed at least one year of a study programme of which the medium of instruction was English, either at an institute of Higher Education or a Secondary School; Non-EU-students: a recent TOEFL-TEST with a score of at least 560 (paper-based); 220 (computer-based); 95 (internet-based) - the UGent TOEFL code is 2643(the test can be maximum two (2) years old); a certificate of the British Council (IELTS) with an overall band of 6.5 (the test can be maximum two (2) years old); (GRE test score is optional) a certificate awarded by the (Ghent) University Language Centre confirming proficiency in English.

for non-EU students: Erasmus Mundus grants for EU students: grants to spend 3 months in one of the partner institutions in China, Russia or USA in second Master (action 3).

Course content
The studies in Engineering Physics are devoted to the technical applications of physics and strongly supported by the research activities in the different laboratories within the Consortium. By combining the basic concepts of a degree in engineering with the essentials of an education as an engineering physicist, these studies seek to train engineers capable of performing or leading technical and scientific research in universities, research establishments or industry. The engineering component of the studies makes the physics engineer familiar with the analysis, design and optimisation of new and existing systems, products, machines, materials etc., in which simplification to manageable system descriptions (from rules of thumb to expert systems) is essential. In the physics component the reductionist approach holds centre stage; here experiments and mathematical modelling seek to reduce physical phenomena to their very essence and to discover the physical laws applicable. Even though the approach has a more philosophical slant, the rigorous attitude is essential, and a physical theory should stand a validation by experiment. Physics engineers are trained, first and foremost, for R&D purposes. Their wide-ranging education makes them fit for all companies and research establishments where interdisciplinary R&D requires in-depth knowledge of physics. They will constitute a substantial percentage of the large number of additional researchers required for the establishment of the EU as the best centre of excellence in the world. Both components of the studies especially qualify the physics engineer to fill executive jobs at a later stage.

Start/end of the programme

Starts with the beginning of the academic year (depending on entry institute). Two year programme.

Career perspectives
The EU fusion programme is at the forefront of international fusion research and engineering. Fusion research is entering a new phase. The construction of ITER, the Broader Approach activities, and the preparation for DEMO require an expansion of the fusion programme and a shift of the emphasis from plasma physics to engineering and nuclear materials. There is also a growing need for competences on nuclear project related issues such as project management, nuclear licensing, quality assurance, risk assessment, and management of procurement processes, as well as a need for stronger collaboration with industry. During the first 10 year period, the ITER Organisation will have a need for graduates in project-oriented fusion technology, diagnostics, plasma heating, modeling and computing. During the subsequent 20 year phase, its need will evolve progressively towards experimental plasma physics and data analysis.





Applied Electromagnetism Computational Solutions of Wave Problems Atomic and Molecular Physics Plasma Physics Nuclear Instrumentation Continuum Mechanics Cross-Course Project 6 6 6 6 6 6 6


Dutch Language and Flemish Culture 12

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Engineering Department of Applied Physics Prof. Ir. G. Van Oost Jozef Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 38 34 - Fax +32 (0)9 264 38 34 EMFusion@UGent.be Guido.VanOost@UGent.be http://em-master-fusion.org/

36 30


>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, a theoretical reflection and an original analysis of the topic.



International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering

Erasmus Mundus Master Programme jointly organised by Ghent University (Belgium, co-ordinator), University of Edinburgh (UK) and Lund University (Sweden)

International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering

A bachelor's degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution (minimum 3 years full-time study or 180 ECTS credits) in civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, chemical, industrial engineering, material sciences, chemistry, physics, applied physics, architecture, urbanism and spatial planning or a related discipline. Students in their last year of such a bachelor programme will however also be considered. For Flemish degrees: the exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

course content
There is a strong European trend from prescriptive towards performance-based fire safety designs. This goes hand in hand with a strong need for advanced knowledge in the multidisciplinary field of Fire Safety Engineering (FSE). The master students will be very well prepared for professional activities within this evolving field of FSE, as they will obtain a broad high level knowledge as a benefit from the joint expertise of three partners with a leading role in FSE research and education in Europe. The IMFSE students will learn how to master the scientific knowledge to understand, critically evaluate and analyze the phenomenon fire and its consequences; critically evaluate and judge risk with respect to fire and explosions, compute and design different types of fire protection concerning structures, passive fire protection, detection and suppression; judge the human behaviour in case of fire; communicate and collaborate with colleagues within the multidisciplinary domain of Fire Safety Engineering. All students spend the second semester in Lund, with emphasis on enclosure fire dynamics, risk analysis and human behaviour. The third semester is again taught in Ghent (for general FSE) or Edinburgh (with focus on fire and structures engineering in the context of FSE). The fourth semester is devoted to the master dissertation, hosted by one or more of the three universities.

practical information Application deadline

for students applying for a scholarship: January 10; self sponsoring students: April 1. www.imfse.UGent.be

>> Master dissertation

The Master thesis consists of a general project, supervised by at least one of the 3 partner universities. The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, a theoretical reflection and an original analysis of the topic.

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

Tuition fee
Non- EU students: 8,000/year. EU students: 6,000 /year. This amount covers all classes and an insurance scheme. Students are expected to finance their accommodation, insurances, living and travel costs themselves. EU-students with Erasmus Mundus scholarship pay a reduced tuition fee of 4,000.

English language ability is a basic requirement, therefore the applicants must provide us one of the following certificates as a proof of their knowledge:

career perspectives
The masters can find a job as fire safety engineer: in specialised consultancies; in design bureaus for structural stability and/or technical equipment of buildings; in architectural and design firms; in fire prevention services of larger cities; as responsible person for fire prevention in large industrial complexes; in prevention departments of fire brigades; in fire protection equipment industry; as fire experts in insurance companies; as fire experts in authorities; in standard testing laboratories; in environmental impact assessment consultancies; in health and safety organisations; in research and education institutes.

course structure
The 2-year course consists of four semesters of 30 ECTS credits each. The mobility structure, with possible change in study location after each semester, gives the students the opportunity to gain from the strengths and expertise of each of the three universities. The first semester, covering basic topics in fire safety engineering, is taught in Ghent or Edinburgh.

a recent (= maximum two years old) TOEFL Certificate: minimum score is 570 (paper-based), or 87 (internet-based) or higher (the institution code for Ghent University is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.5; a recent certificate of a University Language Centre testifying that the student masters the necessary knowledge of English to function academically (the minimum CEF-level is C1); an official certificate from your university stating that the standard language of instruction in at least 3 full time years of your Bachelor and/or Master degree was English (if applicable).

Erasmus Mundus-scholarships: For non-EU students: covering all necessary costs of the student during his/her study period in Europe. For EU students: the Erasmus Mundus-scholarship for EU students is considered as a financial contribution. Other scholarships: see website

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme. Start academic year: September.


Basics of Structural Engineering Introduction to Fire Dynamics Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer Language and Culture Explosions and Industrial Fire Safety Passive Fire Protection Active Fire Protection I: Detection and Suppression Active Fire Protection II: Smoke and Heat ControL Fire Safety Regulation Performance-Based Design

9 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3

Contact Erasmus Mundus IMFSE Coordinator: Prof. Bart Merci Erasmus Mundus IMFSE Administrator: Elise Meerburg Ghent University Department of Flow, Heat and Combustion Mechanics Sint Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Gent, Belgium e-mail: IMFSE@UGent.be www.imfse.ugent.be





Postgraduate Studies in Fire Safety Engineering

Course content
The fire safety engineer understands and applies fire safety engineering (FSE). According to ISO TR 13387-1, fire safety engineering is the application of engineering principles, rules and expert judgement based on a scientific appreciation of the fire phenomena, of the effects of fire and of the reaction and behaviour of people, in order to: save life, protect property and preserve the environment and heritage; quantify the hazards and risk of fire and its effects; evaluate analytically the optimum protective and preventative measures necessary to limit, within prescribed levels, the consequences of fire. These objectives will be achieved by a variety of means including activities such as: the assessment of the hazards and risks of fire and its effects; the mitigation of potential fire damage by proper design, construction, arrangement, and use of buildings, materials, structures, industrial processes, transportation systems and similar; determining the appropriate level of evaluation for the optimum preventive and protective measures necessary to limit the consequences of fire; the design, installation, maintenance and/or development of fire detection, fire suppression, fire control and fire related communication systems and equipment; the direction and control of appropriate equipment and manpower in the strategy and function of firefighting and rescue operations; post-fire investigation and analysis, evaluation and feedback. A fire engineer, by education, training and experience: understands the nature and characteristics of fire and the mechanisms of fire spread and the control of fire and the associated products of combustion; understands how fires originate, spread within and outside buildings/structures, and can be detected, controlled, and/or extinguished; is able to anticipate the behaviour of materials, structures, machines, apparatus, and processes as related to the protection of life, property and the environment from fire; has an understanding of the interactions and integration of fire safety systems and all other systems in buildings, industrial structures and similar facilities; is able to make use of all of the above and any other required knowledge to undertake the practice of fire engineering. Contact Ghent University Faculty of Engineering Department of Flow, heat and combustion mechanics Bart.Merci@UGent.be Luc.Taerwe@UGent.be Paul.Vandevelde@UGent.be Ronny.Verhoeven@UGent.be www.firw.ugent.be/onderwijs > postgraduaatopleiding

Postgraduate Studies in Fire Safety Engineering

60 ECTS CREDITS w PART-TIME w LANGUAGE: ENGLISH w DEGREE: certificate of postgraduate studies
Target Group: fire safety consultants; fire prevention officers, fire brigade officers, building designers, building services engineers, architectural practitioners. Academic qualifications: Holders of an academic engineering or architect diploma Others on the basis of a study of individual skills.

Course structure
This programme is presented as a two-year part-time programme, 30 ECTS per year: this means that the equivalent of a full academic year is taught over a period of two years (4 times 12 weeks). The courses take place on Thursday evening, Friday all day and exceptionally on Saturday morning. This allows professionals to participate. The programme consists of ten general courses, one elective course and a master dissertation.

practical information Application deadline

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

Enrolling institution
Ghent University Send an e-mail to request admission, including a detailed CV, with explicit specification of diploma and possibly experience in the domain of FSE, to the chairman of the Electro-Mechanical Engineering Education Commission (opleidingscommissie WerktuigkundeElektrotechniek. www.ugent.be/ir/nl/onderwijs/opleidingen/overzicht.htm

For Flemish degrees:

>> Dissertation
The student applies his/her knowledge of Fire Safety Engineering.

the exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Career perspectives
Fire safety consultants, fire prevention officers, fire brigade officers, building designers, building services engineers, architectural practitioners.

At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 510-559 (paper-based), or 87-109 (internet-based) or higher (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.0; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2); Certificate Practical English 5, Upper-Intermediate Academic English, or Preparing for an English Test, awarded by the UCT; Cambridge-ESOL: First Certificate in English (FCE). Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

Tuition fee
8,000 for the full course, manuals not included

General information about organizations awarding scholarships : www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Start/end of the programme

Two year part-time programme. Start academic year: last week of September.




Active Fire Protection I: Detection and Suppression 3 Active Fire Protection II: Smoke and Heat Control 3 Fire Dynamics 6 Fluid Mechanics Applications in Fire 3 Interaction between People and Fire 3 Risk Management 3 Fire Safety Regulation 3 Industrial Fire Protection and Explosions 3 6 Passive Fire Protection Performance-based Design 6

Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer Steel and Concrete Structures

6 6





Master of Biomedical Engineering

Organised jointly by Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Master of Biomedical Engineering

Students with an academic Bachelor (or Master) diploma in engineering (university level) can enter the program without any prerequisites (except for students with a Bachelor or Master degree in architecture). This is also the case for students with a Master degree in bio-engineering. Students with a Master degree in industrial sciences (industrieel ingenieur) may enter the master program via a dedicated bridging programme, totaling 120 ECTS credits. This program is essentially the same as the regular programme, but 9 (of the 24) ECTS credits for elective courses are taken by the compulsory course elements Capita Selecta Mathematicae and Wiskundige Modellen. All other students have to follow an admission programme, accounting for approximately 30 to maximally 90 ECTS credits depending on the diploma of the students. The inter-universitary college fills in the programme of each individual subject, depending on their already acquired credits and competences. As educational tracts are assessed on an individual basis, it is important that students apply timely so that individual track records can be studied with care to ensure an optimal selection of courses.

course content
The Master of Science in Engineering Science: Biomedical Engineering is an inter-universitary initiative of Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.This programme aims to graduate academic engineers of an outstanding international level, integrating mathematics, physics, chemistry and life sciences with engineering techniques. The biomedical engineer is able to create knowledge from the molecular to the organ level. He or she develops new materials, devices, tools, systems and methods for the early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of pathology in order to improve and guarantee the health care and quality-of-life of the individual and the society. The student masters the necessary research skills to analyse and solve a given problem case independently. The biomedical engineer is capable of functioning in a multidisciplinary team (inflow of bachelor students with different educational backgrounds, teachers from diverse faculties and research areas, multidisciplinary projects where students solve multidisciplinary problem cases in group), and has the required communication skills (oral and written reporting). The biomedical engineer is aware of the ethical and socio-economical aspects of his profession and of our health care system, as well as of the responsibilities of the (biomedical) engineer in our society in general. In the fast-evolving area of biomedical engineering, the master program has also particular attention for an attitude of permanent learning.

Programme mobility
The 6 basic courses are, in principle, offered in parallel at both universities in the first semester of the first master year, while the 9 specialist courses are either taught at UGent, VUB or in collaboration between both, with attention for an optimal student and teaching staff mobility. For the optional courses and the master thesis, students are free to choose UGent, VUB or a (international) partner institute with which UGent or VUB has a bilateral agreement. Obviously, students also have the opportunity to follow part of their curriculum abroad within the Erasmus framework. The inter-universitary college fills in the program of each individual subject, depending on their already acquired credits and competences. As educational tracks are assessed on an individual basis, it is important that students apply timely so that individual track records can be studied with care to ensure an optimal selection of courses.

practical information Application deadline

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

Career perspectives
The biomedical engineer is employed in industry (medical device and software development and/or production and distribution, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food products industry), in hospitals (laboratories of academic hospitals, as well as management of academic and general hospitals), universities and research institutes, and in government functions (government and advisory organs). Evidently, the biomedical engineer can also apply for all generic academic engineering jobs.

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

At enrolment for an English study programme you must give evidence of a good command of English by submitting one of the following: a TOEFL-TEST, maximum two years old, with a score of 580 (paperbased), or 92 (internet-based) or 237 (computer-based) (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643); an original test report form (TRF) from IELTS, maximum two years old, with a minimum score of 6.5; a certificate awarded by the UCT confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level C1); certificate C1 of an university language centre. Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

course structure
The study programme contains 120 credits, spread over 4 semesters of 12 weeks each. The specific biomedical part of the Master programme consists of 6 basic courses, accounting for a total of 30 credits and 42 credits specialised courses. The programme is further complemented with a masters thesis (24 credits) in the second master and optional courses (also 24 credits in total) spread over the 2 master years. There is a possibility to follow an education track that can lead to the recognition of "Expert in Medical Radiation Physics". This track consists of a package of 8 optional courses (24 credits) given in a collaboration between Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. When students opt for this track, the subject of their master thesis is to be situated in the domain of medical radiation physics. (Note: to be formally recognized by the Belgian Federal Agency for Nuclear Control ("FANC") as expert in medical radiation physics, the students will have to follow an additional clinical training of minimally 1 year).

Start/end of the programme

Start academic year: September.


Quantitative Cell Biology Modelling of Physiological Systems From Genome to Organism Biomedical Product Development Biomechanics Medical Equipment Biomaterials Bioelectronics Biomedical Signals and Images Medical Physics Health Care and Hospital Organisation Medical Informatics Technology and Design of Artificial Organs Seminars: Innovations in Biomedical Engineering Human and Environment, Safety and Regulations

3 6 6 3 6 6 6 3 6 3 3 6 6 3 6

>> Master dissertation

The master thesis forms the tailpiece of the program. The thesis will minimally contain a substantial task of a high scientific level, to be elaborated individually by the student (surrounded and supported, however, by a research team), and thus with a high degree of independence. It is through this independent work and the written thesis report that the student demonstrates his or her capability to get familiar with a relevant biomedical engineering problem, study the problem on a high scientific level, and to report on the subject in diverse manners (master thesis, poster, oral public presentation).

Contact Prof Dr Patrick Segers Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Technologiepark Zwijnaarde 904, 9052 Zwijnaarde Patrick.Segers@UGent.be www.UGent.be/ir/bme/en


24 24



International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering

Erasmus Mundus Master Programme jointly organised by University of Groningen (The Netherlands; co-ordinator), Aachen (Germany), Dublin (Ireland), Ghent and Brussels (Belgium) and Prague (Czech Republic).

International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering


course content
The Erasmus Mundus Master course will prepare students from Europe and outside Europe for professions in Biomedical Engineering. The biomedical engineer is able to create knowledge from the molecular to the organ level. He or she develops new materials, devices, tools, systems and methods for the early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of pathology in order to improve and guarantee the health care and quality-of-life of the individual and the society. Biomedical Engineering (BME) is a broad multidisciplinary area, involving many sub-specialisations, varying from regenerative medicine to implant design and from PET-scan imaging to biosensors. For a single university it is difficult to have enough knowledge of all sub-specialisations in Biomedical Engineering to teach their students on an adequate level. Also the required European scope is difficult to gain when students stick to a single university. Therefore a consortium of six universities has joined their knowledge and specific expertise into a two-year European Master in Biomedical Engineering. At least two different universities have to be chosen, but every combination is possible. In this way, the student has a maximum freedom to create a Master programme tailored to his/her interests and to follow the preferred specialisation.

>> Master dissertation

An individual Master project will be performed by the student. This project could be a research assignment or a design assignment. The project will be finished with a written report and an oral presentation. During this Master project the student has to apply all acquired knowledge and skills: to solve a problem by designing a device (in case of a design assignment); to formulate answers to a scientific question by performing scientific research (in case of a research assignment). Assessment will be done by a report and a presentation.

The admission is granted to applicants who meet the following selection criteria: a Bachelor in Engineering or equivalent. Applicants in the final year of their Bachelors study may also apply. Certificate is to be delivered to the coordinating institute in Groningen. Degree certificates, originating from other than the consortium universities, will be judged by the consortium secretariat that use lists of universities with a sufficient level of quality. To ensure quality of the programme the enrolment is limited to 20 students per consortium university. The consortium reserves at least 15 places for third-country students.

Bioelectronics Biomaterials Quantitative Cell Biology Modelling of Physiological Systems From Genome to Organism Biomedical Product Development Biomechanics Biomedical Signals and Images Medical Equipment Medical Physics Human and Environment, Safety and Regulations Multidisciplinary Biomedical Project

3 6 3 6 6 3 6 6 6 3 6 3

Career perspectives
Students are trained to perform a research project and critically reflect on their work and are well prepared to function as a PhD-student at a university, perform research at a large industry R&D-department or to perform applied research (e.g. design of a second generation discus prosthesis, minimally invasive heart support devices ...). Thanks to their broad scope and European view these students are also well prepared for the task of product manager in an industry, leading an R&D-department of an industry, working as a project leader on applied research, medical physics engineer in a hospital. Their teamwork skills and knowledge of Biomedical Engineering make them suitable for hospital or clinical engineers who support and improve patient care by applying engineering and management skills to health-care technology. They are involved in technical support of daily practice, training of health care professionals, introducing safety programmes, etc. The broad view on the various BME-fields, the capability in making judgements, integrating medical, cultural, social, ethical insights make them very well suited for functions in government/public health, consultancy in a wide spectrum of functions (from product design to safety regulations), notified bodies (screening new products for a CE-mark), health insurance, improving health care and controlling costs.

Sufficient English proficiency. Language requirements include an IELTS test score of 6.5 or a TOEFL test score of 580 (paper-based), 237 (computer-based) or 92 (internet-based iBT). Since language competence is an important element, all universities of the consortium offer during this programme English language courses to the CEMACUBE students.

MAJORS Specialisation Computational Methods for Medical Applications (UGent/VUB)

Technology and Design of Artificial Organs Computational Fluid Dynamics Computational Biomechanics Fluid-structure Interaction Advanced Multi-physics Modeling for Medical Applications From Medical Image to Computational Model Master Thesis Preparation Project


practical information Application deadline

for EU-students: January 15 for non-EU-students: December 1

course structure
During the first two semesters (60 ECTS) each university gives course elements on basic biomedical engineering topics. These course elements define the basic level of competence of students. With these courses the student can follow every specialisation, offered in the third semester. Traineeships have to be followed in a hospital and/or industry. In the third semester (30 ECTS) students move to one of the participating universities to follow lectures on a specific topic. Each university will offer several unique specialisations, based on key lines in research, so students get state-of-the-art knowledge, preparing them optimally for future developments in BME: Groningen Biomaterials & Nanotechnology, Imaging Physics Aachen Tissue Engineering, Artificial Organs & Implants, Image-Guided Therapy & Molecular Imaging Dublin Tissue Biomechanics & Regenerative Medicine, Neural Engineering Ghent & Brussels Radiation physics & Medical imaging, Computational Methods for Medical Applications Prague Medical Instrumentation, Modern Physical Methods in BME, Medical Imaging Instrumentation The fourth semester, a Master project will be performed on the specialisation at one of the 6 participating universities.

6 3 3 3 5 5 5

www.biomedicaltechnology.eu Enrolling institution

University of Groningen (The Netherlands)

Specialisation Radiation Physics and Medical Imaging (UGent/VUB)

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology Nuclear Reactors and Cyclotrons Measurement Techniques in Nuclear Science Radiologic Techniques Technology of Radiotherapy Advanced Image and Signal Processing Contrast Agents and Biomarkers for Imaging and Therapy Medical Dosimetry Master Thesis Preparation Project 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 5

Tuition fee for EU-students 4000 per year, for students from non-EU countries 8000 per year. These fees are irrespective of the universities in which they will actually be enrolled. The fee has to be paid to the secretariat of the consortium, located at the University of Groningen. Scholarships



Contact Prof. Dr. ir. Bart Verkerke University Medical Center Groningen Department of Biomedical Engineering Ant. Deusinglaan 1 P.O. Box 196, 9700 AD Groningen, The Netherlands T +31 50 363 3126 - F +31 50 363 3159 Secr: +31 50 363 3140 g.j.verkerke@med.umcg.nl www.biomedicaltechnology.eu UGent: Prof. Dr. Patrick Segers

Erasmus Mundus-scholarships: For non-EU students: covering all necessary costs of the student during his/her study period in Europe. For EU students: the Erasmus Mundus-scholarship for EU students is considered as a financial contribution.

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme Start academic year: September



Master of Textile Engineering

Organised jointly by different European universities

Master of Textile Engineering


course content
The Master of Textile Engineering is a two-year Master programme in the field of textile engineering. The programme was developed in the framework of and with full support of the Erasmus programme of the European Union. The Master of Textile Engineering offers an international and highly advanced programme in which the latest developments in the textile field are incorporated. The programme aims at stemming the tide of the continuous lack of interest for textile education among young people. To this purpose, textile education is tought in a multidisciplinary way, and the strengths of the most renowned education specialists in the domain of textiles in Europe are brought together. The programme ensures that the demands of an industry continuously striving for technological innovation, creativity, quality and an excellent performing management are fulfilled.

career perspectives
The degree Master of Textile Engineering can lead to different careers involving textile knowledge in the broadest sense of the word. Students obtain a thorough understanding of all aspects related to textiles and are hence well-prepared for jobs requiring elaborate knowledge in textiles. The jobs imply technical functions, R&D functions and (general) management functions. Employment has an explicit international dimension thanks to the international and global character of the programme itself.


Students having a higher education degree (BSc, BEng, etc.) in textiles or related areas. For Flemish degrees: the exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

practical information Application deadline

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

Enrolling institution Language

The applicant must prove to have an advanced knowledge of the English language by providing: an official certificate which confirms that the applicant has successfully completed at least one year of a study programme of which the medium of instruction was English, either at an institute of Higher Education or a Secondary School; a recent TOEFL-TEST with a score of at least 550 (paper-based), 79 (internet-based) or 213 (computer-based) - the UGent TOEFL code is 2643 - the test can be maximum two (2) years old; a certificate of the British Council (IELTS) with an overall band of 5,5; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2). Ghent University

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.) As this course is being organised at different universities consecutively, an extra fee is asked to organise this mobility. For further information, please contact : Paul.Kiekens@UGent.be

course structure
The programme of the Master of Textile Engineering is a full-time programme, lectured in English. All major European universities offering a textile degree participate in the programme. As such, the programme benefits from the strengths of the already existing textile programmes in Europe, and covers all modern areas related to textiles. The programme is organised at different locations: the students spend one semester (four to six months) at different universities (i.e. host universities). Specialised lecturers can come from the host university as well as from another participating university. The last semester of the two-year programme is meant for the thesis at one of the participating universities (to be chosen by the student) under supervision of a tutor, possibly in co-operation with the industry. Students who are admitted spend one year and a half (three semesters) in three geographically spread regions in Europe where they are taught by a large number of professors of the participating universities. Each lecturer passes on his or her specific knowledge in a course module covering one or two weeks. Next to the traditional lecturing methods, active methods are used such as case studies, presentation of papers, practical work in laboratories etc. To link theory with practice, company visits in the host country are regularly organised

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities



3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, a theoretical reflection and an original analysis of the topic.

Contact Ghent University Department of Textiles AUTEX-secretariat Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 907 B-9000 Ghent-Zwijnaarde T +32 (0) 9 264 57 50 Paul.Kiekens@UGent.be http://textiles.UGent.be

Automation and Process Control Technical Textile Manufacturing Technology Instrumental Analysis High Technology Fibres Nanotechnology in the Textile Branch High-Performance Fibres Biomaterials Innovative Methods for the Product Development Process for Garments and Technical Applications in the Ready-Made Industry Mechanics of Textile Materials Textile Composite Structures for Impact Protection Composites Applied Textile Process Engineering Intelligent Textiles Application of Technical Textiles Biotechnology Advanced and Specialised Textile Processing -Dyeing and Finishing Functional Finishing Medical, Transportation and Construction Textiles Recycling Management, Logistics and Distribution Advanced and Specialised Textile Processing - Mechanical Supply Chain Management Garment Technology Ecological and Environmental Aspects Quality and Environmental Management Industrial Information Systems

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme Start academic year: last week of September





Master of Nuclear Engineering

Organised jointly by Ghent University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Universit de Lige, Universit Catholique de Louvain

Master of Nuclear Engineering

Applicants must have obtained an academic degree after at least five years of study (Master of Science, Engineering or equivalent) in a discipline related to the content of the programme from a recognised University, College or Institute. For Flemish degrees: the exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this master can be consulted in the online course catalogue.

Course content
Probably the most familiar nuclear engineering application is the production of electricity by means of nuclear power. Over 30% of electricity in the EU and roughly 55% in Belgium is provided by nuclear power. Moreover, at a small absolute but high relative scale, Belgium developed on its territory almost all kinds of nuclear activities: power plants, fuel production, radioelement production, engineering companies, accelerator design and fabrication, waste management, safety management, nuclear medicine, research and higher education. The Master of Nuclear Engineering is a one-year programme organised by major Belgian universities in collaboration with SCKCEN, the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre. The programme is taught in English. Its high modularity allows optimal time management for teachers and students, it facilitates individual participation in selected courses e.g. advanced courses in the context of continuous professional development, and it also facilitate s foreign students participation in blocs of courses. The Belgian Master of Nuclear Engineering programme is embedded in the European ENEN association, a non-profit internationa l organisation of universities and research centres for the preservation and further development of higher nuclear education and expertise. The Belgian Master of Nuclear Engineering programme, where appropriate, collaborates with the ANENT, the Asian Network for Education in Nuclear Technology.

practical information Application deadline

General deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, a theoretical reflection and an original analysis of the topic.

Enrolling institution
Ghent University


Career perspectives
The objective of the Master of Nuclear Engineering is to offer present/future professionals and researchers a solid background in the different disciplines of nuclear engineering.

The applicant must prove to have an advanced knowledge of the English language by providing: an official certificate which confirms that the applicant has successfully completed at least one year of a study programme of which the medium of instruction was English, either at an institute of Higher Education or a Secondary School; a recent TOEFL-TEST with a score of at least 550 (paper-based), 79 (internet-based) or 213 (computer-based) - the UGent TOEFL code is 2643 - the test can be maximum two (2) years old; a certificate of the British Council (IELTS) with an overall band of 5,5; a certificate awarded by the University Language Centre (UCT) confirming proficiency in English (minimum CEF-level B2).

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities Students can also receive a grant from BNEN (www.sckcen.be/bnen)

Contact Ghent University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical energy, systems and automation Prof. J.-M. Noterdaeme Technologiepark Zwijnaarde 914, 9052 Gent-Zwijnaarde T +32 (0)9 264 56 57 Belgium Nuclear Research Centre SCKCEN Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol Gert Van den Eynde gert.van.den.eynde@sckcen.be - T +32 (0)14 33 22 30 www.sckcen.be/bnen

Course structure
The programme consists of a set of general courses followed by some elective advanced courses, an internship and a Master thesis work. The schedule of the programme will stimulate the students mobility in the preparation of their Master thesis work: internship in industry, in research centres or in universities within Belgium or Europe. The lectures are taught at the premises of the Belgian nuclear research centre SCKCEN. The laboratory exercises make use of the nuclear facilities of SCKCEN. Various technical visits are organised to research and industrial nuclear facilities.

Start/end of the programme

One year programme. Start academic year: last week of September.




Radiation Protection and Nuclear Measurements 6 Nuclear Materials I 3 Nuclear Materials II 3 Nuclear Energy: Introduction 3 Reliability and Safety 3 8 Nuclear Reactor Theory and Experiments Operation and Control 3 Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics 6 Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Applied Radiochemistry 3 Introduction to Nuclear Physics 3 Advanced Topics 4





Master of Science of Nutrition and Rural Development

MAIN SUBJECTS: HUMAN NUTRITION RURAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT TROPICAL AGRICULTURE International Course Programme (ICP): Master Programme organised by Ghent University and the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR-UOS)

Master of Science of Nutrition and Rural Development

For students applying for a VLIR-UOS scholarship:1st of February For students who require a visa: 1st of May For students who do not require a visa: before September 1 www.icp-itp.UGent.be

Course content
Food security and sustainable development of rural areas require specialists with an integrated and multidimensional view on developmen t problems. They should be able to elaborate, implement and evaluate strategies and policies, adapted to the specific needs and possibilities of developing countries. The Master of Science of Nutrition and Rural Development will form specialists in this field. The programme provides a choice among three main subjects, to be specified at the first registration: Human Nutrition (HuNu); Rural Economics and Management (REM); Tropical Agriculture (Major Animal Production or Plant Production) (TAAP/TAPP). The common part of the programme consists of modules providing basic knowledge, theoretical insights and methodological skills in the areas of production, transformation, preservation, marketing and consumption aspects of food production, nutrition and marketing. Further, students are trained in quantitative and ve research methods for the identification and assessment qualitati of nutrition and food security problems, the ranking of underlying n and evaluation of appropriate factors and the elaboratio interventions. Furthermore, the programme develops written and oral on skills and management capacities. The students communicati are further trained in independent research and interdisciplinary teamwork. Finally, the students obtain a specific expertise, depending on their main subject.
>> Human Nutrition (HuNu)

pasture management, animal genetics The major on Plant Production focuses on themes like ethnobotany, crop protection, plant breeding, plant biotechnology ... The courses are applicative, and aim at presenting solutions for agricultural problems in developing countries in an interdisciplinary way.

Course structure
Students should choose the main subject they want to follow (including the major if applicable) the moment they apply for inscription at UGent. In the first year of the MSc programme 30 ECTS credits are commonly taught. These courses give in-depth knowledge and knowhow in some more general courses related to nutrition and rural development, in order to achieve a common base level between all students of different backgrounds. The second part of the first year courses are specific for each of the three main subjects. The aim is to achieve a more specific but broad common base for the students of each main subject. The second year of this MSc programme provides a more in-depth understanding of the specific problems and their solutions for the main subject they have chosen. The second year therefore consists of specific courses on each main subject chosen, optional courses and Master Dissertation research. For the optional courses the student may choose among the specific courses of the other main subjects, or he/ she can propose other courses offered in English at UGent as long as they enable the student to compile a tailor-made study curriculum enhancing his/her individual needs or interests.

Each application will be evaluated by a board of admission of the specific programme and has to be approved by the Faculty Council and by the Rectors office. Entry conditions: Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years with good overall scores (at least a second class or equivalent, preferably higher) from a university or recognized equivalent. Specific academic requirements: Applicants for the main subject Human Nutrition are expected to have a basic science training (demonstrable in the transcripts) in the following fields: (1) mathematics and physics and/or statistics, (2) (bio)chemistry and 3) biology and/or physiology. Relevant research or working experience of minimum 2 years is recommended but not a prerequisite unless the former field of study (and/or degree obtained) was not directly relevant. Applicants for the main subject Rural Economics and Management are expected to have a basic science training (demonstrable in the transcripts) in the following fields: (1) mathematics and/or statistics, (2) agronomy and/or biology and/or environmental sciences and (3) social sciences and/or rural development. Applicants for the main subject Tropical Agriculture are expected to have a basic science training (demonstrable in the transcripts) in the following fields: (1) mathematics and/or statistics, (2) agronomy (3) (bio)chemistry and (4) depending of the chosen major: for Animal Production: animal biology and physiology and for Plant Production: a basic knowledge about plant diseases and pests and/or good background in plant biology is an advantage but not a requisite.

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme. Start: first Monday of the last week of September. End: last Friday of the second week of September.

>> Master dissertation

It is highly recommended that students return to their home country or another developing country to do the data collection or field research. A local co-promoter (nominated by the staff of the programme) will assist them during that period.

The applicant must be proficient in the language of the course or training programme, i.e. English. Command of the English language is a very important criterion for admission. With the exception of those who have a diploma (Secondary Education, Academic Bachelor Degree, Master Degree) issued by an institution officially recognized by the Flemish Government, applicants must be able to prove their proficiency in English. There are four possibilities to supply this proof: TOEFL certificate (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643) with: a minimum total score of 550 on the paper based test, or a minimum total score of 79 on an internet based test (the test validity is max. 2 years); IELTS with a minimum overall band score of 6 (the test validity is max. 2 years); Proof of at least 1 year of comprehensive English-based instruction at a university or recognized equivalent; Proof of a successful Intermediate Academic English test at the Ghent University Language Center. (Remark: TOEFL/IELTS predictive tests are not acceptable.)

The objective is to transfer specific and profound knowledge, insights and skills related to food security and nutrition problems and solutions at population level. Therefore, this subject focuses on subject areas such as food chemistry, food science, nutritional requirements, food and nutrition policy, nutrition surveillance, nutrition practices, nutrition research, and food safety, all referring to the nutrition problems in developing countries.
>> Rural Economics and Management (REM)

Career perspectives
>> For overseas students:

The objective is to give students specific expertise on the socioeconomic mechanisms causing failure and success in rural development, and to provide them with adequate tools for the planning and implementation of sustainable, integrated rural development strategies and interventions. To achieve this, students receive in-depth knowledge about agronomic, environmental, economic, social, financial, institutional and policy aspects of food production systems, the functioning of food markets and the impact of agricultural policies and rural institutions on the development of rural areas.
>> Tropical Agriculture (TA)

Research and teaching at universities, private or governmental; Research in research institutes, private or governmental; Development project collaborators; Independent consultants; Policy preparation; Administration of rural projects;

>> For European students:

Contact Ghent University Master of Science of Nutrition and Rural Development Mrs. ir. A.-M. Remaut-De Winter Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent T + 32 (0)9 264 61 80 - Fax +32 (0)9 264 62 22 nurude@UGent.be http://econsort.UGent.be/index.asp www.nutritioncourse.UGent.be www.icp-itp.UGent.be

The objective is to deliver technical knowledge related to agriculture focussing on developing countries. The students can specialise in animal production or plant production by choosing the specific major. The major on Animal Production delivers in-depth knowledge on production biology, animal nutrition,

Overseas project collaborators for local and overseas governmental and local or international, non-governmental development organisations in the domains taught in the study programme; Consultancy overseas after some years of experience; Involved in Europe in some non-governmental organisations, active in the development cooperation field; In administration as policy preparatory jobs; In rural development research and project preparation.



Master of Science of Nutrition and Rural Development


International Master of Science in Rural Development

International Master Programma jointly offered by Ghent University and partners of European Erasmus Mundus programmes and EU-Atlantis programmes The joint International MSc in Rural Development (IMRD) offers the opportunity to study European visions on Rural Development and Rural Economics in their diversity of approaches and applications and to make comparative analyses of EU and non-EU Agricultural and Rural Development strategies and agricultural policies. IMRD is amongst others supported by the Erasmus Mundus and EU-Atlantis programmes of the European Union. The objective is to train students from European and non-European countries, from developed, developing and transition countries to become specialists in Integrated Rural Development with focus on socio-economic and institutional aspects. This is done through a two-year master programme jointly organised by six European leading institutes in Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, in collaboration with several partners in the United States, China, India, South Africa and Ecuador. A general formation in both technical and social sciences disciplines and advanced competence in at least two Rural Development related disciplines; Ability to dialogue with different actors of the socio-professional world as a consequence of their pluri-disciplinary training; Critical reflection skills and the necessary communication skills for integrated team work for dealing with Rural Development challenges.

5 5 5 5 7 3 To be chosen from all specific courses taught in the other main subjects of the MSc. Nutrition and Rural Development or in other MSc. programmes taught in English at the Ghent University


Applied Statistics Human Nutrition Tropical Food Production Human Development Economics Planning and Project Design Seminars in Nutrition and Rural Development



Course structure and mobility

The methodology consists of a combination of Basic and Specialised training in technical, economic and social sciences, divided over three study periods, a Case Study of one month in the summer period and an individual Master Thesis research project in the fourth study period. The programme includes a high extent of student and scholar mobility, making it possible to learn from specialists within and outside of Europe. Non-European students study mainly in the European Union, European students have opportunities to study within and outside the EU. Each two-year programme consists of one Basic Module (one semester), two Specialised Training Modules (two semesters), a Case Study or Internship in the summer period and a final semester dedicated to the Master Thesis research and writing. The Basic and Specialised Modules offer training in Agricultural Economics; Rural Economics and Management; Institutional and Resource Economics; Sustainable Territorial Approaches to Rural Development; Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Sociology. An absolute condition to obtain the Master degree is to fulfill the mobility requirements of the programme, i.e. to study in at least two of the Partner Institutes and to participate in the Case Study or Internship. The course programme and mobility schedules can be consulted on the website www.imrd.UGent.be. The IMRD has a policy of equal distribution among partners offering courses in the same period.The IMRD is supported amongst others by the European Erasmus Mundus and EU-Atlantis programmes. The Erasmus Mundus track provides several mobility trajectories within and outside the EU and is offered to both European and non-European students. For this track scholarships under the EU Erasmus Mundus programme are available. The Atlantis track allows comparative analysis of EU and US rural development and agricultural economic problems and policies and is offered to European and US students. For this track scholarships under the EU-Atlantis programme are available. Both tracks are also open to self sponsoring students or students with other scholarships.


Food Chemistry Food Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Post-Harvest Handling, Processing and Preservation Food Safety Nutrition Disorders Functional Foods Food and Nutrition Interventions Food and Nutrition Policies Food and Nutrition Epidemiology Community Health Promotion

5 5 5 4 6 5 5 5 5 5

Courses for min. 10 and max. 60 ECTS credits, selected from the courses in the Bachelor programmes of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, depending on the pre-educational background of the student

Organising institutes
By forming a Network of Institutes of Excellence the International MSc in Rural Development builds on excellent competencies in the area of Rural Development, strong links with the professional world and extensive experience in joint training programmes for foreign students. The main EU partners of the joint IMRD are: Ghent University (Belgium), Agrocampus Ouest (France), Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), Wageningen University (Netherlands), Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia), University of Pisa (Italy). Apart from this, collaborations have been set up with an extended network of third country partner institutes in the United States, China, Ecuador, South Africa and India for course work, case studies, Internships and Master Thesis research projects. From next year on there will also be collaboration with a number of governmental and non-governmental organisations. For a detailed list and the specialty disciplines of the partner institutes can be found on the website.


Food Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Rural Development and Poverty Farm Management and Micro-economic Theory Agricultural Economics of Developing Countries Agricultural Sociology and Extension Agricultural and Rural Policy Rural Project Management Advanced Marketing and Agribusiness Management Applied Rural Economic Research Methods Economics and Management of Natural Resources 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Tropical Animal Production Tropical Crop Production Rural Development and Poverty 4 4 5 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 6 5 4

Course content
IMRD brings together scholars from leading universities and research institutes worldwide to expose students to different existing paradigms, visions, approaches and practices for the development of rural areas. This offers the opportunity to compare the European vision on Rural Development and Economics with other visions, to research EU and non-EU Agricultural and Rural Development and Agricultural Policies and to experience the diversity of approaches and applications for the development of rural areas. The International MSc in Rural Development provides students with: Awareness of the multifunctional role of rural areas and agriculture and an integrated vision on development of rural areas; Knowledge of different approaches to Rural Economics and Development and ability to apply these in diverse situations in developing, developed and transition countries; Ability to apply adequate instruments, methods and innovative tools to analyse, evaluate and solve problems related to Agricultural Economics and Policy, Food Systems, Rural Development and Countryside Management; Ability to develop innovative tools and instruments for the multifunctional development of rural areas;


Ethnobotany and New Crop Development Molecular Techniques Plant Biotechnology Tropical Crop Protection Plant Breeding Post-Harvest Handling, Processing and Preservation Tropical Forestry Properties and Management of Soils of the Tropics


Applied Animal Genetics Animal Production Biology Animal Nutrition Meat and Meat Products Tropical Feed Resources Sustainable Animal Husbandry Quantitative Veterinary Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Milk and Dairy Technology

Contact Ghent University IMRD ATLANTIS secretariat Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Department of Agricultural Economics Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, Belgium IMRD@UGent.be TRANSATLANTIS@UGent.be www.IMRD.UGent.be www.TRANSATLANTIS.UGent.be



International Master of Science in Rural Development

Each application will be evaluated by a board of admission of the specific programme and has to be approved by the Faculty Council and by the Rectors office. Entry conditions: Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years with good overall scores (at least a second class or equivalent, preferably higher) from a university or recognized equivalent. Specific academic requirements: Applicants are expected to have basic science training (demonstrable in the transcripts) in the following fields: (1) mathematics and/or statistics, (2) agronomy and/or biology and/or environmental sciences and (3) social sciences and/or rural development. Applicants who cannot present a combined training of these fields will be evaluated on their aptitude, based on experience and knowledge of these fields, as demonstrated by CV or other evidence.

International Master of Science in Rural Development


practical information Application deadline

for foreign students applying for scholarship: normally December 31, unless otherwise mentioned on the IMRD website for other categories: see IMRD and ATLANTIS websites www.IMRD.UGent.be


> General Entrance Module (UGent) Applied Rural Economic Research Methods Rural Development and Poverty Rural Project Management Econometrics Introduction to the European Vision on Agriculture and Rural Development Applied Statistics Tropical Food Production Food Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Environmental Economics and Policy Management of Natural Resources General Agricultural Economics Farm Management and Micro-economic Theory > Advanced Module I: Rural Economics and Management (UGent) Agricultural Economics of Developing Countries Seminars in Rural Development Agricultural and Rural Policy Agricultural Sociology and Extension Human Development Economics Tropical Crop Production Planning and Project Design Rural Development Project Advanced Marketing and Agribusiness Management > Advanced Module II ((Partner Institutions) > Language Courses (Partner Institutions) > Additional Elective Courses (Partner or Other Institutions)


Courses for min. 10 and max. 60 ECTS credits, selected from the courses in the Bachelor programmes of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, depending on the pre-educational background of the student.

Enrolling institution
Students enrol in Ghent University in the months preceding the start of the academic year. The tuition fee is paid to the IMRD account in Ghent University, which grants the student access to each of the partner institutes. Students register in each of the host institutes at arrival.

5 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 5

Tuition fee
Min 2,000 and max 4,000 EUR per academic year. Further, students should foresee extra money for course material ( 500 EUR per year), the participation in the case study (1,000 EUR), accommodation and subsistence ( 600 EUR per month) and for travelling between the host institutes.

The applicant must be proficient in the language of the course or training programme, i.e. English. Command of the English language is a very important criterion for admission. With the exception of those who have a diploma (Secondary Education, Academic Bachelor Degree, Master Degree) issued by an institution officially recognized by the Flemish Government, applicants must be able to prove their proficiency in English. There are four possibilities to supply this proof: TOEFL certificate (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643) with: a minimum total score of 550 on the paper based test, or a minimum total score of 79 on an internet based test (the test validity is max. 2 years); IELTS with a minimum overall band score of 6 (the test validity is max. 2 years); Proof of at least 1 year of comprehensive English-based instruction at a university or recognized equivalent; Proof of a successful Intermediate Academic English test at the Ghent University Language Center. (Remark: TOEFL/IELTS predictive tests are not acceptable.).

Students can apply for Erasmus Mundus and Atlantis scholarships, provided by the European Union. Information on alternative funding possibilities can be found on the IMRD and ATLANTIS websites.

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme. Starts in Ghent University according to the academic calendar of UGent. Students are requested to be present approximately one week before the start of the courses.

5 5 5 5 5 4 7 5 5

ATLANTIS LEARNING PATH > General Entrance Module (UGent) Course List: see Erasmus Mundus Learning Path: General Entrance Module > Advanced Module I (UGent) Course List: see Erasmus Mundus Learning Path: Advanced Module I > Advanced Module II (UGent) Course List: see Erasmus Mundus Learning Path: General Entrance Module > Language Courses (Partner Institutions) > Additional Elective Courses (Partner or Other Institutions) project 10

Case study or internship ERASMUS MUNDUS-learning path Case Study in Pisa/Nitra 10 Case Study or Internship in other Partner Institute 10 Case study or internship ATLANTIS-learning path Case Study in Pisa/Nitra Case Study or Internship in Arkansas/Florida Case Study or Internship in other Partner Institute

10 10 10





Master of Science of Aquaculture

International Course Programme (ICP): Master Programme organised by Ghent University and the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR-UOS)

Master of Science of Aquaculture

Each application will be evaluated by a board of admission of the specific programme and has to be approved by the Faculty Council and by the Rectors office. Entry conditions: Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years with good overall scores (at least a second class or equivalent, preferably higher) from a university or recognized equivalent. Specific academic requirements: Applicants are expected to have basic science training (demonstrable in the transcripts) in at least 5 out of 7 of the following fields: (1) mathematics, including basic statistics, (2) physics, (3) chemistry, (4) biochemistry, (5) biology, (6) microbiology, (7) engineering. Some background in aquaculture is recommended.

Course content
The increasing consumption of aquatic products in the European countries has drawn much attention to the development of a sustainable aqua culture and fishery sector. Declining fishery catches and changing consumer requirements for a diversified range of safe, high-quality farmed aquatic products has inevitably lead to regional and national specialisation in research as well as in education. Due to the diversity of aquaculture and fisheries, education in this sector calls for a multidisciplinary approach. Also in non-European countries (including Third Countries) the demand for aquatic animal products is rising, putting pressure on the natural resources. Hence in these countries the interest for aquaculture products is high (Far East, Africa) and is already the subject of a fast developing economic activity (Far East) or has the potential of becoming so (Africa). World statistics do indeed indicate that aquatic food is traded very intensively. It is estimated that 50 % of the total aquatic production is crossing national borders. The MSc Aquaculture calls upon the UGent and European aquaculture expertise to educate and train students and scholars from European and third countries in order to stimulate transfer of knowledge to and from Europe, nurturing in this way a sustainable development of aquaculture in these countries. The Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center of the Ghent University, Belgium has a long-standing worldwide reputation in the field of education and training in aquaculture. The objectives of the programme are: to deliver researchers able to perform and design research in various aquaculture fields; to deliver experts who can draw and implement strategies for future development in the aquaculture industry; to form key persons who can act as a nucleus in their local environment through dissemination and teaching their acquired knowledge; to deliver academically trained staff for the aquaculture industry.

This Master Programme is organised solely in English and receives a diverse international audience. Several guest speakers and practicing scientists and scholars from other European institutions (and abroad) contribute to the programme. The Faculty of Bioscience Engineering has a wide range of bilateral agreements for both student and lecture exchange. Additionally, the MAqFish Consortium offers opportunities for integration of the UGent Aquaculture curriculum with the curriculum of six other European universities teaching aquaculture at the MSc level, leading to a higher variety of specialised courses and dissertation work. The many excursions to different fish and shellfish farms in Europe will give the student a better understanding of the industry. Students have the opportunity to follow a farm training in marine or freshwater farms or research centre. Specialised courses such as Aquatic Farm Management Training, Fish Culture Techniques, Management in the Aquaculture Industry ... compare the European situation with the situation in the students country of origin.

practical information Application deadline

For students applying for a VLIR-UOS scholarship:1st of February For students who require a visa: 1st of May For students who do not require a visa:before September 1 www.icp-itp.UGent.be

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.) (+ ca. 200 to 600 can be charged for international excursions)

The applicant must be proficient in the language of the course or training programme, i.e. English. Command of the English language is a very important criterion for admission. With the exception of those who have a diploma (Secondary Education, Academic Bachelor Degree, Master Degree) issued by an institution officially recognized by the Flemish Government, applicants must be able to prove their proficiency in English. There are four possibilities to supply this proof: TOEFL certificate (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643) with: a minimum total score of 550 on the paper based test, or a minimum total score of 79 on an internet based test (the test validity is max. 2 years); IELTS with a minimum overall band score of 6 (the test validity is max. 2 years); Proof of at least 1 year of comprehensive English-based instruction at a university or recognized equivalent; Proof of a successful Intermediate Academic English test at the Ghent University Language Center. (Remark: TOEFL/IELTS predictive tests are not acceptable.). (failing to meet these language criteria results in the inability to register at Ghent University and means you will be sent back home)

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

>> Master dissertation

Students can choose the topic for their master dissertation (thesis) in a broad range of disciplines in which the scientific staff of the master programmes is active. In general, the students become involved in ongoing research within the research laboratories of their promoter(s). They can however also propose their own research topic. Students have to conduct research with the appropriate expertise in order to contribute to the development of a particular research domain. The ultimate goal is to initiate students into research at an academic level so that, upon completion of their master programme, they are able to carry out scientific research in a proper way. Specific requirements will be mentioned in the practical procedure.

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme. Start: first Monday of the last week of September End: last Friday of the second week of September

Career perspectives
Aquaculture is a diverse and dynamic industry. It depends on knowledge from a series of disparate disciplines (e.g. biology, engineering, marketing), and it is constantly evolving, drawing on new technologies and the outputs of a range of R&D activities. Consequently, there is a need of highly trained and skilled personnel with specific but varying skills in order to be able to exploit existing aquaculture potentials in a profitable and sustainable way. The European Union estimates the demand for trained personnel in the aquaculture industry to be 8,000-10,000 in 2010 (COM 511 Statement to the Sustainable Development of European Aquaculture, Sept 19.2002). Europe therefore needs to educate and train these aquaculture specialists at European universities. Europe also needs to educate and train students and scholars from third countries in order to stimulate transfer of knowledge to and from Europe.

Course structure
The Master of Science of Aquaculture is a two-year programme at an university level on the most important aspects of aquaculture for both marine and freshwater organisms. In the first semester, basic knowledge such as biology, physiology, microbiology, statistics, informatics are broadened/refreshed. The second semester of the first year focuses on specific aspects in aquaculture such as larviculture and larval food production, fish and shellfish production techniques, algae culture, farm management training, hygiene and disease control management techniques etc. The whole first semester of the second year students follow specialised courses on diseases, genetics and management at Ghent University, in combination with 15 ECTS credits of elective courses.

Contact Ghent University Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center Course Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. Peter Bossier Course Coordinator: ir. Bart Van Delsen Course Administrator: Mr. Sebastiaan Vanopstal Rozier 44, B-9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 37 54 - Fax: +32 (0) 9 264 41 93 msc.aquaculture@UGent.be (lab site) www.aquaculture.UGent.be (programme site) www.icp-itp.UGent.be



Master of Science of Aquaculture


Master of Science of Food Technology

majors: food science and technology postharvest and food preservation engineering International Course Programme (ICP): Master Programme organised by Ghent University and the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR-UOS)

Course content
The general objective of IUPFOOD is to provide a multidisciplinary and specialised professional training in areas of food technology, with emphasis on postharvest and food preservation engineering on the one hand and food science and technology on the other hand, to equip future personnel with the necessary technological and managerial knowledge, skills, and attitudes, which are required to successfully contribute to solving problems related to food security. The IUPFOOD programme particularly focuses on developing countries where food security (delivering enough nutritiou s, high-quality safe food) is a current and future major concern and key challenge. Today it is recognised that post-production considerations or activitie s such as postharvest handling, storage, processing, preservatio n, marketing, distribution and utilizations need to form part of agricultural development programmes because there are many opportunities for food to be lost between harvest and consumption. These postharvest food losses represent a loss of valuable nutrients and money, especially in developing countries. Food should not only be produced, it should also be delivered to the ultimate consumer in an acceptable form if it is to fulfil its nutritional destiny. To bring foods to the consumer in an acceptable form, on the one hand processing technologies are used to convert edible raw materials into foods with decreased inherent stability; on the other hand preservation technologies are required to increase the stability and shelf life of foods. Based on these considerations, two technological dimensions of prime and crucial importance in food processing and preservation are the key objectives and programme options in IUPFOOD: The transformation (processing) of raw materials into products suited for human consumption The role of postharvest and food preservation unit operations in delivering safe and nutritious foods to the end consumer These two concerns are directly translated in the focus points of the IUPFOOD training programme. For the optional courses the student may choose among the courses of the other specialisation and the additional optional courses offered. This enables the participants to compile a tailor-made study curriculum according to their individual needs and interests. The specialisation 'Food Science and Technology' (FST) is organised at UGent, while the specialisation 'Postharvest and Food Preservation Engineering' (PFPE) is organised at K.U.Leuven.

Aquatic Ecology Biology of Aquatic Organisms Fish Culture Techniques General Aspects of Aquaculture Microbial Ecology and Environmental Sanitation Physiology of Aquatic Organisms Technology of Fishery Products Algae Culture Aquatic Farm Management Training Mollusc and Crustacean Culture Aquaculture and the Environment Larviculture and Larval Food Production Applied Statistics Maaement in the Aquaculture Industry Aquaculture Genetics Diseases in Aquaculture

5 4 6 4 4 3 3 3 5 7 5 6 5 5 5 5

Courses for min. 10 and max. 60 ECTS credits, selected from the courses in the Bachelor Programmes of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, depending on the pre-educational background of the student.

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation integrates the acquired knowledge with the personal education/development of the student and is programmed in the third and fourth semester. It represents an important study load (30 ECTS) because it is considered to be an outstanding example of guided self-tuition in the Master programme, an integration of all aims and objectives of the Master programme and an instrument for evaluation of the end terms of the Master programme. The master dissertation represents a considerable volume of experimental work, analytical processing, interpretation and communication and is performed within a research group in K.U.Leuven or UGent.

> max. 15 credits from an elective course list UGent > max. 15 credits from an elective course list partner institutions > max. 5 credits from all programmes UGent




Career perspectives
It is the objective of IUPFOOD to offer a programme that takes into account the specific needs and approaches in developing countries. The IUPFOOD programme prepares students for different tasks, particularly in a professional teaching and research environment. IUPFOOD alumni are mainly active in the following sectors: academic institutes (as teaching and/or research staff), research institutes (as research staff), non governmental organisations (in different capacities), governmental institutes (e.g. in research programmes, quality surveillance programmes or national nutritiona l programmes) and private industry (in particular quality control related jobs). A number of IUPFOOD alumni complete further PhD studies in an early phase of their career.

Course structure
The programme builds on the integrated expertise in research and education of K.U.Leuven and UGent in the field of food technology. IUPFOOD offers two years of academic education, leading to a MSc degree Master of Science of Food Technology. In the first year of the MSc programme, in-depth knowledge in food science, engineering and food engineering is obtained, in order to achieve a common base level between students of different backgrounds. The first year is common to all participants. The first semester is organised at UGent while the second semester is organised at K.U.Leuven. The second year of the MSc programme provides a broad knowledge in food technology and in-depth understanding in either Postharvest or Food Preservation Engineering' (PFPE) or 'Food Science and Technology' (FST), depending on the major chosen. The second year of the programme therefore consists of specific courses on each major (PFPE and FST), optional courses and dissertatio n research. The major, the optional courses and the dissertation topic are chosen after completing the first year.

Contact Ghent University Department of Food Safety and Food Quality IUPFOOD secretariat Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent T +32 (0)9 264 61 65 - Fax +32 (0)9 264 62 10 iupfood.technology@UGent.be www.iupfood.be; www.icp-itp.UGent.be



Master of Science of Food Technology

Each application will be evaluated by a board of admission of the specific programme and has to be approved by the Faculty Council and by the Rectors office. Entry conditions: Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years with good overall scores (at least a second class or equivalent, preferably higher) from a university or recognized equivalent. Specific academic requirements: Applicants are expected to have basic science training (Bachelor of Science degree, demonstrable in the transcripts) in at least 3 out of 4 of the following fields: (1) mathematics, statistics and physics, (2) chemistry and biochemistry, (3) biology and microbiology and (4) engineering and food engineering, with an end result of minimum second class upper or equivalent.

Master of Science of Food Technology


practical information Application deadline

For students applying for a VLIR-UOS scholarship:1st of February For students who require a visa: 1st of May For students who do not require a visa:before September 1 www.icp-itp.UGent.be


Applied Statistics Food Chemistry and Analysis Food Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Food Microbiology and Analysis Food Processing

5 7 4 7 7 4 7 4 8 7

Courses for min. 10 and max. 60 ECTS credits, selected from the courses in the Bachelor Programmes of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, depending on the pre-educational background of the student.

Enrolling institution
Alternating: Ghent University and K.U. Leuven

Biochemistry and Physiology of Perishable Crops Engineering Properties and Principles of Food Machinery Nutrition and Dietetics Thermal Processing of Foods Transport Phenomena and Engineering Kinetics

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

The applicant must be proficient in the language of the course or training programme, i.e. English. Command of the English language is a very important criterion for admission. With the exception of those who have a diploma (Secondary Education, Academic Bachelor Degree, Master Degree) issued by an institution officially recognized by the Flemish Government, applicants must be able to prove their proficiency in English. There are four possibilities to supply this proof: TOEFL certificate (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643) with: a minimum total score of 550 on the paper based test, or a minimum total score of 79 on an internet based test (the test validity is max. 2 years); IELTS with a minimum overall band score of 6 (the test validity is max. 2 years); Proof of at least 1 year of comprehensive English-based instruction at a university or recognized equivalent; Proof of a successful Intermediate Academic English test at the Ghent University Language Center. (Remark: TOEFL/IELTS predictive tests are not acceptable.).


Statistical Topics in Food Technology Food Colloids Functional Foods One course from the following list: Milk and Dairy Technology Technology of Fishery Products Plant Based Food Products and Ingredients Meat and Meat Products

4 5 5 4 4 4 4

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme. Start: first Monday of the last week of September End: last Friday of the second week of September


Low Temperature Processing of Foods Mathematical Planning and Advanced Statistics Design and Management of Storage and Distribution Structures One course from the following list: HACCP-Concepts and Quality Assurance: Workshop Postharvest Pest Management and Disease Control Food Packaging and Transportation 5 4 5 4 4 4

Courses to be chosen from an elective course list

12 30




Master of Science of Environmental Sanitation

MAJORS: SOIL WATER AIR International Course Programme (ICP): Master Programme organised by Ghent University and the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR-UOS)

Master of Science of Environmental Sanitation

Each application will be evaluated by a board of admission of the specific programme and has to be approved by the Faculty Council and by the Rectors office. Entry conditions: Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years with good overall scores (at least a second class or equivalent, preferably higher) from a university or recognized equivalent. Specific academic requirements: Applicants must have at least a bachelor's degree in exact or applied sciences. Adequate knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry at university level is an absolute requirement. Previous knowledge of biology, microbiology and/or soil science is an advantage but not a requisite.

Course content
The general objective of the study programme is the education of environmental specialists with ample knowledge of: the concepts and issues associated with environmental pollution; the detection and quantification of environmental pollution; the possible impact of environmental pollutants on the ecosystems and biota, together with the current techniques for risk assessment; the available technologies for prevention and remediation of environmental pollution and the way they are designed and applied in practice. The ICP Environmental Sanitation has been set up with the explicit aim to offer training to an international audience, and is therefore entirely taught in English. Although the study programme can be attended by all students interested in environmental problems in an international context, the programme has always focussed on specific situations, cases and issues in developing countries, thus contributing to an improvement of the quality of life in these countries. This international dimension is an important asset, as the frequent contacts and common activities enhance the students social skills. The vast majority of students are non-European. They mainly originate from Asia, Africa and, to a lesser extent, from Latin America. Because of its international reputation, also students from OECD countries, Central and Eastern Europe occasionally register for the programme.

to collect data and possibly also samples (e.g. dust on filters, water or soil samples; reducing the sample volumes by concentrating sample extracts is also possible) in the framework of their dissertation research. For those students who do not have the possibility to make their own proposal, each year potential dissertation promoters put forward dissertation subjects, which are announced by the CES in April. This allows the student to contact the professor in charge of the dissertation subject of his/her interest.

practical information Application deadline

For students applying for a VLIR-UOS scholarship:1st of February For students who require a visa: 1st of May For students who do not require a visa:before September 1 www.icp-itp.UGent.be

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

Career perspectives
Graduates of the ICP Environmental Sanitation are active in diverse sectors and assume highly varying professional duties. This can vary from appointments in ministries and governmental services, NGOs, teaching assignments at universities or scientific research in domains that deal with technologies for prevention and sanitation of environmental pollution. In view of this situation, the study programme pays particular attention to the acquisition of knowledge and skills that enables graduates with a Master degree to fulfil their role as leading s able to cope with all kinds of situations. Therefore, the scientist ICP Environmental Sanitation puts strong emphasis on reflection and analytical abilities, intellectual creativity, communication skills and the development of a research approach and problem-solving capacity. Students must be able to apply the acquired knowledge and ings in complex problems or situations with the understand necessary guidance and steering, taking into consideration the ethical, financial and social aspects.

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

The applicant must be proficient in the language of the course or training programme, i.e. English. Command of the English language is a very important criterion for admission. With the exception of those who have a diploma (Secondary Education, Academic Bachelor Degree, Master Degree) issued by an institution officially recognized by the Flemish Government, applicants must be able to prove their proficiency in English. There are four possibilities to supply this proof: TOEFL certificate (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643) with: a minimum total score of 550 on the paper based test, or a minimum total score of 79 on an internet based test (the test validity is max. 2 years); IELTS with a minimum overall band score of 6 (the test validity is max. 2 years); Proof of at least 1 year of comprehensive English-based instruction at a university or recognized equivalent; Proof of a successful Intermediate Academic English test at the Ghent University Language Center. (Remark: TOEFL/IELTS predictive tests are not acceptable.).

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme. Start: first Monday of the last week of September End: last Friday of the second week of September

Course structure
The study programme is structured around the following topics: basic study of non-polluted environments; sources and causes of environmental pollution; methodologies for detection and analysis of environmental pollution; environmental toxicology and risk assessment, both in the ecotoxicological and human toxicological field; prevention and sanitation of environmental pollution; clean technology; treatment of waste. During the second year, the student has to choose a major (soil, water or air) to which the master dissertation research (30 ECTS credits) has to be linked. Each major consist of 3 courses corresponding to 11 ECTS credits.

>> Master dissertation

The dissertation subject is related to one of the majors of the study programme and preferably deals with an environmental issue at the country of origin. Therefore students can make their own proposal. This is possible due to the fact that in the framework of the current scholarship programme, students with a VLIR-UDC scholarship get the chance to return to their home countries during the summer holidays. During that period they have the opportunity Contact Ghent University Centre for Environmental Sanitation Jozef Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Gent www.cms.UGent.be www.icp-itp.UGent.be



Master of Science of Environmental Sanitation


Master of Science of Physical Land Resources

MAIN SUBJECTS: SOIL SCIENCE LAND RESOURCES ENGINEERING International Master Programme (ICP): Master Programme organised jointly by Ghent University (Faculty of Sciences/Faculty of Bioscience Engineering), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (Faculty of Engineering) and the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR-UOS)

Biosolids and Solid Waste Treatment Environmental Ecology Ecological Risk Assessment Human Toxicology related to the Environment Applied Statistics Analysis and Abatement of Air and Water Pollution Biological Monitoring of Aquatic Systems Environmental Microbiology Environmental Chemistry Environmental Soil Science Biotechnological Processes of Environmental Sanitation Clean Technology Environmental Impact Assessment: Integrated Project

6 7 4 3 5 7 4 4 7 7 5 3 5

Courses for min. 10 and max. 60 ECTS credits, selected from the courses in the Bachelor Programmes of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, depending on the pre-educational background of the student.

Course content
The overall objective of the programme in Physical Land Resources is that graduates gain expertise to critically reflect on and give answers to questions like: What is soil? From what did the soil originate and how will it further develop under different conditions? Which factors and properties determine the suitability of soil for either agricultural or non-agricultural purposes and how can this be assessed? How can soil be improved for specific uses? How can degradation and desertification problems be tackled? How do we manage the soil and land capital and how do we protect it? What is the impact of the factor soil on the dynamics of natural ecosystems and how can this knowledge be used for nature conservation? What does soil learn us about environmental problems? How can we improve soil water management for sustainable crop production? How can we improve the efficient use of our scarce water resources? A country's physical land resources are a fundamental pillar of support for human life and welfare. Worldwide, population pressures and severe degradation, pollution and desertification problems are threatening these - for several countries relatively scarce - natural resources, and cause competition between agricultural or industrial purposes, urban planning and nature conservation. To guarantee their proper use and management for a nation basic commodity, well trained specialists with a thorough knowledge of the properties and characteristics of physical land resources, and a solid insight in factors and measures that may alter their actual state and value are warranted and call for a high standard scientific and practical education. >> Main Subject: Land Resources Engineering This main subject offers training in non-agricultural use and applitechnical aspects (use of soil as a cation of soil, and includes geo building material or for foundations, slope stability and stability of excavations), the role of soil- and groundwater for water management and supply, soil management in relation to environment and land use (erosion, sediment transport, coastal development and protection).

>> Master dissertation

Students are encouraged to tackle a topic relevant for their home country (and employing institution), if possible with data/samples collected locally. The Master dissertation research accounts for 30 credits, and as such represents an important part of the MSc Programme. The fourth semester of the programme is fully reserved for this research work. The student has to integrate the acquired knowledge with (guided) self study and involves experimental work, (data) analysis and interpretation, writing and communication. The Master dissertation is an important measure of the final competences obtained by the student. The master dissertation has to be defended orally before a jury and an audience of peers.

Advanced Waste Gas Treatment Urban and Indoor Air Pollution Chemistry of the Global Atmosphere

3 5 3 3 5 3 3 5 3

Soil Remediation Soil Degradation Contaminant Transport in Soils

Natural Systems for (Waste)Water Treatment Quality of Groundwater Resources Water Quality Management

Career perspectives
The graduates have the competence to be active in both basic and applied research at universities, research institutes and other government institutions and non-governmental organisations, and to apply their knowledge and skills as required by the overall development policy of their country. In particular: graduates have the basics to conduct field work (soil survey, soil profile description, soil classification), use existing cartographic and remote sensing data, and interpret analysed data. This is the basis for regional planning, land evaluation, land degradation risk assessment, soil and water management, etc. This regards all staff from (government) institutions and universities involved in the inventory of natural resources (pedologic and geologic survey and cartography). graduates are trained to characterise soil physically, chemically and mineralogically with advanced techniques, to translate this into soil quality and to assess the influence by and on natural and anthropogenic factors. This is important for staff active in laboratories for research in soil science, geomorphology and surface geology, attached to nature reserves and research institutes, and for academics. Graduates from Belgium and Europe are trained to look at their profession from a situation that is different from their home situation, and are well placed for work in development co-operation projects. The obtained skills are of course also relevant for jobs related to physical land resources within a European context. Implementation of the EU Thematic Strategy on Soil Protection by the member countries demands for well-trained personnel in physical land resources.


Management of Natural Resources Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental Legislation

3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Environmental Virology and Parasitology Environmental Noise Basic Concepts in Public Health and Epidemiology

Course structure
The first year provides a fundamental basis in physical land resources, with a main subject in either Soil Science or Land Resources Engineering. The second year offers specialised courses in one of the two main subjects. The students have to prepare a dissertation. The course curriculum of the first year, and of the main subject in Soil Science of the second year, is organised at Ghent University, whereas all courses of the main subject in Land Resources Engineering of the second year are organised at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Students in Land Resources Engineering have to reside in Brussels during the second year. >> Main Subject: Soil Science This main subject has a strong focus on agricultural use and applications. Graduates acquire the knowledge and skills to understand the development and evolution of soils under natural conditions or following human interference using field, map, laboratory and remote sensing data. They have the scientific knowledge to use and manage soil and water in a sustainable way, and to optimize land use under different natural and environmental conditions.


Microbial Re-use Technology Membrane Processes in Environmental Technology


Environmental Impact of Global Change Life Cycle Assessment Environmental Ethics Plant-Water Relations in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum Soil Water Management Land Information Systems Aquaculture Environmental Impact Environmental Impact of Pesticides

english master courses ugent MASTER DISSERTATION 30



Master of Science of Physical Land Resources

Each application will be evaluated by a board of admission of the specific programme and has to be approved by the Faculty Council and by the Rectors office. Entry conditions: Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years with good overall scores (at least a second class or equivalent, preferably higher) from a university or recognized equivalent. Specific academic requirements: Applicants are expected to have a basic science training in (1) mathematics or statistics and (2) chemistry or biochemistry, and an overall academic education background in a relevant discipline like (either) agriculture, biology, forestry, environment, land and water management, physical geography, geology or civil engineering. Relevant research or working experience of about 2 years is recommended but not a prerequisite, unless the former field of study (degree obtained) was not directly relevant for or pertaining to soil science or land resources engineering.

Master of Science of Physical Land Resources


practical information Application deadline

For students applying for a VLIR-UOS scholarship:1st of February For students who require a visa: 1st of May For students who do not require a visa: before September 1 www.icp-itp.UGent.be

Pedology Applied Statistics Meteorology and Climatology Soil Chemistry Soil Physics Soil Mineralogy Land Information Systems Soil Prospection and Classification Seminars in Physical Land Resources

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Min. 3 and max. 60 ECTS credits, to be composed of courses from the Bachelor in Bioscience Engineering, option Land and Forest Management, or the Bachelor in Geology, depending on the students previous degree.

Enrolling institution
Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

Tuition fee
For full-time programme (60 ECTS credits/1 year): standard tuition fee: 564,30 reduced tuition fee for students from developing countries: 80 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)


Geomechanics Environmental Geology Applied Geophysics Geological Aspects of Geotechnical Engineering Applied Geochemistry Applied Geomorphology Earth Observation Techniques Soil Mechanics and Soil Stabilisation Techniques Hydrogeology

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

The applicant must be proficient in the language of the course or training programme, i.e. English. Command of the English language is a very important criterion for admission. With the exception of those who have a diploma (Secondary Education, Academic Bachelor Degree, Master Degree) issued by an institution officially recognized by the Flemish Government, applicants must be able to prove their proficiency in English. There are four possibilities to supply this proof: TOEFL certificate (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643) with: a minimum total score of 550 on the paper based test, or a minimum total score of 79 on an internet based test (the test validity is max. 2 years); IELTS with a minimum overall band score of 6 (the test validity is max. 2 years); Proof of at least 1 year of comprehensive English-based instruction at a university or recognized equivalent; Proof of a successful Intermediate Academic English test at the Ghent University Language Center. (Remark: TOEFL/IELTS predictive tests are not acceptable.).

SOIL SCIENCE > General Courses

Geomorphology Plant-Water Relations in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum Soil Genesis Soil Fertility Soil Degradation Land Evaluation Soil Water Management 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Start/end of the programme

Two year programme. Start: first Monday of the last week of September End: last Friday of the second week of September

> Elective Courses

(10 credits from the following list)

Irrigation and Drainage Remote Sensing Quality of Groundwater Resources Soil Erosion Processes and Control Properties and Management of Soils of the Tropics UGent Course

5 5 5 5 5 5



Contact Ghent University Physical Land Resources Krijgslaan 281/S8, 9000 Gent www.plr.UGent.be www.icp-itp.UGent.be/ICP/PLR.htm PLRprog.adm@UGent.be



Master of Science of Technology for Integrated Water Management

Organised jointly by University of Antwerp and Ghent University Partner institution: Antwerp Maritime Academy

Master of Science of Technology for Integrated Water Management

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS for international degree students
Each application will be evaluated by a board of admission of the specific programme and has to be approved by the Faculty Council and by the Rectors office. Entry conditions: Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years with good overall scores (at least a second class or equivalent, preferably higher) from a university or recognized equivalent. Specific academic requirements: Applicants must have at least a bachelor's degree in exact or applied sciences. Adequate knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry at university level is an absolute requirement. Previous knowledge of biology, microbiology and/or soil science is an advantage but not a requisite. For Flemish degrees:

Course Content
The general objective of the study programme is to train specialists in water technology who have knowledge of and insight in integrated water management and policy, trends and developments in the water sector, worldwide water problems and new techniques for water treatment and water purification. The study enables graduates to adequately apply water technology for the analysis and solution of water problems.

Career perspectives
Integrated Water Management is called the challenge for the 21st century. Worldwide an increase can be seen in the demand for integrated competences, usable in water-related R&D. Research institutions, global businesses, specialised companies, consultancies and government institutions are feeling the need for highly qualified professionals in water technology, with the right skills for integrated water management.

practical information Application deadline

General application deadlines: for students who need a visa: 1st of March for students who do not need a visa: 1st of June

Enrolling institution
Ghent University or University of Antwerp

Course structure
The study programme consists of 11 modules (or course units) divided over 3 parts offering the student a certain freedom of choice. The introduction (part 1) contains introductory notions and concepts. These compulsory modules are organised during the first three weeks of the academic year. The in-depth specialisation takes place in part 2 consisting of 7 modules. The student composes a self-selected study package until a total of 18 credits is reached. The composition of this part 2 is illustrated by means of three possible tracks related to three groups of water users, but in principle, it is determined by the students individual choice. Possible tracks: Specialisation for industrial water users: M3, M6 Specialisation for nautical water users: M4, M7, M8 Specialisation for ecological water users: M3, M4, M5 The integration (part 3) is made up of an integrated course and a dissertation including a individual research project, which allows for a further deepening of the subject.

Tuition fee
564,30 + ECTS-credits x 15,60 Fulltime registration (60 ECTS): 1501,50 (this fee does not include expenses such as course books, excursions, travel expenses, etc.)

The exhaustive list of degrees giving access to this programme can be consulted in the online course catalogue. Language
The applicant must be proficient in the language of the course or training programme, i.e. English. Command of the English language is a very important criterion for admission. With the exception of those who have a diploma (Secondary Education, Academic Bachelor Degree, Master Degree) issued by an institution officially recognized by the Flemish Government, applicants must be able to prove their proficiency in English. There are four possibilities to supply this proof: TOEFL certificate (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643) with: a minimum total score of 550 on the paper based test, or a minimum total score of 79 on an internet based test (the test validity is max. 2 years); IELTS with a minimum overall band score of 6 (the test validity is max. 2 years); Proof of at least 1 year of comprehensive English-based instruction at a university or recognized equivalent; Proof of a successful Intermediate Academic English test at the Ghent University Language Center. (Remark: TOEFL/IELTS predictive tests are not acceptable.).

offered by Ghent University for master studies: a limited number of scholarships awarded on a competitive basis www.UGent.be > EN > education and study > study support > study related costs > scholarship other financing possibilities: www.highereducation.be > Studying in Flanders www.studyinflanders.be > Funding opportunities

Start/end of the programme

One year programme Start academic year: last week of September

Contact Ghent University Centre for Environmental Sanitation Jozef Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Gent info.cms@ugent.be www.watertechnology.be


Global Water Problems and Integrated Water Management Integrated Assessment of Water and Sediment Quality Integrated Modelling and Design and Basin Management Plans

3 6 3

elective COURSES Specific courses

Wastewater Treatment Technology Sludge and Sediment Management and Treatment Ecological Engineering Sustainable Use of Water: Winning, Distribution, Use and Reuse River Morphology and Hydrodynamics Water and Shipping Integrated Water Management, Case River 21

6 3 3 3 3 6 3

Course offer partner universities

Max. 5 credits from course offer from the partner institutions





International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering

Erasmus Mundus Master Programme jointly organised by Ghent University (Gent, Belgium), UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (Delft, The Netherlands) and Institute of Chemical Technology Prague (Prague, Czech Republic). The master program is also supported by several associated partners from all over the world.

Course Content
Growing awareness of the human impact on the environment has convinced most governments of the need to prevent air, water and soil pollution. Increasingly, remediation of contaminated sites is becoming a priority target. Consequently, there is a strong and ever increasing demand for specialists trained in pollution prevention and remediation. This Joint Erasmus Mundus programme will address these needs by educating a new generation of environmental scientist and engineers that can provide adequate and state-of-the-art environmental technology and engineering solutions to tackle complex, multidisciplinary environmental issues. Succesfull graduates will have acquired a comprehensive knowledge of: the nature and severity of environmental pollution; the way polluted water, waste, gas, soils and sediments can be treated; the way ecosystems and the atmosphere can be protected from pollution; the way to prevent environmental pollution through resource management and application of re-use technologies. They will be able to develop, design and apply technologies for the prevention and remediation of environmental pollution. In addition, they should be capable of: searching scientific information; conducting scientific research in the field of environmental technology and engineering; reporting their findings by means of scientific reports and papers; communicating effectively in English and transferring knowledge to both the scientific and non-scientific world through oral presentations and media communications.

Course structure
The overall programme structure is outlined below General competence and background courses (sem 1) 20 ECTS Advanced course (sem 2) 5 ECTS Elective project (sem 2) 5 ECTS Specialisation courses and placement (sem 2 and 3) 46/50 ECTS Summer school (between year 1 and 2) 5 ECTS Master thesis (sem 4) 30 ECTS Transferable skills courses (incl. elective language courses) (sem 1, 2, 3) 5/9 ECTS

>> Master dissertation

The master dissertation is a requirement for every candidate to obtain a master degree. The master dissertation is an original piece of research work. It aims to develop and strengthen the research capacity skills of the students. The student selects a topic and is given guidance by a promoter or supervisor. The master dissertation consists of a literature review part, a theoretical reflection and an original analysis of the topic.

Programme mobility
Over the study programme, students move between the partner institutions. Students start at UNESCO-IHE in Delft (The Netherlands). The second semester, they move at Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (Czech Republic). The third semester, they study at Ghent University (Gent, Belgium) (Figure). The fourth semester is reserved for thesis research, which is conducted at one of the partner institutes or with an associate partner.

Career perspectives
Trained graduates will be fully prepared to fulfil executive functions in international institutions (government, universities, non-governmental organisations, etc.) and private companies that deal with either application and development of pollution prevention, remediation and engineering techniques or regulatory decision making.

Contact www.imete.UGent.be IMETE Coordination Prof. Dr. ir. F. M. G. Tack Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Coupure Links 653 B-9000 Gent, Belgium



International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering

Candidates must have at least a Bachelor degree (minimum 180 ECTS credits) in pure or applied sciences (e.g. chemistry, biology, geology, civil or agricultural engineering, environmental or agricultural sciences, etc.) or an equivalent level from a recognised university or Engineering College, or several years of related professional experience. Sufficient academic knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry is an absolute requirement.

practical information Application deadline

for non-EU-students: January 21 for EU-students: September 1 for application for an Erasmus Mundus grant (EU and non-EUstudents): January 21 www.imete.UGent.be/

Sufficient knowledge of English must be demonstrated by one of the following means: knowledge level B1 of the CEF (Common European Framework); TOEFL test (the test validity is max. 2 years): min. 550 (paperbased) or min. 79 (internet-based); IELTS with a minimum overall band score of 6 (the test validity is max. 2 years); proof of at least one year of comprehensive English-based instruction at a university or recognized equivalent.. Under no circumstances will students be enrolled, if they cannot demonstrate English proficiency by one of the above. The following students are exempted from the language requirement: holders of a diploma of secondary education or higher education, awarded by an (recognised) institution in the Flemish Community; students who have successfully completed a minimum of 1 year (60 credits), be it secondary or higher education, where the medium of instruction was English (an official certificate must be submitted); students who have successfully completed a predoctoral training programme at Ghent University, provided that the majority of the programme were course units in English.

Enrolling institution
Ghent University

Tuition fee
Non-EU-students: 8,000/year EU-students: 4,000/year

Scholarships Erasmus Mundus grants Start/end of the programme

Two year programme. Start academic year: September.


GENERAL competence and background COURSES




Ghent University
Study Career Service Adviescentrum voor Studenten Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33 B-9000 Gent internationalstudents@UGent.be www.UGent.be > English > Education and study > Study Support

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