Silicon Carbide Integrated Circuits For Extreme Environments
Silicon Carbide Integrated Circuits For Extreme Environments
Silicon Carbide Integrated Circuits For Extreme Environments
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11 authors, including:
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Abstract— Analog and digital integrated circuits capable of physics of SiC lateral MOSFETs, creating compact device
operating reliably at 300 °C for 2000 hours were designed and models of the FETs, developing design tools (such as process
fabricated in silicon carbide. These circuits are critical for the design kits (PDKs)), designing analog and digital circuits
development of tools and instrumentation for geothermal using the developed models, creating new fabrication
exploration. Lateral MOSFETs and resistors were built on Si- processes for medium scale integration (MSI), advanced
face, 4°-off, N+ 4H-SiC substrates. Compact models of these ceramic packaging and high temperature testing. Each of the
devices were then generated and used to design the circuits, steps outlined above is challenging to implement due to the
including operational amplifiers, ring oscillators, counters, shift fact that most semiconductor processes and tools available
registers and logic gates. The circuits were then fabricated and
commercially are configured for silicon. They will be
packaged using specially developed high temperature packaging
processes. The integrated circuits were designed to interface
discussed in detail in the succeeding sections.
with sensors and transducers to produce analog signals that can
be digitized and transmitted via a telemetry system capable of
sustained operation at 300 °C.
The material properties that make silicon carbide (SiC) an
attractive semiconductor for power devices is well known and
has been the focus of major research efforts all over the world
for over 15 years [1]. As this technology matures, SiC based
devices and circuits are increasingly gaining attention from
the extreme environment design community due to their
ability to operate reliably at temperatures over 300 °C. This
includes applications such as down-hole instrumentation,
aviation engine sensors & controls, gas turbine
Fig. 1. Geothermal wellbore monitoring system.
instrumentation and space exploration. While Silicon-on-
insulator (SOI) based circuits can be used at high
temperatures, their reliability may not be sufficient at the
temperature ranges focused in this effort [2]. In certain II. DEVICE PHYSICS AND MODELING
applications such as high impedance sensing circuits, the low A. Device Physics
leakage currents of SiC at elevated temperatures make them
SiC based ICs can be built using MOSFETs [3, 4], JFETs
more suitable than SOI devices, even at moderately high
[5, 6] or BJTs [7, 8]. JFETs are normally-on devices, while
temperatures such as 200 °C. BJTs are current-controlled and difficult to design circuits
with. BJTs also require a larger base current, making them
The overall objective of the program is to enable challenging to use for current-sensing applications. Due to
geothermal wellbore monitoring through the development of improved gate oxide quality [9], lateral MOSFETs (LFETs)
SiC based electronics and ceramic packaging capable of were preferred over other devices. Designing with SiC LFETs
operating reliably at 300 °C for at least 1000 hours (Fig.1). have challenges such as low mobility, negative temperature
Given that SiC integrated circuits (ICs) development is still coefficient of resistance, and the lack of mature p-MOS
nascent, this research effort involved understanding the
Fig. 2. PSP based transistor model vs. measured data for a 120u x 3u FET at
300 °C.
The long term stability of the frequency counter at 300 °C,
subjected to random vibrations at 20 G RMS level and
mechanical shock at 215 G level was reported previously
[15]. These boards successfully demonstrated full operation
after more than 1000 hours of stress at 300 °C, and also
survived 8 hours of vibration and 1000 shocks at the same
The timing generator board successfully remained
operational for 2000 hours at 300 °C with no degradation. In
Fig. 9, CLK is the input clock signal from a function
generator, and R4 is the circuit output from the counter
frequency divider. It divides the CLK frequency by 32. The
telemetry module samples the frequency count from the
Fig..7. Optical micrograph of the timing generator die (6mm x 6mm). counter as per the “Load” signal. “Select” is an output signal
that toggles between two analog sensor channels. The board
output after 2000 hours of stress is seen in Fig.10, with no REFERENCES
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increase even higher as the technology matures through
further research and development efforts.