Punching Shear Strength and Post-Punching Behavior of CFT Column To RC Flat Plate Connections
Punching Shear Strength and Post-Punching Behavior of CFT Column To RC Flat Plate Connections
Punching Shear Strength and Post-Punching Behavior of CFT Column To RC Flat Plate Connections
This paper summarizes full-scale test results on CFT (concrete filled tube) column to RC (reinforced concrete) flat plate connections subjected
to gravity loading. CFT construction is gaining wide acceptance due to its various structural and constructional advantages. However, efficient
details for CFT column to RC flat plate connections have not been proposed yet. Based on the strategies that maximize economical field
construction, several connecting schemes were proposed and tested in this study. Test results showed that the proposed connections can exhibit
punching shear strength and connection stiffness exceeding those of RC flat plate counterparts. A semi-analytical procedure is presented to model
the behavior of CFT column to RC flat plate connections. The parameters needed to model the behavior from elastic to post-punching range are
calibrated based on the test data of this study. The application of the proposed model to progressive collapse analysis is also illustrated.
c 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Composite construction; CFT column; Connection; Flat plates; Progressive collapse; Punching shear
(a) FP-ST.
(b) HP-ST.
(c) HP-SH.
reinforcing bars to delay possible separation of concrete from with a thinner wall thickness of 20 mm was to examine whether
the surface of the steel box. The welded studs for delaying or not thinner wall sections would lead to less strength and
separation were not provided to the specimens with wide flange stiffness of the connection due to weaker out-of-plane bending
shear keys due to the space limitation near the tension flange stiffness of the wall. Rolled tubular sections, much cheaper
area. The wall thickness of the steel box was 40 mm in all than welded built-up sections, are available up to 20 mm in
specimens except for the specimen HK-ST which had a 20- Korea. To investigate the impact of variations in anchorage type
mm-thick wall. The reason for including the specimen HK-ST (i.e., FP, HP, or HK type) and shear key type (i.e., tee section or
C.-H. Lee et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 418–428 421
(d) HK-ST.
Fig. 1. (continued)
(a) FPP-ST.
(b) FPP-SH.
wide flange section) on the punching shear strength, a total of In addition, to see the effects of post-punching bars on
five specimens (specimen set #1) were prepared and tested (see the behavior of the slab–column connection, another three
Table 1). specimens (specimen set #2) were prepared and tested (see
422 C.-H. Lee et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 418–428
Table 1
Test specimens
Table 2
Compressive strength from concrete core test
(c) HP-SH.
Fig. 5. Crack patterns on the tension (bottom) side after punching failure.
Fig. 6. Load–displacement curves. punching shear strength of an RC flat plate with no shear
reinforcement. The measured compressive strengths of the
observed, which may be attributed to the steel studs attached concrete in Table 2 were used in the normalization.
on the outer surfaces of the steel box. p
Vc = 0.33 f ck b0 d [MN]. (2)
7. Punching shear strength In the ACI code, the punching shear is defined as a function
of concrete compressive strength, f ck , the length of the critical
Fig. 6 shows the measured vertical load versus downward section for punching shear, b0 , which is affected by the size and
displacement relationships for all specimens. Normalized the shape of the column, and effective depth of the slab, d. The
punching shear strengths are compared in Fig. 7. The critical section for punching shear is assumed to be located d/2
normalization was based on Eq. (2), the ACI formula for the way from the surface of the column.
424 C.-H. Lee et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 418–428
Table 5
Calibration of stiffness parameters
Specimen Ke K1 K2 K3 K 1 /K e K 2 /K 1 K 3 /K 1
(kN/mm) (kN/mm) (kN/mm) (kN/mm)
FPP-ST 131.32 42.20 130.68 4.39 0.32 3.10 0.1
FPP-SH 127.50 44.10 173.94 4.48 0.34 3.94 0.1
Table 6
Calculated parameters
Ke KE K1 K2 K3 PU Pu,post
(kN/mm) (kN/mm) (kN/mm) (kN/mm) (kN/mm) (kN) (kN)
158.8 20.63 52.4 183.4 5.24 728.9 412.88
Fig. 16. Idealized two-spring serial system for double-span flat plate.
design provisions for strength and stiffness in the ACI code can
be used for the proposed connections with conservatism.
(2) Specimens with post-punching bars exhibited higher
strength by 20%–40% as compared to specimens without such
bars. A combination of full penetration of flexural reinforcing
bars and wide flange shear key exhibited best strength. Similar
to the punching shear strength, joint stiffness of all CFT
specimens using the proposed details was higher than that of
the benchmark specimens. Specimens with post-punching bars
exhibited significantly increased joint stiffness by 40%–80% as
compared to specimens without such bars.
Fig. 20. External work done by the axial force at the first story column. (3) After punching failure, the kink angles of tension and
post-punching bars were calibrated as about 9–10 degrees,
respectively. This means that the tension bars almost equally
participate in resisting external load after punching.
(4) A semi-analytical procedure was presented to model
the behavior of CFT column to RC flat plate connections.
Parameters for the proposed model were calibrated using the
limited test data of this study, and its application to simplified
progressive collapse analysis was also illustrated.