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Lesson Plan Grade 7 I. Learning Objectives at The End of The Lesson The Students Will Be Able To

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Grade 7

I.​ Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

● Differentiate between common punctuation

● Demonstrate and understanding of punctuation through correct usage
● Identify when each punctuation mark (Period, Exclamation mark, Question mark,
Comma, Semicolon, Inverted Comma, Intonation, Abbreviation, Apostrophe or use a
hyphen) is needed.

II.​ Learning Content

Topic: ​Punctuation Mark


Materials: ​Laptop, Manila Paper and Pen

Values Inclusion:​ To develop their construction of sentences using punctuation marks.

​III.​ Learning Procedures

Teacher Students
“Good morning Class!”
“Good morning Teacher Yhiel”
“I am your teacher for today and you can call (Chorus)
me Teacher Yhiel”

“Are you all ready for our new lesson?”

“Yes, Teacher”
“Okay, before heading to our lesson. I want all
of you to stand and let’s pray.”
“So, how was your Christmas and New Year?”

Did you all enjoy your vacation? “It was great, ma’am”

“It’s good to hear that, well, what is your new

year’s resolution?” “Of course Teacher, it was a lot of fun”

“Yes, Justen?” ( Students raise hand)

“Oh, what a nice wish for everyone's sake. Let’s “This is not a resolution, but I wish
hear from the girls.” that the world started to get back to its
normal Teacher.”
“Yes, Jhayrose?”

“Well, that good”

“Of course, now I wanted to be more
“Okay class, thank you for your wonderful focused on my academics.”
resolution this year of 2021. Let’s move on to
our new lesson.”
“Yes, Teacher”
For this morning we will be discussing the
different punctuation marks.

But before that, I'll give you a glimpse of

Punctuation Marks , please raise your hand if
you know the answer.
Yes, Teacher.
B. Motivation:

1.​ ​Period ​.
2.​ ​Question mark​ ?
3.​ ​Exclamation marks ​! (Answer may vary)
4.​ ​Comma ​,
5.​ ​Apostrophe ​‘
6.​ ​Colon ​:
7.​ ​SemiColon ​;
8.​ ​Quotations marks ​“ “
9.​ ​ Hyphen and Dash ​ –
10.​ ​ Parentheses ​( )
11.​ ​Ellipses​ … ​or​ ***
12.​ ​ ​Brackets​ [ ]
13.​ ​Braces​ { }
14.​ ​ ​Slash or Oblique​ /

C. Discussion/ Presentation

“Have many of you been familiar with (Student’s will raised their hands)
punctuation marks that we use in creating

“ ​How many punctuations do we have?” Student 1. Teacher, I think it’s 14

punctuations like what you said a
while ago.
“ ​Very good​”

Now let’s proceed into our discussion for today.

Class, when you hear the word punctuation, Student 2. Teacher for me,
what comes first into your mind? Punctuation mark is a kind of symbols
that help us to identify the sentences.

“Okay, good, any other ideas?”

None? Okay.
What are Punctuation marks?

Punctuation marks are symbols that are used to

aid the clarify and comprehension of written
language. Some common punctuation marks are
the period, comma, question mark, exclamation
point, colon, semicolon, parenthesis,
ellipses,bracket, braces,slash, apostrophe,
quotation mark and hyphen. Punctuation Mark.

“ You are right, we have 14 Punctution mark, “Students raise hand”

and let’s discuss it all one by one”

“ First is Period, The ​period​ (.) is placed at the

end of ​declarative sentences​, statements thought “ Teacher Yheil taught us to use the
to be complete and after many abbreviations. Punctuation. “
“I know, you are all familiar about this, so
could anyone can give me an example using the

“ Okay, Miss Dizon” “YES! Teacher!”

“ Very Good Miss Dizon”

“ Next, we have Question mark so we Use a
question mark​ (?) to indicate a direct question
when placed at the end of a sentence”
“ the example of this is - ‘ ​How are you​?’ - it's
a way of asking, understood?” “ yes, teacher”
“ About your tone, let's talk about the
Exclamation point, The ​exclamation point​ (!)
is used when a person wants to express a
sudden outcry or add emphasis, like what you
did a while ago, but for clarification I give an
example ‘​get out!​ - did you notice the high
tone?” Student 3. Princess likes chocolates,
“Next is comma, the ​comma​ is used to show a candy, soda, and junkfood”
separation of ideas or elements within the
structure of a sentence. Additionally, it is used
in numbers, dates, and letter writing after the
salutation and closing, could you please give
me an example for Comma, anybody?”

“ Very well, example”

“Then let's proceed to SemiColon, the
semicolon​ (;) is used to connect independent “ Yes po, Teacher Yheil”
clauses. It shows a closer relationship between
the clauses than a period would show, this has a
similarities of colon but, as you can see the
bottom of period is like a comma, thus it’s
called Semicolon, the example of this is-
Beverly was hurt; she knew he only said it to
upset her -​ ​is it clear?”
“Next we have a colon, it consists of two
equally sized dots placed one above the other
on the same vertical line. This is often used
between hours and minutes in time,but we can
also use colon in sentences like for an example -
There was one thing she loved more than any
other: her dog - m ​ oving forward”
“We also have dash, a ​dash​ is used to separate
words into statements, for an example - ​She
gave him her answer — ​ ​No!”​
“Another is Hyphen, a ​hyphen​ is used to join
two or more words together into a compound
term and is not separated by spaces”
“ I think you are confused about the symbols,
dash and hyphen have the same symbol but had
different rule in punctuation, like for example
the word ​‘part-time, back-to-back, and
“ Next is,bracket you might not be familiar
with, thus ​Brackets​ are the squared off
notations ([]) used for technical explanations or
to clarify meaning. If you remove the “ Yes, teacher”
information in the brackets, the sentence will
still make sense,this is how important it is”
“ For an example, ​She [Ms Lyle] was the last
person seen at the school. ​You are referring to
someone and the bracket will help you to
indicate the name of the person you pertaining”
“ Do you understand,students?”
“If that is so, let's proceed to ​Braces​ ({}) which
contain two or more lines of text or listed items
to show that they are considered as a unit. They
are not commonplace in most writing but can be
seen in computer programming to show what
should be contained within the same lines. They
can also be used in mathematical expressions.
For example, ​2{1+[23-3]}=x.​”
​ ​“ Next is Parenthesis, ​Parentheses​ ( () ) are
curved notations used to contain further
thoughts or qualifying remarks. However,
parentheses can be replaced by commas without
changing the meaning in most cases, I think you
are familiar with this so let’s proceed to
Apostrophe, an ​apostrophe​ (') is used to
indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a
word, the possessive case, or the plurals of
lowercase letters, I consider that you knew “ Student 4: Teacher, Clyde’s bag is
about this, so give me an example.” wonderful”
“ Very good”
“Okay, another one is ​Quotations marks​ (" ")
are a pair of punctuation marks used primarily
to mark the beginning and end of a passage
attributed to another and repeated word for
word. They are also used to indicate meanings
and to indicate the unusual or dubious status of
a word. Example of this is... Yes please Ms “ I love you,” he said to me.
“How sweet,okay Thank You, please sit down”
Lastly, we have Ellipses, ​the ​ellipsis​ is most
commonly represented by three periods (. . . )
although it is occasionally demonstrated with
three asterisks (***). The ellipsis is used in
writing or printing to indicate an omission,
especially of letters or words. Ellipses are
frequently used within quotations to jump from
one phrase to another, omitting unnecessary
words that do not interfere with the meaning.
Example of that is ​Everyone began to count,
"One, two, three, four…" until they got to 10,
then went to watch the fireworks.
“ Did you all understand the punctuation and its “ Yes, Teacher”
use in order to correct usage that makes your
writing easier to read and more appealing?”
D. Application
Group Yourself Into 3 and prepare for Marker
and paper.
Instructions: I will show you sentences and I
would like you to identify which punctuation
marks should use, raise the paper by group after
I count 5.
1. Jane and Jack went to the mall
2. My daughter is a teacher my son is a
3. I work in Japan Kyle said
4. Jills performance at school was greatly
5. To be continue
6. Leo love singing dancing playing and
7. Wow today has been awesome
8. The two sisters Mandy and Andy were
went to cafe
9. You have two choices eat all of that or
you will starve until tomorrow
10. Why are you here
11. My nine years old nephew loves
E. . Generalization
“I'm gladly happy that you all understand our
topic today, based on your activities you
perfectly understand how to use the appropriate
“ ​ ​So, I assume you can explain the 14
punctuation, examples of each and when it is
used, this is one by one grading recitation. Let’s
start at the middle”
“ Okay, thank you everyone, I'm so impressed
with you”
“​ Now, please be seated”

IV. Evaluation

Instruction: You will create a short Play using the punctuation mark, any topics will do.


You will be grouped into ten.

Choose your leader to lead the members

All of you are required to talk and participate


Cooperation Accuracy

5 – All students use the 14

5- All students cooperated

4 – Are lack materials/ resources

4- 1 students is not cooperating

3- 2 students are not cooperating 3 – effortless but used the

appropriate punctuation

2 – the play can't understand

2- 3 students are not cooperating

1 – the has nonsense

1-All of them are not cooperating
V. Assignment

Bring any editorial, article, magazine or other example of writing from a newspaper, or
web page, that contains Punctuation and put it to your portfolio.

That’s all for today, Goodbye Class, have a nice day!

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