Journal Format
Journal Format
Journal Format
2. Who are the persons involved? (This doesn’t require you to mention the name if you’re not comfortable.)
2. Where and when did it happen? (What particular time of the day?)
2. With these experiences, what were your realizations that will equip you for your future
endeavors/challenges. What are the skills/abilities/personalities/behavior that improve because of these
0 2 3 4 5 SCORE
PURPOSE No Homework The focus of the The focus is The focus is The focus is clear
diary/journal somewhat clear. clearly stated. and original. All
isn’t clear. Ideas Most of the Ideas relate to ideas relate to the
do not relate to ideas in the the focus of the focus in an
the focus. diary/journal diary/journal. insightful and
relate to the unique way.
ORGANIZATION No Homework The diary or The diary or There is use of The entries make
journal entries journal entries transition perfect sense to
are not are not fully words. The the reader and
developed. developed. diary or journal are organized in a
Thoughts are Some of the entries make creative way.
completely thoughts are sense. There is a clear
disorganized. disorganized Thoughts are use of transitions
and unclear to organized in this piece.
the reader. logically. Thoughts are
DETAIL No Homework These There is some All details are There is use of
diary/journal attempt at clear. There is “show not tell”
entries lack strong details. some use of and sensory
detail. Very Not all details “show not tell” details that
minimal effort pertain to the and sensory pertain to the
was put into topic. details. topic. They WOW
these pieces. the reader.
Journal Entry # 1
(Creative Title)