January Month Editorial Vocabulary - 2021
January Month Editorial Vocabulary - 2021
January Month Editorial Vocabulary - 2021
Editorial 02 – 01 – 2021
1) Assurance (noun) — आश्वासन Synonyms: forerunner, predecessor, forefather,
Meaning: a positive declaration intended to give father, parent
confidence; a promise. Antonyms: by-product, derivative, offshoot,
Synonyms: word of honour, word, guarantee, outgrowth, spin-off
promise, pledge Usage: “a three-stringed precursor of the violin”
Antonyms: self-doubt, nervousness
Usage: “he gave an assurance that work would 5) Choppy (adjective) — तड़का हुआ
begin on Monday” Meaning: having a disjointed or jerky quality.
Synonyms: full of waves, turbulent, heavy,
2) Outshone (verb) — से श्रेष्ठ होना heaving, storm-tossed
Meaning: shine more brightly than. Antonyms: calm, smooth
Synonyms: : surpass, be superior to, Usage: “sea conditions are often very choppy”
overshadow, eclipse
Antonyms: dull 6) Confidant (noun) — ववश्वासपात्र
Usage: “a supernova would outshine all the other Meaning: a person with whom one shares a secret
stars in its galaxy” or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to
3) Imprimatur (noun) — अनुमोदन Synonyms: close friend, bosom friend, best friend
Meaning: an official licence issued by the Roman Usage: “a close confidante of the princess”
Catholic Church to print an ecclesiastical or
religious book. 7) Skewed (verb) — अचानक ददशा या स्थितत बदलना
Synonyms: approbation, approval, blessing, Meaning: suddenly change direction or position.
favor, OK (or okay) Synonyms: askew, aslant, atilt, awry, cock-a-
Antonyms: refusal, rejection, repudiation hoop, cockeyed
Usage: “the imprimatur for this edition was Antonyms: ordered, orderly, regular, uniform
granted by Cardinal O’Casey” Usage: “the car had skewed across the track”
Meaning: break or fall apart into small fragments, Meaning: of an impressive size, extent, or
especially as part of a process of deterioration. amount.
Synonyms: fall down, fall to pieces, fall apart, Synonyms: extremely, very, really, thoroughly,
collapse exceedingly, immensely
Antonyms: ameliorate, improve, meliorate Antonyms: meagerly, scantily
Usage: “the plaster started to crumble” Usage: “a thumping 64 per cent majority”
Usage: “the Home Secretary has unveiled plans to Antonyms: inferiority, mediocrity
crack down on crime” Usage: “London’s primacy as a financial centre”
Usage: “Sleeping Beauty slumbered in her forest Usage: “Penny put in a tremendous amount of
castle” time”
Usage: “the sudden rise in unemployment is Usage: “they responded with typical perversity”
unparalleled in the post-war period”
4) Malice (noun) — ववद्वेष
10) Streak (verb) — लकीर करना Meaning: the desire to harm someone; ill will.
Meaning: cover (a surface) with streaks. Synonyms: spitefulness, spite, malevolence,
Synonyms: stripe, band, bar, fleck maliciousness
Antonyms: abundance, barrel, boatload, bucket, Antonyms: benevolence
bundle, bushel, deal, fistful Usage: “I bear no malice towards anybody”
Usage: “tears streaking her face, Cynthia looked
up” 5) Intervene (verb) — हथतक्षेप करना
Meaning: take part in something so as to prevent
or alter a result or course of events.
Editorial 12 – 01 – 2021
Synonyms: intercede, involve oneself, get
1) Pertaining (verb) – से सम्बंचधत
Meaning: be appropriate, related, or applicable
Antonyms: avoid, eschew, shun
Usage: “he acted outside his authority when he
Synonyms: concern, relate to, be related to, be
intervened in the dispute”
connected with, be relevant to
Antonyms: disconnect, disjoin
6) Abridging (verb) — संक्षेप करना
Usage: “matters pertaining to the organization of
Meaning: shorten (a piece of writing) without
losing the sense.
2) Smacked (verb) — चांटा मारना Synonyms: shorten, cut, cut short/down, curtail
Usage: “the introduction is abridged from the
Meaning: strike (someone or something),
author’s afterword to the novel”
typically with the palm of the hand and as a
7) Concession (noun) — ररयायत
Synonyms: slap, hit, strike, spank, cuff
Meaning: a thing that is granted, especially in
Antonyms: abundance, barrel, boatload, bucket,
response to demands.
Synonyms: compromise, adjustment,
Usage: “Jessica smacked his face, quite hard”
Antonyms: denial, disallowance, disclaimer,
3) Perversity (noun) – ववकृ तत
recantation, rejection, renouncement, repudiation
Meaning: a deliberate desire to behave in an
Usage: “the government was unwilling to make
unreasonable or unacceptable way; contrariness.
any further concessions”
Synonyms: contrariness, perverseness,
8) Inflammatory (adjective) — सूि न-संबंधी
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Meaning: relating to or causing inflammation of a Synonyms: unravel, wear, wear thin, wear out
part of the body. Antonyms: truce
Synonyms: provocative, provoking, inflaming, Usage: “bucks mark their territory by fraying
incendiary small trees”
Antonyms: uncontroversial
Usage: “inflammatory remarks” 3) Inclusiveness (noun) — समावेश
Meaning: the quality of covering or dealing with a
9) Rampant (adjective) — अतनयंत्रत्रत range of subjects or areas.
Meaning: (especially of something unwelcome) Synonyms: all-embracing, all-in [chiefly British],
flourishing or spreading unchecked. all-inclusive, broad-gauge
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, Antonyms: circumscribed, limited, narrow,
unchecked, unbridled restricted, specialized
Antonyms: controlled, under control Usage: “the school promotes an attitude of
Usage: “political violence was rampant” tolerance and inclusiveness”
Antonyms: aggregate, composite, compound, Synonyms: prevail on, talk someone into, coax,
mass convince, make, get, press someone into, induce
Usage: “an assembly plant for imported Antonyms: dissuade, discourage, deter
components” Usage: “it wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do
the right thing”
7) holistic (adjective) — व्यापक, एकीकृ त
Meaning: Characterized by the belief that the
Editorial 18 – 01 – 2021
parts of something are intimately interconnected 1) Revival (noun) — पुनः प्रवतवन
and explicable only by reference to the whole.
Meaning: an improvement in the condition,
Synonyms: comprehensive, integrated
strength, or fortunes of someone or something.
Antonyms: atomistic, atomistical
Synonyms: improvement, rallying, picking up
Antonyms: downturn
8) Encompass (verb) — र्ेर लेना
Usage: “a revival in the fortunes of the party”
Meaning: surround and have or hold within.
Synonyms: surround, enclose, ring, encircle, 2) Decelerated (verb) — धीमा करना
Meaning: reduce or cause to reduce in speed.
Antonyms: ban, bar, debar, preclude, prevent,
Synonyms: slow down, slow up, slow, go slower,
ease up, slack up
Usage: “this area of London encompasses
Antonyms: accelerate
Piccadilly to the north and St James’s Park to the
Usage: “the train began to decelerate”
Meaning: Not clear or decided Usage: The college cannot condone any behaviour
Synonyms: Equivocal, ambivalent, open to that involves illicit drugs
debate, open to argument, arguable
Antonyms: Unambiguous, clear 8) Entrant (Noun) – प्रवेशी
Usage: The election result was ambiguous Meaning: A person or group that enters or takes
part in something
4) Viable (Adjective) – व्यवहायव Synonyms: New member, new arrival, beginner,
Meaning: Capable of working successfully; newcomer, fresher
feasible Antonyms: Veteran
Synonyms: Workable, feasible, practicable, Usage: The prize will be awarded to the entrant
practical, applicable who wins the tiebreak
Antonyms: Impracticable
Usage: The proposed investment was 9) Susceptible (Adjective) – अततसंवेदनशील
economically viable Meaning: Likely or liable to be influenced or
harmed by a particular thing
5) Devastating (Adjective) – ववनाशकारी Synonyms: Open to, receptive to, vulnerable to,
Meaning: Highly destructive or damaging defenceless against
Synonyms:Destructive, ruinous, disastrous, Antonyms: Immune, resistant
catastrophic, calamitous Usage: Patients with liver disease may be
Antonyms: Nondestructive, blessed, fortunate susceptible to infection
Usage: A devastating cyclone
10) Self-indulgent (Adjective) – थव कृ पालु
6) Evasive (Adjective) – कपटपण
ू व Meaning: Characterized by doing or tending to do
Meaning: Tending to avoid commitment or self- exactly what one wants, especially when this
revelation, especially by responding only indirectly involves pleasure or idleness
Synonyms:Prevaricating, elusive, ambiguous, Synonyms: Pleasure-seeking, hedonistic,
equivocal sybaritic, indulgent, luxurious
Antonyms: Frank Antonyms: Abstemious, restrained
Usage: She was evasive about her phone number Usage: A self-indulgent extra hour of sleep
Synonyms: controversy, debate, difference, Usage: “I took my place in the darkened centre
difficulty, disagreement stage”
Antonyms: acceptance, compliance
Usage: “ideological contestation over social policy 6) Straddling (verb) — पैर फै लाकर बैठना
in the European Union” Meaning: sit or stand with one leg on either side
2) Substantive (adjective) – ठोस Synonyms: sit/stand astride, bestride, bestraddle
Meaning: having a firm basis in reality and so Antonyms: side by side
important, meaningful, or considerable. Usage: “he turned the chair round and straddled
Synonyms: biggish, considerable, good, goodly it”
Antonyms: measly, minute, paltry, petty,
picayune, picayunish 7) Agitation (noun) — चचंता या र्बराहट की स्थितत
Usage: “there is no substantive evidence for the Meaning: a state of anxiety or nervous
efficacy of these drugs” excitement.
Synonyms: anxiety, perturbation, disquiet
3) Consensus (noun) — मतैतय Antonyms: calmness, relaxation
Meaning: a general agreement. Usage: “she was wringing her hands in agitation”
Synonyms: agreement, harmony, concord, like-
mindedness 8) Reprisals (noun) — प्रततशोध
Antonyms: disagreement, minority view Meaning: an act of retaliation.
Usage: “there is a growing consensus that the Synonyms: retaliation, counterattack,
current regime has failed” counterstroke
Antonyms: clemency, grace, leniency, lenity,
4) Impasse (noun) — गततरोध mercy
Meaning: a situation in which no progress is Usage: “three youths died in the reprisals which
possible, especially because of disagreement; a followed”
Synonyms: deadlock, dead end, stalemate 9) Endorsed (verb) – पृष्ठांककत करना
Antonyms: solution, boon Meaning: declare one’s public approval or
Usage: “the current political impasse” support of.
Synonyms: countersign, sign on the back
5) Centrestage (noun) — अहम ् थिान Antonyms: baffle, foil, frustrate, interfere,
Meaning: the centre of a stage. oppose, sabotage, thwart
Synonyms: catbird seat, limelight, spotlight, top Usage: “the report was endorsed by the college”
Antonyms: back burner 10) Indefensible (adjective) — असमिवनीय
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Synonyms: shocking, horrific, horrifying, Synonyms: arrange, work out, thrash out,
horrible hammer out
Antonyms: admirable, excellent Antonyms: botch, bungle, foozle, fumble, goof
Usage: “the cat suffered appalling injuries during (up), louse up, mess (up), mishandle, muff, scamp
the attack” Usage: “he negotiated a new contract with the
9) Grave (noun) — कब्र
Meaning: a hole dug in the ground to receive a 3) Afflicting (verb) — पीड़ा देना
coffin or dead body, typically marked by a stone or Meaning: (of a problem or illness) cause pain or
mound. trouble to; affect adversely.
Synonyms: burying place, tomb, sepulchre, vault, Synonyms: trouble, bother, burden, distress,
burial chamber cause trouble to
Antonyms: carefree, cheerful Antonyms: comfort
Usage: “the coffin was lowered into the grave” Usage: “his younger child was afflicted with a skin
10) Seizure (noun) — िब्ती
Meaning: the action of capturing someone or 4) Reprisal (noun) — प्रततशोध
something using force. Meaning: an act of retaliation.
Synonyms: capture, occupation, takeover, Synonyms: counterattack, counterstroke,
overrunning comeback
Antonyms: restitution, liberation, release, Antonyms: clemency, grace, leniency, lenity,
ransoming mercy
Usage: “the seizure of the Assembly building” Usage: “three youths died in the reprisals which
Editorial 22 – 01 – 2021
5) Constraints (noun) — एक सीमा या प्रततबंध
1) Reluctant (adjective) — अतनच्छु क
Meaning: a limitation or restriction.
Meaning: unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.
Synonyms: restriction, limitation, curb, check
Synonyms: unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic
Antonyms: openness
Antonyms: willing, eager, ready
Usage: “time constraints make it impossible to do
Usage: “today, many ordinary people are still
reluctant to talk about politics”
Usage: “the Rome Treaty envisaged free Meaning: lay siege to.
movement across frontiers” Synonyms: under siege, blockaded, surrounded,
7) Epicenter (noun) — उपररकें द्र Antonyms: emancipate, free, liberate, release,
Meaning: the point on the earth’s surface rescue
vertically above the focus of an earthquake. Usage: “he led a relief force to the aid of the
Synonyms: axis, base, capital, center, central, beleaguered city”
Usage: “the epicentre of labour militancy was the 2) Consortium (noun) — एक संथिा या संर्
capital itself” Meaning: an association, typically of several
8) Cognizable (verb) — संज्ञेय Synonyms: association, board, brotherhood,
Meaning: capable of being judicially heard and chamber
determined Antonyms: disunion, separation
Synonyms: perceptible; clearly identifiable. Usage: “the amount awarded for loss of
Antonyms: unknowable, transcendent consortium must be included”
Usage: “a cognizable claim”
3) Ironically (adverb) — ववडम्बना से
9) Grievous (adjective) – बहुत गंभीर या कठोर Meaning: in an ironic manner.
Meaning: (of something bad) very severe or Synonyms: ironical, paradoxical, contradictory,
serious. incongruous, satiric
Synonyms: serious, severe, grave, bad, critical Antonyms: logic
Antonyms: slight, trivial, good Usage: “ironically, the rescue craft which saved
Usage: “his death was a grievous blow” her was the boat she was helping to pay for”
Synonyms: anticipation, expectation, eagerness, Meaning: think, speak, or write at length about (a
hope, hopefulness particular subject, especially one that is a source of
Antonyms: disbelief unhappiness, anxiety, or dissatisfaction).
Usage: “they waited with an air of expectancy” Synonyms: linger over, mull over, muse on,
brood about, brood over
3) Remunerative (adjective) — पाररश्रममक-संबंधी Antonyms: bail, bail out, bug out, buzz (off), clear
Meaning: financially rewarding; lucrative. off
Synonyms: financially rewarding, financially Usage: “I’ve got better things to do than dwell on
worthwhile, moneymaking the past”
Antonyms: disadvantageous, unfavorable
Usage: “highly remunerative activities” 8) Ambiguity (noun) — संददग्धता
Meaning: the quality of being open to more than
4) Rupture (verb) — टूटना one interpretation; inexactness.
Meaning: (especially of a pipe or container, or Synonyms: ambivalence, equivocation
bodily part such as an organ or membrane) break Antonyms: unambiguousness, transparency
or burst suddenly. Usage: “we can detect no ambiguity in this section
Synonyms: sever, break, cut off, break off of the Act”
Antonyms: agreement
Usage: “if the main artery ruptures he could die” 9) Fervor (noun) – िोश
Meaning: intense and passionate feeling.
5) Harnessing (verb) — तनयंत्रत्रत करना Synonyms: passion, ardour, intensity, zeal,
Meaning: control and make use of (natural vehemence
resources), especially to produce energy. Antonyms: apathy
Synonyms: hitch up, put something in harness Usage: “he talked with all the fervour of a new
Antonyms: ignore, neglect convert”
Usage: “attempts to harness solar energy”
10) Impervious (adjective) — अप्रवेश् य
6) Emphasize (verb) — महत्त्व देना Meaning: not allowing fluid to pass through.
Meaning: give special importance or value to Synonyms: impermeable, impenetrable,
(something) in speaking or writing. impregnable, waterproof
Synonyms: bring/call/draw attention to, focus Antonyms: permeable
attention on, highlight Usage: “an impervious layer of basaltic clay
Usage: “they emphasize the need for daily, one-to-
Editorial 26 – 01 – 2021
one contact between parent and child”
1) Restraint (noun) — संयम
Usage: “the economy is in dire straits” Usage: “employers sometimes make erroneous
10) Provocations (noun) – उकसावा
Meaning: action or speech that makes someone 4) Xenophobic (adjective) — नथलवादी
angry, especially deliberately. Meaning: having or showing a dislike of or
Synonyms: goading, prodding, egging on, prejudice against people from other countries.
incitement Synonyms: racist, racialist, ethnocentric,
Antonyms: subduing ethnocentrist
Usage: “you should remain calm and not respond Antonyms: xenomaniac
to provocation” Usage: “xenophobic attitudes”
7) Exceeding (adjective)
Meaning: very great.