Chapter 21-Potentiometry V2
Chapter 21-Potentiometry V2
Chapter 21-Potentiometry V2
Goal of this chapter
• To learn potentiometric measurement methods.
• To learn the structure of reference electrodes.
• To learn the structure and response mechanism
of indicator electrodes.
• To learn the structure and response mechanism
of gas sensing probes.
• To learn the application of potentiometry in
measure reaction constants.
Electrochemical cells used in
potentiometric method
• Diagram of electrochemical cells used in potentiometric
reference electrode I salt bridge I analytical solution I indicator electrode
• Reference electrode:
- an electrode provide a base with which the potential of the indicator
electrode can be compared with.
- its potential must exactly be known.
- constant potential at constant temperature
- potential independents of composition of analyte solutions.
• Indicator electrode:
- potential varies with the analyte concentration in solution.
- the relationship of potential and the concentration of analyte is known.
Reference electrodes
----Calomel electrode
• Diagram:
Hg I Hg2Cl2 (sat’d), KCl(x M) II
• Half reaction:
Hg2Cl2 + 2e- 2Hg + 2Cl-
• Potential:
- Varies with KCl concentration and
- With saturated KCl solution,
E = 0.2444 V at 25 oC.
• Half reaction:
AgCl + e- Ag(s) + Cl-
• Potential:
E = 0.199 V at 25 oC
Q Question
Precautions in Use:
• Level of liquid inside reference electrode above the
level of analyte solution to minimize contamination.
• Plugging problematic if ion reacts with solution to
make solid (e.g. AgCl in Cl-determination).
Liquid Junction Potential
- due to the unequal distribution of cations & anions across a
boundary as a result of the differences in rates at which ions
are constant
A glass membrane pH electrode
• The pH electrode response:
A glass membrane pH electrode
-----The real pH electrode response
A glass membrane pH electrode
Alkali Error
• H+ not only cation that can bind to glass surface
- H+ generally has the strongest binding
• Get weak binding of Na+, K+, etc
• Most significant when [H+] or aH+ is low (high pH)
- usually pH at around 11-12
Solid Solution
(membrane surface)
2NH3 + 2H+
Applications of potentiometry
---Direct potentiometry
• Direct potentiometry for analyzing/monitoring ions in
aqueous solution: pH, pF, pCa, pCO2.
• Among these, glass electrode pH meter is the most
• A calibration using standard solutions is usually used in
• Potential problems in direct potentiometry include slow
response time, electrode surface contamination, co-
existence ion interference, electrode life-time (when
enzyme is immobilized), long-term stability (base-line
draft), etc.
• Potentiometry measures activity, not concentration. When
seeking concentration, ionic strength match between
calibration standard solution and sample solution is
• ionic strength match between calibration standard solution
and sample solution can also help reduce junction
potential error in potentiometry.
A typical calibration curve for an ion
selective electrode
Examples of potentiometry applications
Advantages of Ion-selective electrodes
1) When compared to many other analytical techniques,
Ion-Selective Electrodes are relatively inexpensive and
simple to use and have an extremely wide range of
applications and wide concentration range.
2) The most recent plastic-bodied all-solid-state or gel filled
models are very robust and durable and ideal for use in
either field or laboratory environments.
3) Under the most favorable conditions, when measuring
ions in relatively dilute aqueous solutions and where
interfering ions are not a problem, they can be used very
rapidly and easily (e.g. simply dipping in lakes or rivers,
dangling from a bridge or dragging behind a boat).
4) They are particularly useful in applications where only an
order of magnitude concentration is required, or it is only
necessary to know that a particular ion is below a certain
concentration level.
5) They are invaluable for the continuous monitoring of
changes in concentration: e.g. in potentiometric titrations
or monitoring the uptake of nutrients, or the consumption
of reagents.
6) They are particularly useful in biological and medical
applications because they measure the activity of the ion
directly, rather than the concentration.
7) In applications where interfering ions, pH levels, or high
concentrations are a problem, then many manufacturers
can supply a library of specialized experimental methods
and special reagents to overcome many of these
8) With careful use, frequent calibration, and an awareness of
the limitations, they can achieve accuracy and precision
levels of 2 or 3% for some elements and thus compare
favorably with analytical techniques which require far more
complex and expensive instrumentation.
9) ISEs are one of the few techniques which can measure both
positive and negative ions.
10) ISEs can be used in aqueous solutions over a wide
temperature range. Crystal membranes can operate in the
range 0°C to 80°C and plastic membranes from 0°C to 50°C.