Introduction To CICM Mission in Action
Introduction To CICM Mission in Action
Introduction To CICM Mission in Action
The life of a CICM Missionary is one that is:
- Dedicated to Jesus, the Incarnate Word. Such dedication leads him to be
available for the work of redemption and devoted to the service of Christ.
- Inspired by Mary, Mother of the Incarnate Word. Mary, the Patroness of the
CICM, is the CICM Missionary’s model of faith and of total dedication to God
and to her Son’s mission
- Animated by Fr. Theophile Verbist, the Founder. Fr. Verbist lived a life of
competence and creativity in Jesus’ name; and faithful discipleship at the service
of the community.
- Marked by the charism Ad Extra, Ad Intra. A CICM Missionary goes out to those
who are in most need (ad extra), and brings the Good News of Jesus Christ
wherever it is most needed (ad intra).
Such missionary identity or spirituality was already lived out even during the
Apostolic Age. Christianity, a missionary religion by nature, was first spread by the
biblical apostles and by laypeople in the course of their daily life and travels. We
remember Saint Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, the greatest missionary of
Christianity. Saint Paul undertook three missionary journeys as recorded in the Acts of
the Apostles (Acts 15:36 – 28:31).
heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by human hands,
25 nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since
he himself gives to all mortals life and breath and all things.
26 From one ancestor he made all nations to inhabit the whole earth, and
he allotted the times of their existence and the boundaries of the places
where they would live,
27 so that they would search for God and perhaps grope for him and find
the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.
The narrative is part of Paul’s second missionary journey, which lasted about
three years. To escape the hostility of the Jews of Thessalonica, he left for Greece and
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Notes in CFE 5A – CICM Mission in Action: JPIC, IPs and IRD
while resident in Athens attempted, without success, to establish an effective Christian
community there.
Although Athens was a politically insignificant city at this period, it still lived on
the glories of its past and represented the center of Greek culture. The setting describes
the conflict between Christian preaching and Hellenistic philosophy.
The “Areopagus” refers either to the Hill of Ares west of the Acropolis or to the
Council of Athens, which at one time met on the hill but which at this time assembled in
the Royal Colonnade. In Paul’s appearance at the Areopagus he preaches his climactic
speech to Gentiles in the cultural center of the ancient world.
The speech is more theological than Christological. Paul’s discourse appeals to
the Greek world’s belief in divinity as responsible for the origin and existence of the
universe. It contests the common belief in a multiplicity of gods supposedly exerting
their powers through their images. It acknowledges that the attempt to find God is a
common human endeavor. It declares, further, that God is the judge of the human race,
that the time of the judgment has been determined, and that it will be executed through
a man whom God raised from the dead.
The speech reflects sympathy with pagan religiosity, handles the subject of idol
worship gently, and appeals for a new examination of divinity, not from the standpoint
of creation but from the standpoint of judgment.
“After preaching in a number of places, Saint Paul arrived in Athens, where he
went to the Areopagus and proclaimed the Gospel in language appropriate to and
understandable in those surroundings. At that time, the Areopagus represented the
cultural center of the learned people of Athens, and today it can be taken as a symbol of
the new sectors in which the Gospel must be proclaimed.” (see Redemptoris Missio,
Encyclical on the Permanent Validity of the Church’s Missionary Mandate # 37)
Prepared by:
Saint Louis College, City of San Fernando, La Union
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
September 08, 2020
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