Central Airmen Selection Board: ADMIT CARD - PHASE I (Valid For Male Candidates Only)
Central Airmen Selection Board: ADMIT CARD - PHASE I (Valid For Male Candidates Only)
Central Airmen Selection Board: ADMIT CARD - PHASE I (Valid For Male Candidates Only)
Below details to be filled and signed on the Date of Exam in front of Invigilator at Exam Centre
Note: This Admit Card is issued on the basis of information given by candidate while applying online.
Any discrepancy found in information given by you in online application with that mentioned in the
original certificates shall render you ineligible to appear for the test. Errors, if any, in the Admit Card are
to be brought to the notice of exam centre in-charge before exam. Request for change of venue (exam
centre) or date will not be entertained.
1. The STAR Phase-I test will be an online computer based exam. Marking pattern for
online exam is as appended below:
(a) 01 Mark for every correct answer.
(b) Nil (0) Mark for unattended question.
(c) 0.25 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
2. A plain sheet each would be provided for rough work to the candidates. Candidates must write their
name and Hall Ticket number at the top of the rough sheet. On culmination of the exam, while leaving the
examination hall, candidates must drop the rough sheet in the drop boxes after displaying to the staff
available next to the drop box. If any candidate misses to drop the rough sheet in the drop box, action
(which also includes disqualification from the exam) would be taken against him.
3. Candidates who have submitted Aadhaar number (as displayed on their Admit card) are to bring their
Aadhaar card as proof of Identity. Candidates are also to bring two copies of passport size photographs
(same as uploaded while filling the online application form). Candidates only from J&K, Assam &
Meghalaya are permitted to carry any other valid ID proof while reporting for the Phase-I exam, if
Aadhaar card is not available.
4. Communication/ electronic/ digital/ wireless devices like calculators, docupen, electronic watches with
facilities of calculator, cellular phone, memory card/stick, bluetooth device, pager, organizer, personal
digital assistant (PDA), concealed microphone or camera, radio, headset, walkman, recorder, translator
etc. and other personal items (wrist band, head gear, scarf, goggles, jacket, food, drinks etc.) are NOT
(R) NOT permitted inside the examination hall.
5. Candidates are to occupy only the seat assigned to them. In the event of any candidate resorting to
the use of unfair means during exam or indulging in any other act of indiscipline or arguing with
invigilators/ exam staff etc, will be withdrawn from the examination. Candidates found indulging in
unfair means during the examinations shall be debarred permanently.
6. No original or photocopies of your educational certificates are required while appearing for Phase-I
test. Do not bring any certificate with you. The entry will be strictly based on production of this Admit Card
& valid ID proof only.
7. Please carry one transparent blue/ black ball pen for signature and rough work.
8. In any case candidate will not be allowed to enter the exam centre after 15 minutes of reporting time
mentioned in the admit card.
9. Please preserve Admit Card duly stamped/ signed by IAF Observer of exam centre on the day of
exam. The short-listed candidates are to bring the same at the time of Phase-II testing at Airmen
Selection Centre (ASC).
10. Updates relevant to STAR will be uploaded on CASB web portal (www.airmenselection.cdac.in).
Candidates are to visit the website regularly.
Examination Guidelines
a) On the exam day, a candidates will have to wear slippers/ sandals with flat heels. Closed
footwear like shoes are not allowed inside the examination hall.
b) Light clothes with full sleeves/ long sleeves/ Jackets are not permitted.
d) Those who wear specific attire for religious purposes will be required to report to the exam hall
for mandatory frisking.
b) Candidates are not allowed to wear wristwatch, bracelets, ornaments, caps, wallets, handbags.
c) Eatable items such as chips, chocolates, water bottles etc are not allowed in the exam.
e) Only Admit Card will be allowed inside the exam hall. legal action will be taken if a candidate is
found with fake admit card.
g) Any kind of stationery item such as pencil-box/ geometry box, plastic pouch, calculator, scanner
etc is not allowed.
h) Blank paper for rough work will be provided in the examination hall. Candidates must write their
name and hall ticket number at the top of their sheet. This sheet needs to be returned to the
invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
1. Candidates are advised to follow all instructions/ guidelines issued by Central/ State Governments
from time to time. Candidates are to follow all precautionary measures such as use of face cover/ masks,
frequent hand sanitizing/ washing, observing physical distancing, no spitting in public and strict hygiene
throughout the duration of exam including travel period.
2. Installation & use of Aarogya Setu App is mandatory while travelling by public transport. Candidates
are to ensure verification of health status on Aarogya Setu App while entering at the main gate.
3. Candidates are advised to carry the following items for their personal use as precautionary measures
at exam centres:-
(a) Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)
(b) Personal transparent water bottle
1. All candidates must fill the self-declaration form before proceeding to exam centre.
2. Candidates need to report to their exam centre as per the reporting time mentioned on their admit card
only to avoid any crowding at the centre at the time of entry and to maintain social distancing.
3. Candidates are to stand on the mark made on the floor while in queue to ensure social distancing.
4. Candidates must put on face mask throughout the exam process, starting from verification process till
end of Exam.
5. Candidates are to avoid all non-essential movement outside and inside the exam centre premises. No
gathering is permitted.
7. Candidates need to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from each other at all times. Follow the
instructions given by centre staff.
8. Authorized staff at exam centre will check the body temperature of the candidates using a Thermo-
9. Candidates are to sanitize/ wash their hands before entering the examination hall.
10.Candidates are to abide by all DO'S and DONT'S of COVID-19 advisories issued by Govt of India as
well as respective state governments and adhere to all the social distancing norms.
During examination
2. Candidates are to sanitize their hands before and after the use of PC (Personal Computer).
After examination
1. On completion of a shift, the candidates will be permitted to move out in an orderly manner one by
2. Candidates are to wait for instructions from invigilator and not to get up from seat until advised.
Protocol for Management of Entry inside the Exam Centre
STAR 01/2021
Self-Declaration - COVID-19
Symptoms Yes No
Sore throat
2. Have you or an immediate family member came in close contact with a confirmed case of the
coronavirus in the last 14 days? ("Close contact" means being at a distance of less than one metre for
more than 15 minutes.)
I have been in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus in the
last 14 days.
I hereby declare that all the information mentioned above is true to the best of my knowledge and will immediately
inform to Covid -19 Central / State Govt. authority, if any symptoms arise during or after examination.
Note: The health and wellbeing of our community is our priority therefore C-DAC reserves the right to
deny entry to the premises / examination centre.
I, Mr.________________________________(Name) S/O___________________________________,
Roll No.________________________ appearing for Scheduled Test for Airmen Recruitment (STAR
01/2021) hereby certify that I have no COVID-19 symptoms. I fully understand that travel to exam venue
is at my own risk and I or my parents / guardians shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or
reconsideration for participation in the STAR examination of any other relief from the Government if I am
infected with COVID-19 during my transit or during my selection process.