Final Packet
Final Packet
Final Packet
Evaluation is based on successfully completing the following: (a) accumulation of 45 fieldwork hours with organized
verification log; (b) fieldwork site supervisor’s evaluation on letterhead; (c) completing all paper work material including
well written reflective evaluation of fieldwork site information, (d) designing and teaching two lesson plans with
supervisor feedback included and (e) a well written thank you letter. The following letter grades will be assigned and
form the evaluation: A (90-100); B (89-80); C (79-70); D (69-60); F (59 or below). See course requirements handout
syllabus for more detail requirements. Submit Final Packet of all Materials Due last week
of class and include this grade rubric at the front f submitted materials
45 Fieldwork Hours 40
Accumulation of 45 fieldwork hours with organized verification log
Must accumulate 45 contact hours to receive credit
______Provide your APE Mentor Site Supervisor with responsibilities for supervision (due 1st two weeks of
class) and this specific fieldwork packet
____Attend all scheduled class meetings with CSULB instructor beside meeting fieldwork hours
Final Packet of Materials Due last week of class (15 week) in a packet (not finals weeks):
______ Fieldwork Experience Report detailed 2-3 pages. See pp.2 of KIN 489A Handbook
______ KIN 489A Time Log(s). See pp.4 of KIN 489A Handbook
______ Observe and/or assist your APE Teacher Mentor in at least 1 standardized assessment.
______ Completed APE Student Evaluation of Fieldwork Experience by mentor APE teacher on school district
stationary that answers specific reflection questions of KIN 489A Handbook
______Write a thank you letter to your site supervisor and include a copy to your course instructor with all your
final materials
Penda. The class was during second period and Giancarlo would come every Tuesday and Thursday. On
Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, I would have the students on my own. When Giancarlo was there, I would
assist him in the lessons. The classes consisted of 12 students total: 11 students with Intellectual disability and
one student with autism. All the students were also English learners as well.
On Tuesdays Giancarlo would teach activities and on Thursdays he would take the students into the fitness lab
and do exercises with them. The unit activities that he covered with the students were soccer, football, hockey,
and badminton. There were two days that he did assessment for the special Olympics. The events he assessed
the students on for the special Olympics were the 25 and 50 meter runs, softball throw and relay baton run. If
the fitness lab he did basic flexion, extension, press and pull exercises with five to ten-pound weights. He would
have all the students on a mat and be in front of them doing the exercises and having the students follow along.
Giancarlo and I would meet every Tuesday and Thursday because those were the days that he would come to
the school. He was there second and third period each day. We would speak briefly before second and period
about what he was going to do for the day and then we would talk after second and third about the lessons.
Third period was my conference period so I would stay and help him during third period too.
The first thing had me do was get to know the students, paraprofessionals and special education teacher. He
showed me how to deal with each student. The class that I assisted him with was a moderate to severe class so
the students needed more attention on their behaviors and needed to be redirected more. Once I got familiar
with the students, Giancarlo would have me team teach with him for certain activities. We would split the
students up and we would both be doing activities with them and assessing the students.
Giancarlo had me observe the class and how he taught for the first couple weeks. Then he started having me
work with the students to assist him. During lesson he would give the students an activity to do, for example
fitness center, he would do exercises where all the students would be on mats facing him and I. half the class
would be in front of him and the other in front of me. He would lead the exercises and I would do what he did
and the students would follow us. Then we would correct the students that were on our sides. As the semester
went on, he had me start leading some of the exercises and activities.
For my lesson I taught a fitness lesson. I called it Fit For Life. I had the students work on pacing exercises while
running, upper body strength by doing push-up planks, flexibility with stretches and coordination and quickness
with going over small 6-inch hurdles. What I learned from teaching my lesson is that it was better to split the
students up in three groups and have them run over less hurdles than have them in two groups running over
more hurdles. The reason for this is so they got more activity time. During the pacing exercise, I had the
students run, walk, run, walk. There were cones set up to indicate when to run and when to walk. What I learned
from this was its have them start at different cones so they are more spaced out and allow them to do it with a
partner. This was also the feedback that I received from my mentor.
APE Paperwork
I observed one standardized assessment. The student was assessed on perceptual motor function, object control
skills, locomotor skills, physical fitness, and adaptive behaviors. For object control skills, the student was
assessed in over hand throwing a softball at a target 12 feet away, catching an 8.5” ball, kicking a ball at a 20-
foot target and rolling a ball at a target. For locomotor skills, they assessed the student in walking forward,
backwards and sideways, running, jumping and skipping. For physical fitness, the student did a flexibility
assessment by doing a long-sit, a push-up plank and curl-ups. For adaptive behaviors, it was written that the
student was willing to participate but needs a regular amount of verbal and physical prompts.
The overall learning experience from this semester was great. I learned a lot through the class and field work.
Working with the moderate to severe students was a good challenge for me. I got to see how Giancarlo would
handle the students when they were not engaged or when they were in a bad mood. I saw how much building a
relationship with both the students and paraprofessional help for managing the class and getting the students to
cooperate. I enjoyed learning various accommodations and modifications to use with students.
I participated in a Facebook live adapted physical education exercise video. The theme was Musical
Chair Day. The lesson was in Spanish. Every Friday, Long Beach State Adapted Physical Education put an
exercise video out in Spanish for the high number of English Learners who speak Spanish. For this exercise
routine, it required each person have a chair. The first exercise for this routine was a seated chair stretch. While
the exercise is being done the teacher had music playing. The teacher put a green light on the screen and said
when the music is playing that means it’s time to exercise and then put a stop sign on the screen and said when
the music stops, it’s time to stop. The second exercise was tip toeing or doing toe touches by bending over and
touching your toes with your hand. The next exercise was done sitting in the chair and it was neck exercises,
moving the head slowly from side to side. After the neck exercises, the teacher had us do running or moving our
arms, seated side bends, standing up and swaying body side to side and going back in the chair and doing back
The instructor would do one exercise out of the chair and one exercise standing up. Even for the
exercises that he did standing up, there was always an alternative exercise for the students in wheel chairs. The
instructor did a good job of using the music as a clear indicator when to start and stop. The instructor ended up
using water bottles later on in the workout. They used the water bottle to do curls, triceps extensions and
presses. The teachers did a great job of incorporating many exercises and stretches into the routine. I liked how
there was a video of the instructor doing the exercises along with an illustration on the power point.
Spanish due to the high number of English Learners who speak Spanish. This is something that the Long Beach
adapted physical education department does every Friday. The lesson was racecar themed. They turned the
music on and off and used a red stop sign and green signal to indicate when to start and stop each exercise.
They began with a light warm up of walking (to warm up the engines). Each exercise was connected with a
scenario; Start your engines, slide your way down the road, jump over the falling rocks, you have a flat tire so
There were modifications for each exercise. There were slides or side steps, jumps or toe touches, hops
or high knees, skips or hand to knees and more. At the end of the exercises there was a walk for a cool down
through the “finish line”. After they crossed the finish line, they made a “pitstop”. During the pitstop, there
was a fitness analysis. For the fitness analysis there were 4 exercises; jumping jacks, squats, toy soldiers or
windmills along with modification exercises for each. In between those fitness tasks there were little cool
down exercises as well like walking on toes, walking low and stomping. After the fitness analysis, they did yoga
which was a series of poses. All the exercises and poses were done for 30 seconds. The instructors did a good
job of giving visuals, modeling, making modifications and using a variety of exercises.
I learned different ways to modify exercises and got another idea to do as a theme.
grocery shopping. The teacher started off with a warmup by rolling her head in a circle for 10 seconds,
shrugging shoulder, arm circles and flapping her arms. The first exercise was squatting down then shooting up
with your arms aiming to the sky. She called it squatting down and putting something in the grocery bag. The
modification to this was to sit down, lean forward with your hands reaching towards your toes then shooting
your hands up in the air. The next exercise was doing arm curls and she called it picking up the milk jugs. Then
she did jumping jacks or hand claps for people sitting down. After, she did lunges did lunges and called it
running to the car, then high knees and called it running to the car. The teacher started reaching side to side and
up in the air and called it picking apples, sliding side to side while also swiping her arms and called it searching
for the mustard and then twisting side to side and said she to pretend like you putting thing back on the shelf.
She did a good job of incorporating real world daily activities. Using super heroes is fun for the students
to keep them engaged but real-world examples are good to. This is a theme that I have never thought of before.
I learned new ideas from some of the exercises she was doing when she said she was picking apples, looking for
I participated in a Facebook live adapted physical education exercise video. The teacher began the
lesson by walking in place for 35 seconds or swinging your arms as a modification. Next was exercise was
jumping in place or moving your arms up and down. He called it getting the coins like in the game. He did this
for 30 seconds. After that he squats and swinging your arms forwards and backwards as a modification. He
called it going down the tube. When he was done with those two exercises, he went back to walking in place for
35 more seconds. The next exercise was stepping out into a lunge and punching and the modification was
punching up in the air while standing still. Then he walked in place for 35 more seconds and followed that by
running in place for 30 seconds. After that he finished by either walking in place for 30 seconds or jumping in
I learned another theme that I could use with my classes. I liked how he tied the exercise moves to
elements of Super Mario Brothers like Jumping through a tube, punching the bricks, and getting the coins. This
The first thing he had them do was hold their hands like spider man. The first Exercise was “web slingers”
where they would do a side lung while extending their opposite arm to the side they were going. The
modification was extending each arm to the opposite side of you one at a time. Each exercise was 45 seconds
with a 15 second rest. The next exercises were “Spidey kicks” or “punches, Burpees or “Parker pushes”, and
Squats or “Venom slingers”. After the exercises he had three questions: Did you guys have fun, what was your
favorite exercise, and checked for understanding by asking what the correct spiderman hand position was.
There was lot of creative of pictures of Spider Man doing the movements as well as him doing the
movement in another video on the same slide. Each Slide had two videos; one for the main exercise and
modification. I learned different creative names to call exercises like “Parker Pushes”. This lesson gave me
first warmup he started off with was marching in place, then he progressed to running in place. Then he
warmed up the arms by “Flying like an eagle”. The first exercise was 10 jump squats or bench press which
consisted of pushing your arms out as a modification. After the 10 jump squats, he did them one more time
but faster. Next exercise was 10 lunges with biceps flexion for the modification. Calf raises were the next
workout with shoulder presses as the modification. The teacher went to jumping jacks next with alternating
shoulder press as the modification. Then he went to arm exercises by doing arm circles and flying like a bird.
The sixth exercise was pushup planks and triceps extension for the people who could not do them. The last
exercise was a pose where one knee is on the ground with the other leg back and the opposite arm is
extended. He had people who could not do that, swing their arms back and forth. After the last exercise he
There was a lot of good variation of exercises and modifications. I would have like to see how this would have
looked like with adapted students doing this because it seemed a like it would have been a little advanced for
adapted students, especially the first (jump squats) and last exercises (Alternating arm-leg extensions on
warmup exercise was sitting down with your arms out in front of you acting like you are steering a wheel of a
vehicle. The first “stop” on the cruise was coming across a leopard and zebra. To imitate the leopard, we got
on all fours and arched our back and to be imitate a zebra, we rounded our backs. We did this a couple times
each. The next animal we came across was a crocodile and we got in a pushup plank or chomped are arms
together if we could not do that. After the crocodile, we saw a cobra, so we put our hips on the ground and
pushed our upper body off the ground with our arms locked out and held that pose. For the students that
could not do it, they put their hands together and moved their hands back and forth, “slithering like a snake”.
The next animal they moved like was an elephant. To do this we put our hands together, feet wide, and
moved our arms in between our legs, then came back up as if our arms were the trunk and we were moving
the trunk up and down. The giraffe was the next animal and to pose like this, we put our hands above our
head and leaned our bodies to the left and the right, to stretch the sides of our body. A gorilla was the last
animal to imitate, and to do this, we bent over and let our arms swing back and forth.
At the end the teacher did a check for understanding by doing a pose and asking if the students remembered
what animal it was. I learned a new theme to use with my students. The Elephant and giraffe poses was
giving the students an option of three poses. The first place was supposed to be the dessert so the three
options were: cactus, scorpion or camel pose. She did it as a power point so she had pictures of each pose plus
she modeled for us how to do them as well. The next three poses were supposed to be like a tiger, elephant or
giraffe. For the tiger, we were on all fours, extending one arm out in front and the opposite leg back. For the
elephant, we leaned over, keeping our hands together, swinging them from side to side and for the giraffe, we
were on all fours, extending one arm up in the air at a time. The next stop in the adventure was “the ocean”.
The three poses were a boat, crab or starfish. To be like a boat, we sat down on our buttocks with our arms
and legs off the ground and rocked back and forth.
Each pose was held for 45 seconds. I liked how she had the pictures on her power point. It helped to have
visual and it made it more engaging. It was also nice how she had descriptions written out under the picture so
if a parent was helping the child they could read the description as well.
exercise was called “Sith Strikes”. It was a backwards lunge and forward punch. The teacher had us perform the
exercises for 30 seconds, with a 10 second rest. The second exercise was called “Sith slams”. It was a forward lunge with
both hands together coming down as if slamming a light saber down. The third exercise was “emperor squats”. They
were kind of like jump squats but you bring your feel together at the top. A regular squat was the modification for this.
The fourth exercise was “Dooku Drives”. For the exercise you dropped you leg back into a reverse lunge and punch the
opposite arm forward like you were driving your sword forward. After that he went back to emperor squats. The fifth
When the exercises were over, he asked three questions: Which exercise was the hardest, how many seconds was each
exercise, and did you enjoy training. I liked how he had a Star Wars character doing all the exercises. The only thing that I
did not see, were modification for each exercise. Over all he put together a good challenging exercise routine with a
variety of exercises.
done on power point. There was a monster in each box on the screen demonstrating each exercise. The first
exercise was with windmills or side bends. Each exercise lasted 40 seconds and the rest time was 10 seconds.
The second exercise was a choice between squats or lunges. After that, the fourth exercise was a choice
between jumping jacks or running in place. The fifth exercise was shadow boxing or arm circles. After that, the
sixth exercise was vertical jumps or toe touches. The seventh exercise was either an air bicycle or a crunches.
At the end the teacher asked two question: What were your two favorite exercises and what exercise
would you want to show to a family member. I like how she had the monsters doing the exercises on the
screen. I feel that captures the students’ attention. It was helpful that the teacher has options for each
exercise as well.
Cupid Shuffle. Instead of going each direction four times, the teacher had the students march their feet 8
times. It was easier to keep the rhythm that way. The teacher broke it down in segments. First, we went to the
right, then he stopped the music. Then we went to the left and then the music stopped again. The teacher
then allowed the music to play so we went both directions to the music without the music stopping. After, we
did the kicks. Instead of actually kicking our feet out in the air, the teacher had us pick our foot and put it
down as the song was saying to kick. Now when the song said to walk, the teacher had us the students step
and turn 90 degrees. The teacher then had everyone go through whole thing without music, then put the
music on and had everyone do it together to the music. We did the whole the dance to the music two times in
a row.
After the dance, the teacher asked what our favorite part was and then had us give someone a high
five. I like how the teacher broke the dance down in steps and wrote out the steps on a chart. It made the
We began with a warmup by walking in place. The first exercise was a side step and punch to the sky like Thor.
The second exercise was a side step and muscle flex like the hulk. The third exercise was side stepping then
putting one arm out to shoot a laser like Iron Man. The fourth exercise was putting both arms in the air and
waiving them side to side like Groot. After the teacher showed all the exercises, she put them all together to a
The teacher had a video of her doing the all the moves as well as the characters from avengers doing
each move as well. At the end she asked: What avenger dance move did you like the most, and asked if we like
Groot’s dance move or the Hulk’s. I like how she had someone else sitting down doing everything as well so
outside in the Sun”. The first thing the teacher had us do was a stretch. He gave the option of doing a “waking
up stretch” where we did a backwards arm circle like you would be when you wake up in the morning or we
could reach for our toes. Each stretch and exercise were for 45 seconds. The first exercise was to run in place
or swing your arms in place. The second exercise was a swim. We had the option of doing a freestyle swim or a
breast stroke. For the third exercise was we had the option to either act like we were hitting a beach ball or to
act like we were holding a beach ball walking through the pool. The next workout was hitting a ball up with
our hands together like a volleyball or doing uppercut punches. The last thing we did was dance. The dance
After the exercises the teacher asked a question: When performing a breast stroke, which body parts
are used. He gave A, B, C and D options: A. Feet, B. legs, C. arms and head, and D. back. I like how he had a
video of him doing each movement and how he had music in the background.
Super Saiyan”, a Dragon Ball-Z character. The first exercise was a 30 second walk in place or biceps curls. After
each exercise, we rested for 10 seconds. The next exercise was making a “spirit bomb”, which was pressing
your hands over you head. The third exercise was squats or arm circles. The fourth exercise was a
“Kamehameha”, which was a move where you twist, bring both your hands together by your hip, then turn
and push both your hands forward. The alternative exercise to this was pushing one hand forward at a time.
The fifth exercise was called “make energy pizza”, which was a squat while putting one hand in the air. The
alternative was just alternating putting one hand in the air at a time. The sixth exercise was side lunges or
The two questions at the end were: what was your favorite exercise and how do you make a spirt
bomb. I like how he had videos of himself doing each move as well as characters from the Dragon Ball-Z show
The First pose was a droid pose, standing up and palms facing forward. The next pose was a Battle-Ready
pose, in squat with your arms up and bent at 90 degrees. The third pose was a Jedi Warrior pose, with one leg
in a lunge out in front of you and one arm facing forward and one arm facing back. The fourth pose was “One
with the Force”, where you get into a squat position and raise both arms over your head. The next pose was a
“Force Pose”, which is traditionally referred to as a Tree Pose in yoga. The Tree Top pose is where you put one
foot up against the inside of you knee and put both hands together and raise them over your head.
Modifications to this was having both feet on the ground or also being on one knee. We went back to the
Each pose was held for 45 seconds. I like the way she had three illustrations of each pose for three alternative
ways to them. She had Star Wars music in the back to match the theme. I would have found it a little more
helpful if there was a video of someone doing the poses rather just a picture. I learned new ideas for poses to
do with my students. When we finished with everything the teacher had us sit there and do “Jedi Meditation”,
Safety Precautions what about general fitness – for example safety pacing oneself when doing vigorous
exercise drink breaks expand
Make sure students have space while stretching and Make sure jump ropes stay on the jump ropes stay
KIN 489 A Fieldwork SPRING 2017 21
doing exercises on poly spots on the ground so the students are not swinging
them around
Make sure students have space while running Make sure students are pacing themselves so they
don’t over exert themselves.
Make sure students are on a surface that they are
not going to slip on, or will hurt their hands while Allow students to have rest and time to rehydrate
doing push-up planks
2. With teacher verbal, visual, and physical prompting, students will be able to
touch their toes while standing on their feet, bending over with their legs
straight and hold for 10 secs.
3. With teacher verbal, visual, and physical prompting, students will be able to
jog for two minutes without stopping with cones set up in a rectangle (30
yards x 20 Yards) and will jog 30 yards and walk 20 yards. The students will
be able to do this for two minutes without stopping
4. With teacher verbal, visual and physical prompting. Students will be able to
walk and run over 6-inch hurdles with high knees and getting their feet over
the hurdle without touching it
Cognitive 1. With teacher verbal and visual prompting, students will be able to tell the
teacher by pointing to the correct place on their body or a picture that shows
that an Isometric pushup strengthens core and chest muscles as determined
by teacher.
2. The students will point to their hamstrings or a picture of the hamstrings on
the body when asked what muscles the toe touch stretches
3. When asked, the students will be able to tell me that running without stopping
improves aerobic capacity. The students will be given options like, “does
running without stopping improve muscular strength, flexibility or
cardiovascular fitness”.
Affective With teacher verbal and visual prompting, students will give at least one classmate a
high five and say good exercising come on you can do the exercise.
With teacher verbal and visual prompting, students will give at least one classmate a
high five and say, “good running, come on you can do it”.
Activity 1,
Students on Poly Spots stretching and teacher stands in front
Walk Walk
- Activity 2 Hurdles for them to step over
Skill, Activity, Topic; Methods & Organization Cues & Modifications for
Concept & Time (Skills Progressions & Diagrams) Specific Students,
Disabilities, or Ages
Activity #1 Intro: Good
Find a poly spot to stand on. Good You have ten seconds Cues
Time: 10 minutes (Then count down from 10) Stay on poly spot
KIN 489 A Fieldwork SPRING 2017 23
Purpose: Warm Okay we are going to stretch so that are muscles are loose Two feet on ground
students up for more and ready for activity. Everybody look at me and do what
intense exercise and to I’m doing: Look at me
improve flexibility and
strength Lead them through all the stretches and counts to ten out Follow instructions
loud and have them count with you to keep them engaged.
Learning Objective
Addressed: Following Good
instructions and Activity: good number the stretches Differentiated
learning how to 1. Reach down for your toes (Count for 10 seconds) Instruction: Teacher
stretch and warm up and
2. Reach to the sky (Count for 5 seconds) paraprofessionals will
CA Content Standard: circulate to give
High School 2.2 Repeat 2 more times of each after. assist students who
Motor 2 need help and make
3. Spread Feet wide. Reach to the ground. necessary
corrections. Teacher
4. Hug your arm (count ten seconds) will model to give
Hug your other arm (Count for 10 seconds) students a visual
example while giving
5. Grab elbow overhead (Triceps stretch) verbal directions.
Grab other elbow
Diagram of activity/layout:
KIN 489 A Fieldwork SPRING 2017 24
Transition Time Teacher will blow whistle twice, then students are given
verbal instructions that it is time to rotate stations. The Cues
3 minutes students will be shown how to line up at the hurdles and the
teacher and paraprofessionals will model for them how to Modifications
step over them
Do you have a signal for transitions
Activity #2 Intro:
Good activity – you have 12 students how will they be
Time: 10 minutes organized to maximize time on task doing hurdle activity Cues
Explain here Knees high
Purpose: The students are going to line up by the hurdles shoulder to Feet over
To improve shoulder so everyone can see what the teacher is doing. The Choices
Coordination and teacher will model for them how to step over the hurdles by Have some hurdles
speed and walking over them. Then will ask a volunteer to show the up and some down
cardiovascular class. After, all the students will line up and attempt walk for those who have
endurance over the hurdles without touching them with their feet while difficulty
the paraprofessionals help them and the teacher is giving
Learning Objective them verbal cues. Modifications
Addressed: number Put the hurdles
obj here There will be two sets of hurdles. 6 students at one set of down so that the top
To be able to run over hurdles and 6 students at the other. part is on the ground
the hurdles without (about an inch high)
hitting them with their Once all the students have successfully walked over all the and they only have
feet. hurdles at least 3 times then you show them how to run to step over that
over them. Have a student try for the class first then have part.
CA Content Standard the rest of them try after. Time them on a stop watch to see
High School 2.5 how fast they did it, then see if they can beat that time each
turn. Have them do this at least 5 times each.
The students will line up at the hurdles and take turns
KIN 489 A Fieldwork SPRING 2017 25
walking over all 10 hurdles. The paraprofessionals will
help them as needed and the teacher will use cues to help
The goal is for each student to walk over the hurdles at
least 3 times successfully.
Diagram of activity/layout:
Transition Time The students are given verbal instructions to rotate to the
next station. The students will come over to the cones that Cues
3 minutes are set up in a rectangle 20 by 30 yards and the teacher Knee up
will explain and model, with the help of the Feet high
paraprofessionals how to perform the next exercise.
Activity #3 Intro:
The purpose of the activity is to have the students work on Cues
Time 15 minutes pacing themselves. The students will line up shoulder to Run
shoulder as the teacher shows the students how to run- Walk
Purpose walk-run-walk from cone to cone. There will be cones set
To learn to pace up in a rectangle 30 by 20 yards. The students will run the
themselves and to cones 30 yards apart and will walk the cones 20 yards Modifications
follow direction apart. The teacher will have the students follow him as he Allow students to go
goes from cone to cone with the paraprofessionals at their own pace
Learning Objective assisting. What else?
Addressed Provide Task analysis of running Run walk with a
Finding a pace they can 1 heel toe strike partner motivational
maintain for 4 minutes 2 relax shoulders arm swing carry (hands in your pocket
3 what else list
CA Content Standard
2.4 Activity: Consider start students at different cones can they
pace with a partner?
The students will be running and walking from cone to cone
in a rectangle for 4 minutes. The students will go from cone
to cone at their own pace. The paraprofessionals will stand
at the cones to prompt the students when to run or walk.
After 4 minutes bring the students in for a minute to let
them catch their breath. Then begin again. Repeat this two
more times.
Walk Walk
Closure and Closure Good see cognitive objectives ask all three
Homework questions have pictures visuals
Have students point to the parts of the body that are
Time 5 minutes activated when doing push up planks. Review the stretches Cues
and ask what parts of the body each stretch works. Ask
Purpose them what component of fitness running for a pace works Modifications
Check that they (Give them options: Does running and keeping a pace work
understand what parts muscular strength, flexibility or Cardiovascular endurance.)
of the body being used
Learning Objectives
Understanding basic
anatomy of the body
and fitness concepts
CA Content Standard
High School 2.5
Safety Precautions what about general fitness – for example safety pacing oneself when doing vigorous
exercise drink breaks expand
Make sure students have space while stretching and Make sure jump ropes stay on the jump ropes stay
doing exercises on poly spots on the ground so the students are not swinging
them around
Make sure students have space while running
Make sure students are pacing themselves so they
Make sure students are on a surface that they are don’t over exert themselves.
not going to slip on, or will hurt their hands while
doing push-up planks Allow students to have rest and time to rehydrate
6. With teacher verbal, visual, and physical prompting, students will be able to
touch their toes while standing on their feet, bending over with their legs
straight and hold for 10 secs.
7. With teacher verbal, visual, and physical prompting, students will be able to
jog for two minutes without stopping with cones set up in a rectangle (30
yards x 20 Yards) and will jog 30 yards and walk 20 yards. The students will
be able to do this for two minutes without stopping
8. With teacher verbal, visual and physical prompting. Students will be able to
walk and run over 6-inch hurdles with high knees and getting their feet over
the hurdle without touching it
Cognitive 4. With teacher verbal and visual prompting, students will be able to tell the
teacher by pointing to the correct place on their body or a picture that shows
that an Isometric pushup strengthens core and chest muscles as determined
by teacher.
5. The students will point to their hamstrings or a picture of the hamstrings on
the body when asked what muscles the toe touch stretches
6. When asked, the students will be able to tell me that running without stopping
improves aerobic capacity. The students will be given options like, “does
running without stopping improve muscular strength, flexibility or
cardiovascular fitness”.
Affective 1. Number With teacher verbal and visual prompting, students will give at least
one classmate a high five and say good exercising come on you can do the
2. With teacher verbal and visual prompting, students will give at least one
classmate a high five and say, “good job running, come on you can do it”.
- Activity 2: Hurdles for them to step over
Purpose: Warm Okay we are going to stretch so that are muscles are loose Two feet on ground
students up for more and ready for activity. Everybody look at me and do what
intense exercise and to I’m doing: Look at me
improve flexibility and
strength Lead them through all the stretches and counts to ten out Follow instructions
loud and have them count with you to keep them engaged.
Motor 1 and 2
Activity: good number the stretches Differentiated
Learning Objective 10. Reach down for your toes (Count for 10 seconds) Instruction: Teacher
Addressed: Following and
instructions and 11. Reach to the sky (Count for 5 seconds) paraprofessionals will
learning how to circulate to give
stretch and warm up Repeat 2 more times of each after. assist students who
need help and make
CA Content Standard: 12. Spread Feet wide. Reach to the ground. necessary
High School 2.2 corrections. Teacher
Motor 2 13. Hug your arm (count ten seconds) will model to give
Hug your other arm (Count for 10 seconds) students a visual
example while giving
14. Grab elbow over head (Triceps stretch) verbal directions.
Grab other elbow
Diagram of activity/layout:
Transition Time Teacher will blow whistle twice, then students are given
verbal instructions that it is time to rotate stations. The Cues
3 minutes students will be shown how to line up at the hurdles and the
teacher and paraprofessionals will model for them how to Modifications
step over them
Activity #2 Intro:
(Group students by skill level)
Time: 10 minutes The students are going to line up by the hurdles shoulder to Cues
shoulder so everyone can see what the teacher is doing. The Knees high
Purpose: teacher will model for them how to step over the hurdles by Feet over
To improve walking over them. Then will ask a volunteer to show the Choices
Coordination and class. After, all the students will line up and attempt walk Have some hurdles
speed and over the hurdles without touching them with their feet while up and some down
cardiovascular the paraprofessionals help them and the teacher is giving for those who have
endurance them verbal cues. difficulty
(Motor 4) There will be three sets of hurdles. 4 students at each set of Modifications
hurdles to maximize time on task. The next student will start Put the hurdles
Learning Objective as soon as the student in from of them is done. down so that the top
Addressed: part is on the ground
To be able to run over Once all the students have successfully walked over all the (about an inch high)
the hurdles without hurdles at least 3 times then you show them how to run and they only have
The students will line up at the hurdles and take turns
walking over all 10 hurdles. The paraprofessionals will
help them as needed and the teacher will use cues to help
The goal is for each student to walk over the hurdles at
least 3 times successfully.
Diagram of activity/layout:
Transition Time The students are given verbal instructions to rotate to the
next station. The students will come over to the cones that Cues
3 minutes are set up in a rectangle 20 by 30 yards and the teacher Knee up
will explain and model, with the help of the Feet high
paraprofessionals how to perform the next exercise.
Activity #3 Intro:
The purpose of the activity is to have the students work on Cues
Time 15 minutes pacing themselves. The students will line up shoulder to Run
shoulder as the teacher shows the students how to run- Walk
Purpose walk-run-walk from cone to cone. There will be cones set
To learn to pace up in a rectangle 30 by 20 yards. The students will run the
themselves and to cones 30 yards apart and will walk the cones 20 yards Modifications
follow direction apart. The teacher will have the students follow him as he Allow students to go
goes from cone to cone with the paraprofessionals at their own pace
(Motor 3) assisting.
Run walk with a
Learning Objective Task analysis of running partner motivational
Addressed 1 heel toe strike
Finding a pace they can 2 relax shoulders, let arm swing (hands swing from pocket
maintain for 4 minutes to chin with elbows in shape of an L)
3 head still
(Motor 3)
Diagram of activity/layout:
Closure and
Homework Have students point to the parts of the body that are Cues: Point (what
activated when doing push up planks. Review the stretches this)
Learning Objectives
Understanding basic
anatomy of the body
and fitness concepts
Cognitive 1, 2 and 3
CA Content Standard
High School 2.5
Print as many time logs as needed; see Beachboard for electronic, printable copy…
KIN 489A: Fieldwork in Adapted Physical Education
Time Log
Kickball (Assisted) 9 11 2
1 2 1
Musical Chair Day (Facebook Live)
Racecar (Facebook Live) 1 2 1
KIN 489A Students: Please complete each blank BEFORE asking for signature.
Site Supervisor's Comments (May also use reverse side for comments):
I want thank you for everything that you showed me this semester. This was my first semester in the adapted
physical education program at Long Beach State and my first semester at Santa Ana high school and you helped
me out a lot. I learned a lot from watching you teach. I like how you were always prepared and found a way to
accommodate and modify the tasks for each student. You have a great rapport with the students and
paraprofessionals and you showed me how far that goes when working with the adapted students. Thank you for
always taking time to answer my questions, no matter the time or day. I look forward to continuing to work with
you again in the future.