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World of Filtration Experience Ebook

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A World of

A World of Filtration Experience

Filtration Overview:
The Removal of Unwanted Solids

Filtration is the separation of solids from a liquid

by means of a porous medium that retains the
solids but allows the liquid to pass. Utilizing
filter aids like Diatomaceous Earth, perlite,
and cellulose (known as depth filtration) will
result in optimum throughput and help achieve Filter Aid Requirements
maximum clarity of the liquid. This paper outlines
the properties, features, and benefits of these Filter aids should be chemically inert and form
engineered materials and their impact on your high porosity filter cakes to maintain the free flow
filtration needs. of the fluid. Efficient filter aids have irregularly
shaped particles that interlace and overlay in a
fashion that leaves 85% to 95% open spaces
in the filter cake. These voids form billions of
microscopically fine interstices between the filter
aid and particles, trapping solids while permitting
high fluid flow. The filter aid forms a porous cake
on a septum, stopping solids while preventing
them from blinding the septum. This mechanical
process provides brilliant clarity and eliminates
potentially dangerous contaminants. The use of
filter aids also helps to maintain low pressures,
which allow longer filtration cycles thus improving

Diatomaceous Earth, perlite, and cellulose filter

aids are benchmark materials that meet these
criteria. They are available in a variety of grades
to meet the solids removal requirement of any

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A World of Filtration Experience

Filtration Overview
Mineral Filter Aids for All Industries

To recommend a filter aid type and grade

is nearly impossible without knowing your
unique specifications, as there is no one filter
aid that is suitable for all applications. The
table below summarizes some of the major
industries and applications requiring filtration
but does not include everything. Details can be
discussed for specific filtration needs through
technical resources provided at the end of the
guide. This guide provides a comprehensive
overview of the various filter aids available to
help your organization measure success. As
you page through this guide, we encourage
you to consider your specific application and

Industry Application

Food and Beverage Juices, beers, wines, sweeteners, oils, syrups, honey

Pharmaceuticals Enzymes, antibiotics, epsom salt

Industrial Biodiesel, sizings, oil and solvent recovery, greases, waste oils

Chemicals Inorganic and organic chemicals, resins, polymers, brine,

adhesives, fertilizers, waste disposal

Paints & Coatings Waxes, oils, varnish, gums, shellac

Environmental  tormwater and wastewater filtration, ecology embankments,

media filter drains

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A World of Filtration Experience

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth is a form of silica that has

been used as a filter aid for nearly a century. It
is composed of the skeletons of microscopic
plants deposited on the bottom of oceans and
lakes after and during the Miocene Age from
100,000 to 15,000,000 years ago. The ore is a
soft, friable, amorphous, siliceous mineral.

Why Diatomaceous
Earth is an Ideal
Filter Aid
Diatomaceous Earth Filtration Applications
To understand why
Diatomaceous Earth Diatomaceous Earth filtration use crosses
makes a perfect filter many industries, from recreation to food and
aid, you’d have to look through a microscope. beverage, and pharmaceutical to automotive.
Diatoms show up in a variety of forms. The
symmetrical forms resemble honeycombs, disks, Some applications include:
rods, cylinders, and snowflakes. This porous
structure is what helps to trap solids and allow • Swimming pools
liquid to readily flow through the filter cake. This • Food Production
means it is a mechanical sieving, not a chemical (sugar, sweeteners, and gelatin)
• Beverage Filtration
(beer, wine, and juices)
Diatomaceous Earth products are calcined and
• Biodiesel/Motor Oil Processing
flux-calcined in order to improve their properties
(soy, corn, palm oils, and animal fats)
as a filter aid. The calcination process is
performed at temperatures above 1500 degrees • Pharmaceutical manufacturing
Fahrenheit, ensuring all products are free of • Enzymes
organic matter.

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Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth for Food and Beer Filtration

Beverage Filtration
It’s natural for ales, lagers, and other beers
Diatomaceous Earth has been used for many to produce a strong haze after the brewing
decades as a filter aid and has been proven process. Beers are filtered at some stage with
to be a safe way to remove contaminants from diatomaceous earth to remove solids and
food and beverages. It is used to filter many other contaminants. Impurities need to be
consumable items you may use on a daily filtered down to the micron to prevent a hazy,
basis, like oils, fruit juices, syrup, sugar, honey, unappealing look and taste. Diatomaceous earth
wine, beer, and more. Most bottled beer and removes these unwanted particles from beer
wine have been filtered at some stage with without affecting the taste or color.
diatomaceous earth to remove solids and other
contaminants. Diatomaceous Earth is approved Dicalite Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filter Aids
by several government agencies as a food and
beverage processing aid. Dicalite Management Group offers over 30
different grades of DE, Perlite, and Cellulose
Dicalite Management Group’s Diatomaceous filter aids to meet any industrial filter media
Earth filter aids meet or exceed the process. Selection of the proper grade is
specifications outlined in the U.S. Food critically important to ensure design, flow rate,
Chemicals Codex. clarity, and to maximize performance and
minimize total filtration costs.

The following tables and graphs

display filtration information, inherent
properties, and specifications of
Dicalite’s DE filter aids.

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A World of Filtration Experience

Dicalite DE Filter Aids



Permeability: Darcies

4 4200
Swi m Pool
2500 4500C
2 Speedplus B Speedplus 375
231 341 Speedplus A
215 Superaid UF Speedflow
Very Sparkling Sparkling Very Clear CLEAR

Grade Type Location Color Particle Distribution Filtration Information

<10% <25% <50% <75% <90% <100% Median Permeability, Permeability, Permeability, PCD, Micron Micron
Particle PFRV/Darcies PFRV Darcies lb/ft3 Removal Removal
Size (µ) (Range) (Calculated)

Off-White 70-85 /
341 10 16 26 41 60 410 20-35 77.5 0.61 26 <1.0 0.3
/ Pink 0.49-0.73

85-105 /
SPEEDPLUS White 8 15 24 38 51 92 30 95 0.915 26 <1.0 0.5

105-120 /
375 White 12 20 33 50 72 282 35 112.5 1.275 23.1 1-2 0.6

120-140 /
SPEEDEX White 13 23 39 66 131 1143 35-40 130 1.705 23.1 1.5-2.5 0.9

140-165 /
2500 White 16 29 50 77 119 340 40-50 152.5 2.345 23.1 <3.0 1.2
Flux Calcined

Burney, CA

140-190 /
SWIM POOL White 19 35 60 96 160 1660 -- 165 2.785 23.1 3-5 1.4

165-190 /
4200 White 8 17 28 37 43 53 55 177.5 3.27 23.1 <3.0 1.6

190-210 /
4500 White 23 41 66 106 172 948 55-60 200 4.01 23.1 <3.0 2.0

210-230 /
5000 White 22 40 68 109 170 450 60-70 220 4.85 23.1 <3.0 2.4

260-300 /
6000 White 25 46 74 107 131 177 75-90 280 7.88 23.1 5.0-6.0 3.9

290-340 /
7000 White 36 59 93 138 195 948 90-110 315 9.985 23.1 <7.0 5.0

Reddish < 16 /
215 4 9 20 53 160 787 10 16 0.025 N/A <0.5 0.0
Orange < 0.025

Reddish 16-24 /
SuperAid 3 7 13 23 37 92 13-15 20 0.0405 N/A <0.5 0.0
Orange 0.025-0.056
Basalt, NV

Reddish 24-36 /
UF 3 6 13 28 65 177 14-18 30 0.095 N/A <0.5 0.0
Orange 0.06-0.13

Reddish 36-52 /
SPEEDFLOW 3 7 14 25 45 134 15-18 44 0.2 27.5 <0.5 0.1
Orange 0.13-0.27

Pink 52-65 /
231 8 12 18 29 45 84 20-23 58.5 0.35 27.5 <0.7 0.2
Orange 0.27-0.43

Filter Equipment Applications

• Pressure Leaf • Beer • Corn syrups • Mining Processes • Sugars • Waste Water Treatment
• Filter Press • Biodiesel • Fine filtration • Oil Fluid loss recovery • Sulfur Filtration • Wine
• RVDF • Chemicals • Heavy Syrup Filtration • Oilseed Filtration • Swim Pool Filtration • Wine Coarse Filtration
• DE Swim Pool Filters • Concentrate Filtration • Honey Filtration • Pharmaceuticals • Ultra fine filtration

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A World of Filtration Experience

Diatomaceous Earth

Dicalite Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filter Aids

Dicalite Flux-Calcined DE provides the highest Dicalite uses a unit termed PFRv (permeability
flow rates with the best possible clarity. Removal flow rate by volume) to measure our filter aids.
efficiencies vary depending upon customer PFRv can easily be converted to Darcies, and
application, equipment and process, however, it we report both properties to our customers
has been reported by one customer that Dicalite worldwide. It is important to note that a filter aid
Speedplus removes particles down to 0.5um! permeability value cannot be used to determine
Flux-Calcined DE is normally used on Rotary filter flow rate under process conditions in that,
Vacuum drum filters and Filter-Press equipment among other variables, it does not include the
where high solids loading, high flow rates, and dominant effect of the particulate matter which
excellent clarity are required. Flux-calcined is being filtered. In fact, changing to a faster flow
DE is also used on vertical and horizontal leaf rate filter aid will not always increase the flow
filters, and candle filters where higher flow rate on your industrial filter!
rates are required. Filter aids are classified by
permeability, which is normally expressed in For more information on grade selection for your
Darcies. A Darcy is defined as the property of process, review the DE filter aids on page 6 of
porous material which will allow a flow rate of this guide and contact our Technical Services
1ml of water under standard conditions through 1 Department.
cm2 of area under one atmosphere of pressure.

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A World of Filtration Experience

Diatomaceous Earth

Pore Size Analysis

Pore size directly affects the removal efficiency the permeability, the smaller the particle size,
of a filter aid. There are a number of methods and the smaller the pore size. For example,
to report the pore size of a filter aid including the permeability, particle size and pore size for
pore size by volume, and pore size by surface Dicalite Speedplus are all smaller than the same
area. Usually results are reported in Median values for Dicalite 6000. Since all DE is unique
Pore Size (MPS) which means there are an equal and has unique morphology (size and shape), it
number of pores smaller than the MPS as there follows that you cannot compare permeability,
are pores which are larger than the MPS. There particle size, and pore size from one DE supplier
are also other reporting parameters including to another. More specifically, you can compare
average pore size and maximum pore size. permeability between vendors, but the particle
Permeability, particle size, and pore size are all size and pore size will be different for the same
correlated for the same DE deposit. The slower permeability values.

Darcy vs. Particle Retention















Darcy Value Micron Retention

In general, dividing the Darcy permeability value in half will result in the corresponding micron retention during filtration.

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A World of Filtration Experience


Perlite is an amorphous mineral consisting of Why Perlite Is an Ideal Filter Aid

fused sodium potassium aluminum silicate. In its
natural state, it’s a dense, glassy rock formed by • It has extremely low solubilities in mineral
molten volcanic rock volcanic. When crushed and organic acids at both low and high
and treated under proper conditions, perlite temperatures.
pops like popcorn, expanding up to 20 times its
original volume. • Perlite weighs less per unit volume than
many other options. When compared to other
filtration media, like Diatomaceous Earth,
perlite offers comparable savings in filter aid
usage, especially on rotary vacuum precoat

• Perlite filter aid grades provide the user with

a density advantage from 20 to 50% over
other types of filter aids. Perlite filter aid dry
density ranges from 100 to 200kg/m3 (6 to
12lb/ft3), and the filter cake density range is
100 to 270kg/m3 (7 to 17lb/ft3). In contrast,
other filtration materials produce equal
performance filter cakes in the range of 230
to 420kg/m3 (15 to 25 lb/ft3).

• Perlite filter aids are processed at

temperatures exceeding 1500 degrees
Fahrenheit, which eliminates organic matter.

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A World of Filtration Experience


Usable with Standard Equipment Easy Cake Release

Perlite filter aids can be used with either Additional benefits of perlite filter aids come
pressure or vacuum filtration equipment. Perlite at the end of the filter cycle. Perlite filter cakes
generally replaces other filter aids on a one-to- remain porous and do not compact. Filter
one volume basis. For example, a cubic measure cakes built up under pressure release easier
of perlite will replace the same volume of other when perlite is used. This release facilitates
filter aids. Selection of the optimum grade and easier cleaning, potentially reduces manpower
dosage may require assistance from technical requirements and costs, and increases
services and in-plant trials. productivity. The lower weight of perlite filter
cakes may also reduce disposal costs.

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A Variety of Grades

Productivity, clarity, and flow rates may be through a cake 1cm thick at a differential
increased through the use of perlite filter aid pressure of 1atm. The higher flow grades are
grades. At Dicalite, we produce perlite filter aid especially applicable to use with highly viscous
grades ranging from 0.13Darcies to 3Darcies. liquids such as syrup, resins or gelatinous
A material with a permeability of 1Darcy passes slurries. These traits are accomplished during
1mm/second per square centimeter of a liquid the liquid’s path through the channels created
of 1cP viscosity (approximately that of water) by the jagged, interlocking particles.

Product Dicalite Type Color Permeability Permeability Float PCD 40Mesh 140Mesh MPD Type of Filter Common Filtration Appli-
Production (PFRV) (Darcies) (ml) (cake density) Screen (max. Screen (max. (Median Particle Equipment cations
Facility lbs/ft3 (max) Retain %) Retain %) Size-Typical um) required

Perlite White/ Fine Filler, Catalyst Carrier,

416T Thomaston, ME NA NA NA NA Trace 0.2 <10 NA
Filler Greyish Polishes

White/ Beer body feed, Seed Coating,
FF416/416 Crawfordsville, IN PFA <35 <0.13 14 NA Trace 0.2 25-35 Pressure
Greyish Poly Filler

FF426/426 Crawfordsville, IN PFA 35-50 0.13-0.25 16 16-26 Trace 0.2 25-35 Pressure Beer body feed, Seed Coating

Off- Cutting Water/Oil Recycling,
FF436/436 Crawfordsville, IN PFA 50-65 0.25-0.43 22 18.5 1 7 30-35 Pressure
White Seed Coating, Texturing Paints

FF456/456 Crawfordsville, IN PFA 65-80 0.43-0.64 30 17 1 10 35-40 Pressure Texturing as a Filler

Off- Pressure Beet Sugar, Waste Water
FF476/476 Crawfordsville, IN PFA 80-95 0.64-0.9 35 17 2 14 40-45
White Leaf/Filter Filtration

Beet Sugar, Beer Precoat, Waste
Off- Pressure
476SP Crawfordsville, IN PFA 95-105 0.9-1.1 40 16.5 2 15 40-45 Water Filtration, Activated
White Leaf/Filter
Carbon Removal

Pressure Beet Sugar,Waste Water

4106 Crawfordsville, IN PFA 105-120 1.10-1.44 45 16.5 2.5 20 45-55 Leaf/Filter Filtration, Activated Carbon
Press/RVDF Removal

Pressure Process Chemical Filtration, Oil

4156 Crawfordsville, IN PFA 120-140 1.44-1.96 50 16 2.5 30 50-60 Lead/Filter Completion Fluids, Waste Water
Press/RVDF Filtration

Pressure Process Chemical Filtration, Oil

LD1006 Crawfordsville, IN PFA 95-130 1.1-1.69 85 13.5 2.5 30 60-75 Leaf/Filter Completion Fluids, Waste Water
Press/RVDF Filtration

LD1106 Crawfordsville, IN PFA 120-150 1.44-2.25 NA 11.5 3.5 50 65-80 Leaf/Filter Corn Syrups, Chemical Filtration

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A World of Filtration Experience


Perlite Filtration Applications Food and Beverage

Perlite’s low density, availability, performance, Perlite filter aids are both sterile and inert and
cost, inert nature, and environmental footprint are used for filtering liquids in the beverage,
make it an essential filtration aid in many food, and pharmaceutical industries. No tastes,
industries, including: colors or odors are imparted. Perlite meets the
standards listed in the Food Chemicals Codex
• Food Production • Beverage Filtration (published by the United States Pharmacopeia),
• Chemicals • Pharmaceutical deeming it safe for its intended use.

• Paint and coatings • Industrial

• Environmental

*The Food Chemicals Codex is regarded as a source of information on the quality and purity of food
grade substances, and is regarded as authoritative by many government agencies throughout the world.

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A World of Filtration Experience


Storm Water Filtration – Protecting our


Developed by the Washington State Department

of Transportation, Roadside Media Filter Drains
combine horticultural-grade perlite, dolomite,
and agricultural gypsum held in place by
Cost Savings
crushed rock. This filter media is placed around
roadways to filter suspended solids and other
Perlite filter aids provide the user with a density
pollutants from roadway runoff. Catch Basin
advantage of from 20-50% over other filter
Filters made with various filtration media,
aids which is an important consideration when
including expanded perlite, are used to remove
comparing costs. Perlite filter cake density is
contaminants from stormwater runoff before
only 110 to 270 kg/m3 (7to 17 lb/ft3 ). The dry
being released to local sewer systems and
density of perlite filter aid ranges from 100 to
200 kg/m3 (6 to 12 lb/ft3 ). Experience in a
variety of applications in many industries has
shown that users of filter aids can substantially
reduce filtration costs without sacrificing
performance by converting to perlite filter aids.

A cross-section of a storm drain showing roadway

runoff being purified before discharge by a filter canister
containing perlite.

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A World of Filtration Experience

Cellulose Filter Aids:

Dicalite’s Dicaflock

Dicaflock is Dicalite’s powdered cellulose

obtained from mechanically disintegrated
cellulose, which is prepared by processing
bleached or unbleached cellulose obtained as a
pulp from fibrous materials like wood or cotton.
It occurs as a white, odorless substance and
consists of fibrous particles that disperse rapidly
in water.
In most cases, cellulose is used as a precoat
on the filter septum for fixed bed filtration. It
Dicaflock cellulose filter aids are used when
creates a porous mat or paper-like layer on the
fibers are essential or the chemistry of the
filter screen or cloth. The fibers bond together,
filtration demands cellulose. In the production
providing a fairly rigid medium. The fibers readily
of cellulose filter aids, the pulp is thoroughly
bridge even the coarsest septum openings
purified, then it is specially processed to give
to build up a precoat in a minimum amount of
good filtration characteristics in a wide range of
time. Such a precoat will not crack under usual
grades. It is essentially pure cellulose, practically
pressure changes, will plug small leaks under
ashless, and non-abrasive.
the filter septum, and often remain on the
septum when the pump is stopped.
Dicaflock cellulose filter aids are widely used
in filtering plating solutions and chemicals
While cellulose is often used as a precoat
where soluble silica is undesirable. The purity
it’s seldom used as a standalone body feed.
and combustibility offer a distinct advantage
Dicalite’s perlite and Diatomaceous Earth filter
in recovering catalysts by filtration. The same
aids are recommended to be used as the
advantage holds in metallurgical filtration for
primary body feed although they can be mixed
recovering rare metals. Dicaflock filter aids
directly with cellulose filter aids.
are extensively used for filtration of steam
condensate from boiler operations.

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A World of Filtration Experience

Rotary Vacuum Precoat

Rotary vacuum precoat filters are typically used for thick, difficult-to-filter liquids or when the solids
content is high. The precoat is formed on a drum with a cloth or metal-septum by recirculated a 2% to
5% filter aid slurry. A 2” to 4” cake can be applied in an hour or less.

During the operating cycle, the process fluid passes through the cake, leaving solids on the precoated
surface. A mechanically operated knife blade continuously shaves off the filterable solids and leaves a
clean filtering surface. Selection of the proper depth of cut depends mostly on the nature and quantity of
the solids. Cycle lengths vary from eight to 24 hours, determined by the depth of cut and cake thickness.

Flow rates are, for the most part, dictated by the filter aid solids and liquor viscosity. Common drum
speeds range from one to 1/5 revolutions per minute. The optimum grade and type of filter aid is the
grade that maintains the solids on the surface of the cake. Optimum clarity occurs when solids are
retained at the precoated surface.


• Too rapid precoating rate

and too high filter aid
concentration can cause
excessive cake cracking.

• The septum should be kept

clean, as it can be a source
of cake cracking and non-
uniform thickness.

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A World of Filtration Experience

Pressure Filtration Guide

Filter Septum Requirements Precoat

The filter septum serves principally as the In most cases, the first step of filtering is the
support for the filter aid cake, and the effect formation of the precoat. This thin layer—1/16”
of the septum on the performance is sufficient to 1/8”—protects the septum and ensures clarity
to warrant careful selection. Considerations by stopping the solids at the surface. The filter
include: aid grade used for the precoat must be carefully
selected to allow the fastest possible flow, yet
• Size: It should be fine trap the solids.
enough to retain the
filter aid particles and The filter aid should be added at 10 to 25 lbs/100
allow a firm cake to be feet squared of filter area. The precoat is formed
formed quickly, while also giving a minimum by recirculating the filter aid slurry through the
resistance to flow. filter. This slurry is made from the filtered fluid or
water and a filter aid. The concentration should
• Material: It must be able to withstand chemical, be as low as possible; 0.5% is typical.
pressure, and temperature conditions existing
during filtration. The two most widely used A precoating rate of 1 GPM/foot squared is
septa are metal (24x110 Dutch Weave) and typical. Higher viscosity liquids, like honey and
cloth. syrup, require lower rates. There should be
at least 1 psi differential pressure during the
precoat process. Precoating liquid should clear
DE bridges the screen openings and forms a precoat
up within 10 to 15 minutes.

Agitation in the precoat tank should be sufficient

to keep the filter aid in suspension, however,
excessive agitation for an extended time may
break down the particles.
Filter Septum

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Pressure Filtration Guide

Body Feed Grade Selection

The addition of the filter aid to the fluid is Clarity is considered by many engineers to be
referred to as body feed. Carefully choosing the most important measure of efficiency in filter
the type, grade, and quantity of filter media is aid filtration. A high-quality filter aid is critical for
important to obtain the highest filtration flow rate uniform results day after day. Selection of the
consistent with the clarification required. particular type and grade of filter aid having the
correct particle size and distribution is a major
Filter aid dosage varies with the solids content factor. Other considerations include:
and other variables specific to each application.
In general, a dosage of 1/2 of the percent of • The quantity of filter aid to be used
solids by weight is adequate. Bodyfeed can be • Flowrate needed to meet plant production
added directly to the tank of fluid to be filtered schedules
or dosed from a slurry tank into the filter inlet. • Equipment limitations
• General filtration conditions

Swim Pool Filter Media

100 Diatomaceous Earth filter media is
90 the most efficient type of filter media
available to pool owners. It can trap


particles down to 3-5 microns; (well

50 below the naked eye can see which is

N around 35 microns) removing particles
up to 10 times smaller than what a

10 typical sand filter will remove!

Cartridge Sand DE

N The human eye cannot see particles smaller than 35-40 microns

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A World of Filtration Experience

Types of Filters

Pressure Filter 

The tube filter is a vertical tank filter with tubes

suspended from a tube sheet. Filter cake is
formed on the outside of the tube and filtrate
flows up through the tube into the head and out.
The tubes are cleaned by high rate backwashing
often assisted by a hydraulic “pump”.

 Horizontal Leaf Filter

The leaves in this filter rotate during cleaning but

are stationary during filtration. For wet discharge,
the leaves rotate past a sluice nozzle. For dry
discharge, the cake is removed by vibrating
the leaves or by rotating them past a scraper
or a brush and the released cake is a screw

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A World of Filtration Experience

Types of Filters
Vertical Leaf Filter 

This filter has small floor space requirements,

but must have sufficient head room for removal
of the leaves. It has a high ratio of filter area
to filter shell volume. It can be made as a wet
discharge sluicing filter (as shown) or as a dry
cake discharge filter with leaf vibrators.

 Filter Press

The filter press has numerous versions. The

illustration shows one with caulked-in metal
septa with recessed cake space. Other types
have flush plates dressed with paper or cloth
separated by open frames where the cake is
formed. The presses may be automated. Some
operate up to 250 psi (18 atm). The filter is used
where dry cake discharge is required and in
systems where no dangerous or toxic fumes

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A World of Filtration Experience

DMG Satisfies the World’s thirst for DE and Perlite Filter Aids
While you’re deciding which filter aid best meets
your needs, consider which supplier will meet We help guide you to success by
your needs, too. Dicalite Management Group is focusing on the below requirements:
the leading vertically integrated mineral filter aid
supplier in North America and Europe. Our team 1. Economy
has helped companies all around the globe 2. Faster flow rate
choose the right mineral filter aid for nearly 100 3. Longer filter cycle
years. DMG operates the largest filter aid plant in 4. Better clarity
all of Europe and the fourth oldest continuously 5. Uniformity
running mine in Nevada.

British Columbia

Washington Ontario
Manitoba Quebec
Sales & Marketing
Montana 866-728-3303
North Dakota Minnesota
Idaho Gary Smith
South Dakota MA 208-409-8661
New York
Wyoming Michigan CT
British Colum
Nevada Nebraska Iowa Donna Frassrand Chatfield
Ohio MD
Utah Illinois
Indiana DE dfrassrand@dicaperl.com
Colorado West Washington
Virginia Virginia Brian Colbert
California Missouri
Kentucky 905-302-5824
Oklahoma North Carolina
New Mexico
Arkansas South Don Verrico
Carolina 610-517-903
Alabama dverrico@dicaperl.com

Mississippi Shelby McArthur
Louisiana Florida


Dicalite has 16 facilities across North America and Europe: four mines and 12 facilities that refine,
process, manufacture, and package our products. With an unequaled number of geographically California
dispersed processing sites and large ore reserves, DMG is able to provide better, faster, and
consistent service for our customers.

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A World of Filtration Experience

Industry Leading Fresh-water Deposits

Dicalite’s Diatomaceous Earth Basalt, Nevada: Natural & Calcined: The Basalt
mine is the fourth oldest continually operated
Dicalite’s Diatomaceous Earth filter aids offer mine in the state of Nevada. At this mine, the
outstanding performance, from the finest to three most prevalent diatoms are Melosira,
the coarsest grades. These materials meet Stephanodiscus, and Eunotia. Basalt’s natural
all requirements for good filter aids, enabling deposit is continually revered for its consistent
them to meet the exacting clarity and flowrate product and low arsenic levels compared to
demands of industrial filtration. Even more other natural deposits on the USA’s West Coast.
importantly, the user can depend on consistency In 2018, Dicalite Management Group made
and uniformity load after load. various capital investments, totaling over $1MM,
resulting in noteworthy increases to capacity
What makes our ore different? and thus efficiencies across numerous plant
Burney, California: Calcined & Flux-Calcined:
Burney is regarded as one of the purest fresh-
water Diatomaceous Earth deposits in the world.
At Burney, there are two freshwater diatoms: a
disc-shaped diatom called Stephanodiscus and
a tubular shaped diatom called Melrosira. These
diatoms first appeared in the fossil record during
the Cretaceous Period (70 to 135 million years
ago). Due to metamorphism and diagenetic
changes, most commercial deposits are limited
to Tertiary deposits. The diatoms in the Pit River
deposit are late-Pliocene to early-Pleistocene,
estimated to be 0.75 to 3 million years old.

Dicalite Management Group, Inc. • www.dicalite.com 21

A World of Filtration Experience

North America’s Largest Producer of Perlite Ore and Filter Aids

Dicalite’s Perlite What makes our ore different?

A special milling and classification process Socorro, NM

gives Dicalite perlite filter aids the structure and The perlitic dome that Dicalite Management
correct particle size range distribution needed Group has developed in Socorro, New Mexico
for optimum performance. Our amorphousperlite is one of the premier deposits in the world.
filter aids show superior performance in rotary Socorro is surpassed in size only by the No
vacuum filtration with proven advantages in filter Agua perlite deposit in northern New Mexico,
aid usage and resistance to cake cracking. where DMG also owns a companion mine. DMG
invested millions from 2017-2018 in equipment,
infrastructure, and processing to ensure
constant improvement of the processes.

Dicalite Management Group, Inc. • www.dicalite.com 22

A World of Filtration Experience

The Dicalite Management Group Advantage

When you choose Dicalite Management Group for your filtration needs, you get:

1. Multi-Layered Help Along the Way: Our dedicated sales and technical services
teams work together to provide you with the right mineral recommendation to ensure
your product is free of contaminants and unwanted solids.

2. Variety: DMG offers Diatomaceous Earth, perlite, and cellulose in a complete range
of grades.

3. Consistent Quality: Every order is lab-checked to ensure quality and consistency

with each truckload.

4. Technical Assistance: Our technical services team is always ready to support your
filtration needs and answer any questions that may arise.

5. Dependable Delivery: Whether you buy truckloads of product through us or bags

through our extensive distributor network, you’re assured delivery when and where
you want it.

6. The right product for your needs: DMG stands by our product recommendations, so
in-plant trials are encouraged with the support of our technical team.

7. Local Service: DMG is the most vertically integrated supplier of diatomaceous

earth and perlite in the industry. This means more facilities at closer distances to
our customers and local customer service. You will always have a dedicated plant-
specific customer service representative to assist with every order.

Call Today at 866-728-3303 or Contact your

Regional Sales Manager Today for a Free Sample

Dicalite Management Group, Inc. • www.dicalite.com 23

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