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A Guide to Community-based, low cost Mold Remediation

Respond and Rebuild is a collective of seasoned disaster responders formed in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. We work next to Sandy-affected residents in Rockaway, Queens as they begin the rebuilding process. This guide on mold remediation is a compilation of information from public health professors, mold remediation specialists, and experienced disaster responders. We are confident in our method and believe that it strikes a balance between cost and efficacy. Widespread mold remediation is the first crucial step in post-flood home recovery. Mold requires water and food (any organic material, such as wood, mud, paper, or fabric) to grow. You cant fully remove the food source from your home, but you can control your homes moisture level. Mold surrounds us at all times, and its impossible to completely eradicate it. Through proper mold remediation, you can reduce mold to safe levels and prevent it from growing. Anyone engaging in mold remediation should have the proper equipment and follow a safety protocol to mitigate potential health risks (see, Safety Guide on Mold Remediation). Wear the proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) at all times during mold remediation. A respirator rated at N95 or better (e.g. P100) is essential. There are five steps to effective mold remediation: Gutting & Debris Removal; Drying; Mold Removal; Vacuuming; Washing & Disinfecting

Quick Definitions
Mold: an interconnected fungal network occurring typically in moist conditions, especially on food or other organic matter. Spore: a tiny reproductive unit capable of giving rise to a new individual without sexual fusion.


Completely remove anything that is moist, moldy, and non-essential to your homes structural integrity: drywall; personal belongings; screws and nails; trim; interior doors; and any other non-load bearing material. Expose the frame of the structure. If you are unsure whether or not something is structurally essential or load-bearing, consult a professional builder.

Measure the moisture level of the walls and ceilings. A moisture meter is an essential tool to accurately determine what likely has fungi growth. For example, an acceptable moisture level in softwood framing studs is 12%. Like any tool, moisture meters vary in price and quality. Consult your moisture meters user manual in order to determine acceptable moisture levels, which vary depending on the material. Cheap moisture meters are often unreliable. One with a depth sensor is generally more valuable in determining dryness than one that takes only a surface reading - although the surface may be dry, the interior could retain moisture and mold growth. A quality moisture meter can cost $350.

Dry the remaining building materials. Even if wood may appear to be dry on the surface, it may still hold some internal moisture. Any building material with a high moisture level can still grow mold. DO NOT plug equipment into a damaged electrical system. You can dry a building in several ways, varying in price and efficacy: Cross Ventilation: Open a window on each side of the affected space and place an outward-blowing fan in one of these windows. This method takes a lot of time but is inexpensive and easy. Dehumidifier: Using a dehumidifier greatly decreases drying time. It is important that the area stays enclosed. Residential-grade dehumidifiers ($100 - $300) have a limited water capacity, requiring the reservoir to be emptied frequently (depending on the size of the reservoir and temperature of the space). Commercial dehumidifiers are far more effective and energy-efficient. The drawback is their high cost ($1500-3000). The temperature of a space greatly affects a dehumidifiers efficiency: cold spaces take longer to dry than warm spaces. Check the manual to find the minimum operating temperature. Heating Source: This is an efficient drying method, though there are several factors to consider. Moisture needs to escape. If the structure remains closed, moisture will condense on windows and any other cold surfaces. If you heat an enclosed area without ventilation, mold will thrive. Opening a window - ideally one close to the ceiling - allows moisture to escape easily. Open a lower window opposite the first for increased ventilation. Vent gas heaters according to user manual to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Combining a heat source with a dehumidifier or fan is the fastest way to dry a structure. To determine if the remaining building materials are dry, consult your moisture meters user manual and take a variety of readings from the affected areas, especially structural components. Be thorough. You cant take too many readings.

Respond & Rebuild


There are a variety of methods and tools for mold removal. As you remove mold, the spores become airborne and more highly concentrated in the work area. To help prevent this, use a spray bottle filled with water and lightly wet the work surface and area. Cross-ventilate to encourage spore movement out of your home. Work from the top to the bottom. Scrub the affected area to remove visible mold. Afterwards, allow the spores to settle for at least 30 minutes before proceeding to the next step: vacuuming. Use Steel Wire Brushes. Wire brushes are inexpensive, effective, come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and can reach many different areas. Theyre slow and labor-intensive. Steel Studs and Concrete: Mold will not grow on clean concrete and steel. However, any buildup of organic material (e.g. dust, mud, dirt, etc.) enables mold growth. Salt water left from the flood will corrode steel studs. Wipe steel studs with a rag and detergent (see Section 5) to remove mold. Wire push brooms work well on moldy concrete slabs.

Vacuum all surfaces: studs; sheathing; floors; crevices; ceilings; and walls. Work from the top to the bottom. The vacuum must be equipped with a HEPA filter. If you notice a decrease in the vacuums performance, take the whole unit outside. Remove the filter, and carefully shake it out in a trash bag. Do not shake the filter into the open air. The spores can travel and affect your neighbors homes.


Even if you cant see any more mold, spores still remain. Mix warm water with a mild dish detergent. Using cloth rags, wipe down the entire affected area. The rag should be damp, not wet, to avoid re-saturating the surfaces being cleaned. Change out dirty rags for fresh ones often. Do not put a used rag back into the water/detergent mix. Change your water/detergent mix often. You are both washing the surfaces and removing dead or live mold spores from the house. Think of it as wiping a table clean. Surfaces that were touched by flood water or sewage may need disinfection. Bleach kills mold and bacteria from raw sewage on non-porous surfaces (metal, hard plastics, ceramic, etc.). It will not kill or remove mold from porous surfaces (e.g. wood). Note that bleach is 90-95% water before being diluted and may encourage mold growth on porous surfaces by adding moisture into your home. If you choose to use bleach, mix one cup household bleach with two gallons of water. DO NOT use fullstrength bleach or mix with other cleaning products. Mixing bleach with anything other than water can produce toxic gases and can result in death. Be sure to wear non-porous gloves while working with bleach, and thoroughly ventilate your work area. Commercial mold remediation disinfectants are available. Investigate toxicity; handling; efficacy; and cost of commercial disinfectants before using.

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