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CHAPTER 3 – Science, Technology and Society and the Human Condition


Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
- Know the different technological advancements in society.

The laser.

Semiconductor chips.

Quantum computing.

The elevator. ...

The Human Genome Project.

The automobile.

The Global Positioning System.

- Discuss the development of science and technology in the Philippines.

ANS: The colonization of the Philippines contributed to growth of science and
technology in the archipelago. The Spanish introduced formal education and founded
scientific institution. ... The study of medicine in the Philippines was given priority in the
Spanish era, especially in the later years.
- Discuss the effects of the interplay between technology and humanity through the
dilemma(s) they face.
ANS: Humans are inherently technological beings or tool users. ... Technology has
without a doubt become a central part of the human condition - for better and worse. It
influences us, just as much as we influence it, in our daily lives, but also as moral and
ethical beings.

Show your stand on a technological dilemma through a skit. Do not forget to show the
role or roles played by the technological advancement in the lives of the people. Select only
one topic.

Suggested topics:
- Robots that are capable of having emotions.
- Google and stupidity.
- Filipinos’ addiction to different technologies
- Waze application

Television Sets, Mobile Phones, Computers, and Humanity

According to Kantar Media, one of the most trusted television audience measurement
providers in the Philippines, 92% of urban homes and 70% of rural homes own at least one
television set. It is for this reason why television remains to be the ultimate medium for
advertisement placements.

Television has been a result of numerous experiments by different individuals. In the

late 1800’s, Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, a German student, was successful in his attempt to submit
images with the assistance of a spinning metal disk through wires. In addition to the
mechanical scanner system, Alan Archibald Swinton and Boris Rosing established a new
television system using the cathode ray tube in 1907. Two types of television systems,
namely, mechanical and electronic television, emerged from this success story.

Second, Filipinos love to use their mobile phones anywhere, anytime. They use it for
different purposes other than for communication. More than half of the Filipino population
own at least one mobile phone regardless of type. In other words, 30% of the Philippine
urban population nationwide said that mobile phones are necessities in life (Roa, 2012).
Philippine streets are full of people using their mobile phones.

On April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, a senior engineer at Motorola, made the world’s
first mobile phone call. He called their rival communications company and properly informed
them that he was making the call from a mobile phone.
Here are details about Filipinos and their use of gadgets and the Internet (Rappler, n.d.):

- Mobile phone subscription is at 119 million.

- Filipinos spend roughly 3.2 hours per day on mobile devices and 5.2 hours per day
on desktop.
- The Philippines actually has one of the world’s largest digital populations.
- In the Philippines, there are now 47 million active Facebook accounts.
- In Southeast Asia, the Philippines is the fastest growing application region.

Roles played by these technological advancements

Television sets, mobile phones, and computers or laptops have different functions and
roles played in the lives of the people, although some may be a little similar.
For instance, television is mainly used as a platform for advertisements and
information dissemination. In fact, television, remains to be the most used avenue by
different advertising companies not only in the Philippines but also all over the world.
However, it is important to note that these are just some of the roles played by television.
Aside from the ones mentioned above, it also serves as a recreational activity and good stress
reliever to most families, specifically to Filipino families.

Mobile phones, on the other hand, also have their own roles in the lives of the people.
They are primarily used for communication. Mobile phones offer services like texting and
calling. This is the reason why more and more people all over the world prefer to buy
smartphones over the old models where such features are not available. These are just some
of the additional features of mobile phones in the present.
Personal computers and laptops also have useful set of functions and roles. Although
most of the functions found in these technological devices are now available in mobile
phones which make them more attractive. However, for a lot of people, they prefer to do their
job using either a personal computer or a laptop than a mobile phone. One reason is that a
personal computer or a laptop has wide keyboard than using a mobile phone, especially when
the mobile phone has a small screen. However, it cannot be denied that some would prefer
laptops over personal computers for the simple reason that personal computers are not
portable and there are times when they need to bring such devices to different places.

Ethical Dilemma Faced by These Technological Advancements

Because of the fact that people who are fixated on these technological advancement
start and end their day using such devices. They have a great tendency to sit and chill all day
long without doing nothing at their homes, making them unhealthy due to lack of exercise or
any bodily movements.

On the first dilemma, it is really considering to know that there are people who
develop different kinds of sickness because of too much use of technological devices. It also
causes them to become reclusive, alienating themselves from other people. It can be said that
these reasons make such devices somewhat unethical because they bring undesirable
consequences to people.
The word “Responsibility” in the sense of being accountable for and accountable to is
very appropriate to the ethics of technology because it makes such and every person in the
scientific-technological development proxy with reference to one another.

However, it is also important for the people in the scientific world to inform the
masses of the dangers of their contribution/s to the world of technology. In this way, the
people will be sufficiently aware what to do and what not to do.

On the second dilemma, the people in the scientific world nor the children are
blameworthy because first, the children are not yet capable of rationally deciding for
themselves what is good and what is bad. So in this dilemma, the ones to be blamed are the
adults who allowed the children to have access to such devices in the first place without any
supervision. It is the recklessness and overconfidence of the adults that cause the character
change the children.

Robotics and humanity

Robots are specifically their purpose is to assist their masters in their everyday tasks.
Here are the definitions for service robots:
- A robot is an actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes with a
degree of autonomy, moving its environment to perform intended tasks.
- A service robot is a robot that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment
excluding industrial automation application.
- A personal service robot is a service robot used for a non-commercial task, usually
by lay persons.
- A professional service robot is a service robot used for a commercial task, usually
operated by a properly trained operator.
The earliest conception of robots can be traced around 3000 B.C. from the Egyptians.
Their water clocks used human figurines to strike the hour bells. This mechanical
device was built to carry out a specific physical task regularly. From that time on,
different machines were already built that displayed the same mechanism and
characteristics as the robots in the present.

Roles played by robotics

Robots play different roles not only in the lives of the people but also in the society as
a whole. They are primarily used to ease the workload of mankind. They were invented to
make more life efficient and less stressful. In addition, there are also some robots which were
made to serve as toys. They also perform different activities but they are usually child-
In 1940s, he was thinking of the ethical consequences of robots. These are the

Law One:
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human
being to come to harm.
Law Two:
A robot must obey the order given it by human beings except where such
orders would conflict with the first law.
Law Three:
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not
conflict with the First or Second Law.

Ethical Dilemma/s Faced by Robotics

Just like any other technological advancements, robotics also faces different problems
and dilemmas. Although the idea is to help people and make their lives a lot easier than
before, it is still not immune to different ethical dilemmas and possible undesirable outcomes.
In the field of robotics, there are so-called partial and full autonomy. Partial autonomy
includes active human-robot interaction while full autonomy excludes active human-robot
interaction. In other words, a robot with full autonomy can perform actions or activities even
without a master telling it what should be done or what should be performed next. (IFR,

For the second dilemma, it is just right for the robots to be given their own set of
rights should they develop the ability to feel different kinds of emotion. Before animals did
not have their own set of rights because people believed that they were not capable of having
emotions. However, after years of testing and experimenting, it was concluded that animals
are indeed capable of emotions. Should that time come, they ought to be treated differently
and they ought to have new laws to follow in order to accommodate the new characteristic
they have developed.

1. Cite instances that technology gives benefit and harmful to humans.
ANS: Harmful to human is Social media and mobile devices may lead to psychological
and physical issues, such as eyestrain and difficulty focusing on important tasks. They
may also contribute to more serious health conditions, such as depression. The overuse
of technology may have a more significant impact on developing children and teenagers
and the benefit to human is First, the evolution of technology is beneficial to humans for
several reasons. At the medical level, technology can help treat more sick people and
consequently save many lives and combat very harmful viruses and bacteria. ...
Technology has also increased the productivity of almost every industry in the world.

Printed references:

Serafica, Janice Patria Javier, Et Al., Science, Technology and Society GEC Series First
Edition (February 2018)


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