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Review of Related Literature

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Chapter 2


This chapter presented the aims at providing a strong foundation to this study

and literature or references gathered by the researchers that were anchored on. It

covers a review of existing relevant literatures which was explained according to its

concern. Such are presented as to connect the varied findings and theories in

relation to the independent and dependent variables.

Study habit is the daily routine of students with regards to their academic

duties and responsibilities. Each student has his own study habits varying on his

preferences with the place and time of studying, techniques in studying and more. It

will depend upon the person if he will not get bored to browse notes and can

procrastinate (postpone doing something) the distractions such as social networking,

media exposure, gaming addiction and more. Studying not only prepares a student

to excel in a class but reinforces the lessons already taught. Studying reawakens the

lectures and reading materials. Studying is merely reviewing and committing to

memory new information. The extent of student's learning in academics may be on

the grades a student earns for a period of learning has been done. It is believed that

a grade is a primary indicator of such learning. If a learner earns high grades it is

concluded that they may also have learned a lot while low grades indicates lesser

learning. However, the one who facilitated the learning process should be the

teacher and the teacher will also help in understanding better the diversity of learning

of their students. As such, it is hoped that they could develop more effective

methodologies in teaching their subject matter especially in elementary level.

Elementary school is such an exciting and wonderful time for students and

their parents. This is the first real step to their education and their independence, but

the problem that the parents faced along these levels of learning were the ways on

how they’re going to let their children develop a study habit which can help their

children in learning as well. The parents let their children follow the rules in the

house and let them have their study habits in studying their lessons even a few

hours, but the students must study their lessons regularly.

Me Comb et al (1990) suggested that students learning achievement depends

on their attitude, motivation performance for success, and study habit or skills that

people employ to pursue the desire outcome. Moreover, there were some factors like

the parental involvement, socio-economic status of the learner, and teacher’s

personality or approach to students that can affect the learning and as well as their

study habits. It has a big factor of a student’s learning the involvement of their

parents in their learning process. Whenever the parents get involved in the study-life

of their children, there was a great factor that urges the child to learn and be

interested in schooling. In this way the child will feel supported in any way as much

as he can do for his studying. If the parents will always be there to urge their children

in their study habit, then the child will respond to it positively. Thus, having the

parents’ child always on their side will have the tendency for a child to always lean

onto their parents every time and not standing anymore on their own. So, the

advantages and the disadvantages of this factor revealed.

Furthermore, the socio-economic status can also affect the study habit of the

learner. In fact, this factor places a big challenge to the learners because this shows

their social stratification whether they belong to the upper, middle, or lower class. It
can affect to their study habits for some time they can’t continue their studying

because take this example, if they don’t have an electricity in their place, they can’t

study their lessons especially during night time, so it really hinders to their learning.

Another thing is financial, when this aspect will be opened, everyone felt down. They

will come to think to a point that because of this financial problem they can’t continue

to buy the necessary things needed for school and so there were no reason for them

to study since they don’t have the materials to be used. In this case, the level of their

interest in learning decreases.

According to the Principles of Teaching 1 book, the teacher serves as the

primary mover of the educational wheel while the learners are the key participants in

the learning process. The teacher is the role model, the manager, the counsellor,

leader, parent surrogate, facilitator, instructor, and a lot more. The students will learn

best also depends on the kind of teacher do they have. The teacher has the greatest

factor in the learning process and so his attitudes or personality in approaching the

students affect on them as well.

In addition, Bakare (1975) opines that intelligence accounts for little variance

in academic performance. Therefore, more emphasis had shifted from intellectual

factors to non – intellectual factors such as some personality variables like self

concept and study habit.

Based on the findings of Othis (1995), effective study skills usually come

down to two factors: motivation and style.

Motivation is the enthusiasm of a person to do something. Learning style is

the method used by a certain student/person to study much easier and more


These two factors also have a role to play in the learning process of a student.

Motivation serves as the fuel that keeps the child moving on their studying and

learning process. Because of this, aside from gaining incentives, they also gain

knowledge. While the learning styles of the student will also help him upon learning

for it gives him a reason to learn the things in the way he will learn. There will be no

pressure for a child to understand things if only he will learn everything through the

way he wanted to, for instance, if the student is a visual learner, then he can study

the lesson through seeing it with the eyes or watching videos that contained related

topics to the lesson presented. If a student is an audio learner he can learn his

lesson through listening to it attentively or let the other person discuss to him the

topic or lesson talked about by the teacher. Lastly, if a student is a kinaesthetic

learner, he can learn his lessons through doing it on his own for example in a

laboratory session. Hence, learning skills refer to the skills that make learning


Generally, learning is central to all our behaviour. Each learner is unique

individual with different abilities, interests, and ways of thinking and responding thus

these characteristics have a significant influence on ones learning style (Figueroa,

2008-2009). It is being realized that students use different learning strategies. They

have different methods of reading, interpreting and coding the information.

Sometimes these strategies are useful, but some students develop pathological

learning strategies. To study effectively the students should be aware of learning

process. Nonetheless, success in school is not so much determined by sheer

intelligence as knowing how to study. Studying is a skill. Being successful in school

requires a high level of study skills and students must first learn these skills, practice

them and develop effective study habits in order to be successful.

Everyone cannot be brilliant but everyone can learn how to study. Effective

study habits, even highly intelligent student failed due to inefficient work and lack of

knowledge on how to study effectively. Important skills for study have to be learned

and practiced.

As a matter of fact, students who work to a more regular program of study

have a better academic performance. Study habits tend to be formed in the early

grades and in the most instances, do not materially improve after elementary school.

Some students often complain about mental inability or strain or lack of interest in

studies. Other thinks they are not capable.

In some cases, Fielden (2004) stated that good study habits help the student

in critical reflection in skills outcomes such as selecting, analyzing, critiquing, and

synthesizing. While in the study of Nneji (2002) he added that study habits are

learning tendencies that enable students work privately. The study conducted by

Hope L. Graven (2008) on the relationship between an individual's amount of

caffeine consumption during his/her study session and the individual's study habits

showed that the main effect of drinking caffeine on exam preparation was not

significant. Unhealthy study habits were operationally defined as low scores on

amount of time per study session, time (in days) when preparation began, and

amount of information the participants believed they had retained. High scores on

anxiety level were included in 'unhealthy' study habits. A Pearson correlation

indicated no relationship between amount of caffeine consumed while studying and

the individual's effectiveness of studying and preparation.

While in Dumayag’s (2009) point of view, “the effective study skills are

associated with positive outcomes across multiple academic content areas and for

diverse learners. This is to describe an information-processing perspective on the

contribution of study skills to academic competence, and to identify evidence-based

strategies that are effective in helping students to improve their study skills. Study

habit, skill, and attitude inventories and constructs were found to rival standardized

tests and previous grades as predictors of academic performance, yielding

substantial incremental validity in predicting academic performance. Academic

specific anxiety was found to be an important negative predictor of performance.

Overall, study habit and skill measures improve prediction of academic performance,

more than any other non cognitive individual difference variable examined to date

and should be regarded as the third pillar of academic success”. The substantive aim

of the study was to examine the effect of study habit on students.

In fact, the website in how-to-study.com (2009) recommended some tips in

improving study habits and suggested that the student should try not to study all the

subjects in just a period. It also added that if you try to do too much studying at one

time, you will tire and your studying will not be very effective. Space the work you

have to do over shorter periods of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental


Additionally, Mark E. Thompson (2005) undoubtedly affirmed to Mark Crilly’s

(2000) study that other students are able to balance social activities with good study

habits. A diversion from studies will alleviate stress and help prevent from becoming

fatigued. He said that a student should make sure that he must take a break for an
hour after studies to meet with friends, to play some cards, work out at the gym, or to

gab with a new acquaintance. For this way, that student will find concentration when

he does study, if he plans a social activity afterwards. He said, “To develop a healthy

social life, develop routine study habits. After supper, lug your books and homework

to the library, find a comfortable and quiet niche, and study for two or three hours,

taking intermittent 10 minute breaks every 45 minutes or so.” Making friends with

whom you share similar study habits, and share a table or a study space with them

would be a best way in developing study habits as what Mark said.

To give a clearer view of each of the variables in this study, here are the

following discussions:

Study habit

S. Edwards (2006) said that learning to study is like learning to ride a bike-

once you get it you have the skills for life. Meaning that in steps to learning there are

bumps and bruises along the way because the process of learning is sometimes

painful. In addition to that learners who excel in school is not an exemption in

creating a good study habit because learning is a lifetime process, it does not stop.

Moreover study habit is important to all learners to perform well in school.

There are many factors to be considered in discussing the reasons behind the

formed study habit of the learners especially in the adolescent period. This is the

stage where critical period begin when they wanted to go out under the custody of

their parents. In such it is important to consider the parental involvement of the

parents and its influence to the learners. The family monthly income is also one

factor to be considered because now a day there is no such thing as free. This

means that you don’t get something without anything or without money. In addition, it

doesn’t mean that students that are enrolled in a public school are absolutely free
from any expenses. Aside from the projects and assignment it cannot be missed at

school that there are biological needs of a man to be feed. In one way or another,

everybody will spend an ample amount for the desired learning. Learners’ academic

performance must be considered also because it is interrelated to students’ study

habit. However, one of the important considerations is the attitude of students

towards studies and these factors serve as a stimulus in motivating them to do

certain responses depending on how they perceive the actions of the mentioned

factors. The development of positive attitude towards studies must be considered

seriously by both parents and teachers. Their actions are important in motivating the

learners’ performance towards their study habit.

Time Management

Time management can be also the factor that can affect the study habit of the

student for the reason that a one’s study habit is also connected with how a student

manage his time in accordance to its desired study time. Time management has

been described using many different terms including spontaneity, balance, flexibility,

and having control over time (Lakein, 1973). Time management has also been

characterized as a habit developed only through determination and practice

(Simpson,1978), as prioritizing and respecting those priorities, setting priorities and

scheduling tasks (Jordan et al., 1989). Time management can also be considered as

the process, by which an individual is more effectively accomplishes tasks and goals

(Schuler,1979), a process by which an individual obtains control over the timing and

the content of what he/she does and as what can be accomplished with time

(Onacken & Wass, 1985). In order to utilize time effectively, individuals must first be

able to predict or plan how much time is needed for the activity (Kelly, 2002). An

individual will become effective in using their time only when the individual clearly
knows what they want to do, what they need to do, and for which specific target date

(Soucie, 1986). Individuals need to become more disciplined in their use of time by

respecting their established priorities while minimizing distractions from others as

well as from situations that have the ability to displace priorities in terms of time and

energy (Soucie, 1986).

According to Crutsinger (1994), time management involves determining what

one should do by setting goals, deciding which events are the most important and

realizing that other activities will have to be scheduled around them (prioritizing),

making decisions about how much time to allow for certain tasks (time estimation),

adjusting to the unexpected (problem solving), reconsidering goals and priorities on

a regular basis (evaluation), and observing patterns and trends in behavior.

Manages your time can help you study your lesson in a desired time and doing it

every time can be a habit for everyone’s study habit.

Study Techniques

Study techniques can help an individual to study and form his study habit.

Study techniques are how someone studies in a way that he wants to remember

what he has studying. They are generally critical to success in school considering the

essential for acquiring good grades, and useful for learning throughout one's life.

There are an array of study skills, which may tackle the process of organizing and

taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments. Study

techniques include mnemonics, which aid the retention of lists of information,

effective reading and concentration techniques, as well as efficient note taking


Learning Styles
The Learning style of a student contributes to its study habit formation

because there are factors that their learning styles influences their way of studying.

Different theorists and educationists have defined learning styles in their own way.

They believe that this is an important concept to be studied. The concept of style

helps to understand how the learners are same with each other, and how they differ

in terms of learning. There are three basic types of learning styles, the three most

common are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. To learn, we depend on our senses to

process the information around us. Most people tend to use one of their senses

more than the others. However, Some theorists or practitioners explained that the

learning styles show how one particular individual will react to a specific situation and

how he or she will behave in a unique or common learning situation depends on

his/her learning style. This leads to a different interaction with the same learning

environment by different people and it is a matter of their learning style, (Gordon

1998). Thus, learning styles are taken as stable individual preferences for receiving

and processing information by many of the theorists.

Learning styles are the different approaches and ways of learning. First, the

Visual Learners, they learn through seeing. These learners need to see the teacher's

body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a lesson.

They tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions

(e.g. people's heads). They may think in pictures and learn best from visual displays

including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos,

flipcharts and hand-outs. During a lecture or classroom discussion, visual learners

often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information. Second, the Auditory

Learner, they learn through listening. They learn best through verbal lectures,

discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory
learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of

voice, pitch, speed and other nuances. Written information may have little meaning

until it is heard. These learners often benefit from reading text aloud and using a

tape recorder. Lastly, the Tactile or the Kinesthetic Learners, they learn through

moving, doing and touching. Tactile/Kinesthetic persons learn best through a hands-

on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. They may find it

hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity

and exploration.

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is needed in adolescent stage in monitoring the

performance of their students at school and in home. Parental involvement is the

number one reason of the student’s motivation and if student will see that their

parents pay less attention in their academic performance a usual response of the

student is an attitude of procrastination. According to the 1 st stage of Erik Erikson’s

theory the parents are the basic source or foundation of trust an individual can create

to his/her environment. Parent involvement in school is needed because according

to the study of Chavkin et.al. (1993) that parent involvement – or school and family

connections – is a component of effective schools that deserves special

consideration because it contributes to successful family environments and more

successful students. In addition parental involvement are the stimuli that serves so

as student will avoid procrastination and contributes to efficient time management,

learning skills and study techniques of the students. Parental monitoring is needed

so that student will feel that they need to do their best because their parents put a
great value in their studies. Furthermore it is the best influence of the parents to their

students to give their best in their studies.

Family Monthly Income

Socio-economic status as define by Riegelman Richard (2009) is the family

income, educational level or parents’ educational level and professional status or

parents’ professional status. In this study, it focuses mainly on the family monthly

income of the parents or the other children of the family. This is fact that in our

society, to observe the difference well off family and to which is not. It is also

believed that a student’s interest in studies and academic performance are also

affected by the family’s socio-economic status like the income that the family is

consuming in a day, month or year, (Eun Chul Seo 1999). In terms of the school

projects and assignment, students need to spend ample amount on the materials

needed like paper, ball pen etc. these things cannot be acquired without money. In

addition, the moment they saw the financial capability of their parents to provide

chances, then the students will be encourage in doing the task. Furthermore,

adolescents’ attitude wants to get in what is new in order to be accepted by their

peers. The student’s socio-economic status trigger certain behaviour in response to

the situation, thus result to students’ poor study habit.

Academic Performance

Student’s previous academic performance will also contribute motivation to

their study habit if they got high scores in their previous grades consequently they

will exert more effort to give their best. Although it doesn’t mean that those low

performing students don’t have a goal to achieve. Based on the academic

performance of the student you can clearly identify if their study habit is good or bad.

Student’s previous academic performance serves also as stimuli to students study


Teacher’s Personality

Personality factor of values and feelings according to the study of Natalie

Rasmussen (2006) is concerned with the affective domain that includes maintaining

a positive attitude, believing one has control over what happens to oneself in school,

and effectively managing stress and anxiety. This factor is important in the part of the

teacher since teachers are the second parent of the students in school. In such

maintaining a positive attitude will become a motivation to the students to learn well.

Furthermore the statement believing one has control over what will be going to

happen means that the teacher can influence the behaviour of their student and thus

result into a positive response that will not cause stress and anxiety to everyone.

Teachers are influencing factor to students study habit through motivation and


The study focuses on the factors that affect the study habit of the students. In

line with this, the researchers would like to know the effect of the study habit to their

academic performances.

Skills or study strategies are approaches applied to learning. Human beings

constantly in one learning process after the other and it is therefore important to be

understand that what might work for others do not necessarily have to work for

others as well. However, it is still important that students should be consistent along

with their studies. According to the theories of study habits, there are broadly two

types of students. The first category is of the students who study for a shorter
duration, have a good concentration and are able to get good scores without much

effort. The second category includes students who have a rather poor concentration,

and need a lot of hard work to get good scores. With a regular study habit you will

find that the child will study at a time that it is deemed normal to study.

To conclude, study habits may vary from student to student perspective

because not everyone achieve the style of learning process like what other can

achieve for their selves. There may be a lot of factors that can affect the study habit

of one student but it’s all depend to him on how he can manage to do his studies

without minding the hindrances and acquire study habits in the end.

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