Formato de Microcurricular Planing
Formato de Microcurricular Planing
Formato de Microcurricular Planing
EFL 5.3.2 Identify and use reading strategies to make informative and narrative
texts comprehensible and meaningful. (Example: skimming, scanning,
previewing, reading for main ideas and details, using structural and context CE.EFL.5.10. Find specific information and identify the main
clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.) points in simple, straightforward texts on subjects of personal
EFL 5.3.6 Display an appreciation of the language by interacting and engaging interest or familiar academic topics while making informed
with a variety of digital and print texts and resources and by selecting and decisions about one’s own reaction to the text.
evaluating these materials as a means to promote and strengthen literacy skills CE.EFL.5.15. Plan and produce well-constructed informational
and language acquisition texts by applying the writing process and while demonstrating an
EFL 5.4.3 Apply new and prior knowledge in order to plan and create texts and ability to justify one’s position on an argument through carefully
determine if the new knowledge adds value to or contradicts prior information. selected information and appropriate language, tone and