Kong Hua School: Accredited: Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU)
Kong Hua School: Accredited: Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU)
Kong Hua School: Accredited: Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU)
I. OBJECTIVES a. identify the different levels of the local government through a.discuss the performance of a local government unit
an interactive discussion b. discover the functions of the local government units
b. explain the functions of the local government units through
an Arrange the Political positions activity
c. discuss how decentralization affects governance through an
interactive discussion
II.TOPIC/ SUBJECT MATTER: Decentralization and the Local Government Decentralization and the Local Government
ENDURING UNDERSTANDING Local authorities are multi-purpose bodies responsible for Local government is the people's tier of government and is referred to
delivering a broad range of services in relation to roads; traffic; as Council. The community votes in Council elections to choose
planning; housing; economic and community development; councilors, who will represent their voice.
environment, recreation and amenity services; fire services and Local government is responsible for:
maintaining the register of electors. the function of and delivery of a complete range of services and
Municipalities generally take responsibility for parks and infrastructure required by their individual communities
recreation services, police and fire departments, housing parks and gardens, roads, streets, bridges, libraries and
services, emergency medical services, municipal courts, swimming pool maintenance
transportation services (including public transportation), and a range of family, community and general services such as
public works (streets, sewers, snow removal, signage, and so garbage collection and animal registration
forth). devising, approving and enforcing local laws relating to
building, planning and the health and wellbeing of each
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What are the functions and responsibilities of the Local How do they portray their roles and responsibilities towards
Government Unit? governance?
REFERENCES Philippine politics and Governance book (Rex) R.A PAWILEN, Philippine politics and Governance book (Rex) R.A PAWILEN, REIDAN
IV. TEACHING LEARNING PROCEDURE Setting the learning targets with I can… Setting the learning targets with I can…
I can identify the different levels of the local government I can discuss the performance of a local government unit
PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES Activity: “5 Minute Review”: The teacher asks what the Pre-recorded
previous lesson was. (Judicial Branch) and Question and
answer activity.