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M1S1 Session Guide

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Decentralization & Local

Decentralization & Local Governance

A mature individual who is familiar with the structure of government – national
level to barangay level – and how the units are related to each other; an
individual who will be able to establish rapport with and communicate
effectively with the participants he will be handling

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to:
a. explain the implications of decentralization to Sangguniang
Kabataan; and
b. cite the advantages of decentralization in the Philippine situation.


A. Topic
Decentralization & Local Governance

B. Coverage
1. Governance
2. Decentralization

C. Key Concepts
1. Governance is the exercise of power or authority by political leaders
for the well-being of their country‘s citizens or subjects.

2. Governance refers to the interaction between civil society and

government in determining governmental action. Local governance
is only as effective as the degree to which the citizens of the locale
have the opportunity to and are able to influence local government.
(Robert H. Wilson, School of Public Affairs and Director of the Urban
Issues Program at the University of Texas at Austin).


(United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
Pacific (UNESCAP))
 Participation
 Consensus oriented
 Accountability
 Transparency
 Responsiveness
 Effectiveness and efficiency
 Equity and inclusiveness
 Rule of law

4. Decentralization may be defined as a state, or condition in a

governmental system where there is dispersal of power or authority
from the center.

5. Decentralization as a concept has two features: political and

administrative. While political decentralization involves devolution of
powers, administrative decentralization focuses on deconcentration of
6. There are two modes of decentralization – Devolution and

7. Devolution is essentially the transfer of power for the performance of

certain functions from the national or central authorities to the lower
levels of government. An example is the establishment of local
governments. Devolution is also called the area approach.

8. Deconcentration is essentially the process of delegating functions from

the central government to lower levels (field units). An example is
delegation from national line departments to their regional offices.
Deconcentration is also called the sectoral approach.

9. SK is an example of devolution since there is a transfer of power for

policy-making, planning and execution of programs and budgeting to
the SK officials.

10. SK enables youth participation and representation in various LGU

platforms. The SK Chairperson (at the barangay) and the SK Federated
President (at the city, municipality and province) sits as ex officio
sanggunian member. Also, the SK chair and federation president
represent the youth in special local bodies. SK also liaises with the
youth and coordinates with national government agencies like the

11. SK is empowered to influence the various services and facilities

provided by the LGU at the barangay level, and even at higher levels.
D. Materials
1. For facilitator (at least a week before day of session):
a. SK OM
b. Facilitator Guide
c. Printout of other references
 Definitions from the Administrative Code of 1987
 IRR of the Local Government Code of 1991
 Executive Order 444 of 2005
 Executive Order 669 of 2007
 What is Good Governance? (UNESCAP, pdf file)

2. At venue:
a. Feedback form
b. Paper / cards for participants to write questions, remarks on
c. Slides on Decentralization & Local Governance(PowerPoint for use
by facilitator)
d. Screen, projector, computer, laser pointer for use by facilitator
e. Flipchart paper, whiteboard markers and eraser
f. Incomplete organizational chart on loose sheets (for distribution – 1
per barangay group)

3. For participant (at venue upon registration):

a. SK OM


A. Motivation
Greets participants

Show slide:
―Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan.‖ ~ JP Rizal

Ask the following:

Do you believe in this phrase? 1-2 participants shall answer
Do you think the government adheres to this in each question
Does the government have mechanisms, programs
or projects which illustrates the phrase? Slide: “Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan.” ~ JP Rizal
Do you think SK is an illustration of this phrase?

Note: Participants should briefly give their answers. As facilitator, you

may interrupt them when they already are taking too long.
By giving the youth a space in governing their
sector and being represented in local governing
bodies, the government actually adheres to the
words of Rizal.

B. Presentation
As SK officials, it is important that you understand
the nature of your position and how you relate to
the whole government structure. Only by
understanding the scope of your powers can you
truly fulfil your functions.

Why is it important that you fulfil your function as SK 1-2 participants shall answer
officials? the question
It is because the government and the Filipino
citizens, specifically the youth sector, had trusted
you to be the ―hope of the motherland.‖

C. Abstraction and Conceptualization


Ask: For you, what is governance? 1-2 participants shall answer

the question

Slide: Governance

Governance is the exercise of power or authority

by political leaders for the well-being of their
country‘s citizens or subjects

Stress that governance is ‗for the well-being of the


Slide: Governance - the exercise of power or authority by political

leaders for the well-being of their country’s citizens or subjects
Governance refers to the interaction between civil
society and government in determining
governmental action. Local governance is as
effective as the degree to which the citizens of the
locale have the opportunity to and are able to
influence local government. (Robert H. Wilson,
School of Public Affairs and Director of the Urban
Issues Program at the University of Texas at Austin)

Highlight that governance actually exists only Slide: Local Governance

when the citizens of the locality are truly able to
have the opportunity to and are able to influence
local government.

SK is one of the most direct means for the youth to

influence local government.



The United Nations Economic and Social 1-2 participants shall answer
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) has the question
identified 8 Major Characteristics of Good
Governance. Slide: Major Characteristics of Good Governance
The first characteristic is Participation.

What is your understanding of the word

Participation by both men and women is a key

cornerstone of good governance. Participation
could be either direct or through legitimate
intermediate institutions or representatives. Slide: Participation

The SK which allows youth participation in

governance is a means to better ensure that the
concerns of the sector are taken into consideration
in decision making.


Ask: What is your understanding of the word 1-2 participants shall answer
‗consensus‘? the question

Good governance requires mediation of the

different interests in society to reach a broad
consensus on what is best for the whole
community, and how this can be achieved.
This is the reason why the voice of the various youth
organizations and of individual youths should be Slide: Consensus-oriented
heard and their interests represented in SK. The
plans and activities of the Sagguniang Kabataan
should be aligned with the Local Development
Plan which is the consensus of the priority programs
of the LGU.

What is meant by ‗accountability‘? 1-2 participants shall answer

the question
Accountability is a key requirement of good
governance. It is an obligation or willingness to
accept responsibility or to account for one‘s
In general an organization or an institution is
accountable to those who will be affected by its
decisions or actions. Thus the SK is accountable to
the youth as well as to the rest of the barangay. Slide: Accountability

Accountability will be difficult to enforce without

transparency and the rule of law.

Ask: What is meant by ‗transparency‘? 1-2 participants shall answer

the question
Transparency means that information is freely
available and directly accessible to those who will
be affected by decisions and their enforcement.
This is why SK meetings, plans and activities have to
be well disseminated, documented and reported.

Transparency also means that enough information Slide: Transparency

is provided and that it is provided in easily
understandable forms and media. This is why it is
preferred that SK officials be fluent in a language
or dialect that the SK‘s community members
understand. It also means that decisions taken and
their enforcement are done in a manner that
follows rules and regulations.


Ask: What is your understanding of the term 1-2 participants shall answer
‗responsiveness‘? the question

Good governance requires that institutions and

processes try to serve all stakeholders within a
reasonable timeframe. This is the reason why the SK
formulates a plan and that schedules are included
in the SK plan.

Slide: Responsiveness
Effectiveness and efficiency

Ask: What do you think is the difference between 1-2 participants shall answer
effectiveness and efficiency? the question

Effectiveness is producing the desired effect or

product while efficiency is producing this desired
effect without wasting resources.

Good governance means that processes and

institutions produce results that meet the needs of Slide: Effectiveness
society – this is effectiveness. Good governance
also means that while being effective, processes
and institutions make the best use of resources at
their disposal – this is efficiency.

The concept of efficiency in the context of good

governance also covers the sustainable use of
natural resources and the protection of the

Slide: Efficiency
Equity and inclusiveness

Ask: What is your understanding of the term 1-2 participants shall answer
‗inclusiveness‘? the question

The line ―no one should be left behind‖ reflects the

value of equity and inclusiveness.

A society‘s well-being depends on ensuring that all

its members feel that they have a stake in it and do
not feel excluded from the mainstream. This is why
youth groups and individuals are informed through Slide: Equity and inclusiveness
meetings, minutes, and reports of how SK has
represented and attended to their interests and
Rule of law

Ask: What is meant by ―rule of law‖? 1-2 participants shall answer

the question
Good governance requires fair legal frameworks
that are enforced impartially. SK officials are
expected to serve the welfare of their constituents
with fairness. SK officials are expected to abide by
the code of conduct and ethics of public officials.

Slide: Rule of Law


In government, the term authority is often used

interchangeably with power. However, their
meanings differ. While power is defined as "the
ability to influence somebody to do something that
he/she would not have done", authority refers to a
claim of legitimacy, the justification and right to
exercise that power.

Let us look at the present government structure Slide: Local Governance in the Philippines
and check how the youth may exercise
government authority through the Sangguniang
Activity: WHERE IS SK?
Note: Participants coming from the same
barangay should sit together.

- Ask each barangay group to fill-up an

incomplete organizational chart which illustrates
the hierarchy of national and local government
units. The group should make corrections (if any
are needed) and show where the Sangguniang
Kabataan is situated.
(5 minutes)
Slide: Where is SK? (Blank LGU)

Compare the incomplete organizational chart that

you filled up with the complete organizational
chart projected on the screen.

Who among you were able to complete your

organizational chart perfectly?

Pretty well done!

Slide: Local Government Units in the Philippines

SK And The Sangguniang Barangay

 The SK Chairperson sits as an ex officio

member of the Sangguniang Barangay.

 SK Chairperson serves as the active and

dynamic voice of Katipunan ng Kabataan
inside the Barangay Council.

 He serves as Chairperson of the Committee Slide: Local Governance in the Philippines

on Youth and Sports Development (CYSD) SK and LGU
and is a member of other committees.

Slide: SK and Sangguniang Barangay

SK and the City/Municipality (LGU)

The SK can directly engage the LGUs through

various mechanisms provided by the SK Reform

Thru the Sangguniang Bayan/Panlungsod

 The SK Pederasyon President serves as the
voice of the youth inside the Sanggunian.
The Pederasyon President should: Slide: SK and the City/Municipality (LGU)
- Put forward the adoption of SK
resolutions in the form of ordinances or
resolutions by the LGU concerned.
- Push for the prioritization and utilization of
resources for development plans,
programs, projects, and activities for the
- Assess and be aware of the extent of
support of the LGUs to youth welfare and
development; to be considered as input
to both LGU and SK planning.

Slide: Local Sangguniang Bayan/Panlungsod

SK and the Province

This is almost the same with the City/Municipality

engagement but at the provincial level.

Slide: SK and the Province


The complete organizational chart that we have 1-2 participants shall answer
completed illustrates the concept of the question

Ask: In your own understanding, what is


Slide: Decentralization (section header)

― . . . decentralization may be defined as a state,

or condition in a governmental system where there
is dispersal of power or authority from the center ‖

Slide: Decentralization: definition from A.B. Brillantes Jr.

There are two features of decentralization – 1-2 participants shall answer

political and administrative. Based on the slide, the question
what do you think are the similarities and Two Features:
differences between the two?  Political decentralization
involves devolution of
 Administrative
decentralization focuses
on deconcentration of
1-2 participants shall answer
There are also two modes of decentralization – the question
devolution and deconcentration. Study the slide  Devolution is essentially
again and describe their similarities and the transfer of power for
differences. the performance of
certain functions from the
national or central
authorities to the lower
levels of government. An
example is the Slide: Decentralization features and modes
establishment of local
governments. Devolution
is also called the area
 Deconcentration is
essentially the process of
delegating functions from
the central government
to lower levels (field
units). An example is
delegation from national
line departments to their
regional offices.
Deconcentration is also
called the sectoral
Devolution shall mean the transfer of power and
authority from the National Government to LGUs to
enable them to perform specific functions and
Reflect on the structure of the Local Government
Unit in the Philippines, how is decentralization
exercised in the LGUs?

Slide: Devolution

Slide: Local Government Unit of the Philippines

Since our present government is already observing

decentralization, many duties and responsibilities
are already required to be performed by the
Barangay Council, together with the Sangguniang
Kabataan. Always remember that SK is part of the
barangay government.

Slide: Basic Services and facilities

If you have access to the internet, can you please
look for the Rule V of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the Local Government Code. Pay
particular attention to Article 25.

Ask: What are the basic services and facilities that The basic services and
should be provided by the barangay? facilities that should be
provided by the barangay
are the following:

1. Agricultural Support
Slide: Agricultural support services
2. Health and Social
Welfare Services

Slide: Health and social welfare services

3. Hygiene & Sanitation,

Beautification, & Solid
Waste Management

Slide: Hygiene & Sanitation, Beautification, & Solid Waste

4. Administration and
maintenance of the

Slide: Administrative and maintenance of Katarungang

5. Maintenance of
Barangay roads and
water supply systems

Slide: Maintenance of Brgy. Roads and water supply system

6. Infrastructure Facilities

Slide: Infrastructure Facilities

7. Information and
Reading Center

Slide: Information and Reading Center

8. Satellite Public Market

Slide: Satellite Public Market

D. Wrapping-up

So, to wrap-up:

1. Governance is the exercise of authority by

political leaders for the well-being of their country‘s
2. Decentralization is essential in governance. It
pertains to dispersal of authority from the central
3. SK illustrates devolution, since there is a transfer
of power for policy-making, planning and
execution of programs and budgeting to the SK

Slide: Wrap Up
Mind Mapping

Each barangay group shall be provided with a

Manila paper to be used for mind mapping or
concept mapping.

The mind map shall be partially completed at the

end of each session.
Slide: Mind Mapping Activity
After each session, the barangay group will add to
the mind map a representation of they learned or
reflected on during the session.

The group is allowed to be as creative as they wish

to be. You may use texts, symbols, arrows and
other elements to convey your message in a
concise manner.

Each session‘s portion is expected to be finished in

10 minutes.

Mind Mapping Guide Questions

a. What does ‗government‘ mean to you?

b. As an SK official, what do you believe your role is

in government?

c. As SK, how do you think SK should practice good

Slide: Mind Mapping Guide Questions
E. Q & A
F. Post-Session Activities
Participants requested to fill up feedback forms.

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