Step 4 - CCVA
Step 4 - CCVA
Step 4 - CCVA
1. In column A, based from the scoping in step 2, list down all the identified climate stimuli.
Climate change stimuli refer to the general changes expected in the climate. These include changes in seasonal tem
of dry days, sea level rise, and number of days with extreme temperatures.
2. In column B, determine the estimated impact area where the climate stimuli will manifest. Impact area could be the
areas (purok/sitio). The impact area map generated in this Step can provide a better view of the extent of impact of the
3. In column C, list down the potential Systems of Interest and Development Sectors that can be affected by the climat
may or may not affect all the systems of interests and the development sectors.
*Systems of Interest: Natural Resources, Population, Critical Facilities, Urban Use, Lifeline Facilities
*Development Sectors: Social, Environment, Infrastructure, Institution, Economic
a and Climate Stimuli,______________,___________
Areas of Concerns
System/s of Interest Development Sectors
xpected in the climate. These include changes in seasonal temperature and rainfall, number
treme temperatures.
ere the climate stimuli will manifest. Impact area could be the whole barangay or specific
s Step can provide a better view of the extent of impact of the cimate stimuli.
t and Development Sectors that can be affected by the climate stimuli. The climate stimuli
e development sectors.
tion, Critical Facilities, Urban Use, Lifeline Facilities
astructure, Institution, Economic
Table 8.1. Population CCVA, Municipality/City of ___________________.
Climate Stimuli:
Total Exposed Total No. of exposed Total No. of exposed No. of exposed Male
Residential (HAS) Population Households Population
1. In Columns B-C, using the gathered data and maps, indicate information and compute values for each population exposure
2. In colum D, provide existing adaptive or preventive measures of the muncipality/city.
3. In column E, based on the estimated exposure, the degree of sensitivities of the exposed units, and identifed potential impa
High (3) - Estimated direct impacts in terms of number of fatalities, injuries and value of property damage w
Moderate (2) - Moderate direct impacts in terms of terms of number of fatalities, injuries and value of prop
Low (1) - Estimated direct and indirect impacts are low to negligible which can be felt within a short term p
4. In column F, Evaluate the various adaptive capacities of the system being studied by referring to the adaptive capacity indic
High (1) - The system is able to accommodate changes in climate. There are adaptation measures in place t
Moderate (2) - Addressing the impacts will require signicant cost but it is still within the capacity of the syst
Low (3) - The system is not exible to accommodate changes in the climate. Addressing the impacts will be c
5. In column G, Compute for the vulnerability index by multiplying the Impact and Adaptive Capacity Scores. Accordingly, base
High (3): > 6 - 9
Moderate (2): > 3 - 6
Low (1): < 3
Percentage of Exposed
No. of exposed Female Percentage of exposed Percentage of exposed Percentage of exposed
of teachers &
Population agriculture farmers municipal fisherfolk commercial fishermen
personnel per school
y referring to the adaptive capacity indicators in the exposure database. These indicators of adaptive capacities can describe whether the
here are adaptation measures in place to address impacts.
ut it is still within the capacity of the system to adapt to potential impacts.
climate. Addressing the impacts will be costly. The LGU and property owners will require external assistance to address the impacts.
aptive Capacity Scores. Accordingly, based on the computed vulnerability index, categorize the index scores into categories:
Percentage of Exposed
Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed
health workers per
Students (Elementary) Students(HS) Students (College) Students (Graduate)
tive capacities can describe whether the system is able to accommodate or cope with the impacts with very minimal disruption or short to
Percentage of Exposed
Percentage of Exposed
Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed RHUs without basic
farming families
farmers without access fishers without access RHU without qualified health
dependent to
to hazard information to hazard information health personnel equipment/facilities /
commercial input
Vulnerability Vulnerability
Social Capital Score Score
Index Score
Table 8.2. Natural Resources CCVA, Municipality/City of ___________________.
Climate Stimuli:
Percentage of Percentage of
Percentage of Exposed species of Exposed species of Percentage of
Exposed LGU Forest Exposed CADT /CADC
Area in Hectares endemic flora in the endemic fauna in the in Hectares
forest area forest area
1. In columns B-C, using the gathered data and maps, indicate information and compute values for each natural resources
3. In column E, based on the estimated exposure, the degree of sensitivities of the exposed units, and identifed potential im
High (3) - Estimated direct impacts in terms of number of fatalities, injuries and value of property dama
Moderate (2) - Moderate direct impacts in terms of terms of number of fatalities, injuries and value of p
Low (1) - Estimated direct and indirect impacts are low to negligible which can be felt within a short ter
D4 In column F, Evaluate the various adaptive capacities of the system being studied by referring to the adaptive capacity
High (1) - The system is able to accommodate changes in climate. There are adaptation measures in pla
Moderate (2) - Addressing the impacts will require signicant cost but it is still within the capacity of the
Low (3) - The system is not exible to accommodate changes in the climate. Addressing the impacts will
5. In column G, Compute for the vulnerability index by multiplying the Impact and Adaptive Capacity Scores. Accordingly, b
High (3): > 6 - 9
Moderate (2): > 3 - 6
Low (1): < 3
posed units, and identifed potential impacts, qualitatively determine the degree of impact score using the suggested rating scale.
injuries and value of property damage will be disastrous given the extent of exposure and current sensitivity of the system.
er of fatalities, injuries and value of property damage are expected given the extent of exposure and current sensitivities of the system
e which can be felt within a short term period.
by referring to the adaptive capacity indicators in the exposure database. These indicators of adaptive capacities can describe whether
here are adaptation measures in place to address impacts.
ut it is still within the capacity of the system to adapt to potential impacts.
climate. Addressing the impacts will be costly. The LGU and property owners will require external assistance to address the impacts.
aptive Capacity Scores. Accordingly, based on the computed vulnerability index, categorize the index scores into categories:
Percentage of Percentage of
Percentage of Exposed Area Percentage of Percentage of Exposed Area
Exposed Declared Exposed Ave. Output
Watershed Area Allocation for Exposed Crop Types per ha per crop (PHP) Devoted to Crop
Farming Farming
tive capacities can describe whether the system is able to accommodate or cope with the impacts with very minimal disruption or sho
Percentage of Percentage of
Percentage of Exposed Area Ave. Output per ha Percentage of Exposed Area
Exposed Livestock per livestock (peso) Exposed Aquaculture
Types devoted to livestock (PHP) Types devoted to
farming Aquaculture
Vulnerability Vulnerability
Social Capital Score Score
Index Score
Table 8.3. Critical Facilities CCVA, Municipality/City of ___________________.
Climate Stimuli:
A. In columns B-C, using the gathered data and maps, indicate information and compute values for each critical facility exposu
2. In colum D, provide existing adaptive or preventive measures of the muncipality/city.
3. In column E, based on the estimated exposure, the degree of sensitivities of the exposed units, and identifed potential impa
High (3) - Estimated direct impacts in terms of number of fatalities, injuries and value of property damage w
Moderate (2) - Moderate direct impacts in terms of terms of number of fatalities, injuries and value of prop
Low (1) - Estimated direct and indirect impacts are low to negligible which can be felt within a short term p
D. In column F, evaluate the various adaptive capacities of the system being studied by referring to the adaptive capacity indic
minimal disruption or short to long term detrimental effects/impacts.
High (1) - The system is able to accommodate changes in climate. There are adaptation measures in place t
Moderate (2) - Addressing the impacts will require signicant cost but it is still within the capacity of the syst
Low (3) - The system is not exible to accommodate changes in the climate. Addressing the impacts will be c
E. In column G, compute for the vulnerability index by multiplying the Impact and Adaptive Capacity Scores. Accordingly, base
High (3): > 6 - 9
Moderate (2): > 3 - 6
Low (1): < 3
Percentage of Exposed
Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed
Material Recovery
Irrigation facilities fishports storage facilities school buildings
y referring to the adaptive capacity indicators in the exposure database. These indicators of adaptive capacities can describe whether the
ptive Capacity Scores. Accordingly, based on the computed vulnerability index, categorize the index scores into categories:
tive capacities can describe whether the system is able to accommodate or cope with the impacts with very
Percentage of Exposed
Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Sports and Recreation
Percentage of Exposed
production areas livestock and poultry livestock and poultry Facilities that are
SRF without toilet
without post harvest houses wihtout houses wihtout dilapidated, need
faciliies slaughter houses slaughter houses renovation etc. (please
specify names)
Percentage of Exposed
Schools, used as Names of health
Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed
Evacuation Center centers that are Percentage of Exposed
one-storey school school building without
(please specify names, dilapidated, needs one-storey RHUs
buildings toilet facilities
no. of classrooms, and renovation, etc.
type of structure)
Barangay EXPO
Percentage of Exposed
Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposedf
Area with electricity & Percentage of Exposed
Farm to Market Road bridges (per type of
water supply in rrigation system
(specify kms) construction)
A. In columns B-C, using the gathered data and maps, indicate information and compute values for each lifeline facility exposu
2. In colum D, provide existing adaptive or preventive measures of the muncipality/city.
3. In column E, based on the estimated exposure, the degree of sensitivities of the exposed units, and identifed potential impa
High (3) - Estimated direct impacts in terms of number of fatalities, injuries and value of property damage w
Moderate (2) - Moderate direct impacts in terms of terms of number of fatalities, injuries and value of prop
Low (1) - Estimated direct and indirect impacts are low to negligible which can be felt within a short term p
4. In column F, evaluate the various adaptive capacities of the system being studied by referring to the adaptive capacity indic
minimal disruption or short to long term detrimental effects/impacts.
High (1) - The system is able to accommodate changes in climate. There are adaptation measures in place t
Moderate (2) - Addressing the impacts will require signicant cost but it is still within the capacity of the syst
Low (3) - The system is not exible to accommodate changes in the climate. Addressing the impacts will be c
5. In column G, compute for the vulnerability index by multiplying the Impact and Adaptive Capacity Scores. Accordingly, base
High (3): > 6 - 9
Moderate (2): > 3 - 6
Low (1): < 3
Percentage of Exposed
Percentage of Exposed
of Roads (per road Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed
drainage systems (per
classification. Please flood control dikes sea walls electric towers
type of construction)
specify name)
posed units, and identifed potential impacts, qualitatively determine the degree of impact score using the suggested rating scale.
injuries and value of property damage will be disastrous given the extent of exposure and current sensitivity of the system.
er of fatalities, injuries and value of property damage are expected given the extent of exposure and current sensitivities of the system.
e which can be felt within a short term period.
y referring to the adaptive capacity indicators in the exposure database. These indicators of adaptive capacities can describe whether the
ptive Capacity Scores. Accordingly, based on the computed vulnerability index, categorize the index scores into categories:
Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed
Percentage of Exposed
TelCom Towers households without households without schools without access
Power lines
(Company) access to water electricity to electricity
tive capacities can describe whether the system is able to accommodate or cope with the impacts with very
Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed
schools without access schools without access schools without access health centers without health centers without
to electricity to water supply to water supply access to water supply access to water supply
Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed
health centers without hospitals without hospiltals without public markets without Public markets without
access to electricity access to electricity access to water supply access to water supply access to electricity
Percentage of Exposed
Percentage of Exposed Percentage of Exposed Percentage of areas
government owned Percentage of Exposed
cemented / asphalt areas without road without upgraded
facilities without access rough road
road access drainage system
to water supply
Percentage of Exposed
Percentage of Exposed
Road leading to
Percentage of Exposed Wealth
roads leading to health Percentage of Exposed roads leading to health
schools, school
centers (please specify wooden electric post centers (please specify
buildings (please
name and type) name and type
specify name and type)
Vulnerability Vulnerability
Index Score
Table 8.5. Urban Use CCVA, Municipality/City of ___________________.
Climate Stimuli:
A. In columns
B-C, using the
gathered data
and maps,
2. In colum D,
and compute
adaptive fororeach
urban use
measures of
the and
3. In column E, based on the estimated exposure, the degree of sensitivities of the exposed units, and identifed p
High (3) - Estimated direct impacts in terms of number of fatalities, injuries and value of prope
Moderate (2) - Moderate direct impacts in terms of terms of number of fatalities, injuries and
Low (1) - Estimated direct and indirect impacts are low to negligible which can be felt within a
4. In column F, evaluate the various adaptive capacities of the system being studied by referring to the adaptive
able to accommodate or cope with the impacts with very minimal disruption or short to long term detrimental e
High (1) - The system is able to accommodate changes in climate. There are adaptation measu
Moderate (2) - Addressing the impacts will require signicant cost but it is still within the capac
Low (3) - The system is not exible to accommodate changes in the climate. Addressing the im
5. In column G, compute for the vulnerability index by multiplying the Impact and Adaptive Capacity Scores. Acco
High (3): > 6 - 9
Moderate (2): > 3 - 6
Low (1): < 3
Percentage Percentage
of Exposed
Percentage Percentage of Exposed of Exposed Percentage Percentage
of Exposed of Exposed buildings buildings of Exposed of Exposed
Public evacuation for for hospital governmen
Markets center industrial commercial buildings t buildings
use use
posed units, and identifed potential impacts, qualitatively determine the degree of impact score using the suggested rating s
injuries and value of property damage will be disastrous given the extent of exposure and current sensitivity of the system.
er of fatalities, injuries and value of property damage are expected given the extent of exposure and current sensitivities of
e which can be felt within a short term period.
y referring to the adaptive capacity indicators in the exposure database. These indicators of adaptive capacities can describe
to long term detrimental effects/impacts.
here are adaptation measures in place to address impacts.
ut it is still within the capacity of the system to adapt to potential impacts.
climate. Addressing the impacts will be costly. The LGU and property owners will require external assistance to address the
ptive Capacity Scores. Accordingly, based on the computed vulnerability index, categorize the index scores into categories:
Percentage of
Percentage of Percentage of
Percentage of Percentage of Exposed areas
Exposed Exposed
Exposed Exposed with no access
structures not structures not
Replaceme buildings with buildings in to
employing employing
nt Cost walls with light dilapidated/co infrastructure -
hazard- hazard-
to salvageable ndemned related hazard
resistant resistant
materials condition mitigation
building design building design
Vulnerability Vulnerability
Index Score
Table 4.6 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Summary Matrix
Social Env
1. Based on the risks maps generated for the various exposure units, highlight and identify decision areas or elements. Decision areas can be the barangay or specific sites in the b
2. In columns B and C, list down the significant findings/observed conditions and causes by describing the area or element in terms of the level of vulnerability, highlighting the v
3. In column D, list down the planning/development implications when the identified vulnerabilities in the various decision areas are not addressed.
4. Identify various policy interventions that should seek to reduce the level of vulnerability by addressing the exposure, sensitivity, with consideration to the current adaptive cap
Environment Infrastructure
e barangay or specific sites in the barangay such as coastal area, mountain sides, and riverbanks.
of vulnerability, highlighting the various contributing factors such as exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity.
ration to the current adaptive capacities (Columns E).
Implications when
Policy Options Observed Conditions Causes Policy Options
(e) (b) (c) (e)