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Involvement Counts Family and Community Partnershi

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Involvement Counts: Family and Community Partnerships and Mathematics


Article  in  The Journal of Educational Research · March 2005

DOI: 10.3200/JOER.98.4.196-207

344 5,597

2 authors, including:

Steven B. Sheldon
Johns Hopkins University


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Involvement Counts: Family and
Community Partnerships and
Mathematics Achievement
Johns Hopkins University, Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships

ABSTRACT National and international studies have made Salk, & Glaessner, 1991). Efforts to improve students’
student performance in mathematics a high priority in mathematics learning have focused on improved teacher
schools. Using longitudinal data from elementary and sec- education, modified curriculum, and schoolwide and dis-
ondary schools, the authors examined the connections trictwide programs (Ball, 1993; Cuevas & Driscoll, 1993;
between specific family and community involvement activi-
Knapp, 1997; Smith & Hausafus, 1998). Professional
ties and student achievement in mathematics at the school
level. After the authors controlled for prior levels of mathe- groups have developed new standards for mathematics edu-
matics achievement, analyses indicated that effective imple- cation that have influenced changes in mathematics
mentation of practices that encouraged families to support instruction in many U.S. classrooms (Connected Math
their children’s mathematics learning at home was associated Project, 1995; National Council of Teachers of Mathemat-
with higher percentages of students who scored at or above
ics [NCTM], 1991).
proficiency on standardized mathematics achievement tests.
Findings suggest that subject-specific practices of school, fam- In comparison with efforts to improve mathematics
ily, and community partnerships may help educators improve instruction in schools, researchers and practitioners have
students’ mathematics skills and achievement. given relatively little attention to developing connections
Key words: community involvement, mathematics, parent between schools, families, and communities as components
involvement, partnerships, student achievement of mathematics reform. Historically, parents have played
important roles in some aspects of education reform (Bloch
& Tabachnick, 1994). However, efforts to change mathe-

I n every school across the country, students are taught

and expected to learn mathematics, beginning with
number recognition in kindergarten. Yet, international
studies suggest that by the middle grades, U.S. students
understand and know less mathematics than do their peers
matics education have positioned parents on the sidelines,
leaving educators and other professionals to decide how
mathematics learning should take place (Peressini, 1998).
In some cases, parents have been characterized more as ene-
mies to reform than as allies. For example, in his presiden-
in many Asian and European countries (National Center for tial address to the NCTM, Price (1996) suggested that par-
Education Statistics [NCES], 1999). Studies have shown ents are among the greatest threats to the implementation
that in the United States, female and minority students have of the organization’s new mathematics education standards.
lower achievement in mathematics and take fewer mathe- Although parent support for mathematics reform is desired,
matics courses than do male and White students and that parent involvement in developing these reforms is not.
the gender and racial gaps are not narrowing (Hall, Davis, At the school level, teachers are likely to support the
Bolen, & Chia, 1999; Mitchell, Hawkins, Jakwerth, Stan- concept of parent involvement; some educators encourage
cavage, & Dossey, 1999). Problems associated with students’ and guide parents to participate in their children’s mathe-
mathematics proficiency are particularly serious in poor matics education and learning. Those efforts are supported
urban schools and in school systems (NCES). Concerns by research that reports positive relationships between par-
about the status, quality, and equity of mathematics educa- ent involvement and diverse student outcomes including,
tion in this country have fueled many mathematics reform but not limited to, mathematics (Cai, Moyer, & Wang,
initiatives at the national, state, and local levels. 1997; Epstein, 1991; Epstein, Simon, & Salinas, 1997;
Explanations of why students in the United States strug- Henderson & Berla, 1994; Ho & Willms, 1996; Keith et
gle in mathematics concern (a) curriculum and instruction al., 1993; Lee, 1994; Van Voorhis, 2001).
in classrooms, (b) student attitudes about mathematics, (c)
student readiness and background characteristics, and (d) Address correspondence to Steven B. Sheldon or Joyce L. Epstein,
level of support for mathematics in home environments 3003 N. Charles Street, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21218. (E-mail:
(Secada, 1992; Stevenson, Lee, & Stigler, 1986; Stodolsky, ssheldon@csos.jhu.edu or jepstein@csos.jhu.edu)
March/April 2005 [Vol. 98(No. 4)] 197

Types of Parent Involvement able to select and implement the activities most likely to
produce the goals that they have set for their students.
Among researchers and educators, parent involvement
refers to a wide range of activities and connections among
Focus on Mathematics Attitudes and Achievement
schools, families, and communities. According to Epstein
(1995), there are six types of involvement in a comprehen- It is well accepted that children’s home environments
sive program of school, family, and community partner- affect their attitudes toward mathematics (Balli, 1998; Par-
ships. Involvement includes the following types: sons, Adler, & Kaczala, 1982). Researchers have shown
that parents’ beliefs and expectations for their children in
Type 1. Parenting: Helping all families establish support-
mathematics predict student achievement in elementary
ive home environments for children
and middle school mathematics (Entwisle & Alexander,
Type 2. Communicating: Establishing two-way exchanges
1996; Gill & Reynolds, 1999; Halle, Kurtz-Costes, &
about school programs and children’s progress
Mahoney, 1997; Holloway, 1986). Similarly, even after
Type 3. Volunteering: Recruiting and organizing parent
researchers controlled for students’ prior achievement,
help at school, home, or other locations
learning activities and parent–teen discussions conducted
Type 4. Learning at home: Providing information and
at home predicted higher student mathematics achieve-
ideas to families about how to help students with home-
ment in middle and high schools (Cai et al., 1997; Ho &
work and other curriculum-related materials
Willms, 1996; Keith et al., 1993; Pong, 1997).
Type 5. Decision making: Having parents from all back-
For all students to attain higher achievement, educators
grounds serve as representatives and leaders on school
must support and facilitate parent involvement in mathe-
matics. Sanchez and Baquedano (1993) showed that stu-
Type 6. Collaborating with the community: Identifying
dents whose parents met with a mathematics teacher and a
and integrating resources and services from the community
counselor to discuss ways to help at home gained more in
to strengthen school programs.
mathematics than did students whose families did not
That typology provides schools with a structure to help receive training in such meetings. Similarly, students whose
organize specific activities to involve parents in their chil- parents attended training and information workshops and
dren’s education. Because there are many possible activities obtained materials to help their preschool children at
for each type of involvement, schools must choose which home (Starkey & Klein, 2000) and elementary students at
partnership practices are likely to produce specific goals home (Shaver & Walls, 1998; Westat and Policy Studies
and how to implement the selected activities effectively. Associates, 2001) made greater gains in mathematics
For each type of involvement and practice, there also achievement than did students whose parents did not
are challenges that schools must meet to reach all families, attend the workshops. Those studies suggest the impor-
not just those who are easiest to involve (Epstein et al., tance of providing families with support to help their chil-
2002; Sanders, 1999). For example, schools may be faced dren succeed in mathematics.
with the challenge of making sure that parents who can- Schools also can use homework assignments to guide and
not read or understand English have access to the infor- strengthen home–school partnerships. For example, home-
mation in languages or forms they can understand. Also, work can be designed to encourage parent–child activities
schools may be faced with the challenge of providing ways in specific subjects and to enable families to communicate
for all parents to contact and communicate with teachers more easily with teachers about homework assignments
and administrators so that information about students (Epstein, 2001; Epstein & Van Voorhis, 2001). Studies on
flows in two directions—from school to home and from the effects of interactive homework have reported increased
home to school. The success of a school’s partnership pro- homework completion and improved achievement in lan-
gram to affect student achievement may depend on the guage arts and science in inner-city and suburban middle
degree to which the activities that are implemented meet schools (Epstein, Simon, & Salinas, 1997; Van Voorhis,
serious challenges to involve families who are the most dif- 2001). Interactive homework also has been associated with
ficult to reach. increased family involvement in students’ mathematics
In designing programs of home–school–community part- learning at home (Balli, Demo, & Wedman, 1998). Overall,
nerships, schools cannot assume that one type of involve- studies suggest that use of homework that requires par-
ment or a single activity will affect student achievement pos- ent–child interactions can (a) create a line of communica-
itively in all subjects. Studies indicate that each type of tion between parents and teachers, (b) increase family
involvement activity leads to some different results (Epstein, involvement, and (c) help improve student achievement.
1995), such as mathematics and reading achievement and
grade point average (Catsambis, 2002; Catsambis & Bev- Challenges to Parent Involvement in Mathematics
eridge, 2001; Desimone, 1999; Lee, 1994; Simon, 2000). If
researchers produce better information about the results of Compared with other school subjects, home–school part-
specific involvement activities, more educators should be nerships in mathematics may be more difficult to organize
198 The Journal of Educational Research

and implement. Gal and Stoudt (1995) suggested at least surable effects of school, family, and community partner-
three reasons why parents might not be involved in their ships on students in elementary, middle, and high schools
children’s mathematics education. First, as mathematics across the country. The schools are members of the
becomes increasingly more complex across the school years, National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS) at
parents may not have the content knowledge or teaching Johns Hopkins University and are working to improve the
skills needed to help their children. Second, changes in the quality of family and community involvement and the
way that mathematics is taught in schools may result in par- effects on specific student outcomes, such as attendance,
ents’ confusion or resistance to some of the new or nontradi- behavior, and reading and mathematics achievement.
tional aspects of their children’s mathematics schoolwork. We asked a key contact and members of an Action
Third, teachers are not trained to teach adults how to work Team for Partnerships in each school to complete two sur-
on mathematics with their children. The three factors pre- veys. We sent baseline surveys to the schools at the start of
sent significant obstacles for some schools and may affect the 1997–1998 school year for information on school
whether most or all parents are able to help their children characteristics, attributes of the student body, planned
learn mathematics at home. school–family–community practices that focused on
Teachers can help parents overcome the obstacles. For improved mathematics skills, mathematics achievement
example, one elementary school teacher working in an urban test results from 1997 for a selected grade level, and report
setting realized that to help their children in mathematics, card grades in mathematics for the fall term. We sent fol-
many parents first needed to become more fluent English low-up surveys after the 1997–1998 school year for infor-
speakers (Carey, 1998). The teacher began by helping par- mation on the effectiveness of partnership practices and
ents improve their general English skills and vocabulary and end-of-year mathematics outcomes. To encourage partici-
then become familiar with vocabulary related to mathemat- pation, NNPS offered schools an incentive of partnership-
ics. She later asked parents to help their children with math- related publications and items that would help them
ematics problems and made it clear on which skills the stu- advance their work on school, family, and community
dents would be tested. The example is noteworthy because it partnerships.
highlights the importance of teachers having thoughtful
communication strategies that overcome challenges often Participants
present in large urban schools and which may otherwise hin-
der parent mathematics involvement. Eighteen schools—from states including Ohio, Maryland,
We explored levels of mathematics achievement in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Kansas, and California—
schools, efforts of schools to involve families and communi- returned baseline and follow-up surveys. About half of the
ties in students’ mathematics education, and the impact of schools in the study were elementary schools (n = 10), and
these targeted involvement activities on student mathemat- the rest were middle or high schools (n = 8). The schools
ics achievement. We addressed the following three research were located in inner-city (n = 7), urban (n = 4), suburban
questions. (n = 3), and rural (n = 4) areas and ranged in size from 124
to 1,280 students. About 75% of the schools reported that
1. What is the level of mathematics achievement in a they received either schoolwide or targeted Title I funding,
sample of schools in which the school community (staff, par- indicating that the schools served large numbers of eco-
ents, and community members) work to involve families and nomically disadvantaged students. On average, across
community members in students’ mathematics education? schools, about 50.4% of students (ranging from 4.8% to
2. How do the schools perceive the effectiveness of spe- 88%) received free or reduced-price lunches. Schools in the
cific school, family, and community partnership activities sample served an average 7.8% of students from families for
to improve student achievement in mathematics? whom English was a second language (ESL; ranging from
3. What is the relationship between the implementation 0% to 44%).
of specific family and community mathematics involve- Although the sample was relatively small, the schools
ment activities and changes over time in school reports of were highly diverse. They included slightly more urban
student performance on mathematics achievement tests? schools, Title I schools, and schools with more students eli-
gible for free or reduced-price lunches than the national
Understanding which family and community involvement
average (Manise, Blank, & Dardine, 2001).
practices are most likely to improve students’ mathematics
We asked school action team members to select and
achievement may help guide schools’ efforts to provide the
report the aggregated academic performance of students at
best possible mathematics education for all students.
a specific grade level on the same standardized mathemat-
ics tests for 2 consecutive years and on report card grades
Method from fall to spring of the school year. The following num-
ber of schools provided performance data for students: (a)
“Focus on Results in Math” is part of an ongoing project two for Grade 3, (b) six for Grade 4, (c) two for Grade 5,
in which researchers and educators are studying the mea- (d) one for Grade 6, (e) three for Grade 7, (f) three for
March/April 2005 [Vol. 98(No. 4)] 199

Grade 8, and (g) one for Grade 9. Secondary schools were School Measures of Mathematics Achievement
represented almost entirely by middle schools. Each school
served as its own control in longitudinal analyses of Proficiency on mathematics achievement tests. We collected
changes in mathematics proficiency scores over time. data on achievement test results for the same grade level for
2 consecutive school years—1997 and 1998. Respondents
reported and labeled the percentage of students at different
Variables performance levels on the mathematics achievement test.
From that information, we calculated the percentages of
School characteristics. Respondents reported basic charac-
students who met or exceeded satisfactory or proficient
teristics of their schools and students including (a) school
mathematics standards of achievement. For example, sev-
level (elementary or secondary); (b) location (inner city,
eral schools reported the percentages of students who
urban, suburban, rural); (c) number of students enrolled at
scored in the following categories: (a) below proficient, (b)
the school; (d) percentage of students receiving free or
proficient, or (c) above proficient. Other schools reported
reduced-price lunches; and (e) percentage of students from
categories such as (a) below satisfactory, (b) satisfactory,
families in which English was not spoken at home.
and (c) excellent. We recoded the categories in a standard
School practices. Respondents reported whether their
form to identify the percentage of students who were at
schools implemented 14 partnership practices focused on
least proficient or satisfactory in mathematics and the per-
mathematics. We asked school action team members to
centage of students who were less than proficient or satis-
rate how helpful each involvement practice was or, if they
factory in mathematics.
did not implement the activity, how helpful they thought
Student report card grades. Respondents were asked to
the practice could be for improving students’ achievement
estimate the percentage of students in the selected grade
in mathematics. Schools rated the effectiveness (if they
level who received mostly As, mostly Bs, or mostly Cs and
implemented the practice) or potential effectiveness (if
mostly Ds and Fs on their report cards in mathematics. We
they did not implement the practice) of each practice on a
obtained estimates for the fall and spring semesters of the
4-point, Likert-type scale that ranged from (1) cannot do at
1997–1998 school year.
this school to (2) very helpful.
Schools reported on the following practices.
1. Conduct workshops during daytime or school hours Patterns of Student Achievement in Mathematics
for parents on mathematics skills and expectations for chil-
dren in mathematics. In the first research question, we asked for a portrait of
2. Conduct similar workshops for parents in the evening. the mathematics achievement for the sample of schools.
3. Give families information on how to contact the Descriptive analyses explored the association of school
mathematics teacher at school. characteristics with selected student outcomes in mathe-
4. Issue certificates for students to take home that rec- matics, including the percentages of students at the selected
ognize mastery of new mathematics skills. grade levels that met or exceeded satisfactory or proficiency
5. Schedule individual conferences with parents of stu- levels on standardized mathematics tests and that received
dents who are failing mathematics or are at risk of failing. high or low report card grades. Table 1 shows that, overall,
6. Inform parents of students’ progress and problems in an average of 51% of the students met or exceeded satisfac-
mathematics on report cards. tory levels of proficiency on standardized mathematics
7. Offer videotapes on mathematics skills that families achievement tests. Also, from 1997 to 1998, participating
can view at school or at home. schools reported an average increase of 6% more students at
8. Invite parents and the community to assemblies for the selected grade levels who met or exceeded satisfactory
student awards for excellence in mathematics. proficiency levels in mathematics. The average changes in
9. Invite parents and the community to assemblies for achievement-test performance varied across schools, rang-
student awards for improvement in mathematics. ing from an 18% decline to a 27% improvement in students’
10. Request parent or community volunteers to tutor mathematics test performance; standard deviation was 11%.
students in mathematics. The bottom section of Table 1 reports that in mathe-
11. Assign students mathematics homework that matics, almost 40% of students received mostly As or Bs at
requires them to show and discuss mathematics skills with the end of the 1997–1998 school year, and a sizable per-
a family member. centage of students (23%) received mostly Ds and Fs.
12. Offer parents or students mathematics game packets Grades in mathematics declined slightly over the school
or lending-library activities to use at home. year on average, although there was considerable variation
13. Offer students and families mathematics activities on across schools. The average percentage of students who
Saturdays. received mostly As and Bs decreased by 2.5%, with a cor-
14. Organize presentations for students on how mathe- responding increase (2.3%) in the percentage of students
matics is used by business, government, and industry. who earned mostly Cs.
200 The Journal of Educational Research

TABLE 1. Spring 1998 Reports and Changes in Mathematics Outcomes, by School Levels

All Elementary Secondary
Students (%) M SD M SD M SD

Proficient on standardized
mathematics achievement tests
Spring 1998 51.00 26.98 68.09 20.77 31.46 18.99
Change (1997 to 1998) 6.20 11.53 7.74 14.43 4.43 7.77
N 15 8 7

Received mostly As and Bs

Spring 1998 39.47 17.96 46.44 18.37 29.00 12.00
Change (fall to spring 1998) –2.54 16.46 7.29 9.18 –14.00 16.01
Received mostly Cs
Spring 1998 37.60 16.54 36.89 17.87 38.67 15.90
Change 2.31 12.18 –1.14 9.84 6.33 14.28
Received mostly Ds and Fs
Spring 1998 22.93 16.10 16.67 13.43 32.33 16.15
Change 0.31 14.02 –6.14 11.77 7.83 13.39

Note. Spring grades: all schools, n = 15; elementary, n = 9; secondary, n = 6. Change in grades: all schools,
n = 13; elementary, n = 7; secondary, n = 6.

School Level and Mathematics Achievement small and the analyses were exploratory, correlations that
were statistically significant at p < .10 and that had con-
Table 1 also shows that elementary and secondary sistent patterns are shown as potentially important. The
schools reported distinct patterns of students’ mathematics top portion of Table 2 shows that larger schools reported
outcomes. In elementary schools, about 68% of the stu- lower percentages of students at or above satisfactory pro-
dents in the selected grade levels met or exceeded satisfac- ficiency levels on standardized mathematics achievement
tory proficiency levels in mathematics on standardized tests (r = –.701, p < .008). Also, schools with larger per-
tests, compared with 31% of students in secondary schools. centages of students who received free or reduced-price
Also, more students in elementary schools received As or lunches reported smaller percentages of students who were
Bs on their report cards in mathematics, and fewer received proficient in mathematics (r = –.547, p < .035). Finally,
Ds or Fs than did students in secondary schools. from 1997 to 1998, in schools with large percentages of
Table 1 indicates that elementary and secondary schools students from ESL families, the percentages of students
reported increases in the percentages of students who met who met satisfactory levels of proficiency in mathematics
proficiency standards in mathematics from 1997 to 1998; (r = –.821, p < .000) decreased.
elementary schools reported a larger increase (7.7%) than School characteristics also were related to students’
did secondary schools (4.4%). The differences between ele- mathematics report card grades. The bottom portion of
mentary and secondary school students’ report card grades Table 2 indicates that in large schools, greater percentages
in mathematics from 1997–1998 were dramatic. Elemen- of students earned Ds and Fs on their report cards in math-
tary schools reported an average increase in the proportion ematics (r = .559, p < .059), and higher percentages of stu-
of students who received As and Bs (7.3%) and related dents earned poor or failing mathematics grades over time
decreases in percentages of students who earned Cs (–1.1%) (r = .629, p < .052). In schools that served more poor stu-
and Ds and Fs (–6.1%) on mathematics report cards from dents, smaller percentages of students earned mostly As or
the fall to spring semester. In contrast, secondary schools Bs in mathematics (r = –.581, p < .023), and greater per-
reported an average decrease in the percentages of students centages of students earned mostly Cs (r = .498, p < .059)
who earned As and Bs (–14%) and related increases in per- than did students in other schools.
centages of students who earned mostly Cs (6.3%) and Ds The descriptive statistics indicate that the schools in our
and Fs (7.8%). sample, which served over 10,000 students, had considerable
room to grow to increase the number of students who
School Demographics and Mathematics Achievement reached satisfactory levels of mathematics achievement and
who earned good grades in mathematics. Large schools and
Table 2 shows that mathematics outcomes were related those that served poor students had more students with
to selected school characteristics. Because the sample was unsatisfactory achievement and poor grades. Elementary
March/April 2005 [Vol. 98(No. 4)] 201

TABLE 2. Correlations of School Characteristics With Mathematics Outcomes in Spring 1998, and Change in Outcomes

Free or reduced-price
School size lunch (%) ESL families (%)
Students (%) Spring 1998 Change Spring 1998 Change Spring 1998 Change

Proficient on standardized
mathematics achievement tests –0.701** –0.247 –0.547* –0.347 –0.103 –0.821***

Received mostly As and Bs –0.304 –0.289a –0.581* –0.166 0.032 0.163

Received mostly Cs –0.129 –0.287a 0.498+ 0.340 –0.196 –0.508+
Received mostly Ds and Fs 0.559+ 0.629+a 0.137 –0.097 0.165 0.247

Note. N = 13–15. ESL = English as a second language.

n = 10.
p < .10. *p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

schools tended to have more students who attained satisfac- In almost all instances, schools rated the activities as more
tory scores and good grades than did secondary schools. Also, effective if they implemented the activities. A few of those
on average, elementary school students’ scores and skills contrasts were striking. Offering families videotapes, for
tended to improve over time, whereas secondary school stu- example, was rated as more helpful by schools that used the
dents tended to stagnate or struggle to maintain mathemat- practice than by schools that did not (M = 2.33 vs. M =
ics grades over the school year. The schools varied regarding 1.83). More dramatic differences were found between
whether their students improved or declined over time; stu- schools that did and did not conduct workshops during
dents in some schools made dramatic progress, and students school hours (M = 2.37 vs. M = 1.50) and that did and did
in other schools failed. Tables 1 and 2 indicate that the not assign mathematics homework that required students to
schools in this exploratory study of family involvement and show and discuss skills with their families (M = 2.75 vs. M =
mathematics outcomes were similar in demography, levels of 1.75). Schools may have responded cautiously about the
achievement, and need for improvement to many other ele- effectiveness of activities that they did not implement. They
mentary and secondary schools that are working to improve also might have believed that the activities were difficult to
students’ mathematics scores and grades. implement or that they would not work with families and
students in their schools.
Effectiveness of Partnership Practices Schools differed regarding which activities they imple-
mented for the various types of involvement, and the
The second research question focused on whether the activities for each type varied in effectiveness. For exam-
use and effectiveness of specific school practices for involv- ple, evening workshops for parents (Type 1) were rated
ing families in mathematics were related to student out- more effective than daytime workshops, perhaps because
comes at the school level. Respondents reported on the many parents worked and could not easily go to the
implementation and their perceptions of the effectiveness schools during the day. Teacher-designed interactive
of 14 partnership activities that connected families and the homework and mathematics materials for families and
community to students’ mathematics work and progress. students to use at home (Type 4) were rated more posi-
Table 3 reports the perceived effectiveness of each math- tively for boosting students’ skills than were videotapes.
ematics partnership practice, organized by type of involve- All of the Type 2 communication strategies were viewed
ment for the sample as a whole, and compares schools that as likely effective by the schools that implemented them.
did or did not implement the activity. Three activities The innovative activity of issuing certificates to students
reportedly were used by all schools: (a) giving parents infor- to recognize mastery of specific mathematics skills was
mation on how to contact mathematics teachers, (b) implemented by fewer schools than the more traditional
scheduling conferences with parents of students who were communications, but it was rated highly by the schools
struggling in mathematics, and (c) providing information that used that strategy.
about student progress and problems in mathematics on Schools selected different involvement activities to
report cards. Those three common practices were rated implement and were likely to consider their choices as
among the most effective for helping students improve more successful than activities that they did not use. That
their mathematics achievement. No school in this sample pattern of perceived effectiveness required attention and
reported involving families in mathematics activities with analyses for determining which activities were effective for
their children on Saturdays. improving students’ mathematics proficiency.
202 The Journal of Educational Research

TABLE 3. Ratings of Actual and Estimated Effectiveness of Mathematics Partnership Practices

Practice used by school

Overall Yes No
Mathematics partnership practices M SD M SD n M SD n

Type 1–Parenting workshops

Conduct workshops for parents on mathematics skills and
expectations during the evening. 2.50 0.52 2.63 0.52 8 2.25 0.50 4
Conduct workshops for parents on mathematics skills and
expectations during the daytime or school hours. 2.08 0.79 2.37 0.52 8 1.50 1.00 4
Type 2–Communicating
Schedule individual conferences with parents of students who
are failing mathematics or at risk of failing. 2.65 0.49 2.65 0.49 17 0
Give families information on how to contact the mathematics
teacher at school. 2.62 0.50 2.62 0.50 16 0
Inform parents and students of progress and problems in
mathematics on report cards. 2.59 0.80 2.75 0.45 16 0
Issue certificates for students to take home that recognize mastery
of new mathematics skills. 2.36 0.67 2.75 0.50 4 2.14 0.69 7
Type 3–Volunteering and audience support
Request parent or community volunteers to tutor students in
mathematics. 2.59 0.71 2.57 0.76 14 2.67 0.58 3
Invite parents and the community to assemblies for student
awards for improvement in mathematics. 2.50 0.53 2.67 0.58 3 2.40 0.55 5
Invite parents and the community to assemblies for student
awards for excellence in mathematics. 2.36 0.50 2.43 0.53 7 2.25 0.50 4
Type 4–Learning activities at home
Offer parents or students mathematics game packets or lending-
library activities to use at home. 2.64 0.50 2.75 0.46 8 2.33 0.58 3
Assign students mathematics homework that requires them to
show and discuss mathematics skills with a family member. 2.50 0.73 2.75 0.45 12 1.75 0.96 4
Offer videotapes on mathematics skills that families can view at
school or at home. 2.00 0.70 2.33 0.58 3 1.83 0.75 6
Offer students and families mathematics activities on Saturdays. 2.00 1.07 0 2.00 1.07 8
Type 6–Collaborating with communitya
Organize presentations for students on how mathematics is used
by businesses, government, and industry. 2.00 0.67 2.67 0.52 6 2.17 0.75 6

No mathematics involvement activities were identified that represent Type 5–decision making.

Involvement Activities and Changes in Mathematics tended to score high in 1998, but students’ scores indicate
Achievement that all schools had room for improvement. Also, some ini-
tially low-scoring schools improved student mathematics
In the third research question, we asked whether mathe- scores over time. Given those patterns of relationships, we
matics-related family and community involvement activi- had to consider whether specific activities of family and
ties affected measures of student mathematics achievement. community involvement affected changes in students’ per-
We had to use longitudinal data to account for schools’ prior formance on standardized mathematics examinations.
levels of students’ proficiency on mathematics tests, along We used analyses to explore the connections of eight
with analyses to determine whether school level was the specific family and community involvement activities and
determining factor in explaining achievement. changes at the school level for students’ mathematics pro-
Bivariate correlation analyses showed strong associations ficiency over time. The analyses included only schools
between the percentage of students who scored at or above that reported 2 years of achievement data and practices
proficiency levels in mathematics in 1997 and 1998 (r = that were implemented by elementary and secondary
.904, p < .000). The percentage of students who were pro- schools in the 1997–1998 school year and varied in ratings
ficient in 1997, however, was not significantly associated of effectiveness. We conducted partial correlation analyses
with the change in students’ mathematics achievement test to examine the relationships between the implementation
performance over the 2 school years (r = –.023, ns). The of the practices and changes in the percentages of students
analyses confirmed that schools that scored high in 1997 who scored at or above proficiency levels on achievement
March/April 2005 [Vol. 98(No. 4)] 203

TABLE 4. Partial Correlations of Mathematics Partnership Activities and Percentage of

Students Scoring Satisfactorily on Mathematics Achievement Tests in 1998

Partial correlations controlling for

Prior (1997)
Mathematics partnership practices achievement School level

Type 1–Parenting
Conduct workshops for parents on mathematics skills
and expectations during the evening. .37 .23
Conduct workshops for parents on mathematics skills
and expectations during daytime or school hours. .17 .41
Type 2–Communicating
Provide family members with information about how to
contact students’ mathematics teacher. .24 .25
Conduct parent–teacher conferences to discuss
students’ progress in mathematics. .26 .40
Provide families with information about students’ progress
in mathematics between report cards. .23 .30
Type 3–Volunteering and audience support
Request parent or community volunteers to tutor
students in mathematics. .35 .34
Type 4–Learning at home
Assign students mathematics homework that requires
them to show and discuss mathematics skills with
a family member. .60 .60
Offer parents or students mathematics game packets
or lending-library activities to use at home. .59 .55

Note. Only schools that implemented partnership practice were included in these analyses (N = 7–17). Partial
correlations (pr) of .5 or higher are presented in bold and considered meaningful.

tests. Schools did not report using any Type 5 decision- schools’ prior levels of mathematics achievement, the per-
making involvement activities to improve students’ math- centage of students who attained satisfactory mathematics
ematics skills, and too few schools using Type 6 practices, scores was higher in schools that more effectively assigned
collaborating with the community activities, provided 2 homework that required parent–child interactions (pr =
years of achievement test scores. As a result, we investi- .60) or that offered mathematics materials for families to
gated only the relationships between the implementation take home (pr = .59).
of four types of involvement practices and changes in stu- After statistically accounting for school level, the per-
dents’ performance on standardized mathematics tests. centages of students with satisfactory mathematics profi-
Partial correlations statistically accounted for the influ- ciency in 1998 were associated positively with the same
ence of one variable (e.g., 1997 school mathematics home-learning activities of mathematics homework that
achievement levels) to isolate the association of family required parent–child interactions (pr = .60) and the use of
involvement with improvements in 1998 school mathe- mathematics materials at home (pr = .55). The reported use
matics achievement. That procedure was more appropriate of those activities (a yes or no variable) was unrelated to
than ordinary least squares regression, given the small sam- higher percentages of students who were proficient in
ple of schools in the study. Two sets of partial correlation mathematics, whereas ratings of how well the activities
analyses are shown in Table 4. The first column reports were implemented were associated strongly with changes in
relationships between the effectiveness of family involve- mathematics achievement levels, even after controlling for
ment practices and the percentage of students with at least prior levels of proficiency and school level.
satisfactory mathematics achievement scores in 1998, con-
trolling for 1997 levels of achievement. The second col- Discussion
umn examines the same relationships, controlling for
school level (elementary vs. secondary schools). A diverse sample of schools provided longitudinal data on
The analyses indicate that only one type of involvement students’ mathematics achievement test scores and estimates
(Type 4—learning-at-home-activities) consistently related of the effectiveness of mathematics-focused family and com-
to improvements in students’ performance on mathematics munity involvement practices. Although many questions
achievement tests. After statistically accounting for remain for researchers to address with larger samples of
204 The Journal of Educational Research

schools, the exploratory analyses revealed basic facts about percentages of students who were proficient in mathemat-
(a) levels of mathematics achievement in elementary and ics from 1 year to the next. Activities that supported math-
secondary schools; (b) educators’ perceptions of the efficacy ematics learning included (a) homework assignments that
of using school, family, and community partnerships to required students and parents to interact and talk about
increase student achievement in mathematics; and (c) new mathematics and (b) mathematics materials and resources
associations of mathematics-focused family and community provided for families to use at home. The relationships
involvement activities and changes in students’ performance between implementation of these activities and mathemat-
on mathematics achievement tests. ics achievement were strong and positive, even after we
Selected school characteristics were associated with lev- accounted for the influential variables of schools’ prior
els of student mathematics achievement and patterns of achievement or level of schooling.
change in the percentage of students who were proficient in Respondents provided descriptions of a range of home-
mathematics from 1 year to the next. Large schools and work activities that encouraged parent–child interactions in
high-poverty schools, most in urban areas, reported lower mathematics at home. In one school, students and parents
student mathematics achievement and poorer mathematics were asked to compile a list of 10 ways in which they used
report card grades than did small and more affluent schools. mathematics skills in their everyday lives. Another school
Elementary schools reported that more students were profi- systematized interactive mathematics homework by sending
cient in mathematics and showed more positive changes in home weekly folders that contained mathematics activities
achievement levels over time. Although limited in size, our for children and parents to complete in only 15–20 min a
sample was similar to that of schools across the nation night. Others reported using the Teachers Involve Parents
regarding mathematics achievement levels and other math- in Schoolwork (TIPS) interactive homework process
ematics indicators (Braswell et al., 2001). Those patterns (Epstein, Salinas, & Van Voorhis, 2001); Epstein & Van
reinforce the need for educators to exert extra efforts to Voorhis, 2001) in which students demonstrated mastery of
revise the mathematics curriculum, instructional approach- new mathematics skills for their parents and then discussed
es, quality of teaching, and family and community partner- the use of mathematics in everyday life. Other schools pro-
ships to improve students’ skills and test scores. vided mathematics games and materials that families could
Research on student transitions to middle schools has borrow to conduct parent–child interactions at home.
shown that declines in students’ achievement motivation Our results reinforce the fact that schools must advance
beliefs (e.g., self-competence and the value of school) beyond a belief that any parent involvement activity will
accompany declines in achievement (Eccles et al., 1993; produce important results. We found that rather than use of
Jacobs, Lanza, Osgood, Eccles, & Wigfield, 2002; Wigfield, an activity, the reported quality of implementation was
Eccles, Mac Iver, Reuman, & Midgley, 1991). Moreover, strongly and consistently associated with changes in levels
those changes have been associated with school character- of student mathematics achievement. That finding sup-
istics and practices (Roeser, Eccles, & Sameroff, 2000). The ports and extends previous research that shows that schools
positive effects of involving families in students’ education need to move beyond basic steps when they develop pro-
may suggest that fostering these types of interactions can grams of partnership in order to affect student achievement
help lessen the extent to which adolescents’ transitions test scores (Sheldon, 2003).
into middle school coincide with their declines in motiva- The results of this study support the expectation that sub-
tion and achievement. ject-specific, family-involvement activities will likely affect
Overall, school leaders for partnerships expressed high student outcomes in the targeted curricular subject (Epstein,
levels of confidence that family and community involve- 2001; Sheldon & Epstein, 2003; Simon, 2000; Van Voorhis,
ment activities can help improve student learning and 2001). If schools hope to increase student test performance
achievement in mathematics. We tested the perceptions of in mathematics, for example, they need to strategically plan
those leaders to determine which activities were associated family-involvement activities that encourage and enable
measurably with higher percentages of students with satis- interactions between students and family members relevant
factory levels of mathematics achievement. After account- to the mathematics curriculum. Activities that engage many
ing for prior levels of mathematics proficiency in the families and children in discussing and conducting mathe-
schools, we found that mathematics-focused, learning-at- matics at home are more likely than are other involvement
home activities consistently and positively related to activities to contribute to students increasing and maintain-
improvements in the percentages of students who were pro- ing their mathematics skills.
ficient on mathematics achievement tests. Prior research on family involvement in mathematics has
By identifying two particular activities for Type 4 (learn- shown that interactive mathematics homework increased
ing at home) involvement, our results expand on prior family involvement (Balli et al., 1998). However, that study,
studies that point, in general, to the importance of home- which was conducted in one school with one teacher, could
learning activities. Schools that effectively implemented not link family involvement with increased mathematics
activities that encouraged parents to participate with their achievement. The present study that we conducted with a
children in home learning activities reported improved number of elementary and secondary schools provides initial
March/April 2005 [Vol. 98(No. 4)] 205

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