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Wcam Praticall Suggestion

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DMR Software, Remo De Marzi & C. S.A.S.

via Umbria, 9 36071 Arzignano (VI) Italy

e-mail: info@dmrsoftware.com


CAD-CAM Windows© version


CUTTING A PROFILE ................................................................................................................................ - 4 -
PARALLEL CUTTING WITH DISK............................................................................................................. - 6 -
USING THE GENERATRIX........................................................................................................................ - 8 -
VERTICAL MACHINING OF A PROFILE................................................................................................. - 10 -
CARRYING OUT A HANDRAIL ............................................................................................................... - 12 -
CARRYING OUT A SHOWER BASIN...................................................................................................... - 14 -
PROJECTION ON A SHOWER BASIN (ANTI-SLIP) ............................................................................... - 16 -
CREATING A REGULAR BATH............................................................................................................... - 20 -
CREATING AN IRREGULAR BATH ........................................................................................................ - 23 -
CREATING A DOUBLE REFERENCE BATH .......................................................................................... - 25 -
CREATING A DOUBLE REFERENCE PYRAMID ................................................................................... - 28 -
CARRYING OUT A BATHROOM TOP .................................................................................................... - 30 -
CARRYING OUT A DOUBLE SINK ......................................................................................................... - 34 -
MACHINING WITH ASSOCIATED GENERATRIX .................................................................................. - 35 -
CONSTRAINT GENERATRIX .................................................................................................................. - 37 -
CARRYING OUT A KITCHEN WORK-TOP ............................................................................................. - 39 -
APPLYING MACHINING SEQUENCES .................................................................................................. - 43 -
DEFINITION OF PROJECTION SURFACES .......................................................................................... - 44 -
EXAMPLE OF MACHINING ON AN INCLINED PLANE.......................................................................... - 45 -
MACHINING ON GEOMETRY PROJECTION SURFACES .................................................................... - 46 -
DISK MACHINING OF A PROFILE WITH GENERATRIX ....................................................................... - 47 -
COR DRILL ROUGH MACHINING OF A SINK........................................................................................ - 48 -
MACHINING WITH VERTICAL LATHE (BED) AND HORIZONTAL DISK .............................................. - 50 -
GENARATING 3D MODEL USING 3D SURFACES................................................................................ - 52 -
CARRYING OUT FACING IN TORSION ................................................................................................. - 55 -
BATH ROUGH MACHINING .................................................................................................................... - 57 -

ENGRAVING MACHINING ............................................................................................................. - 61 -

ENGRAVING OF CHARACTERS ........................................................................................................ - 61 -
EXAMPLE OF CARRYING OUT SOME WRITING IN LINE................................................................ - 63 -
EXAMPLE OF BAS RELIEF WRITING ENGRAVING ......................................................................... - 66 -
EXAMPLE OF CARRYING OUT HOLES FOR WRITING ................................................................... - 68 -

5-AXES MACHINES .......................................................................................................................... - 69 -

'VERTICAL TYPE' MACHINING WITH 5-AXES MACHINE WITH DISK............................................. - 72 -
'VERTICAL TYPE' MACHINING FROM STL FORMAT....................................................................... - 74 -
'VERTICAL TYPE' MACHINING SETTING.......................................................................................... - 77 -
EXAMPLE OF 'VERTICAL LATHE TYPE' MACHINING ..................................................................... - 78 -
BAS RELIEF PROJECTION ON A SURFACE DEFINED BY A DIRECTRIX ..................................... - 81 -
PIVOT PROJECTION 5-AXES MACHINING....................................................................................... - 89 -

JET-CUT MACHINES ....................................................................................................................... - 92 -

JET-CUT TYPE MACHINING .............................................................................................................. - 92 -

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LATHE.................................................................................................................................................... - 93 -
ENGRAVING OF A COLUMN WITH A CIRCLE (SMEARED CIRCLE) .............................................. - 93 -
ENGRAVING OF A COLUMN.............................................................................................................. - 94 -
ENGRAVING OF A 2000mm LONG COLUMN WITH 10 36mm DISTANT GROOVINGS ................. - 95 -
CARRYING OUT A SPHERE............................................................................................................... - 97 -
CARRYING OUT A COLUMN.............................................................................................................. - 99 -
CARRYING OUT A COLUMN WITH POLYGONAL SECTION ......................................................... - 102 -
CARRYING OUT A DOUBLE SECTION VASE................................................................................. - 104 -
JOINING TWO SURFACES............................................................................................................... - 106 -

CONFIGURATIONS ........................................................................................................................ - 108 -

SCHEME OF MACHINING POSITIONING BY USING A CAMERA ................................................. - 108 -
PRESETTING PARAMETERS........................................................................................................... - 110 -

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©


We need to cut a 1000 x 500 rectangle from a plate of sufficient dimensions and of 30 mm of thickness.
First of all draw a rectangle:
1) Select the Disegno  Rettangolo (DrawingRectangle) option from the menu.
2) Enter 0,0 P by using the keyboard to enter the position of the vertex on the top left hand corner,
[ ].
3) Enter 1000,-500 P by using the keyboard to complete the drawing, [ ].
4) Select the Lavoro  Lavorazione  Crea (WorkMachiningCreate) option from the menu to insert
the operating data.
5) Press the button to zoom in the drawing area.
6) Please note the arrow above the path indicating the drawing direction.
7) Select the rectangle by left clicking the mouse on the rectangle, the drawing will change colour, then
confirm by right clicking the mouse.
8) Press the Utensili (Tools) button to select the suitable tool for the machining. Place the mouse on the
chosen tool in the list, left click the mouse and then select OK. In this way the selected tool is now
active for the current machining. In this case a milling cutter should be considered. Let us suppose we
have chosen a Ø 25 and 40 mm long milling cutter.
9) Select the position to be taken by the tool relative to the path, keeping under consideration the direction
given by the arrow; in this case the arrow indicates that the drawing will develop clockwise, therefore in
order to obtain a rectangle we must indicate Left.
10) Enter a value of 32 in the Profondità di taglio (Cutting depth) input field to indicate how much it is
necessary to lower the tool with regard to the material surface in order to carry out the work.
11) Press the Ingresso Tangente (Tangent Input) button to insert the distance from the profile thus
allowing the tool to enter in the machining. Insert 50 in Dist. Ingresso and Dist. Uscita (Output
Distance and Input Distance), whilst 30 in %Arco Ingresso and %Arco Uscita (% Arc Input and %
Arc Output). Select OK, then you will return to the previous window with the option now active.

12) Select Esegui (Execute) to calculate the machining, an additional path will be obtained indicating the
tool movement.
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Draw the plate:

LavoroLavorazioneCrea select the rectangle

For the Cutting:

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©


For the Pocketing:

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©



Generatrix Function
To carry out a curved section profile, such as bird’s beak or torus, generally tools with a shape
appropriately created to satisfy this specific need are used. This particular program function allows freely
drawing the section and profile shapes and combining them into a single machining. Apart from the
movement limits of the machine, there are no limits of section size or shape. It is possible to draw simple
geometric shapes such as sphere parts either concave or convex, pyramids, etc., it depends only on your
imagination and the work order you need to satisfy.
Let us suppose for example we need to carry out the internal profile of a shower tray whose vertical section
is made of a straight part lowering of 40mm and receding of 10mm towards the draining and then proceeds
with an arc lowering of 16mm and receding of 20mm. The flat section of the shower tray is a 900x800mm
rectangle with rounded angles with a 100mm radius one of which with a 600mm radius. Proceed as
follows, utilizing some particular functions of the program later on:
1) Start from the flat section by delimiting the object overall dimensions with Disegno  Riferimenti 
Linea di Riferimento Base [Ctrl + B] (Drawing References Base Reference Line). Deactivate the
function by right clicking the mouse.
2) Activate the Disegno  Offset (Drawing Offset) function enabling the creation of parallels to drawing
already present on screen. Enter R900 by using the keyboard which is the width measure of the bath,
the entered value is now displayed on the top left hand side of the screen, under the main menu. Move
the mouse on the vertical reference line, left click the mouse, move to the right of this line then left click
again, this will indicate the program where to trace the parallel. A new vertical reference line will then
be automatically added on screen. Now enter R800, click on the horizontal line and then below it. We
have now obtained the rectangle exactly containing the shower tray.
3) Now select Disegno  Rettangolo, place the mouse close to the intersection of the lines on the top left
hand corner , corresponding to the zero point, the mouse cursor will automatically position on the exact
point, left click, then place the mouse near the intersection on the bottom right hand corner and click
again, thus obtaining a 900x800 rectangle. Now right click the mouse to deactivate the Rectangle
4) Now make the necessary rounding by selecting Edit  Raccordo (Edit Fillet),enter R100 in the
input field, place the mouse on the rectangle top edge and left click, place the mouse on the edge on
the right then left click the mouse, we will then obtain the first fillet with a radius of 100mm. Do the same
with the bottom left side, then with the top left-side edge, here you will need to repeat the procedure
twice as the path start point pertains to this point. Change the R100 value into R600 and carry out the
fillet procedure with the bottom right-side edge.
5) Select Video  Ritraccia (Video Retrace) to regenerate the drawing area.
6) The plane section is now complete, then proceed to draw the vertical section.
7) Activate the Disegno  Offset function that enables the creation of parallels to drawing already present
on screen. Enter R10 by using the keyboard which is the measure of the first horizontal segment
increment. Move the mouse on the vertical reference line, left click the mouse, then move to the right
hand side of the line and click again. Enter R20 by using the keyboard which is the measure of the
horizontal arc increment. Place the mouse on the new vertical reference line, left click, then move to the
right hand side of the line and click again. Enter R40 by using the keyboard which is the measure of the
first vertical segment increment. Move the mouse on the first horizontal reference line on top, left click
with the mouse, then place the mouse below this line and click again. Enter R16 by using the keyboard
which is the measure of the vertical arc increment. Move the mouse on the new horizontal reference line
on top, left click the mouse, then place the mouse below this line and click again.
8) Before moving on to the following steps we should enlarge the concerned area for a more comfortable
work. Move the mouse to the top left hand side with respect to the ZERO point, holding the Ctrl key
depressed left click the mouse, release the Ctrl key, move the mouse to the bottom right hand side of
the area to be enlarged and click again.
9) Now place the mouse on the ZERO point, left click the mouse, then place the mouse on the intersection
delimiting the segment end point and click, select Arco fino al Punto Finale (Arc until the End Point) on
the left hand side of the screen which is the second button from top. Place the mouse on the

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©


intersection of the arc end point references and left click with the mouse, right click the mouse to
deactivate the drawing function. In this way we have obtained the vertical section drawing.
10) To display the shower tray drawing area, now select the Zoom Area Disegno (Drawing Area Zoom),
the magnifying glass icon on the bottom left hand corner.

11) Execute Lavoro  Lavorazione  Crea, select the plane section drawing and right click the mouse.
12) Select the button beside the Generatrice (Generatrix) button, which is deactivated for the moment. The
program now waits for the generating curve to be selected, which is the vertical section drawing; just
place the mouse on it and then left click with the mouse. You will now be presented again with the
operating parameters window with the Generatrix button now active.
13) Select Utensili and choose a milling cutter suitable for the work you are going to perform, let us
suppose we need to carry out a contouring only. To automatically join the contouring passes without
lifting the tool from the material, select Destra, Passate Successive Collegate (Right, Multiple
Successive Passes), then click on Generatrice and select the generatrix profile.
14) Select Esegui and the program will perform the work calculations, displaying the tool movement path.
15) Proceed to simulate and save the machining by selecting Simulazione e Registrazione della

In Definizione della Generatrice (Generatrix Definition), within the Definizione della Lavorazione
(Machining Definition) window, the icon on the top right hand corner activates the machining in the
direction of the plane section drawing, while the figure at the bottom can only be used in some appropriate
machines intended to machine the profile in the generatrix direction.
Sviluppo Inverso (Reversed Development) employs the generatrix drawing so that the end point
coincides with the tool position close to the contour drawing, in other words, it allows to draw the final
contour profile instead of the initial one. This option is useful to delete or reverse the fillets the program
inserts in the tool movement path. If , for instance, we apply the same generatrix to a square, in case
Sviluppo Inverso is not active, a tool path which executes fillet arcs in the edges will be obtained, if it is
active and the final square has been drawn instead of the initial square, the edges will be performed at an

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©



Vertical Development Function
Let us suppose we need to carry out an inclined lowered rectangle using a disk oriented in the X-X
direction. The shape to be carried out will be that of a plane thrusting linearly from the edge of the material
on the left of the piece of 50 mm towards the right at a distance of 500 mm; its profile in the Y-Y direction
will be horizontal and of 300 mm of width. Basically we want to obtain a 500x300 rectangle leaning of 50
mm from left to right.
1) Disegno Riferimenti Linee di Riferimento Base (Drawing  References  Base Reference
2) Disegno Offset Enter 500 by using the keyboard. Click on the vertical reference line and then on the
right hand side of the line. Enter 300 and repeat as above. Enter 50, click on the horizontal line and
below it. Deactivate the Offset function by RIGHT clicking the mouse.
3) Click on 0,0 to start drawing and then on 500,0 on the intersections of the reference lines, deactivate by
RIGHT clicking the mouse; this line will define the rectangle width, its orientation in the machine plane
and its development in the X-Y plane.
4) Click on 0,0 and then on 500,-50, deactivate by RIGHT clicking the mouse to obtain the Z path of the
machining, linear in this case.
5) Click on 0,-50 and on 300,-50, deactivate by RIGHT clicking the mouse to obtain the profile shape
perpendicular to the vertical development, the generatrix.

6) Execute Lavoro
Crea, select the longest horizontal line defining the profile course in
the plane, confirm by RIGHT clicking the mouse.

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©


7) Click on Utensile and select a suitable Disk.

8) Select the button beside the Generatrice button now deactivated, select the shortest horizontal line
defining the profile path perpendicular to the first selection, the machining window appears again.
9) Select Generatrice, now active, and enter in Passo Generatrice a Generatrix Pitch a value compatible
with the machining and the tool employed, 8 for example, select Direzione Opposta (Opposite
10) Click on the Sviluppo Verticale (Vertical Development) button, select the inclined line defining the
machining vertical path, the machining window appears again, activate Passate Successive Collegate
(Multiple Successive Passes), enter 0 in Profondità (Depth), activate SX (LEFT) and then select

By varying the shape of the Base Drawing, of the Generatrix and the Vertical Development, various shapes
of profiles and surface paths can be obtained, limited only by the available machine functions.

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©



Generatrix, Vertical Development Function
Trace the plan view of the axis of the machining to be carried out.
Trace the depth path of the axis from a lateral view.
Trace the generatrix representing half of the complete section.

Create new machining by selecting the machining

axis, RIGHT click the mouse, activate Generatrice
and select the generatrix, activate Sviluppo
verticale and select the inclined line, activate the
Destra (Right) option button.
In order to carry out the part on the left hand side
add new machining and activate Sinistra (Left).

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DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©



It is possible to continue from point 13) within the ‘Using the Generatrix’ example performing digging
instead of contouring and then proceed to carry out a complete shower basin. The Drawing procedure is
identical to the previous one, only a part of the Work definition differs.

1) Within the Definizione della Lavorazione (Machining Definition) window complete the procedure for
the Taglio (Cut) select Tasca (Pocket) to activate the definition of new parameters window.

2) Select Definizione thus opening the Definizione Tasca (Pocketing Definition) window with the new

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©


3) Enter a value equal to about 80% of the tool diameter in Passo di Scansione (Scanning Pitch),
activate Concentrica (Concentric), Concentriche Collegate (Multiple Concentrics) and
Concentriche Dal Centro (Concentrics From the Centre) to perform the digging by passes which
starting from the centre enlarge until the contour without lifting the tool from the material. In the section
marked as Fondo Convergente (Scarico) (Convergent Bottom) define the draining position in the
shower tray with regard to the start point in the contour drawing path, in this case it is on the top left
hand corner therefore we can enter 100 in Spostamento X (Displacement), 600 in Scostamento Y to
indicate the draining position, 8 in Incremento Profondità (Depth Increment) with respect to the bath
bottom, 200 in Numero Sezioni (Section number) to indicate the number of movements the machine
performs from the counter to the draining and vice versa, select Attivazione (Activate).
4) In the Posizione di Penetrazione Fissa (Fixed Penetration Position) section enter 100 in
Scostamento X, 600 in Scostamento Y and as above for the tool lowering point and select
5) Select OK and then Esegui. Then follow the Machining Simulation and Save procedure.

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©



It is better to use the same tool to complete the whole machining. The overall depth will be of 70+gradient
=80 for a shower basin including a series of hemispheres laid on the bottom convergent to the draining
which are intended to be ‘anti-slip’. Of course instead of hemispheres other shapes could be inserted at
will, also simpler shapes. Draw the plate in the usual way, the internal contour generatrix and draw the
shapes to be projected on the bottom convergent to the outer contours generatrix.

1) Select pocket recess machining with selection of path A until the depth of 40mm with convergence
already predetermined to ease the subsequent work.

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©


2) Machining of hemispheres projected on the convergent bottom with selection of path C and
generatrix D, to indicate the projection use the appropriate ATTIVAZIONE PROIEZIONE SU
FONDO CONVERGENTE button. Please note that the Cutting Depth value in Profondità di Taglio
input box should be of 40mm in order to start the generatrix machining from the convergent plane.

3) Pocket machining between the hemispheres and the shower basin contour with selection of Path B
and F. Please note that the Cutting Depth value in Profondità di Taglio should be of 70 to set the
machining on the plane underneath the hemispheres. The C and B path should be selected
together, while when selecting Attivazione proiezione su fondo convergente (Activate the
Projection on convergent bottom) select the B path.

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©


4) Contour machining with selection of contour A and generatrix E, performed as usual.

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The 4 machining paths generated to complete the machining are displayed as follows:

1 2

3 4

3D Simulation: the anti-slip hemispheres are projected on the bottom convergent to the shower basin

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©



To carry out a regular bath or a bath exactly defined from a geometrical point of view follow the same
procedure carried out for the shower basin. To vary the example we will consider a vertical contour bath.
Let us suppose we need to perform a 600x450mm rectangular sink with rounded corners with a 80mm
radius and a depth of180mm.
1) Create the plane section delineating the object overall dimensions by selecting Disegno  Riferimenti
 Linea di Riferimento Orizzontale (Drawing References Horizontal Reference Line), place the
mouse close to point 0,0, press SHIFT and then left click with the mouse, a reference line passing from
that point will be inserted. Repeat the procedure selecting Disegno  Riferimenti  Linea di
Riferimento Verticale (Drawing Reference Vertical Reference Line). Deactivate the function by right
clicking the mouse.
2) Activate the Disegno  Offset function which enables us to create parallels to drawings already
present on screen. Enter 600 by using the keyboard which is the bath width measure, the entered value
will be displayed in the input field on the top left hand corner of the screen, under the main menu. Move
the mouse on the vertical reference line, left click, place the mouse on the right of this line then left click
again, this will indicate the program where to trace the parallel. A new vertical reference line will then be
automatically added on screen. Now enter 450 in the input field, click on the horizontal line and then
below it. We have now obtained the rectangle exactly containing the bath.

3) Now select Disegno  Rettangolo, place the mouse close to the intersection of the lines on the top left
hand corner, corresponding to zero point, the mouse cursor will automatically position to the exact point,
left click the mouse, place the mouse close to the lines intersection on the bottom right hand corner and
click again, thus obtaining a 600x450 rectangle. Now right click to deactivate the Rectangle function.
4) Now carry out the necessary rounding by selecting Edit  Raccordo (Edit Fillet),enter R80 in the
input field, place the mouse on the top rectangle edge then left click, place the mouse on the right-side
edge then left click, we will then obtain the first fillet with a radius of 80mm. Do the same with the other
sides at the bottom, on the right and on the left, then with the top left-side edge, here we will need to
repeat the procedure twice as the path star point pertains to this point.
DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©

5) SelectVideo  Ritraccia to regenerate the drawing area.

6) The plane section is complete, then proceed with the vertical section drawing.
7) To display the bath drawing area, now select Zoom Area Disegno, the magnifying lens icon on the
bottom left hand corner.
8) Select Lavoro  Lavorazione  Crea, select the drawing and right click with the mouse.
9) Click on Utensili and select a milling cutter suitable for the work you are going to perform, a recess-
breaking milling cutter for instance. Select Destra, Passate Successive Collegate (Multiple
Successive Passes) to automatically join the contouring passes without lifting the tool from the
material, enter 180 in Profondità (Depth) and 5 in Passo (Pitch) to indicate the distance between the
various vertical passes.

10) Select Tasca to activate the Pocketing parameters definition window.

11) Enter a value equal to about 80% of the tool diameter in Passo di Scansione, activate Concentrica,
Concentriche Collegate and Concentriche Dal Centro to perform the digging by passes which
enlarge starting from the centre until the contour without lifting the tool from the material.
12) In the Posizione di Penetrazione Fissa section enter the X and Y Displacement in Scostamento X
and Y click on the mouse icon and select the tool penetration point at the bath centre and select
Attivazione. It is possible to manually input the dimensions.
13) Take a further step by adding the finishing machining of the just defined digging, select Lavoro 
Lavorazione  Aggiungi and the program will automatically add subsequent machining with the same

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14) To carry out only the contouring you just need to deactivate Tasca by clicking with the mouse on the
Taglio button.
15) For a better result of the machining on the surface select a different Tool in Utensile.
16) Change the Pitch by entering a lower value in Passo, 1 for instance and select Esegui. In this way 2
successive machining on the same contour are calculated, the first one is a digging and the second one
a contouring finish.
17) Then follow the Machining Simulation and Save the procedure.

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©



Creating 3D surfacesConvex Function
An irregular bath is a bath which is not defined with strict geometrical precision. Its dimensions in general
will be precise, however it will not be possible to exactly establish each point position on the surface, the
judgement will be made only on aesthetic constraints, assessed by the operator. Let us suppose we need
to perform the internal part of a 500x400x180 sink with the upper side straight and the other sides curved.
The curvature radius proceeding from the top will be of 100mm and it will then blend downwards with a
radius of 250mm.
1) Create the plane section delineating the object overall dimensions by selecting Disegno  Riferimenti
 Linea di Riferimento Orizzontale, place the mouse close to point 0,0, press SHIFT and then left click
the mouse, a reference line passing from that point will be inserted. Repeat the procedure activating
Disegno  Riferimenti  Linea di Riferimento Verticale. Deactivate the function by right clicking the

2) Select the Disegno  Offset function which enables us to create parallels to drawings already present
on screen. Enter 500 by using the keyboard which is the bath width measure, the entered value will be
displayed in the input field on the top left hand corner of the screen, under the main menu. Move the
mouse on the vertical reference line, left click the mouse, place the mouse on the right of this line then
left click again, this will indicate the program where to trace the parallel. A new vertical reference line
will then be automatically added on screen. Now enter 400, in the input field, click on the horizontal line
and then below it. We will now exactly get the rectangle containing the bath.
Enter 250 in the input field, click on the bottom horizontal line and then above it. Click on the vertical
line/on the left hand side and then on the right of the line. Now right click the mouse to deactivate the
Offset function. Start drawing by left clicking the mouse with the cursor on the intersection of the
central horizontal reference line and the left vertical reference line, activate Arco per 3 Punti (Arc by 3
Points) by using the buttons on the left hand side of the screen. Click on the bottom middle intersection
and then on the right in the middle to make the 250mm radius arc. Select Linea (Line) on the left hand

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side of the screen, click on the intersection on the top right hand corner, click on the intersection on the
top left hand corner and in the middle on the right to close the contour.

3) Now carry out the necessary rounding by selecting Edit Raccordo, enter R100 in the input field, place
the mouse on the edge on the left hand corner, left click, place the mouse on the top edge, left click and
then we will obtain the first fillet with a radius of 100mm. Repeat the procedure with the angle on the top
right hand corner. The plane section is now complete.
4) Select Video Ritraccia to regenerate the drawing area.
5) Add a horizontal reference line beneath the other traced lines by selecting Disegno  Riferimenti 
Linea di Riferimento Orizzontale and left click the mouse.
6) Select the Disegno Offset function, enter 180 which is the bath depth, the entered value will now be
displayed in the input field on the top left hand corner of the screen, under the main menu. Place the
mouse on the horizontal reference line that has just been inserted on screen and left click, place the
mouse underneath and click again.
7) Between the two final horizontal lines we must draw the horizontal and vertical section of the bath
respectively. You should imagine to cut the sink with a vertical plan, first horizontally and then vertically.
The program will later on use the two sections together with the contour drawing to develop a three-
dimensional surface constrained by these 3 geometries only.
8) To try this procedure click the mouse on the highest horizontal line, the drawing will automatically start
with a point and an elastic segment waiting for the subsequent point.
9) Manually enter @10,-160P so as to draw a segment downward directed and lightly leaning right with an
end point at a distance of 10 and 160 from the starting point.
10) Select the Arco (Arc) function on the left hand side of the screen and manually enter @20,-20P then
@240,180 carrying out the sink vertical section made of a straight part, a fillet arc and an arc. Then right
click to end the drawing mode.
11) Now click again on a point at your choice along the highest reference line, select Arco con Punto
Finale e Intermedio (Arc with Final and Intermediate Point), click on the right of the previous point at
about 450mm and then approximately in the middle between the two points but moving to the
underneath reference. The horizontal measures don’t need to be exactly indicated, the program will
later manage them by constraining them to the plane contour.
12) Now press the Zoom Area Disegno button, the magnifying lens icon on the bottom left hand corner to
display the total bath drawing area.
13) Select Bassorilievi Creazione Superfici 3D Convessa (Bas-relief  Create 3D Surfaces ,
Convex), the Seleziona traccia orizzontale (Select horizontal path) writing will appear on the top
right hand corner of the screen waiting for the horizontal section to be selected, then Seleziona traccia
verticale (Select vertical path) appears waiting for the vertical section to be selected, finally Seleziona
Disegno Base (Select Base Drawing) until the plane contour will be selected.
14) The window where to enter some parameters for the surface calculation appears. Enter 3 in Passo
Griglia (Grid Pitch) which defines the precision and therefore the number of points making up the
surface, the smaller this value, the bigger the disk record size of the calculated points and the longer the
calculation time of subsequent machining will be. A value of 10 in Ampiezza Bordo (Rim Width), in
general greater than the Passo (Pitch), allows to gently define the initial bath rim.
15) The grey scale image of the 3D surface created will appear on screen in the X-Y plane. It represents
the sink in top view with the grey shades corresponding to the points depth on the surface. By selecting
Bassorilievi Rendering (Bas-relief  Rendering) the image may be viewed in realistic three-
dimensional format. If you like it is now possible to save the surface in internal compressed format by
selecting Bassorilievi Registra Formato Wcam (Bas-Relief  Save Wcam Format).

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Double Reference,Taper function
This procedure can be employed from the 2K(32bit) version onwards; it allows the creation of baths and
contours having a shape depending on a profile passing from the base shape to a different bottom shape.
It may be used for example to carry out either baths with an oval shape on top and round at the bottom or
semicircular baths with the front side made of arcs, convergent to the bottom moved backwards (stoup).
Draw a base profile in the drawing area and the bottom profile in top view, perfectly aligned with the base
one. Draw the section shape considered as the generatrix representing the bath contour path from top to
bottom. The program transforms the bath shape from base profile to bottom profile following the generatrix

1) Now proceed to define the machining; select Lavoro

Crea, select the outer contour
and confirm by right clicking the mouse. The Parametri di Lavorazione (Machining Parameters)
window will appear, click on Utensile, select the recess-breaking milling cutter, according to the path
direction select Destra or Sinistra (Right or Left) in order to work the internal area. Activate Passate
Successive Collegate and Penetrazione Elicoidale (Helical Penetration) (it allows performing the tool
lowering in the material with circular motion).
2) Select Disegno di Riferimento 2 (Reference Drawing), return to the drawing area, LEFT click the
mouse on the end machining path, return to the Parametri di Lavorazione window.
3) Select Generatrice, return to the drawing area, LEFT click the mouse on the Generatrix path, return to
the Parametri di Lavorazione window.

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4) Go to the Generatrix definition window, activate Direzione Opposta, Compensazione Forma

Utensile, Lineare (Opposite Direction, Tool Shape Compensation, Linear) and enter the
Generatrix Pitch value in Passo Generatrice which can vary from 4 to 10 depending on the tool and
the material.
5) Select Tasca, enter the Scanning Pitch value in Passo Scansione (about 60% of the tool diameter),
activate Sfondamento Zona Centrale (Central Area Breakthrough), Concentriche Collegate,
Concentriche dal Centro, Attivazione Lavorazione Tasca, select Attivazione Posizione
Penetrazione Fissa, go back to the drawing area, LEFT click on the point where you intend to make
the tool lower, return to the Parametri di Lavorazione window.
6) In case you decide to perform also the finish machining, once the roughing has been completed, select
Stessa Traccia Aggiungi Lavoro (Same Path Add Work), deactivate Attivazione Lavorazione
Tasca, in the Taglio definition window, choose the tool, deactivate Penetrazione Elicoidale, activate
Rastrematura Passate (Taper Passes) in the Generatrice window and adjust the Generatrix Pitch in
Passo Generatrice.

Taper passes enables the various depth levels reached by the tool to gradually get one close to the other
as they move towards the bath bottom; in this way it is possible to effectively work also the lower part which
otherwise would not be machined beyond the last reached level.

If machining the outer side of the bath, in order to maintain the thickness constant you should perform the
base drawing offset towards the outside at a distance equal to the required thickness, besides you should
draw the profile path from top to bottom, from left to right, increased by the vertical thickness.

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To carry out the machining, the procedure to select the paths is identical to the procedure performed for the
internal machining and within the Generatrice window Sviluppo Inverso (Reverse Development) should
be activated. Unlike the internal machining for the roughing don’t use Tasca (Pocketing) but enter the
Cutting Pitch in Passo di Taglio to carry out each contouring level by means of more passes.

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Double Reference Function
You need to draw the two pyramid sections and the generatrix

Select Lavoro

Select Section A and confirm.

The machining parameters
window appears. The reference
drawing two is Section B, set as
Carefully select the vectors
direction. Ticking the Raccordo
Lavorazione a Spigolo (Edge
Fillet Machining) check box is
irrelevant as the work will be the
same in both cases. If it is ticked
the machining time will be a little

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Tangent Input, Predrilling Function
Let us suppose we need to carry out a Bathroom Top of 1300mm of width, 600mm of height with a central
arc protrusion (radium of 600mm) blended to the top line, at a distance of 400 from the bottom, with a
radium of 150mm and rounded lateral edges with a radius of 50mm.
1) Start from the plane section by delimiting the object overall dimensions selecting
Disegno Riferimenti Linea di Riferimento Orizzontale, place the mouse near the point 0,0, press
SHIFT and then left click, a reference line passing from that point will be inserted. Repeat the procedure
selecting Disegno Riferimenti Linea di Riferimento Verticale. Deactivate the function by right
clicking the mouse.

2) Select the Disegno  Offset function which enables us to create parallels to drawings already present
on screen. By using the keyboard enter 1300 which is the Top width measure, the entered value will be
displayed in the input field on the top left hand corner of the screen, under the main menu. Move the
mouse on the vertical reference line, left click, place the mouse on the right of this line then left click
again, this will indicate the program where to trace the parallel. A new vertical reference line will then be
automatically added on screen. Now enter 600 in the input field, click on the horizontal line and then
below it. We now obtain the rectangle containing the Top.
3) Enter 400, click on the top reference and then below it thus obtaining the line of the vanity utility. Enter
650, click on the reference on the left and then on the right of the reference thus obtaining the centre
4) Place the cursor on the intersection of the centre line reference and the lower horizontal reference, left
click the mouse, select Arco col Centro (Arc with Centre) in the toolbar on the left hand side of the
screen. Move close to the intersection of the centre line and the highest horizontal reference, so as to
obtain a distance of 600mm from the start point which will be the centre of the arc projecting forward.
Move to the right beyond the intermediate horizontal reference line and click thus obtaining an arc with
a radius of 600mm.

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5) Trace a horizontal line above the intermediate reference from the centre to the end point on the right so
that it intersects the previous arc.

6) Select Edit
Taglia (Edit  Cut) from the menu, select the horizontal segment as end point, right click
the mouse and then select the part of the arc projecting from the top of the segment. Right click with the
mouse and select again Edit Taglia, select the arc, right click with the mouse and select the segment
part projecting on the left.

7) Activate Cancella (Delete) in the toolbar on the left hand side of the screen, remove the exceeding
parts, right click with the mouse. Now trace the right lateral segment to complete this contour part.
Select Edit Percorso Collegamento Automatico (Edit  Path  Automatic Connection) to
connect the 3 parts of the drawing.

8) Select Edit
Specchio (Edit  Mirror), select the drawing, confirm by right clicking with the mouse,
click on 2 separate points on the centre line reference, thus obtaining the complete profile. Double right
click. Execute Edit
Percorso Collegamento Automatico to connect the 2 parts of the drawing.

9) Now carry out the necessary rounding by selecting Edit Raccordo,enter R50 in the input field, place
the mouse on the left lateral edge, left click, place the mouse on the right horizontal edge, left click and
we will obtain the first fillet with a radius of 50mm. Do the same with the right hand side angle. Now
enter the R150 value and carry out the fillet procedure for the edges between the arc and the horizontal

10) Select Video

Ritraccia to regenerate the drawing area. Now let us imagine we need to carry out a
450x350 centre elliptic hole at a distance of 100mm from the arc, internally.

11) Enter 100 in the input field, click on the bottom reference and above it, enter 350, click on the last
inserted reference and above it, enter 450/2= to calculate the distance from the centre of the ellipse
breadth. In this way we will obtain the overall dimensions of the hole.

12) Select Disegno

Ellisse (Drawing
 Ellipse), place the mouse on the intersection on the top left
hand side, left click, place the mouse on the bottom right hand corner and left click. We will obtain an
elastic figure waiting for a value to be entered for the smallest fillet arc, manually enter R130P and the
ellipse will be displayed, then right click with the mouse to deactivate the procedure.

13) Now press Zoom Area Disegno, the magnifying glass lens bottom on the left hand corner to display
the total drawing area of the Bathroom Top.

14) Check for the arrows direction as during machining the tool will have to be placed to the right or the left
of the path according to this direction in order to obtain the desired piece.

15) Proceed to enter the position for the tap holes, let us imagine we need to carry out a centre hole at a
distance of 100mm from the ellipse and 2 lateral holes at a distance of 100mm from the ellipse and
100mm from the centre hole.

16) Select Disegno

Offset, enter R100, select the ellipse by left clicking with the mouse and then click
outside the ellipse, right click to deactivate.

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17) Execute Disegno

Centro più Punto (Drawing
 Centre plus Point), activate
Collegamento alle Posizioni in Quadratura (Connection to the Quadrature Positions) in the toolbar on
the bottom left hand corner of the screen, holding SHIFT depressed move the mouse close to the
highest position of the new ellipse, left click with the mouse, enter R100P. Activate Collegamento alla
Intersezione (Intersection Connection), holding SHIFT depressed move the mouse close to the
intersections where to indicate holes position, left click with the mouse, right click, move to the following
one, left click and then right click.

18) Activate Cancella Elementi del Disegno (Delete Drawing Elements), select the circle and the greatest
ellipse, confirm by right clicking with the mouse.

19) Select Edit

Riferimenti (Edit  Delete

20) Select File

Registra il Disegno (File  Save the Drawing) it is useful to store the work for
subsequent stages.

21) Proceed to define the machining; select Lavoro

Crea, select the outer contour and
confirm by right clicking the mouse.

22) The Parametri di Lavorazione window appears, click on Utensile, select the milling Cutter, according
to the path direction select Destra (Right), enter the Cutting Depth in Profondità di Taglio, click on
Ingresso Tangente (Tangent Input) and enter a value of 80 in Dist. Ingresso, 80 in Dist. Uscita, 30
in % Arco Ingresso, 30 in % Arco Uscita, using a start point and release point for the tool at a distance
of 80mm along the perpendicular from the contour and an arc approach movement of 30% of width and
90 degrees. Select OK.

23) Select Stessa Traccia Aggiungi Lavoro, to add new machining, select Utensile, click on
Preforatura, Utensile and select a core drill of sufficient diameter for the milling cutter.

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24) Perform the previous procedure for all the tools to be added to the machining, for example a
contouring machining could be composed of: Predrilling and Cutting, routing with diamond shaped tool
1,2,3, shaped tool to polish in resin 1,2,3.

25) Then select Esegui and wait for the machining calculation.

26) If the tools sequence employed is often applied it is possible to save it for a very quick use; you just
need to select LavoroSequenze Registra from the menu, indicate a name and select OK. If for
example you want to use the same sequence for the ellipse cutting select
Lavoro Sequenze Applica (Work  Sequences Apply), select the internal counter by left
clicking with the mouse, confirm by right clicking and execute Lavoro
(Work  Machining  Recalculate).

27) Add the tab holes by selecting Lavoro

Aggiungi, select by left clicking with the
mouse on the holes and right click to confirm, enter the suitable core drill as tool in Utensile and select

28) The program will automatically employ the tools in the correct sequence, that is core drills first, then
milling cutters, etc. according to the Priority value given to the tool.

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Draw the paths to work in Wcam:

ROUGH MACHINING: LavoroLavorazioneCrea

Select the 1500mm long path portion
and confirm by right clicking with the

The machining parameters window

appears, tick Generatrice and select the
500mm long path.
By default the value of Passo di Taglio
(Cutting Pitch) is =50 considering a soft
The other parameters are shown in the
Figure on the side.

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FINISH: LavoroLavorazioneCrea

Select the 1500mm long path portion

and right click with the mouse to

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This type of generatrices should be employed in case you wish to carry out a shape with different
generatrices. When drawing the generatrix must always be on the start point of the path, the second one
should be drawn at centre distance from the ellipse if you wish to have a symmetrical shaped bath or
anywhere, see 1 example:

The two generatrices are not associated machining processes, therefore to use this function you should
edit and change the two generatrices properties by selecting NO LAV/ASS as follows:

EDIT THE VECTORselect the generatrix

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LAVOROLAVORAZIONECREA Select the drawing (ellipse)

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The constraint generatrix is a function which enables to create machining constraining more Z variable
profiles to the generatrix. The work method and an example of machining are shown as follows.

The base path (green) considers a NoLav path type (red) with N nodes beyond the start point overlapped
to its start point, for the recognition of the constrained structure.
Other N paths start from these N nodes.
Each green and blue path has a Z value in the various nodes to define the section depth. For each group of
2 paths the calculation considers 3 sections of the model at the start, middle and end point; in this way the
maximum distance and consequently the number of paths to perform for the machining are calculated.

Determine the number of sections to consider by dividing the longest path by the distance Dflt.PssSpl.
For each section we derive the polyline joining the intersections, multiply by the Work.ProfSpl (Variable
Depth) coefficient and convert the derived path into compensated path (Tool Shape). Along the
compensated path consider a series of points equal to the number of paths to derive and transmit them to
a data structure generating the final path.

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Now let us see an example in Wcam. The first generatrix (white path) and a series of other generatrices
(No Lav/Ass), all connected to the same path (straight line) have been drawn.

Editing each No Lav/Ass node it is possible to assign a different Z height for that point, in the Posizione Z
(%B-Sp.) input field. Then the machining should be performed as usual, by selecting Generatrice Vincolata
and entering a value [1] in the Profondità Penetrazione Variabile (Variable Penetration Depth) input
field, within the VARIAZIONE PROFONDITA’ DI TAGLIO (Variation of Cutting Depth) window, which can
be selected by clicking on the icon beside Profondità di Taglio as you can see from the figure. This value
is multiplied by each value entered in PosizioneZ(%BSp.) to calculate in proportion the actual Z lowering
of the tool.

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©



Inclined Bottom, Surface Polishing Cycle, Sequences Function
The work to be carried out includes a 800x600 rectangular plane with the front edges rounded with a
radium of 150, inside this a 700x500 lowered inclined rectangle that from 2mm of depth on the left reaches
5mm on the right with rounded edges, a radius of 100 and a 400x400 hole moved to the right with rounded
edges with a radius of 50.
1) Start delimiting the object overall dimensions by selecting Disegno Riferimenti Linea di
Riferimento Orizzontale, place the mouse near the 0,0 point, press SHIFT and then left click with the
mouse, a reference line passing from that point will be inserted. Repeat the procedure activating
Disegno Riferimenti Linea di Riferimento Verticale. Deactivate the function by right clicking the
2) Activate the Disegno  Offset function which enables us to create parallels to the drawing already
present on screen. Enter 800 by using the keyboard which is the Work-top width measure, the entered
value will be displayed in the input field on the top left hand corner of the screen, under the main menu.
Move the mouse on the vertical reference line, left click the mouse, move to the right of this line then left
click again, this will indicate the program where to trace the parallel. A new vertical reference line will
then be automatically added on screen. Now enter 600 in the input field click on the horizontal line and
then below it. We now obtain exactly the rectangle containing the Work-top.

3) Enter 50, click on the top reference and then below it, click on the left reference and then to the right of
it, click on the reference above and below this one, then click on the reference on the right and on the
left of it thus obtaining the contour of the lowered plane. Then we obtain the parallels inside the lowered
plane on the right, below and above, then enter 400 to subsequently obtain the hole width.
4) Select Disegno  Rettangolo and insert the three concentric rectangles.
5) Select Edit  Cancella  Riferimenti.
6) Now select Zoom Area Disegno, the magnifying lens icon on the bottom left hand corner to display the
total drawing area of the Work-top.
7) Select Edit  Raccordo, enter R150 by using the keyboard and add the rounding laterally to the side
underneath, then enter R100 and round the lowered plane, then enter R50 and round the hole square.

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8) Select Collegamento al punto medio (Middle Point Connection) and Aggiunge un Punto al Disegno
(Adds a point to the Drawing) within the buttons on the left hand side of the screen, holding SHIFT
pressed down place the mouse close to the left side of the internal square and click, thus adding an
intermediate point, do the same for the lowered plane contour, in order to make any subsequent
machining easier. Deactivate by right clicking with the mouse.
9) Select Sposta Partenza Percorso Chiuso (Move Closed Path Start) always on the left hand side of the
screen and make the square and the lowered plane starting point overlap with the points just inserted.
Deactivate by right clicking the mouse. Now the drawing is complete.
10) It is necessary to have on record the machining sequences for the contour, the lowered plane and the
hole in order to proceed very quick, if they are on file then skip the subsequent steps of their creation
and proceed to execute their application.

Lowered Plane Machining Sequence.

The machining that we suggest applies the following tools:
a) Slabbing cutter to level the inclined plane.
b) Up to 6 angle milling cutters for the angled rim of the lowered plane with different grit size
ranging from Rough Machining to Polishing.
c) Up to 6 Polishing Grinding Wheels for the Work-top plane.
1) Select Lavoro  Lavorazione  Crea, select the lowered plane contour and confirm by right clicking
the mouse.
2) The Parametri di Lavorazione window appears, click on Utensile, select the la Slabbing cutter, let us
suppose with a diameter of 80mm, according to the path direction select Destra (Right), click on Taglio
to make Tasca come out.
3) Select Definizione, enter in Passo di Scansione a value of about 80% of the tool diameter, therefore
60. Select Concentrica, Concentriche Collegate for a machining enlarging from the plane centre to
the contour. In the Posizione di Penetrazione section, enter 350 in Scostamento X, 0 in
Scostamento Y and select Attivazione to lower the tool on the plane centre. Select OK.
4) You will automatically return to the previous window, enter 2 in Profondità di Taglio, 2.5 in Passo.
5) Select Fondo Inclinato (Inclined Bottom), enter 3 in Incremento Profondità (Depth Increment) and
then select OK.

6) Select Stessa Traccia Aggiungi Lavoro, select the appropriate Tool in Utensile (roughing angle
milling cutter), enter 0 in Passo and select Taglio, deactivating Tasca, add Ingresso Tangente and
check CN to force the tool radius compensation in the machine.
7) Repeat the previous step with all the angle milling cutters until the rim has been polished.
8) Click on Stessa Traccia Aggiungi Lavoro, select the Tool (Utensile) for the inclined plane (polishing
grinding wheel), Passo 0 is already set, in Incremento Correzione R/L enter a value starting for
DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©

example from 1 for the first tool to scale down to the last tool to be used in the sequences when we will
enter 0. However select Tasca instead of Taglio, in Definizione ensure that the Scanning Pitch in the
Passo di Scansione input field corresponds to about 80% of the tool diameter and select OK.

9) Press Pseudo-Cicloide (Pseudo-Cycloid). In the definition window, select the underneath image as
work path, enter 80 in Passo (about like the tool diameter), 120 in Diametro (150% of the tool
10) Repeat the previous step for all the polishing grinding wheels, varying the parameters of the Pseudo-
Cycloid and the Scanning Pitch of the Pocketing so that the successive movements of the various
grinding wheels will not exactly overlap, in order to obtain a better result.
11) Then select Esegui to calculate the tools movement, select Lavoro  Sequenze  Registra to save
this type of machining for any further use.

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Machining list

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1) For this type of machining there is an automatic procedure, from LavoroLavorazioneSequenze, it is
possible to store a tool sequence in order to apply it to similar machining so to avoid repeating the
machining setting cycle every time.
2) To add a stored sequence to the machining, such as the outer contour machining select Lavoro 
Sequenze  Applica, left click with the mouse on the outer contour and choose the desired sequence,
select OK in this window, deactivate the input of further work sequences by right clicking the mouse and
select Lavoro  Lavorazione  Ricalcola (Work Machining Recalculate)
3) Then follow the Machining Simulation and Save procedure.

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Projection Surfaces Function
The machining to obtain is engraving on an inclined surface.

Perspective view Vista in pianta The zero point with coordinates

prospettiva 0,0 on the machine should
correspond to the solid corner
on the left.
Trace 2 straight lines as in
figure to display the inclined
surface in WCam2K.

The first line corresponds to the

upper side of the inclined face
and must be drawn in that
position, the second line
corresponds to the lateral view of
the inclined face and it may be
placed at will in the drawing field.
The space on the left hand side of
the inclined line direction is
considered to be its work space.
The inclined line (blue) will be
hooked up to the line on the right
with reference to the direction of the
first line (red).

The machining path will be drawn

so that the X/X distance
corresponds to the distance from
the start of the profile definition
(red) and that the Y corresponds
to the distance from the start of
the inclination definition (blue).

The machining on projection

surface should be considered as
the projection of the south-east
quadrant of the WCam2K
drawing plane on the surface
defined by 2 curves with a start point corresponding to zero point.
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Let us suppose we need to perform the machining of a circle on an inclined plane with slope in X+/Y-
direction. The machine orientation (xyz), the circle to be carried out (w), the inclined plane (i),the edge
delimiting the slope start (h), a point indicating the slope start on the green edge (P) and the end point of
the slope in the slope direction (V) are shown in figure.

Perspective view Plan view


1) Draw the circle in the desired position with reference to the origin point which you will choose in the
machine, the plan view represents the final position of the machining. For convenience draw the edge line
(h), the line parallel to this line representing the end of the slope and a line from P to V representing the
slope direction perpendicular to the edge h. With some practice these lines are not necessary.

2) Select Lavoro->Lavorazione->Crea, click on the circle and RIGHT click to confirm.

Choose the tool, activate Superficie di Proiezione (Projection Surface) selecting the inclined plane, with the
command buttons with a mouse icon indicate in the drawing the P point and the V point, the depth
difference between P and V (50), the Cutting depth and execute. Please note that P point may be inserted
at any point along the line (h) representing the slope beginning point and that all the points along (h) lie at
the beginning of the slope. The X and Y coordinates of the V point actually are the components of the
slope vector and therefore they represent the X and Y distance from P point.

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Any surface defined from the menu Lavoro may be projected on the projection surfaces.
In order to project a work simply activate the Superficie di proiezione option, choose the surface you want,
indicate with the mouse the position of P and V points in the drawing area and insert any other parameters
(e.g.: R= curvature radius). In the suggested example being the cylindrical surface symmetrical to the line
passing from P and V you can place the V point above or underneath the P point (indifferently).

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Vertical machining, Sequences Function
Let’s carry out as an example a surface defined by a profile on the vertical plane with a development
towards the frontal plane. It could be for example one of the usual generatrix profiles, but vertically
machined with the disk. Hence it is used to obtain a generatrix profile machined upright. First of all plan
draw what will then be the vertical development, considering that the object overall dimensions in the
horizontal direction define the work width, while the vertical position will be automatically adjusted by the
program in order to get the highest end point on material edge. As a matter of fact the program will also
calculate the vertical position of the machining so that by referring the ZERO piece with the disk skimming
the material the search for the machining position is simple.
The generatrix profile may be drawn where you find it
appropriate, as usual.
This machining is typically performed on Bridge Saws, it
enables to carry out drawn pieces defined by 2 profiles: the
frontal and the lateral view. The frontal view is selected for
the machining application, whereas the lateral view as
generatrix. By entering the Cutting Pitch a rough machining
cycle is obtained.
The finishing off may be obtained by leaving the Cutting
Pitch set to ZERO and the Generatrix Pitch to a value equal
to the distance between the passes or by activating
Spatolato (Spatulate) the movement in the direction
represented by the red arrow can be obtained.

1) Select Lavoro  Lavorazione  Crea, select

the directrix profile (base drawing) and
confirm by right clicking with the mouse.
2) The Parametri di Lavorazione window
appears, click on Utensile, select a disk from
the tool library, select Left in the path
3) Click on the button beside the Generatrix
button, now deactivated. The program now
waits for the generating curve to be selected;
just place the mouse on it and left click. The
window for the introduction of work
parameters appears again with the Generatrix
button now active.
4) In case you wish to perform a rough
machining enter the vertical pitch in Passo.
5) In the Definizione della Generatrice window enter the Displacement Pitch along the generatrix profile
in Passo di spostamento, activate Direzione
Opposta (Opposite Direction), Lavorazione
Verticale, Lineare and enter a pitch value.
Select OK.
6) Select Esegui and the program will perform
the work calculation, displaying the tool
movement path.
7) Proceed with the Simulation verifying that the
disk is correctly aligned vertically to ZERO,
Save the Machining.

DMRSoftware CAD-CAM versione Windows©



Draw the contour, then execute LAVOROLAVORAZIONECREA and select it:

Enter Profondità di Taglio, Distanza forature (Drilling distance) (equal to the core drill diameter), and if
necessary Incremento Correzione (Correction increment) (to leave some material on the internal
Select the Core Drill tool and click on Tasca then enter the Scanning Pitch in Passo di Scansione (equal
to the core drill diameter), select Concentrica, and then do as in figure.

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2D Simulation:

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Draw the section and the profile:

Generate the model to be carried out by selecting BassorilieviCreazione superfici 3DTornio

Select Section 1, the profile and the 3D Generatrix

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For the rough machining, if necessary: For the finishing:


The machining entails zero setting on the centre

bed origin (20) with horizontal disk zeroed in Y
with tool bit on centre bed, consequently it is
better to use a new origin not to ruin the Y of the
The Z zeroes with horizontal disk thickness
centre on the material.
The X zeroes on centre bed.

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Let us perform for example a half cut ammonite shaped bath. The drawing should represent the capturing
axis of the various sections, a spiral made of 3 arcs in this case. Please note that the sections can be at the
most as many as the number of nodes, in this case 4 nodes thus 4 sections. Clearly the number of sections
could be lower than the number of nodes.

Every section will use a spiral node as a reference. The sections must be drawn in plan and their measure
will correspond to the model measure in the considered node. The Y/Y downward distance will be
interpreted as Z depth in the model. In our case besides varying the dimension of the various sections, the
Y position with reference to the various nodes has been changed to generate the Z slope in the model.

LF-click (=left click the mouse) on the directrix which is the spiral, then LF-click on the first section and on
the first node, then on the second section and on the second node, repeat until the last node.

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Finally right click the mouse and we will obtain:

This is the plan representation of the generated model shape.

Now we can select:

and we will obtain:

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This is the representation of the model in Bas-relief mode and consequently workable in the usual way.
With the rendering view we obtain:

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Select lathe mode in W2K:

draw section A, profile B, torsion C and misalignment D

The B profile is a straight line as the section remains constant for all the piece.
Torsion C represents the angular variation of the section from start to end of profile therefore it is a line
starting from X=0 with Y=0 (rotation angles) and arriving to the profile end at X=1000 (length) e Y=30
(rotation angles).
The misalignment represents the centre axis curvature of the piece.
Bassorilievi Creazione Superfici 3D Tornio

Deactivate all selections.

Click on Sezione 1 and on the on-screen A drawing,
click on Profilo and on B, click on Rotazione (Rotation)
and on C, click on Disassamento (Misalignment) and
on D.
It is better to rotate the section by half rotation in order
to better utilize the available material.

Click on Generazione 3D to create the model for W2K and then

save it by selecting
BassorilieviRegistra formato WCam(Bas-relief  Save WCam

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Go back to the fresa (Milling cutter) mode in W2K:

Execute BassorilieviModificaParametri (Bas-relief Modify  Parameters)

Select Da tornio a piano (From Lathe to Plane) to turn into plane machining, with 0 rotation angles for
the upper side of the model.

Observing the rendering

For the underneath side again execute the conversion from Lathe to Plane starting from the surface
generated as lathe with parameter 180 (in modify parameters).

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Isohypse Function
Dimension: 500x300x50 tool diameter: 80. The following image shows the construction drawing and the
tool path. The machining starts from a more central movement and goes towards the contour. From the
calculations 4 concentric ellipses are elaborated which we will call 1,2,3 and 4 starting from the one in the
centre. After the first processing for every roughing level (pitch 10) the program considers all the complete
path calculated inside the base ellipse. For every path portion it then calculates the collision point with the
underneath surface. If it finds valid points it holds them in memory until the complete calculation of the
considered level ends. At the end of the calculation, the program considers the points with a depth equal to
the level under consideration and transfers them to the postprocessor.

So it could happen that the linear portion connecting a concentric to the following one is in fact valid for a
length that possibly does not stop on the contour but before. Observing the following figure we can notice
that the tool performs a part of the connecting line between the concentric 3 and 4 but without reaching the
concentric 4, if that happened, it would ruin the bath surface. So it stops before on a valid point, inside the
surface, certainly without ruining it, as the material it is removing is indeed material to be roughed.
It is better to use ISOHYPSES for the rough machining since by using that procedure the most external
path is exactly calculated for each roughing level and the connecting movements between the concentrics
moving outside the most external concentric are not seen.
Now let us consider the example of a bath generated with Creazione superficie 3D. We will make a
500X300X150 bath, drawing first of all the horizontal and vertical base paths. The base path must have the
horizontal extension of the bath (500mm), and the profile height will correspond to the bath depth (150mm).
It is important to draw open profiles with the directions of arrows always from left to right and from above

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1) Draw a circle (Section1).
2) Draw the horizontal profile from the upper part of the circle (Profile).
3) Go to BassorilieviCreazione Superfici 3DTornio and activate Sezione1 and Profilo in
sequence selecting the paths on the drawing.
4) Select Generazione 3D
5) Go to BassorilieviModificaParametri and select TORNIO, select OK, go back and activate

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We need to carry out the sign of a street for the Town Council: VIALE ROMA, with Roman type character,
the character with the embellishments (serif or nibs), 6 centimetres high, enclosed in a 500x250 marble
1) Disegno  Caratteri  Font  Carica Font (Drawing  Characters Font  Load Font) to select the
desired font type, in this case we choose ROMANOS which is supposed to be more similar to the required
one as we can see from the small window next to the option window.
2) Following the procedure previously indicated, draw a rectangle of assigned dimensions which may be
used for the writing contour so as to correctly display the work to be performed.
3)Select Disegno  Caratteri Inserisci Stringa (Drawing  Characters Insert String) to obtain the writing
data input window. Directly write "VIALE ROMA" and enter the values:
250 in Posizione X,Y corresponding to the horizontal centre position (X) of the table.
Depending on the alignment type this value indicates the left, centre or right position of the writing. In case
you select Sinistra the text is inserted in the workspace with the horizontal start point of each line starting
from that value. In case you select Destra the text is inserted in the workspace with the horizontal end
point of each line ending to that position. In case you select Centro the writing is inserted in the workspace
with the horizontal centre position of each line
corresponding to that value. 160 places the
writing vertically (Y).
Altezza Caratteri 60 sets the height of
characters in millimetres.
Incremento Y concerns any vertical spacing
increment between the writing successive
lines, the current writing has only got one
single text line so that is not relevant in this
Distanza linee di testo 20 corresponds to
the distance between the 2 words "VIALE"
and "ROMA".
Distanza Caratteri 8 is the distance between
characters. Therefore select: Centro to centre
the writing with regard to the table centre position, Proporzionale in order to optimize the characters
position and compress the redundant space between them. Once the data input has been completed, by
selecting OK the writing is inserted on screen.
4) From within the menu select Lavoro  Lavorazione  Crea, select the writing and confirm by right
clicking the mouse.
5) Click on Utensili to select a conical type tool.
6) Enter the Engraving Depth in Profondità di incisione and select Esegui. Proceed with the Machining
Simulation and Save.

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Centre Axis Search Function
The font to be loaded should be double line, the software will perform the calculation for the search for the
centre axis. It works for both resident, italics as well, and Windows® characters.
For the resident characters: After choosing the font:

The following window appears:

Insert the desired text, the height of characters,

activate Proporzionale and select OK.

Then click on the magnifying lens icon to

check the result on screen:

In case of italics, join the characters with:

The writing is now ready for machining, if necessary it should be located it where you find it appropriate:

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Start the machining procedure by selecting Lavoro Lavorazione Crea

Holding SHIFT pressed select the area containing the writing by left clicking the mouse and then right click.
Choose a conical type tool, from the tool library. Set the parameters as follows.
We suggest to enter 5mm of depth in order to engrave the internal area between the letters contours with
only one movement. A smaller depth may generate a longer machining since not being able to remove the
material by one pass, the tool would be therefore obliged to perform many passes.

Execute to obtain the result:

Note that the tool performs a path in the middle of the
double line, at this point just select
Lavoro Lavorazione Registra to generate the program
to be carried out in machine.

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Load Windows® fonts by selecting:

Follow the same procedure until the selection of the magnifying lens, where instead of joining the
characters you must select:

Select all the on screen characters and right click the mouse to confirm. This procedure converts all the
letters into arcs and lines from their original B-spline format. In this way the machining calculation will be
really quicker. The on screen result with Times New Roman fonts is shown as follows:

There is a parameter within SubParametri (Subparameters) called Passo Cordale Movimento (Chordal
Pitch Movement) that affects the calculation accuracy and speed: with low values the calculation will
become more precise and it will take longer to be performed, vice versa with higher values. Normally a
value ranging from 0.5 to 1 is a good compromise.

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Let us suppose we need to engrave some writing in bas relief: draw the rim within which to insert the
writing. Load the font: DisegnoCaratteriCarica font, insert the writing: DisegnoCaratteriInserisci
Stringa. Enter in succession: the writing position, height of characters, select Proporzionale.

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Numerous fonts inserted in Wcam are drawn with holes in the correct positions. They can be loaded from
Caratteri Font Carica font
Bronzi (Bronzes)

The machining must be performed by selecting the whole writing, using the core drill tool:

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Scheme of 5-axes Machine Disk Management

3D Reference Position

The bottom figure shows the dimensions of the tool employed at measurement or reference position,
therefore with the disk placed horizontally (as for all the other tools however).
The only difference between the disk and the other tools is that usually the other tools diameter is smaller
than their length, whilst the disk diameter is usually longer than its length.

45° Position
Lateral view

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3D Vertical disk Lateral view of vertical disk position

position with dimensions

The red arrow indicates the point (highlighted by a further red reference) where the machine remains
placed after performing the disk rotation. The program then knows the machine geometry (tool measures
and mandrel) and moves the red reference point throughout all the operations with both the vertical tool (as
for the 3 axes machines) and the inclined tool. If for example a 100mm deep horizontal cut is carried out on
the machine plane starting at 0,0 and ending at 500,0 by employing the sample tool considered such a
program will be obtained:
N1 {VER - C:\BP\WCAM\Dati\abc - WKMACH=0 - 13/11/2003 - 7:44:38 CSL5}
N2 <OTT=R100>
N4 D0
N5 G0G90
N6 G0G53Z0
N7 M81 {Unlock A}
N8 M83 {Unlock C}
N9 {DIS527.005=449.105+77.9}
N10 G17
N12 <IFF <OTT>:N14;N14;N13>
N13 <IFF <R102>:N36;N36;N14>
N15 T2M6
N16 <IFF <OTT>:N17;N17;N18>
N17 R99=10
N19 M67
N20 G64 {Fast positioning and fast feed}
N21 M82 {Lock A}
N22 G0X0.0Y532.405C90
N23 M81 {Unlock A}
N24 A-90
N25 M82 {Lock A}
N26 M84 {Lock C}
N27 G0G43Z=-133.055+R3
N28 S900
N29 M3
N30 G1Z-233.055F5000
N31 X500Y532.405
N32 G0Z=-133.055+R3
N33 M5
N34 M81 {Unlock A}
N35 M83 {Unlock C}
N36 <LCK:ON>
N37 <IFF <OTT>:N39;N39;N38>
N38 <RET>
N39 M32
N40 M30

Please note that the X,Y position of the first positioning is: N22 G0X0.0Y532.405C90
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The X position ZEROES as the disk rotates 90 degrees in the YZ plane and therefore no X direction
displacement of the reference point occurs.
The Y position becomes 532.405 which is the distance due to the disk rotation with respect to the reference
point (527.005 see figure) plus half the disk thickness (10.8 / 2 = 5.4) therefore: 527.005 + 5.4 = 532.405.
The cutting position in Z is: N30 G1Z-233.055F5000
The z coordinate resulting from the calculations is given by the reference point Z distance from the centre
of the disk tooth therefore by rotating the disk the centre of the disk is raised of 527.005 (misalignment/axis
offset) + 10.8 (thickness/gage) = 537.805. By rotating the disk however its diameter locates vertically and
therefore the tooth centre is beneath the disk radius 809.5/2 = 404.75. We obtain the Z difference given by
537.805 – 404.75 = 133.055 in Z+ direction, consequently to take the tooth centre at 100mm of depth the Z
position will be -133.055- 100 = -233.055.

Understanding this series of concepts is essential to manage 5-axes machines.

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The first thing to do is to set Wcam2K as lathe, set the postprocessor dedicated to the machine as Tornio,
if necessary also within CONFIGURAZIONE DI BASE (Base configuration), select Attivazione Tornio Asse,
and DIREZIONE Z-Z (Z-Z Direction).

Load an object for the lathe in Wcam2K, in the given example it has been imported from STL format, but it
could also be originated from laser copying. Ensure that within Bassorilievi
Parametri Tornio
is active.

Bassorilievi->Lavorazione superficie

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Clearly enter a pitch (Passo) smaller than 20, for example 2.

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Let us suppose we are constructing a 3D model,

with the following perspective:

In Wcam2K there are rules about importing models,

this model must be rotated 90° in order to correctly
direct it with respect to the conventions established
for Wcam2K. All lathe surfaces are handled in
WCam2K with the axis of rotation in the X-X
direction. If trying to generate a model of a column
in Wcam2K please notice that the horizontal axis
passing from ZERO will be the axis of rotation.
There is just exactly an option in the postprocessor
where to indicate the actual work plan to use in
machine (Z-Z) subsequently to the calculation. The
calculation however will always be performed by
Wcam2K as if it were a horizontal turning. The
following perspective represents the correct model
which is now ready to be imported in Wcam as STL.

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Wcam2K must be set as explained at the

Select in Wcam2K:

Select and confirm the file previously exported in

STL format.

Confirm to all the subsequent requests to obtain on screen:

At this point the procedure to obtain the machining is the same procedure performed for the models directly
generated from Wcam2K (e.g. the twisted bars).
Select Bassorilievi Lavorazione Superficie

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Select OK and enter the name for ISO.

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As usual proceed to prepare an appropriate model for turning machining and place it in the workspace of
Wcam2K. Also Wcam2K must be activated to work as a lathe, like for the postprocessor by selecting the
appropriate machining option in the vertical direction. Carry out the machining with
Lavorazione superficie, insert the tool, the finishing type machining in the mode shown in
the attached image.

The most suitable orientation for this type of machining is 90 degrees meaning that the machine will work
with longitudinal movements with reference to the model and therefore in vertical direction.

In case you prefer to work rotating around the work piece instead of working the piece with vertical
movements, it is convenient to activate Direzione Tornio Opposta in order to start the machining from the
highest point and proceeding downwards; in this case Orientamento (Orientation) will be 0 degrees.

The point 0,0 of Wcam2K corresponds to the highest point of the machining model.

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Import STL considering that point 0,0 in WCam2K is on the highest point in the model and so in this case it
will be necessary to check the options as shown, in this way making the headstock turn LEFT in the
WCam2K plane.

Disk machining: Direzione tornio opposta is used for working from LEFT to RIGHT and then in case of a
vertical lathe from above downwards, clearly you may enter the machining pitches as it suits you.
Reticolare (Grid) is used for going back and forth between 360° and 0°

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Milling cutter machining:

We have noticed that the imported model hasn’t got material around the lion head, meaning that the centre
axis is in the air, hence the machining is performed only in the area the program manages to work leaving
out the rest. Not managing to overcome with the tool the centre axis of rotation is a current limit of Wcam2K
imposed by lathe machining in order to avoid letting the work pieces fall from the lathe.

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Projection of a bas relief on a surface defined by a directrix (path1) and by a generatrix (path 2). The
position of the bas relief (X) with respect to the zero defines its position with reference to the directrix
starting point (point P start of red path). The Y position of the model in WCam2K defines its depth with
respect to the reference with Z=0. The PIVOT measure should be entered within the WCam2K tool library
as in the example. It is important to activate INCISIONE LATERALE (Lateral Engraving) as tool class and
PIVOT with the measure from the rotation centre of the C axis to the tool bit. In the postprocessor the use
of axis C must be activated.

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The machining is built as usual for the bas reliefs with the addition of the selection of Superficie di
proiezione a Generatrice that once it has been activated entails the selection of path 1 and 2.

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Within the parametri di lavorazione (machining parameters) window of WCam2K with postprocessor set to
5-axes the Lavorazione su modello 3D option appears.

After loading a 3D model by selecting Bassorilievo Carica formato WCam or Bassorilievo Importa
formato STL trace path 1 and 2 to represent the projection surface.
Path 1 should overlap the 3D model so as to represent together with path 2 the maximum depth a tool can
reach following the model in the direction established by these 2 paths.
The machining should be programmed in an area according to the rules of projected machining.
This area can be represented by a closed or open path, in case it is a closed path a pocket can be
programmed whose zero point corresponds to the start point of path 1 and extends to negative Y direction
along path 2 development.

The rectangle has a horizontal dimension equal to the length of the vertical line whereas it has a vertical
dimension equal to the length of the inclined line. The inclined line will be path 2 and it will be ‘hooked’
during calculations to path 1 (vertical line) in order to make a surface leaning to the right of path 1
considering its direction (therefore it will be on the left hand side of the image). Path 1 is on the left hand
side of the model which is the side we intend to work. Then execute Lavoro->Lavorazione->Crea, select
the rectangle and RIGHT click.
Choose a pivot tool, activate pivot machining.

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Define a pocket type machining

Activate superficie di proiezione, select path 1 (vertical) and 2 (inclined) and activate the Lavorazione su
modello 3D option. Select Esegui.

We obtain the tool path, then save the machining.

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Path 1 and 2 may also be arcs but the speed of calculation is much better with lines.

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The drawing plan in Wcam2K is represented in the following figure.

There is a drawing representing the edge in plan view of the object to be machined (vertical line in Y+
direction)(a) and therefore also the ZERO point of the piece, in the suggested case the ZERO will be at the
end of this line. There is a drawing representing the shape of the extruded section (the 2 arcs are
unbroken)(b). The machining will be created on a further drawing (clearly it may also be some writing or
something else), an inclined line in this case (c).

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The projection will be performed considering the X direction in Wcam2K (red axis) that will orientate on the
model along the edge direction (a); the Y direction in Wcam2K (blue axis) will develop along the profile
direction (b). Therefore 2 planes must be considered, the machining plane and the model plane and their
orientations must be correctly considered .

Once these concepts are clear the machining can be performed.

Lavoro Lavorazione Crea, LEFT click on the diagonal line and RIGHT click.
Within the machining parameters activate Superfici di Proiezione and in the appropriate window select
Superfici a Direttrice. Select the option on the left and in the drawing area select line (a) by LEFT clicking
the mouse and then line (b) by LEFT clicking. From the tools library select a tool with pivot ability (option
and measure to be activated) and select the inclined tool icon on the top RIGHT hand corner next to

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Profondità di Taglio and activate Utensile normale alla Superficie (pivot) (Tool normal to the Surface). Set
the machining in the desired way, the program will project everything on the indicated surface.

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[1] Top horizontal line of a length equal to (or longer than) the length of the underneath arc [2]. The arc
represents the plan view of the work piece. The horizontal line represents the machining extension along
the arc. [3] The generatrix is drawn in horizontal direction in order to be hooked up to the upper line to
represent the machining development. [4] The vertical line on the RIGHT represents the machining vertical
extension of a length equal to (or longer than) the horizontal dimension of the generatrix.

Execute Lavoro->Lavorazione->Crea and select by LEFT clicking with the mouse[1], RIGHT click. Select
the generatrix [3], select a tool defined with PIVOT and activate PIVOT within the Opzioni 5 assi window (5-
axes Option).

Select the Superfici di proiezione button and

LEFT click on the path [2](arc) and then on [4]
(vertical line).
Enter the generatrix pitch in Passo Generatrice,
select Esegui.

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Red = composite surface defined by 2 paths, it defines the pivot position and the maximum depth
Grey = 3D model
Yellow = tool position normal to the composite surface

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Once the drawing of the contour to cut has been made select Lavoro->Lavorazione->Crea, LEFT click the
mouse on the drawing and then RIGHT click. The machining parameters window appears, choose the tool
or keep the default tool and properly configurate the various parameters according to your requirements.
The procedure and the available options don’t differ from the contouring machining but they are less.

Click on Esegui to carry out the tool path.

In case you intend to fix pauses or speed variations in WCam2K environment click on the icon like
this one on the side and select the tool path with the mouse, a small window will appear:
within this window enter any pauses or speed for each portion of the tool
By using the red arrows it is possible to move from one point to the other of
the path and a grey stamp will highlight the position. In case a pause has
been inserted a yellow stamp will then highlight its position.

Penetrazione elicoidale (Helical Penetration) must be activated as in figure

and it allows to indicate the number of circular movements in Numero di movimenti circolari to carry out
and their diameter in Diametro, you can use values like those shown in the figure.

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Let us suppose we want to engrave a column with a circle. First of all draw the circle in Wcam.

In this case the machining should be done by

choosing a Machining cutter tool (Fresa).

3D Simulation

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Engraving (of) a 2000mm long column with a grooving that makes 10 revolutions: in CAD the X gives the
measure of the length of the column whereas the Y the degrees (10 revolutions 10x360=3600).

Perform the machining as the previous ones and the 3D simulation is as follows:

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Draw the line to be engraved on the column. Select Edit Scala, Rotazione, Matrice (Edit Scale,
Rotation, Matrix) to duplicate the line. Select the line by LEFT clicking with the mouse, RIGHT click to
confirm, in the drawing area indicate any reference point (for the current use it is not important which one to
choose). The definition window appears, activate Rettangolare (Rectangular), enter 1 as Numero Elementi
Orizzontali (Number of Horizontal Elements), 10 as Numero Elementi Verticali (Number of Vertical
Elements), 36 as Incremento Verticale which represents the 360° divided by 10, select OK. The 10 times
duplicated line appears.

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The machining has to be performed as the previous ones . 3D simulation:

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Draw above the reference and pay attention in order to prevent the piece from falling.
To cut the redundant parts use the Taglia il Vettore (Cut the Vector) instrument.

The machining is performed by selecting the drawn path, with a Disk, selecting Generatrice and clicking
on the same path: select Direzione Opposta, Lavorazione Verticale, Compensazione Forma Utensile
(Tool Shape Compensation), Spatolato (Spatulate).

To display in 3D a circle it is necessary to add a circle

with a radium equal to the start point of the machining
surface. BassorilieviCreazione superfici
3DTornio (deactivate any selections and then select
Sez1 the circle and Profilo the surface:
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Draw the generatrix:

Perform the machining as the previous machining. 2D and 3D Simulation:

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 If then you want to carry out groovings lightly twisted on the final part, draw the first grooving then select
EditScala, Rotazione, Matrice. Then when performing the machining choose the milling cutter tool
(just enter the cutting depth) and input the radius in the drawing in Raggio colonna (Column radius).

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3D Simulation:

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Creazione superfici 3D Tornio
Deactivate all selections and then select in succession:
Sezione1 polygon, Rotazionethe line starting from the centre and that gives the rotation depending on
the Y increment (if 90 then rotation is 90°), Profilothe profile line (in this case the upper line).

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From within the window LavorazioneGenerazione 3D:

Parameters may be changed by selecting Bassorilievi

Modifica parametri (model characteristics).
Perform the machining: Bassorilievo
Lavorazione superficie

Passo scansione (Scanning Pitch) is the increment at each Z revolution (Z axis translation1÷2).
Passo avanzamento (Feed Step) is the step it makes along C axis (C axis rotation2÷5).

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In the example case select Bassorilievi Creazione superfici 3DTornio

Deactivate all selections and select in succession: Sezione1poligono (Section1Polygon),
Sezione2cerchio (Section 2 Circle) and Profiloprofilo (Profile profile)

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The first thing to do is to consider the measures of the two surfaces to join and draw two horizontal lines in
Wcam, one representing the surface width where to insert the two models and the other one representing
the vertical width (360°).
Bassorilievi Creazione superficie 3D Generatrice
Select the two models width as horizontal path, the other width as vertical path, confirm and enter the pitch
(for the model generation).
Enter the pitch (equal to the pitch entered to carry out the surfaces)
Bassorilievi Registra in formato WCam Base (bas relief, Save in WCam format, Base)
At this point you can delete the base created and load the surfaces:
Bassorilievi Carica formato Wcam the first on-screen model to insert on the created base is Rettangolo
di contorno (Contour Rectangle)
Bassorilievi Creazione superficie 3D Sovrapposizione (Overlap). Left click on the rectangle then
right click.
At this point the program asks where to insert the surface, and then select the Base open.
At this point the program asks again to insert the drawingLeft click on the rectangle and double right
At this point it will ask the surface pitch (2).
We can select Affondata, which means to thrust the model on the selected baseok
Bassorilievi Registra in formato WCamBase
EditCancello tutto (Delete everything)
We have so far inserted the first surface now proceed with the second surface which will be the right hand
Bassorilievi  Carica formato WCamFirst on-screen model to insert on the created baseRettangolo
di contorno.
Bassorilievi Creazione superficie 3D SovrapposizioneLeft click on the rectangle then right click.
At this point the program asks where to insert the surface and then select the Base open
Left click on the rectangleRight click to confirm.
Select the reference in order to place the surface in the desired positionLeft click to hook up and left click
on the point of destination and finally double right click.
Bassorilievi Modifica Parametri Enter the maximum outer radius that has been lost during the inserting
the surfaces procedure.
Bassorilievi Rendering
Bassorilievi Registra in formato Wcam (Save in Wcam format) Name
Example of Vase work with hexagonal base circle blended.
Draw the left hand side of the vase and save the drawing. Bassorilievi Creazione superfici 3D Tornio

Deactivate all check boxes and one by one select:

Sezione1 = esagono (Hexagon) Profilo = profile

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Sezione2 = cerchio (circle) Passo = 2

3D Generatrix:
BassorilieviRegistra formato WCam
So far we have performed the part on the left hand side, now we need to draw the part on the right hand
side to be joined.
Draw the right hand side of the vase and save the drawing. Perform the drawing considering the first
drawing final measures that should blend with the second drawing.

BassorilieviCreazione superfici 3DTornio

Generazione 3D
BassorilieviRegistra formato WCam
Now draw the base to join the two created
surfaces that must have the right size to contain
both the surfaces. Draw the two horizontal lines
(see Point 6).

In case it is necessary to correct the model you

can select:
BassorilieviModifica parametri
If necessary:
BassorilieviModificaEdita punti (Edit points)
To perform the machining:
Bassorilievi Lavorazione superficie
Select Finitura (Finish), Choose the tool, Passo

Scansione = 1
Passo Avanzamento = 4

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The purpose of this procedure is to avoid the inevitable great waste of time for the operator while locating
the position of the machining to be performed and to avoid the material waste due to the presence of any
plate defects. The camera to be used is a common digital camera you can find in the shops provided that it
may be charged externally, being the battery life limited and that it is possible to download the photos by
means of a long enough connecting wire. It has to be fixed on top of the machine bed at a sufficient
distance in order to photograph the whole area to use for the cutting.
It needs to have a normal and not wide-angle type of optics so as not to excessively distort the image.

After putting the slab to be worked on the bed and setting null rotation, from the computer where WCam2K
will start, proceed with the image acquisition through a connection/interface program with the camera. This
procedure lasts a few seconds depending on the connecting system employed. The image appears on
screen as a background, full scale and in centred position on the WCam2K origin. At this point it is possible
to proceed to carry out the required machining observing the physical limits and defects of the plate directly
on screen.
For the setup of the display scale and the positioning in WCam2K the procedure is very simple.
In WCam2K after inserting the image acquisition program into the folder …\WCAM\UTILS,
properly carried out in accordance with our instructions, a new menu choice will be available,
which is scatta (shoot) in our example allowing the camera image to be displayed.
By depressing the SHIFT-F11 key combination an icon on the bottom left hand side is displayed
and the Dimensione BitMap (Dimension) and Posizione BitMap (Position) functions are activated
enabling to set the correct dimension for the images and their on-screen position.

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Once the Dimensione BitMap has been activated, proceed to

click on 2 separate points on the image whose real distance is
known and which should be indicated within the following
appropriate window.
Once Posizione BitMap has been activated indicate where to
locate the top left hand corner of the image on screen.
Once the procedure has been completed press again SHIFT-
F11 in order to all save everything.
The process may be repeated whenever required.
At this point by depressing the F11 key it is now possible to
display the image or make it disappear from the screen.

To practise without the camera directly connected to the computer or without

the image acquisition program configured, it is possible to load the image by
means of the appropriate icon on the bottom left hand corner which has to be

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In the following figure it is shown how to set the measures of the tool in Wcam2K doing the presetting with
a reference tool.

Position of length corrector measure

Distance from tool centre where to measure the length

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