Reality Creation and Manifesting - Mwendwa Mbaabu
Reality Creation and Manifesting - Mwendwa Mbaabu
Reality Creation and Manifesting - Mwendwa Mbaabu
Copyright © 2020 by Mwendwa Mbaabu
The right of Mwendwa Mbaabu to be identified as the author of this work
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result of any information given or recommendations made.
First Edition
eBook ISBN: 978-9914-706-17-8.
For information, address:
Mwendwa Mbaabu
P. O Box 20964-00202
Nairobi, Kenya
A Solid Foundation is Unshakeable
A Sustained Imagination Creates
Abundance is Your Divine Birthright
Acceptance is All that is Required in Manifesting
Agree with what You Want- Do not Wish and Hope
All You Seek is within
Are You in Babel, the City of Confusion?
Awareness- Master Your Reactions to Life
Be Free of the Good Opinion and Criticism of People
Be Imitators of God, not Men
Be in Full Agreement Within Yourself
Be in the Eternal Now- Escape the illusion of Time
Be still and know I AM God
Be That Version of Yourself Now
Behold Perfection- What You Behold, You Become
Believe in Yourself- Be Unstoppable
Break the Wheel of Recurrence
Bridge of Incidents- I Have Ways and Means You Know
not of
Change Your Mind. Change Your Life.
Change Your Story. It is the Word of God to You
Change Yourself- Change Your World
Character and Personality are not Static and are Changeable
Creation is Finished
Creator or Competitor- 5 Ways to think like a Creator
Cut Out All Middlemen to Your Manifestations
Dare to be You- A Message from Your Inner Being
Decide that You Deserve the Best
Decide Who You are! You Create Your Reality
Do Not React to Life, Affect it
Be a Doer of the Word- Make permanent Change
Do not Face Reality if You Dislike Reality.
Embrace Your Individualism- Do Not be a Follower
Every Story you are Living Can be Re-written
Feeling- The Key to Effortless Manifesting
Faith is the Feeling of Fulfillment of Desire
Feel from the End. Live in the End of Your Desire
Forgive Without End. See Things as You Want Them
Give Yourself Your Desire- There is no Expiry Date
Go way out! Dream wildly and boldly
Group Thinking- Be an Original in a World of Copies
Have Confidence and be Immovable
How Reality Creation & Manifesting Works
How to Interrupt Unwanted Manifestations
I AM All
I AM God of the Living, not the Dead - 1
I Am God of the Living, not the Dead - 2
I AM in this world, but Not of this World.
I AM- Your Unlimited True Being
I Am that I Am- My Awareness is the Only Creator
I Die Daily- Self Abandonment
Illusion of an Other- The Cause of Lack Mindset
Imagination Can take You Everywhere
It is all available for you Now
Know Who You are- A Powerful Creator
Knowing is the Sure Foundation
Life is Consciousness Expressed
Living from The End
Manifesting 101- 10 Keys to Manifesting Your Desires
Money Consciousness- Change your Money Story
Nature does not hurry, yet it accomplishes everything
No one to change but self
No Other Power- There is Only One Cause
No Separation with Your Desire- Accept it Now
Non-Reaction and Deliberate Creation
Now Is All- the Power of the Present Moment
Peace is Strength
Recognition, Realization & Acceptance
Remember Who You Are
Re-Value Yourself
Row Your Boat, Gently Down the Stream, Merrily
See yourself in the light, the mirror of truth
Self-Observation and Changing States of consciousness
Sleep and Your Subconscious Mind
Spiritual Sensation-Feeling Is the Key
Suffering- The Actual Cause and Why it is unnecessary
The Feeling is the Actual Manifestation
The Feeling of the Desire is its Reality
The Infinite Wisdom within
The Root of suffering
The Kingdom of Heaven is Within
The Law of Life Works by Grace, Through Faith
The Life of the Spirit
The Mastermind
The Recognition of Your True Self- I AM
The Subconscious Moves Us Under Compulsion
The True source of supply is your Consciousness
Turn and Be Like Little Children
Wake Up and Live- Do not Postpone Your Joy
We Attract What We Are
What Do You Want?
What Story are You Telling Yourself?
What You Behold You Become
What You Contemplate Within You Become
Where do you live?
Who Do You Say That You Are?
Why did this Happen? - Why the Whys do not Matter
Worry is unnecessary- Just Trust
Write Your Story and Make it grand
Your World is Your Reflection- We See What We are
You are Complete- Everything you seek is within
You are The Architect of your Life
Your 6th Sense- Your Inner Guide
Your Attention is the Direction of Your Life
Your Desires are a Gift from God, Your Higher Self
Your Desires are Inevitable- Believe Them in
Your Divine Nature- 8 Truths About Your True Self
Your World Reflects You
Yours for the Taking
Bonus: Affirmation and Meditation to Boost Your
I was asked to write the foreword for this book, and I was extremely
honored, humbled, and challenged by the monumental task ahead of me.
You may be surprised by the word monumental, so I will explain. I have
been in the personal development business for nearly 30 years. I have
trained with, studied, and watched some of the greatest speakers, coaches,
and trainers in the world. But every once in a while, someone of a much
different caliber breaks through and stands alone. That someone is
Mwendwa Mbaabu. She is absolutely brilliant. Her insights and awareness
about personal development, spiritual growth, mindset, and using your
imagination to create the life you want are some of the best writings I have
ever read in 30 years.
So, my task was to capture her essence and the message of this
phenomenal collection of her work and distill it down into a page or so.
I will start off by giving you an idea of how transformational her work
is just by the titles of a few of her chapters. Be Imitators of God, Not Men.
Be in The Eternal Now - Escape the Illusion Of Time. Believe in Yourself -
Be Unstoppable. Change Yourself - Change Your World. Decide Who You
Are! You Create Your Reality. These are just a few of the titles from the
essays included in this fabulous work.
The point is, how bad do you really want to change your life? How
quickly do you want to do it? How easy do you want to make it? No doubt
you want it to be quick and easy and as painless as possible. Well, when
you read this book, take the time to really understand what is being said,
and take the messages to heart, your life will have no choice but to change.
In fact, just one of these essays has the power to do that. The wisdom is
deep and profound and Mwendwa communicates very clearly and in a
straightforward way that is simple to understand and put into action.
As you "grow" through each essay, you will gain new insights which
will lead to new awareness, which will lead to new beliefs, new attitudes, a
new focus, new behaviors, and ultimately a brand-new life. You will see
yourself and your world differently. You will see your relationships
differently. You will start acting differently. And do not let that scare you.
On the contrary, it will bring you more joy, more peace, more fulfillment,
more satisfaction, more joy, and more love than you have probably ever felt
before. This is true because when you change your own mind about who
you are and what you want, both now and in the future, your change is
On a final note, do not just read these chapters/essays once. Read them
over and over again at different times in your life. You will be a different
person each time you read them, and you'll pick up different things that you
didn't before. I promise, this book will bless you for many, many years to
come. Darshan Gabriel Shanti, Author, The 24- Hour Champion
Finally, but not last, I would like to express my love and gratitude to
my daughter, Ashley, who contributed to this book by giving me the most
precious gift of space to be and write. And my cat Theo, for providing
sweet comfort and relief by sitting by my laptop as I write every day. Thank
This book is a collection of essays and blog posts written and published
over the past year on my website and face book. All of them convey the
truth that we are creators of our own reality and can manifest our every
desire if we understand the how reality creation works.
You will find the chapters concise and devoid of vague spiritual
concepts and terms that hold no power. Spiritual truths, if they are true,
must be simple. You will find many references to the bible and God. I ask
that you do not let this be a hindrance to you. I use the bible not to endorse
any religion, but as a spiritual and psychological book written by the
ancients to convey the truths espoused in this book. Therefore, consider any
bible quotes just as you would a quote from your favorite author or teacher.
You are welcome to substitute the term God with any term you prefer. Some
prefer the words inner being, higher self, source, infinite intelligence, etc.
They are just names used to convey the truth of who we really are.
The words in this book will resonate deeply with you because they
reveal the truths of who we are as divine beings. They will inspire you and
awaken a deep confidence in yourself and your ability to be, do or have
anything you desire.
"It is your birthright to live your most abundant life by learning how to
become a conscious creator or manifestor; to cooperate with the laws
universe and use them to create your highest good. This begins when you
awaken to the powerful truth that you are an infinite being, one with the
source of all things, the true source of all abundance. All that you desire
already exists in the Great within, the finished creation within you. Through
imagination, FEEL yourself to be and have what you desire and unite
yourself with it, through the faith that it is done. Your faith will remove all
blocks of unbelief, fear and worry and speed up your manifestation. Take
inspired action, live in the Now and cultivate gratitude and your life will
move from glory to glory," Manifesting 101- 10 Keys to Manifesting Your
Desires, Chapter 118.
Your life is a building. Having the right foundation is essential to the type
and quality of building you will have. We truly are, each of us, God's house,
God's building, and it is we who are building this structure that is our
individual house, a representation of the God in us. The foundation is KEY.
In the physical, the foundation is always the most integral part of every
building that comes up. As the foundation is, so the structure is. The higher
the building, the deeper the foundation. The higher our lives can get, the
deeper we must go within.
When what you imagine becomes more real than what you see physically,
then you know you have brought 'heaven to earth'. What do all the greatest
artists, inventors, scientists, and 'geniuses' of all time have in common?
Forget those who made a lot of money, I am talking about those who truly
left an indelible mark.
A few days ago, I was re-watching the 1952 movie "Singing in the
Rain", whose premise is about the transition of the film industry from silent
films to talking films. And in one part of the movie one character addresses
the ridicule of talking movies (yes, people ridiculed the idea of talking
films, believe it or not) and compared it to when men traveled on horses and
mocked the idea of motor vehicles as impossible. Yet today in the 21st
century it has become opposite. No one can imagine the idea of a world
without cars or talking movies yet that was the world at one time.
A Sustained Imagination creates. That is what all the greats did. And
they were not better than you or me. They just honored what was within
them. Will you not do the same?
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have
come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
Jesus Christ in John 10:10.
A lie is anything that falls short of the glory of God, anything less than
who God is, which is perfection. When you believe less than that about
yourself or another, you are listening to the devil, which is the voice of
doubt or ignorance within you. That is what sin is. Believing a lie and we
all do it at some level, which is why the bible says all have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God, their true nature. By believing less of themselves.
By forgetting who we are.
Now with this understanding in mind, Jesus says in John 10:10 "The
thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come
that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
The lies you believe about yourself and others, any belief in lack or
limitation or anything less than perfection, the doubt and unbelief are what
steal from you, kill you and destroy you because they disconnect you or
separate you in your own mind from the truth of who you are. Which is one
with God.
They steal from you joy, abundance, vitality, harmony, peace, health,
happiness, security, wholeness, strength, wisdom, and anything else that is
perfect. And they destroy you by causing lack, disease, anxiety, mental
tension, feeling unworthy, feeling alone, fear, worry, frustration, destructive
habits, hate, jealousy, resentment etc. Anything that is not true of God. And
so, they kill you while you live because you separate yourself in your own
consciousness, by your own beliefs. That is what the bible refers to as
darkness. The absence or separation from light. All limitation is simply a
lack of awareness of the light. "I AM the light".
"I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more
abundantly." The "I" referred here is the Christ Consciousness or I AM, the
correct thinking of knowing oneself as an expression of God. That
consciousness is the truth, and it restores you back to right standing with
your true nature, which is God, Source, or Infinite Intelligence.
I AM Abundance!
It is finished.
I see what I AM
I experience what I AM
I project what I AM
It does not give me; I project it, reflect it, radiate it, and then it becomes
manifest- is revealed/ unveiled.
As within, so without
And if they are within, then where does it leave seeking and looking
and getting and attracting? It makes it void because I cannot look for what I
Until you accept that everything you are seeking can only come from
within you, you will always feel powerless to the external.
It is kind of like someone telling you a house in Dubai is yours. They
give you the title deed and tell you it is yours. You haven't seen the house
and you live in Japan and so you doubt it and say "I can't see it so it can't be
mine, I don't believe it, but how can I afford it, how is it possible I've never
been to Dubai", etc. And you convince yourself out of it and refuse to
accept it. You have not come into agreement with the gift. So, you will keep
it away and never occupy it. While all that was necessary was for you
to say yes and feel like a home owner immediately before you see the
That is how the universe works. You cannot get what you are doubting,
what you have not come into agreement with within yourself.
You will only get what you are in consciousness. Because it never
begins from the outside in. You will see it when you believe it.
The whole thing starts and ends with you. It is that simple. AGREE with
the desire and take ownership of it within and then refuse to pay attention to
the external reality because it means absolutely nothing. It is not real and is
always a reflection. So, if things look not how you want them, do not pay
any attention, or give them any power. That is only a passing shadow of
your old beliefs.
Wishing and hoping are all forms of doubt. They lack confidence. God's
promises come by faith only. Not effort, not manipulation, not wishing and
hoping, only faith.
The faith acts. And proper action comes from faith.
A King could possess all the wealth of his kingdom, but if he forgets
he is king and believes he is a beggar, could live his entire life in squalor
while all he needed to do was remember and accept that he owns the
kingdom and lift himself from his low estate. That is the story of humanity.
Conditioned by the beliefs of this world from the moment we come here,
we forget what lies within us and live far below what we should. Ever
looking outside ourselves, we go searching to and from believing that we
are deficient and limited, and so perpetuate that lack in our lives.
We are far from limited; we are complete in the infinite spirit of the
universe. Everything is within us if we would accept it and recognize that
we are not just human beings, but Spirit having a human experience.
Jesus said, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor
will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God
is within you." Luke 17:20-21.
The ancient Egyptians had a proverb that said, "The kingdom of
heaven is within you; and whosoever shall know himself shall find it."
As the bible so aptly says, "Awake, you who sleep, arise from the
dead, And Christ (consciousness) will give you light." Ephesians 5:14.
Many people in the world today are in Babel. That is the city of mixed
voices, mixed opinions, double-mindedness, and doubt. And a double-
minded man can receive nothing from the Lord.
What do you want? What do you desire? What kind of life do you
want? What is your wish? What do you want to have? What do you desire
to experience?
That is all that matters. After all, it is your reality, your journey, your
adventure. You are the focal point and operant power and only thinker in
your world.
All states exist. Good and evil exist. Infinite possibilities exist. Do I
then immerse myself in all of it?
There was a childhood story we used to be told about the hare and
how he was so greedy he wanted to take opposite roads at a junction
because he wanted to go in both directions. So, he put one foot on one path
and another on the other path and walked in both directions. And what
happened? He got split in the middle, dying, ending up nowhere.
You cannot be of double mind and receive anything. You cannot be
of two opposing opinions. You cannot serve two masters. The only thing
that can come from that is frustration and confusion. If God is God, serve
him. If Baal is God, serve him. Choose whom you will serve.
What do you want? Focus on that. If you desire love, for example,
who cares how many billions are unloved and miserable and hopeless. If
you are going to spend your time reading tales of woe and talking about
misery and how horrible people are and how terrible relationships are and
how untrustworthy people are, and embroiled in self-pity, how do you
expect love to come into your life? You are a double-minded man. If you
want peace in your life but constantly bombard yourself with negative news
and horror tales in the name of reality, who are you going to blame if your
life is anxious, and filled with worry and chaos and strife?
In this world there will be many things happening. We all know that.
It is God's dream and in individual men as he sleeps, he dreams crazy
dreams. Am I then going to submerge myself in all the horrors of this world
so I can be in the "know"? If you want to be a REALIST, you can never live
by faith. You will continue to be a realist being at the mercy of facts, never
moving above them, rising beyond them, or advancing into glorious paths.
You value facts, you will have facts. If that is your desire, then fine, you are
entitled to it. For a man can rise no higher than the state of consciousness he
But for those who desire to have more than the facts and senses
dictate, you must live by faith. You must be selective. Meditate on what you
want. I have no interest in swimming in the facts or the horrors in this
world. It does not help me or anyone to focus my attention on abuse,
misery, oppression, etc. unless it is what I desire in my life. In fact, you
cannot help the oppressed or abused or miserable by joining them in their
misfortune or magnifying it. The only authentic way to lift others up is to be
in a higher state than they are and show them the way out, not by joining
them in their misery. The blind cannot lead the blind. Only the seeing man
can help the blind. Only one at a higher place can lift the one in the ditch.
Jump in the ditch and you both perish. The world tells you sympathy is
caring, but it is not. What tangible help does sympathy and complaining
give except to both drown in sorrow?
You cannot help a man by joining him in his crying, but by lifting
him out of his misery. By refusing to focus on the misery and seeing him
healed, lifted and better than he is. That is helping. You cannot help the
oppressed by joining them in acknowledging their oppression and drowning
in it. This is the way of the world, and what has it ever accomplished? You
can accomplish more by lifting men out in prayer, in imagination by seeing
them better than they are and by you yourself seeing yourself as one who is
free and refusing to entertain oppression in your heart or sickness in your
heart or poverty in your heart. God is a life-giving spirit. Focus on life.
The only way to fight evil is with good, by ascending to good and
being good; not by taking arms against evil. The only way to fight darkness
is by being light. "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Watch those who spend hours focusing on the horrors of the world,
no actual change happens in their lives. As they keep focused on the facts,
they stagnate in them. It becomes a constant recital of facts with no change
happening. A choir of recital.
You change when you shift your attention fully on the thing desired
and nothing less. Remember, you are God and no one else. Be still and
know this and live from within, not in Babel. The citizens of Babel are
always in confusion following others blindly, following the news, following
popularity, agreeing with the news, following the next voice that speaks,
following the next popular guru, the media, the next book, the celebrity,
everything they see they follow. They have no knowing of who they are or
what they want, so anything goes. Those who know who they are, are calm
and still and listen within because God is within. They are selective and
always at peace in a tumultuous world.
Choose whom you will serve. The consequences are all up to you. The
law, your choice, your risk.
One of the best ways to train yourself to master your own reality is to
cultivate awareness. To always be aware of your reactions. Self-observation
is, therefore, one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. You know most
people literally live like robots, like automatons. They do not think before
they talk, act or even before they accept a thought as true, they accept
anything the senses present as fact. And they allow others to think for them.
They are not self-governed, but slaves to what other people and the world
tells them is true. They are slaves to their physical senses.
Now the more you do this consistently, the more you notice you are
building self-control and self-discipline. self-control is key. Instead of being
provoked, accepting, and reacting to everything, you allow yourself the
awareness to test everything and accept only what feels good for you. The
rest you ignore and give no attention to. Silence is also a good way of not
reacting. You will notice more and more that it is your inner feeling and
beliefs that are creating reality, not what people say or do on the outside.
This process of deduction will give you confidence. Even the man that
annoys you in traffic only does so because there is disturbance within you.
When you are self-governed, you notice your world changes and becomes
harmonious in direct relation to your harmony within. Things that used to
happen do not anymore because you have learned to master yourself and
your reactions, which are the source of all that happens in your world.
Awareness is power
The less you react, the more you learn to be aware. Awareness is
power. Awareness practiced over time moves you into deliberate creation.
Because now you are choosing what to give attention to and therefore what
to create. Eventually you will notice you can DECIDE what to believe and
not believe, and what happens outside yourself becomes IRRELEVANT,
You decide what to believe and it does not have to be anything you
have witnessed externally. Now you are creating on purpose and by design.
Now you have moved out of being controlled by the world, to being the one
who controls your world. You no longer feel powerless, but powerful.
This is one of the highest qualities of self-mastery. If you care too much
about what people think about you, Good OR Bad, or trying to fit in with
people and groups and cliques and the majority, most often you will limit
yourself to the limits of those you try to get to approve of you or impress
and make them your idol deviating from true motivation. Self-mastery is
NOT possible without losing the need for both approval and the fear of
You must be able to stand on your own knowing that he (God, the
infinite, the source of all things) within you is greater than the world. That
you are complete and need nothing on the outside to approve of you, then
you will stand on solid ground no matter what and being driven by
something higher and nobler than fleeting and temporary praise and
You are to imitate God, your inner being, higher self, eternal being,
NOT MEN! Your inner being knows all things, knows who you are inside
and out and is always leading you higher and higher into a remembrance of
who you are and into living your most abundant, unique life here on earth
as an individual.
And this is because your path differs from another person's path.
Your journey is unique because you have lived and experienced so many
things as an individual in your many lifetimes, that you cannot compare
yourself to anyone else. It is almost blasphemous to do so. You cannot live
another person's journey even if you wanted to. So, it is folly to even try.
Your desires are always different from another's desires, your path is
always different from someone else even though we are one. We are
individuals for a reason. God is experiencing himself as us differently and
uniquely because he is too grand for duplication.
Therefore, do not live a life of imitation. Do not look at how
someone else is living or what they are doing and think that must be the
way you have to live or that you need to be like them, talk like them, think
like them, look like them or act like them. That is short-changing yourself.
Never feel unworthy. You are the very image and likeness of God. Yes, you!
Have confidence in yourself and your inner guidance.
You are creating your own reality anyway, so what matters is what is
happening within you. Where your attention is. And there is no greater
place it can be than in alignment with whom your inner being says you are.
Then in commune with your eternal self, who is God.
God is a life-giving power, and so are you. Your true nature is a life-
giving spirit. As you practice creating and learn to create more and more
consciously, you are imitating God and expressing your divine nature. And
you are most joyful and fulfilled when you do so.
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and
acceptable and perfect will of God," Romans 12:2
Your thoughts and words show your state of consciousness. They are
the evidence of consciousness. The consciousness or feeling or belief comes
Your Consciousness (inner being) and you (outer being) must agree.
"How can two walk together unless they agree," Amos 3:3.
Your whole being must agree about a matter for it to manifest. Your
heart (feelings), soul (entire being) and mind (thoughts) must agree. When
your heart, mind and soul agree nothing shall be impossible. That is a
united kingdom. If they are in conflict, then disharmony and lack are the
We will always feel lacking if we focus on time and all that time
implies. By stepping out of the eternal now where all is finished and
complete, we rush about thinking we are too late; or need to get something
by this date or else. We compare ourselves with others; we hurry and so we
Are you chasing and running against time? Has time taken mastery
over you? Are you feeling lacking because you think you are too old; you
are too late? Are you thinking: "well I'm still single at my age, or it's been
10 years, and no one's shown up? I'm 60 and I don't own a house or have
anything and so I've failed".
Are you thinking thoughts like "I've wasted so much time, so many
years, at my age I should be further, I wish I hadn't wasted so much time, I
wasted so many opportunities, I wasted time in that marriage, I have lost
my youth, people my age are so much further than I am, I'm too old to have
this, it's too late to change my life, maybe if I was younger, at my age it's
too late to fine love, who would love my at my age, I wish I made better use
of my years, it's too late now the chance has passed." Etc.
The Eternal Now is all that Exists
Do you see what you do when you think thoughts like that or say
things like that? You forget that NOW is all that matters and all there is.
Creation is now. Not yesterday or tomorrow.
"But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord ONE
DAY," 2 Peter 3:8
There is no time from the vantage point of your eternal self because
creation is finished. You are not chasing after or against some LIMITED
RESOURCES which will run out. You are not chasing to do something in a
time limit. That is lack thinking, and it is not truth. There is only NOW and
NOW everything exists. What this means is if you can approach your life
only in the now, you could see how much access you have to unlimited
ABUNDANCE. UNLIMITED meaning whatever you desire. No
If you would dive fully into the present moment and in this moment
choose to acknowledge your abundant inheritance and birthright, you would
see in a noticeably short time how time means nothing. You would
experience such acceleration in such a short "time" that you would see how
true it is that a day is like a thousand to your eternal true self.
And you would find that you can have what you have thought you
cannot because of placing so much attention on earthy time. You could get
that relationship that would be so fulfilling that a day in that relationship
would feel like a thousand years in terms of how fulfilling it is.
And your age and all those stories of wasted time would not matter
and would seem ridiculous. It does not matter if you are 90 years old.
You could get all the things you ever desire in such seeming
miraculous ways and such speed that you would understand what is being
said here.
Accept that you are an eternal being and an eternal being who is
EVER NOW; and is not under earthly time constraints. Yes, even though
you are in a body that is operating under time limits, your inner being is
NOT. And it is your inner being that creates your experiences and the
experiences of your physical expression. And your inner being, your
consciousness can collapse time for you in ways you cannot even imagine
or comprehend.
So, stop identifying so much with this human identity and identify
with your true eternal self. And then you will find that time does not matter
to you anymore and you will be more concerned with what you are creating
NOW based on what you are conscious of NOW. Not what you did
yesterday or will do tomorrow.
Set aside all thought of limitation and allow yourself to have your
story as you want it in consciousness. And then watch what happens. Do
not make it conform to earthly timelines or earthly possibilities. Forget if
the world thinks it is possible or if your friends think it is possible or some
statistics think it is possible; based on your age and all that nonsense.
All things are possible to your consciousness. Your true being. Just
give it to yourself NOW. AND IT IS SO.
Intellect, knowledge can never know God. Neither can the reading of
endless books reveal God. Experience or revelation can only know him
because he is your own being. Your very life. And only as one learns to be
still in their own being does this journey begin. The journey of knowing the
true self. In STILLNESS. I always feel God determined it so in the
beginning so that only the childlike at heart and poor in spirit could find
I love what Apostle Paul said to the Greek in Acts 17, one of my
favorite chapters in the bible:
"The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of
heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by
human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all
mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every
nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined
allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should
seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is not
far from each one of us, for 'In him we live and move and have our being,".
How would you act, treat people, conduct your business, use your time,
carry yourself, talk to yourself, think about things, etc. if you were the
person you desire to be right now? Most of us are always postponing our
manifestations because we postpone who we are. You cannot say you will
start acting like a millionaire when you become a millionaire, or you will
begin treating yourself well when you have this thing, or you will feel
attractive and loved when your boyfriend loves you and texting you or
shows up, or you will start acting like a leader when they give you a
leadership position. Or you will stop talking down on yourself when your
circumstances change. It does not work that way.
Unless you embody that person NOW you will not become that
person. Everything happens from the inside out. Respect yourself, then
people will respect you. Do your work knowing you are already successful,
then success will follow. Know you are attractive and loved and carry
yourself that way and talk that way and then that love will come to you.
Paint, write, run your business, make hair, sell etc. like you are already a
millionaire and then it will follow.
Even if you have one customer act like you have millions of
customers. Even if you live in a shack, act and know and feel that you are
living in that dream house. Feel yourself to be that person NOW and it will
materialize. It is YOU who determines what you get. The world simply
reflects you. It is a version of you. It shows you who you believe yourself to
be. Change your self-concept or self-image, and the world will start acting
differently towards you. That is the right order.
If you are waiting for something to happen on the outside for you to
believe you are that person, then you are going against the very laws of life
and you will keep getting what you are putting in. You will keep waiting
and remain as you are because the world is simply a mirror.
Every day tell yourself, "the world is just showing who I am and
believe myself to be. It has no power, it's just a mirror". This will remind
you to go within and change yourself and the story you are telling.
Jesus had such success healing the body because when he saw sick people,
he saw them as he was, not as they were. His Consciousness was one of
perfection. He saw perfection, not sickness. He saw the sick as they truly
were. Their true nature. Therefore, he had perfect indifference to lack and
complete devotion to truth and perfection.
What we see and believe and feel we can have. No limits. If you
would see healing in your body or any area of your life or another's life, see
the perfection, be indifferent to the problem. See, feel, contemplate and
behold perfection. Be indifferent to the imperfection and it will vanish.
Two contrasting ideas cannot exist at the same time. When you hold
to an idea absolutely, its opposite vanishes. If you are experiencing any
limitation, it is simply because you are holding onto it with your inner
vision. You are attending to it with your attention and devotion and keeping
it active. And so, the problem has become your master. If you would stop
giving it attention and behold the opposite truth instead and give that your
full devotion, the problem would vanish.
"but when the perfect comes, the partial passes away." 1 Corinthians
Learn to believe in and motivate your own self. If you always depend on
others to believe in you, approve of you or encourage you, you will unlikely
get far in your ideals. It is in human nature to always see people as we have
always seen them. The record most people will have of you is of the past.
That is because people see and look on the outside based on appearance.
No one can ever really see what is happening within you, yet that's
where growth happens. That is where change happens. It is not external.
The external is an effect. You may be a different person overnight, but
people will remember you as they last saw you.
So, stand tall, believe in yourself, make the changes you want to
make and stay the course. See and feel yourself every moment as your ideal
and your ideal will manifest in your world. Your inner being has given you
your desires for a reason. They are your higher self, calling you into
expansion. You need no one's permission or approval or opinion about
them, or anyone's help. Everything necessary is within you already. All you
need do is simply appropriate it.
Most people are living lives of recurrence. Repeating the same old
patterns every day, every year. Their lives are a predictable sequence
because their reactions, beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, assumptions, etc. never
change. This world is a shadow that reflects one's consciousness or
awareness. The world is as you see it and you see it according to your
beliefs/state of consciousness. You meet someone at 50 or 70 and they still
talk and reason the same way they did decades ago, recycling the same
patterns. A slave to recurrence.
Fighting the mirror never works. You can change and rearrange
things on the outside all you like, but if your state of consciousness has not
changed, the same pattern will meet you again and again because the world
reflects what is within. The external is not the problem. People are not the
problem. True and utter transformation only happens at the level of
consciousness. A change in consciousness literally makes you a new
person, and the new man orders a new world. The external will
automatically adjust itself to match your new concept of self.
Many of you are so focused on telling me how and when I should give
you your desires. You seem to forget that I made time; I made space; I made
everything, and I made every conceivable method there is and ever will be.
And I might remind you that my ways are past finding out. They are
infinite. That means your limited human brain cannot even figure out my
My ways are higher than your ways, my thoughts are higher than
your thoughts, as High as the heavens are higher than the earth.
"O LORD, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made
them all: the earth is full of thy riches," psalms 104.
So, when you give me deadlines and try to tell me how, do not you
see how you are trying to make the infinite, finite. The wisdom of this
world is foolishness to me. Do not make me foolish. As you try to interfere
with the good that I have for you, you only cause delays and tie my hands.
Let go. Trust me. My ways are so much higher, and they are PERFECT.
The only thing I required you to do is to believe you have what you
have asked for. Feel the satisfaction of your answered prayer. Give thanks.
Then let go. Surrender into the answer. Simply let go. Trust me. I see all
and know all.
If you try to figure out by what means I will answer you or decide
how I will answer you, you only short-change yourself. Because I can do a
far greater job than you and I always answer exceedingly, abundantly,
above all you could ask for.
I can even collapse time and extend time and freeze time and
eliminate time. So, stop giving me your deadlines. Only believe you have
what you ask. I can work on the minds of millions in your favor, cause them
to forget, cause them to remember. Cause them to act. Nothing is too hard
for me. I can bring your desire from the ends of the earth and beyond earth.
You cannot predict my ways.
David said it so well, "How precious also are thy thoughts unto me,
O God! How great is the sum of them... Marvelous are Your works, and that
my soul knows very well," Psalms 139.
We invariably become what we think about most of the time, and if we can
learn to change how and what we think, our lives would change. That is the
key to transformation. The interesting thing about humanity is that men
slight and dismiss simple things. No matter how many times you would tell
most people that to change their lives they only need to change their minds
or change how they think, the majority would still reject that and seek to
change people, circumstances and events on the outside blaming them for
the misfortunes of their lives.
Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they
become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny"
I still remember this quote because even back then as a child I knew
it was true and read it over and over. Yet, as many of us do, I forgot these
words or left them behind as I entertained increasingly negative and victim
ways of thinking. And soon, I forgot these truths and became one who
blamed everyone else for my troubles and life misfortunes. So, even as I
write this, I am fully aware of the truth of what I write from experience. If
we do not change how we think, then our lives never change.
But it is not set in stone. We can move from one body of beliefs to
another and change who we have known ourselves to be. But because it is
not necessarily easy, because habitual thinking can become addictive, most
of us would rather not. It is easier to blame others and shirk responsibility,
than to look within and accept that however our lives appear, we are the
cause and so set about to change our own selves.
Jesus said, "No one comes into my world except the father in me
draws him". The father is our consciousness, our awareness of being, our I
AM-ness. No one and nothing can come into our world unless our state of
consciousness drew it. The person or thing did not come of its own accord.
I, by my state of consciousness or way of being drew it. My awareness
drew it to me.
But it is difficult for the majority to accept this, and that is why very
few, a small minority ever change their lives. Most would rather carry on as
things are, blaming others and trying to rearrange things and people on the
outside perceiving them to be the cause, while the true cause is within the
individual man. Our reality reflects us.
Like I always say, if you want what everyone has, do what everyone
does. If you want the same relationships, worldview, drama, and mindset
everyone has, well, then keep thinking like everyone and seeing the world
like they do. And it is noticeably clear the majority never have it good.
Ask yourself what kind of person you want to be. Would they think
like you have been thinking? Would they see the world as you see it? Would
they do what you have been doing? Would they talk as you have been
talking? These questions will guide you. And remember the way you think,
perceive, talk, and act, comes from a state of consciousness, from a state of
being. To change it, move into another state. Ask yourself how the person
you would like to be would feel, think and be. As you do, you will notice
the answers arise within. Now occupy that feeling of being who you want to
be and train yourself to remain in that way of being. Persist in it and
eventually it will become who you are.
It is not the talking about, complaining about, whining about, crying about
or feeling bad about a situation that will change it. That will only increase
it. Your faithfulness to a story keeps it alive. So many people think that if
they just feel sorry for themselves, feel sad enough, talk to enough people
and get them to feel sorry for them and pamper them, spell out every detail
of why they are where they are in the most pitiful terms, that God or the
universe or someone out there will feel sorry for them and come to their
It does not work that way, beloved. And that is why if you come to
me for advice, I will not give you sympathy and mollycoddling because it
does not help. And anyone offering you that even if they mean well (and
they often do) is simply agreeing with you in your current story and joining
you in giving it attention and keeping it firmly rooted in place. You must
change your story. That is the only thing that works.
The only solution and way out of any problem is not to feel bad and
feel sorry for yourself. That will only increase it and multiply it. Because
what you focus on grows, what you give attention multiplies, what you
magnify increases, what you feel/believe creates. what you are that only
can you get. You can never get what you are not. Your world is always a
perfect reflection of you. The more you focus on that story you do not
want, regurgitate it, feel bad about it, talk about it, complain about it, give it
all your attention every day with your feeling of it, the more it grows and
multiplies and attracts to itself more situations of its kind.
You may say, but isn't that ignoring reality? Yes, that is exactly what
it is. If you want this reality, then keep focusing on it and giving it so much
power. You must be indifferent to it and start focusing on the reality you
So, if you make your world in your image and likeness, what are
YOU? What is your image? What story are you telling? Because your story
is YOU. Are you living and telling a story of woe is me, I am so poor,
unwanted, pitiful, depressed, rejected, debt ridden, sick? That is why you
keep getting more of that. It is not because the odds are against you, or you
are an unlucky person, or you are just not good enough. It is because you
keep giving that story your attention and making it your reality. You have
crucified yourself to it by your attention, feeling and belief that it is the only
story you have.
You must get off that cross you have nailed yourself to and resurrect
into the fullness you desire. You do this by creating a new story for yourself
in your consciousness of the person you desire to be. Who do you want to
be? What do you want? That is all that matters. Not the long old stories of
doom and gloom. Right now, what do you want? Look at your life like a
constant entering in and out of stories. They are scripts written by you,
within you, by what you agree with. Once you create that story and believe
themselves to actualize your it.
This is law and cannot fail. The law is faithful and does not
discriminate. Therefore, if you keep the old story alive within yourself, you
truly have only yourself to blame if it goes on and on.
"In the beginning was the Word (the story), and the Word was with
God (your consciousness), and the Word was God (the story is your state of
consciousness) ... All things were made through Him (the
story/consciousness), and without Him nothing was made that was made
(your story makes your world) ... And the Word (story) became flesh
(objective reality) and dwelt among us," 1 John 1:1,3, 14
Craft your story, make it great, and remain faithful to it with your
feeling and belief. And if you do so, will definitely come to pass.
You do not have to live with things about yourself you dislike. It is
okay to desire to be different and better. We all know ourselves and we are
always aware of those character traits which keep us stuck and stand in our
way. Be it fear, addictions, lying, anger, Judgement, self-pity, insecurity,
being a doormat, cowardice, etc. You do not have to hide behind them
saying "This is just how I am" like many do. You can change it if you want
it badly enough, and if you so desire, you could radically and completely
change your character. All things are possible.
Creation is finished. All things exist. When God created the heavens and
the earth in the beginning, he finished it all, all eternity, and all possibilities.
It says in Genesis 2:24, "And on the seventh day God ENDED his work
which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work
which he had made". He finished his work and then he rested on the
Sabbath. The Sabbath was not a literal day like we know days, but a state of
rest because there was nothing more to do.
You may ask, "but if they are finished then why don't we experience
them all or see them all simultaneously?" Because God became man and
entered a time-space dimension he himself created, where things happen
within the constraints of space and time. A slower dimension, so to speak.
Where then is creation? It is within man, for that is where God is.
Jesus put it perfectly, "the Kingdom of heaven is within". All things exist
within man because that is where God is. But only as man is AWARE of
things, are they manifest in his reality.
I love how Solomon, proclaimed the wisest man in the Bible, puts it,
"He has also set ETERNITY in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom
the work that God has done from beginning to end". Ecclesiastes 3:11. The
word for eternity used here in the original Hebrew is the word Olam, which
means world or 'antiquity and futurity'. That means ALL. God has placed
both the present and future in man, the entirety of all creation. Yet, as
Solomon says, man cannot fathom it.
The only thing the God within asks of us is to believe. All we ever
desire, or want, exists. It exists in the finished creation within. And if we
believe it, then we know we have it. "NOW faith is the SUBSTANCE of
things hoped for and the EVIDENCE of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1.
Have you ever had the feeling that there just is not enough to go around?
That demand is high, but supply is limited. That someone else has
something that should be yours? Most people would answer yes to this
question because that is mainly how the world thinks. The world pushes the
individual to be a competitor rather than a creator. It is one of the most
deeply rooted forms of conditioning. In fact, it is how the formal education
system and business world works.
To be a creator, you must first settle it in your mind that the universe is
abundant. Look at nature, it is always sufficient and has never fallen into
bankruptcy. No matter how many centuries go by, there are always trees,
there is food, there are flowers, rocks, oceans, mountains, water, etc. Be
aware of and recognize all the abundance around you by shifting your
Therefore, if you are one with the universal supply, then this means that
the universal supply is within you. Recognize it, affirm it, and believe it.
Wallace Wattles, the author of the science of getting rich, says, "You get
rid of the thought of competition. You are to create, not to compete for what
is already created. You do not have to take anything away from anyone,".
This is the bedrock of thinking like a creator. You must stop thinking
that you need to take something from someone or compete with someone
for some limited resource. In fact, you must forget other people completely
and eliminate competition from your vocabulary.
No one has anything that belongs to you. Them getting does not imply
you lacking. There is more than enough to go round. You are to create, not
compete. Envy and jealousy are all rooted in a lack mindset. They are traits
that belong to the competitive lack mindset and will work against you.
Know that you can all get what you want and be happy for the success of
The things you need or want are within you, and you can create them by
accepting this truth that they ARE within you. Did you know that no two
people have the same desires? Even when they look similar, they are quite
different. We may both want a house, for instance, but if we were to
describe what kind of house we want, we would notice how different they
are. In the same way that our desires are different, therefore, our supply is
different too. This means you do not need what someone else has. You are
to create what you want from within yourself.
Affirm- " There is more than enough to go around, and I rejoice in the
success of others.,"
To create consciously, you must start thinking like a creator. You now
know the universe is abundant, that you are abundant, and no one is your
competition. So, this leaves you with the responsibility to create the life you
desire. And this begins with honoring your creative power. By recognizing
that within you is everything you need to bring to pass what you desire. The
things you desire lie dormant within you and by exercising your creative
power and learning to act from the creative source within, you can manifest
them. Here are a few tips to harness your creative power:
Be Still- practice the art of being still and present and taking time to
listen to the wisdom and creative insights within you. You can do
this through meditation or just taking time alone to be quiet and
listen to the still small voice within.
Trust Your Intuition- Our higher self speaks to us through
intuition, insights, or hunches. Notice these intuitive leads that arise
from within you and honor them. Do not cast them aside but
consider them as higher wisdom guiding you in your creative
journey. Write them down so you do not forget them and purpose to
act on them.
Take Inspired Action- inspired action arises from intuition and
following the hunches received within. Inspired action feels
peaceful, easeful, and calm. This differs from taking forceful
competitive action, which often feels like strain and hard work and
takes a lot of effort. Inspired action saves time and effort and
produces better results.
To avoid procrastinating and inaction, make it a habit to write
the hunches, insights, and ideas you receive from your higher self
and any inspired action you feel to take. Then act on each of them.
Write in goal form what you should do and act from a place of rest
and faith. Avoid worrying and fear which move you into the
competitive mode.
Do not compare yourself with others- Remember, this is your
journey, and you are unique and do things in your own individual
way. Therefore, honor your process and dare to trust that your
creative output does not have to look like someone else. Your gifts
are your gifts from your higher self. Treasure them.
"Be yourself; no base imitator of another, but your best self. There is
something which you can do better than another. Listen to the inward voice
and bravely obey that. Do the things at which you are great, not what you
were never made for," Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Affirm- "I'm grateful for all that I am and all the possibilities within
Cut out all middlemen and give yourself the things you want in
But you must first cut out all middlemen and know that the only
agreement is with yourself. Only yourself. And then take on the
Consciousness of what you desire, not what you do not have. Feel yourself
now to be what you desire. Believe it. Feel it. Live it and it will materialize
in this mirror called physical reality.
I, the great architect of the universe, have made you in my image. I became
you. Individualized myself as YOU. Don't you see how masterful you are?
How brilliant you are? If I made the millions of the stars in the sky, the
billions of birds in the air each unique and unlike the other, how much more
you who are my very image and likeness?
I have not placed you here to walk under the shadow of fellow men.
Nor to cower and imitate others who you think are far superior to you. No
one is superior to the other. Everyone is here to express my boundless glory.
Therefore, I seek expression through each person because each person is a
unique representation of my glory. Completely unmatched and
Decide that you deserve the best there is. Of everything. Decide that you are
the spoiled (I use this word in the best possible light) prince/ss of the
universe. Only the best for you. It is all being lined up for you. Good things
are literally breaking down your door. You are swamped by an avalanche of
goodness. The best of everything is yours. Why not you? Why not? Decide
it is for you. Want it and expect it. Feel it. Be grateful for it. See it.
Acknowledge it. Imagine it. Dream of it. Experience it. Revel in it. Praise it.
Contemplate it. Immerse yourself in it. Swim in it. Meditate on it day and
night. Expect it.
Want a relationship? Why settle for less than what you want because
you think that is all you can get? Expect the best. The one you imagine. Let
no one tell you it does not exist. If you see it in your imagination, it exists
as sure as the sun rises in the east.
Want friends? Expect the best. The ones you desire. The ones you
dream of.
Want to feel good? Expect the best of emotions and feeling: Joy,
peace, harmony, love, kindness, integrity, poise, bliss.
Why be okay with whatever comes? Why settle for any man or
woman that comes? Why settle for just any old thing? Why settle for just
feeling okay? Why be okay with breadcrumbs off the table? Why ever feel
desperate? Whey dismiss your dreams as impossible and settle for Plan B?
Why do what you do not want to do? Why imprison yourself in your
own life?
You really can have it all. Why not? Dare to believe it. It is your life.
You get to decide what goes either way.
Friends, I just wanted to encourage you and challenge you to DECIDE who
you want to be. Just decide! Once you have decided what version of
yourself you want to be, the entire universe will obey and be compelled to
bring things, people, circumstances, opportunities, even inanimate objects
to you to CONFORM to what you have decided. But you must decide first.
I know it sounds so simple, but it is amazing how many of us have not
decided who we are. I know, I spent so many years Yo-Yo-ing on contrary
assumptions, feeling sorry for myself and thinking what I wanted was
impossible. And as a result, I never got it.
I had not fully decided. I had not left the shore, cut my losses,
thrown all Plan B's out the window and DIED to my old self. I still wanted
to hold on to self-pity, feeling less than others, feeling small just in case,
because it was comfortable. I was compromising in every area of my life. I
did not think I could get the relationship I wanted to, so I opted to assume
that relationships are not worth it and compromise for relationships I did
not genuinely want with people I did not even like. I did not believe I could
have the friendships I wanted, so I opted to assume that I cannot have good
quality friends and got poor quality friendships.
The world simply says YES MAAM, YES SIR! You feel unwanted?
Here are more people and events to make you feel more of that. You think
money is scarce? Well, here are more situations to show that. You think you
are desperate for love, here are more men or women to keep you feeling
desperate by their little behavior. You think you are a puny little something,
here are more experiences to give you more than that.
At some point you must tire of your current reality, that you will let
the former you DIE.
Neville Goddard says, "Many a person will say they want something
today, but forget about it a week later. I am not speaking about some little
magical thing where you can wave a wand and your desire will suddenly
appear. This law is based upon a principle. If you want something, you can
have it, but you must be willing to give up what you are now in order to be
what you want to be. That is the only price you pay. No sacrifice is required
outside of giving up the state in which you find yourself and moving into the
state where you want to be, for they are only states."
There is no other price to pay. So, just decide you are leaving that
old state behind. You are moving out and never coming back. Do not even
pack a bag, do not carry a memento. Leave that old you behind and move
out carrying nothing and move into the new house, the new you. The new
you has everything you need to be that person. Therefore, nothing of the old
is necessary. Each state of consciousness is complete!
So please forget the old stories, do not tell yourself any stories. It
does not matter what they did, or she did. If you keep up those old stories,
you remain in that state. Throw it out and MOVE! It does not matter. I do
not care if it was just a minute ago someone rejected you or did whatever!
Decide who you want to be right now! Move into the state of being wanted.
I get what I want, and that is all that matters. If it takes 10,000,000
people to give me what I want, they will be moved to fulfill my desire. If
my husband or wife must come from the ends of the earth, they will be
moved to me. It is done!
Decide who you are. Stop giving power to anything and anyone
outside of you. They have no power. They are simply playing out your
stories and assumptions like actors playing out a script. You have written
the script and they are just acting it out. So, change it if you don't like it.
Enough blaming and enough complaining and saying, "well it is too hard,
you do not understand my history and background". What history, what
background? After all, NOW is the only moment there is!
You are I AM not I was, not I will be. I AM! God! Even that history
if it matters so much to you can be changed. Decide, "I have always been
loved, I have always had money, I had a wonderful
childhood". Change your history too, if you want to. Erase it, change it,
ignore it, it does not matter! What you say goes! Time is at your command
too. History, too. Everything. It can all be how you decide it is.
Decide to cut the cords that connect you to the past and MOVE! Do
not be double minded. That keeps you stuck. You're still trying
to live between two worlds and serve two masters. You are still trying to be
liked by everyone while you compromise yourself. And how do I know
that? Because of the story you are still telling. I like what Neville Goddard
says in one of his lectures, "walk through the door right now like you are
wanted", like you are what you want. Try it. Get up right now and walk
through a door near you believing you are walking through the door as the
new man! It is that simple. It is just a decision, a shift in consciousness, and
it just takes a decision. I have decided, and it is so because my deciding is
my knowing and I AM.
So, see the world as the new you! How would you feel? How would
you see the world and relate with it if you were the person you want to be,
if you were loved or wealthy or beautiful? That question will awaken
feelings and an awareness in you. Wear those feelings persistently because
those feelings are the new man.
One of the most powerful ways to move from the victim state in life,
where we seem to be tossed back and forth by life, moved by every wave
that comes along, moved by circumstances, people's actions and what
happens outside of us, is to stop REACTING. What we give awareness to,
give our attention, and imagine, becomes our reality! We see as real in our
world only what we are giving awareness to and becoming conscious of,
and this usually is coming from within, based upon our concept of self.
Stop reacting to what you are seeing and experiencing and instead
affect your reality by knowing what you want to experience and embody
and then LIVE as it. Be it. Do not react or give attention and awareness to
anything that is contrary to what you desire and soon you will notice you do
not notice the things you used to because your world weaves itself
according to your consciousness and what you are giving awareness to. The
things that then come into your world will be a likeness of who you are now
because you stopped reacting and began affecting and creating.
Reaction based living gives power to things outside self and makes
self a victim to them. Test this and you will see it is true. Look at the days
when you are reacting to people and taking the mood of the surrounding
things. More things like those come into your world. Observe your most
recurrent mood or state? Are you always reacting to people and taking
things personally? Or are you creating your world according to your
In summary, become what you desire to see in the world, and you
will stop reacting. We only react and give attention to that which we
IDENTIFY with. Give your awareness to the things you desire to see.
Every negative thing that comes your way, do not give your attention to by
reacting negatively to it, but by returning to who you know yourself to be,
to what you desire. A loving person would not react to unloving acts. A
person who knows who they are, would not get entangled in reacting to
drama. If you desire love, be and respond in love.
Be that which you desire, and you will not react to what is not like
you. And with time you will notice your reality is matching up to who you
know yourself to be. The people, situations, and conversations you used to
attract will simply change and the old patterns will be a thing of the past
and you will attract what matches who you have become. The entire world
is simply a reflection of you!
Most of us do not transform our lives because we are only "hearers and
NOT doers of the word." We have a desire for something, we hear or read
something that stirs the soul into movement. Immediately, we get excited
because of the truth of what we have read, heard, or desired, and feel that
surely this truth must transform our lives. And for a few days in that high
excited mood, we feel that things are changing. But soon, we are back to
our normal selves and the same old way of living. We never witness
permanent change. Change seems constantly momentary and fleeting.
Jesus talks about this in the parable of the sower in Matthew 13: 20-
21 when he mentions the seed that falls on rocky ground "he who received
the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately
receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself but endures only for a
while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word,
immediately he stumbles".
"But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the
word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a
hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty." Matthew 13:23.
Turn away from what you dislike and only face, recognize and
accept the reality you want to experience. Be devoted to that and you will
manifest/ externalize it. Face YOUR desired reality and be devoted only to
Isn't that being in denial someone may ask? Oh, yes, definitely! That
is the whole point. Deny what you do not want and create what you want,
by directing your attention and feeling to what you want. By doing that you
rob what is of its life and instead give life to what you want.
Learn to discover and own your own voice; your own unique style
and gifts and expression, which is God in you seeking expression through
you as only you can. There is a unique signature to you that no one else has,
and you owe it to yourself to stay true to that. Follow your own path boldly
and confidently, knowing that there is a need for what only you can offer.
Everything we live out or are living out is simply a story we have told
ourselves convincingly. That is all it is. Once a thing is believed, it becomes
a story that plays out as our reality. And this means if we want to, we can
change any story. It does not matter how long it has been running or how
entrenched it is. With a STRONG desire, you can change it.
And when we live some of them for so long and see evidence of them,
we keep repeating them as truth. The more we look at the evidence, the
more we hold them as truth and keep them alive. But they are not absolute
truth, just facts. They are simply reflections of our inner activity.
Reflections of our dominant beliefs.
You are the conceiver, writer, director, and producer of the story of
your life. You are the center of your reality/universe. And it is always being
projected from the inside, out.
You can change any story. Whatever it is. Write a new one in
consciousness and then give it as much devotion as you gave the previous
one. Accept it, believe it, and live it in your consciousness and it will
become your manifest reality. Nothing is cast in stone. Nothing.
It is not too late to flip your entire story around. Give yourself what
you want. Do not let the old stories hold you back. A story is a story. It is
not absolute. You can rewrite it.
You attract what you ARE, not what you WANT or SAY. The universe
works through the law of consciousness or imagination or assumption.
What man is conscious of being, he has. What man assumes he is, he is.
What man Imagines he is or has, he does.
This is because as the creator, you create not with external things or
materials, but with internal awareness. Your awareness gives life.
What you are conscious of being dominates your feelings and the
subconscious then takes your feelings about anything and creates it. Feeling
is the language of the subconscious. It is feeling that reveals what man
believes to be real. Feelings do not lie. Therefore, if you say one thing and
feel another, it is the feeling that matters and what the subconscious
manifests. Never words. Understanding this truth will shift everything.
FEELING IS THE SECRET. What you feel is what will manifest. Never
what you say or claim.
Words have no power on their own. The feeling and belief behind
the words is what matters. Therefore, I could go around saying "I am loved"
all day long, but if I do not feel loved within and feel unwanted, then I will
manifest "unwanted', and not my words. That is why the bible says, "For
nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that
will not be known and come to light." Luke 6.
Feelings can be disguised externally by a smiley face or contrary
words, but the subconscious is not duped and will always manifest what
you FEEL to be true. If you feel loved and wanted, even though externally
it does not look like it when you began that assumption, it will be so.
Everything that is done in secret will be manifest. Our feelings
about ourselves, others, life, situations, and the world, is what we will
manifest. The subconscious creates according to a man's beliefs. If I feel the
world to be a horrible place where everyone hurts me, then I will keep
manifesting for myself a world where everyone is horrible and hurts me.
Nothing will change, no matter how much I complain and feel self-pity
until I change what I am conscious of being, which is hurt.
That is the secret of the universe. Everything is within. Never
without. If I, from the example above, change my consciousness by
deciding to be one who is loved and wanted instead, then I will have to
change my feelings about self, others, and life. How will I do this? Not by
suppressing my feelings or pretending. BUT by a change in consciousness
and imagination.
I will begin this moment to assume I am loved and wanted. What I
do is give my subconscious new fodder for manifesting, so to speak, by
feeling different from the way I used to.
Now where do feelings come from? A state of BEING. In the
example I have given the state this person is occupying is "people are
horrible and everyone hurts me". A person who believes that and embodies
that state acts in certain ways and feels certain ways. You cannot be that
person and feel loved or wanted.
So, the key is to MOVE or CHANGE the state you occupy and
through consciousness become another person. A person who is loved and
wanted. Because a person who is loved and wanted behaves a certain way,
FEELS a certain way. That feeling is what we now want to embody. So, you
only get this feeling by a change in consciousness. Which begins first with
desire and then through imagination, assuming yourself to be NOW the
person who is loved and wanted.
This is where imagination comes in. And imagination is most
effective when you imagine the end. Imagine you are already now the
person you want to be. What implies that, how does it feel? Maybe you will
imagine someone congratulating you for having so many people that love
you in your life. Maybe you will imagine the feeling of being loved and
wanted and allow that feeling to flood your awareness and then say 'thank
you it is done' to your consciousness, which is God. Maybe you will affirm
"I am loved and wanted" allowing the feeling to flood you being. You can
imagine anything that feels natural for you that would imply you are now
loved and wanted.
I have used this example, but this can be used for anything. Wanting
a promotion at work, wanting a house, wanting marriage, wanting an email,
wanting a better job, wanting to find a lost earring, wanting to locate a lost
friend. The law of consciousness can manifest anything seemingly big or
small. The key is to imagine or assume that you are now the person you
desire, that you have now the thing desired. How would it feel or how
would you feel were you now in possession of that thing or was that
person? That feeling of your wish fulfilled NOW is the key to manifesting.
The subconscious knows nothing except what a man feels to be true.
The subconscious does not discriminate and will manifest what you feel to
be true, even though facts deny it. It will take your new feelings of being
loved, wanted, married, pregnant, healthy, living there, having found your
lost earring, having that job etc. and it will go about manifesting it because
that is what you are impressing on the subconscious through feeling. How it
does it is not your concern. Do not concern yourself with how. The
subconscious being God has ways and means you know not of.
If you impress your subconscious with bad things, still it will not
discriminate and will manifest exactly what you feel. If you believe life is
hard, people are evil, men are dogs, women are foolish, life is unfair, life is
meaningless, you are poor and useless; you are sick, depressed etc. that is
exactly what will manifest, and your life will always bear witness to your
imaginal acts and you will always find proof to justify your assumptions of
how bad life is. Because you are manifesting all of it, good or bad by the
same power.
I have shared with you in quite simple terms the way manifesting
happens. It is the key to life and how everything unfolds. Humans are
manifesting everyday very unconsciously and so manifesting evil, unlovely
and indifferent things because of being totally unaware of this power
within. Now armed with this knowledge, you can decide to no longer leave
it to chance and default, by living carelessly and imagining aimlessly. Your
imagination is your investment. Your seed. Do not waste it anymore,
creating unlovely things for self and others.
Invest instead and use it to manifest a glorious life for self and
others. Imagine lovely things. Imagine only what you desire. Watch your
inner conversations and reactions to life because all these make imprints on
your subconscious. Master yourself and do not consume horrible things
which flood you with negative feelings about life and people. If you change
in consciousness to your desired state, you will find even what you
consume and how you talk, think and act changes. Because the person you
desire to be acts thinks and talks in a certain way. Be that NOW.
If you want to attract wonderful loving people into your life,
become right now the person who is wonderful and loved. How does this
person talk or act or think? Surely, they would call no one a derogatory
word or speak negatively about others or expect horrible things. Be what
you desire NOW and by becoming IT you will manifest IT.
Go forth and multiply after your kind.
The feeling leads the way to the promised land. "Faith is simply a feeling of
Many Israelites left Egypt with Moses having high hopes for the
promised land, but many did not enter or get there because of their unbelief.
They gave up along the way. Some decided it was a hoax, got comfortable
in the wilderness and gave up all hope. And some even longed to go back to
Egypt/ bondage. They told Moses it was even better when they were in
Egypt when they did not have a desire to leave. Well, they got their wish.
The entire story is a metaphor for how the law works.
You must mix your desire with faith. It will not profit you if you
doubt it, waver back and forth, give power to facts and appearances,
question how it is going to happen and get yourself all worked up with
worry or even give up on it. You therefore must have that feeling of
fulfilment that the very desire itself is a sure sign that its fulfilment is
complete too. The oak is in the acorn.
"Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things
not yet done, saying, 'My counsel SHALL STAND, and I will accomplish
all my purpose," Isaiah 46:10
"The Lord of hosts has sworn: "As I have planned, so shall it be, and as
I have purposed, so shall it stand" Isaiah 14:24
"None of my words will be delayed any longer, but the word that I
speak will be performed," Ezekiel 12:28
"It is finished, "John 19:30
"And now I have told you before it takes place, so that when it does
take place you may believe," John 14:29
Think, feel, act FROM the person you want to be. What would they think,
feel, say, do? How would they act? Spend some time contemplating that. As
you do, the feeling and "Vibe" of that person will envelop you. What
happens at that moment is you have stepped into that reality.
Remember, all realities exist, and you can pick which one to live in
NOW. Reality is an illusion, a construct, a concept, an idea, a vision, and
you do not have to accept the reality you are in right now. What you are
living now is an idea and a construct you are believing as real and so
perpetuate every day. Reality is a FEELING. You feel it real, and so it is.
You can pick another one and step into it. Remember when you step
into it in feeling you have stepped into the reality of it, the life of it, and are
living it as your true self who is not the body, but pure Awareness.
Now, as you contemplate that version of yourself, as you feel it, you
are actually IT. You are giving it life through your contemplative vision. Let
that feeling permeate your being, stay there a while, do this every day until
that feeling takes OVER you. Think and feel and live FROM that reality.
For example, if you desire to be wealthy, how would you feel, what
would you think, what would you say if right now you were wealthy?
Would you be feeling anxious, worried, would you talk about debts and not
having enough? Would you say you feel you could not afford something?
Of course not.
You would feel secure, relieved, you would think of the amazing
things you are going to buy, you would think of the amazing places you
would go, you would feel confident, you would feel like a million bucks,
you would walk through that door feeling wealthy and secure. You would
feel secure wanting something expensive. Feel it and think as that person
now. When you embody that feeling and that person now, even with no
money in your account, you have become wealthy. The Manifestation
always follows the feeling and the belief. Not the other way around. The
feeling of wealth produces wealth.
The feeling of poverty will never make you wealthy. So, exit that
construct now if you want wealth.
If you desire the love of your life, feel it now. Feel adored, loved,
cherished, feel happily in love, feel your partner's hand in yours, feel how
they cannot get enough of you. If you desire specific traits, feel them. If you
for example want a partner who is romantic, feel it, see that romantic
gesture in your Imagination. Be specific. Those little things you desire
matter. Do not deny yourself of them by being vague. Vague desires give
you vague manifestations. I am sure not just anyone will do. You want
someone of a certain type, maybe even a certain look. Do not be afraid to
feel it all.
See them and experience them. Do you think you cannot feel "in
love" without a partner? Think again. You can. Immerse yourself in that
feeling of being in love. Be in love NOW. Imagine telling a friend how
happy you are that you found the exact type of man or woman you have
always wanted, see yourself writing it in your journal, write it down in your
journal FROM the point of view of fulfilment.
Always think FROM the end of the things you want. Live FROM
the end. FEEL yourself to be what you desire now. Remember, do not
contradict yourself. Do not be double minded. Do not be of two opinions.
Your feeling can never lie. You know how you feel within. It is that feeling
that creates. That is why the only person you ever need to convince is
yourself and not other people. Feel yourself to be the thing you desire. Feel
yourself to have the things you desire NOW!
I see you as that person.
Forgive without end, without tiring. To forgive is to see something the way
you want it, not as it APPEARS. It is the transformative power of creation. I
look at myself or another or a situation and I see it how I do not want it. The
vessel is marred in my hands. What do I do? Do I cast myself away or cast
another away or cast a situation away as hopeless and give up and get
depressed or disappointed? No.
"Then Peter came to Him and said, "Lord, how often shall my
brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times? "Jesus said to
him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."
Matthew 18:21-22.
"Then I went down to the potter's house, and there he was, making
something at the wheel. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in
the hand of the potter; so, he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed
good to the potter to make." Jeremiah 18:3-4
Decide who you want to be, what you desire, and then be it now. Give it to
yourself. And in the seeming "gap" or "time lag", between the assumption
and the physical Manifestation, live in the joy and gratitude and knowing
that it really IS DONE. Remember, this world is a mirror, a projector. It
simply REVEALS physically what already happened in the actual
real world which is spiritual. And that is why it is called having FAITH.
Faith is that belief in the unseen reality.
Long before the first airplane was conceived in the mind of the one
who conceived it and believed into being, it was an impossibility to
the world. It seemed impossible to the majority that they could defy the law
of gravity in any way such that an object could move through space. But
here is the thing, the airplane had always existed in the spiritual world. But
someone had to have a strong enough desire and vision to not only see it but
believe it in. To persist and be faithful to the vision. I am sure there are
many who had the vision of it, but not a strong faith to see it through into
conception like the Wright brothers.
Same with a house or car. Long before the house is visible to the
world, it already exists in the spiritual world, but it needs someone to see it
in vision or Imagination and believe it in. Everything we see is a grand
revelation of what has always been.
The time lag from the nonphysical to the physical is what trips most
people up to give up. And by giving up, they abort their desire. Or they tell
people about it and people discourage them and ridicule them, and because
their faith is not strong, they give up. Unbelief sets in and the thing they
desired remains in nonphysical, to never be manifest in the physical. But
the thing will always exist. Until someone with faith and belief believes it
in or until you are ready to take it. And therefore, it is never too late.
Nothing dies, and nothing is ever too late for manifestation if there is a
Anything you are desiring, or ever desired once, exists. It has never
died and never will. But it is appearance in the nonphysical depends on
your ability to accept it and believe it is yours and be faithful to it no matter
what. That knowing or belief is the only thing that will sustain you through
the period or bridge you will need to move across to experience it in
physical. Because time limits this physical world, usually there is a time
gap. No one can tell you how long it will take, but what does it matter if
you know it is inevitable.
And you always shorten the time if you do not waver back and forth
and remain faithful to it and keep the faith. If you remain pregnant so to
speak or keep the seed planted instead of digging it up and then planting,
digging it up and then planting. The seed that is left alone to grow grows
faster than the one that is dug up then planted over and over, or even the one
thrown away and picked up later.
It is never too late
But here is the thing, there is no one keeping score. Never feel bad
or condemn yourself if you have dug up the seed and caused delays a
million times. Do not do it. Anything you did while ignorant or even while
doubtful does not matter. What matters is right now. Your higher self is
never keeping score against you or writing you off. What is yours will
always be yours.
I do not care how long it has been. Maybe your desire has lain
barren for 20 years or even 60, it does not matter. Maybe you even forgot
about it and have just now rekindled it. There are no time limits to anything.
Because everything that lives, lives forever. Creation is finished, and all
things exist and always will exist.
Your desires never expire because they are eternal. And NOW is the
only moment that ever exists. So, do not let the world and people threaten
you and mock and judge you with time and all those standards people use.
We are not in a race against anything or anyone. There is no competition.
We are eternal. What matters is the journey and every step of the journey
matters and is important. Getting your desire sooner or later does not really
matter. The journey was important too, in ways you can't imagine. Never
regret and talk about wasted time and years.
The most important thing is to awaken to the truth of who you are.
A creator. One with God. And it does not matter when this happens. It is we
who look at time and age and years. God, your eternal self never does. To
God a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day because
your eternal self is NOW. All reality is happening now. Time is of no
consequence. It doesn't even exist in the place where creation takes place,
the kingdom within. No scores are being kept. Supply is never running out.
You are not being graded. That is the world's system, and it is foolishness to
So, this moment now is what matters. Give yourself your desire now
by believing it is yours. And then remain faithful to it. Have faith in God,
your true self. Do not worry about the means or how's. You could not
possibly conceive them. Abraham asked God how it was possible to have a
child when Sarah was barren and old, and he was old too. And this is what
God told Abraham when Sarah laughed "Why did Sarah laugh, saying,
'Shall I surely bear a child, since I am old?' Is anything too hard for the
Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of
life, and Sarah shall have a son." Genesis 18:13-14.
How would you feel if you could simplify your life, erase everything you
believe that is holding you back? Everything you have been TOLD or
TAUGHT and create your own rules for every area of your life. I have been
doing this for the last couple of months and it has changed my life. You see,
everything is an assumption. Everything. I mean everything you believe
about money, people, relationships, food, everything. And the thing is, there
is no right or wrong assumption necessarily because it is all assumptions.
Your opinions are assumptions, the other people's opinions which differ
from you are assumptions. But what is true is that our assumptions are
creating. What are some assumptions you believe that you still secretly
think are correct and the only truth? For example:
What if you could create your own assumptions, even if no one you
knew had ever heard of them? That is what being a creator means. Forget
all the limiting assumptions that "well I live on earth and there are rules, so
I must follow these rules". Who said so? Dream! What if you could create
your own fun and liberating assumptions, those you fear admitting? For
Then FEEL your way into your new assumptions. Use your
imagination, your spiritual sensation to hear, see, feel, eavesdrop on
conversations, read articles, read messages, hear conversations, touch the
things, see the envy on their faces, read the things you want. Then know it
is so, and nothing in this shadow world can stop it.
There is great need more than ever for people who think for original
thought and individualism. There is nothing worse than group thinking.
Everywhere we look, the world seems to be divided into camps and groups.
And in age of the internet and faster sharing of ideas, everywhere you look
every other person wants to be like the next person.
I have always rebelled against it. I always think is best to think for
myself and stand for what I believe at any moment however it may appear
to anyone else rather than be swept away by group thinking. After all, it is
my mind and my ideas and my conclusions. My adventure.
Know who you are and have absolute confidence in your creative powers
and nothing outside yourself will harm or move you. Really contemplate
the truth of what I am about to say:
Things only have power over you, or have some influence over you,
when you ALLOW them or are OPEN to their suggestions. You can
CLOSE the door of your Consciousness and REFUSE to accept any
appearances, facts, suggestions, views, little opinions, fears, mass hysteria,
thoughts and feelings that are not to your liking and do not agree with who
you have decided to be.
Go within and refuse to accept it. You do not need to tell anyone.
Just quietly reject it and instead affirm and feel what you want as the truth
and only acceptable situation. Then have absolute confidence, knowing that
nothing can counter a firm belief. And rest in the confidence that what you
feel to be true is the only truth for you. It does not matter what other people
are accepting, your life and reality is absolutely AT YOUR COMMAND.
Have a deep abiding confidence in your inner being
Judge Thomas Troward, the great new thought teacher, was asked
"what would you do if all the black magicians were praying against you and
using the death prayer, cursing you?"
That is the spirit one should have against any negative suggestions.
Completely DESPISE them. Count them as nothing because they are. Blah
blah blah, cock-a-doodle-doo.
Many people think that law of attraction and all these teachings on reality
creation made popular in the late 19th and 20th century are new. But they
are as old as time. God/source in the beginning created the universe in the
same way. It is the law of the universe, the law of being, and how the
universe works moment by moment.
The bible is the most complete manual on reality creation there is, and
Jesus, the Christ (who is a symbol of Consciousness) the greatest teacher of
it. And he makes it quite simple. The bible makes it quite simple. I want to
share a few words to show the simplicity of it.
1. Visualization
Imagine and see your desire as a finished ideal. See the end.
Imagine a scene implying you have your desire. A scene that would happen
AFTER you had achieved the desire. E.g., Someone congratulating you,
walking in your new house, driving your new car, sitting at the desk of your
new job, reading a message of congratulations, hearing the voice of a
loved one praising you, touching and using your desire, etc. This method
literally places you at a scene in the "future" and it is not fantasy because
what you imagine is real.
Imagination is your spiritual vision. It is the sight of God. What you
imagine exists. You are basically entering your future and seeing what you
will see when you get there in the physical. You can do this, as earlier said,
because creation is finished, and you are a spirit being. You are
And so, placing yourself in that future event and feeling its reality is
powerful because it will give you the feeling of being there and having what
you want. That feeling is key because you are merging with your desire.
Now dwell on this feeling, knowing you have already determined your
future. And that this physical world, including you yourself, will be moved
across a series of events to get you to where you were in Imagination.
2. Affirmations
Construct a statement that implies your fulfilled desire. A statement
that basically states what you want as a fact now. This works the same way
as visualizing in giving the feeling of your fulfilled desire. It is a
declaration, a statement of fact. You declare what you desire as done. You
feel it as you say it to yourself. Affirmations work to reprogram your
subconscious and get you to feel the reality of what you desire. And
because they mimic thought and inner conversations, they are powerful in
eliminating contrary thoughts and doubt.
Depending on what you desire, you construct a statement that implies
you have what you desire.
For example:
I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy
I have a lavish, steady, dependable income consistent with integrity and
mutual benefit
I am the wisdom of God
Infinite spirit guides me to my true place in life
I am happily married to my ideal partner
I am wealthy
I am successful
I am wanted
I am the best restaurant owner in my state
I am fulfilled in my dream career
Divine intelligence guides me in all my affairs
Construct your own statement. Learn to.
3. Scripting.
This involves writing your desires from the future as if they were
already reality. E.g., a journal entry from the future. This elicits feeling as
you write, immersing you in the desired reality.
4. Thank you
Saying thank you as you think of your desire and feeling the
gratitude to your higher self for granting your desire. This is powerful and
one that Jesus used all the time. "I thank you father that you have heard me.
I knew that you always hear me." When Jesus fed the masses with five
loaves and two fish, he first lifted his eyes (a sign of looking within) and
said thank you. And God multiplied the food in response to his
acknowledgment or faith.
This is powerful because gratitude is a sign of confidence that you have
already received what you desire.
There are many other techniques out there. Vision boards,
subliminal messages, etc. The important thing is to feel your desire as done
already. With or without a technique.
What grants the answer and makes it manifest is the faith in the
desire being an already accomplished fact. And remember, you do not need
techniques. All you desire is already given. It is ALREADY YOURS. Give
it to yourself by merely accepting that it is so. It is your father's good
pleasure to give you the kingdom. YOUR acceptance and
acknowledgement are the master key.
"I am prosperity,"
"Wonderful things are happening to me right now,"
As you drive, walk, and do your duties, repeat it and meditate on it,
letting it crowd your consciousness. When worry or fear comes up, quickly
replace it with the affirmation. The reason for this is so as not to allow the
thought to take root. If you replace it and counter it immediately, it loses
power and vanishes. But if you entertain it and feelingly think about it, you
impress it into your subconscious mind. Do not entertain evil and negative
thinking about yourself or about OTHER PEOPLE. This is the sole cause of
all limitation and lack and disease.
Before you drift off to sleep, say your affirmation, lull yourself
to sleep with it and when you wake up, say it while still in that sleepy state.
Settle it in your mind that because God is all things, then you are all things.
Ponder this:
'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'?
God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. "Matthew 22:32
Jesus said, "Before Abraham Was, I Am" John 8:47. I AM before all
things, for I AM the source of all and the life of all. I contain all things in
me, and I AM in you.
I am not far off? I am always in you, within you, as your true self.
We cannot be so separate as even to be near, for we are one.
I want you to trust that I have truly given you all things. You just
have not acknowledged it, and so you keep yourself separated in your mind
from me. I am always at hand. Within you in my fullness. I AM. Before you
speak, I hear, before a word forms in your mouth, I have known it. "For
there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O LORD, you know it
altogether." Psalms 139:4.
Your desires are not foreign to me, before you form the desire, I
have made provision of it. I AM a God of the living, not the dead.
"It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; And while
they are still speaking, I will hear." Isaiah 65:24.
Know that I know you and have heard you and have ALREADY
answered you. Because I AM. Your ever-present help. Ever present. Never
coming, never becoming, always I AM. Ever present with the answer.
It is you who separate yourselves from what you want because you
hold it in consciousness that it is a thing that is dead, to become and to be,
but I tell you again, I AM a God of the LIVING and not the dead. I AM the
resurrection and the life, and I AM in you in my fullness. I AM not far off. I
AM closer than your breath and I AM All you need. Fear not little flock, for
it is my good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. I already have. Take it.
"Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as
little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:3.
DEAD - 2
Whatever matters is now, now, now! Your NOW feeling and belief. What
you are giving life to Now. God is a God of the living, not the dead. Your
creative moment is now. Right now, is where your attention should be at.
Therefore, what matters is, what DO I WANT NOW? WHO AM I NOW?
Not who I was and the long-winded story of what was. And not what has
been. That does not matter. It is dead.
I love how whenever Jesus healed the sick, he asked them, "what do
you want?" Not "tell me your childhood traumas and all the stories about
why you're here now, or how bad things are, or how difficult it is, or tell me
what your mom did and how horrible things have been so we can cry
together, let's go back and relieve it all and heal it,".
No, the focus was always "what do you want me to do for you
NOW?" Because that is all that matters. The past does not matter if you
want something else now.
What do you want? "Who do you say that "I AM?" Who do you say
you are?
God's name is I AM, not I WAS
"God is not a God of the dead but of the living,". Jesus in mark 12:27
The dead are the things that have been, the things you do not want,
the things that appear which you do not want. They do not deserve your
attention or devotion.
You cannot find the living among the dead; you cannot find who
you want to be in who you are not wanting to be or who you were.
Therefore, the more you focus on what was and even what appears
to be -which is a reflection always of past events, because even what
appears to be right now is the dead, it is an old reflection of past beliefs- the
more you keep it alive. But if it is good and what you want to keep alive,
then keep it alive by focusing on it.
But if it is not what you want, let it die by taking your attention away
from it.
"Follow Me and let the dead bury their own dead" Matthew 8:22.
Follow the Consciousness and awareness and feeling of who you want to be
and what you wish to resurrect in your life and let the dead burry their own
dead. Let the old things remain among old things. Dead. As for you, follow
me, follow the consciousness of the person you are choosing to be. And you
will resurrect it.
Why are you looking for your desire in the facts and appearances
and the old? Why do you seek who you want to be in the dead you? The
more you do this, the more you remain in the tomb perpetuating the old
So, let the dead bury their dead and follow the Consciousness of
who you want to be. Follow the feeling of resurrection. The feeling of
already being that person now and feeling that reality as the only truth. And
by so doing, you will resurrect it.
The true self is I AM. BEING-ness. The ONE experiencing the forms. That
is the true self. The real self. The eternal self that can never die. That is
God. You get in touch with that true being you are when you are still within
When you detach from the experiences and identities the true self
wears in this human adventure, and can just BE Awareness, Presence,
Consciousness, I AM, Being.
But you know these are only forms and appearances of your
ETERNAL self, and so you do not get attached to them to gain your
identity from them. And this non-attachment to them is the source of peace
and joy and the end of suffering because you are not reacting and thinking
this physical self is all you are.
You know who you are. You can experience, observe as you choose
by deciding what you want to experience. You know your true self within is
complete, lacking nothing, needing nothing, so you do not look for meaning
in the world.
That is what Jesus meant when he said, "They are not of the world,
just as I am not of the world." John 17:16 and what Apostle John meant
when he said, "greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world,"
That greater one is I AM the true self of man. The eternal God. The
one without beginning or end, experiencing the world of forms.
Learning to commune with this eternal self is the door to true peace
in this world. It is the truth that sets free because it is the door to everything
man is seeking which can only be found in the discovery of his true self, I
AM (the eternal substance of all things/the source of all).
Wonderful things are happening all around me. As I choose thoughts and
feelings that feel wonderful, I am creating wonderful experiences. As I
choose beliefs (thoughts and feelings) that agree with my desire and forget
everything else, I am living and making alive constantly the reality of my
The other day I visited an old neighbourhood where I lived for many
years. The thing that struck me was to see people I knew when I was a kid
and then as an adult, doing the same things they were doing back then,
living the same lives. Nothing has changed in their lives. Time could have
frozen for them. The only thing that changed is that they grew older. They
grew in years, but not in their inner being. Nothing else had changed.
Do not let the only death you experience be the physical one and
growth be only a physical advancing in years with no inner growth. That is
a tragedy.
Apostle Paul said, "I die daily" (1 Corinthians 15:31). Death should be
a daily thing. Therefore, I should not be the same person I was yesterday.
We can never grow enough to need no growth ever again while in this
physical body. There is always room for improvement and growth.
Otherwise, we would not be alive. Every moment is a teacher, a revealer, a
refiner's fire, showing us something we need to ascend and outgrow.
I die daily
I should not take a long time to die. I should die daily. Daily I
should bury the old and resurrect the new. If I did not like myself yesterday,
today I should be madly in love with myself. If I felt unwanted yesterday,
today I should feel the most wanted. If I felt weak, I should be strong now.
And if I felt undeserving, today I should be the most deserving. I should die
I die daily
Daily I burry the old such that I cannot remember it or relate with it
anymore. There should be no good old days, only grander and grander
"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the
law, happy is he," Proverbs 29:18.
The law is the law of life. And the law of growth. Even nature
grows and outgrows. It does not stand still. "He that keeps the law happy is
he". The law allows you to die daily. To die and resurrect. The vision is the
vehicle by which the law operates. The vision is desire. And desire is the
means of outgrowing the present level and ascending. Desire is the door to
die daily. It is the cross upon which you crucify yourself.
People take a long time to die because they kill their vision. The
inner vision to see something more for themselves. They kill it by not
developing it or honoring it or applying the law to realise it. And so they
perish. To perish is to remain as you are. To die in your sin (missing the
I die daily
Because you are the temple of the living God and God dwells in you
as you. There are no secondary powers. None. Only an illusion of them.
And that belief in this illusion causes ALL suffering and lack and dis-ease.
You have given someone else power that does not belong to them. Be it a
government, a politician, a president, a lover, a child, a boss at work, a
friend, a competitor, a spiritual leader. Anything or anyone that you give
some power and dominion and blame and responsibility for your own
experience and reactions is an idol. You are shirking responsibility for your
own creations.
Only when we take full responsibility and accept that we are the
ONLY creators of our experience and reality do we find true FREEDOM
and joy. Because not only do we stop all blame games and finger pointing
(ALL) but we finally SEE that everything we were expecting another to
give us or do (hence holding them accountable and judging them) was
within us all along. No one was keeping it from us except our own belief in
illusions, separation, and secondary causes.
"Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves
another has FULFILLED THE LAW," Romans 13:8
Through this gift of imagination, which gift is your very self, you
can be and have anything you dare imagine and believe. And you have it by
believing you are ALREADY IT (the thing desired). There is nothing being
created or gotten. All things exist in the human Imagination, which is God.
You are merely to accept that you are already what you desire. For God is
ever NOW, and he is ever I AM, not I will be.
There is nothing that can stop you once you believe and accept this
truth, this law, that imagination creates reality. Not background, not
anybody, not opinion, not even facts and circumstances. Because you know
the substance by which anything is made is your imagination. If you can
imagine it, it exists and is contained within you and all you need to do is
UNITE yourself with it by accepting it by faith and it shall be made visible.
And all men can imagine. No one cannot imagine because God is in all. But
not all believe what they imagine is already a fact within them.
Once you grasp this, it will never matter what has been before or
what is now, all that will matter is what you WANT NOW.
"whatever you ask in prayer, believe that YOU HAVE received it, and
it will be yours," Mark 11:24
It is all available for you NOW, not tomorrow, not some day when you meet
some condition. NOW. Just accept it. It Does not need your reasoning and
logic or manipulating. It just needs your acceptance. Your yes! Say yes to
all of it and remain devoted to that yes, no matter what. And if you do, the
evidence MUST APPEAR. It has no option. What you say yes to within is
yours NOW because it is always available. There is only one thing ever
standing in your way. Your own refusal to accept and say that unequivocal
When you know who you are, you have absolute confidence that all you
desire is already yours. Already. Before you ask, it is given. Your desire is a
gift from God, you know it is yours and you take it.
When you know who you are, you will laugh at facts and the
physical or three-dimensional world, because you see it for what it is. A
shadow, a reflection with no power. You will not spend another moment
regurgitating it or whining about it because it is under your feet. It is
When you know who you are, you will constantly have one word in
your mouth. Thank you, father. For you know it is all done. It is finished.
All of it. Even the desires you do not know you want yet are finished. It is
When You know who you are, you know that just by desiring you have.
You have confidence in yourself. Confidence in the God you are.
When you know who you are, you know your true being, your true
self made the heavens and earth by a simple decree. "Let there be". That is
who you are. So, what other desire would worry you ever again? They are
nothing to God, your true self. A car, a house, a few dollars? What is that to
bother you or make a fuss about? What is that to brag about or get excited
about when you made the entire universe?
When you know who you are, you are about your father's business.
Creating good for all around you and sharing the good news.
When you know who you are, you have no time to criticize anyone
because you know you are the LOVE that runs the world. The love that
keeps the sun and stars in place. You cannot descend to a level less than
love, for that is to get off your throne.
When you know who you are, you rejoice every moment knowing
everything is working for your good. Everything is conspiring in your favor.
When you know who you are, you have confidence in yourself. You
do not consult anyone about anything. You know your every wish is your
command, and the world obeys you.
When you know who you are, fear vanishes. You laugh at it, for it is
unmasked as the powerless phantom/vapor it is. A lie. You laugh at facts
and anything and anyone that tries to intimidate you.
When you know who you are you face your days with confidence,
harmony, certainty, and calmness.
When you know who you are, you enter the Sabbath rest. You stop
all worry and fretting and have eternal, perfect peace.
"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to
come," proverbs 31:25
When you know, you know, and nothing can undo your knowing.
KNOWING is absolute confidence.
I am finding more and more that the basis for knowing is trust in my
inner being or true self.
Do not place the confidence in anything other than the LAW of life
or in God your true being. Do not even place confidence on your human
self and actions. That is the best way to have unshakable faith. If you place
your confidence in something that cannot fail, then you have absolute
confidence because it cannot fail.
This is a law greater and surer than gravity. We create our reality
based on our consciousness or awareness. What we perceive, believe, and
accept as true is what we experience. That is the law. And it is the only law
at work. It is infallible, and so it is trustworthy. That means I can be certain
that if I change what I am believing and accepting or what I am aware of or
conscious of as truth, then I will change my reality because it is a perfect
reflection of that.
States of consciousness
This has been the order of creation since the beginning when God,
by being aware of planets and worlds, brought them into being. By being
aware of becoming man, he became man. And as God made all things, he
implanted the pattern of creation within all that, like produces like. "Let
them produce after their kind". Genesis 1:24.
Creative Power
The same creative power that made worlds is within man, the only
being made in the very image of God and given the command to take
dominion over the earth. This power creates by expressing what man knows
and believes himself to be. The substance by which all things are formed is
never out there, it is not seen but unseen. It is consciousness. The same way
the planets and solar system and sky and animals were not made by any
visible substance but from the awareness and imagination of God.
"in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth
was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let
there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good:
and God divided the light from the darkness," Genesis 1:1-4.
The wonderful thing is that we can learn to use this power within us
to move from unwanted states of consciousness to those we desire. We can
like Jesus "Do what we see the father doing" John 5:19.
1. In the beginning- have a desire. Decide what you want. That is the
word of God.
2. Let there be- become aware of your desire as a present reality. Feel
it as a NOW reality until it crowds out all other states of
consciousness that are contrary to it and becomes your dominant
3. Have faith- God made the worlds by faith. His faith made the seen
from the unseen in his consciousness. "Through faith we
understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that
things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
Hebrews 11:3.
4. Rest in the grateful knowing that it is done.
One of the biggest keys to creating the life you desire or manifest what you
desire is to live in the end. Live as though you have what you desire
because you have it. If you can imagine it, it exists, and it is real in another
dimension beyond this of time and space. We have been so conditioned to
live a life limited only to the sensory world, that we think if we cannot see it
in this physical dimension of time and space, it does not exist. It is no
wonder that we place so many limits on ourselves.
But everything that exists now in the physical world was once an
idea, an imagination in the mind of someone. Yet today you can see it with
your own eyes. If that person had not imagined it and believed it was real,
you would not be seeing it today. Imagination is reality in the spiritual
dimension or heaven within. But it is you by your own consciousness
(awareness), who brings it into the physical dimensional world where you
see it physically.
Creation happens when you Live from the end and believe you have
what you have imagined. To visualize it until you can see, touch, taste and
feel it with your spiritual senses even before it materializes in the physical.
That is manifesting. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth", How? Through imagination and belief in what he imagined. He saw
it and it came to pass. And God said," Let there be light and there was
light", while the world was in complete chaos and darkness, and light
appeared. Creation. And you are that God. There is no other.
Learn to live in the end of your imagination or wish fulfilled. Walk
and live today as if you already have it. Talk like you have it, see the world
as though you have it, and you shall. That is how everything that ever was,
came into being. Martin Luther King said, "I have a dream..." and he did
not just wish it, he saw it. If you listen to his words, he explains his dream
with clarity as one who had already seen it. Do not simply wish, Live it.
Wishes imply doubt, and nothing came from wishes but from belief. When
you truly see something in your imagination and believe it, no one can
persuade you otherwise, because in your mind and consciousness, it is as
real as the room you are sitting in, and you shall have it. The only limits are
in your mind, in your imagination.
When you believe you have it and see it as real, your higher self will go
about making it happen in a way you do not know. You will not have to
concern yourself with making it happen using effort, force, and
manipulation. It will happen naturally.
The bible says something beautiful in Isaiah 46: "for I am God and
there is none besides me,
God and there is none like me, who from the beginning declares the
end, and from before, things that have not been done, who says, 'My plan
shall stand, 'and 'I will accomplish all my wishes,' "
Who is that God? You. Your higher self. You are the one giving life in
your world. And you can give life to anything you desire. Simply live in the
You can have everything you desire. You are here to live life to your fullest
and most abundant. As a divine being, the possibilities are endless to what
you can experience and express. Your desires are a gift from God, your
higher self, and they always come to you seeking expression. You are not
here to suffer through life, settling for breadcrumbs and beggarly living.
You are here to live all the life that seeks expression through you. That is
your divine birthright. You are an ever expanding being and that expansion
comes about through the manifesting and appeasement of desire after
desire- physical, mental, material, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual
Manifesting is simply making something visible or apparent.
You can learn how to consciously manifest your desires and
cooperate with God and the universe, instead of leaving things to chance
and unconsciousness. In addition, you are not at the mercy of fate, chance,
or flukes. You are a powerful creator and are creating all the time, only that
most of the time you may not be aware because it happens unconsciously.
But with practice you can learn how to live consciously and manifest
The following are 10 powerful keys to manifesting that if
internalized and applied consistently will help you manifest all your desires
and become a master manifestor.
All things exist in God, your infinitely larger self. God made
everything when he formed the universe. This includes all infinite
possibilities that ever were and will ever exist. There is nothing you can
ever imagine that does not already exist in the kingdom within. That you
can imagine what you cannot see, and do not have in the physical means
that it exists somewhere, and that somewhere is the infinite kingdom within.
You could not imagine or desire it if it did not exist. As you unite
yourself with this Great Within, you know that nothing is impossible. The
anxiety of feeling like you need to 'make' things happen is lifted and you
can settle into the knowing that they already exist within you, only to be
Imagination is the doorway to everything that is, was, and ever will
be. Imagination is the vision of God. It formed the universe. When you
imagine, you are seeing into the finished creation within. Your capacity to
imagine is your capacity to see with the eyes of your higher self and to
bring into being all you could ever desire. Your Imagination is the door to
everything you could dream and more. It is God himself. It is Spiritual
sensation. What you experience in imagination exists.
Cultivate your imagination and as you do, you will cultivate your
capacity to see and live from the great within, the kingdom within, where
all things exist. Learn to live more in your imagination than in the physical
sensory world. As you train yourself to do this, you will find yourself
develop an inner center of power, where you rise in consciousness to know
nothing is impossible. The external world with all its limitations will lose its
hold on you. Manifesting will get easier.
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming
attractions." Albert Einstein.
Once you know what you want, remember that what you desire
exists. But for it to be manifested in your reality, you must align yourself
with it by accepting that it is done. This is best done by FEELING like you
would feel were your desire in your hands right now. This is key to
manifesting. Capture the feeling of already being the person you desire to
be and already having what you desire to have.
This feeling will attract its likeness and you will draw what you
want into your world. This is the law of the universe. Like attracts like. You
do not attract what you want, but what you are (what you feel you are).
Therefore, by feeling that you are what you want to be, before you
physically see it, you become what you want in consciousness. And as a
result, it then becomes inevitable that you will get it because you are a
match for it.
"Everything is energy, and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency
of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no
other way. This is not philosophy. This is Physics." Albert Einstein.
Use your imagination to awaken the feeling in you of being what you
desire. One technique that works wonders is what the great Mystic Neville
Goddard taught, and that is to ask yourself, "what would the feeling be
like if it were true?" This question awakens a mood within you of your
fulfilled desire. Capture that feeling and sustain it, remain in that feeling
everyday knowing you are already what you desire, and it will be manifest.
"Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and continue feeling that it
is fulfilled until that which you feel objectifies itself," Neville Goddard
Your thoughts, feelings and reactions to life are creative. They flow
from a state of consciousness or what you believe yourself to be. You will
always react from what you are. It is essential to manifesting to learn how
to be aware of your thoughts, reactions, and feelings. Being aware of them
is the first step to mastering them. Because, if you are aware of them, you
can change them.
Ask yourself, "does this kind of thought or feeling belong to the person
I want to be?" Watch what arises within you and if it is not positive and life
giving, let it go and replace it. Do not allow negative thoughts, feelings and
ideas and anything contrary to your desire, to linger and grow in your mind
and life. Your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to life show what you will
experience as your reality. You can almost prophecy from your thoughts,
feelings, and reactions what you will manifest.
Make it a habit to live FROM your desired end and to constantly
affirm only what is good and aligned to your desires and the person you
wish to be. As you consistently feel yourself to be what you desire, you will
think, feel, and react as that person would. That is when you know you have
truly transformed. And manifesting will then be guaranteed. For example, if
you desire to have wealth, feel yourself to be wealthy, continue embodying
that feeling until it becomes your habitual dwelling place and wealth will be
assured. Your new state of consciousness will attract after its kind.
"As a Man Thinketh in his heart, so shall he be." James Allen
10. Be Grateful
Money just as everything else in this world is made from the one cause
substance which is source energy or God. It hears and responds to what you
believe and accept as true about it.
Whenever you use money, pay a bill, buy food, pay rent etc., always
do so joyfully and with this attitude "I'm investing this money and it comes
back to be multiplied", "What I give always comes back to me in
abundance". Think of using money as an investment, not as a spend.
Spending always has a connotation of lack, it is something being used up,
running out and getting exhausted. Remember though, it is not the words
but the intention and meaning behind the words. If you can use the word
spend without a feeling of something leaving you, it is fine. This is mainly
aimed at those who have problems with negative mindsets with money and
would like to change this. This subtle shift will help.
Use the money you have joyfully, expecting it to come back, even
though you do not know how. Do not hoard money. Hoarding anything is a
sign of a poverty mindset. It already gives of an energetic field around you
of "things are in short supply and so I must hoard them and never use
them". This applies to anything in life. Hoarding is a sign of lack and
attracts more lack.
If all you have now is 10 dollars, use it freely for whatever you need
to use it for and affirm "God multiplies this exceedingly and it comes back
to me multiplied." Feel grateful and expectant for the good coming your
What you believe as true of money will always become true for you.
Watch your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about money. If you believe
money is in short supply, is limited, is being hoarded by the rich, is always
running out, that becomes true in your experience as your creative power
goes forth to give you what you are believing. Your beliefs and assumptions
are creative. They are the word of God for you. And the word of God never
returns void.
Think of money that way. Do not speak ill of it. Do not accuse it of
being selective and only loving certain people, do not accuse it of being in
short supply and being hoarded by some people, do not accuse it of never
being enough, do not call yourself broke and poor. Do not joke about such
things. If you judge and criticize and speak ill of money, it will always run
away from you.
Even expecting it not to be there will make it so. If you call yourself
poor, broke, a "have not" low or middle class, and refer to rich people as
some people 'out there', you keep yourself from getting rich. The rich will
continue to be "out there". They will remain "those people". Your beliefs
are creative. You mold your world from the inside out.
Change these stories. Why not include yourself in the group of rich
people, wealthy people? Instead of "those people", let it be "we rich
people". It does not matter if currently you do not appear rich. You mold
your world from within. When you change the inner story, the outer
reflection MUST match. It cannot fail because it is law.
Change your relationship with money. You know what you believe
about money. You cannot lie to yourself. Watch your words and feelings
and thoughts about money and they will show you what you honestly
believe. If you have kept rich people in your mind as some people out there,
the so-called elite, you have separated yourself from riches. If you have
accepted your poverty or lack mindset as a fact, then you are separating
yourself from money.
Unite yourself with riches
Unite yourself with rich and think of yourself as one of those people
NOW not later. If you talk of money as limited and never enough and speak
of being broke and poor, change that story now. As you change your inner
beliefs about money, your relationship with it will change. You will draw
money to you because you are welcoming it.
Remember, it is not about what is visible right now. You may have
no money right now, but it does not limit you from adopting a wealth
mindset. Your mindset never depends on external facts unless you decide to
always be a slave to the external facts. Your mindset can be anything you
like, despite facts. You simply must see yourself differently and you will
then FEEL differently about yourself.
The most amazing works of art are wrought from stillness and purpose.
In allowing the infinite to flow and express through us, not in striving
and forcing.
The trees and flowers and birds and animals do not TRY to be or do,
but century after century they flourish, blossom, and fulfill their
purpose steadily and calmly.
Hurry come from lack. Life is abundant and never runs out.
Your sorrow will turn to dancing as you discover who God truly is. I
The greatest lie in the world is that there is some other power, someone else
who is responsible for our lives, actions, feelings, reactions, state of life and
THEY, SHE, HE, THEM, IT, THAT- All these are alibis. They are
things we blame for our own CREATIONS. NO ONE is responsible for
your life. No one has any POWER to make you react or act. They only
SEEM to have the power because you, by your own deliberate choice,
choose to react and act. Things have no meaning unless we assign them
meaning, then react to the meaning. No matter what happens it has no
power unless you give it power by your attaching of meaning and your
AGREEEMENT with it, they, them, he, she, etc.
God is not fighting any enemies because God is one and is IN ALL.
Even your so-called enemies are one with God. GOD IS NOT IN THE
BUSINESS OF FIGHTING HIMSELF. So, the best thing we can do is turn
within, look at ourselves honestly, and know we are the cause. If I see
someone as an enemy, then I need to change my own corrupt self-concept,
which is causing me to see enemies. The world is simply my mirror. I
change myself and leave people alone. I SEE WHAT I AM.
There is no outside power. You are the operant power in your world.
Only you. Take back your power and create what you desire by aligning
your inner being with what is of good report, with what you want. The only
enemies to fight are within you. And it is the lies you believe. As you
believe, so shall it be. Even doubt is a belief.
"This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD: "Go down
to the potter's house, and there I will give you my message." So, I went
down to the potter's house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot
he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so, the potter formed
it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him." Jeremiah 18:1-4.
The separation, distance and gap between you and the things you want is in
your own mind and belief. Without exception. The separation is always a
vibrational one or a feeling one.
God (your true being who is completion) asked Adam and Eve
(symbols of the carnal mind which separates itself from God by believing
the lie of separation or lack) "Who told you that you were naked? Have you
eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?"
Genesis 3:11.
The way to close this vibrational gap is to side with the truth. It
really is that simple. It is agreeing with truth with your whole being. With
your FEELING. Acceptance of truth. A turning from the lie mentally and
agreeing with the truth of who you really are, which is abundant and
complete. Lacking nothing. Agree with the truth with your feeling.
Accept it now. Now you are whole, loved, free, abundant, healthy,
wealthy, happy. Now faith is. You are not lacking in anything essentially,
only experientially by feeling lack within. Believing a lie. Agree with the
truth of your true self, who is God. Your true self is perfect.
Learn not to react. Observe more. Realize that it's not what happens
that has power or causes your reaction (s). It is not John doe over there
causing your insecurity and anger.
So really, it's not the world that's horrible, it's your reality that's
horrible because of where your attention is focused and because attention
multiplies what we focus on. And then you find people to agree with you
(because there are always people to agree with anything- people creating
like conditions) and you dig it in even further.
Eventually you will find the old situations fall away and stop
existing and your world rearranges itself. People in your life will either
conform to the change in you, by changing how they act in your reality or
they will be removed. New situations will be created. Old ones annihilated.
Either way, as you change, your world changes and you don't need to do the
changing of it or of people. It will happen AUTOMATICALLY.
This world that looks so real and powerful that you keep reacting to
it simply a mirror. Deny it the power you think it has and order your world
within. And then watch how the outer world FAITHFULLY matches your
inner world. Leave the external world and people alone and change the
inner world. And then, the outer world, which is a mirror, will melt and
rearrange itself to show you what you have done within with absolute
fidelity. Then you will understand what Jesus meant when he prayed
"your kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven"
One of the best statements I've heard about this was from Wallace
Wattles, when he says, "you cannot act in the past. and it is essential to the
clearness of your mental vision that you dismiss the past from your mind.
you cannot act in the future for the future is not here yet and you cannot tell
how you will want to act in any future contingency,"
Peace, Joy and Love are an inside job. No one can EVER irritate you,
annoy you, or offend you without your permission. All disturbance is
within, never without. Whatever anyone does or says, it is your own
reaction and response that upsets you or disturbs you. If you ignored them,
refused to react, were indifferent or understood that no one has any power
over you apart from the God presence within you, then you would be free
from the auto suggestions of others.
The power is never without, it is within. Do you see then how foolish it
is to be upset by the news, people's lives, another's actions? It is we who
disturb ourselves. If we can learn to master our reactions to life, we will
notice a center of power grow inside us such that we become the ones who
determine our reality rather than other people. There is no one to change but
"He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules
his spirit than he who takes a city." Proverbs 16:32.
"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the
thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke
at any moment." Marcus Aurelius
The only price you pay to receive anything from the kingdom of God within
you is realization/recognition and acceptance. There is no other price to pay.
To turn your attention away from problems, limitation and all the LACK
stories and turn it towards the abundance within.
I have said it before, there are essentially two STATES. Abundance
and lack. The kingdom of God is one of abundance. I was meditating on it
today as I was driving home, that abundance is really the essence of all
everyone desires. All desires, therefore, fall in the category of
ABUNDANCE. And all problems and limitation fall under LACK.
Anything you desire be it health, wealth, joy, peace, friends,
wisdom, success, knowledge, a house, a car, beauty, genius, a job, a lover is
really an expression of abundance. And all falling short expresses lack. By
falling short, I mean in consciousness. Feeling lacking.
What lack really is, is a lack of realization and acceptance of the
ABUNDANCE within. If you could enter the state of abundance, that is
accepting that the kingdom of God/abundance is within you, you would
find that you would not even need to obsess over little desires here and
You are made in the very IMAGE and LIKENESS of God. He became you.
You are that important and that worthy. Never feel less than you are!
Embrace your divine nature and walk and live with your head held high,
knowing what treasure and fullness is within you. And you never have to
work for it or be deserving of it. It is who you are. You only need to accept
it. All the father (your true being) has is yours! Embrace it and no longer
live like a beggar or slave.
Most of us like the story in the bible of the prodigal son have
forgotten who we are and spend our lives in beggarly living and pitying
ourselves and living less than we ought to until we come to our senses like
he did and remember who we are.
"Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off
for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After
he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country,
and he began to be in need. So, he went and hired himself out to a citizen of
that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his
stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was
filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around
him and kissed him.
"The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against
you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.'
"But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and
put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the
fattened calf and kill it. Let us have a feast and celebrate. For this son of
mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So, they began
to celebrate." Luke 11.
All you need do is remember. All that is within you simply awaits
your acceptance. There is no other price to pay.
To feel inferior to anyone is to make them your idol, and to make them your
idol is to limit yourself and cut off the infinite supply within yourself. This
is one of the chief reasons human beings stay limited or just cannot seem to
break through a ceiling that seems to permeate the individual life year after
year. It is beliefs which limit or elevate one. When we believe that some are
greater endowed than we are, we are by our own hand limiting our supply.
Most people fill their minds constantly and regularly, with common,
lowly, ordinary, and inferior thoughts and beliefs, and as a result, stay stuck
in that realm of consciousness. The truth is within you lies the infinite
treasure house of the infinite. The Kingdom of God is within you. The
kingdom of God is all the infinite possibilities possible. Anything a man can
imagine and more.
The key is in your own hands. You can rise to higher and greater
levels, as far as you can imagine or desire, if you will break off the bonds of
limitation in your own mind and determine once and for all that you are not
inferior or denied or limited. Your circumstances, environment and current
conditions do not limit you, your mind does. Your conditions are simply the
result of a way of thinking and if you can change how you think and what
you think, outer conditions will have to change.
Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily,
merrily, life is but a dream.
Row your boat gently downstream- surrender, letting go, ease, flow,
trust, faith, no effort. Knowing. Compare that to rowing upstream.
Struggling, effort, striving, strain, fighting against something or someone.
Your boat- focus on your boat, your life, your experience, your
reality. Forget other people's boats and what they are doing. You get to row
your own boat for God (source) dwells in you.
Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
Whenever the light comes on and you look into the mirror, you see your
physical self so clearly. As you are.
But there is a greater, truer mirror. The mirror of truth which is your
eternal perfect self. That mirror always reflects to you your perfection.
Abundance, health, peace, joy, love, wholeness, harmony, omnipotence,
omniscience, freedom, omnipresence, wisdom and all the good that God is,
infinite good.
Continue in it and you will be blessed in all you do. Blessing comes
from agreeing with truth. Truth is every perfect gift. Truth is what your
eternal self says about you. Agree with this. See this. Look into the perfect
law of liberty.
James says:
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man
observing his natural face (your true self) in a mirror; for he observes
himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But
he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a
forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he
does," James 1:22-25.
So, I feel like the person would. There is a feeling. The feeling of
the wish fulfilled. I react to life from being the person I want to be, from
having my desire. In full OCCUPANCY, I stop desiring because I know I
AM. I just AM. I Live my life very normally without fretting because I
have my desire.
As soon as you delegate your power of creation and forget that you are
the creator of your experience, you suffer. Whenever you think you are
powerless, you live a life of reaction. And you then create more of what
you react to and feel victim to.
Suffering is unnecessary
Whenever you are mesmerized by the external world, you live a life
of constant autosuggestion. You become a default creator. And by not
understanding this, many come up with scapegoat goats like a devil. While
all the devil is, is your own doubt and FORGETTING of who you are.
The more you react to the external world, the more of it you create.
And the more you feel victimized, the more you create more of the
unwanted. The more you give someone or something else power over your
life, the more you feel like a victim and the more you suffer. Likewise, the
more you blame this and that, fight against this and that, resist this and that,
the more you suffer. Because you forget it is you who creates your reality
based on what you feel and believe to be true. So, you are still creating, but
creating unwanted things.
Anyone who fully accepts that they are creators of their reality
100%, moves out of the lie of suffering. Because even when something
unwanted happens, or something they dislike happens, they know that they
have created it. And so instead of wallowing as a victim would,
they change the story, change what they believe that has caused this. And so
they create something else. They FEELINGLY move into another creative
experience. They stop reacting to life and affect LIFE.
It is impossible to know the truth of who you are and give in to
suffering. Once your eyes open, you cannot close them again if you wanted.
You are aware of why what happens, happens. And you never give your
power over to anyone or anything ever again. You know your beliefs
and consciousness create your world.
How then can you suffer when there are no secondary causes? When
there is no other creative power than your own consciousness. There is
nowhere to turn if you dislike what you have created, but within. You
recreate yourself and rise in consciousness. You embrace your true nature.
And then you know that the world is pliable like clay in you, the potter's
hands. Whatever you desire, you know it is contained in your very own
consciousness. That you have only to recognize it and accept it.
Then you truly live the words of Jesus. Not in theory, but truth: "I
MINE". You accept your full inheritance, and you know what causes the
phenomenon of life. You stop all blame and looking to something or
someone; and know if it is to be, it is up to you. It is always you. Even
when you are unaware.
You are the only creator that ever was and ever is and ever will be.
Whenever you are feeling any sense of lack or separation from the things
you want it's only because you have been taught to believe that only the
physical manifestation is a real manifestation and that until you have what
you want, then it is not possible to feel contentment or fulfilment.
But that is not true. The feeling manifestation, the belief, the
knowing is the actual manifestation that then reflects in this physical
dimension of time and space in due course. But it is only a reflection of the
actual manifestation which was the feeling of having what you want. The
acceptance of what you want. The belief of what you want. The absolute
conviction that what you desire is yours. That is the actual manifestation.
And if you can allow yourself to believe you already have what you
want now, you will feel the relief or satisfaction that you would if you had
the physical manifestation. It is already yours. Just accept it.
You have got to stop giving this physical world so much power. The
more you do, the more you focus on the absence of the things you want, and
the more absence you create. Remember, it is always about what you are
feeling and believing. If you believe things are far away and taking time
and impossible and hard, then they will be that way because it is you who
creates your reality.
Learn to live from the inside out. No matter what the evidence of the
senses says, remember that the kingdom of heaven is within. Everything is
already within you in its spiritual form or energetic form, so to speak. And
your acceptance of it fuses you with it and then it is birthed or reflected into
physical form in this world of time and space which is a shadow.
So, first the image or acceptance within and then the shadow or
reflection without. The physical manifestation is a shadow. It is not the
place of origination. The origination was within you the moment you
accepted your desire as yours. That is when the desire became real to you.
That is when you took ownership of it. It was already within you, but when
you accepted it, then it became a reality for you; long before the physical
manifestation confirmed it.
It does not matter what the subject is. The feeling of already being what
you desire is what will manifest or objectify your desire. NOT the feeling of
absence and scarcity of it.
Feeling loved and wanted produces being loved and being wanted
Feeling the ownership of the things you want brings them to you
And remember, you do not need evidence to give you the feeling.
Creation works in the opposite manner. The feeling first, the being first, the
faith first, the belief first, the knowing first, the consciousness of the desire
first, the mental attitude first, the mindset first, and then the evidence or
manifestation follows that.
What you "look at" multiplies. The looking is ever within. It is the
seeing with the eyes of inner vision. With your imagination. If you behold
lack, you multiply lack in your experience. If you behold how unwanted
you are, you get more of that. If you behold abundance and all things good,
you multiply that in your experience. If you behold how horrible things are
going, you multiply that. If you behold this amazing man or woman who
adores you, before they appear and soak and live in the feeling of it, the
man or woman must appear.
"Infinite wisdom within me guides me, leads me, directs me in all my ways
and reveals to me all I need to know. Divine wisdom and right action reigns
supreme in my life."
And the spirit of God/I AM who is within us can guide us to all truth
and reveal to us all things. But most of us do not acknowledge that, accept
it, or even tap into the treasure house within because we have separated
ourselves from God (in our minds) who is our true being. He really is you,
and once you remove that separation in your own mind and accept the
treasure house within, it works wonders for you as you turn within for all
your answers.
You do not petition or ask like a beggar for something that is within
you; you take it, claim it boldly, appropriate it, believe it is yours. For
without faith, you cannot receive anything from God or infinite spirit
Just be still and at rest and you will receive the answer. Stillness
implies trust. It quietens the voices without.
"In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall
be your strength." But you were unwilling" Isaiah 30:15.
"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still," Exodus 14:14
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all
liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask
in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea
driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will
receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all
his ways" James 1:5-7
Getting caught up in the external world or shadow world blaming it for the
circumstances of your life, always leads to suffering. This is the entire cause
of human suffering. Asleep in consciousness, we think the shadow world is
outside our control and happening either randomly or that the devil or some
outside power is causing it. So, in our powerlessness, we suffer. We blame
and suffer. We resign and suffer. We think we are mere bodies, mere
humans, so we feel powerless and suffer. Lost in our identity crisis like the
prodigal son in the bible, we suffer. We eat with pigs, blame, feel sorry for
ourselves and others, resort to fixing things using effort and the carnal
mind. We assign villains, monsters, and victims. More suffering and more
God asleep suffers. But God awake or awakening from this dream of
life realizes that it is all God acting within us, it is God's dream. It is all God
in the world. There is only one cause. Consciousness is the only reality.
Awakening to this is man's true salvation. Then there is never any reason to
see victims and villains or suffer. It is all God. It is all consciousness. The
little baby crying in frustration is God. The person killing millions is God.
The one who thinks himself religious is God. The one confused is God. It is
all God awakening from this dream of life and death, dreaming his world up
with his imagination.
Consciousness is the only reality. All the external activity man sees
first begun within in his own consciousness and imagination. Yet not being
aware of this, he keeps trying to change a shadow rather than the image
which caused the reflection he sees in the mirror of his objective reality.
I AM is all.
It is the key or secret that was taught by all the wisest and ancient of
spiritual teachers through the ages, and in one of the most ancient of texts,
the Bible. And this key literally pervades and permeates the entire message
of the Bible, but men never see it, yet it is there in plain sight, revealed even
in nature. "whatsoever you ask for when you pray (imagine) BELIEVE
YOU HAVE RECEIVED IT and you shall have it". The law of sowing and
reaping. We become what we believe.
No wonder Jesus said: "To you (those that BELIEVE) has been
given the SECRET of the kingdom of God, but for those outside (who think
causation is something or someone outside themselves), everything is in
parables, so that they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear
but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven (released from
their wrong beliefs)." Mark 4:11-12.
God hid this SECRET in plain sight on purpose that only those that
look for it or desire it may find it. Last night as I was communing with my
inner being upon my bed before sleep, the following verse from the Bible
came into my mind, it is a verse I know but suddenly a flash of revelation
unfolded within me which made me so excited I switched on the lights and
looked up the verse in the bible and the Strong's concordance to get the full
message behind these words.
Looking into the original texts the direct translation of this verse is
literally: "I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and
whatever you might BIND on the earth SHALL HAVE BEEN BOUND in
the heavens, and whatever you might LOOSE on the earth SHALL HAVE
BEEN LOOSED in the heavens,"
The KEYS are literally your ability to bind and loose from the
finished creation, and this is BELIEF or FAITH. Whatever you desire,
believe it is yours and it is. For instance, if you compel, wealth, abundance,
peace, health, or love to be yours, it is yours because it shall have already
been compelled in heaven.
This is the great secret within all of us, yet the majority do not know
it or cannot see it, it is available to those who dare BELIEVE. Those are
they to whom Jesus says this key is given.
Earlier in that passage he asks the disciples "whom do you say that I
AM". And Peter correctly says, the son of the living God and Jesus says
that to Peter (this revelation) shall he give these keys. Peter is not some
person who lived long ago, Peter simply represents that person or state of
consciousness which accepts and believes that their I AM-ness is God, the
person who believes that the kingdom of heaven is within them and that
they are I AM.
God is:
Boundless wisdom
Infinite intelligence
Absolute harmony
Infinite love
All knowing
Absolute health
The above qualities are also true of you if you can accept it.
If we can but accept these simple truths, our lives would never be
the same. What could ever limit us or to whom would we ever turn or of
whom would we be afraid? We are more glorious than we can ever imagine.
But a king if he thinks he is a beggar will continue to be one while his
riches lie dormant until he wakes up to who he is. That is the entire journey
of man. To remember who and what he is.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of
yourselves; it is the gift of God," Ephesians 2:8
To break it down using the root meanings of the original Greek words:
God is your higher self, your consciousness, your essential self, the
universal mind, source. One with you, not someone out there apart from
you. Your eternal self. Your eternal nature.
Your true self is unlimited and immortal. It is the Awareness behind all who
chose to experience this world of contraction.
This awareness can infuse our human experience with power and
Joy and the supernatural because we know we have an unlimited resource
or power within us to tap into for all we need. "I have not left you as
orphans". (John 14:18)
" For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his
own works, as God did from his. Let us labor therefore to enter into that
rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief." Hebrews 4:10-
That rest is faith. It is the placing of trust in God, one's own
awareness/I AM-ness/ Consciousness/Imagination rather than in the
external world. That is the true Sabbath. We cease from our own labor, the
labor of the carnal mind, and allow God in us to act instead. Big difference.
Then the power of the omnipotent one within us works through us. " he will
also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you,"
Romans 8:11.
Not everyone that is alive lives. We are dead while we are still
trying to function apart from our true being. We live when we allow the
spirit of God within us to live through us. Then our mortal bodies have life.
"I AM the resurrection and the life" John 11:25
"In him we live and move and have our being," Acts 17:28
To be a MASTERMIND is to be self-governed.
You do not let the color of your skin choose for you
You are a MASTER mind. You choose your thoughts, feelings, and
beliefs. You say Yes and you say No.
You stand guard at the door of your within and you only allow what is
worthy of you to pass.
You are like Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings, boldly declaring "YOU
You know you create your reality based on your acceptance within
You are self-governed. No one governs you and tells you what you can
be or do or have.
You allow others their opinions but reject them if they do not agree
with you.
You have learned to master yourself and lead and govern yourself.
You do not need any leader or authority over you, because you are a
The recognition of your true self. I AM. is the ultimate truth and the key to
the kingdom of heaven within.
That withdrawal within connects you with your true self. The
unmanifested awareness. Then Jesus' words make sense to you. "Before
Abraham was, I AM". The withdraw happens in stillness. Be still and know
Allow Christ your true self to live. As you do, you enter the kingdom
of heaven within. Where everything is yours. You become indifferent to
problems because you know they are not truth. They are demonstrations of
believing a lie. Truth is the ABUNDANCE that you are. And the more you
identify with your true self, the easier it becomes to manifest the things you
desire. The things become secondary. For if you are, I AM, then how can
things terrify you, or how can you be obsessed with them? How can they be
greater than their creator?
Keep things in their rightful place. They should never be the focus.
And when they are not, you get them. Live from the awareness of your true
self. Let it permeate your life like perfume. Keep God, your eternal self
before you. Be indifferent to problems. And turn your attention instead to
the completion you are, and all these things shall be added unto you.
"But seek ye first the kingdom (realm) of God, and his righteousness;
and all these things shall be added unto you," Jesus
Jobs, business, money, relatives, gifts etc. are not the source of supply
but simply the means used to bring your supply.
The world teaches that we must work hard for money and strain and
struggle, but it does not have to be that way once you understand the true
source of supply.
Money does not have to come in laborious ways. It does not have to
come through the sweat of the brow.
One thing I know and tell myself is this "I make money being me. I
make money just by existing. I am prosperity. God is the source of my
supply, God's wealth flows to me freely, joyously and endlessly, and there is
always a surplus". And then I allow supply to come by being in the state of
acknowledging that supply is already mine because of my existing and
being one with God. I do not worry about supply because the kingdom
within me is the source of my supply, not any hard work or action I could
do or take.
Do Not Worry
"Therefore, I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will
eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not
life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of
the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your
heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of
you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
"So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the
field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that
even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God
so clothes the grass of the field which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into
the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
"Therefore, do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall
we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For after all these things the Gentiles
seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But
seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things
shall be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for
tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own
trouble." Matthew 6:25-34.
And so, no wonder Jesus said only the childlike can enter
the kingdom of heaven within. (It is within. And to enter it needs only
acceptance). The kingdom of heaven is your full inheritance. All you seek.
By using the term childlike, Jesus meant that pure innocent acceptance of a
thing. Very few children will doubt what their mother or father tells them. I
am yet to see a child aged below seven, argue with their parents and call
them liars. They simply accept. If you told them earth was the only planet,
they would accept it. Why? Because daddy said so.
And it is why so many do not receive what they want. They won't
get the human reasoning mind out of the way. They want to figure it all out.
They want to see first. Therefore, faith seems too untrustworthy. They allow
the human mind to impede their true essence, which is God. And so, they
keep themselves away from what they want.
So, only believe. Accept that you have what you desire. That is the
greatest prayer.
Jesus expounded upon it in the Lord's prayer below: "Our Father, who
art in heaven (within) hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. (all you desire is already done in heaven
within). Give us this day our daily bread (all supply is given); and forgive
us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (turn away
from facts); and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
(unbelief)." Matthew 6.
Are you waiting for something and someone to make you happy?
Are you miserable and down on yourself because you are single or
have no money or no friends or whatever!
Are you feeling down and out because of something and someone
outside yourself?
and if you have been giving them that power then you are going down
a path that keeps going down because no one can make you happy
Take back your power NOW not tomorrow!
It is YOU who has the power to transform and create your life as you
want it
How can you be sad, lonely, and miserable when you are one with
Wake up
Feel joy, feel, love, feel abundant, feel blissful, feel ecstatic NOW and
then the circumstances and conditions and people who match this feeling
will come without fail
As within so without
so, get up, dry your tears, and claim your birthright of completeness
Whether or not you have a girlfriend, whether or not you have a job,
whether or not you have money, whether or not you have a husband.
You are complete and enough because the kingdom of God is within
Once you accept and live this truth, then the things will come, but the
things should never be your source or your reason to FEEL anything.
If you say you want something, but contradict it with your inner
conversation and beliefs, you cannot have it. That is double-mindedness,
and a double-minded man cannot receive anything from God (his I AM-
ness). You cannot be of two opinions. You cannot serve two masters. A
kingdom divided against itself CANNOT stand, your entire being must be
AGREE on the thing you want. Your beliefs and your attitude and
imagination must agree.
"let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a
wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose
that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man,
unstable in all his ways." James 1:6-8.
"How long will you falter between two opinions?" 1 Kings 18:21
"if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And
if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand," mark 3:24-25.
I have seen people claim to want a loving partner or someone to be
in a relationship with and then the next minute they are contradicting it by
talking about how all men are dogs, cheats, how there are no good men left
or how dishonest women and how they cannot trust women, or how hurt
they are and can trust no one again, etc. Such words betray what the person
honestly believes and who they are. How can you expect to find a good man
if you believe all men are bad?
You will end up getting what you affirm and believe and continue to
only see people who confirm what you believe. How can you expect to get
love when you claim that love is fake? Such beliefs cause the good men or
women and love to FLEE from you. This is a law that cannot be broken. We
cannot deceive God (ourselves). How can you claim to want to be free of a
certain condition when you keep talking about it, owning it, and wanting
sympathy for it? It will persist because you are OWNING it with your
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows,
that he will also reap." Galatians 6:7
Life truly is what we make it, and we can have anything or anyone
we can believe we already have. Everything is energy. Everything is made
from the one source, which is consciousness or awareness. If we repel
something by our beliefs and attention and awareness, it automatically runs
away from us. If we affirm anything by the same process, it gravitates
towards us.
What are you giving attention to and agreeing with? Life is faithful
and will deliver to you everything you believe to be true about yourself,
others, and the world.
One question Jesus asked that I love, and I think is crucial, is this "what do
you want? Or "what do you want me to do for you?"
"For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of his good
pleasure" Philippians 2:13.
Everything we live out or are living out is simply a story we have told
ourselves convincingly. That is all it is. Once we believe a thing, it becomes
a story plays out as our reality.
And this means if we want to, we can change any story. It does not
matter how long is has been running or how entrenched it is. With a
STRONG desire, we can change it.
If the economy does not change, my business will not survive is a story
I am depressed is a story
I am afraid is a story
I am in debt is a story
You get the drift. Every story is simply a train of thought that was
accepted, left unchanged, gained momentum by repetition, felt as true,
believed, and EMBODIED.
And when we live some stories for so long and see evidence of them,
we keep repeating them as truth. The more we look at the evidence, the
more we hold them as truth and keep them alive. But they are not absolute
truth, just facts. They are simply reflections of our inner activity.
Reflections of our dominant beliefs.
You are the conceiver, writer, director, and producer of the story of
your life. You are the centre of your reality/universe. And it is always being
projected from the inside, out.
You can change any story. Whatever it is. Write a new one in
consciousness and then give it as much devotion as you gave the previous
one. Accept it, believe it, and live it in your consciousness and it will
become your manifest reality. Nothing is cast in stone. Nothing.
It is not too late to flip your entire story around. Give yourself what
you want. Do not let the old stories hold you back. A story is a story. It is
not absolute. You can rewrite it.
Your life is a mathematical reflection of all that you behold, believe, and
mediate upon within.
Contemplate and meditate upon all that is good and perfect. All that is
true of God, is true of you, for God and you are one. Let your attention and
contemplation always be on the good. Meditate upon these things knowing
you become what you behold. This is the law of life and it is no respecter of
You alone are the author of your life. What are you contemplating in
the hidden recesses of your being where no one sees? The cause of all
disease, frustration, addiction, depression, anxiety, fear, oppression, and
failure is always what is happening within man. What we believe as true of
self, others, and the world becomes true of us. We reflect what we believe.
Meditate upon the good and perfect. Divine peace, joy, love,
illumination, inspiration, abundance, guidance, right action, beauty,
wisdom, health, wealth, goodness. Magnify the good you desire to
experience, and it shall be yours. It is within. Do not concern yourself with
the past or how things look externally, keep your meditation always on the
good desired and it shall come to you even as you rise to meet it.
You are here to live an abundant life. The infinite within you
CANNOT FAIL. God within you is a life-giving spirit desiring for you to
move from life to life to life, and never death. Limitation is death. It is our
beliefs that hinder us and limit us. Our forgetting of the perfection we are. I
AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND LIFE. That is your true being. Believe
it. Give life within to self and all.
Affirm what you want. Do not turn back. Persist until the day breaks
and the shadows flee. Believe you have it, and you shall. Remember the
infinite within you cannot fail. Believe. That is the only thing to do.
That is the whole law of life in its simplicity. King Solomon lauded the
wisest man who lived said it this way "as a man thinketh in his heart
(thoughts, feelings, beliefs) so is he".
You can choose what to think and feel and believe, can't you? Of
course, you can if you would stop being led by the senses/appearance of
things and being reactive and believing what you are told to believe. That is
your power. That is the great power which men despise and overlook as
they seek solutions "out there".
Once you turn to this power, you will stop being a slave to your
senses and the appearances of things. You stop being like the masses,
always looking for the next quick solution, next gimmick, next truth, next
power, next teaching, next teacher, next spiritual sounding hoop to jump
through. By always looking, they never find and confuse themselves further
because they have cast aside the only true God who is themselves; their
very life and source of all; their own true being.
Jesus taught:
"when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door,
pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in
secret will reward you openly. And when you pray, do not use vain
repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their
many words.
"Therefore, do not be like them. For your Father knows the things
you have need of before you ask Him. In this manner, therefore, pray,
On earth as it is in heaven"
Now this simply means close the door to your senses. Close the door
of your attention and consciousness to how things appear, how they seem,
and then pray to your father in heaven. Where is heaven? Heaven is
within. The father is your inner being, your true self.
And you do not pray with vain repetition, meaning you are not just
shouting words or praying to some external God like ignorant people. It is
not about words. It is about accepting, believing, agreeing with what is
already within you. The kingdom of heaven is within, and that kingdom
within has everything you could ever desire.
And then your father, your inner being who sees in secret, who sees
what you are thinking, feeling, and believing will reward you openly by a
manifestation of what you have accepted within. Then it will become
openly seen in the physical. That is prayer. It begins in secret within you
and then is made manifest.
I was listening to Earl Nightingale tell this story about a man who moved
into a new town and I am paraphrasing, asked a resident of the town, "say,
what kind of people live in this town?" And the resident answered him with
a question, "what kind of people were in the town you just left?". The man
replied, "low lives, gossips, good for nothing, horrible people". The resident
told him, "well you should expect to find the same exact kind of people
A few days later another man moved into the same town and asked
the same resident, "say, what kind of people live in this town?" And the
resident answered him with the same question, "what kind of people were
in the town you just left?". The man replied, "wonderful, honest, kind and
decent people,". The resident told him, "well you should expect to find the
same exact kind of people here,"
Whatever you are saying I AM to, is determining your life and this
awareness of being is ever within. We are all aware of BEING something,
even if we never tell a soul. We know it in the depth of our BEING what we
are saying we are.
And so, we can all answer that question within ourselves, for it is a
question asked by your higher self (Christ) to yourself (current awareness or
state of being). Everyone one of us can answer this question honestly to
ourselves, even if not to another, because we cannot deceive ourselves.
Earlier in that passage Jesus asks them "Whom do men say that I
am?" Mark 8:27, and they give a bunch of answers but then he asked, "BUT
who do you say that I am?" You see it does not matter what anyone else
says you are. It is irrelevant in transforming your life unless you believe it
yourself or KNOW it yourself. What matters ever is a personal revelation of
"Who do you say that I AM?" Ask yourself this and answer honestly
and then remember it can be changed because I AM or your awareness of
being can be anything, because contained in God's name, I AM the
unconditioned awareness, which is your true name, is the ability to be
anything. And what you are aware of being at any moment, the conditioned
form you give to I AM, is simply what you have chosen, now choose
something else if you dislike what you have imagined yourself to be.
There is an obsession with so many people of over analyzing the past and
dissecting it, to find the cause and reasons?". As a result, they spend their
time talking about it constantly, complaining about it or blaming others.
This does not serve any purpose in freedom. In fact, it does the opposite and
keeps the consciousness of the thing alive. Things only have power when
we keep our attention on them and magnify them in consciousness.
The only true and lasting freedom comes from DYING to the old
man, being INDIFFERENT to what has been. Things die when they are
denied attention. They fade into the nothingness from which they came.
Focusing on what you DON'T WANT always gives you more of the same.
For instance, if you keep telling yourself "I will not do this, I will not do
this, I will not do this", chances are you will do it, because all your focus
and attention and energy is on it. You will do it because that is where your
attention is.
Things die in your world when you become indifferent to them and
instead turn your attention to what you want and give that your awareness
and devotion. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot want freedom but
dwell in bondage by identifying with it. It is not the analyzing and
overthinking about what has been that will make you free. That serves no
purpose but to keep you identified with it. You will not find the solution in
the problem. You must change because it is only in consciousness that you
can solve the problem. You must move or rise in consciousness!
Now is all there is. There is newness of life in this moment. Now is
the hour of salvation. Do not turn back. Live as the person you want to be.
The Parable of the Poison Arrow
Gregg Braden's book, The Wisdom codes, tells this beautiful story. It
illustrates the message of this post beautifully.
Whenever you are tempted to think you need to struggle and "do"
something to get what you want or must pay a price, ask yourself how much
you pay to have the sun rise on you every day.
How much do you "do" to have oxygen available for you every day?
How much do you effort to get up every morning and walk and talk? How
much do you affirm or visualize to have your hair grow? How much do you
worry to have your nails grow?
"Therefore, I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will
eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not
life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of
the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your
heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of
you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
"So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field,
how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even
Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so
clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into
the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
When you come into the realization that life never happens to you, but
FROM you, be it good or bad, that you are the only actual, literal author of
your life, that it is not written in the stars or predetermined, that with your
conscious pen you are writing your life- you will move out of the
powerlessness that plagues so many when they feel like they have no
control over life. That it is just happening randomly.
At that moment you will sit down and like a conscious author,
forgetting what was, you will write the story of your life exactly like you
want it. With the same deliberation and detail and specificity that an
architect has when he draws out that design in specific detail, leaving
nothing out.
Sit down WITH YOURSELF and write your beautiful story as you
want it, do not base it off what you see currently. Do not face facts or face
reality. Do not be realistic. Be grandiose and lavish. It could look like the
exact opposite of what IS, and that is even better. Make it ridiculous to the
physical senses. Your imagination is always ridiculous, it does not play
small, and it does not have restraints, so follow it. Follow your bliss.
Forget your family background, forget your past, forget what anyone
has labeled you, forget your mistakes, forget your old ways, forget what
happened a second ago, forget your former ignorance, forget everything.
The evidence of the senses means nothing. Write the story you want deep
down when you allow yourself to be. Do not condition it. DARE.
Do not sell anyone on it or tell anyone about it, because they may
laugh at you and discourage you, they may try to remind you of facts and
cause you to doubt, they may remind you of how well they think they know
you and cause you to go back to that. Nurture this conception in your womb
of creation quietly. Let it grow. It is your baby, your creation, no one else's.
No one needs to approve, say yes, give an opinion, nothing. It is all you.
Your book of life is being written by you every moment. And at any
moment you can change it. You are not trapped or held back by anything
but your own acceptance of what is.
We see what we are, and we mold our world in our very image, reflection,
and likeness. What I AM is what I behold and experience in my reality.
People, objects, experiences, events, conditions, all mold themselves
according to my image of myself. According to my word, my truth, my
"I sanctify (purify; cleanse) Myself, that they (people and the world
external to me) also may be sanctified by the truth (what I believe and hold
to in Consciousness as my truth)" Jesus in John 17:19
"To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and
unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are
defiled," Titus 1:25
So that if I desire to change even the people that come into my reality
and my world, the circumstances and conditions and situations that come
into my world, my environment, I need only SANCTIFY MYSELF, not
other people. Me. I sanctify myself into the image of what I would want,
and my world reflects itself as the people, circumstances, objects,
conditions, experiences that are drawn to me. Because they emanate from
me. They are my creation.
Bad luck, arguments, discord, miserable conditions, accidents,
chaos, less than ideal bodily conditions, the quality of acquaintances or
friends I have etc. do not come from the without, they are creations of the
within. Of what I give my attention to in consciousness. What I believe
myself to be and the world to be. So that my world is forever molded in MY
To the pure, all things are pure. If I dislike conditions, I need only
purify myself by conforming my inner being to the truth of what I desire.
By feeling and believing myself to be what I want to experience. And when
I truly become it and embody it, then my world will change to reflect the
change as a mirror.
You can only find everything you have ever wanted or want within you.
You are complete.
It is only from your own overflow that you see the reflection on the
Things are never coming to you from "out there". Because that
would imply there were away from you to begin with.
They are coming FROM YOU. Flowing through you. You are their life.
Recognize that you are complete; recognize your fullness, and you
will never try to get something outside of you to complete you or make you
whole. Because there is nothing out there. It is all within.
Recognise that you ARE LOVE, you are the very love you seek. It is
your very substance. FEEL it, "I AM LOVE". Accept it and you will feel
love and feel loved with or without an object or person. Because is not
about an object or person, it is always about you.
But as you feel love, even feel "in love" with no need for something
to give that to you, you will become a love projector and a reflector of love.
And things and people and situations will unfold all around you to
reflect the love you ARE. They must because we reflect what we are and
experience what we are.
Yes, even romantic love, if that is what you want. Feel loved and be
love and perfect love will come. Without unhealthy attachment and the
clinginess which comes from neediness and a lack feeling.
Recognize that you ARE SUPPLY. You are the very supply you
seek. It is your very substance. Feel it. "I AM SUPPLY". All things that the
father, my inner being, has are mine. The gold and silver are mine, the cattle
on a thousand hills are mine, the beasts in the field are mine. If I were
hungry, I would tell no one, for the world and everything in it are mine says
your inner being. Give it to yourself.
And as you feel the PROSPEROUS feeling of BEING supply and ONE
with the source of all supply, the feeling goes forth and reflects what you
are conscious of being.
Recognize that you ARE HEALTH. You are the health you seek.
Your inner being who is God is never sick. The life of God is health,
vitality, harmony, wholeness. Health is your very substance. Feel it. "I AM
Health flows from the within, it does not come from the without. I AM
health, I AM healthy, feel it, meditate upon it.
Lay hold of the truth of completion and perfection and let it be your
mediation day and night.
What are you giving your attention, your devotion to? Your attention
and focus and inner meditation are your worship. It is what you are
magnifying and saying I AM TO. Are you meditating on lack and misery
and how bad things are, doom, gloom, depression, woe tales, self-pity?
Are you watching and listening and paying attention to doom and
gloom and filling your mind with those things which corrupt your inner
being, causing you to agree with that which is not true? (Truth is
perfection). Can you see what you are doing? What you unite with within,
you become. Your agreement is the creative power. Your I AM is your life.
Do not stand in the counsel (agree with) of the wicked (those who
just see the worst in everything). Be unmoved by bad news. Be indifferent
to what is not perfect. Do not think FEELINGLY about it. Observe it as if it
were nothing because it is. Do not give it your attention. Do not concern
yourself with such things. Indifference is the most powerful negation.
If you want the best, think the best and devote your inner attention and
feeling to the best. The rest does not concern you because it is not who you
are. Turn from darkness to light. Let your eye be single and your life shall
be full of light.
"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye (the eye is
vision) be single (clear, perfect) thy whole body (life) shall be full of light,"
Jesus, Matthew 6:22.
"and you are complete in Him (your higher self, your true self, your
inner being, I AM)" Colossians 2:10
You are the ARCHITECT of your life. You do yourself a great disservice if
you allow your life to be dictated by, controlled by, and led by the auto
suggestions of others. What they think, their opinions, advice, and all sorts
of information. If you do not know where you are going, anyone will take
you anywhere and you will soon find yourself like the waves of the sea
tossed back and forth by every wave.
You are the architect of your life. What Blueprints are you building
with? The blueprints are everything you allow yourself to believe and
impress your creative mind with. Build wisely.
Learn to listen to the still small voice of the divine within you. With
practice, this voice becomes easier to identify and recognize. It speaks
through intuition, illumination, a hunch, a gut feeling, inspired action, and it
always feels like PEACE.
This inner guidance will never let you down if you trust it. It will
keep you from marrying or dating the wrong person, getting into business
with the wrong people, it will reveal to you hidden and secret things, it will
open doors for you and tell you which way to go, guide you and inspire you
and warn you of any danger ahead.
The more you honor this inner guidance, the clearer it gets, until you
become a master at hearing it. And you develop this hearing in
STILLNESS. Learning to be still and present and quiet within to commune
with the Divine Presence within which is the source of all.
What we give our attention to determines the direction and quality of our
lives. Life is a journey and just like a physical journey, without a clear
destination and focused attention, we cannot get to where we desire. To get
to your destination when driving a car, your attention cannot be divided. If
you are looking backwards, sideways and in all directions, following
diversions and veering off the road, you will either cause an accident or
never get to where you were going.
Similarly, without a clear direction of where you want to go or who you
want to be, the result is confusion, frustration, distraction, and diversions
that lead nowhere in particular. Changing the mind constantly regarding
their desires is one reason most people do not get where they want to go.
Be steadfast to your vision and your assumption of who and what
you desire to be and have. Persist in it. Stick-to-itiveness is important. It is a
sign of faith and purpose.
Even though the entire world tells you it is not possible, persist. Do
not change your vision because someone does not believe in it. Even when
circumstances say the opposite or it seems to take time, stay the course. Do
not give power to fear, worry, anxiety and doubts. They are thieves who
will gladly take your desires from you if you give them room.
Know that you are and have what you have purposed and intended.
This requires some form of bold stubbornness. First, the external world
cannot easily move or shake you. Second, only see, feel, and think what you
choose. And finally, give your attention only to what aligns to your goal.
Only then are you the steady driver who does not veer off the road to chase
diversions and keeps his eye on the road.
Desire is a gift from God. A gift from your consciousness or I AM. It comes
to you wanting expression. It is a sign that your current level of
consciousness is not all you can ascend to. Desire is literally God beckoning
you up the ladder of ascension into the limitless states of consciousness
available. Whenever we get a desire and doubt if it is possible or get
intimidated by it, we simply are ignorant to what desire truly is and resist
these gifts from our higher self.
A desire would never come upon you if it were not possible for you.
I do not care what it is. Your desire is your awareness wanting to ascend
and rise above the limitation you currently embody. Anything you desire is
possible. And within that seed of desire is the plan of its expression. So
there really is nothing for you to do to bring it to pass except accept it and
ascend to the level of consciousness that alone can manifest the desire and
then rest. Your only work is to through your imagination enter that state of
consciousness and assume you already have your desire. The state of I AM
'that' (your desire) carries within it the manifestation of the desire.
Our desires simple do not come to pass because we doubt them, fear
them, and judge them and so abort them.
Never discuss your desires with another to seek their permission,
opinion, or approval. To seek another's permission for a gift of God is
simply foolish. They are not the ones who have been given the desire, and
chances are they will echo all your doubts and fears and cause you to doubt
and give up. If your faith is not strong enough to wade through all the
negativity, keep your desires to yourself. It is only between you and God
(your higher self) to bring it to pass, no one else has anything to do with it.
Your imagination is the door to its expression, for you must lay claim of it
in faith if it is to find parentage and expression in this physical world.
You are Mary, the mother of Jesus, bringing forth a virgin child
(your desire). Do not ask, "how shall it be for I know no man?" For the
spirit of God, your own consciousness shall impregnate you. Like Mary,
embrace this heavenly vision of desire and praise God (your imagination)
for it. All is possible. You need no one to aid you. If you can believe and
BE NOW all you seek, everything and everyone needed to aid its
accomplishment will and they will do it automatically and naturally.
Consciousness is the ONLY reality. The physical always expresses
man's consciousness like actors playing out a script you have written.
You will know your desires are inevitable once you know that you know
that you know that you create your reality. And that it is up to you if your
desires come true or not.
Once you know that the law of life is absolute. It is not impartial; it is
not moody; it is not iffy; it does not work for some and not others; it does
not play favorites. It is faithful and trustworthy.
So trustworthy that you have created your reality until this moment
whether or not you were aware of it; based on what you accepted as true
and real within yourself. That simple. Even the negative things have been
your creation.
And for me when I realized this, it was not cause for despair, but
celebration. Because unlike the lie of powerlessness, where you think life is
happening randomly and you are a victim, this truth reminds you where the
power always was. WITHIN YOU!
Now, if you create your reality, where does it leave any room for
feeling like a victim or blaming something? It annihilates it. It gives you
ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF, because you recognize that
you and God, the life principle, are ONE. And what you believe as true, is
what happens. You create your reality by your inner movement and activity,
which is your thought, feeling, and belief.
And the good news here is that when you settle it, that you create
your reality and stop looking outside yourself at anything or anyone else,
you recognize that it is your WORD that goes. Your word is your belief,
your acceptance of what you desire as the only truth; your recognition that
all you want is ALREADY YOURS. It is already yours. And this gives you
confidence. Your word cannot return to you void. If this is not confidence, I
do not know what is.
There is something in every human being that cries out for meaning, for
truth, for a sense of identity. There is a longing in every heart to figure out
what life really means. And it is why many people turn to religion or any
group that offers them some sort of answer. It is also why many feel such
despair when nothing seems to make sense. This is because, identifying
with these bodies is not enough and can never satisfy. Deep down, every
person knows that they are not just this garment of flesh and blood.
Something inside them feels bigger and more expansive than the body and
it is this something that is always calling from within the individual asking
for recognition. What is this something? It is your true self, your higher
self, your divine nature.
Here are a few truths about your true nature or higher self that you may
have forgotten. Realizing these truths is the purpose of life. We are here to
awaken to and remember our true nature.
Because you are one with God or source, this means you are also one
with the universe and all that is in it. You are one with everyone and
everything. Your true being is the consciousness that formed the universe.
And this means you are one with the universal whole, yet greater than the
universe because consciousness is one with yet greater than
its manifestations. The creator is one with yet greater than its creation. You
therefore never have to feel small when you look at the entire universe.
Your consciousness or awareness, the source of all that exists, formed it all.
You also never have to feel separate from others because we are one.
In the same way that you are not your body, you are not the identities
you wear or the labels you take on in this expression. You are the
consciousness that identifies itself as these things. And so you can choose
to change any of these identities whenever you like, while remaining
conscious of the truth and the fact that your true being is the one wearing
these identities and is greater than any of them.
Consciousness creates reality. Your true nature is the creator of all. And
so, even as you experience this dimension of time and space in these bodies,
you still create your own reality as individualized consciousness. You are
always creating your reality by your beliefs, states of consciousness and
awareness. As you think and feel something to be true and real,
it manifests in your reality. And so, you are not powerless. You are always,
even when unconscious of it, creating and manifesting your reality. All of it.
Recognizing this therefore, you can consciously create your reality as you
want it and recognize the powerful creator you really are.
You are one with the infinite, a powerful creator. Here for the
adventure of a lifetime.
8. You are Love and Eternally Worthy
That is how things live and die in your world. Whatever they are.
Disease, concepts of self, states of being, experiences, it is all in
consciousness. You are unworthy, unloved, picked on, abandoned, used,
abused, ugly, poor, rejected, surrounded by drama or chaos or controversy
etc. only because they are alive in your consciousness and you identify with
them as who you are. You are loved, respected, wise, powerful, esteemed,
lovely, peaceful, etc. only because it is so in your awareness.
"As a deer pants for the waters so my soul thirsts after you O Lord,"
Psalms 42:1
Until the desire to change is intense enough that we will ascend and
let go of our previous concept of self in imagination by identifying with the
feeling of being the new man, nothing changes. You cannot serve two
masters. You cannot serve two contrasting ideals at the same time.
"No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and
love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other."
Luke 16:13.
Your own consciousness will betray you as what you feel to be true
is what will automatically be your reality, not what you want or what you
say. If you are conscious of being poor, then poverty is your master and the
one you love because that is what you feel yourself to be. You have given
poverty the blessing to exist by FEELING yourself to be poor.
The story of Jacob and Esau is the story of feeling and how feeling
gets the blessing. "Please come near, that I may feel you, my son, to know
whether you are really my son Esau or not" Gen 27:21. Jacob clothed
himself with the feeling that gets the blessing by clothing himself like Esau,
and he got the blessing. It could not be reversed. Jacob clothed himself with
a state called Esau and became it.
This means the one who came with the feeling of the thing sought,
got the blessing. This is not a story of two actual brothers who lived. The
Bible is all spiritual. It is the story of imagination, of I AM. The man of
imagination gets the blessing, feeling gets the blessing.
If you take some time and observe your world objectively, you will
see how it reflects your every belief, even the secret ones you try to hide
from self. There is no world apart from you, for you are the dreamer in your
world. You are the one animating it and giving it life exactly as it is. And it
can only change as you go within and rework yourself.
"Therefore, it says, "Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and
Christ will shine on you." Ephesians 5:14.
And I used to ask myself two questions. Why they married this person
and why didn't they leave even when they no longer wanted to be in this
situation? I came to learn the answers to those questions are the same
answers for why most human beings' live lives they dislike or do not enjoy
but tolerate them, in almost every area of life.
Do not be MOST people. You are not just here to pass the time as
miserably as possible doing things you do not want to, being with people
you do not want to, living a life you dislike. Change it. Jump out of the
sinking ship of limitation and know that you can have everything you ever
wanted. You can be, do or have anything you desire.
Settle it once and for all for YOURSELF that:
1. You are one with the divine. You are the focal point of the
universe. You are the very image of God. You are God
having the adventure of a lifetime as you. You are THAT
2. Decide what you want. Remove the cobwebs from your
mind of all the conditioning you have had your entire life.
Forget everything you have been told you need to want and
do and ask, "what do I REALLY want"? Be selective. Do
not condition it or over analyze it. Only you call it
impossible. Write it down clearly. That type of partner, that
type of job, that home, that life, that peace of mind.
Whatever it is. It is yours for the taking.
3. Do not be an imposter in your own life. You are a
masterpiece, an original idea. Do not live like a duplicate.
4. Remember, all things are possible to them that believe.
Nothing is impossible. Everything exists. If you can
imagine it, it is proof enough that it exists and it exists
within YOU. You just must ACCEPT IT. TAKE IT.
5. You are here to live an abundant life. The very life of the
entire universe dwells within you. The kingdom of God is
within YOU! How then can you accept that you are here to
live a beggarly, miserable life, being okay with
6. Everything you fear is an illusion. A lie. Fear is simply
placing your faith in the wrong thing. You feel stuck
because you have locked yourself in a prison of doubt and
complacency. Unlock that prison gate right now and as you
meditate on steps one to five above, realize that the
abundant life is meant for YOU!
It is never too late. Start NOW. Now is all we ever have, anyway!
I am outstanding
I am unmatched
I am phenomenal
I am incomparable
I stand out
I am unique
I am brilliant
I am magnetic
I am an everlasting success
I am invincible
I am in secure hands
I cannot fail
I am majestic
I am glorious
I know the eternal truths of life are that I am one with God, one with
the power that made worlds, and I know this power makes me a creator of
my reality.
This knowing gives me a sense of power because I know it is all up to
me. I can create the life I desire by focusing on what I desire.
I allow my inner being, the omniscient one who knows all and sees all,
to work things out for me in the best possible ways
I am excited for the magical things that are coming into my life
I accept the truth that I am one with God, and therefore one with all
that is perfect.
I know my desires never end because the creative process never ends
It is a great time for me to be alive. I sleep in joy and wake up in
There are many adventures waiting for me. I can never exhaust them.
This adventure never ends, and I may as well have fun with it
I am allowing
I am expecting
I am appreciating
I am expanding
I am acknowledging
I am anticipating
I am believing
I am rejoicing
I am loving
I am grateful