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The Business Model Handbook For Developing Countries: March 2002

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The Business Model Handbook for Developing Countries

Article · March 2002

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3 authors, including:

Mathias Rossi Minyue Dong

Fribourg School of management University of Lausanne


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The Business Model Handbook for
Developing Countries
Alexander Osterwalder, Mathias Rossi, Minyue Dong
Ecole des HEC, University of Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21-692.34.20
{mathias.rossi, alexander.osterwalder, minyue.dong}@hec.unil.ch,

Abstract. The Business Model Handbook (BMH) for Developing Countries is a proposition for a tool
that has for goal to help Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) and local entrepreneurs to design
business models that use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and particularly the
Internet in the context of developing economies. It shall help to develop the urgently needed critical
mass of knowledge workers, technology users, and motivated entrepreneurs in order to deploy ICT in
businesses of developing countries. Never before the Internet has it been as easy to share and transfer
knowledge in such an efficient and global way.
The objective of this Paper is twofold. First it proposes a theoretical business model framework (BMF)
which shall allow SMEs, but also motivated local entrepreneurs in developing countries to understand
the most relevant business issues in the Information Society. The BMF gives special attention to the
opportunities that arise out of the use of Information Technology (IT) and particularly the use of the
Internet for businesses in emerging economies.
The second objective, which lies in the introduction of the Business Model Handbook for Developing
Countries, shall allow an efficient knowledge transfer of the concepts developed and illustrated in the
BMF. In order to achieve this, the BMH should be deployed as a Web based tool, which allows Users
to navigate through the concepts and the corresponding real world examples (case studies) and easily
learn about business opportunities.

Keywords. Business Model Handbook (BMH), Business Model Framework (BMF), business models,
economic development, knowledge transfer, Internet use in developing countries.


We are aware of the fact that the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
is not a panacea for all development problems and that there are several obstacles that make it
difficult for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries to adopt
ICT and particularly Internet business tools. But detailed analysis of experience around the
world reveals ample evidence that, used in the right way and for the right purposes, ICT can
have a dramatic impact on achieving specific social and economic development goals as well
as play a key role in broader national development strategies [Digital Opportunity Initiative,
2001]. One of the greatest impacts of ICT is the mobilization of worldwide knowledge and
expertise [World Bank, 1996] and their knowledge transfer to the actors of developing

The goal of this Paper is to focus on the development of human capacity in ICT and Internet
use for businesses in developing countries. This is also one of the pillars of the Digital
Opportunity Initiative Framework and means building a critical mass of knowledge workers,
increasing technical skills among users and strengthening local entrepreneurial and
managerial capabilities. The Business Model Handbook for Developing Countries which we

propose and explain in the following pages relies on extensive research on e-business models
[Ben Lagha & al., 2001]. This Web-based knowledge transfer tool should show SMEs and
local entrepreneurs the relevant business issues in the information society and help them find
new business opportunities. With this tool they could, for example, learn how to improve
business process efficiency and productivity or understand how to reduce operational costs by
decreasing material, procurement and transaction costs, resulting in lower prices for
intermediate and finished goods. Finally they should also understand how to use more and
better information to improve the value of their output.

In short, the Business Model Handbook for Developing Countries should be an openly
accessible resource on the Web addressing the following three points:

1. Understanding the business issues of the Information Society in the context of developing
2. Understanding the relationship between these business issues, ICT and particularly the
Internet in developing countries.
3. Finding case studies of SMEs in developing countries that illustrate the business issues
and the use and adoption of ICT detailed above.

This Paper is organized in four sections. Following this introductions, the next section
explains the Business Model Framework (BMF) for Developing Countries on which the
Business Model Handbook (BMH) will rely. Section 2 explains the concept and the
functioning of the BMH for Developing Countries. The conclusion of this Paper is provided
in the last section.



The Business Model Framework for Developing Countries that we propose in this paper shall
help SMEs and entrepreneurs to structure their organizations in a way to become more
efficient, more flexible and responsive to customer demand and information society
opportunities. Under a business model we understand nothing else than the architecture of a
firm and its network of partners for creating, marketing and delivering value and relationship
capital to one or several segments of customers in order to generate profitable and sustainable
revenue streams.

Our business model framework is therefore divided into four principal components. (1) The
products and services a firm offers, representing a substantial value to the customer, and for
which he is willing to pay. ICT have theoretically opened up new opportunities for products
and services for firms in developing countries. (2) The relationship capital a firm creates and
maintains with the customer, in order to satisfy him, to create trust and to generate sustainable
revenues. This element is particularly critical for firms operating in international export
markets. (3) The infrastructure and the network of partners that are necessary in order to
create value and to maintain a good customer relationship. And last, but not least, a business
model contains (4) the financial aspects that can be found throughout the three former
components, such as cost and revenue structures.

2.1 Product Innovation

A firm must ask itself what the business, the product innovation and the value proposition is
that it wants to offer on the market. It must understand whether the originality of the value
proposition is sufficient to survive and to guarantee long term growth. The firm must identify
the customer segment it wants to target and what in-house or out-house capabilities are
necessary in order to deliver this value.

Value proposition. This element refers to the value a firm offers to a specific target customer
segment. ICT have had a very
important impact on new ways
of creating and delivering value
especially for enterprises in
developing countries. With their
lower labor cost for example,
these firms have substantial cost
advantages, but have not yet
been able to accede global
markets efficiently before the
arise of the Internet. ICT have
substantially reduced transaction costs inside companies, between business partners and in
marketing to customers. In many cases firms can now sell directly to their customers through
dis-intermediation [Benjamin & al., 1995]. Through PEOPLink's global artisans trading
exchange (http://www.peoplink.org), for example, local craftspeople in developing countries
are increasing their incomes not only through access to new markets, but also because the
wholesaling intermediaries for their produce have effectively been removed. Local
craftspeople can now receive up to 95 percent of the selling price for their produce where
previously they received only 10 percent [Digital Opportunity Initiative, 2001]. Several
similar initiatives, offering indigenous peoples opportunities to globally market their
traditional crafts and farm products exist on the Web (A selection of such initiatives can be
found on the Website “Global Coalitions for Voices of the Poor Web Guide: E-Commerce to
Support Grassroots Entrepreneurs” form the World Bank Group.). But one can also observe
re-intermediation through the use of ICT. The successful Chinese Web site alibaba.com for
example, matches international customer with Chinese suppliers. This is very helpful for
Chinese manufacturers which often have little knowledge how to address international export

Another important value proposition is product differentiation through innovation. This

means that a firm offers either entirely new products/services or innovative complementary
products/services. Through the arise of the Internet, firms in developing countries can offer
such services as E-Transcription or E-Editing. A firm receives an audio file over the Web,
splits it into sections and then several employees execute the full formatting in a parallel
working mode. The electronic document can be returned in 24 hours. A one hour tape, which
equals about five to six typed pages goes at US$ 60 to 100 per hour in North America
[Rostenne, 2000]. Another source of product differentiation based on ICT is customization.
Through customization [Piller et al., 2000] firms can propose value tailored to the demand of
a single customer. Small firms in developing countries have a substantial competitive
advantage if they provide customized handmade products or customer-tailored services at low
prices. The Internet makes it possible for a tailor in Shanghai to hand-make a suit for a lawyer
in Boston, FedEx taking care of the expedition [The Economist, 2000].

A third form of value proposition can be the offering of a premium customer service level and
customer relationship experience which accompanies the actual product. ICT allow firms to
propose a whole new range of (free) services that augment the value of the sold product.

Target customer. A firm generally creates value for a specific customer segment. The
definition of the market scope [Hamel, 2000; Afuah & al., 2001] captures the essence of
where the firm does and does not compete – which customers, which geographical areas, and
what product segments. With the arise of the Internet, firms in developing countries can
market to entirely new customer segments. Chincheros for example, a small village in Peru,
increased its income five-fold to US$1,500 per month when the village leaders formed an
Internet-enabled partnership with an export company in 1996. The village vegetables are now
sold daily in New York [Digital Opportunity Initiative, 2001].

Capabilities. To deliver the value proposition to different customers, a firm must ensure that it
possesses the range of capabilities that underpin the proposed value. This is particularly
important for firms in developing countries, where ICT infrastructure and general
infrastructure are not always satisfying and still often very expensive. Activities such as e-
commerce need a functioning logistical infrastructure to deliver products to the end customer.

2.2 Customer Relationship

ICT offers firms in developing countries a range of new opportunities in creating customer
relationships in international market segments. Through ICT, and particularly the Internet,
these firms can get a feel for the customer’s desires, serve him directly and develop an
enduring relationship with him. In order to improve the customers experience in doing
business, a firm has to gather and exploit customer information. Exporting firms in emerging
economies can create relationship capital [Tapscott & al., 2000] with their customers which
previously has been much more difficult. Through positive customer relationship and trust
mechanisms, firms in developing countries can gain customer loyalty and compete directly
with firms of developed countries.

Information. This element refers to all customer information and knowledge a company can
gather and exploit in order to discover new and profitable business opportunities and customer
segments and to improve their relationships with their customers. This does not necessarily
have to be the implementation and use of relatively complex and expensive Datawarehouses
and Datamining. ICT also enables the implementation of inexpensive information retrieval
strategies which consist in the use of e-mail or feedback forms on the Web. But these insights
are important and can be used throughout marketing and sales, and especially for customer
relationship management (CRM). Hamel [Hamel, 2000] calls this the positive feedback effect.
Firms can thus improve products and services faster than their competitors and increase
product innovation. This, in return, attracts new customers, forming a virtuous circle. In
addition to product improvement, a better knowledge of its customers allows a firm to
establish a personalized relationship tailored to the needs of every single customer. Of course
it is important that the firm has an explicit privacy policy, which it will respect and reveal to
its customers.

Feel and serve. Serving the customer includes fulfillment, support and customer relationship
management (CRM). Firms in developing countries often face poor infrastructure services
(other than telecommunications), which are an important constraint on e-commerce. For
example, the unreliability of postal services in Latin America has meant that more expensive
courier services must be used to deliver goods ordered over the Internet [World Bank, 2001].
Therefore, a firm must carefully define fulfillment and support which refers to the way it
“goes to market” and how it actually “reaches” customers [Hamel, 2000]. But direct selling
could improve margins to such an extent, that the higher logistical costs could become
irrelevant. In Nepal for example, a Dhaka full-pattern shawl begins with 175 rupees ($3.80)
for yarn and Rs275 for the producer's labor and ultimately sells for Rs5,250 in the U.S. or
Europe [Goodman & al., 2001].

Not only direct selling, but also new Internet mediation services [Sarkar & al., 1995] could
mean opportunities. AfricanCraft.com (http://www.africancrafts.com) is a Web site dedicated
to bringing the arts and the craftsmen of Africa online. By supplying information on online
shops, craftspeople, artists and designers in Africa, and by setting up on-line classrooms on
subjects, such as “Kente paper weaving” or “Loom construction”, this Web site positions
itself as a portal for African craftsmanship. This illustrates one of the best known and mostly
applied aspects of e-business: providing information on products and value-added services
over a Web Site. A firm can easily supply its customer with a wide range of basic information
on products, prices and availability, or even offer him customized real-time information (i.e.,
delivery status, product lifecycle management). The diminishing export performance of
African countries is largely attributed to non-price factors on the demand side [Oshikoya &
al., 1999] and could be stopped if they would use the Internet for marketing information on
prices and use the Web for after sales services and quality amelioration.

Trust and loyalty. Even though the Internet gives firms in developing countries access to
global markets, this does not necessarily mean they are able to exploit these opportunities. In
order to access these new customer segments, the firms must pay special attention to the
elements of trust and confidence to build customer loyalty. The image of companies (i.e.

branding) in the information society shifts towards relationship dynamics [Hamel, 2000]
where emotional, as well as transactional elements in the interaction between firm and client,
form the perception of a company. Firms in emerging markets must learn about and adopt
mechanisms to build trust in e-business environments, such as, for example, virtual
communities [Hagel & al., 1997], positive performance history, mediation services or
insurance in case of harm, third party verification and authorization, and, a clear and explicit
privacy policy [Friedman, 2000]. In some cases physical presence may be needed.

2.3 Infrastructure Management

The infrastructure component describes the value system configuration [Gordijn & al., 2000]
that is necessary to deliver the value proposition; in other words, the relationship between in-
house resources and assets, the activity and process configuration of the business the firm is
operating in and the firms partner network which represents the essential external resources.
Recent trends in business towards smaller, specialized enterprises that are interconnected
open up new opportunities for innovative SME’s in developing countries. Especially since e-
business reduces the costs of communication between geographically distant partners and
lowers the search-and-compare costs involved in finding potential business partners.

Resources and assets. In order to create value, a firm needs resources [Tarondeau, 1999;
Wernefelt, 1994]. Grant [Grant, 1995] distinguishes between tangible, intangible, and human
assets. Firms in emerging markets should concentrate on resources in which they have a
competitive advantage. An often cited example is the case of Indian firms that rely on cheap
software developers or accountants to provide outsourcing services to western firms.

Activity and processes configuration. The main purpose of a company is the creation of value
that customers are willing to pay for. This value is the result of a configuration of inside and
outside activities and processes. To define the value creation process in a business model, we
use the extension of the value chain framework [Porter, 2001] such as defined by Stabell and
Fjeldstad [Stabell & al., 1998]. Understanding this value creation process can help a firm
identify the right software and Internet tools in order to streamline business. Firms in
developing countries can also benefit from the Open Source Software movement that delivers
powerful, cheap and configurable (because open and reusable) ICT tools.
By applying new configurations of activities and processes enabled by ICT - including
business process outsourcing, value chain integration and disintermediation - developing
country firms can operate more efficiently in local markets or gain access to new markets and
new sources of competitive advantage from which to drive income growth [Digital
Opportunity Initiative, 2001].

Partner Network. This element of the business model framework is closely tied to the value
proposition and the value creation process. These value networks [Brandenburger, 1996] or b-
webs [Tapscott & al., 2000] detail how the value creation process is distributed among the
partners of the firm. Shrinking transaction costs thanks to ICT makes it easier for firms to
vertically disintegrate and to reorganize in partner networks. For example, PEOPLink
provides CatGen, a software which enables local craftsmen to easily capture and transmit

digital images of products over the Internet with minimal training and in conditions of poor
connectivity. The solution is feasible due to the existence of public access points such as
cybercafes and telecenters [infoDev, 1998].

2.4 Financial Aspects

The financial perspective of a business model is the fourth component and the consequence of
the other three components formerly described. Financial aspects can be understood as the
costs of the required infrastructure in order to create value and as the revenues of sold value.
The difference between revenues and costs determines the profitability of a company. A very
important aspect for firms in developing countries is the still very difficult access to funding.
One of the major reasons for the lack of dynamic enterprises in developing countries is the
shortage of affordable credit and investment to support new enterprises. Here ICT can reduce
search costs.

Revenue Structure. This element measures the ability of the firm to translate the value it
offers to its customers into money and therefore generate incoming revenue streams. ICT and
particularly the Internet opens up several opportunities for new revenue streams and pricing
models. Firms in developing countries must understand how the new pricing mechanisms
[Klein & al., 2000] affect their market and how they can exploit them to their benefit.

Of course the total revenue of a firm will depend on the value proposition and the customers it
targets. The Internet could erode an important advantage now enjoyed by firms in industrial
countries: proximity to wealthy customers [World Bank, 2001]. Through disintermediation or
integration in western value networks, firms in emerging economies can gain access to high
value markets that have been out of reach up to now.

Cost structure. This element measures the costs the firm incurs in order to create, market and
deliver value to its customers. It sets a price tag on all the resources, assets, activities and
partner network relationships and exchanges that cost the company money.

Profit structure. This element simply measures the ability of a firm to create positive cash



The Business Model Handbook (BMH) for Developing Countries is a proposition for a tool
that has for goal to help Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) and local entrepreneurs
to design business models in the context of developing economies that use Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) and particularly the Internet. The BMH should be a
Web-based tool that relies on the Business Model Framework (BMF) outlined above. It is
essential that this tool be driven by user demand and realized through direct participation of
targeted end users. It should not be perceived as a kind of Trojan Horse [Afemann, 2000] to
impose business and ICT concepts of more developed countries. ICT use should be adapted to
the capacities of its adopters. In other words, firms should only use technologies if they

effectively bring advantages. The relationship between costs and opportunities should remain

The goal of the BMH for Developing Countries is threefold. The first goal consists in the
transfer of business knowledge for the information society. ICT have had an important impact
on business and enterprise structure and therefore make it necessary to rethink the way a firm
builds it business. Business model design relying on the BMF detailed above shall allow local
SMEs and entrepreneurs to be competitive in a increasingly global economy.

The second goal of the BMH is to help SMEs and local entrepreneurs identify new
opportunities arising through ICT deployment in developing countries. Firms in emerging
economies have several competitive advantages, such as low wages, that they could not
exploit without the use of recent ICT evolution.
Government agencies and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) should not only be
involved in the supplying of local/regional information, but should also be consulted in the
construction of a BMH for a specific country/region. Typically this concerns information on
local taxes, specific trade regulations and other legal frameworks.

The last goal and probably the most important aspect of the BMH is the collection of
successful case studies of firms in developing countries that have adopted ICT in their
businesses. The value, the comprehension and the usability of existing databases and case
collections of other organizations (i.e. The World Bank Group, UNDP) could be multiplied if
integrated in a tool like the one we propose.


We agree with Emmanuel Castells that “technology per se does not solve social problems”
[Castells, 1998]. And we also agree with him, that “the availability and use of information and
communication technologies are a pre-requisite for economic and social development in our
world. They are the functional equivalent of electricity in the industrial era”. Therefore the
goal of this project is to use ICT for knowledge sharing and transfer. The main contribution of
this paper is to make a comprehensive business model framework available, allowing an
effective transfer of knowledge in the domain of ICT use to developing countries. This could
be achieved through a Web-based business tool we call the Business Model Handbook
(BMH) for Developing Countries. Implementing such a tool will help accelerate the creation
of a critical mass of motivated entrepreneurs and people with business expertise that can
leverage new opportunities [Digital Opportunity Initiative, 2001].


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