CPT 1 Questions (50 QNS)
CPT 1 Questions (50 QNS)
CPT 1 Questions (50 QNS)
Q:1. Stephanie underwent an endoscopic lysis of epidural adhesions, with fluoroscopic guidance using a spinal
endoscopic catheter system, including radiologic localization, multiple adhesiolysis sessions; 1 day. How would you code
this procedure?
a) 72275
b) 64999, 72275
c) 62264
d) 62263, 72275, 77003
Q:2. Andrea fell down while skateboarding and broke her acetabulum. Her physician performed a closed manipulation
with skeletal traction. How would you code this procedure?
a) 27220, 27222-59
b) 27227, 27222-51
c) 27220
d) 27222
Q:3. A patient with lung cancer and bone metastasis is seen for complex treatment planning by a radiation oncologist.
Provide the appropriate CPT code(s).
a) 77307
b) 77263
c) 77290
d) 77334
Q:4-Patient presents to the hospital and undergoes a posterior L1-L5 spinal fusion for scoliosis with placement of a
Harrington Rod. Provide CPT Codes.
a) 22800, 22846
b) 22800, 22842
c) 22800, 22840
d) 22612, 22800, 22841
a) 59610
b) 59514
c) 59400
d) 59510
Q:8-Radiation treatment delivery is provided by a radiation treatment facility for a patient with an aplastic large cell
lymphoma for two intra thoracic lymph nodes at 2 MeV in one treatment area using a single port, with one simple block.
What is the appropriate CPT code for this procedure?
a) 77401
b) 77402
c) 77407
d) 77412
Q:9-Dr. Rodgers received a new patient who was 37 weeks pregnant. The woman recently moved from her previous
home in Virginia back to NYC. This was her second pregnancy the first child was delivered 3 years ago by C-sect. She
opted to try VBAC with this pregnancy. However, the placenta separated prematurely with delivery, and Dr. Rodgers
performed an emergency C-sect. A healthy baby girl was delivered. Another obstetrician provided her antepartum care
in her former town, and Dr. Rodgers provided post-operative care. What are the CPT and ICD-10-CM codes reported for
this service?
Q:10-A 32-year-old woman with repeat urinary tract infections presented to the office with painful urination. Suspecting
another UTI, the physician sent aurine sample to the lab to identify the bacteria causing the infection. The physician's
office billed for the laboratory service themselves, even though they sent the sample to an outside lab for the test. What
modifier is appropriate in this case?
a) Modifier-99 c) Modifier-52
b) Modifier-90 d) No modifier would be necessary
Q:11-A physician took an impression of a 47-year-old woman's left orbital socket and created a custom prosthesis.
What is the correct code for this service?
a)21076 c) 21088-LT
b) 21089-LT d) 21077-LT
Q:12- An forensic pathologist performed a gross post-mortem examination on a stillborn infant. The exam included the
infant's brain, but did not include the infant's spinal cord. How should the pathologist code for this service?
a) 88005
b) 88012
c) 88025
d) 88014
Q:13-The patient is being evaluated for spinal curvature problems of the lower back. She has been sent to the radiologist
for a set of spinal x-rays. The radiologist takes x-rays from 4different views of her spine (standing straight, bending
forward and from each side) along with three additional views. These films are sent to the patient's PCP for
interpretation and report. What code should her radiologist report?
a) 72114-TC
b) 72110-TC,72120-TC
d) 72110,72120
Q:14-A physician excised the head of the humeral bone and replaced it with the appropriate implant. What is the correct
code for this procedure?
a) 23195
b) 23470
c) 23195, 23470
d) 23472
Q:15-A 23-year old woman, pregnant with her second child, received antepartum care from her physician in Atlanta, GA.
After 9 visits with her physician in Atlanta, the patient moved to Albuquerque, NM where she continued her prenatal
care with a new doctor. The new physician saw the patient for the remaining antepartum visits. The new physician also
performed vaginal delivery and postpartum care, which included the 6-week postpartum checkup. How should the
physician in Atlanta code for his services?
a) 59426
b) 59425
c) 59410
d) 59430
Q:16-A physician harvested a viable left cornea, liver, and heart from a declared brain-dead patient. What anesthesia
services should have been provided?
a) 01990
b) No anesthesia services should have been performed on a brain-dead patient
c) 33930, 47133-51, 65110-51
d) 01990-P6
Q:17-A physician performed a cystourethroscopy with an ejaculatory duct catheterization and irrigation. Duct
radiography was also performed to visualize ejaculatory duct system. What CPT codes should be reported?
a) 52000, 52010
b) 52000, 52010, 74440
c) 52010, 74440
d) 52010
Q:18-A 17 year-old patient presented to the orthopedist office after having fallen off his skateboard. He suffered a
closed fracture to the left tibia and fibula as well as a severe sprain to the right wrist. The patient was in severe pain so
an anesthesiologist administered anesthesia to him, while the physician manipulated the fractures back into place and
applied the cast to the lower left leg. What are the appropriate anesthesia code(s)?
a) 01820, 01490
b) 01462
c) 01480, 01820
d) 01490
Q:19-When a CPT code has the words “separate procedure” in parenthesis after the code description, you:
Q:20-The patient presents to the gynecologist's office complaining of stress incontinence. The GYN decides to perform a
sling operation using synthetic materials to reinforce the patient's muscles and allow for additional urinary control. This
procedure is performed laparoscopically in order to be less invasive. What is the correct code for this procedure?
a) 57288
b) 57287
c) 51990
d) 51992
Q:21-The patient is actively being treated for bladder cancer. The patient presented to the office today for bladder
instillation treatment. The patient was catheterized and his bladder was emptied of all contents. An anticarcinogenic
agent was introduced into the bladder at 0100 hours. The patient was instructed to lie in supine position for 45 minutes.
The physician returned at 0145 hours and emptied the bladder of the anticarcinogenic agent. The patient tolerated the
procedure well. The patient was instructed to return to office in one week for the next treatment and a follow-up
examination. What is the correct code for the instillation treatment only?
a) 51715 c) 51702
b) 51701 d) 51720
Q:22-A patient with Bartholin's gland cyst presents to the clinic for incision and drainage of the cyst. Due to the size and
area of the cyst, the physician decides to incise the cyst and suture the lateral sides, leaving one side open for drainage.
Which of the following codes would represent the physician's work?
a) 56420
b) 56740
c) 56440
d) 53060
Q:23-A 25-year-old female patient with ESRD received a dual renal transplant without nephrectomy. What is the correct
code for this transplant?
a) 50360 -50
b) 50360
c) 50365
d) 50365 -50
Q:24-The procedure known as blepharoplasty is performed to:
Q:25-A surgeon performs a diagnostic laparoscopy followed by a laparoscopic nephrectomy (including partial
ureterectomy). How should the physician report these services?
a) 50546
b) 49320, 50546-51
c) 49320
d) 50549
Q:26-An anesthesiologist administers anesthesia for a male patient prior to the surgeon performing a total hip
replacement. The patient is 75 years old and suffers from mild hypertension. How should you code the anesthesia
a) 01214, 99100-59
b) 01214-47
c) 01214-P2, 99100
d) 01214-P3
Q:27-The patient was taken to the operating room for percutaneous needle biopsy of the right and left kidneys.
a) 50200-50 c) 50555-50
b) 49000-50 d) 50542-LT, 50542-RT
Q:28-Code a biopsy of the bladder?
a) 52354 c) 52250
b) 52204 d) 52224
Q29-The patient is a 76-year-old male with obstructive symptoms and subsequent urinary retention. The patient
underwent the usual spinal anesthetic,was put in the dorsolithotomy position, prepped, and draped in the usual fashion.
Cystoscopic visualization showed a marked high-riding bladder.Median lobe enlargement was such that it was difficult
even to get the cystoscope over. Inside the bladder, marked trabeculation was noted. No stoneswere present. The
urethra was well lubricated and dilated. The resectoscopic sheath was passed with the aid of anobtrator with some
difficulty because of the median lobe. TURP of the median lobe was performed, getting several big loops of tissue, which
helped toimprove visualization. Anterior resection of the roof was carried out from the bladder neck. Bladder-wall
resection was taken from the 10 to 8 o'clockposition. This eliminated the rest of the median lobe tissue as well.The
patient tolerated the procedure well. Code the procedure(s) performed and the diagnosi.
Q:31-A 60-year-old female comes to the clinic with shortness of breath. The Doctor orders a chest x-ray, frontal and
a) 72125 c) 72196
b) 72198 d) 72159
Q:33-Code an endoscopic catheterization of the biliary ductal system for the professional radiology component only.
a) 74330-TC
b) 74330-26
c) 74328-26
d) 74300-26
Q:34-This 34-year-old female had been suffering from chronic fatigue. Her physician has ordered a TSH test.
36) The patient has a torn medial meniscuss. An arthroscope was placed through the anteriolateral portal for the
diagnostic procedure. The patellofemoral joint showed some grade 2 chondro malacia on the patella side of the joint only,
and this was debrided with the 4.0 mm shaver. The medial compartment was also entered and a complex posterior horn
tear of the medial meniscus was noted. It was probed to define its borders. A meniscectomy was carried out back to a
stable rim. Report the service?
a ) 29880,29879-59
b) 29881,29877-59
c) 29880
d) 29881
37) A 45-yr-old presents to the OR with a right index trigger finger and left shoulder bursitis. The left shoulder is injected
with 1 cc of xylocaine , 1 cc celestone , and 1 cc of marcaine. An incision was made over the A1 pulley in the right distal
transverse palmar crease, about an inch in length. This is taken through skin and subcutaneous tissue. The A1 pulley is
identified and released in its entirety. The wound is irrigated with antibiotic saline solution. The subcutaneous tissue is
injected with marcaine without epinephrine. The skin is closed with 4-0 ethilon suture. Clean dressing is applied. What are
the code fo r these procedures?
a)26055-F6, 20610-76-LT
b)20552-F6, 20605-52-LT
c)26055-F6, 20610-51-LT
d)20553-F6, 20611-59-LT
38. The patient is given Xylocaine, a local anesthetic by injection into the thigh above the site to be biopsied. A small bore
needle is then introduced through the skin into the muscle, about 3 inches deep, and a muscle biopsy is taken. Report the
39. This 45 year old male presents to the operating room with a painful mass of the right upper arm. General anesthesia is
induced. Soft tissue dissection is carried down through the proximal aspect of the teres minor muscle. Upon further
dissection a large mass is noted just distal of the IGHL, which appears to be benign in nature. With blunt dissection and
electrocautery, the 4 cm mass is removed en bloc and sent to pathology. Wound is irrigated, repair of the teres minor with
subcutaneous tissue is then closed with triple-0 Vicryl. Skin is closed with a double-0 Prolene in a subcuticular fashion.
What is the correct CPT code reported for this service?
40. A 55 year old female presents with right hydronephrosis. A 23-French cystoscope is introduced into the urethra and
passed into the bladder. The bladder is carefully inspected and no tumors or stones are visualized. The first effluxed urine
from the bladder is sent for urine cytology. Then a 6-French access catheter is passed into the right ureteral orifice
requiring a 0.35 guidewire to help cannulate the right ureteral orifice because of the angulation. There is some stiffness in
the intramural portion of the ureter and the catheter pops through into a more dilated ureter. Contrast is injected and
there are no filling defects, fixed tumors, or stones noted. There is mild hydroureteral nephrosis against the bladder. The
renal pelvis is barbotaged with saline and the renal pelvis urine is drained and sent to pathology for urine cytology. After
the retrograde pyelogram is performed, the access catheter is removed and there is brisk efflux of the contrast and it
drains very well. The bladder is then drained and the patient is awakened and transferred in stable condition to the
recovery room. Which CPT codes should be reported?
a)52005, 74420-26
b)52327, 74420-26
c)52010, 74420-26
41. A 65 year old male presents with medium size bladder tumor on the posterior wall of the bladder behind the trigone
and has an elevated PSA. Six needle biopsies of the right and left lobe of the prostate are performed. Each biopsy core is
performed under transrectal ultrasound guidance and sent for pathologic review. Then the instrument is inserted through
a sheath, and using the cutting mode of the Bovie through the loop, a resection is performed on the bladder tumor. The
procedure is performed in ASC. Report the correct CPT code?
d)55700,52235-51, 76942-26
42. A 43 year old male undergoing a cystoscopy has a 1.5cm mass on the left posterior bladder wall, which can not be
definitively classified as malignant, and an area of velvety, peach-colored tissue less than 1cm on the bilateral ureteral
orifice. Using cold-cup biopsy forceps, biopsies are performed and the bladder mass is fulgurated. What CPT code should
you report?
a)52204, 52234-51
b)52214, 51020-51
43. A neonatal male has an elective circumcision before home discharge from the newborn nursery. The physician uses a
ring block for the local anesthetic and the foreskin is placed over the glans. A clamp is selected for the size of the glans and
a constricting circular ring is placed over the foreskin to compress and devascularize the foreskin. The devascularized
foreskin is excised with scalpel, the ring device is removed, and the penis is dressed. Which CPT code is reported?
44. A patient presents to the ER with crushing chest pain radiating down the left arm and up under the chin. There are S-T
segment on EKG. The cardiologist orders three serial CPK enzyme levels with instructions that the tests are also to be
performed with isoenzymes if the initial tests are elevated on that date of service. The CPK enzyme levels were elevated;
therefore, the lab codes would be:
45. Using fluoroscopic guidance, the anesthesiologist injects an analgesic and steroid mixture into the para-vertebral facet
joint on both the right and left side at L2-L3 and L3-L4 for persistent pain secondary to spondylosis with myelopathy. What
procedure codes are reported?
c)64493-50, 64494-50
d)64493-50, 64494-50, 77003-26
46. The physician inserted a ventriculoperitoneal shunt for the purpose of draining a CSF shunt in a 10 year old male
patient with secondary hydrocephalus resulting from bacterial meningitis. Anesthesia was started at 11am and ended at
11.50am. the procedure was performed from 11.5am to 11.45am.
a)00211; 40minutes
b)00210; 45minutes
47. What CPT code(s) is reported for anesthesia for a patient having cystoscopy for biopsy and fulguration of a1.5cm
bladder tumor with the cystoscope being inserted through the urethra into bladder?
c)00910, 00912
48. A patient presents to the ER after being struck by a car. A frontal and lateral view of the thoracic spine is performed.
What is the cpt code for this procedure?
49. Multiple axial images are taken through the abdomen and pelvis following the administration of oral and intravenous
contrast. Report the service
50. An MRI of the lumbar spine with and without contrast is performed. It includes various echo, axial and sagittal images
taken through the lumbar spine. Which CPT code is reported for this service?