Mock 2
Mock 2
Mock 2
1. Patient’s abdominal cavity and organs were bound with fibrous tissue bands,
which had to belysed during surgery. These bands are called
1 point
a. prodromes
b. sequelae
c. adhesions
d. ascites
1 point
3. cardiac tamponade
1 point
a. heparin
b. adrenaline
c. cortisone
d. apheresis
a. another human
b. synthetic chemicals
c. plasma with clotting factors
d. an animal with similar antibodies as humans
6. A.E. takes several drugs to prevent or act against his inflammatory response.
These agentsare called ________________________ drugs.
1 point
a. contrainflammatory
b. counterinflammatory
c. anti-inflammatory
d. corticosteroids
a. turbulence
b. breathing
c. twisted
d. air quality
a. regurgitation of chyme
b. distention of the esophagus
c. passage of gas or air from the GI tract
d. muscular movement of the alimentary tract
a. size
b. shape
c. passage of fluid
d. surrounding tissue
a. herniorrhaphy
b. circumcision
c. vagotomy
d. vasectomy
11. The incidental (accidental) puncture of the intestines and nerve injury to C.F.’s
arm are notexpected outcomes of surgery. They are critical incidents and occurred
despite attempts toprotect her from harm. The term for this type of disorder is
________________________(see Chapter 6).
1 point
a. iatrogenic
b. nosocomial
c. idiopathic
d. etiologic
12. An oblique surgical incision follows what direction?
1 point
a. slanted or angled
b. superior to inferior
c. lateral
d. circumferential
13. 3. When the ends of the vas were coagulated with electrosurgery, they were:
1 point
a. probed
b. dilated
c. sealed
d. sutured
14.A.E. presented with several untoward results or risks from the corticosteroid
therapy. Thesesequelae are called:
1 point
a. contraindications
b. side effects
c. antagonistic effects
d. exacerbations
a. part of a colonoscope
b. at the distal ileum
c. near the appendix
d. b and c
19. Abbreviation and symbols are to be used in the patient record only when:
1 point
A. One who has not visited the physician is more than 6 months.
B. One who has not visited the physician in more than 3 years.
C. Determined by the physician and staff.
D. Determined by a third-party payer.
22. A covered entity may disclose PHI to facilitate treatment, payment, or health care
operations or:
1 point
23. A 74-year-old male afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease wandered off from his
daughter’s home where he resides. The daughter stated that his dementia had
gotten worse over the last several months, and she was afraid for his safety. A
search was conducted by neighbors and local authorities and the elderly man was
found. Upon admission to the hospital, he was disoriented and suffered a laceration
on his rightforearm, which required ten stitches. What codes would be reported in
this case?
1 point
24. A 10-month old infant was admitted for surgery for a right-sided, incomplete cleft
lip and palate. The infant underwent surgery for both deformities. What codes would
be reported in this case?
1 point
A. Q35.9, Q36.9
B. Q37.8
C. Q37.1, Q38.1
D. Q37.9
25. What is the correct ICD-10-CM code(s) for malignant hypertension with stage III
kidney disease?
1 point
a) I10 , N18.3
b) I12.9
c) I10
d) I12.9 , N18.3
26. What is the five-digit code for diabetes with neurological manifestations for a
patient with type II uncontrolled diabetes?
1 point
A. E11.001
B. There is no fifth digit
C. E11.49
D. E11.44
27. In what volume of the ICD-10-CM manual will you find procedures?
1 point
A. Volume I
B. Volume II
C. Volume III
D. You will not find procedures in the ICD-10-CM manual
28. What code would you assign, specifically the fourth digit, for chest pain caused
by acute myocardial infarction of the inferior wall 2 weeks after the initial diagnosis
of same area?
1 point
A. I21.19
B. I22.1
C. I21.18
D. I21.11
29. A 56-year-old female was admitted to the hospital for a large pelvic mass located
on the lower right quadrant in the pelvic region. After an exploratory laparotomy,
pathology confirmed carcinoma of the right ovary with metastasis to the omentum. A
total, radical abdominal hysterectomy and total omenectomy was performed with a
bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy. What codes would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. C48.1, C79.60
B. 183.8, C79.60
C. D07, C48.1
D. C56.1, C78.6
30. A 27-year-old male patient with AIDS and Kaposi’s sarcoma of the skin was
dmitted to the hospital for the closed fracture of four ribs. The patient received an
application of pressure dressing and was referred to an infectious disease specialist.
What codes would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. S22.43XB, C46.0
B. S22.49XA, B20, C46.0
C. S22.43XB, B20, M24.176
D. S22.5XXA, C46.1,B20
31. A 41-year-old obese female was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, stage
III, resulting from malignant hypertension and type II diabetes mellitus. What codes
would be reported in this case?
1 point
32. Code the following statement: A 30-year-old female with moderate mental
retardation as a result of Edward’s disease is being evaluated today for her
paraplegia, which was caused by a cervical level spinal cord injury she suffered 4
years ago.
1 point
33. What code would you assign for the topical anesthetic for dialysis?
1 point
A. A4737
B. A4740
C. A4736
D. A4725
34. What code would you assign for a sterile syringe with needle, 5 ec?
1 point
A. A4206
B. A4210
C. A4209
D. A4208
A. Level II
B. Level III
C. Level I
D. They are not considered HCPCS codes
36. What HCPCS modifier would you assign for items furnished in conjunction with a
urological, ostomy, or tracheostomy supply?
1 point
37. A 25-year-old male was fitted for a short-arm fiberglass cast after the physician
diagnosed him with a fracture. The casting was performed in part by a resident under
the direction of the physician. What code would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. Q4013 -GE
B. Q4009 -GC
C. Q4010 -GC
D. Q4006 -GC
38. A gel-like pressure pad was provided to a patient whose mattress was standard
length and width. What code would be reported in this ease?
1 point
A. E0182
B. E0185
C. E0188
D. E0196
A. E1390 -AQ
B. EI390- AR
C. E1391-AR
D. E1392 -AT
A. GO117
B. G0118
C. G0123
D. G0122
41. A physician documented that a 41-year-old male patient was not an eligible
candidate for screening. What code would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. G8400
B. G8405
C. G8401
D. G8040
42. A physician fitted a semirigid cervical plastic collar on a 59-year-old male who
suffered whiplash during a car accident. What code would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. L0130
B. L0120
C. L0140
D. L0170
45. The following is a history and physical examination for a 91-year-old male
established patient. Choose the correct E&M code based on the information
ILLNESS: A pleasant, 91-year-old male who lives independently presents with
symptoms of shortness of breath, confusion and congestion. Patient denies fever or
cough. Patient has a recent history of COPD. Current medications include
prednisone and Colace.PAST HISTORY: The patient’s past medical history includes
cholecystectomy × 30 years ago. Patient denies any other hospitalization. Patient
says that he has been in relatively good health all of his life, with the exception of a
recent diagnosis of COPD.SOCIAL HISTORY: He is retired 30 years ago, widowed
for 15 years. No smoking, no ETOH, no known allergies. Denies caffeine and any
illicit drug use.FAMILY HISTORY: Urtremarkable.PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Vital
Signs: Temp: 99.2,Pulse: 64, Respirations: 26, Blood Pressure: 92/50.HEENT:
Normocephalic, with post surgical eyes.Neck: No jugular venous distention. No
carotid bruits.Skin: Poor turgor and texture. Lungs: Bilateral bibasilar crackles. Liver:
Not palpably enlarged. Heart: S 1 and $2 present, no $3. Abdomen: Soft and non-
tender.Extremities: Bilateral leg edema. Neurological: No deficits, alert X 3, alert to
orientation, place and time.INTERPRETATION: Laboratory data was negative with
the exception of elevation white blood cell count. A chest x-ray revealed congestive
heart failure and pneumonia.TREATMENT: The patient was admitted to the hospital
as a result of this service and prescribed tobramycin for the pneumonia and Lasix for
the congestive heart failure.
1 point
A. 99214-57
B. 99214
C. 99215-25
D. 99215
46. Physician # 1 sent a 72-year-old female cancer patient to observation at the local
hospital following his visit to the patient’s nursing care facility. The patient was
admitted to observation to rule out CVA (cardiovascular accident) and multisystem
organ failure due to a change in her physical status. The next day, Physician #1
became ill, and Physician #2 took over the patient’s care. Physician # 2 admitted the
patient to the hospital because of a dramatic worsening of symptoms. Later that day
the patient expired. Assuming the patient’s status was of high severity, how would
the E&M services for the two physicians be coded?
1 point
47.Documentation in history of the use of caffeine, smoking, illicit drug use, sexual
preference, and alcohol use is considered part of:
1 point
48. The physician on the following case provided care during and after the helicopter
transport of a 29-year-old male who was critically injured during a car crash in an
isolated area. The patient was also exposed to the outside elements for more than
24 hours. Choose the correct code(s) based on the information provided. A 29-year-
old male patient was admitted to the critical care unit after his car crashed on an icy,
mountainous road and was exposed to freezing temperatures for over 2 days. The
patient was wearing a seatbelt, however sustained a skull fracture, subdural
hematoma, and frostbite on portion of his feet and hands. The patient was
unconscious at the scene and upon examination had respirations of 6, pulse 50,
temperature of 97.2, and blood pressure of 82/40. The fight pupil was blown, fLxed,
and dilated, indicating the intracranial injury. Hypoxemia and brain swelling were
noted. The patient experienced increasing periods of apnea and dyspnea and was
placed on a ventilator 3 hours later after endotracheal intubation. The patient had
open fractures of the left tibia and fight femur, a closed fracture of the left wrist, and
four fractured fibs. Brain wave monitoringshowed little functioning, and his family was
called. The care provided by the physician included the interpretation of cardiac
output measurements, pulse oximetry, blood gases, endotracheal intubation,
ventilatory management, and brain wave functions. The total time the physician
spent with the patient was about 3 hours.
1 point
A. 99289 × 1, 99290 × 4
B. 99291 × I, 99292 × 5
C. 99292
D. 99291 × 1, 99292 × 4
A. 99234
B. 99283
C. 99284
D. 99221
50. An elderly 82-year-old deaf male, new patient, presented in the office with
dehydration, lethargy, bluish discoloration around the eyes, confusion, and shortness
of breath. The patient’s caregiver stated that he had not seen a physician in more
than 15 years. It was very difficult for the physician to communicate with the patient
because of his deafness and confusion, and the caregiver did not speak fluent
English. The physician was able to complete medical decision making was of
moderate complexity. The physician took an extra hour to write down and provide
instructions to the caregiver and to coordinate the care of this patient.What codes
would be reported in this case.
1 point
A. 99203-21, 99354
B. 99204, 99354
C. 99205
D. 99203-21, 99354
51. An established 61-year-old female patient came into the office for a follow-up
visit after the removal of pituitary tumor as a result of being diagnosed with non-small
adenocarcinoma of the lung.HISTORY: The patient is a 61-year female with a large
pituitary tumor found after lymph node biopsy that demonstrated lung cancer. The
patient has a long history of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The
patient’s social and family history is on record.PHYSICAL EXAM: Vital Signs: Temp:
98.2.Pulse: 66. Respirations: 12. BP: 98/46.HEENT: Normocephalic. Skin:
Carbuncle was noted on left shoulder. PERRLA. Throat unremarkable. Neck:
Supple. Heart: Irregular in rate without any murmurs heard. Abdomen: soft and
benign without any gross organomegaly; positive bowel sounds. Extremities:
Negative, no edema. Neurological: Oriented × 3. LAB DATA: Not on
hand.ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: Status post resection of the pituitary gland: Patient
is to continue on current medications. Patient is to follow up with oncologist for
chemotherapy regime. Follow-up appointment × 4 weeks. Total time spent with
patient was about 15 minutes. Later, that same day, the patient returned for a
complaint of the boil on her shoulder. The physician lanced and drained the
carbuncle and applied a topical antibiotic on the left shoulder area.What code(s)
would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. 99214-21
B. 99213, 99212-25
C. 99213-24
D. 99214-25
52. The following case involves a 52-year-old male who is encountering subsequent
hospital care. Choose the correct code based on the information provided.
HISTORY: A pleasant 52-year-old male patient has returned to the hospital for the
E&M of malignant hypertension, diabetes mellitus type II, and congestive heart
failure. The patient’s new complaints consist of headache, dizziness, shortness of
breath, andnumbness of the extremities. The patient denies chest pain. The patient
has complied with medication regime and monitors his BP daily by visiting a "minute
clinic" at the local pharmacy.EXAMINATION: The patient is not in acute distress;
however he suffers shormess of breath because of the congestive heart failure.
PERRLA. Neck: Distended neck veins. Skin: Turgor fair. Heart: A hyperactive carotid
pulse is present. The heart has an atrial regular rhythm with some periods of
irregularity. Chest: Slight congestion is noted along with atelectasis on the right base.
VITAL SIGNS: Temp: 99.2. Pulse: 94. Respirations: 18. BP: 168/98. Abdomen: Soft
and nontender. Bowels: Positive bowel sounds are noted. Extremities: Edema is
noted in both calves. ASSESSMENT: Patient not responding to BP reeds, and a
medication change is ordered; congestive heart failure, malignant hypertension,
possible pneumonia.PLAN: The physician orders a chest radiograph and begins
Proeardia 20 mm b.i.d.
1 point
A. 99233
B. 99232
C. 99234
D. 99213
57. In accordance with CPT Guidelines, anesthesia time begins when the
anesthesiologist begins to prepare the patient for administration and ends:
1 point
58. Code the anesthesia only for the following: Anesthesia for a lumbar laminectomy
with fusion and insertion of rods and hooks.
1 point
A. 00640
B. 00670
C. 00630
D. 00600
was a 43-year-old female with significant changes in bowel patterns and occult
blood in stool who was evaluated with a sigmoidoscopy. ANESTHESIA: Conscious
sedation.PROCEDURE: The patient was given Versed, which was well tolerated. A
fleet enema was given 2 hours before the procedure. The video colonoscope was
inserted and passed without difficulty to 60 cm. The mucosa were normal.
Diverticulosis was noted, as well as several polyps. A biopsy sample was taken and
sent to pathology. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to
recovery.What code(s) would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. 00904
B. No code is required for conscious sedation
C. 00902
D. 00902, 99156
A. 47120-47
B. 00792-47
C. 47010-47
D. 47120-47, 00792
61. What anesthesia code would be assigned for physiological support for harvesting
organs(s) from a brain-dead patient?
1 point
A. 00580-P6
B. 01990-P6
C. 01999
D. 01990
62. Anesthesia was administered to an 18-year-old male for second- and third-
degree bum debridement with skin grafting on the lower right and left legs for a19%
total body surface area bum. What codes would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. 01953 x 5
B. 01952, 01953 × 5
C. 01952, 01953 × 2
D. 01953 × 2
63. Code for a free, full-thickness skin graft including direct closure of donor site,
neck 11 cm. The surgical preparation of recipient site, 11 cm, was also performed
during the same operative session.
1 point
A. 15320, 14041-51
B. 15004, 13131, 13133 × 2-80
C. 15240, 13131, 13133 × 2-66
D. 15240, 15004-51
64. A 22-year-old female presented in the ER with multiple lacerations on her body
caused by glass breaking in her apartment building. The emergency physician
performed the following repairs: 1-cm simple repair of the
nose 2.5-cm simple repair of the left ear
7-cm intermediate repair of the scalp 5-era intermediate repair of
the left lower leg 4.2-cm intermediate repair of the left foot
3.7-cm complex repair of the lip What codes would be reported
in this case?
1 point
65. Three cysts are excised from one breast through two separate incision sites.
Correct reporting would be:
1 point
A. 19120
B. 19120, 19120-59
C. 19120, 19120-59 x 2
D. 19301
66. A patient presents to a dermatologist with a 0.6 cm lesion on her right cheek. The
patient is concerned about the looks of it, but indicates that other than its location on
her cheek she has had no symptoms. The lesion has been there for an extended
period, but she was not concerned until a friend asked her about it. The provider
excises the benign lesion with 0.5 cm margins and generously applies bacitracin and
an adhesive bandage. The total size is 1.1 cm, including margins. Although the
provider assures the patient the lesion is benign, he sends the specimen to
pathology for confirmation. Which is the correct coding combination?
1 point
A. 11442-GZ
B. 11442, 11100-59, 12011-59
C. 11441
D. 11442
A. 11043, 11042
B. 11043, 11046
C. 11042, 11045, 11043
D. 11042, 11045, 11043, 11046
68. The provider debrides 25 sq cm of subcutaneous tissue from the right leg, and
20 sq cm of subcutaneous tissue from the left leg. Proper coding is:
1 point
A. 11042 x 3
B. 11042, 11045
C. 11042, 11045-59, 11045-59
D. 11042, 11045 x 2
69. Which of the following codes properly describes a separate encounter for simple
suture removal for a Medicare patient?
1 point
A. 15850
B. 15851
C. S0630
D. Medicare does not designate a separate code for simple suture removal
70. A male patient with gynecomastia undergoes extensive resection of right breast
tissue. Correct reporting of this procedure would be:
1 point
A. 19120-RT
B. 19300-RT
C. 19301-RT
D. 19303-RT
71. A patient has a pressure ulcer requiring the surgeon to debride all the necrotic
muscle, subcutaneous tissue, and skin. The size of the ulcer before the debridement
was 3 cm x 5 cm. When the debridement was complete, the size of the ulcer was 4
cm x 6 cm. Which is the proper coding?
1 point
A. 11043, 11046
B. 11043
C. 11046
D. 11042, 11043
72. A 36-year-old male weightlifter recently ruptured his intervertebral disks at L1-L3.
A laminectomy without decompression and disk removal with pedicle fixation anterior
instrumentation were performed. What codes would be reported in this case?
1 point
73. A 52-year-old man presents to the ER with severe abdominal pain. He has had
abdominal pain for about six months, which has been coming and going. The pain
increased one week ago, and today the patient was unable to bend without
becoming short of breath due to the pain. A CT scan was performed and patient was
noted to have a large, 7.5 cm soft tissue tumor attached to his abdominal wall. The
patient underwent surgery to have it removed and it was found to be a sarcoma.
During surgery, the patient also had a large margin removed from around the tumor
site. What is the correct code for this procedure?
1 point
A. 22902
B. 22903
C. 22904
D. 22905
74. A 12-year-old boy arrives to his pediatrician’s office complaining of right arm pain
around the elbow. Two days prior, he fell during football practice. An x-ray was
obtained and it was noted that he had a displaced fracture of the capitellum at the
radial head. This was a closed fracture requiring manipulation. Which CPT code is
1 point
A. 24600
B. 24620
C. 24640
D. 24655
75. A 25-year-old construction worker has been diagnosed with trigger finger of his
right 2nd digit. He has received three steroid injections over the last year, but it
continues to flare. He is referred to surgery for further evaluation. The surgeon
recommends a tendon sheath incision and this is scheduled as an outpatient. What
is the correct CPT code for this procedure?
1 point
A. 26055
B. 26060
C. 26160
D. 26170
76. A 3-year-old girl was born with two polydactylous digits on her right hand. One
digit was soft tissue only and was able to be tied off at birth. The second digit
included bone and skin and was unable to be treated at birth. Because she is now
three years old, this extra digit will be removed, leaving her with five digits total. What
is the correct code for this procedure?
1 point
A. 26560
B. 26561
C. 26587
D. 26590
A. No reductions apply
B. 22590 is the primary code reimbursed at 100 percent; 22840 and 20900 are each reduced
50 percent
C. 22590 is the primary code reimbursed at 100 percent; 22840 is reduced 50 percent and
20900 is not reduced
D. 22590 is the primary code reimbursed at 100 percent; 20900 is reduced 50 percent and
22840 is not reduced
78. A 17-year-old boy slipped and fell and severely injured his left knee in a high
school football game. He is diagnosed with a left ACL and lateral meniscus tear. He
undergoes an arthroscopically-aided ACL repair, plus a lateral meniscus repair.
Proper coding is:
1 point
A. 29888-LT, 29881-LT
B. 29889-LT, 29881-LT
C. 29888-LT, 29882-LT
D. 29889-LT, 29882-LT
79. Mr. Smith had an arthroscopic right shoulder rotator cuff repair done by his
orthopedic surgeon. This was done as an outpatient procedure at 10:00 a.m., and he
was discharged home at 1:00 p.m. That afternoon, while using the bathroom, Smith
slipped and fell, injuring his left wrist. He is rushed to the hospital, where X-rays
confirm a Colles fracture of his left wrist. The same orthopedic surgeon performs a
closed reduction on his left wrist at 4:00 p.m. Proper coding is:
1 point
A. 25520, 23410
B. 29827, 25605-59
C. 29827, 25600
D. 25600, 29827-59
A 32-year-old woman fractured her left patella in a skiing accident. The clinical
diagnosis indicated fracture into three fragments. She had an ORIF of the fracture
performed, with partial patellectomy and underlying soft tissue repair. Proper coding
for this scenario isz
1 point
81. A 30-year-old male injured one of his shoulders at work, tearing his rotator cuff.
The provider performs an arthroscopic repair, but due to the extent of the shoulder
injury, the provider also performs a biceps tenotomy, subacromial bursectomy, and a
coracoid decompression. A debridement of the anterior labrum is done. An
examination of the AC joint reveals some narrowing. Osteophytes are removed from
the undersurface of the acromion, converting it to a type I morphology. A distal
claviculectomy is performed with the removal of 6 mm of bone. Combined, the
procedures create a 1 cm space in the AC joint. How would this surgery be coded?
1 point
A. 46250, 46940-51
B. 46250
C. 46255
D. 46221, 46940-51
A. 49496-53,-63,-99
B. 49492-53
C. 49492,-53,-63,-99
D. 49496-53
A. 43220
B. 43249
C. 43235, 91040
D. 43235, 43456
85. A patient received a repair of a recurrent incisional, reducible hernia. The coder
assigned code 49566. What is wrong with this coding assignment?
1 point
86. What code would you assign to an intestinal allo transplantation from a living
1 point
A. 44120, 44135
B. 44140
C. 44136
D. 44120, 44121
88. Which codes could you report with add-on code 49568?
1 point
a. 11004-11006
b. 49560-49566
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
89. A 13 year old child has his tonsils and adenoids removed due acute tonsillitis and
chronic tonsilitis and adenoiditis.
1 point
90.A patient was fully prepped for a diagnostic colonoscopy; however an object then
shifted into the descending colon just below the splenic flexure. The physician was
unable to advance the scope beyond the splenic flexure. How would you report this
diagnostic colonoscopy.
1 point
a. 44388 – 52
c.45378 – 53
d. none of the above
a. 40816, D10.39
b. 40814,40831-51, D10.39
c. 40814,K13.70
d.40814 , D10.39
92. The following may be considered if reported separately when performed during
the same operative session using the same approach. 58740 Repair: Lysis of
adhesions49320 Laparoscopy, abdomen, peritoneum, and omentum, diagnostic,
with or without collection of specimen(s) by brushing or washing
1 point
A. Separate procedures
B. Unbundling
C. Add-on codes
D. Diagnostic procedures
94. Which code(s) would you assign for a home visit for a homebound, elderly
patient who needs stoma care and colostomy maintenance?
1 point
A. 99505
B. 50810, 99505
C. 99504
D. 99505, 99507
95. Today, a 36-year-old male patient underwent five needle biopsies of the prostate.
The needle placement for these biopsies was completed under ultrasonic guidance.
Which code(s) should you report for these professional services?
1 point
a. 55700 x 5, 76942
b. 55700, 76942-26
c. 55706, 76942-26
d. 55700 X 5, 55706, 76942
96. Which code(s) should Dr. Orange report in the following case? Surgeon: Dr.
OrangeAnesthesiologist: Dr. MeePreoperative diagnosis: Prominent left
spermatocelePostoperative diagnosis: SameProcedure performed: Left spermato
cystectomy with epididymectomyIndications for procedure: The patient is a 66-year-
old male with a progressively enlarging left sided spermatocele causing discomfort in
this area. This lesion is four times the size of the testicle. After careful explanation of
the risks, benefits, and alternatives, he agreed to the procedure.Operative report:
The patient was taken to the operating room, prepped and draped in the usual
fashion, and induced under general anesthesia. He was placed in a supine position.
Midline raphe incision was made using a skin knife, and Bovie® electrocautery was
used to dissect through the subcutaneous tissues down to the level of the tunica
vaginalis, which was incised. The testicle and spermatocele were exposed. A portion
of the epididymis was overlying the spermatocele, and I dissected this carefully with
resection of a portion of the epididymis, which was tied off using a 3-0 Vicryl® free
tie. I proceeded to dissect circumferentially to free the spermatocele, leaving
adequate blood supply to the testicle. The testicle was placed back within the tunica
vaginalis; I proceeded to reapproximate this without difficulty using a 3-0 Vicryl stitch.
Subcutaneous closure was performed using a 3-0 Vicryl in a running fashion,
followed by closure of the skin using 3-0 chromic in a running horizontal mattress
fashion. The patient tolerated the procedure well with no complications. He was
taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.
1 point
97. A 26 year old patient who is Gravida 2 Para 1 presents to the ER in her 36th
week of pregnancy with twin gestations who are monochorionic and monoamniotic.
She is in active labor, 6 cm dilated, and her water is intact. Her OBGYN, who
provided 12 antepartum visits, admitted her to labor & delivery. Although the patient
had a previous cesarean during her first pregnancy the physician allowed her to
attempt a vaginal birth. After pushing for three hours the patient was exhausted and
taken to the OR for a cesarean delivery with a transverse incision. Two healthy
newborns were born 15 minutes later. During the hospital stay and afterward the
same physician provided the postpartum care to the mother.
1 point
b.57156-59, 77316 – 26
c.58554,57156 – 59, 77316- 26
d.57156 – 58
100.A patient had three needle biopsies of the prostate completed under imaging
and guidance. Which codes capture the professional services for this procedure?
1 point
101. What CPT code should you report for UFR (simple uroflowmetry)?
1 point
a. 51736
b. 51741
c. 51772
d. 51785
102. Which of the following codes should you report for stereotactic implantation of
depth electrodes into the cerebrum for long-term seizure monitoring?
1 point
a. 61760
b. 61735
c. 61761
d. 61793
104. A 37-year-old female presented with swelling of the neck and lethargy for over
1 month. The physician suspected lymphoma, and a biopsy was scheduled. A large
hollow core needle was passed into the thyroid, and a specimen was taken and sent
to histopathology for examination. A diagnosis of lymphoma was confirmed. The
patient was sent to ontology for consultation. What codes would be reported in this
1 point
A. C82.91, 10021
B. C81.41, 10021
C. C82.91, 60100
D. C81.41, 60100
105. Dr. Hewes completed an anterior arthrodesis fusion, with a structural allograft,
and minimal discectomy at L1-2, L3-4, and L4-5. Anterior instrumentation was
required and inserted for stabilization of the entire lumbar region. How should Dr.
Hewes report this procedure?
1 point
107. What code should you report for exenteration of orbit (does not include the skin
graft), removal of orbital contents; only?
1 point
a. 65105
b. 65110
c. 65112
d. 65114
108. Dr. Grant injected Mrs. Brown with two units of chemodenervation
(onabotulinumtoxinA) to treat her bilateral blepharospasm. How should Dr. Grant
report his services?
1 point
a. 67345-50, 10585 x 2
b. 67345
C. 64612-50
d. 64612
109. A patient underwent the insertion of a Jones tube to create proper drainage
(fistulization) from the conjunctiva to the nasal cavity. The tube was manipulated into
place by the surgeon and checked for proper placement, not touching the middle
turbinate or septum. How should you report this procedure?
1 point
a. 68750
b. 68745
c. 68720
d. 68815
110. Mary Jo, a 33-year-old patient, was diagnosed with a lesion in her auditory
canal. After consulting with Dr. Pearsall, she agreed to undergo an excision of the
lesion. Dr. Pearsall completed a soft tissue lesion excision from Mary Jo's external
auditory canal. How should you report this procedure?
1 point
a. 69436-50
b. 00126-AA-P1
c. 00126-AA-P1, 69436-51
d. 69433-50
112. OPERATIVE REPORTPROCEDURES: 1. Cardiac catheterization 2. Stent to
the marginal vein graftBRIEF HISTORY: The patient was a 52-year-old male with
known coronary artery disease who was experiencing recent chest pain, fatigue,
hyperhidrosis, and dyspnea. The patient had a history of myocardial infarction
followed by a three-vessel coronary artery bypass.PROCEDURE: The combined
right and left heart cardiac catheterization was performed by left ventricular puncture
and revealed a sluggish left ventricular function and mildanterior hypo kinesis. The
left anterior descending had a 60% occlusion in the anterior segment and an 80%
occlusion in the distal segment. The left circumflex artery had a 90% occlusion. The
first marginal branch had a 100% occlusion, and the second marginal branch also
had a 100% occlusion. The right coronary artery had a 50% occlusion. Three grafts
were identified. The graft to the left anterior descending to the left marginal and then
to the second marginal was 100% occluded at the ostium of the left anterior
descending and had a 90 occlusion at the junction of the left marginal. The lesion at
the junction of the marginal artery and the saphenous veingraft was successfully
stented. Stenosis was reduced to less than 20%. The patient tolerated the procedure
well and was taken to recovery.DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: Plavix 100 mg t.i.d. for
60 days Enteric-coated aspirin 100 mg b.i.d. Combivent 2 puffs t.i.d.PLAN: Patient to
comply with medication treatments. Follow-up care with cardiologist × 2 weeks
postop. Patient was instructed to resume normal activities if cleared by cardiologist
after follow-up visit. Patient was advised to report recurrent symptoms to PCP or
office.What codes would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. 93453,92928-51
B. 93458, 37200, 37211 × 2
C. 93452,37200-51
D. 93453, 92933-51
A. 30400-82
B. 30410, 13152-82
C. 30410, 13151-81
D. 30450, 13151-81
114.The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the air we
breathe in is called:
1 point
A. External respiration
B. Cellular respiration
C. Internal respiration
D. Active transport
115. A 7-year-old female was seen for a well-child check up for first grade. Her father
returned 2 weeks later with her for a removal of a nose ring that became lodged
when she tried to insert it in her nose. The father’s attempt to retrieve it exacerbated
her symptoms. The physician removed the nose ring from the child’s nose in the
office without anesthesia. The coder assigned codes 99212, 30310, T17.1XXA.
What is incorrect with the coding assignment?
1 point
A. 31625, 31623-51
B. 31622, 31623, 31625-51
C. 31622, 31625-52
D. 31622, 31625, 31628-51
117. The following is an operative note for a 46-year-old male who is returning to the
operating room for a related heart procedure during his initial postoperative period.
Choose the correct codes based on the information provided.OPERATIVE
REPORTPATIENT: xxxx xxxxxDATE: xx/xx/xxxxBRIEF HISTORY: A 46-year-old
male was admitted with a diagnosis of acute systolic heart failure complicated by
congestive heart failure.PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Acute systolic heart failure;
Insertion of permanent pacemaker with transvenous electrodes.The patient was
placed supine on the operating table and was prepped and draped in the usual
manner. General anesthesia was administered by an anesthesiologist and was
monitored in the usual fashion. A subcutaneous incision was made creating a pocket
for the pulse generator. By guide wire, a sheath technique lead was introduced into
the subclavian vein and subsequently directed to the right ventricle.The pacemaker
was positioned at the threshold 0.5 volts, current 2.0 milliamps and R wave 10. The
leadwas secured under the clavicle with multiple sutures of 2-0 Vicryl. The
pacemaker was programmed at 68 beats per minute. The pulse generator was then
anchored in the pocket with a single 2-0 PDS suture. Sterile dressing was applied.
The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the recovery room.
1 point
A. I50.1,I50.31, 33211
B. I50.41,I50.9, 33208-76
C. I50.21, 33206-78
D. I50.21,I50.9, 33206-78
a) 37191, I82.409
b)37192, I82.409
c)37193, I82.409
d)37195 , I82.412
119. From a right femoral approach the catheter in placed into both the main renal
arteries with imaging bilateral.
1 point
120. Placement of a catheter into the arterial or venous side of an AV- fistula is
defined by code:
1 point
a. 36120
b. 36005
c. 36901
d. 36905
121. A 20 month old child is admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and acute
respiratory distress. The physician spends 3 minutes intubating the child and spends
90 minutes of Critical Care time stabilizing the patient.
1 point
A. -22
B. -26
C. -62
D. -82
A. 71035
B. 71030
C. 71020
D. 71021
124. ACT scan was performed on a 27-year-old male baseball player who was hit in
the face with a baseball during a game. The CT scan was made of the maxillofacial
area without contrast material, followed by a scan with contrast material and further
sections. A 3-D rendering with interpretation and report of the CT scan, which did
not require an independent workstation, was included. What codes would be
reported in this case?
1 point
A. 70482, 76377
B. 70488, 76376
C. 70487, 76376
D. 70470, 76376
A. 72159
B. 72141, 72146, 72148
C. 72156, 72157, 72158
D. 72125, 72128, 72131
A. 76805-26
B. 76816-59
C. 76801-26
D. 76813, 76801-26
127. Code for a red cell survival study with hepatic sequestration and platelet
survival study.
1 point
A. 78130, 78190
B. 78130, 78191
C. 78130, 78201, 78191
D. 78130, 47505, 78191
A. A-mode scan
B. B-scan
C. Real-time scan
D. M-mode scan
129. What code(s) would be assigned for a therapeutic radiology plan that includes
three or more converging ports, two separate treatment areas, multiple blocks,or
special time-dose constraints?
1 point
A. 77262
B. 77285
C. 77261,77262
D. 77523
A. 78812, 70450
B. 78812, 70450, 70470
C. 78815
D. 78608, 70470
A. 73115
B. 73110
C. 73721
D. 73100,73110
132. When pathology and laboratory tests are performed on the same date of
service to obtain multiple results,what modifier should be used?
1 point
B. -91
C. -90
D. -56
A. 88305
B. 88309
C. 88305, 88307
D. 88307
A. 80173, 80184
B. 36410, 80173, 80184
C. 36415, 80173, 80184
D. 80103, 36410, 80173, 80184
135. What code would you assign for the sweat collection by iontophoresis?
1 point
A. 82438
B. 89230
C. 89240
D. 88189
136. Code for elevation and pH of blood gases CO2, pCO2 and HCO3.
1 point
A. 82810
B. 82803
C. 82800, 82820
D. 82805
A. K35.2, 88300
B. K35.80, 88302
C. K35.80, 88304
D. K38.2, 88304
A. Cytology
B. Histopathology
C. Cytopathology
D. Hematology
A. 83919 × 2-91
B. 83918, 83919-51
C. 83921 x 2-91
D. 83918 × 2-91
A. 81000, 86609
B. 81002, 86609
C. 81007
D. 81007, 86609
141. A pathology consultation during surgery was performed for three tissue blocks
with frozen sections. What codes would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. 88329,88331,88332 × 2
B. 88329,88332 × 2
C. 88331 × 3
D. 88331,88332 × 2
A. Immunologist
B. Internist
C. Cardiologist
D. Neurologist
143. Which code(s) would be correct for the 8-channel EEG monitoring for
identification and lateralization of cerebral seizure focus, with
electroencephalographic recording and interpretation for 48 hours?
1 point
A. 95951 × 2
B. 95950 x 2
C. 95813
D. 95812, 95950
144. A 54-year-old female went into the hospital for chemotherapy administration by
intravenous infusion technique for three hours. What code(s) would be reported in
this case?
1 point
A. 96401
B. 96405, 96411 × 2
C. 96413, 96415 × 2
D. 96420, 96423 X 2
145. What codes would be assigned to the intravenous hydration for 5 hours for an
11-month-old infant who has RSV and hyperemesis?
1 point
146. Mild sedation services were rendered to a 4-year-old male who underwent
repair (12 sutures) in the left forearm as a result of a complex wound he received
from a dog bite. The same physician who repaired the wound also provided the
sedation support, which also required a trained observer to assist in the monitoring
of the patient’s levelof consciousness and physiological status for 45 minutes. What
codes would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. 99152, 99153*2
B. 99156, 99157
C. 99151, 99153*2
D. 99156, 99157*2
A. 90837
B. 90832
C. 90834
D. 90837,90838
148. In what subsection in the Medicine section of the CPT manual would you t’md
comprehensive computer-based motion analysis by video taping and 3-D kinetics?
1 point
A. 94772
B. 94375
C. 94200
D. 94370
150. An 18-year-old male with a history of detached retina of the left eye underwent
external ocular slitlamp photography with interpretation and report for documentation
of medical progress on his injury.What code would be reported in this case?
1 point
A. 92230
B. 92250
C. 92285
D. 92020