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Mcfarland Standards: PRODUCT CODE SD2350, SD2300, SD2301, SD2302, SD2303, SD2304

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SD2302, SD2303, SD2304


The McFarland Equivalence Standards are intended to be part 1. Do not use product beyond the expiration date. See MSDS for additional information.
of a quality control program for adjusting densities of bacterial 2. Directions should be carefully read prior to use.
suspensions that are used for identification and susceptibility 3. The same size tube should be used in comparing bacterial
testing. Each standard is made from different concentrations suspensions to the McFarland Standards. REFERENCES
of latex beads mixed in a buffer liquid. The original McFarland 1. McFarland, J., J.Amer.Med.Assoc. 14:1176, 1907.
Standards were made from the combination of Barium chlo- 2. NCCLS Document, Performance Standards for Antimicrobial
ride and Sulfuric acid that result in a flocculate. Problems were TEST PROTOCOL Disk Susceptibility Tests. 4th ed. 10:7, p 10, 1990.
encountered with this technique which included instability, 1. Prior to use, gently invert the McFarland Equivalence
storage, and reproducibility of the resulting suspension. These Standard tube several times to assure uniformity of the sus-
problems have been overcome by using latex particles in a buf- pension of latex particles.
fer solution to make Colorimeter and McFarland Standards. 2. Adjust the turbidity of the log growth of the bacterial sus-
pension to that of a known McFarland Equivalence Standard.
3. Compare the turbidity by holding bacterial sample and
SUMMARY AND EXPLANATION McFarland Standard tubes up against the black and white
The McFarland Standard tubes contain latex particles suspend- bars printed on enclosed card.
ed in a special buffer that are adjusted to an acceptable trans-
mission range using a spectrophotometer at a wave length of
either 600 or 625 nm. A bacterial suspension once adjusted to QUALITY CONTROL
the same turbidity of a McFarland Standard produces expected Each lot of McFarland Equivalence Standard Set is tested and
bacterial plate counts and can be used in a variety of identifica- results fall into a tight range of acceptability.
tion or susceptibility kits and methods.

PRINCIPLE OF THE PROCEDURE Equal disappearance or distortion of the black bar indicates a
The McFarland Equivalence Standards are used for adjusting similar turbidity.
densities of bacterial suspensions.
McFarland Standard Approximate Cell Count
Density (x108 cells)
0.5 1.5
Catalogue Number Description
1.0 3.0
SD2350 McFarland Standard Set - Containing
one of each 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 2.0 6.0
SD2300 McFarland Standard 0.5 3.0 9.0
SD2301 McFarland Standard 1.0 4.0 12.0
SD2302 McFarland Standard 2.0
SD2304 McFarland Standard 4.0 1. Coloured media may not provide the proper contrast with
McFarland Equivalence Standards. Incorrect results will occur.
2. Bacterial suspensions of older cultures may not compare to
STABILITY AND STORAGE expected bacterial counts.
All components should be stored 15°-30°C. Do not freeze. 3. These standards have been adjusted by a spectrophotom-
Components stored under these conditions will be stable until eter. Use of any other instrumentation may not give reliable
the expiration date shown on the label. results.

Revision: 2012 05

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20 Mural Street, Unit #4, Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 1K3 21 Cypress Blvd., Suite 1070, Round Rock, TX, 78665-1034 3 Bassendale Road, Bromborough, Wirral, Merseyside, CH62 3QL

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