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Automatic Generation of COBIE Data From Revit: August 2013

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Automatic Generation of COBIE Data from Revit

Conference Paper · August 2013

DOI: 10.22260/ISARC2013/0071

5 4,907

4 authors, including:

Woonseong Jeong S. Vahid Faghihi

Chungbuk National University Texas A&M University


Julian H. Kang
Texas A&M University


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Developer BIM View project

Physical BIM View project

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*J. Lee, W. Jeong, V. Faghihi, and J. Kang

Texas A&M University
3137 TAMU
Langford Building A, Room 424
College Station, Texas 77843-3137
United States
(*Corresponding author: jeffyi@tamu.edu)


As usage of BIM increased in design and construction industry, many FM workers began to be
interested in adopting it for maintaining the facilities. COBIE, a spreadsheet data format suggested in 2007
to manipulate building information, was considered as one of the solutions that would facilitate the process
of transferring information from BIM systems to FM industry. Several BIM and CAFM systems offered
functions to export the COBIE data. To facilitate the process of generating the COBIE data out of Building
Information Model, some add-in applications, such as COBIE Toolkit for Revit, also was developed.
However, they handled a limited amount of COBIE data. Professionals using these add-in applications
therefore sometimes ended up spending a significant amount of time in order to add additional data
manually to the COBIE data file. To automatically get a data-rich COBIE file, we develop a prototype
application that extracts information from Revit, which is one of BIM design tools, stores extracted
information in an external database, and then produces the COBIE file using information stored in the
database. We applied our application to a prototype project and demonstrated that it produced 8 COBIE
worksheets automatically, which helped facilities managers save a significant amount of time. This paper
presents how our prototype application produces 8 COBIE data sets automatically. It also address our
effort to handle more COBIE data sets.


BIM, COBIE, automatic generation, Revit, Facilities Management


As Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been actively used for productivity improvement in
design and construction (D&C) (Sacks, 2004; Lee et al., 2008), many construction professionals and
building owners begin to be serious about using information generated in the course of D&C for operating
and maintaining the facilities. To better maintain facilities, professionals already have been using
Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) solutions, which is basically helping them make
proactive decisions using information stored in the database system. Knowing that both BIM and CAFM
handle building information, logical speculation would be whether we could use information stored in BIM
for CAFM system, so that we do not have to punch the same information in the CAFM system again.

Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBIE), a spreadsheet data format

suggested in 2007 (East, 2007) to manipulate building information, has been considered as one of the
solutions that would facilitate the process of transferring information from BIM systems to CAFM systems.
Several BIM and CAFM systems in fact offer functions to export/import information to/from the COBIE
data. To facilitate the process of generating the COBIE data out of Building Information Model, some add-
in applications, such as COBIE Toolkit for Revit, also have been developed.

Most add-in applications developed for BIM solutions, however, handle a limited amount of
COBIE data. For instance, COBIE Toolkit for Revit produces only 5 COBIE data sets out of 12 commonly
used and 16 entire COBIE data sets (Autodesk, 2013). Therefore, professionals using these add-in
applications sometimes end up spending a significant amount of time in order to add additional data
manually to the COBIE data file. Furthermore, it is a manual process. End users have 11 stages to finally
produce COBIE files from the Revit BIM model.
We, therefore, investigate how to produce more a data-rich COBIE file from design tools
automatically. We develop a prototype application and also address effort to handle more COBIE data sets
from Revit BIM models.


COBIE has been considered as one of the solutions that would facilitate the process of
transferring information from BIM systems to CAFM systems. Its purpose is improving the way to capture
information in D&C phases, and providing for operation and management phase. (East, 2007; 2012) The
merit of COBIE is that it can be viewed not only in several BIM applications but also in simple
spreadsheets. “This versatility enables COBIE to be used regardless of size and technological
sophistication.” (East, 2013)

COBIE file contains data from the entire life cycle of buildings or facilities. While there were 29
individual worksheets in every COBIE file the very first time (Table. 1), 16 worksheets are used in these
days and 12 worksheets are commonly used in real projects (Table. 2). There are four, three, three, and six
worksheets for design, construction, O&M, and common area, respectively. Each worksheet includes a
variety of columns which have more specific data. For instance, contract worksheet is included in contract
set. Contract worksheet includes specific data like ‘Email’, ‘CreatedBy’, ‘CreatedOn’, ‘Category’,
‘Company’, ‘Phone’, ‘ExternalSystem’, ‘Department’, and so on.

Table 1 – 29 Worksheets of COBIE

Set 29 Worksheets
Contract Contract
Design Facility, Floor, Space, System, Register, Component, Attribute, and Coordinate
Submittal Schedule, Document, Transmittal, and Action
Installation Installation, Manual, Warranty, and Spare
Commissioning Instruction, Test, and Certification
Resource Material, Tool, and Training
Job plan PM, Safety, Trouble, Start-up, Shut-Down, and Emergency

Table 2 – 16 Worksheets of COBIE

Set 16 Worksheets
Design Facility, Floor, Space, Zone
Construction Type, Component, System
O&M Job, Resource, Spare
Common Contact, Document, Issue, Coordinate, Attribute, Connection

The specification of COBIE provides neutral and open standard format. It is delivered in the
Spreadsheet XML 2003 format at each stage of building’s life-cycle. Some of worksheets are required
fields, while others are optional. Likewise, some columns in a worksheet are fundamental, while others are
optional. Commercial BIM applications showed two approaches to create COBIE files. Some of
applications like Autodesk Revit and Bently Architecture use IFC as a media to transfer data. The other
applications like ARCHIBUS, Inc ARCHIBUS and AssetWORKS Aim produce directly from the
application (East, 2013).


Many construction professionals have begun to study information handling for operating and
maintaining phases of facilities (Lee, 2007; Yi et al., 2008; Sabol, 2008; Riddell, 2013). For the better
maintenance and management of facilities, Motamedi and Hammad (2009) suggested the use of RFID
(Radio frequency identification) with BIM concept. They showed a technical way to utilized BIM into the
practical projects. Kasprzak and Dubler (2012), Lucas (2012), and Becerik-Gerber et al. (2012) studied
BIM frameworks or BIM data handling to support facility management (FM). Lucas applied BIM
framework particularly to the FM of health care facility. While many researchers have shown the effort to
struggle with BIM and FM, COBIE is out of research scopes. Some researchers tend to consider COBIE
just a medium to transfer data from D&C phases to O&M phase. While COBIE is not a complete
implement to deliver data at each stage, researchers have studied on how to apply COBIE itself to a real
project (Anderson et al., 2012).


While Revit is one of the most popular BIM design tools in North America, it also supports API
(Application Programming Interface) to expand its potential towards the other life cycle phases of
buildings or facilities. Revit COBIE Toolkit is a good sample of it. This toolkit expands its ability into FM
area by producing COBIE data file from the BIM design application.

However, according to Autodesk (2013), the add-in application does not generate the COBIE file
fully and automatically, and it just assists end users to produce COBIE deliverables in conjunction with
their Revit model. In terms of data, it just produce 5 data sheets out of 16 sheets; ‘04 – Space’, ‘05 – Zone’,
‘06 – Type’, ’07 - Component’, and ‘08 – System’. The data in these sheets contains design information,
thus it is quite possible to be produced from BIM design application directly. While 3 other sheets such as
‘01 – Contact’, ‘02 – Facility’, and ‘03 – Floor’ also contain design information, Revit COBIE Toolkit is
not able to produce them. Furthermore, professionals using these add-in applications sometimes end up
spending a significant amount of time in order to add additional data manually like ‘09 – Spare’, ‘10 –
Resource’, ‘11- Job’, ‘12 – Document’, ‘13 – Attribute’, ‘14 – Coordinate’, ‘15 – Connection’, and ‘16 –
Issue’ like Figure 1. Thus, it is required to advance the technology.

COBIE Toolkit is not an automated API. To produce a COBIE file, we needed to proceed with 11
steps. First of all, add-in is set up in the Revit project and is deployed by loading COBIE template. Then,
users make systems and zones schedules. Next, it includes the families and types to be connected into the
COBIE file through the schedule view of COBie2-ComponentsToSchedule. It shows additional properties
of family in the property window, which will be used in the COBIE file. After inputting all data into that
window, COBIE project level parameter field is populated by running an add-in application within Revit.
Eventually, exports and then imports schedule data into Microsoft Excel and copies and pastes all data into
the COBIE template worksheet one by one.

Figure 1 – COBIE spreadsheet; only 5 worksheets can be extracted from Revit project


To produce a COBIE file, we need to export BIM model to external database, and then generate a
COBIE file from DB like Figure 2. For the first step, we used ‘export to ODBC’ function to produce a DB
for a project. Figure 3 shows the brief data structure of Revit. Before exporting the entire data, we set up
the essential requirement to export to ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity). Next, it is exported into a
Microsoft SQL server. The reason for using DB is that “dynamic information repository (e.g., a DB
management system) can store and return any information item generated or used in a process” (Lee et al.
2007). In the whole life cycle of facilities, huge amount of data should be stored and used very frequently.
So, it is essential to utilize the merit of DB system. Additionally, it is easier both to remove irregularities
and redundancies in a data model and to define a well-organized data structure.

In the second step, we generate a COBIE file from external DB by using a module which connects
DB into COBIE. This module needs a mapping relationship between DB and COBIE data structure. We
figure out what kind of tables and columns are embedded in Revit through a prototype BIM model. Table 3,
for instance, shows the relationship between worksheet #2 ‘CONTACT’ in COBIE, which was not able to
be produced by using Revit Toolkit, and DB. Most of the columns are filled with the data from DB, while
some of them come from other worksheets. At the first column of ‘COATACT’ worksheet, there is ‘Email’
which is a primary key. It is possible to get data from ‘ProjectAddress’ column of ProjectInformation’
table. It is not exactly the same, but we can match similar things to transfer data. It means that we have to
input email address of architects or engineers into ProjectAddress field. Likewise, we match each data field
like Table 3.

Figure 2 – Flow of data from Revit model to COBIE

Figure 3 – DB structure of Revit

Table 3 –Mapping Relationship between External DB and COBIE data structure
COBIE Database
Col A Email Primary Key: ProjectInformation - ProjectAddress
Col B CreatedBy *Contact – Email
Col C ~ D CreatedOn ProjectInformation - ClientName
Category *PickList - Category-Role
Company ProjectInformation - ProjectName
Phone ProjectInformation - ProjectNumber
Col E ~ G ExtSystem Name of SW. Fixed (Ex. Revit2013)
ExtObject *PickList – objContact
ExtIdentifier ProejctInformation - ID
Col J ~ S Department Profile – TypeName
OrganizationCode New field
GivenName New field
FamilyName Profile – FamilyName
Street ProjectInformation -
PostalBox ProjectInformation -
Town New field
StateRegion New field
PostalCode New field
Country New field

Now, based on the mapping relationship, we use the following query command to export data
from SQL 2008 server to MS Excel. We use COBIE template file which has only the titles of each column
and other data fields are empty. In this command, we locate the COBIE template file in C root folder.
Following commands query data of ProjectAddress column in ProjectInformation table and transfer into
Email column of CONTACT worksheet in COBIE template file.

insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\COBIE_Template.xls;',
'SELECT Email FROM Contact') select ProjectAddress from ProjectInformation

ExtSystem is unique data field and it contains the name of system. In this study, it should be
‘Autodesk Revit’ through the entire COBIE file. It is unique column and the value is not changeable. Thus,
we input it as an invariable value. Likewise, we suggest mapping relationship for other COBIE worksheets:
‘01 – Contact’, ‘02 – Facility’, ‘03 – Floor’, ‘04 – Space’, ‘05 – Zone’, ‘06 – Type’, ’07 - Component’, and
‘08 – System’. With this mapping relationship, we generate COBIE file through the developed module
from external DB.


Figure 4 shows an example of COBIE file produced from this study. It contains the information of
‘Contract’ to ‘Space’ worksheets which is not included in COBIE file created by Revit COBIE toolkit. By
automatically producing COBIE file which contains more data than Revit COBIE toolkit product, we are
able to reduce the total time to generate the final version of COBIE file. In this study, our object building
consists of 2 stories and 4 offices including 14 spaces, 68 zones, 20 types, 50 components, and 50 systems.
If we consider it takes the same time to input data into ‘Common’ set of COBIE worksheets in both ways,
we can conclude that we save time as much as we input data into ‘01 – Contact’, ‘02 – Facility’, and ‘03 –
Floor’. In this study, it is about 2.5 hours because we have to check the primary key, CreatedBy’, at each
worksheet as well as compare with other data field. In real projects, the more complex the building is, the
more we can save time.
Additionally, transferring data directly from BIM modeling tool, it is not required to repeat and
spending time by inputting the same D&C data at O&M phases. It enables both to reduce redundancy and
reduce the chance to loss data.

Figure 4 – Example of COBIE file


In order to get more information transferred from BIM solutions to CAFM systems automatically,
we developed a prototype application that extracts information from Revit, which is one of BIM authoring
tools, stores extracted information into an external DB, and then produces the COBIE data file using
information stored in the DB. We applied our application to prototype projects and demonstrated that it
produced 8 COBIE data sets automatically, which helped facilities managers save a significant amount of

Utilization of these modules reduced the time required to produce a COBIE file from design
information. It also increased interoperability by directly delivering data from the design tool - Autodesk
Revit in this research – and decreased the loss of information at each phase of the building project. It is
expected that 12 data sheets of COBIE can be produced through additional investigation. Furthermore,
using a private external DB has the advantage of vendor independency because software versions of BIM
are no longer an issue.


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