Riddles: 1. Domed Chamber: This Beautiful Domed Room Is
Riddles: 1. Domed Chamber: This Beautiful Domed Room Is
Riddles: 1. Domed Chamber: This Beautiful Domed Room Is
Copyright © 2015 AAW GAMES LLC OGL for this product available here: http://adventureaweek.com/ogl/
AaW Mini Dungeon #1 For 4 - 6 PCs Levels 2 - 3
The resulting potion(s) are magically generated in 6. Ice Door: This door has a riddle etched into the wood:
both secret rooms (marked 2 on the map). Each riddle A precious stone, as clear as diamond. Seek it out whilst
can only be answered once regardless of whether the the sun’s near the horizon. Though you can walk on
answer is correct or not. water with its power, Try to keep it, and it’ll vanish within
an hour. (Ice)
2. Secret Rooms: These hidden rooms are detected
with a DC 20 Perception check or found with a DC 15 Again, the answer is simple (ice), but ice in some form
Perception check if the hallway is actively searched. must be touched to the wood in order for the magical
Each room contains a wide array of outdoor clothing lock to lift, opening the door automatically.
such as cloaks, capes, hats, gloves, and boots. One
of the chambers has a pair of boots of elvenkind which 7. Warm Room: This room is heated by a hypocaust,
blend in with the other mundane items. Depending upon a heating system which makes the floor warm to the
the number of riddles answered in Room 1, various touch. The furnace below is magical and filled with heat
magic potions can be found in these rooms on shelves producing timber of everburning (as an everburning torch
built into the back wall, partially hidden by the cloaks and but pleasantly warm). The rooms underneath are not
other apparel (DC 18 Perception check). accessible through normal means, the entrance being
buried long ago. A desk in this room has a single locked
3. Corners in the Hallway: Each corner holds the drawer (DC 10 Disable Device check) that contains a
remains of the people that once worked in this building, small key to a chest in Room 8.
those that took refuge here during a traumatic event
that inevitably killed them (asphyxiation). 2d4+2 of 8. Cold Room: This room is chilled by a permanently
these corpses rise up as ghouls to attack the PCs as frozen water elemental trapped even longer than the
they approach. Each of the bodies has 1d4 gp, 2d4 sp, undead occupants that roam these halls. Many foodstuffs
and 4d4+4 cp, but a DC 15 Perception check reveals a were obviously kept here as many “frozen-burnt” cow
cracked scarlet and green cabochon ioun stone buried heads and pig haunches are still intact. If the room is
under the bodies in the eastern corridor. searched, a small wooden chest is found inside a frozen
pig with a DC 25 Perception check. The chest is locked
4. Guard Posts: These former guardsmen have since (DC 20 Disable Device check to open) but there is a
risen as (4) skeletal champions (one wielding a +1 key for it within the desk in Room 7. it contains a very
longspear) and wait in this room until the PCs either delicate item that shatters if the box is damaged: a ring
discover them or make a loud noise elsewhere in the of the winterlands made of ice that thaws within 1d10+5
building. In the latter case the undead march through the minutes in any temperatures over 32°F. If the ring is
dungeon searching for the PCs. worn and kept within a cold environment it functions as
boots of the winterlands.
Copyright © 2015 AAW GAMES LLC OGL for this product available here: http://adventureaweek.com/ogl/