By Stephen Chenault
Editor: Tim Burns
Front Cover: Peter Bradley
Interior Art:Jason Walton
Art Direction//Layout/Production: Peter Bradley
Cartography: Peter Bradley
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2007, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
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Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, 3nd Printing Copyright
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the 2009, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
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The Lion In The Ropes
A Knight Upon the Green
“So this is Capendu? “Tis as quiet a place as any I’ve seen. The
tower yon needs some repair I see, but it will serve as quiet home
for this tired old soldier. It shall be an honor to display the lion
banner here. You have been too good to me, my King.”
“Tis not my land, noble Galveston, others lay some claim to it,
he suggested we give it to you. But I dare say, you’ll be as good a
neighbor as any can wish.” The paladin laughed quietly. “So do
not thank me until the land here serves you well.”
“You are more than welcome to stay here, but one of my brethren has
The rain continues, pattering down on cloaks and packs,
fallen very ill and you will have to make do in the central nave, where
soaking through to your clothes and down to the skin. As
you can sleep on the pews. I ask only that you take off your wet clothes
you turn up the street and head for the Church, you pass
before passing into the inner vestibule and the nave beyond. I will fetch
a fountain, the worn visage of a lion stands in the pool of
some dry blankets and bread from the priory kitchen.”
stone. The church looms out of the darkness before you,
dwarfing the buildings across the square. Bowing, he opens the doors to the main nave. He crosses into the
dark, pausing twice to light two lanterns which serve to break the
The decorative stone walls stand as testament to both the skill and wall of dark.
wealth of the Church builders. The front facade consists of large
double doors set within a deep nave. The arched doorway, shaped The vanishing acolyte draws attention to the central nave. Thick
to represent two rearing horses, is crowned by stone renditions of marble pillars stretch into the blackness above and unfold into
four knights wearing the accouterments of war. They, in turn, look carefully crafted arches, all supporting the vaulted ceiling, barely
heavenward towards a greater statue of Ore-Tsar, who looks down visible in the inky darkness above. The characters catch a glimpse
with a benevolent smile. The Church’s bell tower reaches into the of a huge altar-stone in the Transept at the far end of the Nave.
darkness, easily 140 feet high. Grim faced gargoyles perch upon
the roof, looking over the village of Capendu. Passing through the doors and into the inner vestibule, the
beauty of the Church strikes you. Stone floors, marble pil-
Refer to for details on Four Saints Church. Read the following as
lars, and beautifully carved wooden pews reveal the piety
the party approaches.
of the villagers and the clergy. Many-colored stained glass
Here, at last, the characters see the warmth of a light. Hanging dominates the arched windows. The glass figures seem to
on a small post, just outside the arched doorway, they see a small move, in the flickering torch light, twisting, turning in one
lantern, its flickering flame casting strange shadows upon the faces direction, then another. Four wonderfully carved statues
of the saints and the god. line the central aisle.
By the Light of Dawn The morning is warm and the sun burns off the fog within an hour.
The following morning, the party is rousted from their sleep by Tarlek sets a brisk pace, and after 30 minutes, he turns off the
Brother Tarlek, another young acolyte, thickly built with a large main road onto a trail that leads to the tower on the river bank.
beard. Tarlek doesn’t bother the travelers with questions, but rath-
er invites them to break bread with him in the Church kitchen This journey provides an ideal time for the party to find the tracks
where the acolytes are preparing the morning meal. of the lion crossing the road. Allow them to follow it for a short
while and then lose the trail in the grass. Where the ground is soft,
The party has several options. They should be encouraged to take the ropes score marks that look like tendrils.
up the challenge of solving the murders, and if necessary, tracking
down the dreaded charon fiend. Any hint that they will do so brings
To your right sits another small village, nestled under the
promises of the Church’s eternal blessings and benevolence for one
eves of the forested river bank. You can see a few farmers
and all. Tarlek will try to recruit the party to save the three villages
headed for the fields or working in and around the small
from the terror without any reward other than that which comes
wooden cottages. But Tarlek guides you along the track
from the strong helping the weak. He recommends that the party
and up a gentle rise, where you behold, jutting from the
meet with Galveston, and promises to take them as soon as they are
trees, a small hilltop tower and keep.
ready. If necessary, Tarlek assures the party that Lord Galveston will
pay the party for their services; how much, he cannot say.
Tarlek bids the party wait while he calls on Lord Galveston to
Tarlek, is a strong willed young man with complete confidence announce their presence. He promises to return within the hour.
in the Church’s ability to keep him and his from harm. The party
should not be allowed to push him around and cajole him into Tower Galveston (refer to map below) overlooks a bend in the
risking himself or sacrificing any of the Church’s wealth for the river between the villages of Tres and Arles (currently, the center
party’s own good (unless of course it aids the villages as well). of Galveston’s holdings). The keep consists of a fortified building
with a tower built into it. To approach Tower Galveston it is neces-
Tarlek (This 0 level chaotic good, human, cleric’s vital stats are sary to climb the steep, zig-zagging trail up the hill, in single file.
HD ½, HP 4, AC 10. His primary attributes are wisdom, intelli-
gence and charisma. His significant attributes are none. He carries There, one must cross a natural causeway to a small landing jutting
a holy symbol around his neck and wears simple cloaks and robes. out over the cliff face and looking over the river valley below. This
He carries a staff and has 5gp in a small pouch under his robes.) landing is where Galveston meets people he does not know, or trust.
If the party decides to present themselves to the Lord Galveston, Beyond that, the trail narrows and snakes underneath the keep’s
go to Red Herrings and Tea below. If they decide to pursue other walls until it ends at its base. The only entrance (aside from the
leads, such as searching along the river bank, skip ahead to Visita- secret way, refer to map 2), are large, iron-bound double doors
tions from Beyond further below. built into the rock of the hill and the mortar of the keep’s walls.
Read or paraphrase the following if needed: If the party needs an NPC to help tracking the monster, or to but-
tress its strength there is a female ranger, Bailey Quarters, staying
“I too was young once, much like yourselves, just beginning on my life’s in Marlowe’s Tavern. She was the female leaning against the tav-
road. Those were good days, the fire of youth burnt in my heart with an ern, smoking as mentioned above. Bailey is young, passing through
avenger’s fury! I fought at the Great Tree, at the very side of St. Luther Capendu on her way north. She has recently left the city of Kla-
don’t you know.” He pauses, his head bobbing a little on his thin neck. genfurt to adventure on her own. She is stout and resolute and
“Nay, you wouldn’t want to hear tales of those days. But hear this my will take up the quest and aid the party with little objection. She
youthful friends, often things seem what they are not, and they are what is a competent ranger and tracker.
you don’t think they could be. Our world was built upon the ruins of
another, and the stones of our halls cover a deeper dark. The very hous- Bailey Quarters (She is a chaotic good, human, 2nd level ranger
es of our gods rest upon the broken tombs of this other world, and it is to whose vital stats are: HD 2d10, AC 15 and HP 17. Her primary
these tombs that our paths lead. Track this beast that haunts my land, attributes are strength, dexterity, and wisdom. Her significant at-
whatever it is, but always look at the world around you for the truth.” tribute is strength 13, dexterity 13, wisdom 13, and charisma 12.
She wears mail hauberk, and carries a longsword, throwing axe,
Galveston retires with promises of a reward, but refuses to state short bow, sundry gear, and 25gp in a pouch.)
any figures until the task is done. If the party balks, one of the
men-at-arms repeats that their efforts will be well worth their time. NOTE: If the party explores the church and discovers the dun-
geon, skip to In Dungeons Deep. The party should be allowed
Men-at-arms (These neutral, 1st level fighter’s vital stats are to explore the dungeon but not to discover the secret door which
HP 5 each and AC 15, HP 5 each. Their primary attributes are leads to the pits and the final resting place of the undead. This
strength, constitution, and dexterity. Their significant attributes should occur after the section marked Where the Innocent Lie.
are strength, 12. They carry spears (ad6), longswords (1d8), and
light crossbows (1d4). They each have a mail shirt and a small A Tiger by his Tail, or A Lion by his Rope
iron shield, small helm, spear, longsword, dagger, light crossbow
Back in Capendu, Tarlek informs the party that it is nigh time for the
with 12 bolts and 5gp.)
dreaded charon fiend to strike again. The village will be locked up
tight, only the Church remains open, its doors unlocked, but closed.
Promptly at dark, the villagers retire to their homes, and lock their Second Evening
doors and windows. Andrew Travis will be the last to close, lock-
ing up Marlowe’s tavern an hour after dark. With a heartfelt wish The village remains largely quiet during the day. Few come out
of good luck, he bolts his windows and bars his doors, allowing no to Marlowes to eat or drink and Andrew entertains the party wit
one entry afterwards. The party must fend for itself. The Castles mead and talk. He’s a fair bard and can sing a piece when asked.
Keeper should make note of the character’s positions. Otherwise nothing occurs during the day.
The Orinsu have indeed risen from the crypts. The presence of The second night is much the same, though without rain.
the party, however, confuses them and they have become very
wary. They manifest within the gargoyles on the roof hovering in Upon your second evening’s vigil, it is cool but without
the shadows of the church spires. An elf or any party member with rain. The mud of the street clings to your boots and stains
unusually sharp hearing may hear them moving about on a suc- your cloaks. Hour after hour drifts by, until around mid-
cessful wisdom check (CL 5). Otherwise, the gargoyles keep a safe night when a great commotion arises just outside of town.
distance, flying about just beyond eye sight. They follow the party A roaring and growling, the like’s of which you have never
to the edge of town. heard, carries through the night. An unearthly quiet set-
tles around you. You count your heartbeats as the minutes
If, by chance, one of the party members should be on the roof they
tick by, then, a shadow, moving upon the roof of Marlowe’s
have a small chance of spotting an animated gargoyle, wisdom CL 5).
tavern. It moves through the dark with ease, slinking slowly
The lion is holed up in an embankment on the Rolth River. It is along without a sound. It pauses, cold pale eyes lock on
hungry, tired, and unable to fend for itself. It is settling in. If the your still frame. Shadows of tendrils move about its neck.
party attempts to track the lion, they will find no leads, only a few The dreaded charon fiend has found you.
tracks in Capendu itself. They must stake out the village and wait
for the lion to come to them. The creature is obviously the lion, the shadows of the night playing
tricks on the character’s minds. Upon the slightest movement of
CK Note: The action here is more suspense than combat. The char- anyone in the party, the lion will leap off the roof and vanish into
acters should, wherever they hole up, hear strange sounds mingled the dark, heading immediately for its lair by the river (see map 1).
in the blowing wind; the noises might be a popping sound, shutters,
owl’s hoot, thunder in the distance etc. Investigating the noises should Tracking the beast will be near impossible at night (CL 7). The
yield no results, though many attribute checks will engage them. party may be able to follow him out of town, but the dark should
inhibit any further attempts to locate the creature.
First Evening
All the while, the orinsu watch through gargoyle eyes and wait,
yet to overcome their fear of the strong and intent party. They
As the last lights go out in the village, the dark grey evening
creep around in the shadows (see gargoyle below), trying to ob-
descends upon you. After awhile, it begins to rain. At first,
serve the party. In their grief torn madness and undeadly state,
the clouds spit and sputter, but by midnight, the water de-
their minds are unable to focus on the world around them. The
scends in a steady drizzle, once more soaking through your
characters bold stance has confused them.
cloaks, dampening armor, gear and clothes. Little disturbs
the quiet of the evening. An occasional owl sounds in the NOTE: The Castle Keeper can easily build suspense by using the
dark, and somewhere to the south, a dog bays and barks. orinsu. They can make sounds, make the party feel as though they
Several more hours pass as you wait, soaked and tired, see- are being watched, and move through the shadows on the edge of
ing nothing but the faint light of dawn in the east. Slowly, a party members vision.
the clouds turn from black to grey in the morning’s light.
The rain continues. The little light illuminates a dreary With the arrival of dawn, the party will be able to track the lion
world of mud and grey hopelessness. Your night’s watch (CL 2). The creature’s footprints are easily discerned by even the
was fruitless. most inexperienced tracker. It is only a few hours walk to the lair.
A determined party could be their by noon, where they find the
The party is wet and tired from their night’s vigil. Tarlek and the other creature under a river embankment. The lion is cornered.
acolytes prepare warm soup and bread for them and allow them to It is holed up under a huge tree root, the hole only a dozen or so
rest that day in the sanctuary of the church. He promises that the feet deep.
creature, staying true to form, will strike again in the next day or so.
As word spreads that the beast is cornered, the villagers gather to
If the party leaves the village to search for the creature, they can watch the outcome of the fight. The mayor of Tres, Arthur Carls-son,
find tracks along the riverbank leading toward Tres (track check a large man with balding pate, offers the party any needed equipment,
Any acolytes remaining at this point show the party to the entrance Room 5: Storage.
of the catacombs and storerooms. As the party prepares to descend
into the dungeon the Castle Keeper may wish to remind them of the
swords placed in the hands of the four statues of the saints. The old wooden door gives way with a loud creak, and
small whirlwinds of dust spin around as the door opens.
Within is a room long disused. Old tools, their wooden
An iron rail and locked gate block access to the steps which hafts long since rotted away, are piled haphazardly about.
lead into the dark below. Brother Orn opens the gate and
offers a prayer for your safe return. “Below are the bodies of Lying amidst the debris is a trunk, tightly sealed. Within are a
our Brethern, but seems that some foul creature has taken dozen bundles of yellowed paper. The top bundle consists of 6 war-
up abode in our catacombs. May Ore-Tsar guide you, keep rant sheets. Each one has the heading Wanted for Treason, a name
you safe and bring you back to us in health.” With that he following with a list of charges. Many of the charges are vague,
walks quietly away and leaves you to the task at hand. such as: Insulting Gestures, and Calling on the Council. After the
charges are listed, there is a trial date, the seal of the Empire, and
The stone steps, relatively new in construction, give way
an execution date. Each one of the six reads: Consigned to the pits.
to a hallway which bears the imprint of work done long
ago. Old grey stones, long worn smooth by the passage of These are the warrant sheets for the six doomed men, the orinsu,
time, beckon you into the dark beyond. located in room 10. Their names are listed and still readable. The
names of the men can be used against their restless orinsu (see
Room 1: Storage Room. below, room 10).
The door is new and unlocked. Within are a 10 large barrels and There are two iron crowbars amongst the rubbish and a pick axe blade.
5 crates containing foodstuffs, wine and beer. There are also piles
of cookware, dishes and silverware, all unused; they are roughly Room 6: Armory.
50gp value.
Room 2: Storage Room. The thick, wooden, iron-bound door is unlocked, but
jammed. It opens slowly with great effort. Beyond you see
The door is new and unlocked. Within are two barrels of torches, four a tightly organized room with racks of armor. Twelve suits
small barrels of cooking and lamp oil, a shelf with several hundred of mail hang on the main rack. Twelve shields hang on
small packages of candles of varying size, and six sturdy lamps. There the walls, six on the east wall and six on the west. Twelve
are also 14 empty barrels which obviously contained oil at one time. high spiked helms rest upon a long shelf over the armor
rack. The breast plates, with chain sleeves and skirts, are
Room 3: Vestment Room. obviously of Imperial Aufstrag design, as are the spiked
helms. The Crescent moon emblazons the shields. Clearly,
The door is new and locked, a padlock has been added for extra an armory from the days long gone.
security. The room is used frequently, for it is clean and dust free.
Within are clothing racks, shelves, a large armoire, and four trunks.
The equipment is in surprisingly good shape. The shields need
The racks hold four white habits with gold trim, each worth 10gp. new straps, as do the helms, but are otherwise valuable. The armor
The shelves have two miters, with gems mounted upon them and has suffered a little more. The leather straps for the breast plate,
ten white and silver hats with gold and silver trim. The miters are and the straps attaching the leggings and sleeves are seriously de-
worth 25gp apiece, the hats 5gp. Within the armoire are a dozen generated and will more than likely break if worn. The armor acts
finely tailored smocks, each worth 2gp. In the trunks, wrapped in as half-plate, AC +5.
velvet, are religious staffs and wands (10 total, each worth 50gp).
It should be obvious to the party that this is the vestment room, Room 7: Ruins.
used by the clerics of the church above. They should be strongly This room served as some manner of storage room. It is empty but
discouraged from looting its contents. for the metal remains of old casks and barrels.
Lion in the ropes 13
There is actually a small cavity beneath a flagstone un-
der the debris. Finding it requires moving the debris
and a dexterity check (CL 2). Inside is a metal chest
about 2’ x 2’ and 18” high. Upon the top are magic
runes which read: Initiate of the Winter Runes. The box
is locked and trapped. If the lock is tampered with be-
fore the trap is disarmed an unklar’s breath spills into
the room from the key hole and attacks the party.
With only a little effort you pull down a large section of the Zombies (These neutral evil creatures’ vital stats are HD 2d8, HP
false wall. A heavy musty odor engulfs you; the stench of 8, 9, 11; AC 11. They have no primary attributes. They attack with
old decay pervades the darkened room beyond. Your light one claw* that does 1d8 damage plus possible rot grub infestation.)
flickers in the dust, causing shadows to twist and turn. As each of the orinsu is turned or buried, the soul, freed from its
Peering in, you see rack-lined walls, and tables covered in undead state, flies from the room, up through the church, and into
long unused implements of torture: pliers, spiked chains the night sky, howling and moaning as it goes. The sound fades as
and cleaving blades. On the far wall of the room, a pair of the creature passes on to the halls of the dead.
manacles hang from the ceiling, the remnants of a skeletal
arm dangling from one chain. Eight perfectly symmetrical The jeweled eyes of the four gargoyles are each large opals, worth
pits dominate the center of the room, each about 3 feet in 100gp (total 800gp). There is a ring of protection +2, one of the
diameter. Four ancient statues, each of huge gargoyles are zombies and a +1 mace lies beneath one of the others.
in the room. The winged monsters, grafted into the room’s
corners, seem to stare at you, their dark stone eyes follow Concluding the Adventure
you as you cross the room.
With the Orinsu destroyed, the party and villagers realize that the
true source of the murders has been overcome. Galveston ac-
The room has not been used since the imperial forces left it many knowledges the party’s efforts and success in a public ceremony
years ago. Castle Kapund’s last captain constructed the false wall in on the following god’s day. He rewards them each 250gp and a
order to hide the dungeon from enraged townsfolk or avenging lords patent of land ownership within the valley. Each party member
of the Council of Light. The room has sat undisturbed for many years. receives 10 acres of land to be held as an allod (they owe no dues
Here is where the six died. Their long decayed bodies each lie or service for the land). They are also granted, upon Galveston’s
in a separate pit. When observed, the bodies appear as twisted death, Tower Galveston and all the feudal holdings of the villages
zombies with rags on their bones. The pits are narrow and about of Capendu, Tres and Arlet. The villagers welcome their new lords
12 feet deep. and ladies with shouts of appreciation and welcome!
The spirits can only be destroyed in one of the following ways: The Castle Keeper may wish to modify these treasures for his/her
own adventure. If so, exchange the tower and land for equal mon-
If the zombie bodies are turned, the orinsu are consigned to oblivion. ey, 1000gp per party member for a total of 1250gp.
The zombies will animate only if someone crawls down into the pits
physically threatening them and only if the orinsu has not occupied For those who wish to continue the adventure in Rune Lore, impress
another host. The zombies can only be permanently destroyed by a upon the characters the mysterious nature of the rune stone found
cleric through turning. If the zombie itself is chopped down, burnt in Room 8 above. If queried about it Galveston explains that these
or otherwise destroyed the corpse will no longer be able to defend stones were used by the wizard Nulak-Kiz-Din to travel through
itself, but the orinsu will still be able to animate another host. the planes, that is all he knows, and no more. However, he has a
good friend, a Sage in Capidstra that may know more. He offers the
The only other way to destroy the orinsu is to lay them to rest. The characters a writ of passage, explaining to the characters to give the
corpses must be named, consecrated earth thrown upon them, Sage, Mendlethrone, the writ and he will help them without cost.
and a burial spell cast over them. Any number of spells will serve An overland journey to Capidstra lands the characters in that town
this purpose, bless, consecrate ground, sanctuary, or the ordain spell and at the door step of the adventure Harbors Fowl.
found in room 7. If the characters succeed in laying the orinsu to
rest they are awarded double the experience point value.
If any move is made to attack the zombies, the orinsu invade and
animate the giant gargoyle statues in the corners. It takes three
Orinsu to animate one of the stone monstrosities, once done they
will fight ferociously to defend the zombies.
The spells sends the recipient into a restful sleep-like state. The They can be violently knocked out of the somnambulance if they are
heart rate and breathing slows, eye lids close, and all tension is stricken or otherwise attacked. In such cases they are automatically
removed as the recipient of the spell settles into a state of hiberna- wrenched from the spell’s influence and suffer 1d6 points of damage.
tion. The spell reduces the body’s need for nourishment, including