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IB Biology Topic 4 - Ecology Revision Sheet: Backbird

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IB Biology Topic 4 - Ecology Revision Sheet

Definitions: Energy flows through a food web but only 10% gets to the next trophic Arrows in a food web show
 An autotroph is ____________________________________________ level. E.g. Earthworm Backbird ____________________________________
 A heterotroph is ____________________________________________ The four trophic levels and the type of nutrition are
Explain how energy is lost because:
 Habitats are _______________________________________________ 1. ______Producers_______ autotrophic nutrition
a) it is not assimilated = ____________________________________
 Ecosystems are _____________________________________________ 2. _____________________ ____________
b) it is not absorbed = ______________________________________
 A community is _____________________________________________ 3. _____________________ ____________
c) of heat loss = ___________________________________________
 A trophic level is ____________________________________________ 4. _____________________ ____________
Chemical energy is stored in carbon compounds e.g. __________ &
Compare the roles of plantain, Explain how to draw a pyramid of Two types of decomposers are
grasshopper and wood mouse in the
English woodland food web.
energy like the_________
one shown on the left. _____________ or _____________
_______________________________ __________________________________ Explain why nutrients must be recycled.
_______________________________ __________________________________
_______________________________ __________________________________
_______________________________ __________________________________ Why is energy not recycled?
_______________________________ __________________________________
_______________________________ __________________________________
_______________________________ What does kJ m–2 yr–1 stand for?

Carbon cycle processes which release CO2 into the Sketch the Carbon Cycle C02 Carbon cycle processes which absorb CO2 from the
atmosphere: atmosphere:
1. _______________________ 1. _______________________
2. _______________________ 2. _______________________
3. _______________________ 3. _______________________

Carbon flux is ____________________________________

A carbon sink is _________________________________
Label the carbon reservoirs (and processes if possible)

Climate change: In the greenhouse effect diagram (left) What is the role of each of the
following in climate change?
The most significant greenhouse gases are: What do the arrows represent?
 Combustion of fossil fuels
____________________________ & ___________________________ A: ________________________________
Other greenhouse gases are: ________________________________
 Rising atmospheric CO2 conc.
____________________________ & ___________________________ B: ________________________________ ________________________
 Coral reefs
These gases cause climate change because of their ability to absorb
_________- wave radiation & their increasing __________________

© David Faure, InThinking http://www.thinkib.net/biology

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