Digital Communication
Digital Communication
Digital Communication
7"X ieltrod*ati*n
Many of tire signals used in modern communication are digital (for example. . ,
codes for alphanumeric characters and the binary data used in computer p: ,
grams). In addition. digital techniques are often used in the transmission of r, _-
log signals. Digitizing a signai often results in improved transmission qual .
with a reduction in distortion and an improvement in signal-to-noise ratic. r.
chapter looks mainly at the digital transmission of analog signals such as ro-_.
and video signals. Dara cornmunication wlli be studied in the Chapter 9.
Fi-gure 7.1 shows severai possible types of signal transmission. In Fis-:,
7.1(a) an analog signal is sent over a channel with no modulation. A typical ..
ample is an ordintry public-address system consisting of a uricrophone, an anl:.
fler. and a speaker and using twisted-pair wire as a channel.
Figure 7. l(b) shows ;rnalog transmission using modulation and democlu -
tion. Broadcast radio and television are good examples"
Figure 7. I (c) and 7.1(d) srart with a digital signal (for example. a data file 1i -
acomputer). In(c.t,thelinkcanhandlesomekindofdigitalpulsesignaldirecth _-
(d), the channel cannot transmit pulses directly (a radio channel, for exam:..
requires a modulation process, and an ordinary telephone connection cannor p*,
dc). In these cases the digital signal has to be modulated onto a carier at one i- _
been from
it. The first I _--) Baseband Channel i___--
orse code, Anaiog Source Analog
idot, dash, Destination
(a) Analog signal and baseband transmission
i F__ r
- I Digital Channel
Digrtal Source Coder Decoder Digital
(c) Digital signal transmitted on digital channel
:rample, the
mputer pro-
sion of ana-
;ion quality, Analog Channel
Digital Source Modem Modem Digital
: ratio. This Destination
Lch as voice (d) Digital signal transmitted by modem
. In Figure
typical ex- Digital Channel
:. an ampli- Analog Source A,/D Conversion Decoding and Analog
and Coding D/A Conversion Destination
(e) Analog signal transmitted digitally
tafile from
drectly. In
r example,
Analog Source A/D Conversion Modem Channel Modem Decoding and Analog
and Coding D/A Conversion Destin"ation
annot pass (f) Analog signal digitized and iransmitted by modem
at one end )
nodulator- Figure 7,! Analog and digital communication
the trans- :ceiver. If the communication system involves several trips through arnpliliers
e between .nd channels, as in a long-distance telephone system, the signal-to-noise ratio
transmis- .-, gradually decrease with increasing distance from the source.
:quired. Digital systems are not irnmune from noise and distortion, but it is possible to
e sense. It :educe their effect. Consider the simple digitat signal shown in Figure 7.2. Sup-
ck again. .l
rose that a transmitter generates v for a binary one and 0 v for a binary zero.
) contents rhe receiver examines the signal in the middle of the pulse and has a decision
5le. What .hreshold at 0.5 v; that is, it considers any signal with an amplitude greater than
to digital i).5 v to be a one and any aniplitude less than that to represent azero. Figure
,g signals -.2(a) shows the signal as it emerges from the
transmitter. and Figure 7.2(b)
reasons. .hows it after its passage through a channel that adds noise and distorts the pulse.
re effects ln spite of the noise and distortion. the receiver has no difiiculty deciding cor-
present, fectly whether the signai is a zero or a one. Since the binary value of the pulse is
hese im- the only information in the signal, the distortion has had no effect on the trans-
. and the mission of information.
Ehapter 7 ,if Digital fommunications
S 1v
(a) Digital signal as transmitted
(b) Received signal with added noise and distortion
Receiver Transmitter
(c) Digital repeater
a)Digital signal as transmitted
,J 1v
Threshold'--?---- --
bl Received signal with excessive noise and distortion
:r be
. j lt. The relationship between time, information capacity' and channel band-
I : ktB O.L)
First, ignoring noise, there is a limit to the amount of data that can be sent l:,
a given bandwidth. This limit is given by the Shannon-Harlley theorem:
C - 28 logzM (7.:
of the square wave also increases and more of its harmonics are filtered ou:
Therefore, the output will become more and more distorted. Finally, for a bit ra:.
of 28, the frequency of the input signal will be B, and only the fundamental of rL.
square wave will pass through the channel, as shown in Figure 7.5(b). Noneth=-
less, the receiver will still be able to distinguish a one from azero, and the info:-
mation rvill be transmitted. Thus, with binary information, the channel capaci -
will be
C :28
Now suppose that instead of only two possible levels, several different ler -
els, each corresponding to a different number, are possible. For instance, eac.,
level could represent one of four possibilities. The possible levels could b.
-1V, -0.5 V, +0.5 V, and *1V. Figure 7.6 shows this four-level code. S-ir-:.
this code, measuring the voltage level once at the receiver would actuall..
provide two bits of information, since it takes two bits to express four differer,.
bD b0
c! cd
Time Time
(a) Input square-wave signal (b) Output signal at maximum rate
sent m
(:7.2) o
le less fime
:r than
n zero gure 7-6 Four-1eve1 code
at can
lbea ..ibilities. However, the maximum frequency of the signal would not change.
a one - have, it seems, managed to transmit twice as much information in the same
ucs at
-:Ju'idth. This idea can be expanded to any number of levels, in order to give
as the - -.rtion (7.2).
rough It might seem that any desired amount of infonnation could be transmitted in
channel by simply increasing the number of levels. This is not possible,
i out.
' -.\en
.,. ever, because of noise. The more levels there are, the closer together they are,
it rate j rhe more like1y it is that noise will cause the receiver to mistake one level for
of the
- rher (this can also be seen from Figure 7.6). Therefore, there will be, for a
tethe- -. :n noise level, a maximum data rate that cannot be exceeded without errors,
infor- :natter how elaborately the data is coded. This maximum rate is called the
raci$ ' ;nnon limit:
C:Blog2(1 +S/N) (7.3)
:2(.3.2 x 103)Xlog24
: 12.8 x 103 b/s
: 12.8 kb/s
Next, we use the Shannon lirnit to find the maximum data rate for any cod;
given the bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio. Remember that S/N is requi:. -
as a power ratio.
,= B 1og2 (i + S/N)
(3.2 x 103) 1og2 (1 + 3162)
Since both results are maxima, we take the lesser of the two, 12.8 kb/s. Th.
means that it would be possible to increase the data rate over this channel b'
using more levels.
SCTE'FSEru ?"8 ffiffiE/$ffiq# The Shannon-Hartley theorem shows that bandwidth and information rate are
ffiAJffiSru'HgBru interchangeable, at least in theory. That is, a large quantity of information can be
transmitted in a small bandwidth by using more time. Give an example of the
application of this theorem. Is it always possible to take advantage of the
equivalence between bandwidth and time?
li.,j. rilr1.1i;L-,1 : =, l:::
signal at intervals. The amplitude of each sample can then be expressed as a bi: --
number for transmission. At the receiver, the samples can be reconstituted '- -
used to form a replica of the original signal.
In I 928, Har:ry Nyquist showed mathematically that it is possible to reconstru - -
band-limited analog signal from periodic samples, as long as the sampling rr:-
at least twice the frequency of the highest frequency component of the si,c- -
This assumes that an ideal low-pass fi1ter prevents higher frequencies from er:.-
ing the sampler. In practice, the sampling frequency should be consider::
greater than twice the maximum frequency to be transmitted. For exampie :
telephony, a sample rate of 8 kHz is used for a maximum audio frequencl'
3.4kI12, and compact disc systems have a 44.lkHz sampling rate and & n1:'
mum audio frequency of 20 kHz.
Sertion 7-Z * Pulse Modulation
: E*7sin r / sin r.r/T
v(t) "'r |\ trtT sin t,l.-I cos t,l^r
a*t + 2E*- (7.7)
sin2rr. lT sin3rrlT
lE^ sin <rr./ cos 2osl + E^ sin oar cos 3o)rl +
2m/T )
As is often the case with equations of -this type, we do not have to o'solve"
anything. We simply need to study the equation to see what is happening. In par-
ticular, look at the first term. It is just the modulating signal multiplied by a con-
stant. This tells us that applying a low-pass filter to the pulse signal can recover
the original modulation, provided that there are no other components of the signal
occupying the baseband frequency range.
Next, look at the second term, which contains the product of sin <o-l and cos
o"/. We have seen many terms of this sort before, and we should remember that
they represent sum and difference frequencies. In this case the frequencies
produced will be f, - f* and f" + f*. (We have changed from radian notation
Section 7-Z * Pulse Modulation za9
f* f"* f*
a) Satisfactory sampling rate (b) sampling rate too ,o*u'"nt""'
.::"::: Aliasing in the frequency domain
::.ause while radian notation simplifles equations, most practical work is done
!h hefiz, not radians per second.)
Figure 7.10 shows sketches of the frequency spectrum for the first two terms
. Equation (1 .1). The subsequent terms produce still higher frequency compo-
-.rts and are not of interest in this discussion. In Figure 7.10(a), the baseband fre-
"f, - f*,
, -3ncy is lower than the component at so a low-pass filter can recover the
-'.eband signal. In Figure 7.10(b), however, the difference term has a lower fie-
- -3ncy than the original baseband signal, and the two cannot be separated by a
'.\ -pass filter. This is a frequency-domain representation of the aliasing that we
..'.r earlier in the time domain.
It appears from Figure 7.10 that aliasing will take place ifl, is greater than
- .f-.If "[ : 2f,,,, then f" - f,, : f*, and we are just on the edge of aliasing. In
:Jer to separate the signals with a real low-pass filter, the carrier frequency
'. hich is also the sampling rate) must be greater than 2f,,,, as stated earlier. If
f,: f, - f^ (7.8)
EXAI\,IPLE tl.m An attempt is made to transmit a baseband frequency of
-10 kHz using a digital audio system with a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz. What
audible frequency would result?
n par-
a con- Solution From Equation (7.8),
signai .la - Js Jnt
: 44.1kHz - 30 kHz
rd cos : l4.l kHz
:r that
:ncies In addition, of course, the original baseband signal of 30 kHz would be present.
Ehdpter 7 e trigital Cornmunications
q q
fime Time
(a) Original signal (b) Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM)
p. g
Time fime
(c) Pulse-duration modulation (PDM) (d) Pulse-position modulation (PPM)
hich is -,3 Fulse'Code l\{odulation
: dura- FtedAudio"
s sam- ?ulse-codemodulation(PCM)isthemostcommonlyuseddigitalmodulation
_ .eIne. In pcM rhe av;ilable range of
signal voltages is divided into levels.
t hiCh- represented by the
l been J each is assigned a binary nu*L"t' Each sample is then
- '.ary number representing tire level closest to its amplitude' and this number is
il than
ortion. ..nsrnittedinserialform."InlinearPCM,levelsareseparatedbyequalvoltage
e term -' :dations.
- -ih"
of bits used to express
;r-ber of levels available depends on the number
: sample value. The number of levels is given by
here number of levels
m: number of bits Per samPle
sample is:
from Equation (7'9),
ia) The number of levels with 8 bits per sample is,
N :2^
(b) The number of levels with l6 bits per sample is.
irom the same equation'
: 2t6
: 65,536
fhapter 7 :l lligital EBmmuniEataons
a a
b0 b0
Cd cd
@ @
Time Time
(a) Samples before quantizing (b) Samples after quantizing
i':i=::::-::r--:,1-:-.i:l* Quantizing emof I L LiLIUUI]il
This process is called quantizing. Since the original analog signal can h. .
an infinite number of signal levels, the quantizing process will produce er.:
called quantizing errors or often quantizing noise.
Figure 7.12 shows how quantizing errors arise. The largest possible effor
one-half the difference between levels. Thus the en'or is proportionately grea::-
for small signals. This means that the signal-to-noise ratio varies with the sig:-
level and is greatest for large signals. The level of quantizing noise can be ;:,
creased by increasing the number of levels, which also increases the number '
bits that must be used per sample. q
The dynamic range of a system is the ratio of the strongest possible sigr--
that can be transmitted and the weakest discernible signal. For a linear PCM s1,,, , :iu
tem, the maximum dynamic range in decibels is given approximately by
r i,i: ;.llu!
This equation ignores any noise contributed by the analog portion of the system ' _iilr
r tht
rd&- rf,
Hx.&rujl$$*il y-'d$ Find the maximum dynamic range for a linear PCM
system using I 6-bit quantizing.
Increasing the number of bits per sample increases the data rate, which i.
given very approximately by
D:f,* (7.11'
SeEtiBn 7-3 3 Pulse-Esde Modulation 293
Extra bits arenneeded to detect and correct errors. A few bits, called framing bits,
are also needed to ensure that the transmitter and receiver agree on which bits
constitute one sample. The actual bit rate will be somewhat higher than calculated
V.ln(l -f pv;lVi)
V^: +
ln (1 p.)
European telephone systems use a similar but not identical scheme called A-law
rlch is
Figure 7.13 shows the p.-255 curve. The curve is a transfer function for the
compressor and relates the input and output levels. It has been normalized, that is,
v i lV i and v o I V o are plotted, rather than v ; and v o-
fhapter 7 e Digital fornmunications
Input Level
liLrLrr rililu
Iiitl]lt' ;tr
+ p"u/V;)
V" ln (1
ln(l + p)
1n (l + 255)
This problem can also be solved graphically, as shown in Figure 7.13.
t;;-] l---------------l
A""trs l3-l I l-l T- l I Digital
Inpui Low-Pass Filter Sample-and-Hold A/D Converter (and ParalleVSerial Serial
Circuit Compression if Conversion Output
Figure 7.14 is a block diagram showing the steps for converting an analog
signal into a PCM code. The first block is a low-pass filter, required to prevent
aliasing. As shown in section 7 .2, the filter must block all frequency components
above one-half the sampling rate. This requires a high-order filter.
The next step is to sample the incoming waveform using a sample-and-hold
circuit. There are many such circuits; a simple one is shown in Figure 7.15. The
field-effect transistor Q turns on during the sample time, allowing the capacitor to
charge to the amplitude of the incoming signal. The transistor then turns off, and
the capacitor stores the signal value until the analog-to-digital converter has
had time to convert the sample to digital form. The two operational amplifiers,
connected as voltage followers, isolate the circuit from the other stages. The low
output impedance of the first stage ensures that the capacitor quickly charges or
discharges to the value of the incoming signal when the transistor conducts.
The samples must now be coded as binary numbers. If we are using linear
FCM, all that is required is a standard analog to digital (A/D) converter. Com-
pression, if required, can be applied to the analog signal, but it is more common to
incorporate the compression into the coding process.
The codecs used in telephony generally accomplish compression by using a
piecewise-linear approximation to the mu-law curve shown earlier in Figure 7.13.
The positive- and negative-going parts of the curve are each divided into eight
segments, with an additional segment centered around zero, resulting in a total of
sixteen segments. Figure 7.16 shows the segmented curve. Segments 0 and t have
the same slope and do not compress the segment. For each higher-numbered
segment, the step size is double that of the previous segment. Each segment has
sixteen steps. The result is a close approximation to the actual curve.
The binary number produced by the codec in a telephone system has eight
bits. The first is a sign bit, which is a one for a positive voltage and a zero for neg-
ative. Bits 2,3, and 4 represent the segment number, from zero to seven. The last
four bits determine the step within the segment. If we normalize the signal, that is,
set the maximum input level equal to one volt, the step sizes can easily be calcu-
lated as follows: let the step size for the 0 and 1 segments be r mV. Then segment
:: Sampling Pulse
Figure 7.t5 Sample-and-holdcircuit
296 Ehapter 7 S Digital fornrnunications
6/ 2 has a step size of 2x, segment 3 a step size of 4r, and so on. Since each segmer
9^ has 16 steps, the value ofx can be found as follows.
E4 l6(x + x I 2x t 4x t 8x * 16x * 32x + 64x) : l000mV
tso x : 0.488 mV
a- The relationship between input voltage and segment is shown in Table 7.1.
Input Voltage
0 0-7.8 0.488
1 7.8-15.6 0.488
2 15.6-3 r.25 0.9772
J 31.2s-62.5 1.953
1 62.5-125 3.906
5 125-250 7.813
6 .250-500 15.625
7 500- 1000 31.25
Code a positive-going signal with amplitude 30Vo of ,-ll
the maximum allowed as a PCM sample. .:
:[,u] |
Solution The signal is positive, so the first bit is a one. On the nornalized i":il:llflL
voltage scale, the amplitude is 300 mV. A glance at Table 7.1 shows that the
signal is in segment 6. That means the next three bits are I l0 (6 in binary).
This segment starts at 250 mV and increases 15.625 mV per step. The signal
voltage is 50 mV above the lower limit, which translates into 50115.625 :
3.2 steps. This is less than halfway from step 3 to step 4, so it will be
quantized as step 3, making the last four bits 0011 (3 in binary). Therefore
the code representing this sample is 1110001 1.
!'ryn I
arithmetic with the bits that make up each sample. In the case of the 12-to-8 bit 1
conyersion described here, some precision will be lost for large-amplitude sam- til
ples, but the data rate needed to transmit the information will be much less than :ll|
for 12-bit PCM. Since most of the samples in an audio signal have amplitudes
much less than the maximum, there is a gain in accuracy compared with 8-bit
linear PCM.
Briefly, the as follows. The 12-bit PCM sample begirs
with a sign bit, which is retained. The other eleven bits describe the amplitude of
seEtion 7-3 * Pulse-Eode Modulation ?97
n segment
Digital Analog
Serial Serial/Parallel D/A Converter (and Sample-and-Hold Low-pass Filter Output
Input Conversion Expansion if Circuit
: sample, with the most signiflcant bit first. For low-level samples, the last few
: :. and the sign bit may be the only non-zero bits. The segment number for the
,58 '-rii code can be determined by subtracting the number of leading zeros (not
s8 - :nting the sign bit) in the 12-bit code from 7. The next four bits after the ltrst
-t2 .r: counted as the level number within the segment. Any remaining bits are
- -: "'arded.
Solutisn Copy the sign bit to the S-bit code. Next count the leading zeros
of I ) and subtract from 7 to get 5 (101 in binary). The first four bits of the S-bit
;ode are thus 1 101. Now copy the next four bits after the first 1 (not counting
ihe sign bit) to the 8-bit code. Thus the next four bits are 1010. Discard the
rest. The corresponding 8-bit code is 11011010.
The decoding process is the reverse of coding. It is illustrated in the biock
rirgram in Figure 7 .17 .The expansion process follows an algorithm analogous to
.rat used in the compressor. The low-pass filter at the output removes the high-
-:equency components in the PAM signal that exits from the digital-to-analog
rple Differential PCM
been Instead of coding the entire sample amplitude for each sample, it is possible to
iring ;ode and transmit only the difference between the amplitude of the cuffent sam-
: bit ple and that of the previous sample. Since successive samples often have simiiar
Jm- rrnplitudes, it should be possible to use fewer bits to encode the changes. The
:han most common (and most extreme) example of this process is delta modulation,
,-t- uhich is discussed in the next section.
I trf
Explain the difference between normal and differential PCM. SEilE*f,}ru 7.3 SE€er*XfiW
Chapter 7 * Oigital Communications
(iii) Rapid
'-1 Variation
7.4 Detrta N{odulation
I In delta modulation. only one bit is transmitted per sample. That bit is a one if r:.
- current sample is more positive than the previous sample, zero if the current sa: -
ple is more negative. Since only a sm.rll amount of information about each samp..
is transmitted, delta modulation requires a much higher sampling rate than PCl,l
for equal quality of reproduction. Nyquist did not say that transmitting samples _'
(a) Input sigrral
trvice the maximurr signal frequency would always give undistorted results. or. .
that it could, provided the samples were transrnitted accurately.
Figure 7.18 shows how delta moduiation generates emors. In region (i). r:.
signal is not varying at all; the transmitter can only send ones and zeros, ho,., ,
ever, so the output wavefbrm has a triangular shape, producing a noise sicr-*
called granular noise. On the other hand, the signal in region (iii) changes mc-,
rapidly than the system can follow, creating an error in the output called slop=
Transmitted digital signal
(iii) SIope
.d Overload
Adaptive Delta Modulation
Adaptive delta rnodulation. in which the step size varies according to previo-.
values, is more efllcient. Figure 7.19 shows how it works. After a number of ste;. ',,1
Time in the same direction. the step size increases. A well-designed adaptive delta mo.-
(c) Reconstructed output signal ulation scheme can transrnit voice at about half the bit rate of a PCM svstem. \\ 1: -
equivalent quality.
Figure 7.18 Delta modulation
SEITION 7.4 REVTEW Why is it necessary to use a greater sampling rate tbr deita modulation than for
(i) Constant : (iii) Rapid
Amplitude r Variation
(a) Input signal (b) Transmitted digrtal signal
(i) Granular
i Reduced
a Noise
Time .,,d
(c) Reconstructed output signal
SeEtion 7-5 ,*r Line Eodes 299
Logic 1 = 4V
Logic 0 = 0V
Logic 1 = +V
Logic 0 = -V nl!lx[o
Time tl
FiEure ?.E! Bipolar NRZ code
Figure '7 .22(b) shows the Manchester code, which is a type of biphase code
Every bit has a levei transition in the center of the bit period. For a one there i.
an upward transition; for a zero, a downward one. There is no dc or 1o\\ -
frequency energy regardless of the proportion of zeros and ones in the signa,
The Manchester code also provides strong timing information regardless of th;
pattem of ones and zeros. Its disadvantage is that it requires more bandwidr:,
than the AMI code.
sEfTtt N 7.5 REVIEW Which of the line codes discussed in this section have a dc component, and under Iillllfll
?.6 Tirae-DivisionS'Iultiplexing
There are two basic types of multiplexing. We looked at frequency-division mu1-
tiplexing (FDM) in the previous chapter. Time-division multiplexing (TDM) is
used mainly for digital communication. In TDM, each information signal r:
allowed to use all the available bandwidth, but only for part of the time. Frorr-
Hartley's Law (Equation 7 .l'), it can be seen that the amount of infbrmation trans-
mitted is proportional to both bandwidth and time. Therefore, at least in theory. i: fllru{
is equally possible to divide the bandwidth or the time among the users of a chan-
nel. Continuously varying signals, such as analog audio, are not well adapted tc
C) o
bo b!
*o o
Time Time
(a) AMI code (b) Manchester code
IDM because the signal is present at all times. On the other hand, sampled audio
b very suitable for TDM, as it is possible to transmit one sample from each of
xveral sources sequentially, then send the next sample from each source, and so
m- As already mentioned, sampling itself does not imply digital transmission, but
in practice sampling and digitizing usually go together.
Many signals can be sent on one channel by sending a sample from each
rignal in rotation. Time-division multiplexing requires that the total bit rate be
mrltiplied by the number of chamels multiplexed. This means that the bandwidth
requirement is also multiplied by the number of signals.
fDM in Telephony
IDM is used extensively in telephony. There are many different standards for
IDM. One commonly used arrangement is the DS-1 signal, which consists of
!4 PCM voice charmels, multiplexed using TDM. Each channel is sampled at
3 COde. tkllz, with 8bits persample. This gives abitrateof 8 k X 8: 64 kb/s foreach
here is roice channel.
r low- The DS-1 signal consists of frames, each of which contains the bits repre-
signal. $nting one sample from each of the 24 channels. One extra bit, called the fram-
of the ing bit, is added to each frame to help synchronize the transmitter and receiver.
lwidth Eachframe contains 24 x 8 + 1 : 193 bits.
The samples must be transmitted at the same rate as they were obtained in - 125 Microseconds
193 Bits
order for the signal to be reconstructed at the receiver without delay. This requires
the multiplexed signal to be sent at arate of 8000 frames per second. Thus the bit
er rate is 193 x 8000bls:1.544 Mb/s. Figure 7.23 contains an illustration of a
24PCM Framingbit
frame of a DS-l signal. When this signal is transmitted over twisted-pair line
----{ using the AMI line code just discussed, the whole system is known as a T1 carrier.
8 Bits Each
fhat is, the signal includes only the coding into ones and zeros, while the caruier
dso includes the voltage levels used. Figure 7.23 One tiame of a DS-1
The framing bits are used to enable the receiver to determine which sample
mul- md which bit in that sample are being received at a given time. In addition, the
!1 ) l\
receiver must distinguish between frames in order to decode the signaling infor-
ll is mation that is sent along with the signal. In one frame out of every six, each of the
hast significant bits in the 24 samples is used for signaling information rather
rhen as part of the PCM signal. This results in a very slight degradation of signal
rr. it quality-for instance, the signal-to-noise ratio is degraded by about two decibels.
han- The signaling information is different on the sixth and twelfth frames, known as
dto the A and B frames, in a sequence. In effect, the receiver is required to count
frames up to twelve. A group of twelve frames is called a superframe.
To allow the receiver to accomplish this, the framing bit alternates between
two sequences, 100011 and 011100. The underlined bits indicate the A and B
signaling frames, respectively.
The "stolen" signaling bits can be used to indicate such conditions as on-
hook and off-hook, ringing, and busy signals.
it ditr
Voice Bit Rate
'll llLhilm
coaxial cable, microwave radio, or optical fiber. See Table 1 .2 for more detai'. ;
r ilr'ti rLllllli
ll i ll irlll]
SEITIIIIU 7.6 *fEV$EtV Explain the difference between TDM and FDM. I i iiillL,
,] , iiiltrl
T l:,, l\{l
? "
E c>{:,}* +,E :EEE* "L} *,ti€ i:-l +r:= E==
e"-,s= i t-; :.:
= I tLt: iLnLlillll
analog-to-digital conversionjust discussed and consider whether there is an\ .i. - ti:r ti lllut lllll
to reduce the number of bits that have to be transmitted per second. This reduc:- - llllliiln I
is also called compression, but it is really a completely different process from -:, , i1 liltllll
one just described. We shall call it data compression to emphasize the differei--. lllLllllllrlJll{
an analog signal in digital form. For instance, analog telephony requires less t: : rl uu ' il
ventionally operates at 64 kb/s. The exact bandwidth requirement for this depe- -
on the modulation scheme but is likely to be much more than 4 kHz unless '--,. ill]jitl]0
channel has a very high signal-to-noise ratio and an elaborate modulation sche , rurlilrt
to reduce the bandwidth to no more, and preferably less, than that needed for ;.'--
rr ilt
There are two main categories of data compression. Lossless compression -' ufrllflltrI
volves transmitting all of the data in the original signal but using fewer bits. Lo., flr{
compression, on the other hand, allows for some reduction in the quality oi:-. rxilullu
transmitted signal. Obviously there has to be some limit on the loss in qualitr. ;.' tfillM
pending on the application. For instance, up until now the expectation of r.' -.
quality has been less for a mobile telephone than for a wireline telephone. L ilnutiu
.:ople are no longer impressed with the fact that wireless telephony works at all;
:-\' want it to work as well as a fixed telephone.
Iedium Lossless compression schemes generally look for redundancies in the data.
: rr instance, a string of zeros can be replaced with a code that tells the receiver the
.:gth ofthe string. This technique is called run-length encoding. It is very use-
.ii '-i in some applications: facsimile (fax) transmission, for instance, where it is un-
-:--essary to transmit as much data for white space on the paper as for the message.
J\C In voice transmission it is possible to greatly reduce the bit rate, or even stop
Ii\\ i\.e .nstritting altogether, during time periods in which there is no speech. For ex-
- L)prics
-.rp1e, during a typical conversation each person generally talks for less than half
-: time. Taking advantage of this to increase the bandwidth for transmission in
:.i1 time requires there to be more than one signal multiplexed. When the tech-
-.que is applied to a radio system, it also allows battery-powered transmitters to
- .,nserve power by shutting off or reducing power during pauses in speech.
T1 and
Lossy compression can involve reducing the number of bits per sample or re-
:uch aS
--icing the sampling rate. As we have seen, the lirst reduces the signal-to-noise
:,io and the second limits the high-frequency response of the signal, so there are
nits to both methods. Other lossy compression methods rely on knowledge of
.,e type of signal, and o1Ien, on knowledge of human perception. This means that
rice, music, and video signals would have to be treated differently. These more
---{ .jranced methods often involve the need for quite extensive digital signal pro-
-:ssing. Because of this, they have only recently become practical for real-time
-:e with portable equipment. A couple of brief examples will show the sort of
lng that is possible.
!ted of
.. is an
'-nol se
g digi- 1 \'ocoder (voice coder)is an example of lossy compression applied to human
)ir the :leech. A typical vocoder tries to reduce the amount of data that needs to be
\ \\'a] .-rnsmitted by constructing a model for the human vocal system. Human sounds
u,-rion ,:e produced by emitting air from the lungs at an adjustable rate. For voiced
rrn the :,-rurdS this air causes the vocal cords to vibrate at an adjustable frequency; for
-ni oiced sounds the air passes the vocal cords without vibrating them. In either
nsmit -rse, the sound passes through the larynx and mouth, which act as f,lters, chang-
s than rg the frequency response ofthe system at frequent intervals. Typically there are
.'rln - .:om three to six resonant peaks in the frequency response of the vocai tract.
rends Vocoders can imitate the human voice with an electronic system. Modern
!S the '.
ocoders start with the vocal-tract model above. There is an excitation function,
heme -ol1owed by a multi-pole bandpass filter. Parameters for the excitation and the fll-
;.rble :-r response must be transmitted at intervals of about 20 ms, depending on the
'ina- )\'stem. Vocoders of this type are known as lineor preclictive coders because of
.he mathematical process used to generate the lilter parameters from an analysis
rl the voice signal.
The first step in transmitting a signal using a vocoder is to digitize it in the
usual way, using PCM, generally at 64 kb/s. Then the signal is analyzed and the
1tn- necessary excitation and fllter parameters extracted. Only these parameters need
, :s]
ro be sent to the receiver where the signal is reconstructed. The transmitted data
i rhe
rate is typically in the range of about 2.4 to 9.6 kb/s, allowing a much smaller
. rl--
transmission bandwidth than would be required for the original 64 kb/s rate.
,-,i i-
There are two main ways of generating the excitation signal in a linear pre-
dictive vocoder. In pulse excited linear predictive (PELP or sometimes RPEL|
l'tn ior regular pttlse excited linear preclicrlue) vocoders, a white noise generator is
ffi S{FE rI
Select the created model by using the File-> Open men.'
To demonstrate the operation of option to select and open the file "codec.mdl".
both a mu-law coder and decoder Run the simulation by selecting the Simulation->
in SIMULINK. Start menu option in the model window.
& f+, :illlfl
lfl *Pi Background:
. Double-click on the scope to view the input,
compressed and expanded signals.
In this section, SIMULINK is used to illustrate the non-
: .',e r- linear sampling that occurs when a mu-law coder is Experiment with other input wave types and frequencre- .. -.u]lll
used, as well as the corresponding inverse process re- from the function generator.
d,'+;. quired to restore a mu-law compressed signal. *'lrlffi,
Stafi MATLAB and then type simulink at the command
>> simufink ififl,Il
;: i
- t, t: t,uiluf,
ltL, r l
:.,1 * lil
l' r "l
m u-lJr{ rru- lttq
e;;p:nder ,iL r lll
tit ,ililMn
ul ,llfl
r, r'}rll0
sound produced by human vocal cords. Both sources have variable amplituc.
it, i,iiLill0
Figure 7.22i illustrates the process at the receiver.
Resicluol excited linear pretlictitte (RELP) vocoders, on the other hand, ap:
the inverse of the filter that will be used at the receiver to the voice sisnal. T
Pulse Generator '
, ___+
1_____, _ _i Output
1 Filter
Noise Genelator i*dl
n idea of the effectiveness of data compression can be gained by com-
ln nlenu paring conventional compact-disc audio with the MP3 format popular
on the internet. CDs use sampling a\ 44.1 kHz to allow a maximum informa- n.."iF&,&F tr*Sffie&W
ation-> tion-signal frequency of 20kHz. The coding is linear PCM using 16 bits per
sample. Since there are two stereo channels, the raur data rate, before error fBs and MPSs
correction, is
utput of this hlter is a signal that. when applied to the receiver fiiter. will repro-
-uce the original signal exactly. Figure 7.25 shows how this process works at the
:lnsmitter. The residual signal is too complex to transmil eractly with the avail-
,,ble bit rate, so it must be represented in a more economical way. One method is
.,-r compare it with values in a table, called a cotlebook, and transmit the number
,i the closest codebook entry. The receiver looks up the codebook entry, gener-
Lies the comesponding signal. and uses lt instead of the pulse and noise generators
.hown in Figure 3.13. Many other vocoder variations are possible as well.
Reasonable quality can be achieved with vocodei's using data rates much
..ruer than those required for PCM. So far. the quality is not quite as good as tbr
: Iraightforward PCM. howet,er.
It should be obvious that vocoders are intended lbr use with voice only';
..r'hereas. the PCM system described above can be used to send any 6,1 kbis
i) the
:: the Jata stream. including music. fax, or computer liles. None of these v;ili work
udes. ;roperly with a vocoder. Vocoders even tend to give a somewhat unnatural
.luality to human speech. Still. the gain in bit rate and hcnce bandwidth, com-
.ppl]' rared to PCM, is so great that vocoders are very conrmon in di-eitai wireless
. The voice communication.
Expiain the dift'erence betrveen data compression and the use of vocoders for 5ECTION 7.7 REVIEW
voice signals. QUESTTON
\roice Signal
Filter Residual Signal Excitation Signal
3t]5 Ehapter 7 # Digital fommunications
I illlilLrLll;;t il
. 1"'
sL!s€ruc&ffiY Here are the main points to remember from this chapter. iLlllilut.;lJ t
1. Modern communication systems are often a mixture of analog and dr-i''-
sources and transmission techniques. The trend is toward digital systems.
illlllur,. rm
2. Modern digital systems have better performance and use less bandwidth :-"-: ..1 1
4. PCM requires that the ampiitude of each sample of a signal be converted .- - Lltuililr ril(
binary number. The more bits used for the number, the greater the accur.-
but the greater the bit rate required. ilululII]:llllllu&l
5. Delta modulation transmits only one bit per sample, indicating whether --:. ,ll
signal 1evel is increasing or decreasing, but it needs a higher sampling ::.'
than PCM for equivalent results. ilfi ilLllllllllll Ilulfl /l
6. The signal-to-noise ratio for either PCM or delta modulation signals can o-..: rlI
be improved by using companding. im
8. Lossy compression compromises signal quality in order to reduce the bit r.:.
lllllUl llll I ilxl{l'n{
For voice transmissions, vocoders are often used to achieve great reduction. .
bit rate.
gsLiAs!ffiru I-r5Y
r .Liilflll0
ffi**ffiffi&&mv !:+,:5:fl
aliasing Distortion created by using too low a sampling rate companding Combination of compression at the transmu..-
when coding an analog signal for digital transmission. and expansion at the receiver of a communications system.
bipolar code A data code that uses both polarities of voltage or compression Amplification of a signal in such a way that the:.
current. is less gain for higher-level input signals than lbr lower-ler.
codec (coder-decoder) Device that converts sampled analog input signals.
signal to and from its PCM or delta modulation equivalent. decoding Conversion of a PCM or delta modulation bitstrea-:
coding Conversion of a sampled analog signal into a PCM or 1o analog samples.
=. ,:==.,.5-iK
:.:a modulation A coding scheme that records the change in pulse-position modulation (PPM) A series of pulses, in
- .1 leve1 since the previous sample. which the timing of each pulse represents the amplitude of the
.ital signal processing (DSP) Filtering of signals by con- information signal at a given time.
rd digitat : --rs them to digital form, performing arithmetic operations on pulse-width modulation (PWM) See pulse-duration modu-
ems. ' :;ta bits, then converting back to analog form. Iation (PDM).
-=:-topped sampling Sampling of an analog signal using a quantizing Representation of a continuously varying quantity
idth than
.:1e-and-ho1d circuit, such that the sample has the same am- as one of a number of discrete values.
-ie for its whole duration. quantizing errors Inaccuracies caused by the representation of
J at least
., distortion See aliasing. a continuously varying quantity as one of a number of discrete
c creates values.
-rming bitsbits added to a digital signal to help the receiver
-:rect the beginning and end of data frames. quantizing noise See quantizing errors.
'ned to a
:. code A system for translating logic ones and zeros into regenerative repeater A device that decodes and recodes a
rqe or curent levels for transmission. digital signal as well as amplifying it.
'.:ural sampling Sampling of an analog signal, so that the run-length encoding Method of data compression by encoding
:iher the --..:1e amplitude follows that of the original signal for the dura- the length of a string of ones or zeros instead of transmitting all
ing rate -. .-,f the sample. the one or zero bits individually.
=:ative logic A logic system in which a low level represents RZ (return-to-zero) code A line code in which the voltage or
dn often : .' one and a high level represents logic zero. current retums to zeto at the end of each bit period.
''. RZ (non-return-to-zero) code A data line code in which the sample-and-hold circuit A device that detects the amplitude
: the bit . -lEe or curent does not necessarily return to zero between bits. of an input signal at a particular time called the sampling time
,.,sitive logic A logic system in which a high level represents and maintains its output at or near that amplitude until the next
one and a low level represents logic zero. sampling time.
bit rate. --,-
: -ilse-amplitude modulation (PAM) A series of pulses in slope overload In delta modulation, an error condition that
tions in
--rh the amplitude of each pulse represents the amplitude of the occurs when the analog signal to be digitized varies too quickly
- ,nnation signal at a given time. for the system to follow.
- ulse-code modulation (PCM) A series of pulses, in which unipolar code A line code in which the polarity of the voltage
: lmplitude of the intbrmation signal at a given time is coded as or the direction of the current remains the same at a1l times.
:-nary number. vocoder Circuit for digitizing voice at a low data rate by using
knowledge ofthe way in which voice sounds are produced.
,^ :ulse-duration modulation (PDNI)
-::h the duration of
A series of pulses, in
each pulse represents the amplitude of the
o.e) : rmation signal at a given time.
that contains a lot of low-frequency energy with 14. How is signaling information incorporated into a DS-1
this code. signal?
(c) Which of these codes requires the greater bandwidth? 15 How is framing information incorporated into a DS-1
Illustrate your answef with a bit pattern that requires the signai?
greatest bandwidth with this code. 16. Explain the difference between lossy and lossless compr--
t2 How many voice signals are combined into a DS-1 signal? sion.
How is this done?
t3 Distinguish between a DS-1 signal and a T1 carrier.
Section 7.1 and coded using linear PCM with sixteen bits per
17. A broadcast television channel has a bandwidth of 6 MHz. sample. Find:
19. A 1 kHz sine wave with a peak value of I volt and no dc channels. Each sample is encoded into seven bits, and a ,uuNl
offset is sampled every 250 microseconds. Assume the first frame consists of one sample from each channel. A framir: i I rttillllllll
sample is taken as the voltage crosses zero in the upward bit is added to each frame. The sampling rate is 9000 sam-
direction. Sketch the results over 1 ms using: ples per second. What is the line speed in bits per second.'
(a) PAM with all pulses in the positive direction l[ ]il
25. Suppose composite video signal with a baseband
i I Ltlllilllllx
(b) PDM frequency range fiom dc to 4 MHz is transmitted by
(c) PPM linear PCM, using eight bits per sample and a sampling
rate of 10 MHz.
20. It is necessary to transmit the human voice using a ilrlnllllllfl
O) Why would a practical system need a higher rate than (d) What type of noise determines the answer to part (b): rM
the one you calculated in part (a)?
Section 7-5 .T
21. T\e human voice actually has a spectrum that extends to
26. Code the following data using each of the codes
much higher frequencies than are necessary for communica- ill]fiil[
specified. The data is to be sent in time as it reads, from
tion. Suppose a frequency of 5 kHz was present in a sampler 'Iltm,!
left to right.
that sampled at 8 kHz.
01 10001 11
(a) What would happen?
(b) How can the problem (a) unipolar NRZ
described in part (a) be
prevented? (b) AMr
22. The compact disc system of digital audio uses two (c) Manchester code
channels with TDM. Each channel is sampled at 44.lkIIz
Answers to Review Ouestions 3Og
a DS-1 Figure 7.26 shows a signal in AMI code. Decode it into ones 29. T\e basic European TDM telephone signal combines 30
and zeros. voice channels with 2 signaling channels that have the same
DS-1 datarute as the voice channels. The sampling rate is 8 kIIz
and there are 8 bits per sample for each voice channel.
Sampling Times Calculate the total bit rate for this signal.
s compres_
Section 7.7
o 30. A typical PCS system using a vocoder operates at
6 9600 b/s. By what factor has the amount of data
required been reduced, compared with standard digital te-
3 1. A certain cable television system has a usable bandwidth of
300 MHz. How many television signals could be transmitted
Figure ?.EE
in this bandwidth
liection 7.5 FDM and standard NTSC television channels,
(a) using
18. (a) Calculate the bandwidth required to transmit a DS-1 6 MHz wide
rrded signal using AMI code. (b) using MPEG-2 with 3 Mb/s required per channel, time-
(b) Suppose Manchester code were used instead. division multiplexed and transmitted using an ordinary
unipolar NRZ code
What would be the required bandwidth.
ng bits
5ection 7.4
Since only one bit of information is transmitted fol each sample,
"le signal cannot be represented accurately if there is a great