Analysis: Expansion On Product Offering
Analysis: Expansion On Product Offering
Analysis: Expansion On Product Offering
But the decision criteria for this one will include the announcement of the Federal
Budget last 2017 regarding on the increase on minimum wage for unskilled workers.
The raise on the amount of Rs. 14,000 to Rs. 15,000 per month will add strain on
employees that may cause them to walk out or go on strike. Based on the vertical
analysis conducted by the researchers, it shows that only 1.43% of total income was
accounted to payroll expenses (see exhibit 1). The reason for this finding is the high
reliance of the company to the employee performance rather than proper management
or supervision. In conclusion, product diversification offers high risk high reward for the
company because of increase in profitability and the risk of employee leaving the firm.
Delegation in management
Transitioning to formal and decentralized management can help Rawayeti in
improved performance management system and rewarding system. Implementing this
will help in balancing the risk and reward that the company might take. Compared to the
product diversification option, this is much suitable for Rawayeti. Based on the graph of
28 global machinery companies and their performance over five years (see exhibit 2),
100% of decentralized companies had positive market-cap growth, while only 33% of
the non-decentralized companies experienced the same (Lauren, 2020).
In decentralizing management, it requires additional cost for implementing and
payroll. For instance, the analysis shows that the company has high cost of goods sold
which greatly affects the net income and may result in lower margins (see exhibit 3). But
based on the net income of its indirect competitor, which is the National, it obtains a net
profit margin of 5.87% (see exhibit 4). This means that the low payroll expenses
contributed on the high net profit margin of Rawayeti. But this implies employee
dissatisfaction and inefficiencies on work.
Based on these findings, the researchers conclude that before going for its long-
term goals, Rawayeti must first focus on decentralizing its management. Of course,
there are certain risks or scenario that can’t be avoided during the implementation of
this process such as employee rejection or lower control. This can be added by the fact
that Rawayeti is a family business and transitioning to decentralization might impose
some risks to the firm.
Product diversification does not emphasize and address employee satisfaction.
Although it paves the way on growth, it doesn’t ensure stability and sustainability in the
long run. Compared to the expansion which implies high risk, decentralization offers
moderate risk to the company. It also implies gradual but proper growth. With that, the
researchers suggest that in order for the company to achieve growth and success in the
long-run, it must first grow out of the crisis of delegation. It has to be remembered that
employees are one of drivers that can make or break the organization. With good
motivation comes productivity which indicates higher reward for the company. Hence,
Rawayeti can ensure that product quality is not compromised because it addresses
employee concerns. But regarding to the opportunity on new market strategy regarding
water crisis, both of the options are applicable for it. It is just that, decentralizing has
more obvious advantages compared to expansion. Also, it is important that upon
moving to decentralized management, organizations must keep transparency and
strong business governance at their core. It is for the reason that the success of the
business doesn’t only rely on one person’s decision, but rather it requires contribution
on every segment of the organization.
Payroll Expenses
*Vertical analysis formula = (Statement line item / Total base figure) X 100
Net Profit Margin PROFIT MARGIN
Daaboul, M. (n.d.). Family Business Delegation of Authority and Regulations for Both
Family and Non-Family Members.