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TAB Arbeitsbericht Ab115 - Z

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Simone Kimpeler
Peter Georgieff
Christoph Revermann

eLearning for children

and elderly people


March 2007
Working report no. 115

The concept of »lifelong learning« aims to enable people to learn autonomously

throughout their whole life. In this way the concept meets the requirements of
the knowledge-based society, in which the resource of knowledge is a central
precondition for performance and competitiveness. eLearning is an important
instrument for the support of learning processes, in particular allowing for an
individualisation of the learning content and flexibility with regard to the times
and locations of learning. As a result eLearning is an appropriate tool, espe-
cially in the context of lifelong learning, to fulfil target group-specific charac-
teristics and requirements according to the phase of life and learning situation.

Within the scope of TAB’s monitoring of eLearning and on the basis of two
selected phases of life – childhood and old age – the present study works out to
what extent target group-specific requirements already play a role in the devel-
opment and in the market of eLearning products.


The first educational goal for children in their early phase of life considered to be
the development of competencies. This comprises a combination of personality
development, learning skills, the ability to acquire and to apply knowledge, lin-
guistic, social and motor skills, as well as media skills. Informal learning is thus
considered to be the most important type of learning with respect to scope and
quality. As it is not only the informal background, but rather also the influence
of educational institutions and peer groups which are crucial for learning success
in the early learning phase, the decisive actors need to be well networked and
accompanied educationally by counselling and preparation.

Media use as a determining factor for eLearning

The user characteristics of children as a target group in terms of the use of the
computer and Internet as a precondition for the implementation of eLearning
are heterogeneous subject to various contexts.

For this reason consideration should be given to the fact that educational influ-
ences and measures are effective with children as a target group in addition to
their own child-related preferences. For children the computer is an appliance
which is predestined for informal learning, as it is preferably used for playing


games. In order to understand informal learning with media, it is important that

it also portrays itself as experiential learning, implicit learning, everyday learn-
ing, self-directed learning and competence development learning.

According to the German government’s twelfth children and youth report, me-
dia (worlds) are not places of learning in themselves; however an important
world of learning with its own opportunities and risks. The majority of children
and young people use the computer and the Internet, with access either privately
at home or at school. The informal background has an important role to play
in the development of media skills. Thus social inequalities can reflect them-
selves or be reinforced in dealings with computers and the Internet in general.
Children from socially disadvantaged families spend above-average amounts of
time watching television, whereas children growing up in socially better off en-
vironments have greater opportunities to use computers and the Internet with
above-average frequency. As a result they are more likely to fulfil the conditions
for participation in eLearning courses.

Self-directed learning using a range of media constitutes an additional obstacle

for children from underprivileged educational backgrounds to participation in
learning processes, because multimedia learning opportunities require a high
level of self-motivation, cognitive skills for navigational tasks, the ability to in-
dependently structure cross-linked (hypertext) learning courses as well as a high
degree of self-organisation. The last requirement in particular is problematic for
children who are slow learners, whereas children who learn quickly are better
able to master these challenges. Considering the social differences however, it is
important not to ignore the fact that media use by many »privileged« children
from higher social classes often extensively equipped with new media can also
become extended and problematic without adult supervision.

The eLearning market and eLearning services

There is broad transparency on the eLearning market for children with regard to
the providers ofeLearning products, the intermediary institutions and the prod-
ucts supplied. The actors here include educational publishers, software develop-
ers, companies, non-profit institutions, and private persons. Only a number of
the providers are marketing eLearning products (primarily) for a profit. Other
companies areproviding products specifically targeted towards children for im-
age reasons or with the objective of attracting customers in the long-term. In
addition there are a number of institutions which are active on the market as
non-profit organisations or on public contracts.


eLearning services for children comprise computer games, straightforward learn-

ing programmes and edutainment services. This extension of the definition of
services makes sense, if one takes into consideration the fact that the majority
of computer games are also deployed for didactic purposes and can help in the
development of skills such as reasoning and strategic thinking or dexterity.

The largest share of businesses which are active on the eLearning market for
children produce and market content such as e.g. educational software, edutain-
ment products and computer games. There are comparatively few courses, semi-
nars and workshops on offer which concentrate on training media skills. On the
whole the range of products targeting children both in the field of educational
software as well as in edutainment products, games, seminars, courses, Internet
platforms, pages and forums is strongly diversified. This is a pointer to the fact
that this target group is also taken seriously from a commercial viewpoint and
that the market potential even for specialist products in small numbers is rated
as promising. Further it can be observed that there is an increase in the interac-
tive presentation of the product range. This has to do with the fact that

>> the increasing availability of high-speed Internet connections has made the
comfortable use of complex applications possible;
>> interactive services have a higher appeal on the demand side than stand-alone-
products due to their communicative elements;
>> on the supply side there is the opportunity of employing interactive elements
for customer retention and canvassing as well.

Concerning the distribution side, a lot is being done to raise the market transpar-
ency andthe visibility of eLearning services. Alongside retrievable databases and
providers’ Internet pages, traditional distribution channels are still used (adver-
tising in print media, TV and radio).

The anchoring of eLearning services for children to institutions is judged very

positively by providers. The German Education Server, which was established by
the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the
Länder, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Bund-
Länder Commission for Educational Planning and Research Promotion, but also
the Länder education servers are considered as good examples of institutional
anchoring both of provider databases as well as of eLearning platforms.

Through quality assessments by experts and reviews by users on the Internet, a

quality control mechanism was established, which exerts a not inconsiderable
influence on the provider’s production process in the opinion of the experts


consulted on behalf of TAB . Furthermore, the influence on the decisions to pur-

chase children’s software by the peer groups may be considerable.


eLearning instruments such as educational software for children or specific chil-

dren’s software constitute a considerable independent market. A close linking of
computer use in particular for playing games and informal learning processes
is discernible here. There are already large numbers of studies and pedagogic
approaches to child-specific demands on eLearning, just as there are numerous
approaches to implementation in the form of learning courses, whether these
are for preschool, school or for home use. In addition there are quite a few
initiatives concerning the evaluation and assurance of quality of the products.
An increasing commercialisation of eLearning services for children in future is
probable, as media companies and publishers have long identified children and
adolescents as a target group and are for example also actively ›cross selling‹
children’s software: And so there is the book of the film as well as the computer
game and vice versa.

The commercial potential of eLearning for children is a driver to ascertain the

target group needs, whether from the provider’s side or from that of research,
e.g. in the fields of child psychology and media education, in which harmful
influences and consequences are investigated as well as the potential for greater
learning success. It is certain that in the near future the partial target group of
pre-school children, which has to date been underrepresented in the course of
the current debate on pre-school educational concepts and the extension of care
provided by nursery schools, will increasingly become the focus of the determi-
nation of requirements. The structures of inequality still need to be taken into

>> not all children have equal access to media;

>> parents with higher education levels are more proficient in handling media;
>> through new ICT technology or through different access capabilities and usage
the gulf of knowledge in society can be widened.

There is still however also a necessity that – more specifically than has been
the case to date – an evaluation of educational software for children is carried
out in the educational sciences, computer science and also in media education,
which does not only measure the success of its implementation, but rather takes
account of the different age groups, varying didactic approaches, learning the-
ory contexts as well as pedagogically created learning environments. With this


in mind, pedagogically appropriate as well as demanding educational software

meets the pedagogic goals of its application context and fulfils associated ex-
pectations. This however can only develop through evaluation or systematic
progress reports, which draw upon corresponding eLearning instruments and
environments. To date these are not however available (on a large scale).


Informal learning has greater significance for elderly people than formal learn-
ing. At the same time the acquisition or retention of independence and self-de-
termination is also an essential goal of learning at a more advanced age. The
development of competencies with elderly people is less a case of attaining new
proficiencies and abilities but rather more of retaining existing skills. At the
same time older people acquire new skills which help them pass on experience
and knowledge or to enable them to undertake voluntary work. Learners in this
phase of life are generally less mobile than in earlier phases, so that media educa-
tional services – as opposed to events requiring attendance – acquire additional
significance. One important aim in creating learning services is the dismantling
of barriers to accessibility and usage for this target group. Elderly people who
regularly took part in further training courses during their working life also val-
ue this highly as they get older. People with higher levels of education are more
likely to take part in training courses at an advanced age than those with a lower
level of educational attainment.

Media use as a determining factor for eLearning

The target group of elderly people is also not a homogeneous group as regards
media use and educational demand. In recent years their media use pattern has
changed to indicate a more frequent and intensive use of electronic media. Since
2005 the biggest increases in Internet use have been among the over 50s, and in
particular the over 60s, (as well as pensioners). With about 20 million elderly
people currently »non-connected«, the need to introduce them to the use of
modern media and the participation in eLearning courses is still considerable.
There are however significant differences in usage within the target group of
elderly people according to age group, gender and education. It can be seen here
that socialisation effects such as behavioural roles and proximity to education
still play a part in later learning phases. The use of electronic media at an ad-
vanced age has gained in importance in recent years, so that differences in usage
concerning the frequency and intensity of use by age are likely to decline within
the target group of elderly people.


Great differences will remain in future between the »Young Elderly« and the
»Aged«. Computers and the Internet present interesting alternatives to tradi-
tional educational media for the target group of ›elderly people‹ due to their
ability to reach less mobile learners as well as to reduce barriers to access and
usage. The few results relating to media use by elderly people in the sector of fur-
ther training indicate that it can be assumed there is interest in all media-linked
types of informal and formal learning. Good preconditions therefore exist for
this heterogeneous target group to try out and implement new concepts of life-
long learning.

The eLearning market and eLearning services

The term eLearning has a completely different accentuation in the market seg-
ment for elderly people when compared to the market for children. Until now
it has been clearly on imparting media skills, therefore learning how to handle
electronic media. Elderly people have a predominantly practical interest in the
Internet and seldom regard the computer as an entertainment medium. Thus
information with thematic priorities such as illnesses, travel, financial questions,
and languages and so on are accessed in particular. This may stem from the
fact that education and the learning of specific content have as yet only found
expression in very few of the providers’ product development and marketing
activities. An analysis of the market shows that such products hardly exist at all
or are only cautiously marketed. Thus isolated online English courses are offered
especially for elderly people, but not for example eLearning modules on specific

Therefore an institutional anchoring of appropriate services is not currently dis-

cernible; there can be no talk of market development. All of the services iden-
tified have more of a (pilot) project or experimental character and as yet do
not present a stable range of services, but rather more or less reflected selective
approaches. The numbers of participants reached by the products investigated
range at best in the lower four-figure sector. This is nominal in comparison to
the potential of about 300,000 open to education (at a conservative estimate 1%
of this population group). The services available can hardly be described as for-
mally consolidated eLearning courses, providing for the attainment of coherent
defined knowledge. It is more a case of informal learning courses, in which the
learning is a concomitant phenomenon of topic-related communication on the
Net. As yet there is also no discernible consolidation on the didactic level. The
principle which predominates here is that elderly people have a fear of contact.
Prejudices against the computer as a medium can be overcome most easily if


they are directly confronted by them according to the principle of »learning by


Initial pilot studies on suitable learning environments for the elderly have begun;
no results are however available so far. The attempt to develop services which
are sustainable while at the same time covering costs has to date been allocated
a subordinate role. First signs are identifiable showing how the various compo-
nents of eLearning for the elderly could be coherently pieced together to form a
complete system.


There are hardly any target group oriented services available for elderly people
at the moment. Correspondingly, few target group oriented education and im-
plementation concepts have been applied to date or are currently under develop-
ment. However, despite the current lack of consideration of target group-specific
needs for elderly people, an extension of the target group orientation can in
future also be expected in service development. The main driving force here is
demographic development and its accompanying general increase in the impor-
tance of elderly people as a target group for entertainment and further educa-
tion. A closer linking of entertainment and education, or edutainment, already
widespread in the target group of children, still remains to be developed for
elderly people.

It is also important to note that the most frequently offered topics on the eLearn-
ing market do not yet coincide with the education preferences of the target group.
These preferences point to a high potential for edutainment, as topics such as
art, culture, theatre, health and nutrition are predominantly requested. More-
over concerning the potential lowering of access barriers to education through
eLearning, there is still insufficient discussion of the provision of technical sup-
port where mobility is a problem or assistance for visual and audio faculties
or consideration being taken during the development of applications. Further
potential can be found in the implementation of eLearning in connection with
specific learning content, e.g. coming to terms with the ageing process, learning
associated with social interaction or the (virtual) participation in society when
one is physically impaired or one’s mobility is restricted.

Organisations which want in future to be successful in the adult education sec-

tor must dedicate themselves more intensively to the complex of eLearning for
the heterogeneous target group of the elderly. Thus far they have been mostly
lacking the specific technical-organisational competence required to successfully


address this target group. The high pedagogic, technical and also financial
expense required may have so far scared off potential providers. One problem
is partly however also a lack of imagination as to how education, the use of
new technologies and the target group of the elderly can be successfully linked

Positive experiences with eLearning services for elderly people – in so far as

there are any – in Germany as well as in other European countries show that
corresponding services are successful when institutional anchoring is secured,
when they are linked to existing competence networks and corresponding ser-
vice points can be used. The (little) experience to date substantiates the fact that
elderly people who are interested in further education are particularly interested
in types of co-operative learning involving the use of specific, context-related
media teaching and learning products. In this respect it is necessary to further
develop the co-operation which can be observed in successful eLearning ap-
proaches between eLearning specialists and educational institutions with expe-
rience of the elderly.


Firstly, lifelong learning is gaining in importance for one’s personal way of

life and development of competencies. At the same time this concept meets
the central requirements in economic and social life on the road to a knowl-
edge-based society. As a result the present report is able to show that in this
context eLearning constitutes a meaningful supplement to traditional forms
of teaching and learning, and at the same time the target group orientation
of eLearning services in particular has an important role in the differentiation
of the development of services. eLearning is a broadly applicable and very
individual learning instrument, which in addition to the respective learning
context also takes the different preconditions of the respective user into con-
sideration when planning content.

On the whole however, there is a universal necessity for further consolidation of

the subject. Target group-specific needs as well as specific use and application
contexts for the various eLearning instruments in the context of learning and
education have been insufficiently investigated until now both for children and
in particular for the elderly. These have not been accordingly considered in the
development of relevant applications and services. From this arises the need for



In principle a more far-reaching differentiation of the target group of children

and adolescents with regard to different learning preconditions is important to
counteract the reinforcement of social inequalities brought about by media use
with the aid of specific pedagogic approaches. Educational sciences, computer
science and media education should undertake a more selective evaluation of
educational software, which does not only measure the success of its implemen-
tation, but rather takes account of the different age groups, varying didactic
approaches, learning theory contexts as well as pedagogically created learning

Access and usage preconditions are not always given at home and school is
too poorly equipped as a location to compensate for this. The following advice
results from this for the sectors of research, school, teacher training, parents as
well as extracurricular contexts:

>> Research: There is a need for research which provides reliable and above all
differentiated data on the use of computers and the Internet by children of pre-
school and primary school age to be initiated and funded.
>> School: Courses imparting media skills need to be offered more intensively by
schools in particular to children from underprivileged educational backgrounds
in order to lay the foundations for active participation in beneficial eLearning
courses. This is above all a challenge for the schools, to make appropriate op-
portunities for experiencing and learning available to children at an early age.
>> Teacher training: In this connection attention also needs to be drawn to the in-
adequate preparation of teaching staff for these tasks during training. Only few
training courses at universities prepare prospective teachers covering content-
related, didactic and technical aspects of the use of computers and the Internet
in the classroom.
>> Home use: Parenting must concentrate increasingly on children not only using
consumer and game-oriented products when using computers and the Internet,
but also on increasing their awareness of the information-oriented use.

In the field of informal learning, thus for example in extracurricular pedagogic

contexts, the question should be increasingly considered, as to whether children
from socially disadvantaged families are (could be) reached or better reached
with eLearning services.


Elderly people

An analysis of the market for eLearning services for elderly people shows first
of all that eLearning products hardly exist or are only cautiously marketed.
Secondly the market also seems relatively confusing: The services are strong-
ly concentrated on (information) technical subjects; there is a lack of services
which are related to life conditions (e.g. learning to age, health and prevention).
Education and the learning of specific content have as yet only found expression
in very few of the providers’ product development and marketing activities. A
clear definition of the aim of the respective services or the instruments employed
is also necessary (which group of the elderly is appealed to, what prior technical
knowledge has to be taken into consideration, and what content is to be con-
veyed?) as well as a conclusive evaluation concept that accompanies the respec-
tive projects right from the beginning.

In terms of the development of concrete eLearning services the following point-

ers can be given among others:

>> Age-specific courses which are supervised both in style and intensity by a tutor
are preferable to unsupervised courses. The supervisors should have undergone
target group-specific training.
>> Attention should be paid to the constructive social embedding of the eLearning
course, which should take both fellow learners and supervisors into consider-
ation in the respective learning context.
>> Didactic concepts must make allowances for the learning experience of the
elderly. Content should be processable in small steps and opportunities given
for experimentation. Consideration of the thematic interests of the elderly is
>> The technology should be set up in such a way that it cognitively takes a back-
seat and does not constitute a permanent obstacle. Technical environments
should be reduced to their absolutely necessary functionalities. Hardware and
software must be fault-resilient or secured against accidental operation.
>> Elderly women frequently have different focuses of interest than elderly men,
which is why apart from content, socio-economic and structural points of view
gender-specific adapted courses are required.

Even more than for the target group of children, intensified research efforts are
necessary for the target group of the elderly. These have partly to gather saved
information and differentiated data for the first time ever, to identify the prereq-
uisites for the use of computers and the Internet – and thereby active participa-
tion in eLearning courses – which establish the target group of the elderly and


which interests and ambitions they pursue when using eLearning in the context
of lifelong learning.

The Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag is an independent scientific
institution created with the objective of advising the German Bundestag and its committees on
matters relating to research and technology. Since 1990 TAB has been operated by the Institute
for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) of the Karlsruhe Institute for Technol-
ogy (KIT), based on a contract with the German Bundestag

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