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Making Math Work:

Tom Vander Ark

Getting Smart

Educators now have the power to boost student engagement and achievement
with an exciting innovation: blended learning. While blended learning leverages
technology, its not about technology per serather, it is a way to personalize
learning for students, so teachers can give students what they need, when they
need it, particularly in core subjects like math.
Why do we need to make this shift? The World Economic Forum ranks the U.S. an
unacceptable 48th out of 133 developed and developing nations in math and
science instruction. In an increasingly competitive world, our schools must move
into high-performance mode, and leverage technology to advance education
just as we have used it to advance business. With lower device costs, increasing
availability of Internet access, and engaging and sophisticated adaptive learning
software systems and tools, it is easier than it has ever been to integrate blended
learning into our schools. Teachers can become more productive and student
accomplishment can be accelerated to more fully prepare our children for college,
successful careers, and fourishing lives.
In an increasingly
competitive world, our
schools must move into
high-performance mode,
and leverage technology
to advance education
just as we have used it to
advance business.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
Blended Learning Benefts
Meet the challenges of higher
standards and smaller budgets
Boost engagement and
personalize student learning
Improve teaching conditions
and career opportunities
In this white paper, we explore why and how educators can address the prospects of blended
learning: 1) Why Blended Learning? 2) 10 Key Decisions and 3) Phases of Development and
Implementation Issues.
Making the shift to an online environment for a portion of the elementary school day can
make teachers more productive and accelerate student accomplishment so more of our
children can leave school fully prepared for college and successful careers.
Blended learning is a formal education program that has students learning for a portion of
their time through online delivery of content and instruction, with some element of student
control over time, place, and pace. Supervision and tutoring then takes place part of the time
in a classroom or brick-and-mortar location away from home.
Efective teachers have always diferentiated instruction and incorporated multimodal
learning in their classrooms. In the past, this type of teaching required intensive preparation
and manual data crunching. Now, blended learning ofers next-generation, technology-
assisted, data-driven opportunities to help educators meet teaching challenges and make
learning a more personalized experience for students.
Meet Challenges. Student populations in many schools come from diverse backgrounds,
experience disruption from frequent relocation, and face learning challenges because of
lack of access to early education and preparation. Most troubling, the U.S. has a high and
increasing percentage of children growing up in poverty
The National Center for Children
in Poverty estimates that in 2011 about 45 percent (32.4 million) of U.S. children grew up in
low-income families, and 22 percent (16.1 million) live in poor families. They also suggest
that poverty can impede childrens ability to learn and contribute to social, emotional,
and behavioral problems. Although black, American Indian, and Hispanic children are in a
disproportionately low income bracket, whites comprise the largest group of all low-income
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
Now, blended learning
ofers next-generation,
data-driven opportunities
to help educators meet
teaching challenges and
make learning a more
personalized experience for
the student.
Schools should use the
opportunity to create
productive, student-
centered learning
environments that
incorporate next-
generation and best-of-
class softwareelements
intrinsic to blended
children, and Hispanics make up the largest
group of poor children under 18 years old.

All of these millions of children will need
additional support to bridge achievement
At the same time, education budgets in most
states are less than they were in 2008
they continue to shrink, even as most states
are phasing in mandates for higher college-
and career-ready expectations. Schools
cant meet bigger challenges and higher
expectations by doing the same incrementally
better. For example, over the last 20 years,
American schools have spent about $60 billion
buying computers
and according to test
scores, it has had little efect. This is because
computers have been layered on top of schools-as-usual. Unfortunately, in most settings the
results have fallen short of being transformational.
With online assessment scheduled to begin in the 201415 school year, schools will be
adding even more computers to provide sufcient access to support this directive. How can
all this hardware be used to make a real diference and fulfll its original promise? Schools
should use the opportunity to create productive, student-centered learning environments
that incorporate next-generation and best-of-class softwareelements intrinsic to blended
Personalize Learning. Learning software, designed to individualize the learning experience,
has been used for a variety of educational purposes and is foundational to efective blended
Military and corporate trainers blend online learning and onsite training with powerful
results. Many Generation Y kidsthe Millennialswere raised on shrink-wrapped
CD software learning games. These early learning games pointed to the promise of
personalization, but the dot-com bust dampened investment in education technology for
more than a decade. However, for the past 20 years, online learning has been picking up
steam. In a 2011 research study, 65 percent of college students reported taking at least one
online class.
Revolutionary changes that began with business applications are now integrated into
educational tools. Predictive analytics, like those in use by Amazon.com, is a primary
example. Cheaper devices, tablets, and mobile technology, evermore powerful application
development platforms, and cloud-based distribution have set the stage for a new generation
of improved, personalized learning.
With exciting new innovations such as the DreamBox Intelligent Adaptive Learning
technology, it is far easier to create cost-efective, student-centered environments. Engaging
content, instant feedback, and calibrated challenges boost engagement and motivation.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
Revolutionary changes
that began with business
applications are now
integrated into
educational tools.
New tools and school
models are equipping
teachers with useful
data that helps to shape
interventions and
learning pathways.
Mobile technology, fipped classroom strategies, and online opportunities are extending
learning time and powering personal anytime, anywhere learning.
Strengthen Teaching. New tools and school models are equipping teachers with useful data
that helps to shape interventions and learning pathways. Personalized learning technology
is being used to create more autonomous learning time for students, and afords additional
time for teachers to work with individuals and small groups.
Blended learning takes a team. Blended strategies are used efectively by thousands of
individual teachers, but the real power of technology is leveraged by teams of teachers to
shift the focus from time-to-learning, to create competency-based environments where
students progress when they show what they know. Using the information gathered from
online tools, tutoring and tasks can be shared to make the most of available resources and
speed learning.
Like students, teachers also beneft from individual learning plans with blended delivery. A
combination of scheduled team-based learning, an online professional learning network,
and a library of just-in-time resources can support teacher learning in ways that are efcient
and efective.
Blended learning also makes it possible to easily
access specialists at a distance. For example,
the use of online speech therapists is
becoming increasingly common. It is likely that
distributed workforce strategies will become
more broadly used to connect students to
special needs experts and to expand access
to advanced courses. This will allow some
specialists to work anytime, anywhere.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
The question of goals
and roles is particularly
important in light of
Common Core State
Adopting blended learning is a major endeavor and deep cultural shift that requires support
and buy-in from all parties before implementation, since it is more than just another district
1. Goals. The frst conversation should not be about devices or application; the most
important question to answer is about student learning goals. Schools interested in
provoking deeper learning can use technology to empower students to take on roles as
journalists, producers, scientists, historians, problem-solvers, and project managers.
The question of goals and roles is particularly important in light of Common Core State
Standards (CCSS). Hold a community conversation about the kind of student work that these
new expectations requireparticularly reading with comprehension, and writing with
inference and evidence (a task not easy to do on most tablets). Having a clear picture of the
work you want students to know will best guide the next nine decisions.
2. Elementary School Models. There are two rotation models that are most efective at
the elementary school level. Unlike traditional face-to-face teaching, both of these models
integrate technology into core instructional time, with greater personal attention given to
students than in purely online environments. In both models, teachers take advantage of
data gathered from online programs. The data helps develop a deeper understanding of each
students prior knowledge for whole-class instruction, enables strategic selection of students
for small group instruction, and identifes when one-on-one tutoring is needed.
There are two basic models to choose from: one with a computer lab separate from the
classroom, and one with in-classroom computing devices.
In the lab rotation model, student groups alternate between traditional classroom instruction
and online instruction in a computer or learning lab on a set schedule of learning blocks,
where online instruction is followed by smaller group tutoring based on learning levels. In
this environment, students may be monitored as they work by an instructional aide rather
than certifed teacher.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
The classroom rotation model sections of portions of the classroom for diferent learning activities. Empowering
autonomous student learning frees teachers to work with small groups of students whobased on data and
observationhave been seen to need additional tutoring. A combination of certifed teachers, apprentice teachers,
and instructional aides can supervise the classroom environment.
Comparison of Elementary Blended Learning Models
Frees up teacher time
Leverages software costs
Link to core instruction
Potential for full curriculum blend
May have weak link to
core instruction
Limits tech use across curriculum
May be more difficult to extract
staffing productivity
Phasing in plans over
three years is a sensible
timeframe for most
elementary schools.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
3. Entry Point. Start with a survey of the
software applications that teachers and
students currently use. A review of tools and
practices should reveal a clear entry point for
phasing in additional components of a blended
model. As you gauge where you are and
where you want to go, it is critical that school
communities leverage teacher leadership. As
a model, a survey such as the Friday Institutes
Readiness Rubric can help create a planning
Another useful strategy for determining a
blended learning entry point is to perform a
needs assessment. If, for example, students
move in and out of the school frequently
because of family relocation, or a large
percentage of students are below grade level, starting with an adaptive learning system will
most likely be the preferred choice.
Whether starting with a few early grades and rolling up, or starting with one strand such as math,
phasing in plans over a three-year period is a sensible timeframe for most elementary schools.
4. Content. After goal-setting and considering the various blended models, its time to
investigate platform and content options. There is an expanding array of open content
options worth investigating including Curriki, Gooru, and PowerMyLearning, and at the
secondary level, Hippocampus, CK-12, and Khan Academy.
If youre going to pay for instructional materials, look for smart content: engaging, standards-
aligned materials with embedded assessments. There are high-quality products that combine
adaptive assessment with targeted instruction. The curriculum has standards alignments
and reporting to show progress against CCSS, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, State of
Virginia Mathematics Standards of Learning, Western and Northern Canadian Protocol, and
Ontario Curriculum. To deepen student understanding, the DreamBox curriculum aligns with
the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
There are several blended learning platforms that provide single sign-on, unifed reporting,
and competency tracking. Two blended platforms that provide access to multiple content
sources are EdElements and Buzz; they have good competency tracking and reporting
systems, and both help teachers organize blended instruction based on real-time results.
Its important to integrate core and supplemental content into a single coherent instructional
program. A platform that supports personalization aids in this integration with:
Standards-based units of instruction and/or playlists that facilitate student choice
Standards-based grade books that incorporate experience-embedded assessments as well
as teacher observations
Suggested groupings and instructional strategies
Unifed reporting system that tracks pacin
phasing in plans over
a three-year period is a
sensible timeframe for
most elementary schools.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
look for smart content:
engaging, standards-
aligned materials with
embedded assessments.
5. Access Devices. Once a clear academic planincluding goals, instructional models,
platform, and contenthas been established, its time to shop for student access devices.
Hundreds of schools, because they have skipped the important initial steps, are buying
tablets with no idea what to do with them. With clear goals, a picture of the work you want
students to do, and a plan to put smart content to work, your school can make solid device
Most new lab rotation models are deploying large-screen all-in-one desktop computers.
Classroom rotation models typically use laptops or netbooks (be careful to match screen size
and resolution requirements to your selected content). A web device like a Chromebook is an
afordable choice that is easy to manage.
By the spring of 2015, schools should provide enough computer access to support
administration of online assessment. For guidelines from state testing consortia,
information can be found at PARCC, and Smarter Balanced. For many schools, online
assessment will require additional hardware. However, the consortia are attempting to
make accommodations, and guidelines only refect minimums, which are not the ideal
for learning environments. Getting Ready for Online Assessment by Digital Learning Now!
(DLN) recommends that schools should make testing environments as close to learning
environments as possible. The report also recommends that schools incorporate tools
that link adaptive assessment to instructional units to give students regular CCSS-aligned
feedback and instruction.
Students come to school every day with
smartphones, tablets, e-readers, iPods, laptops,
and more, but they are often forced to keep
these tools in their pockets, backpacks, and
lockersor risk disciplinary action, notes the
DLN paper Funding the Shift. Forward-thinking
teachers and school leaders are realizing that
student tech tools should be seen as assets rather
than liabilities, and they are leveraging these
devices with bring-your-own-device (BYOD)
and bring-your-own-technology (BYOT) policies
that improve access by building on the existing
resource of student-owned devices.
BYOD practice should be additive to whats
required for testing; it should be over and above
a basic commitment to equitable access. BYOD
can create a high-access environmenta three
screen day that includes a mobile consumption
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
device, a production device, and a large screen for sharing. Review Funding the Shift for
examples of Acceptable Use policies.
6. Stafng. The DLN Blended Learning & The Teaching Profession infographic states,
Blended learning can create new career opportunities and improved conditions for teachers.
As student roles evolve within a more personalized, tech-rich learning environment, teacher
roles should evolve accordingly.
One of the advantages of blended learning and the use of software with a strong, built-in
curriculum is that in both the lab rotation and classroom rotation models, it creates the
opportunity to use paraprofessionals to assist students and free teacher time.
Public Impact has outlined a variety of strategies to extend the reach of efective teachers
using technology and to create an Opportunity Culture. Most of the strategies require grade-
span or school-wide collaboration. They create a diferentiated stafng model that allows
multiple entry points, strong support for new teachers, and a career ladder of leadership
7. Staf Development. Personalized learning is for teachers as well. Team-based learning
can be augmented by social and online learning. Almost two million teachers use the social
learning platform Edmodo, and many join or create a professional learning network (PLN) to
help meet daily challenges and advance their practice. Many blended schools use an online
professional development platform such as PD360, Bloomboard, or Knowledge Delivery
8. Building Support. Given all the changes in student and teacher experience in a blended
environment, it is important to start community conversations early. Host multiple dialogs
to build stakeholder support over a six-month planning process. Consider launching several
small pilots to learn and demonstrate, and adjust the plan to incorporate stakeholder
feedback and pilot results.

Implementing blended learning requires tight integration of academic, technology, safety
and security, and fnancial strandsyou simply cannot communicate enough.
9. Timeline. Schools need to decide whether to implement their blended learning plan all
at once or phase it in over two or three years. Phases could either be by grade level (e.g.,
primary and then intermediate) or subject (e.g., lab rotation deployment of adaptive math
Improving computer access in all grades may require a grant, technology levy, or fnancing
options such as leasing. The beneft to this approach is that it quickly addresses needs and
eliminates inequities. However, it may cost more and force unprepared teachers to adopt new
models and practices before they are ready.
For most schools, a three-year plan provides enough time to make budget substitutions,
phase in stafng changes, and prepare all staf members for successful deployment.
10. Funding. The Cornerstone Public Charter Schools opened a K9 campus in August of
2012 with three diferent blended learning models under one roof. The implementation costs
were almost $1,000 per student for devices, training, and support. Cornerstone benefted
Blended learning
can create new career
opportunities and improved
conditions for teachers. As
student roles evolve within
a more personalized, tech-
rich learning environment,
teacher roles should evolve
accordingly. Digital
Learning Now!
Implementing blended
learning requires tight
integration of academic,
technology, safety and
security, and fnancial
strandsyou simply
cannot communicate
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
from a Next Generation Learning Challenge.
The K2, 38, and high school blends were
designed to be sustainable on the roughly
$7,000 per pupil in state funding they receive.
As noted in Funding the Shift, providing
laptops for all students in Mooresville, North
Carolina cost about $250 per student per
year, including all related costs. They phased
in the plan over four years, taking advantage
of some grant funding, but self-funding most
of it with substitutions and cost savings. For
more information and funding ideas, read
Superintendent Mark Edwards book, Every
Child, Every Day.
Tablets cost less and now have more acceptable
battery life, but are less useful for production-
type work. Other than special purpose bundles
they often lack management tools and require
the purchase of individual applications.
Figure 1 shows typical phases of development
from beginner to advancedacross nine
Beginners make common mistakes that should
be kept in mind:
Buying devices without a plan. Stop, have a
community conversation and develop a plan.
Layering technology on top of school-as-
usual. Phase in a student-centered learning
Introducing powerful tools such as adaptive
instruction but not using the data to adjust
core instruction. Move toward a competency-
based environment by creating performance
groups and aligning core and supplemental
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
Tips to Boost Afordability
1. Stop buying print/go paperless;
shift to online instructional materials
2. Use as much open content
as possible
3. Shift to mostly online
professional development
4. Use Title 1 funds
5. Maximize E-rate
6. Leverage grant funding
7. Charge user fee of at least $50
8. Phase in over three years
9. Consider leasing
Blended learning tools and
models ofer the potential
of improved achievement,
but powerful relationships,
efective teaching, and
ethical leadership will
always be crucial to great
elementary schools.
Implementing without a strong plan for blended learning. Dont buy software if you cant
aford the training, or, make sure to take advantage of programs like DreamBox that are
easy to integrate and provide comprehensive customer support.
Michigans Educational Achievement Authority (EAA) has quickly developed an advanced
deployment with a vision of student-centered learning and a well-conceived blended
learning model. But its worth noting that the step-function improvement in results that will
be widely evident at most EAA schools at the end of the year will be a result of a coherent
system that includes:
High expectations and a powerful performance-based culture
Performance-based, year-round employment and a long student day and year.
Pedagogical vision of a student-centered show-what-you-know learning system
Student and teacher access to digital learning resources
Efective learning practices and coaching in every classroom every day
Relentless community engagement and outreach
Blended learning tools and models ofer the potential of improved achievement, but
powerful relationships, efective teaching, and ethical leadership will always be key to great
elementary schools.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
Individual teachers Teams School System
Individual effort Role/subject
specialization (1)
Multiple classroom
leadership (2)
Multi-Combination reach
models (3)
Blended core
Blend supports
deeper learning
& summative
Embedded & authentic
Varied pacing Adaptive
Flexibility in pace,
path, time, place
Customized pathways
Unused data Data informs
Data guides Recommended
Cohort progress
Extended time
based progression
Competency- based,
dynamic groups
Lab rotation Class rotation 1:1 access 3 screen day (4)
Costs more Cost neutral Costs less Network can self-fund
(1) Public Impact. (2013). Redesigning Schools to Extend Teachers Reach. Accessed from http://
(2) Public Impact. (2013). Multi-classroom Leadership (In-Person Pods). Accessed from http://
(3) Public Impact. (2013). Multi-Combinations. Accessed from http://opportunityculture.org/reach/multi-
(4) Getting Smart (2013). The 3 Screen Day: Equity & Opportunity with BYOD. Accessed from http://
Figure 1
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
More than just a combination of electronic textbooks and productivity tools, blended
learning means adopting new learning environments that work better for both students and
teachers. It requires a shift to an online environment for part of the day, and giving students
more control over the pace, path, time, and place of learning. Implementation requires
a complete program with integrated plans around teaching and learning, information
technology, fnance, human capital, and communications.
Blended learning is in its early days, with districts across the county just beginning to explore
its transformative potential. Over the coming years, accumulated documentation and
research will enable elementary schools to develop and implement the models presented
here or those that are more refned, ofering students everywhere the promise of a better
education and brighter future.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
Rocky Mount Preparatory School is a public K12 charter school serving suburban Rocky Mount,
North Carolina. As a Title I institution, many of its 1,107 students face challenges, and a year
ago, most of its elementary students were below grade level in math. Just to illustrate the lack
of background knowledge, shared Angela Langley, Dean of Math, some of our kindergarten
students dont know their numbers or the alphabet. After reviewing many options, it was
decided that a blended learning approach that would leverage both the Singapore Method and
a supplemental online learning solution would work best. Singapore Math is a teaching model
in which instructional time is saved by not re-teaching concepts from previous semesters. While
this means that most students can quickly make great gains, those who have skill gaps run the
risk of falling further behind, making it imperative to fnd a way to accelerate achievement gap
closure. The school selected DreamBox Learning as its online learning solution.
To support these math strategies, a new Learning Lab was designed to accommodate 100
students at a time. A rotation schedule was set that gave each elementary student 90-minute
intervals of lab time, every school day. An ISTEEP assessment was administered so that each
student would have a customized curriculum based on his or her own learning level.
DreamBox Learnings efectiveness as an intervention tool for struggling math learners ensured
that students did not become frustrated with the new blended learning model. DreamBoxs
super-engaging, game-like environment was a natural for the students and they just jumped
right in, noted Langley. Even the younger children, who initially needed instruction on
computing basics such as using a mouse, needed very little intervention from the teachers
during their Learning Lab time. To achieve the learning gains the school was looking for,
DreamBox was also made available for home use, and parents were encouraged to participate in
and support their childs learning process.
At the beginning of the 2012 school year, a majority of students entering kindergarten were
working below grade level. At mid-year, all of those children were working at or above grade
level. Many have moved on to frst grade lessons, and some have even accelerated to the second
grade curriculum. Measured results for the third graders have exceeded expectations. Langley
reported that When the ISTEEP pre-test was administered at the beginning of the 20122013
school year, all of Rocky Mount Preps third graders were labeled as working below grade level.
In a midyear assessment, more than 76 percent were at grade level or above. She sums up the
power of DreamBox by saying, Every child at any level of profciency stays engaged and keeps
on learning.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104

Dominique Lee is the Founder and Director of BRICK (Building Responsible Intelligent
Creative Kids). Established in 2009 by Newark teachers who began their careers through the
Teach for America Program, BRICK seeks to transform chronically failing schools in Newarks
South Ward. In 2010, BRICK partnered with the Newark School District and helmed Newarks
frst teacher-run schools, an efort that allows faculty to take on leadership roles in managing
operations and determining the overall instructional focus.
Lee noticed that AVON had high, medium, and low extremes with studentsand that meant
he needed a solution that would help individualize instruction for each and every student.
Finding programs that were cloud and/or Internet based was a must for BRICK, and making
sure that student logins were simple and consistent across programs has reduced the amount
of time it takes students to get started with content. BRICK chose DreamBox because of
its successful track record in improving math as part of blended learning programs that
supported individualization, and also because of the proven success Rocketship Education
has experienced with its DreamBox driven math programs.
AVON obtained a Student Improvement Grant to be used in implementing a Blended
Learning program, and some of that money was used to purchase DreamBox Learning
Math. The AVON Blended Learning strategy was to (1) focus on small group instruction, (2)
introduce math lessons in ELA Block, and then (3) implement rotation with computers based
on the 30/30/30 model:
30: Small groups
30: Teacher Mediation Center
30: On computers for 1 to 1 hours every day, using self-guided learning
Lee notes that schools need to view technology as transformational and shift their current
teaching practice to take advantage of innovation. AVON teachers are very happy with the
ability to individualize learning for their students, and kids are mastering math like never
before. They have seen great progress with DreamBox, with increasing profciency, and with
ANET growth across the board.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
W. H. ROBINSON SCHOOL Greenville, North Carolina
W. H. Robinson School in Greenville, North Carolina, searched for an alternative solution to
the traditional online math program they were usingthey were looking for one that would
able to track data and do ongoing predictive work. They found it in DreamBox Learning Math,
with its unique ability to gather data to diferentiate instruction, its Common Core focus, and
its easy access for all students, both at school and at home. Rhonda Sinquefeld, Instructional
Coach for the school notes, I really believe that teacher buy-in is the most important factor in
our schools implementation success.
When Sinquefelds team of teachers wanted to implement math stations in their classrooms
that allowed for more personalized learning, adding a program like DreamBox was the
solution. When teachers saw the student growth that was attributed to adding adaptive math
programs in their classrooms, they appreciated the support blended learning could provide
to their instruction.
Using a lab rotation model has proven to be incredibly useful. Teachers schedule a block of
time to allow all students to use DreamBox, instead of rotating students through the program
with only a few computers in their classrooms. Students work in the schools computer labs
up to three times a week, depending on their grade level. In grades K2 some teachers have
also been using DreamBox in classroom math stations that allow for small group instruction.
Sinquefeld says, Schools need to give teachers time to understand programs and
technology and show how it will help improve their classrooms. After the frst year of
implementation data was collected, teachers were impressed with the staggering numbers
of students profcient in math. A bonus is that teachers have enjoyed DreamBox as well,
because it is so easy to use. Explains Sinquefeld, With DreamBox, it simply teaches the new
Common Core math through the program itself. And its so user-friendly that we havent had
to conduct extensive training sessionswhich is very common with other new programs or
curricula. Principal Tifany Vincent is very excited because students are surpassing benchmark
scores. Shes seen how DreamBox adapts to each students needs and flls in the gaps through
a fun gaming environment, while clearly showing where teachers can step in with additional
instruction when necessary, thanks to click-by-click tracking.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
The Christina School District is Delawares largest public school system, which has 18
elementary schools and ofers REACH and Options Programs (Grades K12), all dedicated
to research-based teaching. Delaware teachers are members of professional learning
communities (PLCs) that are very data driven and include state mandated data coaches.
Laura Brace, Elementary Math Curriculum Specialist for the district, leads the efective use of
student data to inform personalized learning plans for students and core instruction time. The
district is committed to using blended learning and leveraging technology.
Christina School District is an example of using community resources and extended school
hours to increase the amount of time students are able to use math blended learning
programs supported by DreamBox. In one school, a pilot program was established to allow
students to use the computer lab after school. The school planned to accept 35 students
and got 60 permission slips back on the frst day. The demand from students and parents to
extend time on the blended programs was overwhelming. For students who do not have
computer access at home, the district has trained staf at Boys & Girls Clubs, and afterschool
programs at community centers and libraries to ensure that these students have access to the
programs outside of school hours. In keeping with the districts commitment to leveraging
innovation, the school district uses a mix of hardwaredesktops, laptops, and iPadsand
teachers use the Teaching Channel for classroom tutorials and Khan Academy tutorials for
supplemental math.
Teachers appreciate the data and reports that are provided about students learning and
challenges, such as DreamBoxs Common Core Standards Report. Teachers use the data
to inform small group instruction and core instruction time. DreamBox and its game-like
environment have supported greater student engagement in math. I think the thing that is
really cool is that the kids want to play and keep on learning the math, says Brace. This shows
in the overall resultsChristina School District, using blended learning programs for math,
has seen double-digit growth in student test scores.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
SULTAN ELEMENTARY Sultan, Washington
Sultan Elementary is a Tier 1 school that has been in the top fve percent of schools in
Washington for Math Achievement for the past fve years. Even so, Laurel Anderson, Principal
at Sultan Elementary, said that student behavior issues had increased the need and desire for
adaptive, challenging, and motivating games to increase engagement and achievement. The
search began for a math program that would support their blended learning strategy, but
that would also appeal to the students.
The path to blended learning was mapped out by a designated technology committee,
which formed a set of purchase and implementation criteria. Like many schools, Sultan had to
overcome several challenges, including the bandwidth concerns, which had held them back
from implementing earlier. Sultan purchased optic fber in summer 2012, which allowed for
school-wide Internet and access to cloud-based programs. The committee identifed many
programs that ofered practice and assessments, but not many that ofered conceptual math
methods and were truly interactive. The committee decided on DreamBox for supplemental
math instruction and now uses it for all K5 students, Tier 2 Intervention, Enrichment, and
General classrooms. Sultan Elementary now has strong technology support. They have four
whole computer labs and eight computer stations in each classroom. Sultan wants students
on DreamBox for at least 60 minutes per week, but many students spend additional time with
DreamBox at home.
Trulie Honegger, a second and third grade teacher, appreciates the Teacher Tools and
interactive, highly conceptual manipulatives. Her DreamBox students are working on 3-digit
by 3-digit multiplication and partial productsadvanced concepts for the grade levels she
teaches. I had been so against using computer games because I didnt feel like I was doing
my job, said Honegger. However, once she saw how much thinking and conceptualization
students were doing with DreamBox, she realized the power of the program. In fact,
DreamBox has been wonderful for students with ADHD, who now have better engagement.
Results have been stellar: At the beginning of the 2013 school year, 43 percent of students
were at or above benchmark math scores. By mid-year, after using DreamBox, 70 percent
were at or above benchmarks.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
Blended Learning Implementation Guide
Blended Learning & The Teaching Profession
Classifying K12 Blended Learning (Innosight Institute)
Clearing the Path: Creating Innovation Space for Serving Over-Age,
Under-Credited Students in Competency-Based Pathways (iNACOL)
Deeper Learning
Digital Learning Now! Smart Series
DreamBox Blended Learning for Math
DreamBox Introduction to Blended Learning for Elementary Schools
DreamBox Partnership for Blended Learning
Every Child, Every Day: A Digital Conversion Model for Student Achievement
Funding Students, Options, and Achievements
How Digital Learning Contributes to Deeper Learning
A Natural Primer On K12 Online Learning (iNACOL)
Public Impact Helping education leaders and policy makers improve student K-12 education
1 Portero, A. US Child Poverty Rates Are High; Blame Large Population, Government Mistrust, And Fear Of More
Entitlements; The United Kingdom May Have Answers. 3/1/13. International Business Times. (2013). Accessed
from http://www.ibtimes.com/us-child-poverty-rates-are-high-blame-large-population-government-
2 National Center for Children in Poverty, Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University. (2103).
Accessed from http://www.nccp.org
3 Olif, P., Mai, C., & Leachman, M. New School Year Brings More Cuts in State Funding for Schools.
Updated 9/4/12. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. (2013). Accessed from http://www.cbpp.org/
cms/?fa=view&id=3825 [1]
4 Disrupting Class: Student-Centric Education is the Future. Edutopia. The George Lucas Educational
Foundation. (2013). Accessed from http://www.edutopia.org/student-centric-education-technology?page=2
5 CDW Government. (2011). The 2011 CDW-G 21st-Century Campus Report, July 26, 2011. Accessed from
6 Good Schools Start With Good Goals. Getting Smart. (2013). Accessed from http://gettingsmart.
7 Vander Ark, T., & Schneider, C. How Digital Learning Contributes to Deeper Learning. (2102). Accessed from
8 Hernandez, A. Our school system wants to do blended learning. Now what? 1/18/12. Innosight Institute.
Accessed from http://www.christenseninstitute.org/our-school-system-wants-to-do-blended-learning-now-
9 Bailey, J., Ellis, S., Schneider, C., & Vander Ark, T. Digital Learning Now! BLN Smart Series, Blended Learning
Implementation Guide, February 2013. Accessed from http://www.digitallearningnow.com/wp-content/
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
Author & CEO, Getting Smart
Tom Vander Ark is the author of Getting Smart: How Digital Learning is Changing the World,
and the founder of Getting Smart, an education advocacy frm. Tom advocates for innovations
that customize and motivate learning and extend access. Tom is also a partner in Learn
Capital, an education venture capital frm investing in edtech startups. Previously he served as
President of the X PRIZE Foundation and was the frst Executive Director of Education for the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Tom served as a public school superintendent in Washington
State and has extensive private sector experience. A prolifc writer and speaker, Tom has
published thousands of articles. He writes a daily EdWeek blog, Vander Ark on Innovation,
and makes regular contributions to GettingSmart.com. Tom is a director of the International
Association for K12 Online Learning (iNACOL) and several other nonprofts. Tom received
the Distinguished Achievement Medal and graduated from the Colorado School of Mines. He
received his M.B.A. in fnance from the University of Denver.
DreamBox and Digital Learning Now! are Getting Smart Advocacy Partners. Edmodo and
Bloomboard are Learn Capital Portfolio companies where Tom is partner.
DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DreamBox Learning, Inc. 2014 DB014_104
For more information, contact Client Care at 877. 451. 7845,
email schools@dreambox.com, or visit dreambox.com.
Bellevue, Washington, and launched its frst
online learning product in January 2009.
DreamBox Learning Math has won more than 35
top education and technology industry awards
and is in use in all 50 U.S. states and throughout
Canada. The DreamBox Learning Math platform
ofers a groundbreaking combination of
Intelligent Adaptive Learning technology, a
rigorous mathematics curriculum, and a highly
motivating learning environment. DreamBox
Learning Math captures every decision a student
makes while working in the program and adjusts
the students learning path appropriately,
providing millions of individualized learning
paths, each one tailored to a students unique
needs. DreamBox supports teachers and their
practice in every type of learning environment,
ofine or online. For more information about
DreamBox Learning Math and the DreamBox
Math for iPad app, please visit: dreambox.com.

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