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The Importance of Technology in Education

Raphaela Campoverde
CEDEI Foundation

Author Note
Raphaela Campoverde, Student at CEDEI Foundation
This research was supported by CEDEI Foundation and Teacher, Adrian Gomez.
Contact: raphacampoverde6@gmail.com

This paper presents an analysis of the contributions from part of the technology in

education. The investigation reveals that it is a vital element at this time because of the big

advances which support education system. Professionals should be willing to improve their

methods with the help of technology, with the final purpose to expand people’s knowledge.

Since a very long time ago, people have been taking importance about the search of a way to

prepare in educative knowledge with the purpose to have a better life and be able to contribute

with their learned information so it could spread around the world and help millions of

people. It is important to do a significant change into the traditional teaching, the same which

transmits a conceptually unidirectional communication, which is, only teachers to students,

therefore they should have had a substantial verbal ability and bibliographic sources with the

intention to do their job in the best way. Like Heidi-Hayes Jacobs said (2015): “Teachers need

to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an

afterthought, or an event.” Different from traditional education, the new learning culture has

evolved with the use of information and communication technology (TICS), as support of

teaching and learning in diverse academic spaces, such as, school, high school, universities,

and continuing education. Nowadays, education has virtualized with technological advances,

for that reason, today’s students prefer to be in constant contact with TICS that favor

interactive classes. It’s important to mention that the use of technological resources facilitate

investigations because of different types of machines which investigators have nowadays.

Finally, the environment is and will be favored for the deforestation decrease. After all,

technology is a vital factor to teach and learn because it gives us numerous contributions, such

as, obtaining knowledge about diverse themes, learning new languages of the world and

having courses online in various institutions, which have been helping people to improve our


Key words: technology, education, digital tools, methodology

At the present time, professors use technology as a tool to consult and search different

ways to reach students and constantly enhancing teaching also, it is important to distinguish

the effectivity of strategies applied by educators that favor and facilitate study. The benefit of

using technology in education improves the teaching quality because it breaks the space limits

which a classroom has and the time that schedules restrict people, allowing teachers and

students to have a major interaction and communication in an active way into knowledge


Every year, teachers use different techniques based on their experiences in order to

motivate students to participate actively and become a critical, analytical, and reflexive person

and persuade them to self-prepare with the help of technology. A huge quantity of

technological sources for the educational field can be named, but there are two that are the

most important which are fostering collaborative learning that support, motivate, and teach,

and it is essential for students to learn how to work successfully in projects allowing them to

perform contributions individually or in groups with the use of web tools like, Office 365,

Google Drive, Padlet, etc. [ CITATION Sao13 \l 12298 ] It is equally important to facilitate

synchronous communication through electronic videoconferencing media online and finally,

asynchronous platforms are those which do not transmit in real time.

Digital transformation should be a strategy and key in the education system with the

purpose of breaking all the gaps there are in different social levels, also the future depends on

the learning quality guided by good professionals who are trained with criteria and positive

attitudes. [ CITATION Jac20 \l 12298 ] Nowadays, young children, teenagers, and youths don’t

learn like the old generations used to do before because their way to acquire knowledge has

changed radically, carrying into a personalized training with digital support according to each

student’s needs. In the same manner, it is important that the education system will be

optimum if it focuses on various specializations depending to the career which the student has


Legal representatives comprehend better the necessity to work with schools to support

their children’s education. Furthermore, teachers have been adapting into new situations with

the presence of digital communication with the parents of each student with the purpose to

communicate the advances, goals, and difficulties in the learning process by the tutor.

Teachers search to enrich the learner’s knowledge through the reinforcement inside and

outside of the classroom supporting them with forums which allows students to clarify doubts,

update information, and interact in a collaborative way between students and instructors.

The impact of the collaborative system is important in educative programs supported on

the main communication platforms such as, Zoom, Cisco Webex, Teams, etc; which allow an

asynchronous communication between teachers and students with security tools to have

control in participants like, waiting room, leave a person out, and mute the microphone, also,

it incorporates options such as, share screen from other windows and an interactive

whiteboard where all participants can contribute in an assignment. Additionally, it is able to

work with small groups dividing participants in an automatic or manually way in subgroups,

so then they can work in scholar projects. [ CITATION Joh02 \l 12298 ] Finally, all

videoconferencing tools allow us to record the meeting and the file can be shared with the

students who want to watch it again or if they had issues and couldn’t enter the class.

Education has had to adapt to new environments, not only in its content and subjects, but

also in updating teaching techniques. On the last years, TICS’ evolution has offered a huge

diversity of tools which facilitate online interaction of students and teachers. Now, people talk

about Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) platforms as an educative space that is installed in

a web which tries to imitate and improve the reality in classrooms but, in a virtual way using

computing; for example, Moodle is a free Software and is the most known and used to allow

transferring information or resources like, files, pages, urls, etc., and for collaborative work

we have forums, wikis, and blogs, then for individual tasks, the option “Assignment” is useful

and gamification with different games such as, hanged, crosswords, and quiz adventure, also,

for evaluation there are quizzes and questionnaires with a wide variety or types of questions.

Ultimately, it provides other tools like glossaries, data bases, surveys, and assistance control.

All of this decreases teachers’ work allowing them to prepare her classes in a better way and

technology permits them to expand methods for specialized entities who teach with many

tools that most people us to study and prepare on education daily.

Equally, people who still study are benefited because we have different options to learn

about school subjects or in other cases, outpost information for those who study higher levels.

Most people try frequently to get informed about educative data and be prepared for a quiz,

test, or exam, but the main benefit of this, apart from having a good grade is that you can put

in practice what you have learned in your daily life. [ CITATION Sao13 \l 12298 ] Currently,

students are very fortunate because the education has been adapting to the new generation, so

it applies to them, it means that institutes, teachers, and digital tools are searching for the best

way to teach in a fun, creative and in a good rhythm with the aspiration that everyone will

acquire the assigned knowledge according to their age and capacity.

A good advantage of this generation is that since 2000 all children have the facility to

know how to use the technology, even if they had not used that type of device because those

generations were already born with a “chip” which helps them to handle and recognize

technology faster, in effect, people are familiar and comfortable with Software and do not

need to go to public libraries, that sometimes, in the past, caused annoyance because of the

number of people who needed the same books at the same time, but thanks for the continuous

technological advances people can do their tasks and investigations anywhere and anytime.

[ CITATION Kha16 \l 12298 ]


Education methodology has changed in various aspects but, the tasks, presentations, and

projects changed also, so with different elements students can improve these skills such as,

the design, extension and quality presenting a more elaborate work. Also, students participate

in the project because they need to search different strategies and it benefits in all subjects

demonstrating dedication and effort evidence in each part that the person put in it with the

help of programs, apps, and templates. Additionally, learners have the opportunity to open

their mind and create more designs to send an ideal task to the professor. Besides, a new

learning culture was born to motivate many institutes around the world to have an inclusive

program which is supported by digital development in various areas for a better result like a

functional infrastructure, personalized laboratory equipment and trained staff.

On the other hand, technology has had the negative image in the sense of having affected

natural resources, as a consequence of that, people have thought that technology has been

contaminating the environment, but the reality is, deforestation is decreasing because with the

use of devices in education, physical books and notebooks were converted into digital ones

contributing greatly to the planet. [ CITATION HEL \l 12298 ] All this means that education has

no limits, people can self-prepare without excuses with this methodology which adapts to our

learning rhythm, but it is the responsibility of each student to do the correct use of digital

tools and complete the online activities which entails this new digital learning culture.

It is essential for students from diverse academic levels, to include the technology

that helps on different ages, as a result, it makes the classes more fun. Gamification is a

learning technique that bases on the game mechanics with the purpose of achieving three

objectives: creating a link to the content being worked on and searching an interactive,

motivating, and against boredom tool, and finally, reward the student with their own learning

because it is not graded but they receive points for complying the games’ objective. These

recreational activities can be individual or in groups developing actively in school and high

school. Among the innumerable Apps to gamify classes are ClassCraft, Kahoot!, and


The learnings through simulators needs Hardware and Software which permit to learn the

process that have practical projects, of course, the real activity is the better way to learn,

however, this practice could be risky or expensive but, they offer solutions of infinitive

activities which requires some laboratories and are replaced by simulators that are used in

different education levels and subjects like, physic, mathematics, biology, engineering,

medicine, among others. Presently, it develops Apps to learn with virtual reality in the

classroom with some devices which are virtual reality headset and a program installed in a

computer or smartphone to enjoy new knowledge and accelerates it. : [ CITATION Web20 \l

12298 ]

For example, “Anatomyou” shows all the organs of the human body and can explore

inside them, another one is “VR Learn English” where people can explore inside houses some

things like furniture and it’s possible to know each name in English, animating students to

repeat the words and improve the pronunciation so, like this are more applications which

facilitate the simulation of laboratory work. [ CITATION Jef07 \l 12298 ] Nevertheless, not only

education has simulators, also, we find it in jobs where human should prepare before do his


In this decade, arose Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), the same that are open and

free online courses, it’s accessible to a massive number of participants because do not have a

limit in enrollments and most important, it adapts to the learning rhythm of each participant.

This new modality complement education updating knowledge through continuing education.

[ CITATION Tit \l 12298 ] MOOC platforms are supported by institutes of higher education, if

it’s necessary finishing the course you can be obtained a certificate with a representative

payment. Technology breaks sweep and teach us data which we need to know like general

knowledge and permit us to keep in progress, but we have to learn what pages use that give us

valid information.

To summarize, teachers should be disposed to train continuing with the purpose to

improve teaching and support in educative platforms to minimize work, also, technology has

applied into all education levels permitting to students being actives and creatives in their

duties, on the other hand, a good option to capture attention is searching new ways to make

the teaching more understandable and use digital tools. Finally, education must update

according to the needs and the technology we have with the objective that the teaching-

learning process gives positive results to the world. As has been noted, technology used in a

correct way is a big ally to the education, despite the negative thinking of a considerable

percentage of the population who aren’t using it properly and do not take advantage it in a

good way, these tools have been encouraging to progress educationally in various aspects,

which in the future will help us, unless that is already doing it.



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