Consumer Decision-Making: Srabantimukherjee
Consumer Decision-Making: Srabantimukherjee
Consumer Decision-Making: Srabantimukherjee
Demographic Factors
Economic factors,
Situational factors
Social Parameters
Internal Search
External Search
For the evaluation of the available alternatives, however, three basic aspects are to be
taken care of by consumers. They are as follows:
(a) The evoked set: The evoked set is often referred as the list of brands or sometimes
models of a particular brand, from which the customer is likely to choose the best
suited one for him/her.
(b) Evaluative criteria: Evaluative criteria are those characteristics of the product
which are used by customers to select a brand (from the evoked set), which suits
them the best. These criteria may be price, availability, style, design, brand
equity, etc.
(c) Decision rules/heuristics: Once the evoked set of brands or models are identified
and the evaluative criteria are recognized according to their relative importance,
consumers exert to their relevant decision rules or heuristics to select the best
suited one. There are two broad categories of decision rules, namely, the
compensatory and non-compensatory decision rules
In the compensatory
decision rule, first
consumers assign weight to
several evaluative criteria.
Then they evaluate a brand
or model in terms of the
relevant evaluative criteria,
and a weighted sum for
each alternative is,
thereafter, calculated.
For example, in the said example of Mr. Nair, according to his relative
importance, the evaluative criteria can be ranked as price (1st), fuel
efficiency (2nd), warranty period (3rd), dealer’s proximity (4th), bank
loan (5th), and wife’s choice (6th).
Now, consumers compare all the brands’ score in terms of the most
important criteria set by them in single/multiple iterations till the
most preferred alternative is identified.
Here, Mr. Nair has selected price as the most important attribute.
Now Tata Nano Std BSIII scores the highest (5) as compared to the
other brands in terms of price criteria and hence would be considered
as the best-suited alternative for Mr. Nair.