It Strategy: The Definitive Guide To Developing An IT Strategy and Roadmap
It Strategy: The Definitive Guide To Developing An IT Strategy and Roadmap
It Strategy: The Definitive Guide To Developing An IT Strategy and Roadmap
What is IT Strategy?
A definition of what IT Strategy means in the enterprise context.
IT Strategy (or IT Strategic Plan or IT Transformation Strategy and Roadmap)
is a comprehensive blueprint of a) how an enterprise IT team supports the
business objectives and operations with optimal technology solutions and b)
an operating model outlining how IT departments run its own business.
Data and Information: Today, data is the lifeblood of any organization, and
hence, a key leader from the CDO (Chief Data Officer) organization is critical
to the drafting of any technology strategy.
IT Program and Project Management: Thoughts from the folks who herd
the cats and keep everyone in line.
Ideally, the technology teams must have representation and voice in the
development of business/corporate strategy.
What technologies are showing promise, beyond the initial hype cycle? For
example, is RPA (robotic process automation) the right way to automate
processes? Are there use cases where machine learning can add value? Does
Blockchain have relevance and resonance? Are VR (Virtual Reality) and AR
(Augmented Reality) appropriate for your industry?
What are the competitors doing in terms of their technology investments? In
addition to any specific competitive intelligence, you may also rely on analyst
reports on top agenda items on the CIOs docket and the budget allocation to
various solution areas and technologies.
How are vendor products (both the horizontal and vertical solutions)
evolving? Today, vendors, including the many startups, are developing
innovative concepts and technologies in various facets of B2B (Business to
Business) space. Keeping abreast of the vendor landscape is critical to allow
the enterprise to make, buy, build, acquire type decisions.
What is the resource availability which will impact location strategy and
sourcing strategy?
Remember, a target state is not a linear progression from the current state.
While the sequencing and progress may be incremental, the envisioning
exercise needs to rethink and re-imagine the art of the possible.
Since we are crafting an overall IT Strategy and Roadmap, the level of gap
level is more at a conceptual level, rather than at a feature/function level.
“To apply the portf olio-of-initi ati ves approach, companies must take three
steps: undertake a disciplined search for several initi ati ves that provide high
rewards for the risks taken; monitor the resulti ng portf olio rigorously,
reinvesti ng in successes and terminati ng failures; and take a fl exible,
evoluti onary approach that allows for midcourse correcti ons. The resulti ng
strategy, like a conscious form of natural selecti on, identi fi es the strongest
initi ati ves and sheds the rest. The increasing uncertainty of today’s business
environment and the importance of balancing risks with rewards make the
portf olio-of-initi ati ves framework more relevant than ever.”
Craft IT Strategy Blueprint (preferably for 5-years)
After the gap analysis and the exploration of the strategic alternative, the team
formulating the technology strategy and future game plan will be in a position
to draft the IT strategy pillars. These are typically 4-7 things that an enterprise
IT team may embark on to achieve the set objectives and reach the point of
arrival in the future.
While seven is not a magic number per se, anything more, particularly in
double digits, will make it unwieldy and seem like a laundry list. It will
dissipate the focus and attention.
The strategy pillars typically span the following areas. However, each
company is unique in the state they are in and the quantum of transformation
necessary to get to the next level.
Now is the time to define and analyze the IT initiatives that support the path
toward achieving the business and technology goals.
Each initiative should have a direct impact on each of the strategic objectives
and have a measurable outcome.
Detail out Implementation Roadmap
The implementation roadmap or strategy realization roadmap is fundamentally
a way to sequence high-level initiatives to support the strategic game plan.
At this stage, these are not detailed project plans, but a path toward the North
Star. A typical implementation or strategy realization roadmap comprises of
initiative names, high-level cost numbers, tentative timelines, and a sequence
to balance the cost, capacity, immediacy, and business value.
The standard metrics may span qualitative and quantitative depending on the
areas. For example, if lowering attrition is a goal, then IT execs assign a
percentage on how much reduction they are aspiring.
There you have it. Now, go ahead and create your enterprise technology
strategy and implementation plan. If you need help in building a compelling
IT Strategy and Roadmap, please contact consulting services.