Nyse Cls 2020
Nyse Cls 2020
Nyse Cls 2020
Because customer meetings and site visits were halted, we embraced new ways to stay connected. ANDREA HILLIER
We developed a Virtual Customer Experience program that transformed traditional customer meetings DIRECTOR, GLOBAL HEALTH AND
Celestica’s Response SAFETY, TORONTO, CANADA
to COVID-19 and site visits, quarterly business reviews, New Product Introductions (NPIs), and audit processes.
Rolling the program out across all sites enabled us to maintain strong relationships with our customers.
SUSTAINABILITY Even after the pandemic ends, we expect to leverage this program to reduce travel and contribute to
AT CELESTICA Andrea’s leadership was essential in
our sustainability goals by reducing emissions.
charting Celestica’s path through the global
ENVIRONMENTAL During this time, we’ve been committed to adapting to our customers’ evolving priorities. We are helping pandemic and ensuring robust protocols
some to ramp-up urgent production of essential products such as medical devices and diagnostic tools were in place to protect Celestica’s
SOCIAL to help in the battle against COVID-19. We’re also providing vital support to other customers around the employees. “One of the most effective
world as they mobilize to meet the spike in demand for critical IT infrastructure. things we did was mandate robust corporate
guidance and consistent requirements
GOVERNANCE Celestica played a leadership role in the battle against COVID-19 by partnering with our customers
for all our facilities around the globe,” she
who are the healthcare sector’s leading original equipment manufacturers to meet the growing need
says. Using science-based data, our core
REPORT INDICES for high-quality medical equipment on the front lines. We contributed directly to the design and
team developed vital protocols—testing
dramatically increased production of a range of ventilators, portable ultrasound devices, and critical
and screening, PPE requirements, travel
components for respirator systems and blood analyzer devices, to name just a few.
restrictions, and return-to-work policies.
Supporting the communities in which we operate is critical to Celestica’s culture. In this time of Regular global cross-functional meetings
great need our teams came together to support our local hospitals, schools, and the most vulnerable. were established to ensure key issues were
Several examples are highlighted in the Our Communities section of this report. raised and a range of viewpoints considered.
Our public health agency partners around
the world have remarked that Celestica’s
protocols are best-in-class.
United Nations SDGs 2020 was an important marker in our sustainability journey, as it was the
milestone year against which we set a series of ambitious goals in 2013.
Celestica’s Aspirational
Sustainability Goals I’m pleased to report that we have made remarkable progress towards
Awards and Recognition
achieving, and in some cases exceeding, these goals.
External Sustainability Initiatives We dramatically exceeded our target to reduce 2020 greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions by 30% of 2012 levels—achieving a full 70% reduction. We
accomplished this by increasing our procurement of renewable energy
from utilities, using on-site solar panels, purchasing Energy Attribute
SOCIAL Certificates (EACs), and implementing energy efficiency projects.
GOVERNANCE We focus on reducing our GHG emissions each year and have refreshed
our targets. Our new goal commits to reducing absolute Scope 1 and
Scope 2 GHG emissions 30% by 2025 from a 2018 base year. This target,
approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), is in line with the
latest climate science and the Paris Agreement. I’m pleased to report that
in 2020 we made a strong start—achieving emissions reductions of 66.5%
below the 2018 base year.
Robert Ellis
Senior Vice President, Sustainability and Chief Legal Officer
Celestica’s Aspirational
Sustainability Goals
18,335 employees
Awards and Recognition • Enable our customers to improve their material efficiency, reduce waste, bring smart energy products
External Sustainability Initiatives
PRODUCTS & to market, and deliver more efficient products through our engineering and design expertise.
• Leverage our expertise and resources to drive and support sustainable initiatives throughout our
ENVIRONMENTAL value chain, focused on emissions and materials from logistics, and purchased goods and services.
Our People
GOVERNANCE OUR PEOPLE • Foster a positive, educated and engaged workforce that empowers people to make a difference.
• Implement best-in-class business practices around diversity and inclusion, pay equity, and education.
Our Communities
• Leverage our collective expertise and resources to drive positive change.
COMMUNITIES • Establish partnerships and empower our employees to volunteer in the communities in which we operate.
A Letter from Robert Ellis The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the Global Goals,
2020 Sustainability Highlights are a universal call to action to address the world’s biggest challenges by 2030.
Our Sustainability Strategy
Celestica’s Aspirational
The SDGs promote strategies to address global issues such as poverty, As a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General, the United Nations
Sustainability Goals
inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. Global Compact is a call to companies everywhere to align their operations
Awards and Recognition
They inform our sustainability strategy and help us to focus on areas in and strategies with 10 universal principles in the areas of human rights, labour,
External Sustainability Initiatives which we can provide the largest positive impact. Our actions help build environment and anti-corruption, and to take action in support of UN goals.
a more sustainable, equitable future by moving forward together. With more than 12,000 companies and 3,000 non-business signatories based
in more than 160 countries, and 69 Local Networks, it is the largest corporate
We believe that one of the most effective ways to do our part is to adopt and
sustainability initiative in the world.
SOCIAL apply universally recognized standards within our business. Although all 17
SDGs are relevant to Celestica, our communities, and our stakeholders, we Since 2021, Celestica has been committed to the UN Global Compact
GOVERNANCE have prioritized ten goals we believe present opportunities for us to affect corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human
the greatest change. We determine this annually through our materiality rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption.
REPORT INDICES assessment and during stakeholder conversations. Through this assessment
in 2020, we highlighted an additional six SDGs that we are focusing on
moving forward. We also address additional SDGs through our partnerships,
memberships, and community impact projects. Throughout this report,
we indicate where our company’s actions address the SDGs. For more information,
please visit the UNGC website.
to the SDGs learn, grow, and develop. We invest in helping our employees advance their education by
ABOUT THIS REPORT offering function-specific skills development and leadership training initiatives globally. We
also conducted surveys to understand their needs and prepare avenues for relevant learning
experiences. Through our Time Off to Volunteer (TOV) program we support and enable
AT CELESTICA our local communities to have the resources to access and attain a quality education. We
SDG 4: Quality
will continue to deepen our relationships with local schools and organizations that allow
A Letter from Robert Ellis Education
our employees to offer their time, skills, and knowledge as resources to empower future
2020 Sustainability Highlights generations within their communities.
Our Sustainability Strategy
United Nations SDGs Celestica is committed to ensuring our company culture and programs reflect the importance
Celestica’s Aspirational of gender equality. Recognizing the imbalance of opportunities and compensation to women
Sustainability Goals
and minority gender-identification groups, Celestica strives to correct this in the workplace
Awards and Recognition and the communities in which we operate. Through our Women in Action program, global
External Sustainability Initiatives International Women’s Day events, and public goals of board member representation, we
work to acknowledge the gaps in gender equality and identify strategies to accelerate equality.
Management of equality is also grounded in Celestica’s policies and programs, through
flexible work policies, reproductive health programs, access to nursing areas, parental leave,
SOCIAL and a whistleblower policy that encourages people to speak up when inequality is identified
by any employee or external stakeholder. Celestica’s TOV program enables employees to
GOVERNANCE support organizations within their communities that seek to achieve gender equality such as,
STEM programs, mentorship, and education enablement.
to the SDGs suppliers, and customers. Sustainable management of water and sanitation, especially
ABOUT THIS REPORT in water-stressed areas, is critical to ensuring access to plentiful, clean water supplies.
Celestica is focused on reducing and eliminating water effluents and hazardous wastes,
reducing water usage, and ensuring that we adhere to local guidelines regarding water
AT CELESTICA treatment and sanitation. We also monitor sites for water-related risks, impacts, and areas
SDG 6: Clean Water
of improvement for the sustainable management of this invaluable resource. Through our
A Letter from Robert Ellis and Sanitation
TOV program we are increasing our water stewardship efforts by encouraging employees
2020 Sustainability Highlights to volunteer to protect and restore local water-related ecosystems, increase community
Our Sustainability Strategy infrastructure and development, and work with others to address shared water challenges.
United Nations SDGs
Celestica’s Aspirational Celestica actively invests in energy-efficient solutions within our operations. We focus
Sustainability Goals
on enhancing energy performance in our building infrastructure and process equipment.
Awards and Recognition We also support the transition to renewable energy sources across our global network.
External Sustainability Initiatives Through our Hardware Platform Solutions business, we promote a low carbon future
across our value chain by providing our customers with energy-efficient products.
SDG 7: Affordable
SOCIAL and Clean Energy
Celestica’s diverse global employee base is our most important resource. We support
REPORT INDICES employees by providing safe jobs with competitive wages, strictly enforcing ethical labour
practices, preventing discrimination, and providing training and development opportunities.
We also empower our people through freedom of association and collective bargaining,
and provide a range of methods to express concerns or make complaints safely and
SDG 8: Decent
Work and
Economic Growth
to the SDGs were certified to the ISO 50001 energy management standard in 2019, driving energy
ABOUT THIS REPORT savings and effective management of our equipment. We also focus on increasing our use
of renewable energy around the world. In addition, our engineering and design expertise
enables our customers to improve their material efficiency, reduce waste, and bring smart
AT CELESTICA energy products to market quickly and efficiently.
SDG 9: Industry,
A Letter from Robert Ellis Innovation, and
2020 Sustainability Highlights
Our Sustainability Strategy
Celestica’s Aspirational
Sustainability Goals of our employees is a source of enormous pride. Celestica is committed to equality of
Awards and Recognition opportunity and treatment for our employees. We hope that demonstrating such leadership
will expand our favourable impact into the outside community. It is just one of our many
External Sustainability Initiatives
programs and policies that establish our opposition to any form of discrimination based on
ENVIRONMENTAL gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, age, and religion. Celestica’s CEO Rob Mionis has
SDG 10: Reduced
signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge, an important step to supporting SDG
SOCIAL 10 and reflecting our commitment to cultivating a healthy workplace environment.
GOVERNANCE Celestica’s manufacturing facilities have environmental management systems and regularly
track energy, water usage, and waste to ensure sustainable resource management. We are
REPORT INDICES committed to reducing our energy, water, and materials consumption. We aim to improve
our waste diversion rate, prevent leaks and spills, and avoid the use of hazardous wastes
and chemicals.
SDG 12:
and Production
to the SDGs We set science-based targets to reduce our absolute emissions and strive to improve energy
ABOUT THIS REPORT productivity in our operations. Celestica discloses its emissions and climate-related risks
to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to ensure transparency and awareness of climate-
SUSTAINABILITY related impacts for our business. We also embed natural hazard risks in our Business
AT CELESTICA Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan, enabling our business to adapt to extreme
SDG 13: Climate
A Letter from Robert Ellis Action
2020 Sustainability Highlights
Our Sustainability Strategy Celestica works with external stakeholder groups such as customers and suppliers to
United Nations SDGs create partnerships that support our sustainability initiatives and community impact
Celestica’s Aspirational projects. Our strategic partnerships foster knowledge-sharing and technological
Sustainability Goals innovation that lead to energy and waste reductions. Through our TOV program,
Awards and Recognition thousands of our employees dedicate their time and skills to giving back to their
External Sustainability Initiatives
communities, affecting greater change beyond our own operations.
SDG 17:
for the Goals
Celestica’s Aspirational
Reduce our absolute -70% In 2020, Celestica achieved a 21.3% reduction from
greenhouse gas 2019 and 70% from 2012. We achieved these reductions SBT
Sustainability Goals
emissions by 30% of through energy conservation, procurement of renewable 2018 184,024
Awards and Recognition 2012 levels by 2020. energy from utility providers, on-site solar panels, and
2019 78,125
the purchase of Energy Attribute Certificates.
External Sustainability Initiatives
2020 57,197
Reduce absolute -21.3% In 2020, Celestica achieved a reduction of 21.3%
Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG from 2019 and 66.5% from 2018, achieving our 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000
GOVERNANCE Reduce absolute Scope 3 11.2% Celestica saw a decrease in Scope 3 emissions in 2020 2018 306,175
GHG emissions from fuel and from several categories, but a 11% increase compared
energy-related activities, to 2019 when totalling the four categories that are part 2019 306,798
REPORT INDICES purchased goods and services, of our science-based target. Although our upstream and
and upstream and downstream downstream emissions decreased, there was a large 2020 586,978
transportation and distribution increase in the associated emissions from our suppliers
10% by 2025 from a 2018 base within the purchased goods and services category. 0 200,000 400,000 600,000
Waste Diversion Dashed line represents the target for each goal.
Achieve 100% waste 92.5% Throughout 2020, Celestica diverted a total of 12,653 metric
2018 93.1%
diversion by 2020. tonnes of materials from landfill by reusing, recycling, or
sending materials for waste-to-energy. All facilities continued
AT CELESTICA 2019 92.3%
to focus on waste diversion, especially due to the increase
in disposable personal protective equipment because of the
A Letter from Robert Ellis 2020 92.5%
COVID-19 pandemic and the changing waste streams. Since
2020 Sustainability Highlights we began waste diversion in 2013, we’ve improved this rate 0 20 40 60 80 100
by 7.6%.
Our Sustainability Strategy
Celestica’s Aspirational
Employee Engagement
Sustainability Goals
Awards and Recognition Have 100% of eligible employees 89.4% Through the online Sustainable Workspace program,
2018 71.2%
Community Giving
Have 50% of our workforce take 20% The COVID-19 pandemic provided many challenges
2018 19.4%
time off to volunteer in their to our community engagement program in 2020
communities every year by 2020. including limitations to group volunteering efforts
2019 19.0%
and the cancellation of some events. Our workforce
volunteered more than 18,800 hours including activities
2020 20.0%
supporting the response to the COVID-19 pandemic,
such as sewing masks and making face shields. Employees 0 10 20 30 40 50
EcoVadis Assessment: Platinum Rating
Celestica is proud to have received a Platinum rating from EcoVadis, one of the world’s most trusted provider of business
A Letter from Robert Ellis sustainability ratings for global supply chains. In 2021, Celestica maintained a score of 79/100. Celestica has been an
2020 Sustainability Highlights
active participant in EcoVadis assessments, and is scored annually. Rating more than 75,000 companies, EcoVadis validates
corporate adherence to 21 recognized Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) criteria which follow verifiable international
Our Sustainability Strategy
CSR standards (the Global Compact Principles, the International Labour Organization conventions, the Global Reporting
United Nations SDGs
Initiative standard, and the ISO 26000 standard).
Celestica’s Aspirational
Sustainability Goals Celestica ranked among the top 1% in all categories. In our industry, Celestica scored:
Awards and Recognition
• Overall score: Top 1%
External Sustainability Initiatives
• Environment: Top 1%
ENVIRONMENTAL • Labour and Human Rights: Top 8%
• Sustainable Procurement: Top 2%
• Ethics: Top 1%
9.5 17.17
A Letter from Robert Ellis
2020 Sustainability Highlights In addition to the UN SDGs FIGURE 2.2: EXTERNAL INITIATIVES AND PROJECTS
9.5 17.17
Organization Participation
Safety and Hazardous Material Monthly Conference Group, Miyagi, Japan Member
Laem Chabang Provincial Electricity Authority Group, Thailand Member
6.3 8.4 12.6
A Letter from Robert Ellis
Environmental Compliance
Please see the KPI Summary for data in reference
Our Products and Services to this section.
12.2 13.1
7.2 8.4 9.4 12.4 13.3
Greenhouse Gas Emissions The United Nations has called climate change a “crisis multiplier” that has profound implications
for international peace and stability. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions will help mitigate climate
change. Businesses around the world are stepping up to meet global climate targets in alignment with
the Paris Agreement, the latest science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
Key Impacts and Risks
and the UN SDGs.
Environmental Compliance
As a global company, we understand that we play a critical role in protecting the climate and our planet. In 2013,
we committed to reducing our absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions 30% by 2020 from a 2012 base year.
This goal focused on direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) emissions from our operations. As of December 31, 2020,
GOVERNANCE we are pleased to announce that we reduced our emissions by 70% compared to 2012.
REPORT INDICES Building on that success, in 2020 Celestica set a new GHG emissions reduction target in alignment with the Science-
Based Targets initiative (SBTi). We commit to reduce absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions 30% by 2025 from
a 2018 base year. Celestica also commits to reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from fuel and energy-related
activities, purchased goods and services, and upstream and downstream transportation and distribution 10% by 2025
from a 2018 base year.
Celestica ensures transparent and consistent reporting by tracking emissions at our facilities using carbon accounting
software, ensuring accuracy through third-party verification, and reporting to the CDP. Our environmental management
systems set the foundation for progressing towards our emissions reduction goals, and our actions are detailed in the
next sections.
REPORT INDICES resulting in 10.7 metric tonnes (mt) of CO2e per million dollars of revenue, down from 13.3 in 2019.
We will continue to identify methods to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions through the
implementation of additional energy-efficient projects and renewable energy sources from on-site
generation and procurement of renewable energy from utilities.
See our KPI Summary for more information about our GHG emissions.
7.1 12.2
SUSTAINABILITY 7.2 9.4 12.4 13.1 Celestica’s Portland, Oregon, U.S. site commenced an upgrade to its
AT CELESTICA 7.3 8.4 9.5 12.8 13.3 Building Automation System (BAS) in 2020. Many of the sensors from
the previous BAS had failed over the years, resulting in some units
ENVIRONMENTAL operating independently of the system and consequently creating an
Energy is critical to Celestica’s operations and can generate significant greenhouse
unreliable control system. As a result, the HVAC equipment operated
Greenhouse Gas Emissions gas emissions. We procure renewable energy and conserve energy throughout our
inefficiently, consuming excessive energy. With the new BAS system,
Energy sites to reduce demand on the grid. Our sites continue to develop energy reduction
the site is able to control and maintain set points to ensure energy
initiatives through the ongoing implementation of efficient technologies and
savings, including scheduling its HVAC equipment to match site
equipment, sharing of best practices, and education.
Water occupancy and capitalizing on ambient conditions by monitoring
Key Impacts and Risks In 2020, Celestica consumed 209 gigajoules (GJ) of energy per million USD of outdoor air temperature with a central sensor. Portland’s BAS upgrade
Environmental Compliance revenue, a 7.1% reduction year-over-year. To reduce our energy consumption, is estimated to save 1,784 GJ of natural gas and 302.3 megawatt
Our Products and Services
our facilities implemented energy efficiency projects that account for savings of hours (MWh) of electricity annually.
more than 12,000 GJ.
Representatives across our operations meet bi-monthly to share ideas, projects,
and solutions. Globally, 52 energy projects were implemented in our facilities
ranging from building energy management systems; installation of cooling
technology; refurbishment and replacement of HVAC systems; upgrading lighting
REPORT INDICES and compressed air equipment; performance management of chillers and boilers;
Celestica’s Hong Kong, China site implemented a site-level target to
integration of automation; and implementing other energy-efficient systems.
reduce 2% of its total electricity consumption in 2020 compared to 2019.
Currently nine sites have obtained ISO 50001 certifications, representing 74% of our To meet its target, the site executed several electricity reduction initiatives
total consumed electricity for the year, with seven sites certified under the latest including the replacement of T8 tube lights with LED lights, saving an
ISO 50001:2018 version. Moving forward, we will regularly reassess whether we can estimated 14 MWh annually; removal of inessential light bulbs in areas with
increase the number of certified sites and update certifications to the latest ISO version. excessive lighting; and improving processes to power down equipment
when inactive or during unoccupied hours. The site surpassed its goal,
We continue to invest in the latest best practices for energy management that achieving a 2.6% reduction in electricity consumption year-over-year.
enable us to reduce our energy consumption, emissions, and costs.
Our Fremont, California, U.S. site continued its Together, these renewable energy projects averted an estimated 10,000 metric
partnership with the East Bay Community Energy
tonnes of CO2e emissions in 2020 and nearly 26,700 metric tonnes over the
Bright Choice Plan, which enabled the procurement
of 85% carbon-free power. The combined impact past five years.
of this program diverted more than 1,700 mt of CO2e.
As a leader in high-reliability design, manufacturing and supply chain solutions, we help our customers
launch innovative and scalable industrial and smart energy products that drive performance improvements
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and help power a more sustainable future.
We facilitate a wide range of energy and smart city applications through gas and electric smart meters,
high-efficiency generation controls, power converters, energy storage, and solar trackers. Celestica
Water enabled more than 6,000 MW of solar energy with one customer in 2020.
Key Impacts and Risks
We partnered with a leading original equipment manufacturer (OEM) in the production of high-power
Environmental Compliance
electric vehicle (EV) charging stations designed with cutting-edge technology used in commercial and
Our Products and Services
industrial applications where charge time is limited. Celestica not only manufactures components Enabling Reliable Uninterrupted
of these chargers, but also provides design services to ensure optimal performance. We supported Power Solutions
nearly 2,000 power modules for use in fast-charge DC applications for electric vehicle charging stations
and built integrated cabinets and charging stations servicing the car, bus and truck EV markets. In 2020, In 2020 we partnered with a customer leading in
GOVERNANCE energy generation technology solutions that are
Celestica supplied equipment to support more than 100 MW worth of EV charging stations.
paving the way for the future grid to help meet the
REPORT INDICES Partnerships such as these are helping to grow the electric vehicle industry through intelligent design growing demand for clean and efficient energy.
and enable our customers to deliver innovative, smart products. These high-power energy generation solutions
will provide flexibility, uninterrupted power, and
lower costs.
Learn more about the Industrial and Smart Energy business.
Celestica is committed to sustainable consumption through the efficient use of materials within our 80%
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
operations. Our facilities follow a robust waste and recycling management system to reduce, reuse, repurpose,
refurbish, and recycle materials. We track our data using dedicated sustainability software and share best
practices among our sites by hosting bi-monthly meetings and through online community platforms.
In 2020, temporary shutdowns and reduced production due to the COVID-19 pandemic generated a large
Key Impacts and Risks
reduction of material disposal of more than 6,000 mt. However, COVID-19 also had negative impacts,
Environmental Compliance
such as an increase in single-use and disposable items of personal protective equipment. Currently, our 40%
Our Products and Services
Fremont, California, U.S. site utilizes a program to recycle most models of nitrile gloves and smocks used
on-site as a Celestica best practice. We are continuing to analyze how to roll-out this program to other
sites, and find other opportunities to recycle PPE.
GOVERNANCE In 2013, we set an aspirational goal to divert 100% of our waste from landfill by 2020. Given the complexity
of our waste streams and the availability of local recycling options in each of our global locations, we
REPORT INDICES were unable to reach that target on a global level; however many of our individual sites did achieve 95% 0
or higher waste diversion rates. We closed the year with 92.5% of our waste diverted from landfill. In 2021, 2018 2019 2020
Celestica will continue to encourage sites to minimize materials from entering landfills and look to focus Incineration Compost Reuse
on reducing material usage.
Recycle Landfill
Packaging materials comprise a significant portion of our total waste—in 2020, paper, wood, plastics,
and cardboard made up 58% of our waste material. We have taken a variety of steps to reduce and recycle
these materials such as material consolidation, packaging reuse, and improved material segregation.
We are working to further reduce packaging by strengthening our internal procurement, supplier, and Further waste disposition details
are provided in the KPI Summary.
We have made great strides in reducing our waste around the world. In Japan, our Hino and Miyagi sites
ABOUT THIS REPORT transitioned all landfill waste to waste-to-energy. Collectively, the sites diverted 15.4 mt of material from REUNGYOS CHOTIKO
landfill using this method. In Canada, our Mississauga and Newmarket sites sourced a waste-to-energy EHS SITE MANAGER
SUSTAINABILITY vendor, diverting more than 125 mt of waste from the landfill. This equates to approximately 67,700 kWh LAEM CHABANG, THAILAND
of energy produced, creating enough energy to charge nearly 6 million cellphones.
ENVIRONMENTAL Collectively, although some sites did see a year-over-year increase in their landfill waste, 33.6 mt of landfill
Reungyos and the EHS team are committed
material was reduced in some sites. This can be attributed to multiple factors, including reduced operations
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
to providing innovative waste management
from COVID-19, transitioning to waste-to-energy vendors, and variability in customers and their production
services within Celestica and for our
Energy demands. Throughout 2020, our Thailand and Eastern Asia sites incurred larger amounts of waste disposal
customers. Their goal: Prevent material
Waste due to local droughts. Toilet paper waste that would be managed through governmental water treatment
from ending up in landfills. During 2020
Water systems was transferred to landfill waste to help alleviate the usage of water. Our Savannakhet, Laos site
they worked closely with the site’s
gave new life to production scraps by using materials such as iron and used pallets to build a guardhouse
Key Impacts and Risks packaging manufacturer which recycles
on-site. This avoided the use of raw and repurposed materials that would have otherwise been destined for
Environmental Compliance all of the Thailand site’s cardboard to
landfills or recycling.
Our Products and Services identify advanced processes to minimize
Following the closure of Celestica’s Leixlip, Ireland site in 2020, Celestica’s employees properly disposed and manage packaging waste. They also
SOCIAL of materials to avoid landfill including identifying, tagging, and disposing of hazardous waste properly; established an on-site center to champion
destroying and recycling IT equipment through approved electronic waste vendors; and transferring internal materials reuse. “In many cases,
GOVERNANCE items for use such as tables, chairs, and white boards to our Galway, Ireland site. materials with no further use by one
department can be reused by another—
In total, we diverted more than 67,500 kg from the landfill, including: substantially reducing both costs and waste,”
he says. The team is proud of the role they
• 53,785 kg of metal recycled
play in educating employees about the
• 4,890 kg of waste converted to energy importance of driving waste reduction at
• 4,820 kg of cardboard recycled work and in the community.
• 2,140 kg of wood and pallets recycled
• 1,497 kg of electronic waste
• 350 kg of chemicals recycled
encourages manufacturers to rethink how a product is used
Partnership &
& Remarketing
over its lifetime. Shifting mindsets from manufacturing products
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Energy to delivering customer outcomes is growing the circular
economy model.
CE &
Test/Automation Advanced Design
Key Impacts and Risks Solutions, Repair & & Engineering
Celestica works with customers to develop a circular model to manage Remanufacturing End-to-End Expertise
Environmental Compliance
products through design, usage, maintenance, reuse, remanufacture, and Lifecycle
Our Products and Services
recycling. Measures include implementing take-back programs, keeping Solutions
SOCIAL useful materials out of landfills or recycling streams, and screening and
Product Licensing, Global,
repairing products to be distributed back to customers. Within our Asset Extended Warranty Regional &
& Field Local
Recovery Services, we have been able to create this circular model and
properly recycle any residual materials.
Global Logistics Manufacturing &
Services Engineering
IT Y & 2 C T VI
4/ 7 P R O D U
Greenhouse Gas Emissions In order to manage internal tracking of components and inventory, customer product components
Energy are all defined with unique part numbers. Throughout 2020, our HPS business consolidated the same
Waste components, eliminating more than 1,300 internal part numbers and avoiding the creation of another
Water 1,300. By reducing multiple part numbers for the same manufacturing component, Celestica reduced
not only the number of shipments and their associated packaging and emissions from logistics, but also
Key Impacts and Risks
created a shared inventory. When engineering changes or upgrades to products are released, Celestica
Environmental Compliance
now has visibility to these components which facilitates redeployment and reduces the need to recycle
Our Products and Services
and discard unused materials.
SOCIAL In HPS’s product design sector, Celestica has integrated a part commonality framework, producing
designs that use the same components across multiple products. Celestica focuses on circular design
GOVERNANCE and incorporates a fit, form, and function interchangeability framework for products and their components.
By creating a more concise library of components to select from during the design stage, Celestica is
REPORT INDICES able to reduce excess inventory, potentially wasted material, and packaging for shipment of components.
Focusing on four key commodities, Celestica was able to reduce our resistor and inductor product library
by more than 95%, multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCC) by more than 90%, and integrated circuits (IC)
by more than 85%.
Our Products and Services (Alburtis, Pennsylvania; Ontario, California and Portland, (Portland, Oregon, U.S.; Hong Kong, Shanghai,
Oregon, U.S.; Johor-AMS and Johor-EMS, Malaysia; Shanghai, Songshan Lake and Suzhou GBS, China;
SOCIAL Songshan Lake and Suzhou GBS, China; Laem Chabang, Laem Chabang, Thailand; Oradea, Romania)
Thailand; Oradea, Romania; Valencia, Spain) Our employees generously contributed to
Employees promoted waste reduction with informative posters, donation drives across the globe to reduce
presentations, quizzes, and activities including waste-sorting and overall waste and help in-need communities.
REPORT INDICES recycling competitions. Sites also hosted Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Sites collected 1,535 kg of goods including
tutorials demonstrating how to upcycle items to create useful winter clothing, books, food, toys and more,
DIY tutorial on how to create an objects such as apartment composters using recycled totes; and distributed them to orphanages, shelters,
apartment composter using recycled pet furniture using pallets, crates, and old carpets; and more. schools, and other local communities and
totes (Portland, Oregon, U.S.). organizations.
working from home, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Areas such as
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Celestica recognizes the importance of responsible water washrooms, drinking fountains, and cafeterias are the greatest sources of
water consumption, meaning that consumption is highly dependent on the
Energy management and is committed to reducing our impact on
number of employees working within our sites. Our manufacturing processes
fresh water systems, especially in water-stressed regions. account for the second largest percentage of our water usage. Several of
our sites have mitigated this usage through the installation of circular water
Key Impacts and Risks
systems such as collecting rainwater to water gardens; however, these
Environmental Compliance volumes are not currently tracked.
The World Resources Institute’s Aquaduct tool indicates that seven of
Our Products and Services
Celestica’s facilities operate in water-stressed areas. We are working to
Our existing water management approaches, policies, and standards work
integrate evidence-based industry best practices into our tracking and
SOCIAL to minimize impacts of our effluents on water sources, protected areas, or
environmental management systems. Actions include strengthening our
biodiversity. Celestica acknowledges risks that can come from water misuse
reporting capabilities to provide greater transparency and encouraging our
GOVERNANCE and scarcity, including polluted waters, biodiversity loss, reduced river flows,
supply chain to disclose their water management practices. We are increasing
and political conflicts. Potential impacts of water misuse may include increased
our alignment to SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation by actively seeking
REPORT INDICES supply and treatment costs, intermittent supply and other adverse effects to
opportunities to improve, invest in, and strengthen Celestica’s infrastructure in
our supply chain, employees, and operations. We are committed to finding
water-stressed communities and development in the near- and long-term.
innovative solutions to minimize our use of water in processes and day-to-day
In 2020, Celestica withdrew approximately 1,233 megalitres (ML) from employee water usage, such as efficient fixtures in food services and sanitation.
third-party municipal water supply systems and local water sources for the
sites in which we have operational control and measurement capabilities. For more information, please refer to our
This represents an 11% decrease from 2019 levels, primarily due to shifts in CDP Water Security Questionnaire.
production at multiple sites, and an increase in the number of employees
Our Products and Services Additionally, effective systems within our operations such as our internal audit team’s annual global risk assessments,
Business Continuity Plans (BCP), and Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP) ensure that proactive protocols are followed to
SOCIAL minimize business disruptions and foster sustainable solutions. Overall, these collective approaches ensure that climate-
Celestica’s goal is to foster
related risks and opportunities are embedded into our strategies, plans, and conversations to outline Celestica’s role and
a company-wide culture of responsibilities for driving climate action and water security.
sustainability in which we
Through our annual assessments and CDP responses, we have identified and assessed the potential impact on our
REPORT INDICES minimize the risks associated
business and stakeholders of transitional risks such as acute and chronic physical climate risks, technological changes,
with climate change, current and emerging regulations, insurance programs, and legal implications. We also found that there are climate-
empower the communities related opportunities by inspiring proactive measures, innovation, and future partnerships with Celestica. There may also
in which we operate, and be business opportunities from shifting markets and product diversification that place us in a better competitive position
due to our response to changing consumer and investor preferences. Further details and impacts on climate-related risk
reduce our impact on
and opportunity types are outlined in our CDP Climate Change and Water Security Responses.
people and the planet.
For more information, please refer to our CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
and CDP Water Security Questionnaire.
Celestica’s Global Environmental Policy communicates our commitment to environmental regulatory compliance
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and to being a good environmental citizen in the jurisdictions in which we operate. As part of our global
Energy Environmental Management System, we closely monitor compliance activities and identify and control risks.
Our proactive approach to mitigating and controlling risk is outlined in our top-level Environmental, Health,
and Safety (EHS) manual. It includes risk assessments for identifying operational impacts. Each site has one
or more persons tasked with managing environmental compliance and reporting site status to the global
EHS team and/or Sustainability team.
Both site and global EHS teams ensure regulations are integrated into the site’s management systems
and daily operations. In 2020, Celestica did not identify any significant non-compliance issues with
environmental laws or regulations.
To learn more about the HPS business, please visit our website.
SOCIAL Please see KPI Summary for data in reference to this section.
Occupational Health and Safety
Employee Wellness
Employee Engagement
Sustainable Workspace
Our Communities
Occupational Health and Safety We believe that every employee has a right to a healthy and safe workplace. Celestica’s Environmental • 1,300 EHS-focused workplace inspections
Health and Safety (EHS) organization has oversight of policies and operational controls of environmental, of our manufacturing facilities.
Learning and Development
Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S), and social risks. Each site has one or more persons tasked • 350 Gemba walks focused on ensuring
Diversity and Inclusion
with managing OH&S activities and reporting site status to the global EHS team. In 2020, our OH&S and improving the safety of our employees
Employee Wellness
representatives had an unprecedented year and we appreciate the enormous contributions they in our facilities.
Employee Engagement made in maintaining a healthy and safe workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sustainable Workspace
• EHS-dedicated weeks or days to promote
Our site level OH&S management systems are implemented in accordance with local legal requirements safety and environmental awareness.
Our Communities
and are aligned with internationally recognized standards and codes such as ISO 45001 and the RBA. • More than 200 health and safety
GOVERNANCE Our top level Global OH&S Policy defines our commitment to employee well-being and prevention of committee meetings.
employee injury and ill health, with a focus on proactive hazard recognition and effective risk management.
• EHS-focused Kaizen activities, resulting
REPORT INDICES Celestica uses a variety of methods and tools to ensure we are continually monitoring and improving in more than 100 improvements across
the performance of our OH&S management system, including both internal and external auditing the network.
programs and EHS-focused Kaizen activities. It also includes monthly key process indicator reporting • Targeted minimum of four hours of EHS-
by all sites that includes both leading and lagging indicators such as close calls reported and workplace focused training for direct labour employees.
inspections completed.
Hazard identification and assessment is integral to our ability to provide a healthy and safe workplace. For more information,
When reviewing new equipment, processes, and chemicals or conducting incident investigations, refer to the Global Occupational
we focus on applying the hazard hierarchy with preference given to elimination, substitution, and Health and Safety Policy.
engineering controls to mitigate risks.
Celestica creates its global learning and development programs to attract, retain, and develop
SOCIAL employees. We also encourage employees to manage their careers, expand their knowledge and
skills, and foster personal growth by engaging in new projects and initiatives or taking on new roles
Occupational Health and Safety Íand responsibilities. Across all of our global teams, we logged approximately 1,500,000 training hours
Learning and Development and provided more than 300 internship positions in 2020.
Diversity and Inclusion
We offer a blended learning approach by incorporating comprehensive e-learning experiences and
Employee Wellness instructor-led learning sessions. In support of employee growth, we promote the importance of
Employee Engagement continuous learning through participation in informal development opportunities, and function-
Sustainable Workspace specific and global programs.
Our Communities
Our Learning Management System offers various courses, and resources covering a wide range of
GOVERNANCE topics and skills. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic-related challenges in deploying live face-
to-face learning, we have converted some of our core training programs to be delivered virtually
while maintaining interactive components and relevant content to drive optimal learning outcomes.
To enhance leadership effectiveness and career growth across the organization this year, we launched
the Customer Focused Team (CFT) Academy virtually to more than 160 operations leaders and
employees across all three regions. This comprehensive, interactive development program is designed
to strengthen the overall business acumen and customer relationship management skills of those
responsible for the successful execution of our customer programs. In 2021 we will expand and tailor
the program for other customer-facing employees.
Employee Engagement
Sustainable Workspace
Our Communities
• Appointed a D&I Leader to drive Celestica’s D&I strategy. • Launched a global D&I survey, which enabled employees to anonymously
• Established a D&I Steering Committee comprised of five members of provide their perspectives on diversity and inclusion at Celestica, providing
ABOUT THIS REPORT a baseline to measure future progress. We have reviewed the survey data,
senior management and co-chaired by the Chief Executive Officer
and Chief Human Resources Officer. The committee ensures that best and identified key focus areas to enhance Celestica’s Diversity and Inclusion
SUSTAINABILITY Policy and practices.
AT CELESTICA practices are incorporated into Celestica’s culture, workplace, and
talent practices. • Celestica’s Board of Directors adopted a Board Diversity Policy intended
• Formed a D&I Committee for the purpose of developing and promoting to diversify the Board’s own expertise and experiences. In 2020, the Board
diversity. Comprised of members from across Celestica’s global network, created a goal to achieve a board composition in which at least 30% of the
the committee examined all aspects of D&I at Celestica and made Board are women by 2023.
recommendations for how we can improve.
Occupational Health and Safety
• Our CEO signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion Pledge,
Learning and Development
a CEO-driven business initiative for advancing diversity and inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion within all organizations.
Employee Wellness
• Updated our Diversity and Inclusion Policy and explored opportunities to
Employee Engagement improve all of our employee policies and practices, including recruitment
Sustainable Workspace and development.
Our Communities • Developed initiatives to support a diverse and inclusive work environment
at Celestica with a mandate to achieve specific and actionable objectives.
• Monitored and tracked the progress of D&I goals and measures and ensured
organizational culture and internal processes are aligned with and promote
Celestica’s D&I commitment.
• Regularly communicated with employees about ongoing progress
on D&I matters.
• Developed a D&I training strategy to build all employees’ understanding
and awareness, and ensure long-term cultural adoption.
ENVIRONMENTAL At Celestica, we recognize that diversity expands beyond gender, but we also
remain focused on hiring, developing, and promoting women into senior
SOCIAL leadership roles.
Occupational Health and Safety Our goal is to increase the number of women on the Board and ensure that
Learning and Development the candidate list for new board members is comprised of 50% women, where
Diversity and Inclusion feasible. When the Board seeks to identify new directors, typically a committee
Employee Wellness
is created to conduct reviews. The committee develops a preferred candidate
profile based on qualifications, experience, diversity, and expertise to identify
Employee Engagement
skill gaps and achieve D&I goals. As of December 31, 2020, there were two
Sustainable Workspace
women on the Board, one of whom chairs the Audit Committee.
Our Communities
We are committed to being an equal opportunity employer and prohibit
GOVERNANCE discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or disability status.
Celestica bases its hiring decisions on skill, qualifications, and level of
REPORT INDICES experience. We also embrace a pay-for-performance culture, irrespective
of employee gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or disability.
Celestica Spirit Week In Shanghai, 40 employees formed a badminton
SOCIAL Promoting the health and wellness club that met weekly. The site also provided
Each year Celestica dedicates a week to yoga sessions for employees during Spirit Week.
of our employees is a crucial element acknowledge all the hard work of our employees
Occupational Health and Safety
of our sustainability strategy, and we and to give thanks–known as Spirit Week. In Woodlands, Singapore, a small group of
Learning and Development
are committed to providing a healthy, employees formed a social bubble to bake
Diversity and Inclusion The theme for Spirit Week in 2020 was “Take Care of together, making sure to follow social
Employee Wellness supportive, and safe workplace. Yourself, Take Care of Your Colleagues”. Employees distancing protocols.
Employee Engagement were encouraged to film a video, post a comment,
or share a photo on our internal communication Many other employees shared personal
Sustainable Workspace
platform, Celestica Connects, showcasing how experiences of self-care through Celestica
Our Communities Employees at each site actively contribute to
they have been taking care of themselves and their Connects. Sharing recipes, hobbies, and
Celestica’s wellness programs. Many sites offer
GOVERNANCE colleagues. Prizes and acknowledgements were moments of reflection provided new ideas and
wellness initiatives each year, including annual
awarded for these posts. Here is a snapshot of perspectives to ensure we take care of ourselves
voluntary health checks, medical centres for
some of the activities held around the world: and one another, especially given the mental
REPORT INDICES employees, and wellness policies. In addition,
health implications from the COVID-19 pandemic.
we offer sick leave programs, paid time-off, Spirit Week kicked-off in Toronto, Canada with a
and other benefits on a regional or site level virtual mindfulness and meditation session hosted
to support employees when they become ill. by an employee. A self-care activity encouraged
employees to complete wellness actions to be
This year, healthy living and the act of caring
entered into a draw.
was highlighted in many site activities hosted
by and for our employees.
ENVIRONMENTAL At our Mexico sites, each employee receives a mental health risk assessment In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, employees at the Suzhou
every two years and anyone with an identified risk receives custom GBS, China site built an on-site garden. Employees were encouraged to donate
SOCIAL recommendations and an action plan, provided by an on-site doctor. plants and spare flowerpots. Employees had the opportunity to share knowledge
about sustainability and encourage actions to benefit the planet and the mental
Occupational Health and Safety In Canada, Celestica partners with MindBeacon, which provides free
health of fellow employees, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Learning and Development
confidential virtual mental health support for people experiencing depression,
anxiety, and other mental health concerns. We also regularly host webinars with When employees were required to work from home, our Oradea, Romania site
Diversity and Inclusion
doctors and other speakers to discuss coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety. created the Celestica Romania Virtual Community to provide a platform for
Employee Wellness
Additionally, Canadian employees have access to an Employee and Family site employees to interact and reconnect. Employees are encouraged to share
Employee Engagement Assistance Program to promote a healthy work-life balance. how they are staying healthy during these times of isolation and to spark ideas
Sustainable Workspace with colleagues. Almost 200 employees have joined the community and it is
Our Communities still being used today as a platform to share site activities surrounding wellness.
GOVERNANCE Employees at the Shanghai, China, site are invited to meet bi-weekly to join in
creative activities to engage their bodies and minds. Following social distancing
REPORT INDICES protocols, activities included exercise sessions and e-learning training courses,
enabling them to make meaningful connections with their colleagues.
Working Hours WH
Celestica is committed to protecting the well-being of our employees.
SOCIAL We partner with customers and suppliers to avoid excessive overtime
hours and limit consecutive workdays through our Hours of Work Policy,
Occupational Health and Safety
which complies with the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct.
Learning and Development
Working hour targets are set for each operations site on an annual basis.
Diversity and Inclusion Metrics are reviewed and presented on a monthly basis to Human Resources
Employee Wellness site leads, Human Resources directors, and the Chief Operating Officer.
Employee Engagement
In 2020, the RBA released a COVID-19 Working Hour Advisory, which allowed
Sustainable Workspace
for exemptions to working hour requirements as the pandemic was considered
Our Communities a global emergency. Considering this, 99% of employees complied with
maximum working hour requirements, and 95.5% complied with continuous
working day requirements. We are proud of our efforts to cross-train
employees to manage workload distribution in order to maintain compliance
REPORT INDICES and keep our operations running.
AT CELESTICA Rewards and Recognition
Celestica’s rewards and recognition programs acknowledge employees
who are achieving business results by living our brand and values,
and embracing the characteristics of our Leadership Imperatives.
Recognition takes place every day across Celestica. We encourage
Occupational Health and Safety
business and people leaders to acknowledge individual and team
Learning and Development success in quarterly town halls, and in more formal ways through
Diversity and Inclusion our Bravo! and Ignition Awards programs.
Employee Wellness
Employee Engagement
Sustainable Workspace
Celestica’s Ignition Awards program celebrates individuals and teams driving change in the organization.
In 2020, there were 336 nominations recognizing 1,800 employees globally. The SparkChange Award
honours those who drive significant sustainability improvements in their sites and communities.
This category consists of three awards recognizing individuals or team contributions in the Americas,
Asia, and Europe in 2019.
AT CELESTICA 40% The Sustainable Workspace online platform is a vital forum for
employees to share information on community engagement and
ENVIRONMENTAL volunteering events, waste and electricity reductions initiatives,
and other sustainability-related topics. With more than 40% of
SOCIAL employees* participating, it is Celestica’s largest global interactive
Occupational Health and Safety communication platform.
Learning and Development
Employee Wellness
Within the platform, employees are encouraged to complete the Sustainable Workspace Pledge,
Employee Engagement
a call-to-action to help promote a more sustainable lifestyle at work and at home. The pledge
Sustainable Workspace requires employees to select a minimum of eight actions, ranging from energy and waste reduction,
Our Communities to community engagement and wellness, in order to receive their certificate of completion. By the
end of 2020, more than 89% of employees had successfully completed the pledge.
Over 15,500 employees pledged to eating meatless meal options at least once a week. This equates
REPORT INDICES to saving emissions from powering approximately 310 homes with electricity in one year. Additionally,
more than 12,200 employees committed to carpool, ride a bike, take public transit, or take a Celestica
organized bus to work at least once a week. If employees shared a car ride at least one day a week, it’s
estimated that approximately 6,130 mt of CO2e would be saved annually. This is equivalent to saving
enough electricity to charge more than 745 million cell phones.
SOCIAL Celestica is committed to supporting the communities in which we work and live.
Throughout 2020, we stepped up to support our local communities to help those
Occupational Health and Safety
Sustainable Workspace
Our Communities
Safety and Healthcare Worker Support
Celestica’s Malaysia sites came together throughout 2020 to collect and donate urgently needed
healthcare supplies, including gloves, hand sanitizer, and shoe covers. More than 19,000 pieces of
PPE were provided to hospitals in Kulim, Johor, and Kota Kinabalu.
To ensure face masks fit students properly, employees in Malaysia volunteered their time to sew
face mask extenders on site, allowing students to return to school safely. Employees created nearly
1,600 extenders and donated them to students from three local schools, along with 30 boxes of
face masks and hand sanitizer. Employees organized donations of hand sanitizers, face
masks, and custom-made face mask extenders for students
returning to school (Kulim, Malaysia).
Our Communities A member of Celestica’s remote sales team recognized that a customer was
falling short of PPE supplies for its employees, which could have impacted their
GOVERNANCE production and operations. As a manufacturer of ultrasound machines that
are used to diagnose COVID-19, it was vital for the customer’s operations to
REPORT INDICES continue. Celestica sprang into action, offering PPE to ensure the customer’s
team was safe and could continue the release of products.
Employees preparing to send their handmade face shields to local hospital staff
(Laem Chabang, Thailand).
A family receives backpacks filled with essential school supplies to allow the students
to easily access and transition to online learning.
The first project funded through Celestica Cares supported a team in During this time of need, the $160,000 CAD
Toronto, Canada that partnered with a 3D printing company to design Oradea, Romania site donated
and manufacture reusable face shields for doctors, nurses and other $37,000 CAD to Community was donated by
Occupational Health and Safety
hospital personnel treating COVID-19 patients. In the early weeks of Foundation to support local Celestica Cares to
Learning and Development
the pandemic, the team mobilized to produce and deliver more than hospitals’ actions against support relief efforts.
Diversity and Inclusion 1,200 face shields to local hospitals. COVID-19. The funds were
Employee Wellness collected to purchase three
Celestica’s Oradea, Romania
Employee Engagement ventilators that were then
site donated
Sustainable Workspace donated to the Gavril Curteanu
Hospital, a local hospital in need.
Our Communities $37,000 CAD
GOVERNANCE to Community Foundation
to support local hospitals’
REPORT INDICES actions against COVID-19.
Waste Reduction
During Lunar New Year in February, Celestica’s two Singapore sites partnered
SOCIAL with local banks and a recycling organization to support the recycling of
Hong Bao (funds provided in red packets as gifts during Lunar New Year).
Occupational Health and Safety The sites created a collection drive, inviting all employees to bring in their
Learning and Development used Hong Bao for proper disposal. More than 250 employees participated
Diversity and Inclusion and 62 kg of Hong Bao were collected and recycled to make other paper
Employee Wellness
products, including corrugated cardboard boxes and toilet paper.
Employee Engagement During Waste Reduction Week in 2020, the Laem Chabang, Thailand site
Sustainable Workspace encouraged employees to use their volunteer hours to participate in a group
Our Communities beach clean-up. More than 15 employees volunteered to clean the local
beach and removed approximately 200 kg of garbage from the beach.
Employees volunteering to clean the local beach (Laem Chabang, Thailand).
Employee Wellness During Engineering Week, the Mississauga, Canada site hosted a food drive,
Employee Engagement setting up food bank bins around the departments. The non-perishable food
Sustainable Workspace was donated to Eden Food for Change.
Our Communities
ABOUT THIS REPORT For the past 24 years, Celestica’s Canadian locations have supported
the efforts of the United Way through an annual fundraiser.
In 2020, employees took part in Get Up!—a virtual physical challenge. Participants received donations for
committing to physical activities such as running, walking, lifting, stretching and, cycling for at least 280
minutes in support of people and families experiencing poverty. In total, 105 employees participated in
Occupational Health and Safety the two week Get Up! challenge, logging over 29,400 minutes (490 hours) of physical activity.
Learning and Development
Employees also supported the United Way through Celestica’s Days of Caring activity, which encouraged
Diversity and Inclusion
employees to reach out and support their community. Employees took part in a variety of ways: writing
Employee Wellness notes to isolated seniors and frontline workers; conducting online mock interviews with newcomers and
Employee Engagement job seekers; participating in mentoring and coaching sessions to provide feedback on resumes; and more.
Sustainable Workspace A total of 119 employees participated in these remote volunteering events. Employees also held auctions,
Our Communities raffles, bake sales, and fundraisers. At the end of the fundraiser, $375,000 CAD (including funds from the
Celestica matching program) was donated to the United Way Greater Toronto. This brings Celestica’s
GOVERNANCE lifetime giving amount to $11.9 million CAD!
Together with The Spot, a non-governmental youth organization, the Celestica Oradea, Romania site
organized a fundraiser to provide children from disadvantaged backgrounds with a variety of support. Gifts were donated to youth of The Spot organization
They donated more than 125 items of personal hygiene products, clothes, shoes, phones, and tablets. by Celestica employees (Oradea, Romania).
As well, employees participated in The Spot’s online Holiday Club for a series of educational workshops
for children, with costs for the activities covered by Celestica. Both activities improved access to
education for those children.
Over the course of the year, 37 volunteers
supported sewing projects including one to
create specially designed bras for breast cancer
Occupational Health and Safety patients to make them feel more comfortable
Learning and Development and confident. A total of 108 bras were donated.
Diversity and Inclusion During the first quarter of 2020, 32 Thailand
Employee Wellness employees and 12 of their daughters donated
Employee Engagement their hair to make wigs for cancer patients who
Sustainable Workspace had experienced hair loss after chemotherapy
treatments. Approximately 9 kg of hair was
Our Communities
donated to the patients.
Celestica’s Corporate Supply Chain team in
Toronto, Canada rallied to support employees
REPORT INDICES who have been impacted by cancer. They
participated in “Colour to Conquer Cancer”, a
fundraising event in which employees received
donations for dying their hair vibrant colours. An employee displays hand-made specially designed bras to Employees donated their hand-made bras and other items
support breast cancer patients (Laem Chabang, Thailand). to Choburi Cancer Hospital (Laem Chabang, Thailand).
We are committed to the highest standards of corporate
governance. Our strong business ethics create an environment
of trust in all of our business relationships, and we ensure all
GOVERNANCE employees understand the importance of ethical behaviour
when conducting business on behalf of Celestica.
Sustainability Governance
Compliance and Ethics • Coordinating all sustainability-related reporting, such as this report,
About This Report
the CDP, EcoVadis, and Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS).
SVP, Operations
• Collaborating and creating alignment on ESG matters and goals with Sustainability and Supply
REPORT INDICES customers and suppliers. and CLO Chain
Ethics Program GRI 102-16, 102-17, 412-2, WH, CM
Celestica is committed to ensuring that our company culture is free from discrimination and harassment
GOVERNANCE based on race, colour, religion, gender, gender identity, citizenship and/or origin, age, disability, sexual
orientation, marital status, education, experiences, perspectives, languages, or other factors.
Sustainability Governance
Open communication is a critical component of Celestica’s culture. We encourage our employees to
Compliance and Ethics
speak with their managers, a member of management, or Human Resources should they have concerns
About This Report
or questions on legal or ethical matters.
REPORT INDICES In 2020, our global workforce completed approximately 20,550 hours of compliance training. All new
employees, regardless of job role or function, receive Business Conduct Governance (BCG) training
within 30 days of joining Celestica. This commitment to BCG compliance is renewed by all regular
employees annually.
o learn more about additional aspects of our Compliance Program, such as compliance training,
the BCG, and assessing risk areas, as well as aspects of our ethical labour practices, such as
prohibiting child labour, forced and compulsory labour, compliance with migrant worker
standards, and working hours, please visit the Celestica website.
About This Report Within the development of commercial relationships with suppliers, Celestica
ensures adherence to the RBA code and all labour standards, including freely
REPORT INDICES chosen employment, child labour, discrimination, and harassment.
ENVIRONMENTAL We regularly engage with our stakeholders to determine our focus areas and create our materiality matrix. Our stakeholder groups are those that have an impact
on our business or have the potential to be affected by our business, and also include external organizations that have expertise in the areas we consider to be
SOCIAL material. We engage with our stakeholder groups in various ways, listed in Figure 5.3. The frequency of engagement is dependent on the approach used and is
determined on an as-needed basis.
Sustainability Governance
Compliance and Ethics Suppliers • Emails • Health and safety • Ensure the completion of RBA Self-Assessment Questionnaires
• Teleconferences • Human rights • Ensure participation in the RBA Validated Assessment Program
About This Report
• Questionnaires • Environmental compliance • Conduct Verification Visits
• Facility assessments • Business conduct • Assess suppliers using supplier scorecards
• Scorecards • Conflict minerals • Participate in sustainable supply chain conferences
• Anti-corruption • Create partnerships and engage in programs, where appropriate
Consortia • RBA meetings • Working hours • Perform RBA site audits
• RBA working groups • Energy • Supplier assessments
• Seminars • Emissions • Collaborate on RBA-sponsored projects
• Webinars • Supply chain • Complete additional reporting
• Conflict minerals
• Foreign migrant workers
• Labour and ethics
Government • Local government regulations • Energy • Monitor local regulations and update standards to maintain compliance
• Site inspections • Emissions • Provide legally required test results
• Site audits • Water • Update and maintain health and safety programs according to local regulations
• Waste • Properly handle and dispose of waste and effluents
• Human resources • Monitor air and water quality where applicable
• Health and safety • Active engagement regarding pandemic related requirements
• Permit compliance
Report Indices
KPI Summary
GRI Index
SASB Disclosure
TCFD Disclosure
The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Technical Notes About Data GRI 102-56
AT CELESTICA Summary provides an overview of our The greenhouse gases included in the calculation of our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions are carbon dioxide
performance over time. (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). Greenhouse gas emissions are calculated based on
ENVIRONMENTAL the requirements of the WRI/WBCSD GHG Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised)
and the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance – Amendment to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.
SOCIAL Our source for global warming potentials (GWPs) is the IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR; 100
year). Our Scope 1 and 2 emissions and Scope 3 business (air) travel emissions are verified through a
GOVERNANCE third-party in accordance with ISO 14064-3:2006, and emissions factors and GWPs used are located
within our CDP submission.
REPORT INDICES No energy is sold by Celestica, nor are heat, steam or cooling purchased for consumption. Celestica
KPI Summary
has no fuel consumption from renewable sources such as biogas or biomass. These are generated
from other sources of energy. There are no biogenic emissions generated from our operations.
GRI Index
We do not track sources of potential fugitive emissions, such as from fire extinguishers, or
SASB Disclosure
refrigerants from air conditioning units.
TCFD Disclosure
We began tracking our GHG emissions on a monthly basis using sustainability management software
in 2012, and our waste and water in 2013. Square footage covered within the data below is indicated
within the tables, representing the manufacturing sites over which we have operational control and
measurement. Between 2020 and our 2012 and 2018 base years, we have not passed our significance
threshold of a 10% change in square footage to require a baseline recalculation, as per our internal
policy and the GHG Protocol. We will work to increase the amount of square footage covered by our
reporting in the future.
*Categories from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard.
** We use a distance-based method of calculating the upstream transportation and distribution emissions.
Gas Type CO2 CH4 N2O Total Year 2018 2019 2020
Scope 1 - Diesel 520.72 0.05 6.91 527.68 MWh/million US$ revenue 61.7 63.1 50.0
Scope 1 - Ethanol E10 Transport 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.14 mt CO2e/million US$ revenue 27.7 13.3 10.7
Scope 1 - Fuel Oil 15.86 0.02 0.04 15.92
Scope 1 - Kerosene 179.16 0.44 0.45 180.05
Scope 1 - Liquid Petroleum Gas 615.06 0.45 0.39 615.90 ADDITIONAL AIR EMISSIONS [MT] | GRI 305-7
Scope 1 - Natural Gas 7,569.41 10.16 4.01 7,583.58 Year 2019 2020
Scope 2 - Electricity 139,930.68 188.82 651.48 140,762.43 Square Footage Covered (%) 45% 31%
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 15.53 4.01
Particulate Matter (PM) 0.80 2.41
GOVERNANCE PM 2.5 0.23 0.02
ENERGY [GJ]* | GRI 302-1, 302-3, 302-4, SDG 7.1, 7.2, 8.4, 9.4, 9.5, 12.2, 12.4, 12.8, 13.1, 13.3
PM 10 0.60 0.02
Year 2018 2019 2020
REPORT INDICES Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) 2.84 2.21
Total Electricity 1,256,595 1,151,763 927,107
Methane (CH4) 2.38 0.00
Total Renewable Energy Sources 45,469 64,891 106,893
KPI Summary Sulphur Oxides (SOx) 0.00 0.47
On-Site Renewable Energy 15,246 17,276 15,903
GRI Index Lead (Pb) 1.08 0.00018
Renewable Energy Through Utilities 30,223 47,615 90,989 Non-Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC) 1.12 0.85
SASB Disclosure
Total Fuel (Non-Renewable Sources) 171,332 109,943 169,208 Hazardous Air Pollutants 0.04 0.00
TCFD Disclosure Natural Gas 149,986 89,976 148,480 Tin 0.00 0.00063
Liquefied Propane Gas 11,308 11,157 10,338 Total 24.62 9.99
Diesel Fuel 6,925 5,631 7,729
Kerosene 2,830 2,884 2,628
Ethanol E-10 283 295 34
Total Energy Consumption 1,473,396 1,326,597 1,203,208
Total Energy Attribute Certificates 0 629,309 559,254
*Square footage found in the Direct and Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions table.
EFFLUENTS AND WASTE | GRI 306-2, 306-3, SDG 8.4, 9.4, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.8, 17.16, 17.17, SASB TC-ES-150A.1 WATER | GRI 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 306-1, SDG 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 8.4, 12.2, 12.4, SASB TC-ES-140A.1
Year 2018 2019 2020 Year 2018 2019 2020
Square Footage Covered (%) 87% 89% 87% Square Footage Covered (%) 87% 89% 89%
Waste by Disposal Method Water Withdrawal in High or Extremely High – – 96
SUSTAINABILITY Baseline Water Stress (ML)
Non-Hazardous Waste [mt]
AT CELESTICA Total Water Withdrawal [ML] 1,369 1,391 1,233
Reuse 228 2,343 10
Recycling 11,948 12,169 9,488
Composting 495 470 424
Incineration 342 749 592
Landfill 1,004 1,126 851
Total Non-Hazardous 14,017 16,857 11,365
GOVERNANCE Hazardous Waste [mt]
Reuse 0 0 0
REPORT INDICES Recycled 2,692 2,536 2,139
Landfill Treatment 305 306 182
KPI Summary
Total Hazardous 2,997 2,842 2,321
GRI Index
Waste Commodity Breakdown [mt]
SASB Disclosure Cardboard 4,832 4,786 3,946
TCFD Disclosure Plastic 2,831 2,738 2,329
Recycled Hazardous Waste 2,162 1,973 1,743
Metal 2,066 2,693 1,434
Wood 2,046 3,768 1,492
Landfill 913 1,055 709
Organics 586 536 566
eWaste 529 562 396
Hazardous Waste 305 306 182
Waste-to-Energy 342 749 592
Construction Waste 171 233 80
Paper 231 298 217
Total 17,014 19,697 13,686
Waste Diversion Rate 92.3% 92.7% 92.5%
ABOUT THIS REPORT SUPPLY CHAIN | GRI- 308-1, 414-1, CM, SDG 7.2, 8.4, 12.2, 12.6, 17.17
Year 2018 2019 2020
Number of Suppliers Screened Using Environmental Criteria 168 216 146
AT CELESTICA Number of Suppliers Screened Using Social Criteria 168 216 174
SASB Disclosure
TCFD Disclosure
Regular (Permanent) 18,226 89%
Temporary (Contract) 1,102 5%
Third-Party Contractors 1,222 6%
Total 20,550 100%
Year 2018 2019 2020
Asia 69% 65% 66%
North America 21% 22% 23%
Europe 10% 13% 11%
GRI Index
*Number of employees covered found in the Employee Breakdown table.
SASB Disclosure
TCFD Disclosure
NEW HIRES AT CELESTICA | GRI 401-1 SDG 4.4, 5.5, 8.5, 8.6 GLOBAL TURNOVER* | GRI 401-1
New Hire New Hire New Hire Total Turnover Turnover Turnover Total Employee
ABOUT THIS REPORT Rate 2018 Rate 2019 Rate 2020 Employee Rate 2018 Rate 2019 Rate 2020 Turnover 2020
New Hires 2020 Total 34% 6,960
SUSTAINABILITY Total 17% 3,465
Asia 74% 75% 67% 4,645
Asia 69% 66% 56% 1,939
North America 21% 21% 25% 1,769
ENVIRONMENTAL North America 21% 26% 42% 1,442
Europe 5% 4% 8% 546
Europe 10% 8% 2% 84
Under 30 Years 58% 58% 47% 3,270
Under 30 Years 60% 62% 58% 2,007
30-50 Years 32% 37% 43% 3,014
30-50 Years 28% 32% 37% 1,267
GOVERNANCE Over 50 Years 10% 5% 10% 676
Over 50 Years 12% 6% 6% 191
Female 55% 56% 54% 3,784
Female 55% 55% 47% 1,612
Male 45% 44% 46% 3,176
KPI Summary Male 45% 45% 53% 1,853
SASB Disclosure
TCFD Disclosure
Male Female Undetermined Total LOCATION, 2020 | GRI 407-1
479,443 1,011,193 1,310 1,491,946
North America 781
Total 3,870
Category 2018 2019 2020
Harassment 7 10 16
SOCIAL SDG 12.8, 17.16, 17.17
Conflicts of Interest 6 14 4
Year 2018 2019 2020
Discrimination* 19 11 9
GOVERNANCE Violation of Policy 18 10 2
Employees Covered (%) 98% 98% 99%
Global 19% 22% 20%
Misconduct 57 37 35
Asia 19% 27% 26%
REPORT INDICES Other 18 6 14
North America 15% 7% 5%
KPI Summary Europe 21% 18% 8%
*All nine incidents were investigated by Celestica and two were found to have merit, appropriate actions
GRI Index were taken, and all are now closed.
SASB Disclosure
TCFD Disclosure
Year 2018 2019 2020
Lost-Time Incident Rate† 0.05 0.05 0.05
Lost-Days Rate†† 0.91 0.84 1.25
Total Recordable Incident Rate† 0.32 0.26 0.30
Work-Related Fatalities 0 0 0
Near Miss Frequency Rate††† Not reported Not reported 5
The lost-time incident rate represents the number of lost-time incidents for every 200,000 person hours worked.
The lost-days rate is the number of days lost due to incidents for every 200,000 person hours worked.
This is the first year that we are reporting on our near miss frequency rate. This rate is the number of near misses for every
200,000 person hours worked. However, this metric also includes events that are opportunities for improvement, so this
number is likely overreported.
Benefits Type Canada, U.S., Europe, Mexico Laos
ABOUT THIS REPORT Asia (Excluding Laos) Year 2019† 2020
Life Insurance Yes Yes No Employees Covered (%) 95% 99%††
SUSTAINABILITY Healthcare Yes Yes No Global 7.32% 4.50%†††
Disability and Invalidity Coverage Yes No No
Data covers July 1-December 31, 2019.
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) drives sustainability reporting by all organizations. GRI produces a
AT CELESTICA comprehensive sustainability reporting framework that is widely used around the world to enable greater
organizational transparency. The framework, including the reporting guidelines, sets out the principles and
ENVIRONMENTAL indicators that organizations can use to report their economic, environmental, and social performance.
Organizational Profile
102-1 Name of the organization Celestica Inc.
102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services 2020 20-F Form
KPI Summary
102-3 Location of headquarters Toronto. Ontario, Canada
GRI Index
102-4 Location of operations 2020 20-F Form
SASB Disclosure Locations
KPI Summary
TCFD Disclosure
102-5 Ownership and legal form 2020 20-F Form
ABOUT THIS REPORT Organizational Profile Continued
102-11 Precautionary principle or approach Key Impacts and Risks
SUSTAINABILITY 102-12 External initiatives External Sustainability Initiatives
AT CELESTICA 102-13 Membership of associations Memberships and Affiliations
ENVIRONMENTAL 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker A Letter from Rob Mionis
102-15 Key impacts, risks, and opportunities 2020 20-F Form
SOCIAL Key Impacts and Risks
2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
Ethics and Integrity
102-16 Values, principles, standards, and Brand and Values
norms of behavior Ethics Program
REPORT INDICES Labour and Ethics Management
Compliance and Ethics
KPI Summary 102-17 Mechanisms for advice and Ethics Program
concerns about ethics Labour and Ethics Management
GRI Index
Compliance and Ethics
SASB Disclosure Whistleblowing and Reporting Infractions
TCFD Disclosure Governance
102-18 Governance structure Sustainability Governance
Corporate Governance
102-19 Delegating authority Sustainability Governance
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Mandate
2020 20-F Form
102-20 Executive-level responsibility for economic, Sustainability Governance
environmental, and social topics
102-21 Consulting stakeholders on economic, Sustainability Governance
environmental, and social topics
ABOUT THIS REPORT Governance Continued
102-22 Composition of the highest governance 2020 20-F Form
SUSTAINABILITY body and its committees
AT CELESTICA 102-23 Chair of the highest governance body Sustainability Governance
2020 20-F Form
102-26 Role of highest governance body in setting Sustainability Governance
ENVIRONMENTAL purpose, values, and strategy
102-30 Effectiveness of risk management processes Sustainability Governance
SOCIAL 2020 20-F Form
102-31 Review of economic, environmental, Sustainability Governance
and social topics
GOVERNANCE 102-32 Highest governance body’s role in Sustainability Governance
sustainability reporting
Stakeholder Engagement
102-40 List of stakeholder groups Stakeholder Engagement
KPI Summary 102-41 Collective bargaining agreements 2020 20-F Form
ABOUT THIS REPORT Reporting Practice
102-45 Entities included in the consolidated 2020 20-F Form
SUSTAINABILITY financial statements
AT CELESTICA 102-46 Defining report content and topic boundaries Materiality
102-47 List of material topics Materiality
ENVIRONMENTAL 102-48 Restatements of information In 2019, water was under reported by 22ML and has been re-stated.
In 2019, emissions were overstated by 196 t CO2e for Scope 1, 930 t CO2e for Scope 2 (location-based),
and 13 t CO2e for Scope 2 (market-based). This emissions data has been re-verified.
SOCIAL In 2019, we incorrectly wrote that EACs covered production of renewable electricity in Norway, however,
the production occurred in Spain.
Due to an increase in visibility of logistics data, the values for Scope 3 upstream and downstream transportation
GOVERNANCE and distribution in 2019 and 2018 have been restated.
102-49 Changes in reporting Within our materiality assessment, ‘Conflict Minerals’ has increased in importance to stakeholders, and the topics
‘Water and Effluents’, ‘Working Hours’, ‘Diversity and Equal Opportunity’, and ‘Employment’ have increased in
REPORT INDICES importance to Celestica.
102-50 Reporting period January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020
KPI Summary
102-51 Date of most recent report September 17, 2020
GRI Index About this Report
SASB Disclosure 102-52 Reporting cycle Annual
About this Report
TCFD Disclosure
102-53 Contact point for questions regarding sustainability@celestica.com
the report
102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance This report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Standards: Core Option.
with the GRI Standards
102-55 GRI content index Global Reporting Initiative Index
102-56 External assurance Technical Notes About Data
Third-party assurance of GHG emissions began in 2013, and the certificate is located within our
2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire.
ABOUT THIS REPORT Economic Performance
201-2 Financial implications and other risks and Financial Implications Due to Climate Change
SUSTAINABILITY opportunities due to climate change 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
AT CELESTICA Anti-Corruption, Anti-Competitive Behaviour
103 Management Approach Business Ethics
ENVIRONMENTAL 205-1 Operations assessed for risks Celestica is committed to reducing any risks to our business that stem from bribery or fraud. Celestica provides anti-
related to corruption bribery training and has a global anti-bribery policy. The highest level of executive oversight for Celestica’s anti-bribery
and anti-corruption policy rests with the Senior Vice President, Sustainability and Chief Legal Officer. We receive requests
SOCIAL on occasion from key customers to confirm our commitment to upholding bribery laws in our business dealings.
All Celestica’s operations and global functions are assessed for risks related to corruption and no significant risks have
been identified.
GOVERNANCE 205-2 Communication and training about Ethics Program
anti-corruption policies and procedures
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption In 2020, Celestica was not involved in any legal actions against it related to anticompetitive behaviours nor identified in
REPORT INDICES and actions taken any legal actions against it for violations of antitrust, bribery, corruption, or monopoly legislation.
206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, In 2020, Celestica was not involved in any legal actions against it related to anticompetitive behaviours nor identified in
KPI Summary
antitrust, and monopoly practices any legal actions against it for violations of antitrust, bribery, corruption, or monopoly legislation.
GRI Index
SASB Disclosure
TCFD Disclosure
103 Management Approach Environmental Sustainability
SUSTAINABILITY 302-1 Overall energy consumption within the Energy
AT CELESTICA organization KPI Summary
2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
ENVIRONMENTAL 302-2 Overall energy consumption outside KPI Summary We report on the upstream and
the organizaiton 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire downstream emissions outside of
the organization, but not the energy
SOCIAL consumption.
302-3 Energy intensity Energy
KPI Summary
GOVERNANCE 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
302-4 Reduction of energy consumption Energy
2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
KPI Summary Water
103 Management Approach Environmental Sustainability
SUSTAINABILITY 305-1 Reporting direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Greenhouse Gas Emissions
AT CELESTICA Emissions From Our Operations
KPI Summary
ENVIRONMENTAL 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
305-2 Reporting indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Emissions From Our Operations
2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
GOVERNANCE 305-3 Reporting indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Other Indirect Emissions (Scope 3)
KPI Summary
REPORT INDICES 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
305-4 Emission intensity (absolute GHG emissions/ Emissions From Our Operations
KPI Summary organizational specific metric) KPI Summary
2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
GRI Index
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Emissions From Our Operations
SASB Disclosure (result of reduction initiatives) 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
TCFD Disclosure 305-7 Nitrogen oxides,sulphur oxides, and other KPI Summary
significant air emissions 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
Additional air emissions are calculated based on the direct measurements and reporting emissions from sites.
Effluents and Waste
103 Management Approach Environmental Sustainability
306-1 Water that has been discharged - Water
categorized by quality and destination 2021 CDP Water Questionnaire
KPI Summary
306-2 Waste categorized by disposal method Waste
KPI Summary
Effluents and Waste Continued
306-3 If there was a significant spill and details KPI Summary
SUSTAINABILITY (location, volume, substance etc.)
AT CELESTICA 306-4 Transportation of hazardous waste Each site must comply with local and governmental laws governing We do not measure the weight of
waste and recycling, as well as programs offered by the community transported hazardous waste.
and Celestica.
ENVIRONMENTAL 306-5 Water bodies affected by water discharge Discharges are made from facilities in compliance with local legal requirements, Discharges are made from facilities
and/or runoff which vary by jurisdiction. in compliance with local legal
requirements which vary by
SOCIAL jurisdiction.
Environmental Compliance
GOVERNANCE 103 Management Approach Environmental Sustainability
307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws In 2020, Celestica did not identify any significant non-compliance issues
and regulations with environmental laws and/or regulations.
KPI Summary
GRI Index
SASB Disclosure
TCFD Disclosure
Supplier Environmental Assessment
103 Management Approach Compliance and Ethics
SUSTAINABILITY 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using KPI Summary We provide the number of
AT CELESTICA environmental criteria Supplier Assessments suppliers that were screened using
environmental criteria, rather than
the percentage of suppliers. The total
ENVIRONMENTAL number of suppliers is not disclosed.
SOCIAL 103 Management Approach Employment Practices
401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover KPI Summary
In 2020, Celestica's voluntary turnover was 3,746 employees, a rate of 18%.
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that KPI Summary We ensure that statutory requirements
are not provided to temporary or part-time are met for our part-time employees.
employees However, specific benefits may vary
REPORT INDICES between employees depending on
their enrollment choices. Certain
KPI Summary locations may also provide mental
health and supplemental support. We
GRI Index
inform employees on available mental
SASB Disclosure health awareness and group benefits,
and provide a benefits overview to
TCFD Disclosure ensure they can make informed
decisions for themselves and their
families. Many of our sites provide
employees with wellness programs,
including webinars, informational
campaigns and events.
401-3 Parental leave KPI Summary We report on the locations that offer
parental leave, but we do not report
on further details on our parental leave
population, including the total number
of employees that returned to work
and the retention rates of employees
that took parental leave.
Occupational Health and Safety
103 Management Approach Employment Practices
SUSTAINABILITY 403-1 Occupational health and At Celestica, our Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management system has been implemented in accordance with local
AT CELESTICA safety management system legal requirements and is aligned with internationally recognized standards e.g. ISO 45001/OHSAS 18001. Our top level Global
Health and Safety Policy demonstrates our commitment to OH&S and our alignment to internationally recognized standards and
codes. The OH&S management system is structured on prevention of worker injury and illness, with a focus on proactive hazard
ENVIRONMENTAL recognition. Celestica utilizes both on-site EHS representatives, third-party consulting firms, and partners with global registrars
and regulators to ensure our activities are both safe and healthy, with a focus on employee wellbeing. Ongoing improvements to
our management system are based on a Plan-Do-Check-Act model and the iterative activities of management reviews, auditing,
SOCIAL and EHS focused Kaizen activities. The OH&S management system, as described by our top level policy, includes all employees,
contractors, and persons undertaking business at our locations.
403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, Work-related hazard assessments are conducted to assess risks and ensure mitigating controls are adequate. Hazard assessments
GOVERNANCE and incident investigation are an iterative process and are re-evaluated when incidents occur or new processes, chemicals or, equipment are introduced or
modified. The Global Risk and Hazard assessment process is aligned with industry practices and focuses on the reduction of risk
based on the hazard hierarchy. This is well aligned with RBA requirements and ISO 45001 Standard.
REPORT INDICES I - Risk assessments are conducted by site EHS personnel, who are trained in occupational safety and occur in partnership with
engineering teams and employees who are responsible for executing the tasks.
KPI Summary II - Results of risk assessments are used to continually improve safety as the objective is to bring the risk to a tolerable level. Note,
in our operations, although hazards are effectively mitigated through elimination, substitution, engineering, administrative controls,
GRI Index
training, standard operating procedures, etc., the least effective means of worker protection, personal protective equipment, is still
SASB Disclosure widely utilized. Risk assessments are shared through the network as required, revisited when incidents occur, and reviewed when
changes occur to ensure no new hazards have been introduced, including during the corrective action process.
TCFD Disclosure
Workers are able to report work-related hazards–whether unsafe conditions or acts–at any time through their manager, supervisor,
EHS representative, safety committee, site leader, Global EHS or through the confidential ethics reporting hotline. Other tools
include suggestion boxes and near miss reporting programs.
Workers who have safety concerns are encouraged to report to the persons listed above to seek immediate action. Employees are
empowered to ensure they flag any unsafe conditions or acts that represent a risk to themselves or others. Celestica’s BCG provides
assurance there is no retaliation for the good faith reporting of hazards and risks, and employees are trained on BCG annually.
Workplace incidents are investigated and documented. Corrective actions for incidents are to focus on the hazard hierarchy with
a preference and focus on elimination, substitution and engineering controls. The Global Incident/Corrective Action Process is
aligned with 8D whereby the following are assessed: define the problem; establish a team; describe the problem; develop interim
containment; define and verify root cause; choose permanent corrective action; implement corrective action; prevent recurrence.
For incidents that involve days away cases, or other incidents of serious concern, there are global safety alerts sent out to all sites
such that incident sharing and response are reviewed and sites then review their own operations for possible similar hazards or
risks. If there is a need to engage with third-party expertise e.g. electrical, structural, equipment safety consultants, we do so.
Occupational Health and Safety Continued
403-3 Occupational health services Where Celesica provides occupational health services to employees and for workers who are not
SUSTAINABILITY employees they are performed by recognized occupational health care professionals e.g. industrial nurses,
AT CELESTICA third-party contracted doctors.
Health services may include induction medical surveillance and periodic medical surveillance for specific or
general health as it relates to work environment, work exposures, and local legal requirements. Examples
ENVIRONMENTAL of health checks can include audiometric testing and blood sampling for persons working with chemicals.
The records of the health checks are kept in accordance with local legal requirements and are kept with
the medical professionals or the Human Resources department, depending on the local requirements.
SOCIAL Where there are no on-site health practitioners, any surveillance testing is undertaken by third-party
medical clinics that Celestica partners with. Workers would participate in surveillance testing and/or
follow-up as per defined schedules during work hours and results are made available to the workers.
GOVERNANCE Where surveillance testing such as audiometric testing is conducted by a third-party professional, the
results of such testing would be reviewed to ensure that any identified work place exposures are addressed.
403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and All significant operational locations are represented by formal health and safety committees consisting We do not report on the level at which
REPORT INDICES communication on occupational health of both management and employee representatives. In total, 95% of employees are represented by these each formal joint management-worker
and safety committees. At Celestica, we have union employees in all regions and health and safety is a key priority health and safety committee typically
KPI Summary which is represented in our employee policies and procedures. Our workplaces engage employees in operates within the organization. Not
occupational health and safety such as continual improvement events, training, near miss reporting, all Celestica sites with unions cover
GRI Index risk assessments and standard operating procedure reviews, and inclusion in both internal and external health and safety topics as a part of their
audit activities. Decision making is a partnership between management and workers with a focus on collective agreements or within their trade
SASB Disclosure
workplace safety. union. The percentage to which various
TCFD Disclosure Workers receive communications regarding occupational health and safety in several ways, including: health and safety topics are covered by
training activities, site communications, site Safety Day activities, emergency response and preparedness these agreements is not tracked. However,
drills, and line-side safety talks. health and safety is covered at these sites
Where formal joint management-worker health and safety committees do exist, the committees’ oversight through employee rules to ensure we
can include a variety of activities, including: incident review and investigations, workplace inspections, abide by local laws.
review of relevant/new local legal requirements, review of new equipment, processes, and procedures.
403-5 Worker training on occupational health Celestica provides training for employees and third-party contractors such as:
and safety • Onboarding training for health and safety, including workplace safety rules, incident reporting,
PPE to be worn, equipment safety, etc.
• Job specific training for tasks and specific hazards related to assigned tasks such as equipment
safety/guarding, chemicals, heights, powered industrial vehicles, physically demanding work,
lock out tag out, and PPE.
• Re-training post incidents.
Occupational Health and Safety Continued
403-6 Promotion of worker health Workers are provided with non-occupational medical and healthcare services depending on location.
SUSTAINABILITY Such access includes topics such as smoking cessation, healthy eating, weight management, and
AT CELESTICA additional relevant health care services. These services and activities would be provided by on-site
exhibits by third-parties, or as part of site engagement and wellness programs.
403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational Celestica focuses on providing a safe and healthy workplace that is free from occupational exposures,
ENVIRONMENTAL health and safety impacts directly linked conditions or acts that could negatively impact employee health, safety or wellbeing. Our OH&S
by business relationships management systems focus on identifying hazards and implementing controls to eliminate or reduce
risk. We are a responsible neighbour in the communities in which we operate and extend our community
SOCIAL focused approach to assist those in need. The products and services we provide are manufactured in
accordance with legal requirements.
403-8 Workers covered by an occupational All employees are covered by an Occupational Health and Safety management system.
GOVERNANCE health and safety management system
403-9 Work-related injuries KPI Summary We do not disclose the work-related
hazards that pose a risk of high-
REPORT INDICES consequence injury.
403-10 Work-related ill health N/A We track total recordable incidents,
KPI Summary
including injuries and illnesses. However,
GRI Index this metric is unable to be separated to
measure just occupational illness.
SASB Disclosure
Training and Education
TCFD Disclosure 103 Management Approach Employment Practices
404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee Learning and Development We do not track the average hours of
training broken down by gender or
employee category.
404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills Learning and Development We do not offer assistance programs
for voluntary retirees to facilitate the
management of career endings.
404-3 Performance and career development reviews Performance objectives occur with all permanent, full-time Celestica employees and align to strategic
focus areas. The goals for broader functions and teams are established annually, providing an opportunity
for a cohesive and valuable partnership between employees and people leaders.
All permanent, full-time employees at and above the manager level are included in our global talent
and succession reviews. Talent reviews below the manager level are also completed at the discretion
of each business leader with a consistent approach. Through our enhanced 2020 Global Talent Review
cycle, we provided greater visibility to talent pool capabilities by leveraging a digital talent and succession
management system. In 2021, we will continue to expand targeted leadership development programs for
managers, directors and high performers to build future capabilities to maintain a competitive advantage,
ensure individuals are in the right roles to help deliver on our business strategy, and support employees’
career aspirations and growth.
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
103 Management Approach Employment Practices
SUSTAINABILITY 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees Gender Equality We report on gender and age in our overall
AT CELESTICA KPI Summary workforce, within our new hires population
2020 20-F Form and within our annual population of
People employees who were promoted. We do
ENVIRONMENTAL not report on other vulnerable or minority
405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration Gender Equality We do not track basic salary and
SOCIAL of women to men remuneration of women to men.
GOVERNANCE 103 Management Approach Compliance and Ethics
406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken KPI Summary
Human Rights Assessment
103 Management Approach Compliance and Ethics
SUSTAINABILITY 412-1 Operations that have been subject to human rights Every two years, an internal or external audit is conducted at each of Celestica’s manufacturing sites to
AT CELESTICA reviews or impact assessments ensure that we do not have any operations at significant risk of being exposed to slavery, human trafficking
or child labour.
412-2 Employee training on human rights policies or Ethics Program
Supplier Social Assessment
SOCIAL 103 Management Approach Compliance and Ethics
414-1 New suppliers that were screened using KPI Summary We provide the number of suppliers that
social criteria Supplier Assessments were screened using social criteria, rather
than the percentage of suppliers. The total
number of suppliers is not disclosed.
Conflict Minerals
103 Management Approach Compliance and Ethics
SUSTAINABILITY CM Adhering to ethical practices and compliance Supply Chain
AT CELESTICA with laws and regulations regarding conflict minerals Compliance and Ethics
Employee Wellness
ENVIRONMENTAL 103 Management Approach Employee Wellness
Employment Practices
EW Practices regarding employee health and wellness Employee Wellness
Working Hours
103 Management Approach Ethical Labour
WH Alignment to the RBA best practices on working hours Working Hours
Compliance and Ethics
KPI Summary
GRI Index
SASB Disclosure
TCFD Disclosure
The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) connects businesses and investors on the financial impacts of sustainability.
AT CELESTICA An independent, standard-setting organization, SASB’s mission is to help businesses around the world identify, manage, and report
on sustainability factors that matter to investors. SASB standards are industry-specific. Celestica is reporting on the “Electronic
ENVIRONMENTAL Manufacturing Services & Original Design Manufacturing” standards within the “Technology and Communications” sector.
Water Management Total water withdrawn, percentage of each in regions Thousand cubic TC-ES-140a.1 2021 CDP Water Security Questionnaire
with high or extremely high baseline water stress meters (m³), KPI Summary
Percentage (%)
KPI Summary Total water consumed, percentage of each in regions Thousand cubic TC-ES-140a.1 2021 CDP Water Security Questionnaire
with high or extremely high baseline water stress meters (m³),
GRI Index Percentage (%)
SASB Disclosure Waste Management Amount of hazardous waste from manufacturing, Metric tons (t), TC-ES-150a.1 KPI Summary
percentage recycled Percentage (%)
TCFD Disclosure
Labour Practices Number of work stoppages Number TC-ES-310a.1 There were no work stoppages due to strikes or lockouts, however
this excludes any stoppages due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Total days idle Days idle TC-ES-310a.1 There were no days idle due to strike or lockouts, however this
excludes any stoppages due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Labour Conditions Total recordable incident rate (TRIR) for (a) direct Rate TC-ES-320a.1 KPI Summary
ABOUT THIS REPORT employees and (b) contract employees
Near miss frequency rate (NMFR) for (a) direct employees and (b) Rate TC-ES-320a.1 KPI Summary
contract employees
AT CELESTICA Percentage of (1) entity’s facilities and (2) Tier 1 supplier facilities Percentage (%) TC-ES-320a.2 1. a) 30.30%
audited in the RBA Validated Audit Process (VAP) 1. b) N/A
or equivalent, by (a) all facilities and (b) high-risk facilities 2. a) 9.72%
2. b) N/A
Celestica conducts facility RBA VAP audits upon request from customers as well
as schedules internal self-audits and peer audits, mirroring the RBA VAP audit,
at a regular cadence. Due to the unforseen circumstances of the COVID-19
pandemic, most of the internal peer audits were desktop audits to ensure
maxiumum safety.
Due to the nature of our business, much of our supplier selection is decided
and controlled by the customers we work with. Due to this reason and the list
of over 9,000 suppliers used globally, Celestica has limited our tier 1 suppliers
to only direct suppliers that account for 80% of our supplier spending, omitting
distributors, customers, and competitors.
KPI Summary Both initial and closure audits are considered for these company facility and
GRI Index supplier facility calculations.
No facilities or suppliers were identified as high risk through the RBA Self-
SASB Disclosure Assessment Questionnaire process.
TCFD Disclosure
Labour Conditions (1) Non-conformance rate with the RBA Validated Audit Process (VAP) Rate TC-ES-320a.3 1.a.i) N/A - No priority findings were identified in 2020 Celestica manufacturing
ABOUT THIS REPORT Continued or equivalent and (2) associated corrective action rate for (a) priority site audits
non-conformances and (b) other nonconformances, broken down 1.a.ii) 7.69%
for (i) the entity’s facilities and (ii) the entity’s Tier 1 supplier facilities 1.b.i) 90.00%
1.b.ii) 342.31%
2.a.i) N/A - No priority findings were identified in 2020 Celestica manufacturing
site audits
ENVIRONMENTAL 2.a.ii) 100.00%
2.b.i) 100.00%
2.b.ii) 100.00%
SOCIAL Celestica conducts facility RBA VAP audits upon request from customers as well
as schedules internal self-audits and peer audits, mirroring the RBA VAP audit,
at a regular cadence. Due to the unforeseen circumstances of the COVID-19
GOVERNANCE pandemic, most of the internal peer audits were desktop audits to ensure
maximum safety.
Due to the nature of our business, much of our supplier selection is decided
REPORT INDICES in by which the customers we work work with. Celestica has limited our tier 1
suppliers to only direct suppliers that account for 80% of our supplier spending,
KPI Summary omitting distributors, customers, and competitors for these reasons.
Both initial and closure audits are considered for these company facility and
GRI Index supplier facility calculations.
SASB Disclosure Product Weight of end-of-life products and e-waste recovered, Metric tons (t), TC-ES-410a.1 Celestica does not track the weight of end-of-life products and e-waste
Lifecycle percentage recycled Percentage (%) recovered.
TCFD Disclosure
Management Celestica delivers innovative supply chain solutions globally to customers.
Our business model consists of a comprehensive offering of product
manufacturing and related supply chain services. Our teams will look to
expand on these metrics in the short term for products related to our
Hardware Platform Solutions business.
Materials Description of the management of risks associated TC-ES-440a.1 Compliance and Ethics
Sourcing with the use of critical materials Supply Chain
Compliance and Ethics
KPI Summary
GRI Index
SASB Disclosure
TCFD Disclosure
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) publishes climate-related financial disclosure recommendations designed
AT CELESTICA to help companies provide better information to support informed capital allocation. The disclosure recommendations are structured
around four thematic areas: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.
KPI Summary
b) Describe managements role in assessing and managing 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire C1.2, C1.2a, C2.2, C2.2a
GRI Index climate-related risks and opportunities. Sustainability Governance
2020 20-F Form
SASB Disclosure
Strategy Disclose the actual and a) Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities the 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire C2.1, 2.1a, 2.3, 2.3a, 2.4, 2.4a
TCFD Disclosure potential impacts of climate- organization has identified over the short-, medium-, and Financial Implications Due to Climate Change
related risks and opportunities long-term.
on the organizations'
businesses, strategy and
financial planning
b) Describe the impact of climate-related risks and 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire C2.1, 2.3a, 2.4a, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.4a
opportunities on the organization’s businesses, strategy, and Financial Implications Due to Climate Change
financial planning. 2020 20-F Form
c) Describe the resilience of the organization’s strategy, 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire C2.1, 3.2
taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios,
including a 2°C or lower scenario.
Risk Management Disclose how the organization a) Describe the organization’s processes for identifying and 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire C2.1, 2.1b, 2.2, 2.2a
ABOUT THIS REPORT identifies, assesses and assessing climate-related risks. Materiality
manages climate-related risks
SUSTAINABILITY b) Describe the organization’s processes for managing 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire C2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.3c
AT CELESTICA climate-related risks. Sustainability Governance
Our Sustainability Strategy
Celestica's Management Approaches
ENVIRONMENTAL c) Describe how processes for identifying, assessing, and 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire C2.1, 2.1b, 2.2, 3.1
managing climate-related risks are integrated into the Sustainability Governance
organization’s overall risk management.
Metrics and targets Disclose the metrics and a) Disclose the metrics used by the organization to assess 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire C4.2, 4.2b, 9.1
targets used to assess and climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy 2021 CDP Water Security Questionnaire W1.2b, 1.2d, 1.2h
GOVERNANCE manage relevant climate- and risk management process. Change in Scope 1 & Scope 2 year-over-year - CDP C7.9, 7.9a, (supporting information - 7.9b)
related risks and opportunities Energy consumption - CDP C8.2a
Fuel consumption - CDP C8.2c
Renewable energy generation - CDP C8.2d
Renewable energy consumption - CDP C8.2e
Number of energy-reduction projects - CDP C4.3a
KPI Summary Supplier Assessments - KPI Summary
Water - KPI Summary and Water
GRI Index
b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3 2021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire C6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 7.1, 7.1a, 7.2, 7.3b, 7.5, 7.6, 7.6b, (supporting
SASB Disclosure
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the related risks. information in C5.1, 5.2, 5.2a, 6.2, 6.4, 6.4a, 6.7, 7.9b)
TCFD Disclosure Greenhouse Gas Emissions
KPI Table
c) Describe the targets used by the organization to manage 22021 CDP Climate Change Questionnaire C4.1, 4.1a, 4.2, 4.2b, 9.1
climate-related risks and opportunities and performance Celestica’s Aspirational Sustainability Goals
against targets. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The forward-looking statements contained herein are based on various assumptions, many of which involve factors that are beyond our control. Our material assumptions
include those related to our ability to: successfully implement our sustainability and ESG initiatives as intended; further invest in renewable energy; enhance cross-
functional collaboration on sustainable solutions and ESG initiatives; and engage our full value chain on sustainability and ESG practices, as well as assumptions related
to the effectiveness and impact of such planned actions and science-based targets. Although management believes its assumptions to be reasonable under the current
circumstances, they may prove to be inaccurate, which could cause actual results to differ materially (and adversely) from those that would have been achieved had such
assumptions been accurate.
The forward-looking statements herein speak only as of the date made, and we assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law. All forward-looking statements herein are expressly qualified by these cautionary statements.