Colliers 2022 Impact Report
Colliers 2022 Impact Report
Colliers 2022 Impact Report
Our Future
2022 Global Impact Report
Accelerating success.
Table of Contents
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 2
About Colliers
Colliers (NASDAQ, TSX: CIGI) is a
leading diversified professional services
and investment management company.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 3
About the report
made reasonable estimations or assumptions. Where estimations
have been made, they have been indicated in the text. The 2022
Scope 1 and 2 energy and carbon emissions data in this report
has been assured by a third party. The diversity data for women in
management roles and achievement of our WELL ratings targets
Elevating Elevating Elevating Health
have also been assured by a third party. All data in this report has the Environment Inclusiveness & Wellbeing
The information presented in this report represents the best
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 4
A message from
Jay Hennick
Global Chairman and CEO
At Colliers, we are always looking for ways to Having launched our global ESG strategy with
build a better, more equitable and sustainable bold targets last year, we are focused on hitting
key milestones against the framework’s three
Qrmwithdeepexpertiseinproperty,weplaya pillars: environment, inclusiveness, and health
critical role in tackling urgent challenges such and wellbeing.
as climate change and inequality.
With real estate and infrastructure responsible
Our third annual Impact Report highlights for close to 40% of global carbon emissions,
our progress in providing innovative solutions I am proud of the path we are forging
and exceptional results to clients and creating with our wide-ranging commitments to
positive impact for our people and planet. sustainability. Our goal to achieve net zero
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A message from Jay Hennick, Global Chairman and CEO
carbon emissions across Colliers by 2030, and our related spaces that promote wellbeing. We are strengthening our value work.OureortsareevidencedbyearningaplaceonThe
pledge to the Science Based Targets initiative’s (SBTi) Business proposition in these areas to ensure that our enterprising and Globe and Mail’s Women Lead Here ranking and Forbes’ list of
.5 1 areourmostambitious.ThissigniQcant collaborative culture continues to thrive. Our professionals World’s Top Female-Friendly Companies.
commitment demonstrates our determination to elevate the responded above external benchmarks in our latest global
built environment and create meaningful change. employee engagement survey – a prime example of our culture The strides we have made reflect our
of openness and ability to shape Colliers together. Helping commitment to lead by example, do what’s
Through our Net Zero Innovation Working Group and ESG clients understand and respond to these trends is equally
Steering Committees composed of key regional experts and
right, and drive real, lasting impact.
important. Our proprietary tools such as Campus Re-imagined
leaders, we are sharing best practices and expanding our and Hybrid Accelerator are enabling them to rethink their We will continue to accelerate the success of our people, clients
sustainability-focused advisory services across our service footprintandozcespaceneeds. and communities. We will adapt and grow along the way, and
lines to further support our clients and drive long-term
challenge ourselves to push for progress. I invite you to explore
growthforthebeneQtofallourstakeholders.Whilethefocus stronglybelieveteamsthatembracethedierentqualities
this report to learn about the many ways we are elevating the
of this report is on our service lines, our major Investment of their members are more innovative and perform better.
built environment.
Management platforms also have established ESG strategies Consequently, we set a target to achieve 40% female
that contain additional goals and metrics. representation overall and in management roles. We are
taking deliberate steps to institutionalize diversity, equity, and
The hard work and passion of our 18,000 experts make Colliers’ inclusion in everything we do – from hiring and training to
world-class solutions possible. A global shift in working norms evaluating who has a seat at the table. Fostering an inclusive Jay S. Hennick
stemming from the pandemic and technology advancements environment and promoting equal opportunity empower our Global Chairman & CEO
has sharpened the importance of inclusive workplaces and professionals to feel respected, included, and do their best
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2022 Highlights Awards and recognition
million million
reduction in Scope 1 greencertiQcationsheld
and 2 emissions per sq.ft.ofgreen-certiQed by Colliers professionals sq.ft.ofgreen-certiQed
square foot properties under
construction managed
Globe St.
CRE’s Best Places to Work
2023 | U.S.
1,300+ 39 %
sustainable building million
ratings achieved for
MWh of solar energy
of global workforce are
WELL Health-Safety Ratings
generated by assets in
clients Top 3 real estate brand for six
Investment Management
consecutive years
195,812 85 %
hours of training completed participation rate in global Top outsourcing service
engagement survey provider for 17 consecutive
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In conversation with
senior leaders
What were Colliers’ most significant ESG
developments in 2022?
Christian: We’re seeing more investors ensuring the companies they back are
engaging in sustainable and ethical business practices. In 2022, we continued
to align our business with ESG principles and monitored our sustainability
performance targets, on which we made considerable progress.
Chris: Since announcing our ESG targets, we have established a Net Zero
set for our clients. Our ESG advisory services around the world have grown
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With our ESG strategy focused on three areas
What are your ESG aspirations for 2023 and beyond?
(environment, inclusiveness, and health & wellbeing), Chris: Over the last few years, we’ve seen how sustainability and wellbeing have
what are our greatest opportunities to make a positive become critical considerations for our clients. We’re here to help real estate investors
and occupiers take action to make their buildings healthier and more sustainable. I
impact for our stakeholders?
am excited about the developments in our net zero client program and continuing to
Chris: We have $98 billion of assets under management and manage two billion square embed ESG into our services around the world.
feet of space for clients. Working directly with owners, investors, and occupiers to improve
Christian: Sound ESG practices are a critical element in delivering long-term value to
the performance of their properties inside and out is how we’ll deliver the greatest impact.
with climate change and creating business opportunities through our sustainability and
environment and surrounding communities in which we live, work, and play.
ESG advisory services are top of mind.
Christian: With stakeholders actively looking at how companies are managing ESG
Becky: We’ll continue to invest in our people through engagement and feedback
matters, we are continually enhancing our practices to ensure we meet all regulatory
opportunities, mentorship, and training initiatives. Furthermore, we intend to build our
and disclosure requirements that are constantly evolving. We are also in a prime
talent base of ESG professionals and deepen our commitment to educating more of our
position to advise clients on their sustainability programs, from taking steps to
professionals on key ESG issues to help them understand that they have an important
decarbonize the built environment to creating inclusive workplaces and communities
role to play in elevating the built environment.
that will yield long-term gains.
Becky: Our people are our greatest assets and talent. As we respond to employee
expectations about their workplaces and trends in ways of working, it’s imperative for
us to provide environments that nurture and promote collaboration, inclusiveness, and
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Our ESG strategy:
Elevate the Built Elevating the Environment Elevating Inclusiveness
Elevating Health &
Environment Launch Colliers Volunteer Days initiative globally to support the environment,
Communities inclusiveness, and health & wellbeing - targeting 15,000 days annually.
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Expert Spotlight
Sean Drygas
Global Lead, ESG & Impact
01 Describe what ESG means to Colliers, Lowering our Scope 1 and 2 emissions is fundamental, but When it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion, Colliers is
we are also doing more to take aim at our Scope 3 emissions, growing its base of executive- and employee-run groups to
and how our priorities are shaping up.
namely those stemming from client spaces, which are the ensure our values are reinforced at all levels. We launched
Now that we have a full ESG framework in place that embeds dominantsourceofemissionsthatwecaninRuence.This an Executive Diversity Council in North America, a Supplier
these principles in the way we do business, this year is about is an opportunity for us to collaborate with clients who are Diversity Council, and many new Employee Resource Groups
hitting our key milestones and putting in the building blocks increasingly setting their own carbon commitments and turn that focus on inclusivity. We’ve launched new initiatives in
needed to meet our goals. Looking ahead this decade, we are on recruiting
theirneedsintosustainabilityservicesandadvicewe canoer and developing female employees and leaders
pace to achieve our net zero and Science-Based Targets – and across the industry. We are continuously looking at technology toward achieving our 40% representation goal.
help many clients do the same. On top of our focus on climate and expertise we can invest in to maximize this opportunity.
02 Where are you taking closest aim to In 2022, we submitted our data and plans to the Science-Based
We have strong governance at the board level, in which
our Audit and Risk Committee serves as our ESG check
elevate the environment?
formanyofouroccupiedozces,andcreatedaNetZero and balance. Our senior leaders have direct oversight and
Climate change is widely considered the single biggest Innovation Working Group designing solutions for us and responsibility, which enables us to put necessary resources in
threat to our health, security and society. Making our our clients. We added a “sustainability-linked loan” feature place. They are also part of ESG steering committees in every
decarbonization commitments a reality is our dominant focus. to our $1.75 billion Revolving Credit Facility to highlight our region that help execute programs and keep targets in focus.
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Elevating the
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Tackling climate change requires agility and action across all levels
of our organization and value chain, which is why we formalized
our commitment to emissions reductions through the SBTi
Elevating Business Ambition for 1.5°C program and to achieving net zero
for our own operations by 2030. We are building a full suite of net
the Environment zero solutions for clients, from measuring their current footprints
to developing plans for decarbonizing their properties so they
can elevate the built environment and earn returns on their
At Colliers, we are committed to creating our clients in their climate action journey.
a sustainable future. This starts with We conducted a full assessment of our Scope 3 emissions – and
the fundamentals of our business: the submitted data on all three scopes to SBTi, the gold standard of
spaces and buildings we occupy, bring target-setting and reporting, in October 2022. Final approvals of
to life, invest in, and manage. our targets are expected in mid-2023.
Net Zero Innovation
As a leader in an industry tied to nearly 40% of global
Working Group
carbon emissions, it is our responsibility to be enterprising –
seek out the best partners, leverage the right technologies, In 2022, Colliers assembled a Net Zero
Progress toward goals Innovation Working Group, with experts from
and model the path to emissions reductions. We have an
outsized opportunity to make an impact through our own across regions and business lines.
Reduce emissions in line with the SBTi 1.5°C Reduced emissions by
operations, services we provide to investors, landlords, and program, and achieve Net Zero in our own 10.1% vs. 2021
occupiers, and across our value chain. operations by 2030. Focused on client-facing emissions commitments,
we began to pilot technologies related to
Establish a Science-Based Target for Science-Based target carbonmeasurementandenergyezciency.
managed properties. submitted This work is ongoing as we seek ways to scale
Establish an advisory framework to enable Net-Zero Innovation
clients whose properties and projects we Working Group launched renewable energy capabilities.
manage to achieve net zero.
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Our carbon and
emissions progress Inside the numbers:
Colliers’ absolute and intensity-based ~1,200 vehicles in 2022 from ~1,000 in 2021. This
growth largely occurred in Colliers Engineering,
emissions are as follows: which uses vehicles – primarily light-duty trucks – to
service clients. Acquisitions during 2022 contributed
developing a strategy regarding which vehicles can
Total Emissions (MT CO2e) 2021* 2022 YoY Change
be electriQed at end- of- life or lease expiry. Scope 2
Scope 1 emissions - Fleet 5,589.9 7,443.3 33.2% emissions declined primarily due to renewable energy
Scope 1 and 2 (location-based) emissions 23,557.7 23,994.4 1.9% leases and power purchase agreements.
GHG emissions reductions from utility purchases 115.5 (12.5) - Basis of Preparation
Emissions deemed to be within Colliers' operational control
Total Scope 2 emissions (market-based) 13,405.6 10,839.8 , (19.1%) including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and Nitrous Oxide
Total Scope 1 and 2 (market-based) emissions 23,442.1 22,243.4 (5.1%) PerRuorocarbons(PFCs),SulphurHexaRuoride 6
),(SFand Nitrogen
triRuoride3)(NFemissions from refrigerant use have been excluded
Kilograms CO2e per square foot 8.00 , 7.19 , (10.1%)
as they are not material sources of GHGs for Colliers and are not
typically under our operational control. Where energy consumption
* 201baselineQguresforScope1and2emissionshavebeenrevisedasfollows: data is not available, estimates have been made using intensity
!increasetoScope1Reetasaresultofnewly-availablefuel-consumptiondatafor201thatwaspreviouslyestimated QguresperunitofRoorareaoccupied(ozces)ordistancedriven
!increaseinScope1and2ozce-basedemissionsduetorestatedemissionsfactorsfromonenationalgovernment (vehicles) supplied by the U.S. EIA and EPA, NRCan in Canada, JRC-
!decreasetoScope1and2ozce-basedemissions,andanincreaseinemissionspersquarefoot,causedbyaprevious IDEES in Europe, and the UNFCCC.
, ThissymbolidentiQesthirdpartyassuranceofthedata.
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Our offices are improving our environmental
impact via sustainable design and sourcing,
We are proud to lead by example
contain at least 50% recycled materials, and are
in our ESG pursuits. chosen for durability and modularity.
When relocating or renewing leases, primary Smaller-scale measures can make considerable impact
consideration is given to buildings and property whenexpandedacrossmanyozces:developing
owners that demonstrate sustainable performance Rexibleworkprogramsthatreducecarbonemissions
and partnership. We have implemented our own from commuting; curtailing our use of paper; and
Green Lease Checklist, enacted upon renewals, empoweringeachozcetodeployitsownenergy
requiringlow-RowQxturesusingroughly60%less reduction strategies.
water than traditional models and a minimum of
50% pre-consumer and post-consumer total recycled Oneofthesepartners,Humanscale,istheQrst
content where applicable. companytodevelopproductscertiQedtobeclimate,
energy, and water positive – enabling Colliers to
1 thecarbonused,basedontheozce
furniture we purchased from them.
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We were quickly outgrowing our Tokyo We arrived at the Marunouchi Nijubashi Building in
headquarters as our headcount increased the city’s central business district. It features state-
and wellbeing goals. Upon creating a shortlist
of buildings, we used a set of rating systems to The new office boasts great views of
identify the ideal new property.
the city, as well as indoor plants and
Toyko, Japan TheQrstwasourColliersGreenLease natural light throughout, boosting the
requirements checklist, developed by our Occupier mood of our clients and professionals.
Services team to help clients measure the eco-
The checklist friendliness of a building. The tool considers The space also features dedicated wellbeing
was developed by factors around the use of sustainable materials rooms for nursing and relaxation, and
and products, air quality, water use, and energy wheelchair-friendly meeting rooms and work
Occupier Services
consumption. areas. We reused 30% of the furniture from our
to measure the previousozceandleveragedourcompany-
eco-friendliness Next, we made a scoreboard to further rank criteria wide partnership with Steelcase, which designs
of a building. including proximity to public transport, building products that have a smaller impact on our planet,
upkeep, sustainability initiatives implemented, for remaining furniture.
surrounding environment and security, and
availability of amenities.
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Australia offices
what level of energy and emissions
Committed to reducing our carbon and reductions would be required to achieve a
energy footprint, our team was keen to 5.0 or 5.5 NABERS Energy Star rating, with
measure current energy use and emissions recommendations on how to realistically
MultipleOzces,Australia forsixColliersozcesandsubsequently achieve each sustainability target.
develop tenancy improvement plans.
Our sustainability experts partnered with ranged from 2 to 6 stars, revealing the
the New South Wales government’s funding importance of standardizing our approach
initiative to commission National Australian toenergyezciencyforourozces.The
In one year, the team Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) teamisnowimplementingenergyezciency
ratingsandimprovementreportsforozcesin improvements such as installing occupancy
will rate its offices
North Sydney, Sydney Central Business District sensors, switching to LED lights, maintaining
again to measure HVAC temperature setpoints within a certain
(CBD), Newcastle, Liverpool, Mascot and
improvements in a Parramatta. Determining their current ratings range, and reviewing energy saving settings
bid to hold ourselves providedacross-sectionofozceperformanceonallozceequipment.noneyear,the
accountable to against peers and a roadmap for tenancy teamwillrateitsozcesagaintomeasure
speciQcenergyreductionactionplans. improvements in a bid to hold ourselves
positive change.
accountable to positive change.
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Expert Spotlight
Kate Slattery
National Director, Head of Technical Services & Operations, REMS Australia
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01 Property Management 05 Engineering and Design
Energy and
sustainability services
environment by supporting our clients’ ambitions. Working
directly with owners, investors, and occupiers to improve
the performance of their properties inside and out is how
we’ll deliver the greatest impact.
Colliers provides comprehensive and innovative energy and sustainability services to
clients, focusing on outcomes that lessen environmental impact. With more than 200
More than 98% certiQedenergyandsustainabilityexpertsacrossthebusiness,wearesoughtforour
of the emissions we can impact are in expertise in mitigating climate risk, decarbonizing real estate, pursuing accreditations,
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Be climate resilient: We help clients determine their Upgrade buildings: We collaborate on solutions to optimize sites,
Everything we do across building
properties’ weaknesses such as low points that are including solar paneling, battery storage, smart metering, and
portfolios starts and ends with what is
vulnerabletoRoodinganddamage. electric vehicle charging.
best for each property.
Secure energy efficiency incentives: We assist Certify buildings: We perform a full suite of audits, assessments
Colliers professionals are poised to advise
owners and property managers in taking full and applications for the world’s leading ESG standards: LEED,
clients on enhancements with the greatest
advantage of available incentive programs provided BOMA BEST, Fitwel, BREEAM, WELL and NABERS.
by government and industry bodies.
reduce utility related costs, improve resiliency, Engage and educate tenants: We design and roll out tenant
mitigate risk, and increase asset value. Conserve energy and water: In tracking and outreach and awareness programs to further cascade our clients’
ThiscouldtaketheformofdeepretroQts, managing utility consumption, we contain costs environmentaleorts.
electriQcationprojectsandproptechsolutions and emissions, identify anomalies, evaluate
that reduce energy consumption and waste performance, assess use over time, and make custom Manage and report ESG performance: We develop ESG
senttolandQlls.Aswecontinuetobuildour recommendations. frameworks, create key performance indicators, determine carbon
data collection, tracking, and benchmarking osetstrategies,setbenchmarks,andmanagetheRowofdata
capabilities, our teams are more empowered Procure green energy: We work with clients to to measure improvements. Our in-depth ESG analyses – which
than ever to help our clients better manage, access renewable energy in their area while providing includeemissionscalculationsdriveeectivesustainab
measure, disclose and act on their portfolios. overall energy systems guidance. reporting through tools such as GRI, GRESB and PRI.
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CASE STUDY | Project Management Centennial College, a community services took the project through the design
college with five campuses and seven and construction phases, including supporting
Bringing Canada’s
satellite locations, recognized the need the complex design requirements to achieve
to expand its Progress Campus’ A Block the facility’s net zero goals.
building to address enrollment growth
4rstmasstimber, and space utilization issues. The newly constructed six-story complex will be
zero carbon
The project would solve anticipated future institutionalbuilding,oeringapproximately
classroomdeQciencyandprovidesuitable 136,000 sq. ft. of new space and over 16,000 sq.
infrastructure to support the college’s academic ft. of renovated space. Notably, mass timber is an
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 22
Our Sustainability Services
• Energyezciency • CertiQcationofbuildingsandoccupied
• Renewable energy spaces (e.g., LEED, BREEAM, BOMA Best,
implementation or procurement NABERS)
• ElectriQcation • Non-QnancialreportingsuchasGRESB
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CASE STUDY | ESG Advisory Services
ManpowerGroup, a global workforce achievesigniQcantreductionsincarbon
solutions company committed emissions. We collaborated with expert
to decarbonization, approached subcontractors to undertake a detailed
Diemen office near Amsterdam supportingaReetofasmanyas30electric
more environmentally sustainable vehicles, a proportion of which would need
and self-sustaining. to charge simultaneously. Ultimately, we
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 24
Giventhestrongdemandforsustainableozce • Pathway to net-zero carbon (NZC)
CASE STUDY | ESG Advisory Services
space and limited supply, we worked closely with
• EnergyPerformanceCertiQcateEPC)
aUKrealestateequityQrmtoretroQtitstower assessment
net-zero roadmap
help to retain current tenants, 80% of whom have dierentinterventionsandinvestmentpotential,
publicly stated decarbonization plans, and attract akin to gold, silver and bronze levels. We determined
new ones with similar goals. that the building’s existing heating and cooling systems
real estate must be halved by 2030 to align
the middle scenario, which would bring the building’s
with Science Based Targets, which most of the
EPC rating from an ‘F’ to an ‘A’ with the lowest
building’s occupiers are working towards – a
transition cost and best-balanced energy usage,
discovery made after Colliers was contracted to do
annual cost and savings.
London, UK a full Net Zero Carbon scoping study. Furthermore,
74% of the net lettable area has lease breaks Due to the remaining economic life and embodied
before 2030 – a notable risk as the building is not carbon in the main boilers and chillers, we
aligned with the requirements of most existing recommendedtheretroQtcommencelater
These plans will help tenants. this decade after the assets have been fully
retain and attract
corporate tenants who We investigated the potential for this building
to achieve net zero and developed a(n): Through the NZC scoping study, our client
increasingly prioritize
• Analysis of current installations and operation understandstherequirementstoretroQtthis
ESG factors in their
structure to achieve net-zero operations, budget to
occupancy strategies. • Review of gas and electricity usage against
be set aside, and their likely future energy savings
industry benchmarks
and EPC ratings. These plans will help retain
• Innovative HVAC model to identify potential
and attract corporate tenants who increasingly
energy savings
prioritize ESG factors in their occupancy strategies.
• Recommended energy upgrades
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Our Sustainability Services
04 | Investment Management
Harrison Street is on a
Colliers is a leading global player in the net-zero pathway, with
alternative private capital industry, with $98 a 2025 goal to reduce
billion in assets under management. carbon emissions by 70%
We deliver top-tier, risk-adjusted returns over the long term for We also support ESG initiatives by monitoring
more than 900 institutional and high net-worth investors through and optimizing utility usage, developing on-
diverse investment strategies. Our investment management siterenewableenergyandprocuringo-site
arms, including Colliers Global Investors, Harrison Street, Basalt renewable energy as needed, pursuing green
Infrastructure, Rockwood Capital, and Versus Capital, closely andhealthybuildingcertiQcations,making
consider ESG factors when evaluating real asset investments. ezciencyretroQts,improvingthephysical
resiliency of assets, and taking stock each year
Such factors can impact investment performance to varying of risks and opportunities.
degrees across sectors, regions, asset classes and time periods.
Learn more about our investment
management ESG commitments:
investment diligence, we conduct assessments to identify areas
• Harrison Street
better outcomes for our clients and the people that our assets serve.
• Basalt Infrastructure
Equally important, we expect our portfolio companies and partners to
• Rockwood Capital
embrace ESG as a key part of their governance and operations.
• Colliers Global Investors (Innovation & ISR)
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CASE STUDY | Investment Management
sciences campuses
management firm, engaged a local included new receptacles (including those
property management company as designed for hazardous waste) as well as
its operating partner for life science educational forums to promote awareness of
properties in the UK in its pursuit of the zero waste goals and ensure occupants
London, UK achieving zero waste to landfill. knew how to comply with the program’s
requirements. Meanwhile, we worked with
All organizations in the UK that produce, trash haulers that could measure the amount
recover or dispose of waste are responsible diverted, procure greener materials, and
800 metric tons for applying a waste hierarchy ranking introduce more recycling streams onsite.
of waste have systemwithQvewastemanagement
Harrison Street achieved zero waste to
been diverted options, ranked in order from most to least
environmental friendliness: Prevent; Reuse;
from landfills. Technopole life science properties in 2022.
More than 800 metric tons of waste have
also issue declarations that they have done
been diverted. These properties monitor
so as part of a duty of care.
and share their monthly waste statistics with
With its operating partner, Harrison Street occupiers to celebrate these environmental
performed a waste audit at each campus. successes and encourage ongoing education.
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Our Sustainability Services
integrate renewable resources, including solar and battery storage, • Grading and drainage design
and follow LEED design philosophies to ensure their projects are
• Geotechnical engineering and subsurface
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CASE STUDY | Engineering and Design In Syracuse, New York sits the largest a high-accuracy vertical survey of the dome
domed stadium on any college campus in structure as it was being built to ensure the new
system could come together seamlessly and safely.
on an innovative,
with less than three-eighths of an inch for error
– a very complex operation. Our enterprising
surveyors fought swings in temperature, wind
gusts, and weather that shifted the building and
oppressive heat and humidity when packed with
new superstructure. We solved discrepancies in
thousands of fans in the summer. Furthermore,
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Our Sustainability Services
06 | Occupier Services
Our strategic partner Blue Skyre IBE bolsters our ESG-related Waste diversion: Recycling and reusing materials to
advisory and services. Together, we developed a guide with divertfromlandQll.
considerations and a six-step process for clients to successfully
establish a holistic ESG program. Blue Skyre IBE’s intelligent ESG
Assessment: Transparent reporting on progress and
Focus™ powered by Allovance helps occupiers develop their ESG
recommending improvements.
goals and initiatives, design and operationalize sustainability
and gain business intelligence for continuous improvement.
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Expert Spotlight
Chris Zlocki
Head of Client Experience and Executive Vice President,
Occupier Services | Global
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CASE STUDY | Occupier Services
One of Colliers’ key occupier clients is For this end-to-end solution, our team
growth and financial stability, encourage
international trade, and reduce poverty current cost of power – to see where the
around the world. client can use solar energy most practically
countries,inwhichtheorganizationsQeldozcesthe production and per-kilowatt-hour cost
are often located. These areas tend to be without based on a rooftop’s size and location.
access to large-scale electrical grids, meaning
Meanwhile, our project management experts
that on-site generators use fossil fuels to produce
Niamey, Niger engaged local consultants to understand the
electricity, and power outages are common.
For the past two years, Colliers Occupier operation – for example, in dusty areas, what
Services has supported the client in achieving frequency of cleaning is required to keep the panels
reliable, lower-cost and cleaner electricity for functioning without diminishing power supply.
the form of solar panels directly on roofs and The end result for the client: a
battery systems. This initiative began with renewable energy program that
the evaluation of four existing sites in Africa provides more reliable and zero-
and the standardization of solar microgrid
emissions electricity for less.
Niamey, Niger represents a prototype for
future projects.
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Our Sustainability Services
07 | Capital Markets
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Expert Spotlight
Damian Harrington
Head of Global Capital Markets Research and EMEA Research
I connect the dots between occupier and investor behaviour There are many drivers pushing the ESG agenda forward, In our latest Global Investor Outlook, we highlighted that ESG
and asset performance and encourage the sharing of this compliance factors are driving greater direct action: 45% of the
information among our regions so we can collectively help weather and the moral case to address the amount of investors we surveyed revealed their intent to dispose up to
clients make the best decisions. ESG issues have risen emissions generated by real estate. Energy costs in Europe 0%of
2 theirnon-performing portfoliointhenextQveyears.
in relevance over the last decade and are undoubtedly haveincreasedbymorethan20%overthelastQveyears, Whenitcomestoasset-speciQcperformance,retroQtting
on average, so our clients increasingly recognize the risks of
inRuencingourclientsinvestmentstrategies.Withevolving buildingsisthecriticalnextstep:90%ofinvestorsidentiQed
regulations, growing market demand for sustainability and inaction, alongside the opportunities that exist in the market. energyezciencyasapriority,followedbyoperationalcarbon
healthy buildings, and investors looking for responsible, risk- at 65%.
adjusted investments, ESG is a consideration we are asked
about frequently. However,retroQttingcostsareabigunknown.Weareseeing
a gap between our clients’ ambition to integrate ESG and
their capability to do so. We have experts to help our clients
understand what they need to do, and how to transition and
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Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 35
Driving gender diversity at Colliers
Elevating Inclusiveness We set a global goal in 2021 to have 40% female employees
overall and in management roles, outside of our Engineering
segment. Various divestitures, such as our exit from
Russia, and improved processes for collecting data led to a
recalculation of our 2021 baseline. Without these structural
We build and nurture inclusive environments changes,wemadesigniQcantstridestowardourgoals:
where our professionals from diverse
backgrounds thrive and feel valued.
Females as a % of Employees 2021 2022
Divested business excluded from all periods
At Colliers we embrace diversity among our talented team of 18,000
professionals in more than 60 countries, and we recognize it is key
to supporting innovative ideas, creativity, and strong company 39.5%
performance overall. It is our mission to foster a culture where all ,
employees can succeed, supported by rewards and recognition and 31.7% 33.3%
specialized learning programs that propel their career growth.
Achieve 40% female share of total Making progress towards our gender
employees and management roles.* diversity goals (see opposite). The revised 2021 baseline, including all businesses
owned during 2021, for women in management roles is
Baseline our purchasing from Introduced a supplier Diversity 32.4% . Given this, Colliers will be reviewing the target
diverse suppliers. Set an ambitious Council in North America and timeline for reaching 40% female representation in
goal for 2025. implemented technology to track
and improve our diverse spend. management roles.
* ManagementrolesaredeQnedasanyemployeewithdirectreportsand/oraseniorleadershiprole,exceptinEMEA
, ThissymbolidentiQesthirdpartyassuranceofthedata.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 36
The accolades we received in 2022 are
Bringing our inclusive
culture to life
At Colliers, we are elevating inclusiveness by:
HR Asia Best
06 | Oeringinclusivenessdevelopment Digital Knowledge Companies to Work
Observatory Foundation for in Asia 2022 -
Kununu Top Parent-Friendly Great Place to
Investor in Human
07 | Celebrating diversity Company 2022 Employer (Poland) Work 2022 (India) China for
( theQfth
Capital Award 2022 consecutive year)
(Poland) - for third year and Taiwan
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01 | Nurturing Employee Resource
Groups (ERGs)
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Expert Spotlight
Nicole MacDonald
Nicole focuses on projects with Colliers. For instance, they proactively helped
HR teams adjust language in job ads to be
Indigenous organizations in
more inclusive as well as develop recruitment
Canada, helping build community
and retention strategies for Indigenous people.
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02 | Offering mentorship programs
Regional Highlights
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 40
03 | Fostering external partnerships
Regional Highlights
APAC: Colliers curates work opportunities for young adults EMEA: Colliers in Poland partners with Vital Voices, an North America: We support people from several demographics
who identify as disabled through a partnership with the organizationthatsupportswomensrightsandoers through an array of partnerships. For instance, engaging with
Mann Centre for Individuals with Special Needs, in India. mentorship opportunities. Other initiatives include the Project REAP, the African American Real Estate Professionals,
Other regional partnerships include the Urban Land UK Pathways to Property initiative in conjunction with the the Black North Initiative and the Black Opportunity Fund helps
Institute (ULI) and the Property Champions of Change University of Reading, and close collaboration with Catalyst Colliers leverage our initiatives and networks to promote career
Coalition (PCCC), of which Malcom Tyson, CEO of Australia, and Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW). growth for Black professionals. Partnerships with Catalyst and the
is a member. Both partners pursue gender equality and CREW Network help us advance women across our organization.
inclusive workplaces. ColliersProjectLeaderswasamongtheQrstcompaniestojointhe
First Nations Major Projects Coalition to promote the interests
of Aboriginal communities in Canada and is committed to PAR
(Progressive Aboriginal Relations).
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 41
04 | Recruiting talent without bias
Regional Highlights
APAC: Colliers teams in Hong Kong, Japan, EMEA: All hiring managers in the region have North America: Our talent acquisition team Colliers Project Leaders: We revamped all
New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan training and resources in place to ensure achievedCertiQedDiversitynclusion
& recruitment materials to include inclusive
and India revised processes designed to equitable processes. The UK team has also run Recruiters accreditation through the external language and a diversity statement.
drive greater hiring diversity, while Australia a series of conscious inclusion workshops with AIRS agency. This team also implemented
continues to uphold the recommendations senior leaders across the business to support technologythatallowsustospotandQxany
previously implemented in the Property hiring and retention. social bias within our job postings.
Champions of Change Coalition’s "Removing
the Bias" report.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 42
05 | Maintaining and measuring
In 2022, our global employee engagement survey • More women- and family-friendly benefits as well
employee engagement had a response rate of 85% and an overall as a revamped rewards and recognition program in the
engagement score higher than in 2021 and APAC, North America and EMEA regions.
the external global benchmark.
Many regions conduct regular listening surveys to
We use this survey to hear directly from our employees ensure they build and maintain an inclusive working
Employee feedback is vital not only to on the issues that matter to them – and develop action environment. In North America, female brokers
our business pursuits at Colliers, but to plans in each region to address feedback. This feedback completed a 2022 pulse survey to communicate their
resulted in many recent initiatives, including: experiences, feedback that will be actioned in 2023.
our workplace strategies, engagement Colliers Project Leaders used exit survey data to pilot an
initiatives,andinclusivenesseorts. • Enhanced parental leave policies and lengthier paid assistant project manager coaching program to address
leave across many countries to ensure our families feel feedback on career development at that level.
Committees also provide us with insights into employee
• Americas Executive Diversity Council focused on
sentiment. An Employee Experience Committee at
broadening our inclusive culture.
Colliers Engineering & Design meets bi-weekly to plan
• Refreshed EMEA learning platform to improve activities around recognition and culture. A Young
user experience and access to learning for all our Leadership Committee in Hong Kong is invited to design
colleagues. Upon launch, we focused on delivering
special activities that link senior leaders with younger
was a theme that came up in the engagement survey. ndiathroughwhichQvepeoplefromdierentlevels
• New “Future Leaders Board” at EMEA Occupier and services lines join a panel discussion about the
Services to lead change from the ground up by acting eectivenessofwellbeinginitiativesandhowtoenrich
as a sounding board for new company initiatives, the employee experience.
cultivating a sense of ownership and belonging.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 43
06 | Offering inclusiveness development
0 workedwithCatalysttooerworkshopsandthought
leadership to increase inclusivity in our day-to-day operations. Catalyst is
and leading companies to help build workplaces that work for women.
In EMEA, the REAL for Women Program, which originated in the UK, was
extended across the region. The aim of the program is to support and
strengthen the career opportunities for our female talent.
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Expert Spotlight
Lydia Ings
HR Director, UK
Lydia Ings is the driving force behind Lydia has maintained a passion for inclusiveness
throughout her career. She began in real estate in
Colliers’ UK Balance in Business
02 afterhavingherQrstdaughterin, 3 0 2
program, which promotes diversity
experienced what it was like to work though her
and inclusion in the organization and
across the industry.
happy to have been a catalyst for change, which "To accelerate change, you
must take real action,
What began in 2019 when Lydia joined Colliers
policies at Colliers.
has now become a cornerstone of our culture,
namely supporting and empowering all people. “I’m proud that a father on my team who is
1 o,not
not only words or token
celebratory days."
Balance in Business is built on several
two,” she says. “And a mother can take six
workstreams, all designed to raise awareness,
months with full pay. That is a legacy to leave.”
spark conversation, and foster a safe and
inclusive environment. In addition to hosting Balance in Business also spurred other
regular learning opportunities on subjects initiatives such as Real Estate and Leadership
ranging from unconscious bias to hidden for Women (REAL), which targets the gender
disabilities, the program takes a deep dive into gap in leadership. With a targeted personalized
data, policies and reporting, client awareness on development program to advance women into
DEI, networking, and talent development. senior roles, Colliers is already seeing positive
gains. REAL is now evolving into other regions
across EMEA.
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07 | Celebrating diversity
Earth Day
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Expert Spotlight
Tammy Tang
Managing Director, China
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Supplier diversity
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 48
A major U.S. multinational industrial firm with businesses. This move provided our project team with
approximately 60 million sq. ft. in 700 facilities even broader access to diverse suppliers across the U.S.
around the world issued a request for proposal
achieve its
the lives of those in communities where it operates.
developed by the Colliers technology team, the
The company made clear its goals to be an industry company can track key metrics on all these new
diversity mission leader in developing strategic partnerships with a supplier relationships, including location, critical dates,
diverse range of suppliers. In response, Colliers created evaluation stage and diverse spend (a priority area
a unique – and ultimately successful – program called for them). Our team also created a broker package
“Identity, Diversity, Equity, and Allyship” (I.D.E.A.) that that introduces the I.D.E.A. program to new suppliers,
U.S. provides onboarding support into the client’s systems,
aligned with their values.
Putting.D.E. A.intoaction,ourteamQrstassembled remains strong.
andveriQedtopartnerwithColliersOccupier As part of our commitment to these values, Colliers
Services. An important objective was to help our ensured that teams received diversity and inclusion
client identify diverse suppliers beyond brokerage training, and are actively working to understand and
services, such as project management. One key tactic confront unconscious biases – necessary learnings to
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 49
Elevating Health
& Wellbeing
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 50
Elevating Health
& Wellbeing
We create safe and healthy spaces for our people and clients
that promote sustainability, wellbeing and productivity.
We prioritize an energized, productive and resilient workforce. That’s why we take the health
and wellbeing of our professionals seriously. Companies that integrate health and wellbeing
into their employee value proposition will be better positioned to attract and retain skilled
talent amid increasing competition. Therefore, our commitment extends beyond our people
and into our client services.
Progress toward goals
Join WELL Portfolio and achieve Reached our 2022 goal by
diverse considerations, from air and water quality to ergonomics and disaster preparedness.
WELLHealth-SafetycertiQcationfor achieving the WELL Health-Safety
allColliersozcesby205. Ratingfor10%ofo]ces. ,
0 setouttoachievetheWELLHealth-SafetyRatingin0%of
1 ourozcesover2,50
OerWELL,Fitwelorequivalent Became WELL Enterprise Partner
year-end 2023. With deeper organizational knowledge of healthy building standards and a
certiQcationtoalleligiblepropertyto support client wellbeing
risingnumberofcertiQedexpertsacrossColliers,wearealsohelpingrealestateowners and
management and occupier clients, programs.
occupiers earn WELL Health-Safety seals for their workplaces. beginning 2023.
, ThissymbolidentiQesthirdpartyassuranceofthedata.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 51
Weseeozcesasmorethanplacestoconduct • AirpuriQersinallmeetingroomsand
business. Workplaces impact our physical common areas
and mental health, create opportunities for • Regularozcedisinfectionwith
engagement and collaboration, and strengthen environmentally friendly biochemicals
and wellbeing in
examples of our ESG capabilities that clients can • PlacementofplantsandseasonalRowers
experienceQrst-hand. aroundtheozce
Kong office
plan aligned with Colliers’ global ESG targets foritseortsincreatinganenvironmentthat
and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. prioritized wellness.
We aim to be LEED- and WELL-ready within two
Hong Kong to support the transformation.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 52
At Harrison Street, the wellbeing of
employees and guests is of utmost engagement (e.g., maintaining high indoor
importance. air quality standards). A park space directly
Fitwel rating
welcoming environment through the design hasaQtnesscentre,securedbicyclestorage
andoperationsofourphysicalozcespace room, showers and lockers, and on-site
and its surrounding community. To formalize health programming such as yoga classes –
ourhealthandwellbeingeorts,wesoughttoavailable to all tenants.
Illinois, U.S. certify our space to Fitwel® standards. Fitwel
We worked with an architect to ensure our
is a leading third-party, performance-based
originally developed by the U.S. Centers for
Disease and Prevention (CDC) and General
90+ Services Administration (GSA).
socializing, collaboration, and privacy (e.g., for
nursing mothers).
Walk score rating Theprocessofthoughtfullydesigningozce
In June 2022, we were thrilled that the
space that contributes to health and wellbeing
75% began well prior to the Fitwel designation,
originally earned in 2019. Harrison Street
and recognized with a coveted Fitwel 2-star
of selected strategies certiQcationforhealthandwellnessthat
purposefully chose the Chicago location for
increase physical activity considered seven “health impact categories.”
its walkability, access to public transportation,
Our resolve to promote occupant safety is
quality amenities, accessibility features,
83% and building management’s demonstrated
of selected strategies
promote occupant safety
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 53
Healthy buildings
for clients
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 54
Globalworth, a leading real estate
developer and owner in Central and we spent three months assessing Globalworth’s
Eastern Europe, was keen on ensuring portfolio. We conducted onsite visits to study
accessibility for its locations were accessible to people accessibility for nine stakeholder groups:
with mobility limitations and other wheelchair users, seniors, people with pushchairs
and other groups with restricted mobility or visual
disabilities, to boost the sustainability
of its portfolio. and auditory challenges. Accessibility was carefully
measured against hundreds of detailed criteria
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Giving Back
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Giving Back
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The Philippines has one of Southeast Asia’s legacy initiatives of Mayor Isko Moreno, who
fastest-growing economies, yet like countries aimed to provide housing for the city’s poorest
new housing
Manila, Colliers Real Estate Management
Services (REMS) has engaged with the city’s in Manila:
government as an operations consultant to
developments to
• Technical, engineering and general
help design and develop much-needed public
management review of sites
housing projects.
• Recommendations on improving operations
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 58
Working to donate
In June 2022, Colliers Global Investors
Italy acquired a former hotel known Valuation&RiskOzcer,taly.'Because
as “Quark 2” in Milan with a plan to of the economic crisis and the war, there
from newly
comfortable. That’s why we decided
This move was part of Colliers' to turn a waste disposal problem into
eorttoregeneratetheLampedusa something that has a positive impact on
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Our approach
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Board committees Board inclusion and diversity
Audit & Risk Committee Colliers’ pursuit of inclusion and diversity extends to the Board.
Diversity is evident in members’ varied backgrounds and experiences,
The committee ensures that Colliers remains on solid, transparent
Qnancialfootingwhilecomplyingwithalllegalandregulatoryincluding deep insight in such intersecting areas as corporate law,
requirements. Members survey all accounting policies and manage
Qnancialreportingtostakeholdersandthepublic.Theyare asset management, global technology, human resources, change
management and workplace strategies, culture, property services, and
operational expertise across a multitude of industries.
oversees internal audits, reviews related party contracts and
Colliers does not have a target regarding women on its Board of
safeguards Colliers’ ethical principles. It possesses formal oversight
Directors (it sits at 30% female representation), instead emphasizing
of Colliers’ ESG initiatives, as described in the opening section of our
TCFD disclosure in Appendix C.
company. Within this scope, we consider the level of representation of
women in senior leadership when making appointments and seek to
Compensation Committee
The committee oversees and evaluates executive compensation
throughout Colliers, as well as related programs, such as the stock
option plan. They ensure executive remuneration is transparent and People development and
meets governance standards.
succession planning
Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee
Annually, the Board reviews and evaluates global executives and
The committee recommends new candidates to the Board and
regional leaders, while maintaining and refreshing a list of successors.
advises on the Board’s composition, procedures, and committees.
This work culminates from a detailed process led by the Chief Executive
Members develop and monitor Colliers’ overall corporate
governance, a role that includes regular surveys, peer reviews and
global and regional leadership teams. Development plans are created
analyses of overall market developments.
to prepare successors for their future roles at various levels of Colliers.
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Corporate policies
Several policies underpin our dedication to corporate responsibility, integrity, and sustainability.
They are built into the fabric of our governance and committed to by all employees.
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Appendix A
GRI Table
Topic GRI Standard Disclosure
201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change
206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust, and monopoly practices
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Appendix A GRI Table
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Appendix A GRI Table
Employment 401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees not provided to part-time employees
Assistance Programs, among others.
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Appendix A GRI Table
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Appendix A GRI Table
403-7 Prevention and mitigation of OH&S impacts directly linked by business relationships
In Engineering & Design, all suppliers are required to follow Colliers' H&S Plan, and site inspections are performed by managers. Our Australian operation has employed a Visitor
and ensure that every worker has received H&S training before entering job sites. Where applicable, vaccine requirements are also enforced.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 69
Appendix A GRI Table
Training and Education 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee
The total number of training hours recorded during the year was 195,812, among countries and divisions representing 8,909 employees. Among these, we have gender breakouts for
countries representing 7,188 employees.
Per-employee training hours were:
Total, including divisions where no gender breakout is available: 22.0
404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs
Colliers University: A customized online learning tool available for all employees, housing over 800 digital courses with a mixture of internally produced content and courses from LinkedIn
Learning. In the 12 months from April 2021 to March 2022, over 161,000 videos were viewed through this platform, with skill development in common software tools, diversity & inclusion,
and interpersonal skills being the most common content accessed.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 70
Appendix A GRI Table
Harvard ManageMentor: For Managers at any level looking to build or refresh core management skills and competencies through a customized learning portal. This program was
designed and delivered by Harvard Business Publishing.
Development courses include workplace behaviour training, Managing Remote Teams, an Accelerator series and performance training for Brokers, management training for people
We also run mentorship training broadly across the organization.
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Appendix A GRI Table
Training and education 404-3 % of employees receiving regular performance and development reviews
Data is available for regions and division covering 9,064 employees (52% of the global total). Among these, 13,706 reviews were completed, with some employees having more than one
review during the year.
A breakdown by gender and employee category is not available for most regions and divisions. Where it is available (n=3,131, or 18% of global employees), women received on average
2.0 reviews per year, and men 1.8 reviews.
Customer privacy 418-1 Breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data
Colliers has a robust, multi-layered cybersecurity control environment. There were no known material cybersecurity breaches in 2022.
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Appendix B
SASB Table
Topic Metric Disclosure
Sustainability services Revenue from energy & sustainability services Many of our energy & sustainability services are provided as a core element of our property management services. As a result, it is not always possible
lines launched in line with our Elevate the Built Environment strategy.
Transparent information Brokerage revenue from dual-agency transactions We are unable to report on this at this stage.
& management of conflict
of interest
Revenue from transactions associated with We are unable to report on this at this stage.
appraisal services
Number of leases transacted, categorized by (1) We transacted just over than 32,000 leases in 2022. Based on revenue data, this was approximately evenly split between tenant and landlord
tenants and (2) real-estate owners representation.
Number of appraisals provided We appraised 577,000 properties globally in 2022, including commercial and residential properties and land.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 73
Appendix C
Financial Disclosures
• Reviews climate- and other ESG-
related risks and opportunities, as
prepared by management
Board of Directors’ oversight of climate-related Management’s role in assessing and managing
risks and opportunities: climate-related risks and opportunities: Global Executive Team (GET)
• Details climate- and other ESG-
Climate-related risks are integrated into Colliers’ Within the ongoing Enterprise Risk Management process, led by our Senior related risks and opportunities,
and puts in place ESG strategy to
overall Enterprise Risk Management (“ERM”) process, Director, Enterprise Risk Management, Colliers weighs climate-related risks address these
which is reviewed by the Audit & Risk Committee of against others faced by the organization, in terms of likelihood and impact; • Establishes resources to detail the
strategy and manage its execution
the Board (“ARC”) on an annual basis. This provides assigns ownership; and determines response, mitigations and controls, as
the Board information on the nature, likelihood and required.Climate-speciQcconsiderationsarefedintotheprocessbytheGlobal
opportunities. industry sources to continually update our assessment of related opportunities
Global Lead, ESG & Impact
and risks. • Coordinates with the GET and
Any material risks or opportunities emerging within the regional Steering Committees to
formulate detailed strategies and
intervening 12 months are added to the ARC’s agenda on To capitalize on opportunities, the Global Lead, ESG & Impact has the mandate to execution plans
an as-needed basis. identifynewserviceoerings,markets,energysources,ezciencymeasuresand
other such initiatives as will drive new sources of revenue or cost savings for the
The Board has also reviewed and approved the
enterprise, and work with business line leaders in each of the regions in which we
company’s ESG strategy, Elevate the Built Environment,
operate to execute on these.
which includes targets for addressing Colliers’ own Steering Committees
GHG emissions and helping its clients do the same. The Responsibility for raising climate-related opportunities and risks within the Global • Provides input to global strategy
and tailors initiatives to needs of
Board was updated on progress in mid-2022 and will be Executiveteam(GET)restswiththeChiefBrand&PeopleOzcer,whodirectly regional stakeholders
provided with regular updates moving forward, enabling manages the Global Lead, ESG & Impact. The overall governance structure for • Executes strategic initiatives
it to monitor progress against goals for addressing ESG, including climate change, is shown in the accompanying diagram.
climate-related issues.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 74
Appendix C Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
Climate-related risks and opportunities Colliers has identified over the short, medium, and long term: Opportunities
Asaproviderofprofessionalservicesrelatedtoproperty,ratherthantheownersofsigniQcant Term
physical • Leverage partnerships, particularly in property technology, to measure and
(1~2 years) reduce energy usage for clients, as a revenue-generating service
assets, the uncertainties and changes driven by climate change and measures to mitigate it create more
• Reduce operating costs via green leases for occupied properties and
opportunities than risks for our business, principally opportunities to provide sustainability-related services renewable energy procurement where it can be obtained at a lower cost than
grid electricity
• Increase value delivered to clients in existing businesses, via enhanced
taking clients and their existing business as well. This risk exists today, but is likely to increase in severity expertise in the acquisition and management of properties that are well-
in future years as policies such as emissions regulations for buildings and carbon pricing become more positioned for low-carbon regulations, tenant demands, and resiliency to
extreme weather
stringent, prompting real-estate owners to require solutions from their service providers.
Medium Term • Provide solutions to clients in the areas of renewable energy generation and
(3~4 years) procurement
measurement and tracking, commissioning and retro-commissioning of buildings, engineering and design • RealizeoperatingcostsavingsinourReetviaelectriQcationofvehicles,due
lower fuel and maintenance costs and decreasing capital costs
• EnablevehicleelectriQcationatclientproperties(planningandmanagement
LEED, BREEAM and NABERS. In the past year, we have begun to deliver full asset- and portfolio-level energy of charging infrastructure and integration with base building systems)
and carbon assessments to clients, some examples of which are highlighted in the 2022 Impact Report.
Long Term • Leadprojectsforclientstoelectrifyproperties,usingemerging,cost-eective
We see the opportunity to further grow existing services and to expand into new areas, as outlined in the (5+years) water- and space-heating technology
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Appendix C Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
Describe the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on the Describe the resilience of the organization’s strategy, taking into consideration
organization’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning: different climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario:
To mitigate reputational risks, and to demonstrate our commitment to Scenario analysis has not yet been completed .
enacting the same solutions we plan to deliver to clients, Colliers has
committed to establishing Science-Based Targets for emissions reductions,
and in, addition, to achieving net-zero emissions within our own operations
(Scopes 1 and 2) by 2030. The latter commitment allows the use of carbon
Due to the small size of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions relative to the scale of
the business, our analysis indicates that even relying entirely on the purchase
electric vehicles having reached parity or better versus traditional options in
many of the regions where we operate, and continuing cost declines expected
in these technologies, the cost of reaching these goals will be further reduced,
or even largely eliminated. We are already actively researching economic
On the subject of physical risk, our Harrison Street subsidiary has already
undertaken an assessment of physical risk exposure to each asset under
management. Site-level building design, tenant operations, and investment
With regard to strategic and business planning, our operating and innovation
teams are formulating our approach to the opportunities noted in the
previous section.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 76
Appendix C Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
Risk Management
Colliers’ processes for identifying and assessing Colliers’ processes for managing climate-related risks: Integration of processes for identifying, assessing, and
climate-related risks: managing climate-related risks in Colliers’ overall risk
• Climate risk falls within the category of ESG Risk, which is a
The Global Lead, ESG & Impact synthesizes information material risk in Colliers’ ERM Risk Register. To manage this
fromscientiQc,regulatoryandindustrysources risk, the role of Global Lead, ESG & Impact was created, Within the ongoing ERM process, Colliers weighs climate-
to continually update our assessment of related to oversee the development and execution of a corporate related risks against others faced by the organization, in
opportunities and risks. ESG strategy. terms of likelihood and impact; assigns ownership; and
determines response, mitigations and controls, as required.
Relevant topics include: • In the development of this strategy, climate issues were
• Carbon-pricing regulations in our major markets the Global Lead, ESG & Impact, who synthesizes information
include the achievement of net zero emissions by 2030,
• Emissions-reporting obligations and adherence to Science-Based Targets for emissions
update our assessment of related opportunities and risks.
reductions, including Scope 3 emissions at managed
• Regulationsrelatedtoenergy-ezciencystandardsfor client properties. The monitoring of ongoing progress
commercial buildings within our major markets, and against these goals constitutes the core of our process for
penalties associated with not meeting such standards managingclimate-relatedrisksreputationalandQnancial.
• Technology for measuring and reducing energy use • Within the commercial real estate industry overall, larger
and emissions risks are faced by owners of and investors in buildings,
who are responsible for meeting regulatory requirements
• Changes in customer preferences and/or behaviour,
and own the physical risks associated with extreme
expressed in surveys, procurement processes, or
weather. These owners and investors are Colliers’ clients,
through direct discussion
creating both the opportunity to provide them with a wider
• AssessmentsreleasedbythePCCorotherscientiQc range of services, and customer-retention risk should our
studies with relevance to the built environment suite of services not meet their needs. We are therefore
developing a suite of services to enable clients to reduce or
eliminate their emissions, as both a growth initiative and a
risk-mitigation exercise.
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Appendix C Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 78
Appendix C Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
• Colliers has announced a target to achieve net zero emissions within our own
not physically eliminated by the target date; however, our focus from both an
environmental and economic perspective is to reduce physical emissions in all areas
within our operational control.
• In October 2022, Colliers submitted proposed Scope 1, 2 and 3 targets to the Science-
Based Target initiative (SBTi), aligned with the 1.5-degree scenario. At the conclusion
of the review process, likely in mid 2023, we will be able to disclose annual reduction
targets for our emissions in each scope.
• We are also in the process of verifying current revenue from our suite of energy and
will be set once they have been more fully developed.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 79
Appendix D
Assurance Statement
Independent practitioner’s limited assurance report on select performance
metrics as presented within the Colliers' 2022 Global Impact Report
To the Board of Directors of Colliers International Group Inc. Our responsibility which includes identifying areas where the risks of material
(Colliers) misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, in preparing the
Our responsibility is to express a limited assurance conclusion
select performance metrics in accordance with the applicable
We have undertaken a limited assurance engagement on on the select performance metrics based on the evidence we
criteria are likely to arise.
select performance metrics included in Schedule 1 (the select have obtained. We conducted our limited assurance engagement
performance metrics) as presented within the Colliers’ 2022 in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Our engagement included, among others, the following
Global Impact Report (the Report) for the year ended December Engagements (ISAE) 3000, Assurance Engagements Other procedures performed:
31, 2022. Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information and
• making inquiries of management to obtain an understanding
International Standards on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3410,
of the overall governance and internal control environment
Management’s responsibility Attestation Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements. This
relevant to the management, aggregation and reporting of the
standard requires that we plan and perform this engagement to
Management is responsible for the preparation of the select select performance metrics;
obtain limited assurance about whether the select performance
performance metrics in accordance with the criteria (the metrics are free from material misstatement. • analytical reviews and trend analysis of reported data for the
applicable criteria) included in Schedule 1 and as detailed within select performance metrics;
the Report. A limited assurance engagement involves performing procedures
• agreeing and testing the underlying data related to the select
(primarily consisting of making inquiries of management and
Management is also responsible for such internal control as performance metrics on a sample basis for estimated and
others within the entity, as appropriate, and applying analytical
management determines necessary to enable the preparation actual data; and
procedures) and evaluating the evidence obtained. Misstatements
of the select performance metrics that is free from material can arise from fraud or error and are considered material • reviewing the subject matter disclosure in the Report to
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be ensure consistency with the evidence obtained and adherence
expectedtoinRuencethedecisionsofusersofourreport.The to the applicable criteria.
procedures are selected based on our professional judgment,
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 80
Appendix D Assurance Statement
The procedures performed in a limited assurance engagement Significant inherent limitations Purpose of statement and restriction on distribution and use of
vary in nature and timing from, and are less in extent than our report
Emissions and energy use data are subject to inherent
for, a reasonable assurance engagement and, consequently,
limitations given the nature and the methods used for The select performance metrics have been prepared in
the level of assurance obtained is substantially lower than the
determiningsuchdata.Theselectionofdierentbut accordance with the applicable criteria prepared by Colliers’
assurance that would have been obtained had a reasonable
acceptable measurement techniques can result in materially management to report to the Board of Directors. As a result,
assurance engagement been performed.
dierentmeasurements.Theprecisionofdierent the select performance metrics may not be suitable for
measurement techniques may also vary. another purpose. Our report is intended solely for Colliers.
Our independence and quality management
We acknowledge the disclosure of our report, in full only, by
We have complied with the relevant rules of professional Emphasis of matter
Colliers at its discretion, without assuming or accepting any
conduct/code of ethics applicable to the practice of public
We draw attention to Note 1 in Schedule 1, which describes responsibility or liability to any other third party in respect of
accounting and related to assurance engagements, issued by
therevisionof201baselineQguresforGHGEmissions this report.
various professional accounting bodies, which are founded on
Intensity - Scopes 1 and 2 resulting in a correction of an error
fundamental principles of integrity, objectivity, professional
due to improper conversion metrics, along with an update
conclusionisnotmodiQedinrespecttothismatter. Chartered Professional Accountants
TheQrmappliesCanadianStandardonQualityManagement Vancouver, BC
1, Quality Management for Firms that Perform Audits and Conclusion May 31, 2023
Reviews of Financial Statements, or Other Assurance or Related
ServicesEngagements,whichrequirestheQrmtodesign, Based on the procedures we have performed and the evidence
implement and operate a system of quality management, we have obtained, nothing has come to our attention that
including policies or procedures regarding compliance with causes us to believe that Colliers’ select performance metrics
ethical requirements, professional standards and applicable for the year ended December 31, 2022 are not prepared, in all
legal and regulatory requirements. material respects, in accordance with the applicable criteria.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 81
Appendix D
Schedule 1
Our limited assurance engagement was performed on the following
select performance metrics for the years ended December 31, 2022
and December 31, 2021.
GHG Emissions Intensity - Scope 1 and Scope 2 GRI 305-4 and management’s internally developed criteria: The Absolute GHG Emissions divided by the square footage of properties occupied by the Colliers
7.19 14
(kgCO2e / square feet) International Group Inc. and its Subsidiaries in the operation of their business.
Criteria developed by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) and management’s internally developed criteria:
PercentageofWELL-CertiQedProperties Subsidiaries which have received a WELL Health-Safety Rating, the criteria of such rating are available at https:/ , divided 10% 51
by the total number of Sustainability Eligible Locations occupied by the Colliers International Group Inc. and its Subsidiaries at the end of the Fiscal Year
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 82
Appendix D Schedule 1
Note 1
• increasetoScope1Reetasaresultofnewly-availablefuel-consumptiondatafor1that
20 waspreviouslyestimated
• decreasetoScope1and2ozce-basedemissions,andanincreaseinemissionspersquarefoot,causedbyaprevious
overstatement of occupied square footage for one country.
“Management Role” means Employees of the Colliers International Group Inc. and its Subsidiaries (i)
located in all other regions other than EMEA, any employee with direct reports or senior leadership role.
Contents Introduction Environment Inclusiveness Health & Wellbeing Giving Back Governance Appendices 83
Christian Mayer Becky Finley Sean Drygas
GlobalChiefFinancialOzcer GlobalChiefBrand&PeopleOzcer Global Lead, ESG & Impact
Accelerating success.